Essay internal conflict of feelings against reason. What is the essence of the conflict between reason and feeling? Every thought and feeling has the nature of neuronal activity

Essay internal conflict of feelings against reason.  What is the essence of the conflict between reason and feeling?  Every thought and feeling has the nature of neuronal activity

Essay on the Unified State Examination

Feelings fill our life with experiences, emotions, make it brighter, and the mind cools them down so that a person is not guided in his life by feelings alone. When in balance, these two opposing forces ensure a harmonious state of mind. But it often happens that a conflict arises between feelings and reason. This happens most often when love arises in a person’s soul. This is exactly the kind of conflict described by I.S. Turgenev in the novel “Fathers and Sons”.

The main character of this work, Evgeny Bazarov, was a convinced nihilist. He denied the romantic feeling of love, calling it “nonsense, unforgivable nonsense.” The hero did not believe in love, denied its existence, argued that this was all “romanticism” or “nonsense”, that there was only physiology or “the need of the body.” “And what is this mysterious relationship between a man and a woman?”

But here on life path Bazarova meets Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, who completely changes the hero’s attitude towards feelings, strong changes occur in him. Evgeny Bazarov could not even imagine that he would be capable of deep and strong love. I.S. Turgenev depicts the hero’s internal struggle with himself; he cannot cope with the feeling that has arisen: “he could easily cope with his blood, but something else took possession of him.” Love and romanticism, at which Bazarov laughed so caustically, capture the hero entirely, shaking his nihilistic convictions, which seemed so indestructible at the beginning of the novel. He even turns out to be able to feel the beauty of a summer night, its freshness, mystery during a date with Odintsova.

But Odintsova did not truly love Bazarov. For her, her way of life and comfort were more valuable. In all her actions, she is guided only by reason, completely subordinating her feelings to it, pre-calculates all her actions, choosing only those that can cause a minimum of emotional unrest. She chose a calm path that did not bring joy, but did not make her suffer. Behind the serene calm and measured existence of the heroine lies her spiritual coldness, inability to engage in hobbies, indifference, and selfishness.

Because of his love for Odintsova, a conflict arose in the soul of Evgeny Bazarov between reason and feeling. To distract himself, Evgeniy goes to his parents, begins to help his father in his medical practice, but, accidentally injuring his finger while opening a typhus patient, falls ill and dies. Bazarov leaves love in the world, not hatred or nihilism. The conflict that has occurred in his soul unexpectedly leads him to “eternal reconciliation” with “endless life.”

And in the novel L.N. Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" describes the conflict between reason and feeling that arose because of Anna Karenina's love for Vronsky, ending in the death of the heroine. She, like Evgeny Bazarov, was unable to resist her strong feelings. But, if Odintsova did not want to allow herself to respond to Eugene Onegin’s feelings, then Karenina’s love was mutual, but this did not lead her to happiness.

The heroine N.M. did not resist her feelings either. Karamzin "Poor Liza", who fell in love with the rich nobleman Erast. She responded to his feelings without thinking about anything. But, unfortunately, the young nobleman’s feelings soon cooled. He went on a military campaign, where he lost all his fortune, as a result of which he was forced to marry a rich widow. Lisa could not stand Erast's betrayal. For the girl, the act of her loved one was such a strong blow, she was unable to cope with her heartache and threw herself into the pond to die. Ardent feelings led Lisa to death and brought grief to her mother.

Apparently, when feelings win in a conflict with the mind, this does not bring happiness to a person.

In their works, writers often consider the problem of interaction between feelings and mind. And many of them are sure that these two concepts should be in harmony with each other. However, when making various decisions, a person is constantly faced with the choice of giving in to the dictates of his heart or listening to the voice of reason. And then a conflict arises between feelings and reason, leading to a variety of consequences. Examples of such struggle can often be found on the pages fiction.

Let us turn to the work of A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. The conflict between Tatiana's mind and feelings can be traced throughout the novel. At the very beginning of the work, the heroine is a young girl who lives only by feelings.

Having read French novels, she created for herself the image of an ideal man, and, having met Onegin, Tatyana falls in love with him, because he completely fits this description. But, having confessed her feelings and expecting reciprocity, Larina receives only cold moral teachings. And already here the first motives of the conflict between feelings and reason are observed, because with her mind she understands that she should not love Eugene, since Onegin has already rejected her, but her heart refuses to accept reality. Later Tatyana marries and becomes a majestic and stately woman. Several years after separation from Onegin, the heroes meet again. Having completely changed on the outside, Larina does not change at all on the inside. She still loves Evgeny, but having received an offer from him to be together, the struggle between feelings and reason grows more and more in Tatyana. And, having made a difficult decision, the heroine refuses Onegin, remaining faithful to her husband. Thus, the conflict between Larina’s reason and her feelings arises at the most difficult moment of her life and leads to maintaining honor before her husband and the loss of a loved one.

Now let's turn to Ostrovsky's work "The Thunderstorm". In this drama, the main idea is the struggle between the feelings and mind of the main character. Katerina Kabanova is a married woman who lives in the “dark kingdom” of her husband. Since childhood, she has been accustomed to living by feelings. And when the girl was married to an unloved man, she almost despaired of experiencing true love. But, having met Boris, Katerina suddenly felt a kindred spirit in him. Having fallen in love with the hero, inside the girl there is a struggle between feelings and reason, because she does not want to betray her husband, but cannot do anything with her love. During her husband’s departure, Katerina faces a difficult choice: remain faithful to Tikhon or spend these days with her lover. The decision will still go to her beloved, leading the heroine to mental anguish, repentance and subsequent death. So, having experienced true love for the first time, a complex conflict arises in Katerina between her feelings for Boris and her mind. And, having made a difficult decision, the girl chooses love, which leads to tragedy.

Thus, having examined the artistic work of A. S. Pushkin, we can conclude that especially complex and important life situations, which can radically change a person’s destiny, lead to a conflict between reason and feelings. And he is capable of depriving a person of his beloved. That is why it is important that a person’s feelings and mind are always in harmony with each other.

It was not by chance that I chose the topic of internal conflict between feeling and reason. Feeling and reason are the two most important forces inner world people who very often come into conflict with each other. There are situations when feelings oppose reason. What happens in such a situation? Undoubtedly, this is very painful, alarming and extremely unpleasant, as a person rushes about, suffers, and loses ground under his feet. His mind says one thing, but his feelings raise a real riot and deprive him of peace and harmony. As a result, an internal struggle begins, which often ends very tragically.

A similar internal conflict is described in I. S. Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons.” Evgeny Bazarov, main character, shared the theory of “nihilism” and denied literally everything: poetry, music, art and even love. But the meeting with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, a beautiful, intelligent, woman unlike others, became a decisive event in his life, after which his internal conflict began. Unexpectedly, he felt a “romantic” in himself, capable of deeply feeling, worrying and hoping for reciprocity. His nihilistic views failed: it turns out that there is love, there is beauty, there is art. The strong feelings that gripped him begin to fight against rationalistic theory, and life becomes unbearable. The hero cannot continue scientific experiments or engage in medical practice - everything falls out of hand. Yes, when such a discord occurs between feeling and reason, life sometimes becomes impossible, since the harmony that is necessary for happiness is disrupted, and the internal conflict becomes external: family and friendly ties are disrupted.

One can also recall the work of F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, which analyzes the rebellion of the main character’s feelings. Rodion Raskolnikov nurtured the “Napoleonic” idea strong personality who has the right to break the law and even kill a person. Having tested this rationalistic theory in practice, having killed the old pawnbroker, the hero experiences torment of conscience, the impossibility of communicating with family and friends, and practically becomes morally and physically ill. This painful condition arose due to the internal conflict of human feelings and fictitious theories.

So, we analyzed situations where feelings oppose reason, and came to the conclusion that it is sometimes detrimental to a person. But, on the other hand, it is also a signal that one must listen to one’s feelings, since far-fetched theories can destroy both the person himself and cause irreparable harm and unbearable pain to the people around him.


Yes, there is no conflict between reason and feelings.

Conflict is between opposing desires. For example, I want to meet a girl - and I want to avoid shame (she may refuse).

Feelings signal our needs.

In our example - a feeling of erotic excitement and a feeling of fear.

If I poorly recognize the MIXTURE of my feelings and desires (and do not understand that it is ALWAYS a mixture!), then I will THINK that I have ONE desire (need) - to meet.

We think, “Oh heavens, she might bite me,” rather than, “Oh heavens, how terrible it is that she is irrational.” Is the appeal of irrationality an improvement or, as it seems, a simple gesture - an impoverishment that elucidates interesting textures or certain steps towards individual cases of vice and virtue? Of course, we will move like Sally's mind in better ways. We'd like Molly's torment to guide her more reliably on her way back than is now apparent. We have familiar methods of persuasion and argumentation.

Do you want Molly to do the same to you? we could ask. Maybe Sally didn't mind the toes on the board, but Molly could do anything that mutually played her bagpipes, which is what irritates Sally. Sally, of course, won't like it. Hopefully, thinking about it will motivate you to stop. She can bank on Molly's kindness and forgiveness not to play her harmonica, or hold her parents back if she does. Or she could wait until Molly plays her harmonica to feel the discomfort first.

But when moving towards a girl, my feelings clearly signal to me that no, no, what are you doing! - there is a desire (need) to avoid shame, and wow!

And then it seems that this is a dispute between reason and feelings.

No. This is a conflict of two needs, one of which was poorly understood.



Here everything is clearly divided into what is innate and what we acquired as an object in the process of education. Why do cats love to be petted, isn't it because they have memories of their mother cat, who washed them with her tongue and surrounded them with warmth? Here is a child chasing pigeons, pulling a cat by the tail, pulling his older sister’s hair, etc. There are two explanations of the situation and two developments of events. Either those around (according to the reasoning: “he is still small, he does not understand anything”; or it is so convenient for me - “whatever the child enjoys, as long as he does not cry and does not distract him from communicating with friends and guests”) do not stop or stop the child’s activities , or stop. If condoned and encouraged, the child perceives that chasing and hurting others is associated with general fun and a good attitude towards me, and the object of education’s own positive emotions. Here a child hurts himself, and the subject of education (an older sister, brother or parent), as it seems to him, is doing a more important thing, beats the “culprit” of the fall and bruise in order to calm the person suffering from the bruise. There is no time to realize - it is more important to calm down and distract from pain - other consequences of such educational influence: the child remembers (is programmed) for the rest of his life that he needs to hit someone so that he himself will feel better. Libido is also formed mainly in the process of personal development.

She could even beat Molly in a fight. Maybe she knows she might have to pay for the fun later, but she still thinks being naughty is irresistible now. So we might try to rub Sally's nose into Molly's anguish, hoping to activate empathy or compassion, and therefore remorse and a better state of mind. But perhaps we will fail; after all, it was Molly's perspective on torment that enlivened Sally's antics in the first place.

So we leave shaking our heads. She doesn't respect the law. She doesn't have her heart in the right place. But is his head in the right place? Faced with this, Sally's understanding is impeccable. She knows exactly what she is doing and why she is doing it. Now it seems easy to assume that it is the head that is wrong professional deformation, which involves moral philosophers rather than the road being opened for new evidence of Sally's wrongness, or new treatments to bring her back to the straight and narrow. It was in this sense that Bernard Williams mocked the fiery push of moral philosophy: "an argument that will stop them in their tracks when they come to take it away."

Whatever happens to a person, in a person there is a comparison and comparison of what is observed and analyzed in reality with that in a mental way, based on associative thinking, an image that was formed in the process of education.

For example, a dislike for mathematics can develop, although a person “forgot” about it long ago when his mother or father said 3-4 year old child, when he caught them doing accounting, he said, don’t bother your son, it’s so tiring, I’m tired here. For example, they gave him an abacus so that the child would not be distracted, and the child went to ride on a large abacus with dominoes. I myself observed such an episode among friends.

An area of ​​issue where my proposal fits well is the "authority" of reason, a problem some writers have had with Youman's proposals about motivation and desire. In an influential article on the topic, Warren Quinn argued that this is not a major issue among rationalists such as himself and "subjectivists" or "non-cognitivists."

The layout can explain as I do, but by itself it can't do anything about connecting radios randomly to anything sensible. And, rejecting any attempt to call the states higher order, such as the pros or cons that are relevant to this first order of disposition. To help us with this problem, he concludes that dispositions themselves, such as the desire to try to get things or to feel pain towards things, do not “rationalize” choice.



I see this a little differently than Evgeniy (with all due respect to him). The conflict of mind and feelings is a confrontation between two primary principles, two components of the dual universe - light and darkness, heaven and earth, spirituality and matter - where the first corresponds to the mind, and the second to the feelings. Let's look at the example of the same girl, but for clarity we will add the fact that we are already married and have children. Reason in this situation claims that close communication with a beautiful girl is a disastrous and destructive step, which, while bringing short-term pleasure, will result in long-term problems. Reason may tell me that such behavior is destructive not only to my personal relationships and well-being, but also to society as a whole. Since a society where betrayal and debauchery flourish is much less stable and viable. All these are very compelling reasons to nip in the bud any possible communication with outside girls. For the mind.

Even the average choice for certain purposes is not rationalized unless the ends themselves. Only true knowledge of the objects of choice as “good” could do this. Parfit enthusiastically follows the same line. It seems strange to say that movement, in the sense of, for example, eating a piece of pie, is not “rationalized” by my hunger; so we need to look more closely at this line of thinking. First, what movement of the mind is in question? One suggestion would be that it is an awareness of desire seeking to satisfy it.

But for feelings, no. Instincts rule over feelings - our natural component, what we have in common with any forest animal. Guided only by instincts, humanity would achieve absolutely nothing. People, like animals, would only consume food, copulate, fight with each other, and try to survive. The development of humanity in general, and man in particular, begins where reason takes precedence over instinct, over feeling, turning it from a master into a servant. A society where reason reigns develops. A society where feelings reign degrades. This does not mean that development implies dryness and insensitivity, since it is also not reasonable to completely reject what we feel, our bestial nature. It exists and will exist regardless of our desires. It's wise to understand it, accept it, and not let it take over.

When considering desire, we are usually not self-reflective, taking as our starting point a fact about ourselves. Instead, we accept the fact of our situation. Our desires are manifest functional states in the relation between a fact perceived and a tendency to action resulting from it. Like the desire for food, hunger is manifested in the way the tendency to solve problems with pies is guided by the consciousness that is announced. So, is there a desire to “rationalize” the trend? This explains why, no matter how arrangements are said, we can be said to explain their manifestations.

Final essay

in the thematic direction “Reason and Feeling” »

Reason and feeling...What is it? These are the two most important forces, two

components of the inner world of every person. Both of these forces

need each other equally.

The mental organization of a person is very complex. Situations that

But Quinn is actually right when he says that this in itself does not show whether a movement of the mind is good or bad, admirable or despicable, and therefore does not finance an assessment of the conversation in terms of reason or rationality. However, all of this shows that Quinn's petition - that desire is to validate or rationalize choice - was completely wrong. The entry of a company that claims that the mind's movement was good or "rational" offers another business.

To do this, we must turn back and see if the movement can be adapted to any practice in the field that is approved, or, according to at least, to share, understanding or acceptance, as to immunity from criticism. An obsessive, eccentric desire, like the tendency to turn off radios, is unhelpful and potentially expensive and annoying. Therefore, we are far from wanting to support the movement of the mind - from the consciousness of the unconnected radio to the motivation to connect it - which manifests compulsion.

happen and happen to us, they are very different.

One of them is when our feelings prevail over reason. For another

The situation is characterized by the predominance of reason over feelings. It also happens

third, when a person achieves harmony, this means that the mind and

feelings have exactly the same influence on a person’s mental organization.

Quinn may have thought: if particular desires cannot be rationalized, then nothing in our cognitive dispositions taken as a whole can do so. The picture is that in Yumeng's world, “normativity” is whitewashed from the outside. This would be a dangerous form of argument, the weakness of which is more familiar from discussions of coherence and foundationalism as they apply to cognitive states. Although many authors agree that a belief cannot be justified, they tend to think that adherence to a sufficiently consistent set can do so.

The topic of reason and feeling is interesting to many writers. Reading

works of world fiction, including

Russian, we come across many such examples that tell us about

manifestation different situations in the lives of fiction heroes

works when an internal conflict occurs: feelings come out

Or, if things other than beliefs can enter the pool of justifications, they might include things like processes and actions, such as the involvement of perceptual processes in a causal interaction with the world or the experiences that follow from such a commitment. If one begins to paint a satisfactory picture of cognitive justification - which is best to do because it's really the only game in town - then a parallel story can do the parallel work of practical activities, first referring to the entire matrix of surrounding dispositions, and then potentially referring to the experience of that how these provisions stand the test of time when they are tested in human practice.

against reason. Literary heroes very often they find themselves facing

a choice between the dictates of feeling and the prompting of reason.

So, in Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza” we see

how the nobleman Erast falls in love with the poor peasant girl Lisa. Lisa

Confusion, sadness, crazy joy, anxiety, despair, shock -

This set provides the only judgment one wish can face. In other words, although we may be outside of any particular desire or inclination and consider its goodness in the light of other desires and dispositions taken as a whole, there is no process behind them at once, nay, it is not true. Someone with Quinn's leadership might try to say that although it's "just for us", it can only tell us what we really value, not what matters. But little is gained by denigrating the only methods we use or could use.

These are the feelings that filled the girl’s heart. Erast, weak and

flighty, lost interest in Lisa, he doesn’t think about anything, reckless

Human. Satiety sets in and a desire to get rid of the boring

The moment of love is beautiful, but reason gives long life and strength to feelings.

Lisa hopes to regain her lost happiness, but it’s all in vain. Deceived in

To insist on a split between “fact” and “value” at this time would be less like defending the autonomy of the normative world than becoming, on the one hand, impervious to attention, and on the other, not without conceivable interest. These are, in fact, only the illusions of philosophers, and not the values ​​and norms that are whitened from Hume’s world.

However, the modern enthusiasm for reasons indicates that in many minds, replacing the sovereignty of good with the sovereignty of reasons is not only a change of language, but also a change of regime. This opens the way for a new dawn of philosophy, a new retreat and new philosophical territory to occupy and explore. It is therefore important to consider the view that as we move into the territory of the mind, we are actually moving. However, in this application the question is not between goodness and some natural property, but between reason and the good.

the best hopes and feelings, she forgets her soul and throws herself into the pond

near the Simonov Monastery. The girl trusts the movements of her heart and lives

only “tender passions.” For Lisa, the loss of Erast is tantamount to the loss

life. Ardentness and ardor drive her. to death.

Reading the story by N. M. Karamzin, we are convinced that “mind and

How can there be an issue, for example, about whether reason can sometimes demand the sacrifice of God in favor of competing candidates such as self-interest? How can we be concerned if reason is on the side of caution and self-interest, or on the side of justice, benevolence, or the common good? The question is very real, and it fertilizes the concept of reason as a special type of power, an autonomous normative structure magnificent enough to be used to measure and analyze even the correct requirements of virtue.

feelings are two forces equally in need of each other.”

In the novel by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy you can find several scenes and

episodes related to this topic.

L. N. Tolstoy’s favorite heroine, Natasha Rostova, met and fell in love

Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. After Prince Andrei left abroad, Natasha

I was very sad for a long time without leaving my room. She's very lonely without

Because just as the "reasonables" and their clans are general terms of praise, among other terms as such, they can subscribe to a specific cast. They may be limited to compliments within a subset of possible dimensions. This happens whenever you talk about "good" or "good" and as we talk about condition reasons, economic reasons, health reasons, personal reasons or strategic reasons.

It is therefore not necessary for a prince to actually have all the qualities mentioned above, but it is necessary that they appear to him. Thus, you must remain pure, faithful, humane, honest, religious - and be so, but with the condition in which you are configured, when necessary, not beings, so that you know how to become otherwise. The prince, we can say, sometimes has great reasons to behave cruelly, inhumanly, disloyally and in bad faith. In short, he must behave badly. The dimension in which an apology is given is simply a matter of self-interest, stability or survival; and Machiavelli is known to believe that when they compete with conventional kindness, they not only achieve the actual behavior of men, as is necessary for them.

loved one. During these difficult days, Anatole meets in her life

Kuragin. He looked at Natasha “admiringly, affectionately

glance." The girl was recklessly infatuated with Anatole. Natasha's love and

Andreya was put to the test. Not keeping this promise

wait for her beloved, she betrayed him. The young girl is too young and

Here, what the prince has more reason for is not what is best: the movement of the mind that is praised can be cunning, deceitful, treacherous and inhuman. It has to be in order to survive. The point is that cunning and strategic movement of the mind is indeed commendable. And if we think about it, it's always like that. Whenever one describes a potential conflict between reason and virtue, one finds that the reasons are limited to one dimension.

The question is even broader, more human. Insistent requests for this dimension must be limited to good faith or goodwill. Therefore, we can open the question of whether something good is always rational. Not because reason is an autonomous legislator at some indefinite distance from the good, whose precepts have their own powers, but because of the possibility that these precepts are contrary to the precepts of virtue or obligation. We discover it, for example, when we worry directly or indirectly about an old and uncomfortable conflict between self-interest and the merits of considering another.

inexperienced in matters of the heart. But a pure soul tells her that she

doesn't act well. Why did Rostova fall in love with Kuragin? She saw in him

someone close to her. This love story ended very sadly:

Natasha tried to poison herself, but she remains alive.

The girl ardently repents for this before God and asks him to give

gives her peace of mind and happiness. L. N. Tolstoy himself considered history

The relationship between Natasha and Anatole is “the most important point of the novel.” Natasha

should be happy, since she has enormous power of life and love.

What conclusion can be drawn on this topic? Remembering Pages

works of N. M. Karamzin and L. N. Tolstoy, I come to the conclusion that

that in both works we see internal human conflict:

feelings oppose reason. Without deep moral feeling

“a person can have neither love nor honor.” How are they connected?

reason and feeling? I would like to quote the words of the Russian writer M.M.

Prishvina: “There are feelings that replenish and darken the mind, and there are

the mind that cools the movement of the senses.”

Essay “Internal conflict: feelings against reason” (Var 1)

Every day, being in the company of people we don’t know or don’t know very well, we draw conclusions about their internal state based on appearance, by the shadows of emotions that play on their faces. However, this does not always give the correct idea. In fact, some individuals hide their emotions so well that only close, intimate acquaintance with them can reveal their inner contents and reveal who they really are.

What causes internal conflict: feelings versus reason

We do not have the opportunity to look inside a person, into his soul. Otherwise, an amazing and terrible picture of the eternal internal conflict that occurs between the perception of the world on a sensory level and the logical train of thoughts would be revealed to us. Constantly assessing what is happening around you again and again starts a process whose purpose is to analyze and make decisions in relation to a particular situation. And all this is weighed on two scales: from an emotional point of view and from the point of view of cold, dry calculation.

Pros and cons of extreme positions

Some individuals in the decision-making process are guided only by cold calculations and logically verified designs, which tell them the right decisions with almost mathematical precision. From the point of view of normal consistency. Others rely on the world of sensual emotional sensations, not paying attention to the first clue lying on the surface, they put themselves in the place of those around them and follow what is called “the dictates of the heart.”

The first case is dry and boring. The actions of such people are predictable and lack brightness. The latter may succumb too much to emotions and, in literally, do not calculate the degree of their impact on the environment.

At the same time, both types of people live in harmony with themselves and do not suffer from the severe conflict placed at the head of this essays.

Golden mean

I believe that both of these forces exist in everyone to balance each other. Then, when taking any action, we will perform actions consistent with common sense, but adjusted, depending on how painful they can be for others, or, on the contrary, they will add a joyful mood.

Essay “Internal conflict: feelings against reason” (Var 2)

Man by nature is a very complex creature. His actions can be very difficult to predict. The mind, as a rule, tries to find the best option for resolving a given situation. But still, often our feelings also come into play in the decision-making process. As a matter of fact, this is what happens internal conflict between feeling and reason.

What is internal struggle?

Every person has experienced internal struggle at least once in their life. Usually the feelings in our hearts cause us to take unwise or risky actions. And the voice of reason, in turn, tries with all its might to protect people from danger. This struggle is a very complex process.

Internal struggle

Speaking about true feelings, I would like to turn to the work of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky - “The Thunderstorm”. After all, the main character of the play was experiencing the same conflict between feeling and reason. She understands that she must be faithful to her husband, but still Katerina’s heart belongs to her beloved Boris. The girl was the personification of a bright and pure personality. In fact, she is a ray of light in the dark kingdom of the Kabanovs. The main character sees the same ray of light in Boris. As a matter of fact, it is precisely on this basis that the girl has a contradiction between her feelings and reason.

Still, Katerina is not I gave up trying to come to terms with the fact that I would live my life with a person for whom I felt nothing. She tried to come to terms with the fact that she would live in a house that she did not like. It was the voice of reason. He tried to convince the girl that an arranged marriage was the right choice. Katerina believed that the members of the new family would be favorable to her, but this never happened. The girl wanted warmth and love.

Choice made

The main character often dreamed of what she was so afraid of in reality and she tried to overcome her dreams. Nevertheless human nature won a victory over the hardened order. At some point, the main character begins to feel like a woman. An irresistible desire arises in her to love and, of course, to be loved. With all this, Katerina is constantly tormented by doubts. She feels a sense of fear, understands that she might make a mistake and it gnaws at her. The impossibly difficult struggle that the girl goes through leads to a sad outcome. Having obeyed the voice of her heart, the girl begins to think that she has no forgiveness. These thoughts pushed her to commit suicide.

Probably many, at least once, still had to worry internal conflict. Reason thus tries to protect people from troubles. I believe that you should always listen to your heart. But before accepting final decision you need to weigh the pros and cons. But before making any decision, it is necessary for reason and feeling to reach a compromise.

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