Evgeniy Tikhonov Words-healers. The Big Secret Book of Slavic Healers

Evgeniy Tikhonov Words-healers.  The Big Secret Book of Slavic Healers

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Evgeniy Tikhonov


Witch Doctor –

"Evgeny Tikhonov. Words-healers. The Big Secret Book of Slavic Healers":

AST; Moscow; 2015

ISBN 978-5-17-089460-4


From time immemorial it has been known that powerful power is hidden in words. The power of the healing word

was familiar to healers, priests, and shamans.

This unique work contains information about secret Slavic healing words. IN

The book contains more than 70 ancient words that influence physical state person:

restore the body and heal, help develop abilities, improve mood.

Words-healers will help you build strong relationships, attract money into your life,

increase well-being. This ancient magic has already helped many, many. Now you too

there is this possibility.

Evgeniy Tikhonov

Words-healers. Big secret book of Slavic


© Tikhonov E., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

Excellent book, I managed to try one recommendation: for insomnia, -

It helped effectively. I think it will soon be mine reference book. AND

conversation is not only about health...

Svetlana, Kazan

parts - everything is very clear, understandable, to the point. But the theory turned out to be surprising

exciting. I didn't even know what it was in a simple word it's worth this


Anna, Moscow

Some people probably won’t believe that such strong words exist -

healers. But the practices in this book work. And here you can’t say anything.

I practice the healing word “good”. And goodness - both material and spiritual - in

my life has become more.

Pavel, Novosibirsk

help to better understand how healing words work. A very useful book.

Tatyana, Pskov

health and solve an unpleasant problem at work. I didn't even expect it. Now I

I started practicing a few words and very quickly felt that the world around me

is changing. I was shocked because I didn’t really believe in the power of words. Now

I recommend this method to all my friends.

Tamara, St. Petersburg

Why I decided to write a third book about healing words

Dear reader, you have come across my third book about healing words. Occasion

I was inspired to write my first book by my fascination with mysteries Slavic writing And

acquaintance with a like-minded scientist who worked on this topic. After several

At one time, he, like me, was interested in the history of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet, later

Cyrillic alphabet. According to a number of experts, this alphabet is based on the ancient runic

letter. Collaboration with ancient texts, already the first finds, one might say,

radically changed my life for the better, as happened with


It turned out that the magic of letter designs and their sound can be put on

service to modern man.

This is how words-healers appeared - ancient letters Slavic alphabet who carried special

energies that can heal both body and soul.

But I didn’t stop there. Together with a group of like-minded people who tried

developed practices for working with healing words, we went further and began

decipher entire words from runic texts. And new secrets were revealed to us

ancient words and new opportunities for humans. Thus the second book was born.

And then reviews followed, stories about the success of my readers in mastering

developed methods. Although I myself have witnessed the wonderful changes that have taken place with

members of our group and their relatives, acquaintances, I am very interested and, most importantly,

It was gratifying to learn about the achievements of complete strangers. And not only about

achievements. My readers turned out to be skilled researchers. They experimented

creating new opportunities to work with healing words.

This is how the third book was created, in which I want to talk not only about words -

healers, give the rituals necessary for their correct use, but also bring

real examples of working with these magical sounds. And they shared examples with me

you are my dear readers!

Your stories are an important part of my book.

I systematized the reviews, corresponding with my now students, in detail

dealt with every life story. As a result, I noticed a clear pattern: not always

immediately, but still with a positive result, use the restored technique

our ancestors succeed, as a rule, to people who strictly follow the rituals and recommendations,

set out in my books. The same people who want to solve their problems in one fell swoop

Usually results are not achieved. But here’s the paradox: it’s with them that I’m most interested

communicate, jointly finding mistakes to untie life’s “knots”. I

I try to ensure that “not exemplary students” after our joint “debriefings”

They themselves found their mistakes and corrected the situation. Recently Boris contacted me. He

I earned money by driving my own car and have long wanted to change my old one

“Zhiguli” for a foreign car, and there was only enough money to support the family and a vacation once a year.

Boris was sure that only a miracle would help him fulfill his old dream. Having met

words-healers, he chose the word “shta” (working with it implied getting what he wanted

result - unplanned luck). Boris bought a lottery ticket, performed the ritual and

began to wait for the draw. At the same time I worked with the letter “good” to get rid of

extra pounds. A little time passed: there was no result either here or there. What

Boris was wrong, we found out together. You will also know this when you reach the letter

"shta". But he found his mistake himself. And he fixed it, eventually getting both a new car and

beautiful figure.

Why am I telling this: it was not by chance that I selected for this book not only

positive, but also problematic stories, although I could leave only the first ones so that

the reader has seen how well our method works. But I think it's better to learn

on other people's mistakes, so as not to waste time searching for your own. In addition, getting to know someone else

experience helps you decide on your goals and objectives. For example, a person wanted

get rid of his boss's nagging and would work on it, but in reality he needs

would be to start with ourselves: to “ask” the words-healers for persistence, to gain leadership

qualities, etc.

I considered it necessary and useful to include in the history book real people also

because I remember very well how happy I was when words-healers helped me and

to my loved ones, how luck filled me with energy and faith, and they, in turn, attracted

even greater luck. May these stories fill you with the energy you need to

realization of your desires.

They say that in real life there are about two dozen plots, all

the rest is fiction. That's about how many stories are in my book. Not much to

deal with each story, and enough to find something close and necessary for yourself.

I hope that people who have read the first books will no longer need to

contact me and ask questions, although I always welcome feedback and questions from readers.

I am sure that I will be able to convey the acquired knowledge to everyone who is looking for ways to

change your life: control your destiny, surround yourself with nice people, do

successful career, get sick less, love, maintain harmony in the family. My confidence

is based on the acquired ability to work with one of the healing words - “verbs”, vibrations

whom they help open their ideas to the world. I'm sure it was the healing word that helped

write and publish this book, which is not so easy these days.

Chapter first

The secret of Slavic writing

Meeting the Teacher

It all started with meeting the Teacher. Correspondence dating - I fell into his hands

Research Article. The subject of his research - ancient Slavic writing - I was very

interested. At that time I was closely involved in rune research, constantly traveling to where

there were ancient runic drawings.

Runes are the secret written signs of the ancient Nordic peoples. Word

“runes” comes from the Indo-Aryan root – ru, which means “secret”.

For a long time it was believed that the Slavs did not have their own

writing, but in the 19th century in Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod were discovered

runic inscriptions dating back to pre-Christian Rus'.

These mysterious letters always worried me, I passionately wanted to know what they

meant, and why they were not widely used. I didn't believe in pseudoscientific

tales that the creators of Slavic writing, Cyril and Methodius, allegedly destroyed

runic writing, replacing it with the Greek alphabet.

Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius, Slovenian teachers - saints

Orthodox Church, creators of the common Slavic alphabet. Saint Cyril (in

world Constantine) with the help of his brother Methodius and a group of disciples compiled

the Slavic alphabet and translated books into Slavic, without which it could not

Divine services are performed: Gospel, Apostle, Psalter and selected services.

This was in 863, 15 years before the Baptism of Rus'.

The Teacher's research confirmed my guesses: it turns out that the Glagolitic alphabet and

the Cyrillic alphabet that followed it is based on runic writing!

Ancient runic writing was not at all publicly available. It was owned only

some initiates are magi and healers; moreover, the runic letter was transmitted by

inheritance, along with secret magical knowledge. The runes were part of this knowledge, and

they were intended not only to convey some kind of

then information. Each rune was a receptacle of ancient power, the capabilities of which

boggles the mind. This power was given to man because only man

the only one of all created beings who had in himself a part of the Divine nature. He

was created “in the image and likeness” of God the Creator - the Essence that created the world. Somebody

This Essence is called God, some call it the Higher Power or the Universal Mind. Slavs

They believed that the Universe was created, or “cooked,” by God Svarog. And they called themselves

“Svarozhichi”, emphasizing man’s involvement in the divine nature.

Runes were part of divine power, and those who understood the meaning of runes could release

this force for freedom and direct it, depending on your goals, to creation or to

destruction. Knowledge about runes has always been a closely guarded secret to exclude it

use for evil. The power of the runes could be used by princes - leaders of warring parties

tribes in order to conquer or completely destroy the enemy with the help of runes. Therefore the Magi

preferred to live in dense forests so as not to become a weapon in the hands of the selfish

princes. And runic writing was not available to everyone.

The origins of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet

Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the Slavic alphabet, were most likely initiated into

the secret of the runes. Perhaps the Magi, seeing that the monks came to the Slavs for a good purpose,

passed on their secret knowledge to them. The Magi wanted the power of the Slavs to go to them

descendants, so that no rulers, reformers and others eradicate this magic.

The Greek brothers understood perfectly well that this power could not be given to the general public.

use in the form in which it existed in pagan Rus'. Too powerful and

she was destructive. That’s why Cyril and Methodius combined runes with Greek

an alphabet that became a kind of protective shell for this powerful force.

She also acted through the newly created alphabet, but her action was soft and

unobtrusive. And most importantly, this force lost its destructive aspect and became

work only for the good. Now she directed a person's life the right direction, helped

tune it in the right way. To do this, you just had to say a certain word - and

the ancient energy of the runes began to change the world around the one who uttered this word.

For thousands of years this power served the Russians, until at the beginning of the twentieth century the ancient Slavic alphabet

was not barbarically mutilated. It was with the change in the alphabet that disasters began in Rus'

and misfortune.

But this knowledge has not gone away; it is alive to this day. Everyone who gives himself the trouble

learn the secrets of the Slavic alphabet, can use the ancient power of runes.

The teacher introduced me to many interesting people who were engaged

studies of Slavic writing. Among them there are scientists - historians, archaeologists,

ethnographers; and there are ordinary people, not related to science. We have united in

working research group, and our mission was to study the power of runes and

teach how to use it as much as possible larger number of people. We understand that we are unlikely

It will be possible to return the Old Slavic alphabet to general use, but we believe that

Every person who speaks Russian is obliged to know its origins. It's not even a question

education or general culture. This is a matter of personal well-being. The one who owns

true Slavic speech - owns his life. We have verified this ourselves

Energy of the word

According to ancient legend, runes were sent down to help people By higher powers.

Each rune is a receptacle of power: as soon as you inscribe it or pronounce it, the power will burst forth.

freedom, will begin to fulfill your wishes, protect you, or help you foresee the future.

If it seems to you that these are just the beliefs of our uneducated, wild ancestors, then

let's remember not a mystical book, namely school textbook physics. There

It is written in black and white that sound is a wave. Every sound has its own power, every sound

produces certain vibrations in space. Unfortunately, a person does not see, not

feels these changes, but this does not mean that they do not exist. After all, there are based

wave nature of sound telephone and radio!

Now let's return to the Slavs. They did not know about the physical side of sound, but this

They didn’t need the information, because they observed the result. They said a special

sound (and also contemplated the desired written image), and were convinced with their own eyes that

this sound, its vibration, changes the world: it helps, protects, gives all the benefits about which

Each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name. Some of these names we still

remember: az, beeches, lead, verb, good... Listen! Even this one short phrase already bears in

itself a huge creative charge. Try saying it several times: you

You will feel a surge of vitality!

I will not present here the evidence that the Teacher provided me with,

telling the story of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet. Firstly, because I wouldn’t want to

overload you with special scientific knowledge of interest only to language historians.

I have another task: to give you a magic wand, a method that will help you

live with dignity, happiness, be strong and healthy. Scientific information is of no use here,

the main thing is that you get the essence. And secondly, my friend urgently asked me not

disclose all received data. His research has not yet been completed, it requires

careful processing so that everything said turns into a coherent, grounded theory.

I am sure that the Teacher’s work will still make a splash in scientific circles! And I don't want to in any way

rob him of his well-deserved fame and glory.

We are interested in finding and learning to use those same ancient sounds

Slavic runes used by our sorcerer ancestors.

Those who conveyed the secret of the runes to Cyril set themselves certain goals: they

wanted the power of the Slavs to go to their descendants, so that no rulers,

reformers who want to give the country a more modern, Western look, this magic is not

eradicated. After all, along with Christianity, persecutors also came to Rus' ancient culture,

bonfires burned in which the Slavic deities died, and Christianity took their place. But

the power given to our people remains in writing, in something without which no one can live

people, not a single state. Writing turned out to be the most reliable repository of knowledge.

The alphabet that Cyril created was used for many centuries (in

unlike the modern one, which is only a hundred years old). In place of the Glagolitic alphabet arose

Cyrillic alphabet, which existed until the 1917 revolution. The basis of the alphabet is always

remained unchanged - ancient Slavic runes, ancient magic aimed at

so that Rus' prospers, so that its inhabitants are healthy and hardy, which they

demonstrated for two thousand years, resisting the invasions of the most ferocious conquerors.

Few people knew about the power hidden in the alphabet. Our ancestors simply memorized it,

repeatedly repeating the words that the letters represent. And these words worked! Not all

Russians were literate, therefore to the common man life was not easy. But our land

the strength of those who repeated the ancient runes - monks, generals, rulers,

traders. Unfortunately, when the era of widespread

literacy, the alphabet has changed. Instead of the ancient ones, bringing healing and fulfillment

desires “az”, “buki”, “vedi”, came “a”, “be”, “ve”, which can only be transmitted to

writing certain sounds. By the way, the ancient method of teaching literacy always involved

learning the full sound of a letter, and this, as you understand, is not at all accidental.

For example, take at least the name of the letter “d” - it was called “good”, and the letter “p”

continued to wear ancient name"peace". It is clear that repeated repetition of such

words when memorizing the alphabet had a positive effect!

Fate wanted the Teacher to share with me the knowledge that I pass on

to you. I am grateful to him for his trust, especially since, according to the Teacher, he conveyed

This knowledge is in my hands not at random and not by chance. The teacher knew that I was interested in various

ancient practices of gaining strength, power, I write articles and books on this topic. I immediately

took the Teacher’s ideas very seriously, so he entrusted me with his greatest

value. Is not figurative expression, not a nice turn of phrase. Knowledge of the secret hidden in

ancient alphabet, are as valuable, if not much more valuable, than gold or platinum

Bank card. After all, it was this knowledge, according to the Teacher, that brought him success

in all his endeavors, gave him extraordinary energy, youth and health: after that

how he began to practice “ancient Slavic magic” embedded in the alphabet, his deeds

let's go up the hill.

Now you have a unique opportunity to test the magical power of ancient runes on

practice. Repeat the path of success, walk the same road as the Teacher, and be convinced: this

the method works. This is precisely why this book was written.

Here you will receive quick guide on working with vibrations that helped our

ancestors But first, a little more history.

The instructions you will find in this book did not appear overnight, they are the fruit

long and careful research and development of the Teacher. The fact is that, unfortunately, it’s up to us

Almost no ancient instructions have survived that would indicate exactly how to work with

runes. Apparently, these instructions were passed down from generation to generation only orally, as

this often happened with secret sacred knowledge, with the treasures of the nation. Creation

alphabet dates back to those distant times when writing was just in its infancy, and from

Kirill, aka Constantine the Philosopher, we are separated by millennia. But true knowledge has

the ability to leave traces in a variety of sources and in one way or another

get to a person.

The teacher spent a very long time looking for information on the ancient alphabet and its application.

We can say that he collected this information bit by bit, just as an archaeologist once glues together

a beautiful vessel made of tiny scattered fragments. And in one of the documents,

fell into the hands of the Teacher, curious glossaries were discovered, that is, notes or

notes written in the margins of a handwritten book, most likely by a hermit monk. IN

in ancient times this was often done: a monk, copying sacred texts, often

I added something of my own, making small notes and digressions in the margins of the book. These entries

sometimes they are of greater value than the book itself, because they allow you to get

some new, secret knowledge. This was the case in this case as well. Found by Teacher

the document was not very ancient: at most a hundred and fifty years old. This was a list from an ancient text

about the power of words (meaning the prayers and words of the holy fathers of the church). But in the fields there were

the monk’s own reasoning about the power hidden “in the initial letters.” There was also a link to the ancient

the manuscript from which the monk drew information. It can be assumed that this document

was in the hands of the monk for some time, and then disappeared: disappeared without a trace, just like

many written sources of that time.

According to the hermit's notes, to get the key to the extraordinary

possibilities, it was necessary to tune the consciousness in a special way. To do this you need to draw

letter, or have its outline before your eyes, and say the word behind the letter out loud

the specified number of times. With the help of literal words you can change yourself (insistence, abilities,

skills), remake the world(fulfill wishes) or influence a state

health. By the way, it is precisely because of the last point that the Teacher calls words healers.

Of course, the document did not contain direct indications of how exactly the healer word works.

Let's not forget that it was written by a monk - a believer. He wondered if he could

the initial letter be the concentration of divine power, or not. But in his thoughts

The teacher found clues that helped him understand when the power of words begins to act -

which you will find in this book.

How the magic of words works

How does this magic work? The mechanism here is this: we pronounce the word - a

sound (external) vibration, we contemplate the outline - another vibration, only this time in

our consciousness. The ritual helps to superimpose one vibration on another, which leads to

"restructuring the environment." This is how the potential inherent in the word-healer is embodied -

a wish comes true, we ourselves change, the world changes, healing powers begin to work

resources that are embedded both in vibrations and in our body.

Each healing word is endowed with its own special vibration and, therefore, gives its own

specific, clear definite result. It can be changed a little with the help of a ritual,

directing the action of the healing word to yourself, your health or externally. The one who owns these

vibrations, gains the ability to control the world around him and his destiny. My

the familiar Teacher is direct proof of this. He said that, having received the necessary push,

I have been experimenting with healing words for many years. Everything he now owns has arrived

thanks to these exercises.

Of course, not all the possibilities of healing words have been discovered yet. The teacher believes that someday

someone will find a vibrational formula that can radically change the world, for example,

improve the environment, transform one substance into another, look into the future, etc. But

The results obtained so far are important to you and me. After all, with their help you can already do

Firstly, healing words allow you to change something in yourself: develop

abilities, talents, change your mood, get rid of fear, gain any skill,

for example, speaking well, making decisions quickly, or thinking logically.

Secondly, you can change something around you. Your work, career, personal

relationships, well-being - all this can be adjusted.

And finally, healing words change the functioning of the organs of our body. TO

Unfortunately, this area of ​​their application has so far been studied less than others and, although Teacher

deduced certain patterns of the healing effects of words, but they are not absolute.

In any case, those who do not want to wait for the results of future research can

try. You will not be the first on this road! The teacher tested the effect of words -

doctors on himself, and then revealed their secret to several trusted people who willingly

agreed to try these words in practice. The results exceeded all expectations!

It turned out that in the field of improving health, healing words improve mood and condition

spirit in patients, help overcome fears associated with certain diseases,

relieve loss of strength and even accelerate and stimulate the usual treatment prescribed by the doctor.

So know: in any case, there will be no harm from using healing words. Yes they are still

not studied enough to completely replace medications! Therefore they need to be applied

only in parallel with the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Letter names - healing words

So, at the beginning of this book - practical part Teacher's research conducted with

words-names of letters. Based on Teacher's explanations, I will talk about each letter -

healer: about the meaning, meaning of each name, about the effect it can have on

you and your life. Also developed by the author based on the findings will also be given.

sources of moods-rituals for each word-name.

But before you plunge into the world of Slavic runes, which I am sure will change your

life, I would like to give a small warning.

Everything described on these pages has not yet received official

confirmation. This knowledge should still be checked and supplemented. Unfortunately, there are no openings

done in five minutes. And even the most brilliant idea leads for decades


But this book still exists. And it is intended for those who do not want to wait years,

to verify the truth of knowledge. A book for those who are looking for their luck, who are ready

discover everything new and unusual. The author of the theory himself is such a person -

Teacher. And for me the best argument “for” is his life, the results of which he

has reached. If you have a desire to change something around you, this knowledge is a must

will benefit you.

Chapter two

We work with words-names of letters

We have 38 healing words in our hands, which are the names of letters. Everyone is responsible for their own

sphere - protection, strength, talent, etc. Naturally, in each direction the word fulfills

your special job. For example, if it is responsible for acquiring knowledge, then it helps

tune in to learning, retrieves the necessary information from outside and transmits it to you, and also

can improve immunity, that is, it opens reserves in the body to fight


Don't be alarmed, everything is complicated at first glance. The next chapter awaits you

a special guide that will very quickly indicate the word you need.

Table of letters and their meanings

Your guide is a table in which you will find the names of all healing words, their

images, as well as healing effects.

First, you need to decide what you want to change - yourself, the world around you, your

well-being. In the appropriate column you will read a description of the work of the word healer. Find something

which most fully and closely reflects your situation - and here is your lifesaver

Certainly, human life so varied that it is impossible to describe all situations,

which can be influenced with the help of word healers. But that doesn't mean that

the impact of the word is limited only to the area named in the table. Possibilities

Each doctor's vocabulary is much broader. I was convinced of this myself, using healing words, because

that sometimes, along with a fulfilled wish, I receive something pleasant and unexpected

addition. For example, I wanted to earn money for a trip to an exotic country, and in this

unexpectedly met on the trip important person, which changed my life. Remember

the possibilities of healing words have not been fully explored! And words may well bring you


If you take the task seriously, analyze what you need,

then you can find the right word. In this choice, do not forget that the word is so

strongly that it itself can choose you. Say the word out loud. Feel its vibration.

Is it pleasant to you, does it evoke positive emotions, warmth in your soul, a surge of strength? So the word

yours, then you have found exactly the word that you need now more than others! How

The longer you work with the book, the easier it will be for you to find the right words.

Having found the right word, proceed to the description of the ritual.

On the need for ritual

The ritual consists of three parts.

First, Contemplation of the image of the word-healer. Remember that Contemplation gives birth

the necessary vibration in your consciousness, that is, it prepares the ground for changes within

Secondly, you need to create a vibration outside - say the word on the specified number

once. This will need to be done at the time indicated in the ritual.

And thirdly, you need to create a mood in your mind that will connect the two vibrations and

will start the process of change.

Every action of the ritual is necessary. Having missed at least some part

ritual, you will not be able to get the result.

Why does a word need to be repeated a certain number of times?

Each healing word has its own number of repetitions. This number was also

installed experimentally and tested in practice. Explain clearly

why one word needs to be repeated seven times and another eleven times is still difficult. But there is

hypothesis from the area ancient science numerology, which humanity successfully uses

for thousands of years already.

The point is that there is also a certain power in numbers. No wonder we count three

a divine number, seven is a lucky number, and thirteen is, on the contrary, a bad number. The power of numbers

helps release the energy of the healing word. Words act differently, they have powers

excellent. And their assistants should also be different. Therefore the number of repetitions

is changing.

Two reps- needed to achieve diplomacy, gain the ability to communicate,

agree. Two twos (22) increase vibration.

Three reps– needed in words that give strength and additional energy.

Threefold Repetition also releases sexuality, determination, enthusiasm,

increased ability for self-realization, courage, pressure, mobility. Addition

units add strength to the vibration, twos – eliminate possible kinks, unnecessary

assertiveness that can intimidate or push people away. Two threes (33) enhance

the desired vibration.

Four reps- needed where the word provides stability, peace, gives

endurance. It is not for nothing that the simplest stable structure (for example, a table) has

four points of support. Sometimes it is necessary to pronounce a word 44 times, that is, to connect two

fours to get a particularly strong supportive vibration, and in some

In situations, the energy of one or two is added to the four. Unit gives life

Life has changed!

I always considered myself a failure. At the institute I always pulled out a ticket that I didn’t study for, the bus disappeared from under my nose, expensive things that I bought and dreamed about always turned out to be defective. I even went to fortune tellers and grandmothers, thinking I was damaged. This book changed everything. I got lucky literally the next day! I didn’t even expect that fate could change so much.

Evgeniya, 28 years old

Our Slavic roots!

Sergey, 69 years old

I didn’t regret it!

I bought the book out of curiosity and did not regret it... Now it is my irreplaceable assistant. I immediately tried the recommendation for attracting good luck, and good luck came to me that same day!

Svetlana, 48 years old

Good luck with healing words is guaranteed!

Words-healers helped me successfully organize one very important matter. Everything really depended on simple luck, and she smiled at me. But, of course, you have to work according to the book. Nothing will come on its own. Words-healers help only those who believe in them and work with them.

Ekaterina, 36 years old

Knowledge of the Magi!

The Glagolitic alphabet existed long before the appearance of the Cyrillic alphabet. And this is the knowledge of the Magi. Hence the words that can create real magic. And this is, in fact, so. I did some of the meditations from the book regularly and achieved results. Although my dream seemed almost impossible.

Tatyana, 35 years old

The energy of healing words and a wave of luck


The secrets of healing the soul and body are hidden in language

What is luck and what are its laws, why does it come easily to some and elude others? It seems that our ancient Slavic ancestors knew the answer to this question better than us. At first, the inexhaustible reservoir of their wisdom was only slightly revealed to our research group, which for many years has been studying ancient Slavic words-healers – Slavic runes and the Glagolitic letters that arose on their basis. But the more we immersed ourselves in the amazing, magical world of word energy, the more hidden, hidden layers of this knowledge were revealed to us.

We started by discovering the powerful influence of the energy of healing words on health and well-being. But it unexpectedly turned out that they are also capable of beneficially influencing fate! Further – more: we found a lot of evidence that our ancestors knew how to control such seemingly uncontrollable things as luck and luck. And they did this with the help of the same words-healers.

Of course, the life of our distant ancestors was not easy. In many ways, they lived much more difficult lives than we, the owners technical achievements and other benefits of civilization. And yet, among them there were many who miraculously avoided troubles and problems, who maintained good health in the most severe conditions, who created wealth and prosperity for themselves and their families, who became the founder of a powerful family with strong foundations and traditions, who lived in harmony with himself, with others and with the world, and was happy despite all difficulties. Moreover, all this was accomplished not by some special people, not only by the magi and initiates, but also by those who were not at all familiar with secret knowledge. Their secret was that they used healing words in everyday life and did it intuitively – they felt which words were beneficial and which were not.

The tongue itself was healing! Beneficial for the soul, body, and fate.

Our strength is in the heritage of our ancestors

Our modern Russian language has retained echoes of that ancient power. But these are just echoes, just hints of past power. Today, unfortunately, we have forgotten about the great possibilities of language. Many people, entangled in troubles and misfortunes, simply do not see a way out. But the exit is nearby. It is in the heritage that we inherited from our ancestors. An ancient language can become a guiding star that can dispel the darkness and show a clear and precise path on which luck, luck, prosperity and happiness await us.

We still don't know our strength. And she is in our roots, in our great history, in the land where we were born and raised. Without roots, a person, like a tree, cannot live. The Slavic word “health” itself has the same root as “tree”. To be healthy means to be like a strong, strong tree. And the tree has strong roots. Through them it receives the life-giving force and energy of the land on which it grows.

We want to remind our readers of the power of our roots. About the energy that nourished and nurtured our distant ancestors. About the opportunities that it’s time for us to inherit. To remember yourself and regain your lost strength.

How I learned about healing words

It all started when fate brought me together amazing person, scientist, researcher and real ascetic, whom on the pages of our books we agreed to call Alexei Dmitrievich. He did not want to reveal his real name for various reasons. Firstly, due to his innate modesty, he believes that the main thing in science is the results of research, and not at all the name of the researcher. Secondly, what makes him avoid publicity is the rejection by official science of many of the conclusions he made. He does not want to waste his time and energy on polemics with opponents, who, undoubtedly, will not leave him alone if they find out his real name. He is completely devoted to science, and he does not need fame - neither good nor bad.

For many years, Alexey Dmitrievich was engaged in research into the ancient Slavic runic writing, which preceded the Glagolitic alphabet that came to Rus' along with Christianity. For a long time, the Glagolitic alphabet was generally considered the first Russian alphabet. But now we know that this is not so. Even before Glagolitic, our ancestors owned a writing system based on Slavic runes. And the Glagolitic alphabet itself inherited a lot from that ancient alphabet. Language then was not only a means of communication and transmission of information. He was truly a magical means of transforming himself and the world. Special healing words were used for this.

A huge interest in this topic and a thirst for knowledge led me to Alexey Dmitrievich, and then we began to work together. I found myself among the scientist’s like-minded people and was included in his research group. This interesting joint work continues to this day.

How I learned about healing words

Several years ago, fate brought me together with an amazing person, one of those who gave birth to the saying “the Russian land is rich in talents.” My unusual acquaintance, for a number of reasons, including his inherent modesty, earnestly asked not to publish his name in this book. Therefore, let's call him Alexey Dmitrievich. We met by chance; I read his article about Slavic writing in a small samizdat magazine. An email address was also indicated next to the author's name. I wrote to discuss some issues that interested me. A lively correspondence ensued, and then, almost simultaneously, we had a desire to communicate in person.

And here the first surprise awaited me. From the correspondence I knew that Alexey Dmitrievich had long since crossed the sixty-year mark, and when we met I was preparing to see an elderly man. But imagine my amazement when a youthful, energetic man came out to meet me - he looked more than forty, smart, strong. My first thought was: “This is it, the miracle of plastic surgery!” But after taking a closer look, I realized that I was mistaken: Alexey Dmitrievich looked completely natural.

We got to talking - first we talked about problems that interested us, and then smoothly moved on to personal questions. And then I was convinced once again: nature generously rewarded Alexei Dmitrievich with everything one could dream of: intelligence, wisdom, youth, attractiveness, great charm, the desire to do something, try, not stand still, as if life had just begun and there was more to come yet, by at least, one hundred, or even two hundred years to implement all plans. I was convinced that Alexey Dmitrievich succeeded in all areas of life. I can say with confidence that I have never met a second person like him. As a rule, if we achieve success, it is in one thing. But my new acquaintance was a respected scientist, had his own small but profitable business, and, in addition, had a talent for painting - he painted good watercolors. If we add to this a huge house outside the city, a beautiful wife and four nice, smart children, then the picture turns out to be simply fantastic. Meanwhile, after re-reading these lines, I already doubt whether I missed something else in my list.

Did I envy him? No! And perhaps this circumstance surprised me most of all. Man is made in such a way that he does not really love and welcome those who have passed him by. life path. But Alexey Dmitrievich inspired completely different feelings - respect, admiration and, to be honest, acute curiosity. Therefore, I could not resist and one day started a conversation with Alexei Dmitrievich about how he manages to get everything his heart desires, and at the same time avoid envy and enemy intrigues. “No other way than you have a gift from above!” – I sincerely exclaimed.

“When I need something, I just ask for it out loud,” he answered.

I thought that this answer was just a motto, an aphorism: “Ask, and it will be given to you.” But everything turned out to be simpler and more difficult at the same time. Alexey Dmitrievich, in fact, only uttered his request out loud, and spent not twenty or thirty ordinary words on it, but only one, but special one.

The secret of Slavic writing

We are accustomed to thinking that writing came to Rus' along with Christianity, when the first alphabet, Glagolitic, was created. But some researchers (among them my new acquaintance) believe that the situation was different. In their opinion, this alphabet was not created from scratch: it was based not only on the Greek alphabet, close to the compiler of the Glagolitic alphabet, Cyril, but also on the ancient Slavic runic letter, which was used before the adoption of Christianity. In other words, hundreds of years before the appearance of Cyril in Rus', special Slavic runes already existed, which the Russians actively used.

However, not all members of the tribe owned these runes, but only a select few. And not at all because learning the runes was difficult. According to ancient legend, the runes were sent down to people to help them by the Higher Powers. Each rune is a receptacle of power: as soon as you draw it or pronounce it, the power will break free, begin to fulfill your desires, protect you, or help you foresee the future.

If it seems to you that these are just the beliefs of our uneducated, wild ancestors, then let’s remember not a mystical book, but a school physics textbook. It says in black and white that sound is a wave. Each sound has its own strength, each sound produces certain vibrations in space. Unfortunately, a person does not see or feel these changes, but this does not mean that they do not exist. After all, there are telephones and radios based on the wave nature of sound!

Now let's return to the Slavs. They did not know about the physical side of sound, but they did not need this information, because they observed the result. They uttered a special sound (and also contemplated the desired written image), and saw with their own eyes that this sound, its vibration, changes the world: it helps, protects, gives all the benefits that you ask for.

Alexey Dmitrievich told me that even in his youth he became interested in the question of the origin of writing and found evidence that the Glagolitic alphabet is based on Slavic runes. And these are not just icons. Kirill, who was called Constantine the Philosopher in the world, received this nickname for a reason. He penetrated deeply into the essence of the runes, and thanks to him, not only the most important elements of their outline have reached us, but also their sound - that very necessary vibration that can change everything around. Each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name. We still remember some of these names: az, beeches, lead, verb, good... Listen! Even this short phrase already carries a huge creative charge. Try saying it several times: you will feel a surge of vitality!

I will not present here the evidence that Alexey Dmitrievich provided me with when telling the story of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet. Firstly, because I would not like to overload you with special scientific knowledge that is of interest only to language historians. I have another task: to give you a magic wand, a method that will help you live with dignity, happiness, be strong and healthy. Scientific information is of no use here, the main thing is that you get the essence. And secondly, my friend urgently asked me not to disclose all the data received. His research has not yet been completed; careful processing is required so that everything said turns into a coherent, well-founded theory. I am sure that Alexey Dmitrievich’s work will still make a splash in scientific circles! And in no way do I want to take away his well-deserved fame and glory.

We are interested in finding and learning to use those same ancient sounds of Slavic runes that our sorcerer ancestors used.

Those who passed on the secret of the runes to Cyril set certain goals for themselves: they wanted the power of the Slavs to go to their descendants, so that no rulers or reformers who wanted to give the country a more modern, Western look would eradicate this magic. After all, along with Christianity, the persecutors of ancient culture also came to Rus', bonfires were lit in which the Slavic deities died, and Christianity took their place. But the power given to our people remained in writing, in that without which not a single people, not a single state can live. Writing turned out to be the most reliable repository of knowledge.

The alphabet that Cyril created has been used for many centuries (unlike the modern one, which is only a hundred years old). In place of the Glagolitic alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet arose, which existed until the 1917 revolution. The basis of the alphabet has always remained unchanged - ancient Slavic runes, ancient magic aimed at making Rus' prosper, so that its inhabitants were healthy and hardy, which they demonstrated for two thousand years, resisting the invasions of the most ferocious conquerors.

Few people knew about the power hidden in the alphabet. Our ancestors simply memorized it by repeatedly repeating the words that the letters represent. And these words worked! Not all Russians were literate, so life was not easy for the common man. But our land was quite sufficient in the strength of those who repeated the ancient runes - monks, generals, rulers, traders. Unfortunately, when the era of widespread literacy arrived, the alphabet changed. Instead of the ancient “az”, “buki”, “vedi”, bringing healing and fulfillment of desires, came “a”, “be”, “ve”, which can only convey certain sounds in writing. By the way, the ancient method of teaching literacy always involved memorizing the full sound of a letter, and this, as you understand, is not at all accidental. For example, let’s take the name of the letter “d” - it was called “good”. And the letter “p” continued to bear the ancient name “peace”. It is clear that repeated repetition of such words when memorizing the alphabet had a positive effect!

Why does the word become a healer?

Fate would have it that Alexey Dmitrievich shared with me the knowledge that I am passing on to you. I am grateful to him for the trust he showed, especially since, according to Alexei Dmitrievich, he did not transfer this knowledge into my hands at random and not by chance. Alexey Dmitrievich knew that I was interested in various ancient practices of gaining strength and power, and I write articles and books on this topic. I immediately took Alexey Dmitrievich’s ideas very seriously, which is why he entrusted me with his greatest value. This is not a figurative expression, not a beautiful turn of phrase. Knowledge of the secret hidden in the ancient alphabet is as valuable, if not much more valuable, than gold or a platinum bank card. After all, it was this knowledge, according to Alexei Dmitrievich, that brought him success in all his endeavors, gave him extraordinary energy, youth and health: after he began to practice the “ancient Slavic magic” contained in the alphabet, his business went uphill.

Now you have a unique opportunity to test the magical power of ancient runes in practice. Repeat the path of success, follow the same path as Alexey Dmitrievich, and make sure that this method works. This is precisely why this book was written.

Here you will receive a short guide to working with vibrations that helped our ancestors. But first, a little more history.

The instructions that you will find in this book did not appear in one day; they are the fruit of long and careful research and development by Alexei Dmitrievich. The fact is that, unfortunately, almost no ancient instructions have reached us that would indicate exactly how to work with runes. Apparently, these instructions were passed down from generation to generation only orally, as often happened with secret sacred knowledge, with the treasures of the nation. The creation of the alphabet dates back to those distant times when writing was just in its infancy, and millennia separate us from Cyril, aka Constantine the Philosopher. But true knowledge has the ability to leave traces in a variety of sources and still reach a person in one way or another.

Alexey Dmitrievich searched for a very long time for information on the ancient alphabet and its application. One could say that he collected this information bit by bit, like an archaeologist gluing together a once beautiful vessel from tiny scattered fragments. And in one of the documents that fell into the hands of Alexei Dmitrievich, curious glossaries were discovered, that is, notes or notes written in the margins of a handwritten book, most likely by a hermit monk. In ancient times, this was often done: a monk, when copying sacred texts, often added something of his own, making small notes and digressions in the margins of the book. These notes are sometimes of greater value than the book itself, because they allow one to gain some new, secret knowledge. This was the case in this case as well. The document found by Alexei Dmitrievich was not very ancient: at most a hundred and fifty years old. This was a list from an ancient text about the power of words (meaning prayers and words of the holy fathers of the church). But in the margins were the monk’s own thoughts about the power hidden “in the initial letters.” There was also a link to an ancient manuscript from which the monk drew information. It can be assumed that this document was in the hands of the monk for some time, and then disappeared: it disappeared without a trace, like many written sources of that time.

According to the hermit’s notes, in order to obtain the key to extraordinary possibilities, one had to tune one’s consciousness in a special way. To do this, you need to draw a letter, or have its outline before your eyes, and say the word behind the letter out loud the specified number of times. With the help of literal words, you can change yourself (intention, abilities, skills), remake the world around you (fulfill desires) or influence your health. By the way, it is precisely because of the last point that Alexey Dmitrievich calls words “healers.”

Of course, the document did not contain direct indications of how exactly the healer word works. Let's not forget that it was written by a monk - a believer. He pondered whether the initial letter could be a concentration of divine power or not. But in his thoughts, Alexey Dmitrievich found clues that helped him understand when the power of healing words begins to act. Then, through trial and error, he was able to derive more or less clear instructions, which you will find in this book.

How does this magic work? The mechanism here is as follows: we pronounce a word - a sound (external) vibration arises, we contemplate the mark - another vibration, only this time in our consciousness. The ritual helps to superimpose one vibration on another, which leads to a “restructuring of the environment.” This is how the potential inherent in the word-healer is embodied - a wish is fulfilled, we ourselves change, the world changes, the healing resources that are embedded both in vibrations and in our body begin to work.

Each healing word is endowed with its own special vibration and, therefore, gives its own specific, clearly defined result. It can be changed a little with the help of a ritual, directing the action of the healing word to yourself, your health, or externally. Anyone who controls these vibrations gains the ability to control the world around them and their destiny. My friend Alexey Dmitrievich is direct proof of this. He said that, having received the necessary impetus, he experimented with healing words for several years. Everything he now owns came thanks to these exercises.

What you can do with healing words

Of course, not all the possibilities of healing words have been discovered yet. Alexey Dmitrievich believes that someday he will find a vibration formula that can radically change the world, for example, improve the environment, transform one substance into another, look into the future, etc. But for now, the results obtained are important to you and me. After all, with their help you can already do a lot.

Firstly, healing words allow you to change something in yourself: develop abilities, talents, change your mood, get rid of fear, gain any skill, for example, speak beautifully, make quick decisions or think logically.

Secondly, you can change something around you. Your work, career, personal relationships, well-being - all this can be adjusted.

And finally, healing words change the functioning of the organs of our body. Unfortunately, this area of ​​their application has so far been studied less than others, and although Alexey Dmitrievich has deduced certain patterns of the healing effects of words, they are not absolute. In any case, those who do not want to wait for the results of future studies can give it a try. You will not be the first on this road! Alexey Dmitrievich tested the effect of healing words on himself, and then initiated several trusted people into their secret, who willingly agreed to try these words in practice. The results exceeded all expectations! It turned out that in the field of improving health, healing words improve the mood and state of mind of patients, help overcome fears associated with certain diseases, relieve loss of strength and even accelerate and stimulate the usual treatment prescribed by a doctor. So know: in any case, there will be no harm from using healing words. Yes, they have not yet been studied enough to completely replace medications! Therefore they need to be applied only in parallel with the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

© Tikhonov E., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

An excellent book, I managed to try one recommendation: for insomnia, and it really helped. It seems to me that it will soon be my reference book. And the conversation is not only about health...

Svetlana, Kazan

It was very interesting to read this book. I'm not even talking about the practical part - everything is very clear, understandable, and to the point. But the theory turned out to be surprisingly exciting. I had no idea that there was such power behind a simple word.

Anna, Moscow

Some people probably won’t believe that such powerful healing words exist. But the practices in this book work. And here you can’t say anything. I practice the healing word “good”. And there is more good – both material and spiritual – in my life.

Pavel, Novosibirsk

Tatyana, Pskov

You need to work with this book. Read and do everything as the author writes. Don't be lazy. It won't take much time. The book helped me improve my health and solve an unpleasant problem at work. I didn't even expect it. Now I started practicing a few words and very quickly I felt that the world around me was changing. I was shocked because I didn’t really believe in the power of words. Now I recommend this method to all my friends.

Tamara, St. Petersburg

Why I decided to write a third book about healing words

Dear reader, you have come across my third book about healing words. The reason for writing the first book was my fascination with the secrets of Slavic writing and my acquaintance with a like-minded scientist who worked on this topic. After several years, I dare to consider myself his student, so in the book I will call him Teacher.

At one time, he, like me, was interested in the history of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet, later the Cyrillic alphabet. According to a number of experts, this alphabet is based on ancient runic writing. Joint work with ancient texts, even the first finds, one might say, radically changed my life for the better, just as it happened with the Teacher in due time.

It turned out that the magic of letter designs and their sound can be put to the service of modern man.

This is how words-healers appeared - letters of the ancient Slavic alphabet that carried special energies capable of healing both body and soul.

But I didn’t stop there. Together with a group of like-minded people who tried out the developed practices of working with healing words, we went further and began to decipher entire words from runic texts. And new secrets of ancient words and new opportunities for man appeared before us. Thus the second book was born.

And then came reviews and stories about the success of my readers in mastering the developed techniques. Although I myself witnessed the wonderful changes that took place with members of our group and their relatives and acquaintances, it was very interesting and, most importantly, gratifying for me to learn about the achievements of complete strangers. And not only about achievements. My readers turned out to be skilled researchers. They experimented, creating new possibilities for working with healing words.

This is how the third book was created, in which I want to talk not only about healing words, give the rituals necessary for their correct use, but also give real examples of working with these magical sounds. And you, my dear readers, shared examples with me!

Your stories are an important part of my book.

I systematized the reviews, corresponding with my now students, and dealt with each life story in detail. As a result, I noticed a clear pattern: not always immediately, but still with positive results, people who strictly follow the rituals and recommendations set out in my books manage to use the restored methods of our ancestors. Those same people who want to solve their problems in one fell swoop usually do not achieve results. But here’s the paradox - it’s most interesting for me to communicate with them, jointly finding mistakes to untie the “knots” of life. I try to ensure that even “exemplary students”, after our joint “debriefings,” find their own mistakes and correct the situation. Recently Boris contacted me. He earned money by driving his own car and had long wanted to exchange his old Zhiguli car for a foreign car, but he only had enough money to support his family and take a vacation once a year. Boris was sure that only a miracle would help him fulfill his old dream. Having become acquainted with healing words, he chose the word “shta” (working with it implied obtaining the desired result - unplanned luck). Boris bought a lottery ticket, performed the ritual and waited for the draw. At the same time, I worked with the letter “good” to get rid of extra pounds. A little time passed: there was no result either here or there. We found out together what Boris was wrong about. You will also know this when you reach the letter “shta”. But he found his mistake himself. And he corrected it, eventually getting both a new car and a beautiful figure.

Why am I telling this: it was not by chance that I selected for this book not only positive, but also problematic stories, although I could have left only the first ones so that the reader could see how well our method works. But I think it’s better to learn from the mistakes of others so as not to waste time searching for your own. In addition, getting to know other people’s experiences helps you decide on your goals and objectives. For example, a person wanted to get rid of his boss’s nagging and would work on it, but in reality he would need to start with himself: “ask” the words-healers for persistence, to gain leadership qualities etc.

I considered it necessary and useful to include stories of real people in the book also because I remember very well how happy I was when healing words helped me and my loved ones, how luck filled me with energy and faith, and they, in turn, attracted even more good luck. Let these stories fill you with the energy you need to realize your desires.

They say that in real life there are about two dozen stories, everything else is fiction. That's about how many stories are in my book. There is not so much to understand each story, but enough to find something close and necessary for yourself. I hope that people who have read the first books will no longer need to contact me and ask questions, although I always welcome feedback and questions from readers.

I am sure that I will be able to convey the acquired knowledge to everyone who is looking for ways to change their lives: control their destiny, surround themselves with pleasant people, have a successful career, get sick less, love, maintain harmony in the family. My confidence is based on the acquired ability to work with one of the healing words - “verbs”, the vibrations of which help me reveal my ideas to the world. I am sure that it was the healing word that helped me write and publish this book, which is not so easy in our time.

Chapter first

The secret of Slavic writing

Meeting the Teacher

It all started with meeting the Teacher. Correspondence dating - I came across his scientific article. The subject of his research - ancient Slavic writing - was of great interest to me. At that time, I was closely involved in research on runes, constantly traveling to where the most ancient runic drawings were located.

A word is a vibration that affects a person’s health and mood. This is proven by science. But science has yet to comprehend the fact that some words influence a person thousands, tens of thousands of times stronger than any word that science has studied! These are healing words. Words that special initiates know: sorcerers, healers, shamans. But every Slav once knew these words, without even knowing it! These words - Old Russian alphabet. Here is a book that will tell you how to use healing words to help yourself solve almost any problem.

A series: Academy of Health and Luck

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by liters company.

How I learned about healing words

Several years ago, fate brought me together with an amazing person, one of those who gave birth to the saying “the Russian land is rich in talents.” My unusual acquaintance, for a number of reasons, including his inherent modesty, earnestly asked not to publish his name in this book. Therefore, let's call him Alexey Dmitrievich. We met by chance; I read his article about Slavic writing in a small samizdat magazine. An email address was also indicated next to the author's name. I wrote to discuss some issues that interested me. A lively correspondence ensued, and then, almost simultaneously, we had a desire to communicate in person.

And here the first surprise awaited me. From the correspondence I knew that Alexey Dmitrievich had long since crossed the sixty-year mark, and when we met I was preparing to see an elderly man. But imagine my amazement when a youthful, energetic man came out to meet me - he looked more than forty, smart, strong. My first thought was: “This is it, the miracle of plastic surgery!” But after taking a closer look, I realized that I was mistaken: Alexey Dmitrievich looked completely natural.

We got to talking - first we talked about problems that interested us, and then smoothly moved on to personal questions. And then I was convinced once again: nature generously rewarded Alexei Dmitrievich with everything one could dream of: intelligence, wisdom, youth, attractiveness, great charm, the desire to do something, try, not stand still, as if life had just begun and there was more to come at least another hundred, or even two hundred years to implement all plans. I was convinced that Alexey Dmitrievich succeeded in all areas of life. I can say with confidence that I have never met a second person like him. As a rule, if we achieve success, it is in one thing. But my new acquaintance was a respected scientist, had his own small but profitable business, and, in addition, had a talent for painting - he painted good watercolors. If we add to this a huge house outside the city, a beautiful wife and four nice, smart children, then the picture turns out to be simply fantastic. Meanwhile, after re-reading these lines, I already doubt whether I missed something else in my list.

Did I envy him? No! And perhaps this circumstance surprised me most of all. Man is structured in such a way that he does not really love and welcome those who have passed him by on the path of life. But Alexey Dmitrievich inspired completely different feelings - respect, admiration and, to be honest, acute curiosity. Therefore, I could not resist and one day started a conversation with Alexei Dmitrievich about how he manages to get everything his heart desires, and at the same time avoid envy and enemy intrigues. “No other way than you have a gift from above!” – I sincerely exclaimed.

“When I need something, I just ask for it out loud,” he answered.

I thought that this answer was just a motto, an aphorism: “Ask, and it will be given to you.” But everything turned out to be simpler and more difficult at the same time. Alexey Dmitrievich, in fact, only uttered his request out loud, and spent not twenty or thirty ordinary words on it, but only one, but special one.

The secret of Slavic writing

We are accustomed to thinking that writing came to Rus' along with Christianity, when the first alphabet, Glagolitic, was created. But some researchers (among them my new acquaintance) believe that the situation was different. In their opinion, this alphabet was not created from scratch: it was based not only on the Greek alphabet, close to the compiler of the Glagolitic alphabet, Cyril, but also on the ancient Slavic runic letter, which was used before the adoption of Christianity. In other words, hundreds of years before the appearance of Cyril in Rus', special Slavic runes already existed, which the Russians actively used.

However, not all members of the tribe owned these runes, but only a select few. And not at all because learning the runes was difficult. According to ancient legend, the runes were sent down to people to help them by the Higher Powers. Each rune is a receptacle of power: as soon as you draw it or pronounce it, the power will break free, begin to fulfill your desires, protect you, or help you foresee the future.

If it seems to you that these are just the beliefs of our uneducated, wild ancestors, then let’s remember not a mystical book, but a school physics textbook. It says in black and white that sound is a wave. Each sound has its own strength, each sound produces certain vibrations in space. Unfortunately, a person does not see or feel these changes, but this does not mean that they do not exist. After all, there are telephones and radios based on the wave nature of sound!

Now let's return to the Slavs. They did not know about the physical side of sound, but they did not need this information, because they observed the result. They uttered a special sound (and also contemplated the desired written image), and saw with their own eyes that this sound, its vibration, changes the world: it helps, protects, gives all the benefits that you ask for.

Alexey Dmitrievich told me that even in his youth he became interested in the question of the origin of writing and found evidence that the Glagolitic alphabet is based on Slavic runes. And these are not just icons. Kirill, who was called Constantine the Philosopher in the world, received this nickname for a reason. He penetrated deeply into the essence of the runes, and thanks to him, not only the most important elements of their outline have reached us, but also their sound - that very necessary vibration that can change everything around. Each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name. We still remember some of these names: az, beeches, lead, verb, good... Listen! Even this short phrase already carries a huge creative charge. Try saying it several times: you will feel a surge of vitality!

I will not present here the evidence that Alexey Dmitrievich provided me with when telling the story of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet. Firstly, because I would not like to overload you with special scientific knowledge that is of interest only to language historians. I have another task: to give you a magic wand, a method that will help you live with dignity, happiness, be strong and healthy. Scientific information is of no use here, the main thing is that you get the essence. And secondly, my friend urgently asked me not to disclose all the data received. His research has not yet been completed; careful processing is required so that everything said turns into a coherent, well-founded theory. I am sure that Alexey Dmitrievich’s work will still make a splash in scientific circles! And in no way do I want to take away his well-deserved fame and glory.

We are interested in finding and learning to use those same ancient sounds of Slavic runes that our sorcerer ancestors used.

Those who passed on the secret of the runes to Cyril set certain goals for themselves: they wanted the power of the Slavs to go to their descendants, so that no rulers or reformers who wanted to give the country a more modern, Western look would eradicate this magic. After all, along with Christianity, the persecutors of ancient culture also came to Rus', bonfires were lit in which the Slavic deities died, and Christianity took their place. But the power given to our people remained in writing, in that without which not a single people, not a single state can live. Writing turned out to be the most reliable repository of knowledge.

The alphabet that Cyril created has been used for many centuries (unlike the modern one, which is only a hundred years old). In place of the Glagolitic alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet arose, which existed until the 1917 revolution. The basis of the alphabet has always remained unchanged - ancient Slavic runes, ancient magic aimed at making Rus' prosper, so that its inhabitants were healthy and hardy, which they demonstrated for two thousand years, resisting the invasions of the most ferocious conquerors.

Few people knew about the power hidden in the alphabet. Our ancestors simply memorized it by repeatedly repeating the words that the letters represent. And these words worked! Not all Russians were literate, so life was not easy for the common man. But our land was quite sufficient in the strength of those who repeated the ancient runes - monks, generals, rulers, traders. Unfortunately, when the era of widespread literacy arrived, the alphabet changed. Instead of the ancient “az”, “buki”, “vedi”, bringing healing and fulfillment of desires, came “a”, “be”, “ve”, which can only convey certain sounds in writing. By the way, the ancient method of teaching literacy always involved memorizing the full sound of a letter, and this, as you understand, is not at all accidental. For example, let’s take the name of the letter “d” - it was called “good”. And the letter “p” continued to bear the ancient name “peace”. It is clear that repeated repetition of such words when memorizing the alphabet had a positive effect!

Why does the word become a healer?

Fate would have it that Alexey Dmitrievich shared with me the knowledge that I am passing on to you. I am grateful to him for the trust he showed, especially since, according to Alexei Dmitrievich, he did not transfer this knowledge into my hands at random and not by chance. Alexey Dmitrievich knew that I was interested in various ancient practices of gaining strength and power, and I write articles and books on this topic. I immediately took Alexey Dmitrievich’s ideas very seriously, which is why he entrusted me with his greatest value. This is not a figurative expression, not a beautiful turn of phrase. Knowledge of the secret hidden in the ancient alphabet is as valuable, if not much more valuable, than gold or a platinum bank card. After all, it was this knowledge, according to Alexei Dmitrievich, that brought him success in all his endeavors, gave him extraordinary energy, youth and health: after he began to practice the “ancient Slavic magic” contained in the alphabet, his business went uphill.

Now you have a unique opportunity to test the magical power of ancient runes in practice. Repeat the path of success, follow the same path as Alexey Dmitrievich, and make sure that this method works. This is precisely why this book was written.

Here you will receive a short guide to working with vibrations that helped our ancestors. But first, a little more history.

The instructions that you will find in this book did not appear in one day; they are the fruit of long and careful research and development by Alexei Dmitrievich. The fact is that, unfortunately, almost no ancient instructions have reached us that would indicate exactly how to work with runes. Apparently, these instructions were passed down from generation to generation only orally, as often happened with secret sacred knowledge, with the treasures of the nation. The creation of the alphabet dates back to those distant times when writing was just in its infancy, and millennia separate us from Cyril, aka Constantine the Philosopher. But true knowledge has the ability to leave traces in a variety of sources and still reach a person in one way or another.

Alexey Dmitrievich searched for a very long time for information on the ancient alphabet and its application. One could say that he collected this information bit by bit, like an archaeologist gluing together a once beautiful vessel from tiny scattered fragments. And in one of the documents that fell into the hands of Alexei Dmitrievich, curious glossaries were discovered, that is, notes or notes written in the margins of a handwritten book, most likely by a hermit monk. In ancient times, this was often done: a monk, when copying sacred texts, often added something of his own, making small notes and digressions in the margins of the book. These notes are sometimes of greater value than the book itself, because they allow one to gain some new, secret knowledge. This was the case in this case as well. The document found by Alexei Dmitrievich was not very ancient: at most a hundred and fifty years old. This was a list from an ancient text about the power of words (meaning prayers and words of the holy fathers of the church). But in the margins were the monk’s own thoughts about the power hidden “in the initial letters.” There was also a link to an ancient manuscript from which the monk drew information. It can be assumed that this document was in the hands of the monk for some time, and then disappeared: it disappeared without a trace, like many written sources of that time.

According to the hermit’s notes, in order to obtain the key to extraordinary possibilities, one had to tune one’s consciousness in a special way. To do this, you need to draw a letter, or have its outline before your eyes, and say the word behind the letter out loud the specified number of times. With the help of literal words, you can change yourself (intention, abilities, skills), remake the world around you (fulfill desires) or influence your health. By the way, it is precisely because of the last point that Alexey Dmitrievich calls words “healers.”

Of course, the document did not contain direct indications of how exactly the healer word works. Let's not forget that it was written by a monk - a believer. He pondered whether the initial letter could be a concentration of divine power or not. But in his thoughts, Alexey Dmitrievich found clues that helped him understand when the power of healing words begins to act. Then, through trial and error, he was able to derive more or less clear instructions, which you will find in this book.

How does this magic work? The mechanism here is as follows: we pronounce a word - a sound (external) vibration arises, we contemplate the mark - another vibration, only this time in our consciousness. The ritual helps to superimpose one vibration on another, which leads to a “restructuring of the environment.” This is how the potential inherent in the word-healer is embodied - a wish is fulfilled, we ourselves change, the world changes, the healing resources that are embedded both in vibrations and in our body begin to work.

Each healing word is endowed with its own special vibration and, therefore, gives its own specific, clearly defined result. It can be changed a little with the help of a ritual, directing the action of the healing word to yourself, your health, or externally. Anyone who controls these vibrations gains the ability to control the world around them and their destiny. My friend Alexey Dmitrievich is direct proof of this. He said that, having received the necessary impetus, he experimented with healing words for several years. Everything he now owns came thanks to these exercises.

What you can do with healing words

Of course, not all the possibilities of healing words have been discovered yet. Alexey Dmitrievich believes that someday he will find a vibration formula that can radically change the world, for example, improve the environment, transform one substance into another, look into the future, etc. But for now, the results obtained are important to you and me. After all, with their help you can already do a lot.

Firstly, healing words allow you to change something in yourself: develop abilities, talents, change your mood, get rid of fear, gain any skill, for example, speak beautifully, make quick decisions or think logically.

Secondly, you can change something around you. Your work, career, personal relationships, well-being - all this can be adjusted.

And finally, healing words change the functioning of the organs of our body. Unfortunately, this area of ​​their application has so far been studied less than others, and although Alexey Dmitrievich has deduced certain patterns of the healing effects of words, they are not absolute. In any case, those who do not want to wait for the results of future studies can give it a try. You will not be the first on this road! Alexey Dmitrievich tested the effect of healing words on himself, and then initiated several trusted people into their secret, who willingly agreed to try these words in practice. The results exceeded all expectations! It turned out that in the field of improving health, healing words improve the mood and state of mind of patients, help overcome fears associated with certain diseases, relieve loss of strength and even accelerate and stimulate the usual treatment prescribed by a doctor. So know: in any case, there will be no harm from using healing words. Yes, they have not yet been studied enough to completely replace medications! Therefore they need to be applied only in parallel with the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Words-healers in this book

So, this book is a practical part of Alexey Dmitrievich’s research. On its pages, based on Alexey Dmitrievich’s explanations, I will talk about each healing word: the meaning, significance of each word, the effect it can have on you and your life. Also, mood-rituals developed by the author based on the sources found will be given for each word.

But before you plunge into the world of Slavic runes, which I am sure will change your life, I would like to give a small warning.

Everything that is described on these pages has not yet received official confirmation. This knowledge should still be checked and supplemented. Unfortunately, discoveries are not made in five minutes. And even the most brilliant idea leads to decades of research.

But this book still exists. And it is intended for those who do not want to wait years to be convinced of the truth of knowledge. A book for those who are looking for their luck, who are ready to discover everything new and unusual. The author of the theory, Alexey Dmitrievich, is such a person. And for me, the best argument in favor is his life, the results he achieved. If you have a desire to change something around you, this knowledge will definitely benefit you.

How to get help from healing words

38 healing words

Healing words can act in three directions:

✓ Change a person.

✓ Change the circumstances around you.

✓ Affect health.

We have 38 healing words in our hands. Each is responsible for its own area - protection, strength, talent, etc. Naturally, in each direction the word performs its own special work. For example, if it is responsible for acquiring knowledge, it helps you tune in to learning, extracts the necessary information from the outside and transfers it to you, and can also improve immunity, that is, it opens reserves in the body to combat ailments.

Don't be alarmed, everything is complicated at first glance. In this book you will find a special guide that will very quickly indicate the word you need.

Study the table

Your guide is a table in which you will find the names of all healing words, their images, as well as their healing effect.

First, you need to decide what you want to change - yourself, the world around you, your well-being. In the appropriate column you will read a description of the work of the word healer. Find the one that most fully and closely reflects your situation - and here is a lifesaver in your hands.

Of course, human life is so diverse that it is impossible to describe all the situations that can be influenced with the help of healing words. But this does not mean that the impact of the word is limited only to the area named in the table. The possibilities of each healing word are much wider. I myself was convinced of this by using healing words, because sometimes, along with a fulfilled desire, I receive some kind of pleasant and unexpected addition. For example, I wanted to earn money for a trip to an exotic country, and on this trip I unexpectedly met an important person who changed my life. Remember, the possibilities of healing words have not been fully explored! And words may well bring you surprises!

If you take the task at hand seriously and analyze what you need, you will be able to find the right word. In this choice, do not forget that the word is so powerful that it can choose you. Say the word out loud. Feel its vibration. Is it pleasant to you, does it evoke positive emotions, warmth in your soul, a surge of strength? This means that the word is yours, which means you have found exactly the word that you need now more than others! The longer you work with the book, the easier it will be for you to find the right words.

Having found the right word, proceed to the description of the ritual.

On the need for ritual

The ritual consists of three parts.

First, contemplation of the image of the word-healer. Remember that contemplation creates the necessary vibration in your consciousness, that is, it prepares the ground for changes within you.

Secondly, you need to create a vibration outside - say the word the specified number of times. This will need to be done at the time indicated in the ritual.

And thirdly, you need to create a mindset in your mind that will connect the two vibrations and start the process of change.

Every action of the ritual is necessary. If you skip any part of the ritual, you will not be able to get the result. .

Why does a word need to be repeated a certain number of times?

Each healing word has its own number of repetitions. This number was also established experimentally and tested in practice. It is still difficult to explain unambiguously why one word needs to be repeated seven times and another eleven times. But there is a hypothesis from the field of the ancient science of numerology, which humanity has been successfully using for millennia.

The point is that there is also a certain power in numbers. It’s not for nothing that we consider three a divine number, seven a lucky number, and thirteen, on the contrary, a bad number. The power of numbers helps release the energy of the healing word. Words act differently and have different powers. And their assistants should also be different. Therefore, the number of repetitions changes.

Two repetitions - are needed to achieve diplomacy, gain the ability to communicate, and negotiate. Two twos (22) increase vibration.

Three reps– needed in words that give strength and additional energy. Repeating it three times also releases sexuality, determination, enthusiasm, increased ability for self-realization, courage, drive, mobility. Adding a one adds strength to the vibration, a two eliminates possible excesses, unnecessary assertiveness, which can frighten or repel people. Two triples (33) enhance the desired vibration.

Four reps- needed where the word provides stability, peace, gives endurance. It is not for nothing that the simplest stable structure (for example, a table) has four points of support. Sometimes it is necessary to pronounce a word 44 times, that is, to connect two fours, in order to obtain a particularly strong supporting vibration. And in some situations, the energy of one or two is added to the four. One gives vital energy, and two gives diplomacy and calmness in communication.

Six reps– you need to do if you are looking for protection and patronage. They also open sources sympathy, kindness, love, tenderness. The “sixth sense”, or intuition, also requires repeating the doctor’s word six times. One adds strength to this vibration.

Seven reps- give wisdom And knowledge of truth. When adding a unit human wisdom becomes the wisdom of a leader.

Nine reps is a skill penetrate to the very essence of things, gain knowledge, skill think analytically.

As you can see, not all numbers are involved, because some of them carry heavy energy. But you don’t need to understand all the intricacies of the ritual: having found the desired page using the table, you will receive clear instructions on how many times to repeat your healing word.

Why does every medicine word have its time?

Another feature of the ritual is time. In some situations you need to say healing words in the morning, in others in the evening or at noon. This is due to human biorhythms.

Biorhythms are characteristic of living matter at all levels - from molecules to galaxies. The rhythm of our life is set from birth - this is the frequency of heart contractions, breathing, fluctuations in the intensity of cell division, and metabolism. And the planet dictates its conditions - the time of year, time of day, positions of the Sun and Moon, ebbs and flows regulate our well-being and influence our abilities.

All these features were learned when creating the ritual. Therefore, try to adhere to the time frames indicated - this is the time when your consciousness is most open and receptive to any changes.

Brief instructions on using the book

Now let's briefly repeat what you need to do:

1. Decide what you want: change yourself, the world around you, your health.

2. Using the table, find the situation that is closest to yours. Remember your intuition, listen to its voice! Sometimes, in order to find the right healing word, you need to pronounce it and feel the vibration.

3. Open the book to the word indicated in the table.

4. Perform the ritual described on the page.


There is a part in this book dedicated to improving your health.

Remember, healing words are not a panacea. In this book they are published as an additional means to combat the disease. By using them, you will not harm yourself. Do not give up the treatment your doctor prescribed for you!

The vibrational magic of the ancient Slavs will enhance the effect of medicines, help remove the body from illness, cleanse the body of excess chemicals, and prevent side effects medications, will eliminate pain, speed up recovery, etc.

Table of letters and their meanings

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The following is an introductory fragment of the book Healing Words. 22 Ancient Witch Words That Will Give You What You Want. A book to help you (Evgeny Tikhonov, 2012) provided by our book partner -
