How to learn to analyze different situations. How to learn to analyze the read text

How to learn to analyze different situations.  How to learn to analyze the read text

The ability to analyze information is the key to success in modern society. Today, almost no intellectual activity is complete without the need to compare something with each other, generalize, communicate with other people, listen to their speeches, observe how they behave.

The twenty-first century is not only a time information technologies but also psychology. Science is developing so rapidly and gaining popularity that only a lazy person does not want to know himself better, to understand the causes of internal conflicts, to find the origins of contradictions. This article is devoted to the question of how to develop the ability to analyze.

"Listening - hear, watching - see"

Watching a popular movie or participating in business negotiations, learn to treat information with the greatest attention. Try to highlight significant details from the general flow in the course of the action and memorize them. This technique not only perfectly trains the memory, but also allows you to understand in the future why the hero does this and not otherwise. To analyze is not just to think, but to be aware of reality.

Psychological trainings

Today, in almost any city, you can find special courses, organized classes in order to increase the level of your competence in a particular area. Trainings are narrowly focused on the development of a certain quality of character and classes on personal growth. In the latter case, much depends on the motivation of the people who come, on how they want to see themselves in the future. Psychological trainings help to look at oneself from the outside, to realize the importance and necessity of change.

"Learning to analyze" is a very appropriate name for group classes. Why are meetings held by a small audience - 10-15 people? During the training, it is important not only to give the listener the necessary information, but also to teach him how to work with it. And it is better to do this in a group, where participants will reflect each other's results, share their impressions.

stress resistance

It is no secret that in the case when a person has the ability to cultivate a state of peace of mind, it is easier for him to live in this world. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn how to maintain self-confidence in the most difficult situations. Whatever happens, remember that only you are responsible for your reaction. No one else is to blame for the fact that you have not learned to control yourself and on the night before an important event you cannot close your eyes. Analyzing is definitely a useful skill. Especially when it comes to your future. To take the necessary steps easily and freely, you need to let go of any fear of failure.

Almost everyone tends to think up anxieties for themselves, fears are often unfounded. But if you overcome yourself once or twice and do something that will lead you to a new stream of well-being, this will be your new victory. And the more significant achievements in our arsenal, the faster and more confidently you will be able to move forward.

Interpretation of works of art

Even if you are by nature far from an analyst and do not have the habit of thinking deeply into the material you read, it will be useful for you to acquire the skill of “reading with a pencil”. What does it mean? When you read a book, mark places of interest so you can come back to them later. This action is necessary in order to find the meaning of what is happening in the book, to find the origins of the problems and difficulties of the characters, to notice their individuality.

You can read any literature, as long as it makes you think. The study of artistic and classical works is perfect - the wealth collected over the centuries contains everything necessary for the comprehensive development of the individual. That is why children at school are taught “time-tested” creations that can bring significant benefits. But read great book few. You need to be able to correctly understand what the author wanted to convey to the readers.

Self improvement

To analyze is, first of all, to know oneself. Try in your everyday life to think about the most important questions: "why do I live", "what is my biggest goal in this world", "what should I be doing right now". All these problems affect your most painful points of contact with the Universe, and therefore it is not easy to give yourself an answer.

Read the right books, attend interesting seminars, communicate with people, look for like-minded people. Remember: you have only one chance to walk the path correctly, in a dignified manner, for the benefit of yourself and others.

Thus, to be able to analyze is to work constantly, daily. If something does not work right away, you need to be patient and act with enviable persistence in given direction. Good luck, dear readers, success and all the best!

Text analysis is not the easiest thing. In order to comprehensively study and understand a complex literary text or a philosophical treatise (we omit scientific, sectoral texts), even the most careful reading is not always enough. You need the right tools. Such tools are hermeneutics and semiotics. Hermeneutics is the art of interpreting texts, both ancient manuscripts and complex philosophical treatises. What can we borrow from this science on a simple, philistine level, forgive us Gadamer and Ricoeur, - the method of "getting used to", try to identify yourself with the characters, transfer yourself to the situation. Let it be difficult, it requires some preparation, but it is very effective method. Find information about the author, about the era, make a brief historical events, political map of the world - this will help you count the correct meanings.

Semiotics is the science of signs. From the point of view of semiotics, culture is the world of sign systems. How can this help? At the most primitive level, the phrase encountered and very typical for an American detective: "he showed his thumb or middle finger" - without understanding the interpretation of signs, can mislead the reader. A deeper level of semantic analysis, Yu.M. Lotman, - understanding the relationship between signs, the culture of interpretation, characteristic of a particular era, country, environment. In other words, we need to understand "who" tells us - the position of the author in society, the obligations that he had to society, for example, often in modern texts, refer to Aristotle as the founder of the ideas of democracy, herald of freedom and equality, that's all partly true, but when we read this, we should always remember that he was also one of the ardent apologists for slavery, when he spoke about a man, it should be understood that this is only an adult Hellenic man, all the rest were not even people according to the great Aristotle. Yaroslav the Wise, who many years later became acquainted with the works of Aristotle, laying the foundations for our understanding of truth and justice, in the eyes of his teacher would be nothing more than a barbarian, an animal.

Second good example semantic relationships is an old experiment that culturologists often surprise their audiences in Russia with. If you ask the audience to shout the first noun that comes to their mind after what you said, and say "cat", most people will shout "mouse" - in Russia this clear relationship can always be traced, as well as the fact that the fox is cunning, and the bear is stupid, but armed with this semantic apparatus, trying to understand fairy tales ancient east, America, you are likely to encounter misunderstanding.

Let's summarize the above. To understand the text you need: to have information about the author, historical era, culture, language (especially if you are reading a work in translation and can only guess about the true nature of the original meaning), try to let it all through yourself, get used to the resulting image, so you can get a little closer to the original meaning or idea.

But there is another approach, which says that the text is created by the reader. There are as many versions of each piece as there are insatiable pairs of eyes that have skimmed over it. If you follow this approach, then it does not matter at all what the author was trying to say, what is important is what you heard. The interpreter generates a new text, new meanings, a new sign system Perhaps this is the reason for evolution.

Text is a very complex phenomenon. There is no single, final, correct analysis literary work. You can do analysis all your life, from very different points of view, getting more and more new results. In addition, the main keys to understanding a work lie not inside it, but outside - in the context of its creation, in culture, historical era, social processes, personal fate author, etc. It is these two facts that are not visible in the approach to literature with which many of us are familiar thanks to the Soviet high school where literary criticism to a large extent served ideological and political goals. From there, with a high probability, the very formulation of the question of "complex analysis" comes.

In science, there are concepts "object", "subject" and "subject" of research, without the definition of which any analysis will float in a boundless (literally) space. Without going into details and definitions, I will give several possible options.

For the object of study (what we are considering), we can take the original text of the work, but with no less success (albeit with a different set of possibilities for analysis), we could use its oral forms, or the totality of the material incarnations of this text from the moment it appeared, or a set of different forms of presentation of a given text in a certain era, or reflection and reproduction of a given text in various forms of culture over a certain period.

For the subject (what we study) - the psychology of the author or era; some psychological aspects in historical perspective; the structure of the work; variants of messages that it conveys to various recipients of different eras without involving a special analysis and ways of interpreting from different positions; some ideological, historical, historiographic, linguistic, literary, psychological, social, semiotic, aesthetic, cultural aspects in various contexts, etc.

And finally, the subject is the person who conducts the analysis. The most obvious is from the standpoint of what science he approaches the study of the text. Is he a philologist within the framework of this analysis? Historian? Historiographer? Semiotic? Culturologist? Psychologist? Costume designer? Playwright? etc. What specific questions from his field does he study in this analysis? In addition, his own culture, language, history of his people and state, life experience, level of training in various issues, interests, motives. All of these can lead to very different conclusions when analyzed. For example, some works, even those belonging to one's own culture, are very difficult to understand without going through certain events, elections, situations in own life. Well, or, I suppose, a phenomenon familiar to you, when, after 10 years, you return to reading the same book, you suddenly perceive it in a completely different way.

Now another example to illustrate the infinity of the concept of "analysis of a literary work." Take a text about human life in the ancient Near East, written by a Dutch author in the 16th century, translated in the 19th century. into Russian by a Russian translator, and read by you in the 21st century. These are four very differently organized cultural positions in interaction! Each of which has all that huge number of aspects, examples of which are listed above! And if from the standpoint of modern anthropology or paleontology this text may not be of interest, then, for example, from the point of view of historiography or cultural studies, it is a real storehouse! The humanities are myriads of mirror-spotlights directed at each other and repeatedly reflecting each other.

If we do not take highly specialized views and dwell on some everyday understanding of the work (which can also be very complex, diverse, change over time: this is just another point of view that is not diminished at all), then it is worth briefly familiarizing yourself with the era in which the author lived , way of life, the structure of society, social processes at that time, the personal history of the author; and also to know your language and history well, to have more of your own acquaintances with various people and accomplishments in your own life.

It all depends on who is analyzing. On the this stage of its development, the science of literary criticism has already accumulated vast experience, which cannot be forgotten when analyzing works. For example, let's take a philologist who gave 20 years of his life to this field. He won't be able to do anything anymore. complex analysis, as you put it, because, in his opinion, a comprehensive analysis must necessarily include the search for hidden meanings, allusions, associations, and so on. Secondly, it all depends on the author and the work you are analyzing. If this is Dostoevsky or Bulgakov, then it is simply stupid to refuse to search for "hidden meanings", because the authors themselves wanted the readers to look for these hidden meanings. But if it comes to your mind to analyze Daria Dontsova, then the search for hidden meanings and associations clearly speaks of paranoia :)

In a small addition to other literate answers:

A deep analysis of the text, in my opinion, should always be carried out not from the position of the reader, and not even from the position of the characters in the book, but from the position of the author of the work. Thus, it is not analyzed why the character X did Y, but why the author made such a plot move at this place in this work, why the author used such a word in this sentence, what author's task this character embodies, and so on. In fact, you need to try to literally look into the head of the author and try to understand what he was thinking in the process of writing each page.

However, without direct confirmation of your ideas from the author, it is extremely difficult to do this, and thus a huge number of crazy theories are born that "blue curtains actually symbolize the loneliness of the author."

Never believe words, take into account only concrete facts.

Everything that is said and written is necessarily intended to conceal the truth. Hiding the truth is one of the most important motives of any human activity, including verbal. This motive, often along with others, is ALWAYS present in the author of any text. In most cases, the author wants to hide information not only from you, but also from himself - that is, his unconscious performs uncontrolled censorship of the provisions he formulates.

Never take note of the information contained in any text. Thought spoken is a lie.
The main source of information in any text are reservations, errors and omissions of the author. Always pay attention to them and try to interpret them on the basis of elements and properties of contexts known to you that are relevant to the subject under discussion.

Compare sources. Pay attention to all logical contradictions within texts and between texts from different sources. Try to interpret contradictions on the basis of elements and properties of contexts known to you that are relevant to the subject under discussion.

Mastering any text or video, always keep in mind the question of who benefits from the publication of the stated facts and their proposed interpretation. How close are these interests to yours?

When analyzing the arguments of partners, always try to classify the arguments on the basis of "who benefits from it", according to the nature of the interests behind them. Feel free to move from the analysis of the arguments to the discussion of these interests themselves. Only after their clarification return to the analysis of the actual argumentation.

During the discussion, reflect on your attitude to the process. Avoid identifying your argumentation and your personality. Avoid fixations on defended positions. All the time try to catch the line beyond which the position turns into an idee fix, and its upholding begins to be perceived as self-affirmation. Try not to cross this line.

Do not believe that truth is born in disputes. In disputes, only hostility towards each other is born. Avoid turning the discussion into an argument.

Discussion and dispute differ in the nature of the objectives of the parties. The purpose of the dispute is to protect your interests and obtain the maximum benefit. The purpose of the discussion is to clarify positions. The dispute is led by opponents, the discussion is led by partners.

There is no absolute truth. In the discussion, we are not looking for the truth, but clarifying the positions - both our own and those of our partners. Such clarification is useful for the purposes of developing adequate behavioral strategies and increasing adaptability to the surrounding information environment.
Or do not write or read at all, for misunderstood is worse than ignorance.

How to successfully analyze information?

Analyzing the proposed information occasions and texts, participating in the discussions of the Club, we suggest that you adhere to the following rules, which will ensure the greatest progress of your analytical and adaptive abilities in the process of discussions:

  1. Never believe words, take into account only concrete facts.
  2. Everything that is said and written is necessarily intended to conceal the truth. Hiding the truth is one of the most important motives of any human activity, including verbal. This motive, often along with others, is ALWAYS present in the author of any text. In most cases, the author wants to hide information not only from you, but also from himself - that is, his unconscious performs uncontrolled censorship of the provisions he formulates.
  3. Never take note of the information contained in any text. Thought spoken is a lie.
  4. The main source of information in any text are reservations, errors and omissions of the author. Always pay attention to them and try to interpret them on the basis of elements and properties of contexts known to you that are relevant to the subject under discussion.
  5. Compare sources. Pay attention to all logical contradictions within texts and between texts from different sources. Try to interpret contradictions on the basis of elements and properties of contexts known to you that are relevant to the subject under discussion.
  6. When reading any text, always keep in mind the question of who benefits from the publication of the stated facts and their proposed interpretation. How close are these interests to yours?
  7. When analyzing the arguments of partners, always try to classify the arguments on the basis of "who benefits from it", according to the nature of the interests behind them. Feel free to move from the analysis of the arguments to the discussion of these interests themselves. Only after their clarification return to the analysis of the actual argumentation.
  8. When discussing specific issues, practice moving to the meta level, to discussing more general contradictions. Return to the analysis of the actual argumentation on the issue under discussion after clarification general principles. Without solving general issues, you will inevitably return to them, solving private ones.
  9. During the discussion, reflect on your attitude to the process. Avoid identifying your argumentation and your personality. Avoid fixations on defended positions. All the time try to catch the line beyond which the position turns into an idee fix, and its upholding begins to be perceived as self-affirmation. Try not to cross this line.
  10. Do not believe that truth is born in disputes. In disputes, only hostility towards each other is born. Avoid turning the discussion into an argument.
  11. Discussion and dispute differ in the nature of the objectives of the parties. The purpose of the dispute is to protect your interests and obtain the maximum benefit. The purpose of the discussion is to clarify positions. The dispute is led by opponents, the discussion is led by partners.
  12. There is no absolute truth. In the discussion, we are not looking for the truth, but clarifying the positions - both our own and those of our partners. Such clarification is useful for the purposes of developing adequate behavioral strategies and increasing adaptability to the surrounding information environment.

“Reports that something has not happened are of no interest to me, since we all know that there are known events that we know about, there are things that we do not know about. We also know that there are things we don't know about, in other words, there are certain things we don't know about. But there is also something that is unknown and that we don't know about - something that we don't know about, whether we know something about it"
(C) Donald Rumsfeld

Analysis (Analysis) as a quality of a person is the ability of the mind to mentally or actually divide an object into elements, to make a comprehensive analysis, consideration of individual aspects, properties for judging the whole.

A client comes to a psychologist: - Everything is bad with me, my whole life has collapsed! - Let's analyze what exactly upsets you so much. - The wife left for another, the car was stolen, the collapse in business, the loss of friends, health problems ... - And you write a note "it will not always be like this", multiply it and distribute it throughout the apartment. Let these notes be with you everywhere. Several years have passed, the same client comes to the specialist: - Doc, you helped me so much! I met a wonderful woman, my business improved, my health improved, I bought an even cooler car, my friends appeared even better .... The psychologist listened seriously and said: - Yes, but do not throw away the notes!

Analysis is a blessed function of the mind. The mind is called upon to distinguish, recognize, analyze, abstract, synthesize, compare, compare, put into practice, make reasonable, rational habit or manifested quality of the personality. The mind functions in the “useful or harmful” mode, it is necessary to do this or it is categorically impossible. The mind says, “I like it. I want it. You can enjoy this. Reason cuts him off: - But it's harmful. There is no benefit from this. Therefore, calm down, calm down your “I want” and pass by as if this is none of your business.

In each case, when you need to make a responsible decision, the mind requires its own analysis. A wise mind always requires analysis. A person performs thousands of actions a day. It's easy to get confused about what's good and what's bad. In a word, sometimes the mind says: — Stop. I do not understand the expediency and reasonableness of this act, these relations. If I don't understand, let's analyze.

The philosopher Vyacheslav Ruzov writes that it is easier for a person when he is given a list, hung in the kitchen, on the refrigerator: this is impossible, this is impossible, and he is happy. I went to do something, read: but this is not written. It’s written about this, it’s written about that, but it’s not written about that. So maybe it's possible? But no, the mind goes further. The mind requires its own analysis. This is the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge does not require analysis, wisdom requires analysis. Knowledge requires reconciliation, a person reconciles. I know that this is impossible - and he checks. Surely not? Absolutely impossible, that's all. That is, he compares one fact with some other fact. This is the ability to match. So he has some kind of reference book. He chooses a treatise as a reference book and consults it. But try to check so simply with a treatise that is written in the style of wisdom, see how difficult it is to check with it, how many different things are given. Various signs are listed.

Wisdom is not comparison, wisdom is analysis. We must analyze and determine for ourselves what this or that action, this or that thought refers to. Wisdom, in addition to the informative component, also saves a person from stupid desires, as it shows him their inner essence, reveals their signs, and this stops his degradation.

Why is relationship analysis needed? If we analyze the style of our relationships and know how to behave in this or that case, then this will give us an understanding of how to really help, how to bring happiness, how to take care of this or that case. If we simply analyze a person, there is no sense. If we analyze the relationships themselves, in what style they go, where they lead, then this gives us an understanding. Therefore, the relationship is painted. The rudest, for example, senior, equal, junior. If we analyze this, we understand ourselves in these relationships, then we can understand how we should behave correctly and what is needed in this case. So, for example, if we analyze that I am younger in relation to this elder, then I should give him my respect, this will make him happy, because the elder becomes happy from respect.

If I don't respect him, it will make him unhappy. This analysis provides an opportunity to improve something. But if we just think about it, it makes no sense. Therefore, you need to think about the relationship, and not about the person. Once again - about the relationship, not about the person. This will be a solution, that is, to think about relationships, to separate relationships and try to understand how to behave correctly with certain personalities, just because all behavior is divided into directions. Correct behavior in relation to this layer. This analysis is positive. But the analysis of the person himself is negative. What will he give us? Only criticism. And the analysis of the relationship will give a solution how to bring happiness.

An intelligent person stands on the platform of the Disciple all his life. Live and learn. He constantly passes exams, learns life lessons. This requires the function of the mind - the ability to analyze karmic situations. A person should ask himself the question: - What does this situation teach me?

We need an analysis of the negative lesson of fate. In the course of the analysis, the manifested negative quality of the personality is revealed. There is a statement of fact: for example, a bad deed is caused by greed. A reasonable person understands that greed can be dealt with by cultivating generosity in himself, and acts in this direction.

A joke on the subject.

A professor walks along the corridor of the university. Towards a student: - Hello, professor. May I ask you? “Of course, ask, young man. - Tell me, professor, when you go to bed, do you put your beard on the blanket or under the blanket? After a pause: - Yes, you know, somehow I didn’t think about it. - Well, excuse me, please. Dispersed. A week later, a green professor with circles under his eyes meets the same student in the corridor and grabs him by the chest: - Well, you bastard! I can’t sleep for a week already - I analyze everything: it’s so uncomfortable, and so uncomfortable!

Petr Kovalev 2015
