The best construction universities in the world. Review of foreign architectural schools

The best construction universities in the world.  Review of foreign architectural schools

Study, study and study again. Don't know where? Prointerno has compiled a list of the best architecture schools to help (future) students find the right university and go abroad.

School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

It is not so easy to enter the most prestigious university in the United States - they say that on average out of 20 applicants only one becomes a student. The university produces both outstanding theoretical scientists and brilliant engineers - it is not without reason that its motto reads Mens et Manus (“With Head and Hands”). The Faculty of Architecture is known for its strong curriculum - by the way, it was recently digitized and made publicly available.

School graduates, bachelors and specialists who want to continue their studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology must provide a certificate (or diploma), write three essays, pass several tests and pass an interview. Annual tuition here costs about $40,000 - but there is the opportunity to receive a grant (and each student is provided with a room in a dormitory). By the way, the beaver was chosen as the symbol of the university, because it is called “an engineer by nature.”

School of Architecture of the Architectural Association (England)

The good old school in good old England offers 11 educational programs in different areas - the cost depends on the chosen course (but both grants and scholarships are provided). Oddly enough, AA School is rarely included in the lists best universities- although it was founded back in 1847, and among its graduates there are such “stars” of architecture as Zaha Hadid and David Chipperfield. The school is housed in several historic Georgian buildings, and the institution is no stranger to innovative approaches to teaching.

Bartlett School of Architecture (England)

One of the leading architecture schools in England (along with the AA School) stands out for its demandingness towards students - but it must be admitted that none of the students are in a hurry to complain. Bartlett is under the auspices of renowned architecture firm Fosters & Partners, which provides materials and equipment for the annual exhibition. Students have a good reason to take part in this event (and try) - after all, the authors best works will get an internship with Norman Foster himself.

University of Delft (Holland)

Each of the universities on our list by default deserves the definition of “one of the best,” but Delft Technical University called the best among European architectural schools. While English is sufficient for master's studies, postgraduate studies require students to speak Dutch. Annual training here is relatively inexpensive - about €10,000.

Bauhaus University (Germany)

Germany is justifiably considered a European center free education- for example, studying at the Bauhaus will not cost a single €. The glorious past of the university, where even Wassily Kandinsky worked, has given way to an equally glorious present - the academic community recognizes the authority of the university.

both local citizens and foreign students can study architecture, and foreigners often use the preparation program - they first study for 1-2 years in a preparatory program at the university, and then apply for admission to the first, second or third year of a bachelor’s degree, depending on the program. You can continue your studies either at your current university or at another university in your chosen specialization.

How and where to start training to become an architect?

Option 1: Start studying in one of or finish in a direction related to the arts

Option 2: Take preparatory programs in architecture in the USA. You can complete this training and enroll in the specialty "Architecture" at the following educational institutions:

Architecture schools in the USA and UK:

  • : Architecture and design

In this case, it is necessary to submit a complete report card with grades and a list of disciplines studied: your scores will be converted into educational credits (credit units), and the admissions committee will decide whether your acquired knowledge is sufficient for admission to the university.

The direction of “Architecture” has several specialized specializations - for example, landscape design, urban design and others. They are mainly studied in master's programs following bachelor's degrees. Students study for a master's degree for 1-2-3 years (if they entered with a diploma of another or related specialty), but if a bachelor's degree was also obtained in architecture, then studying for a master's degree will take only a year.

Working as an architect requires an official license to work, and the document must be obtained in the country where you plan to work. To obtain an architect's license in the USA, you need to complete the following steps:

1) Complete a three-year paid internship with the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB)

2) Hand over profile exam Architect Registration Exam (ARE).

Interns can work and gain valuable experience under the supervision of an already licensed professional: drafting drawings and models, developing and improving designs, working to specifications of objects. In order to confirm the issued license, the architect must constantly participate in professional lectures, conferences and seminars - if desired, you can have licenses to work in two or more countries (to do this, you need to contact the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards). If your license was obtained in , but you plan to work in another country, you can conduct labor and design activities there, but your plans and drawings must be signed by a specialist who has received permission in that particular state. As for salaries, architects can earn up to $75,000-$85,000 after receiving a diploma and license.

If you want to study at a US university and obtain a bachelor's degree in architecture, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • A full report from your previous place of study (including a list of disciplines studied and points earned, name of university and department) + application in the form of an American university
  • Letters of recommendation from teachers, potential customers and clients, employers and colleagues
  • Results - most universities require scores from this exam. The SAT will be most important if you are an incoming freshman, but if you are in a transfer program, the SAT will be important, but more emphasis will be placed on your learning outcomes, programs studied, and credits earned.
  • Portfolio of work: design and architectural projects, paintings, sketches, photographs, examples of developed design (interior, urban, landscape), etc. Show admissions committee that you are really talented!
  • An introductory essay, where you talk about your strengths and advantages, argue for your desire to study in the USA at a specific university and in this particular specialty
  • English language proficiency test results - or (usually IELTS).

You can try to apply for a scholarship: it’s quite difficult to get one, especially foreign citizens, but there is still such an opportunity - a scholarship can save you significant funds on education. For such a request, there are special sections in the official university application: justify your desire to receive a scholarship, support it with financial documents, evidence of your achievements and success. Remember that scholarships go to the most talented, promising and gifted students - show that you are one of them.

Remember that transferring and entering always involves some degree of risk. We recommend applying to several universities at once (up to 10), so that if one or two are rejected, you can not waste time and still enroll in the chosen year. Below we have compiled a list for you

We present to your attention the top 25 most beautiful educational institutions peace. Most of them are among the top 100 according to Forbes magazine, but this is not a coincidence. After all, deep internal content supported by external attractiveness always gives the maximum effect.

25. Delft University of Technology, Holland

The traditionalist-style main building of Delft University of Technology has been extensively and creatively refurbished for students after a fire in 2008. Before that, the Department of Architecture was located here.

The most prominent building on campus is the library building. This extraordinary modern structure is located on a slope and is pierced by a 42-meter cone. Designed by famous architectural bureau Mecanoo.

24. University of California, USA

Located in Santa Cruz on the grounds of a former ranch, this California university offers stunning scenery. View of Pacific Ocean, redwood forests and endless open glades make it truly a resort town. Moreover, the design is designed in such a way as not to harm the environment.

For students who prefer to gain knowledge in the fresh air, there are more than 100 wireless Internet access points throughout the campus.

23. University of Tokyo, Japan

Hongo's main campus covers approximately 56 hectares and is located on the former estate of the Maeda family.

Here is the symbol of the university - the Red Gate of Akamon, which is an important cultural site Japan.

22. Kazan State University named after. V. I. Ulyanova-Lenina, Russia

The entire complex of this oldest Russian university was built in the style of postmodernism. The architectural “discord” characteristic of this style on the university campus still looks like a single ensemble, despite the diversity of individual elements.

21. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

The most famous building of the college is the Old Library, which houses an ancient manuscript. It was written by Irish monks in the year 800, so it is considered the main treasure of the Long Room - as the library is sometimes called because of its resemblance to a Baroque chapel.

20. Australian University in Warrnambool

The new building of this university attracts attention with its unusual facade. This is a design of hexagons that are located at an angle to the street.

The frame is lined with zinc and glass and represents a clear example of the application modern technologies in the architecture of the new era.

19. Chernivtsi National University. Yu. Fedkovich, Ukraine

The main building of the university is included in the World Heritage List cultural heritage UNESCO. This building amazes with the richness of its design; it combines elements of Gothic, Oriental and Byzantine motifs. It is not for nothing that at one time the residence of the metropolitans of Bukovina and Dalmatia was located here.

18. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

The state-of-the-art Frank Gehry-designed complex, which houses the Center for Computing, Information and Intelligence Sciences, is MIT's main attraction. According to some reports, $315 million was spent on its construction, and Bill Gates was the sponsor.

17. University of Chicago, USA

The university was opened in 1857, but began to function fully only in 1890 after financial investments from D. Rockefeller. It is notable for its rich library, which houses rare manuscripts. 79 university graduates became Nobel laureates.

One of the buildings is a truly outstanding example of modern architectural art. This refrigeration unit is a kind of art object that serves to air condition the campus buildings.

16. University of Bologna, Italy

This is the oldest European university, dating back to the Roman Empire. Graduation and graduation ceremonies are still held in the amphitheater of the ancient center of Palazzo Archiginasio. The university is home to the National Art Gallery, which houses works by Titian and Raphael.

15. US Air Force Academy

The academy's main building is a masterpiece of mid-century American modernism. The panorama of the rocky mountains harmoniously emphasizes the shape of the structure, reminiscent of an airplane wing. The Cadet Chapel is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful buildings in America.

14. Tsinghua University, China

This Beijing university was founded at the beginning of the last century on the site of a former imperial garden of the Qin Dynasty.

Most of the buildings and landscape are decorated in traditional Chinese style, there are many artificial lakes with blooming lotus and stone benches everywhere.

13. Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosova (MSU)

This is one of the oldest universities in Russia, it still remains the largest and leading university in the country. The number of buildings of the university complex reaches a thousand, and the total area is 1 million square meters. For a long time, the Main Building was the tallest building in Moscow.

12. University of Technology Zurich, Switzerland

This university is considered one of the strongest technical universities in the world. Today it is located on two extensive campuses - historical building, built in the century before last in the center of Zurich, and new buildings that are scattered throughout the city.

11. Cornell University, USA

The main campus is characterized by a haphazard layout and eclectic architectural style. There are buildings in Gothic, Victorian and neoclassical styles. The buildings, the most outstanding in terms of decoration and architecture, were erected before the Second World War.

10. Scripps College in Claremont, California

The architects successfully combined the style of the buildings and the landscape into a single composition. A huge garden of rare trees creates a cozy and autumnal feeling for students (Scripps College is an all-female class) and campus guests.

9. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg (Virginia, USA)

One of the buildings of this college is the oldest college structure in the country. This educational institution occupies an area of ​​more than a thousand acres covered with forest. Most of the buildings are built in the Anglo-Dutch and Georgian architectural styles. This campus is attractive not only for students, but also for tourists.

8. University of Toronto, Canada

All the old buildings of the university, which was founded long before the advent of Canada itself, are designed in Victorian style. Interestingly, the professors of this educational institution are clergy.

7. Sorbonne, Paris

This university was founded in 1275, and today it is a complex of 13 educational institutions that are scattered throughout Paris. Many buildings have been converted into museums, which can only be visited in a group of 30 people.

6. Yale University, USA

Yale University boasts many iconic buildings, including Ingalls Rink and the Louis Kahn Gallery of Art and Architecture. In total, the campus has 439 buildings.

5. Princeton University, USA

The classic American campus of Princeton University is built in the academic Gothic style and is the head of the honorary association of Ivy League universities. Naturally, its gray stone walls are shrouded in green ivy.

4. Stanford University, USA

The university's location makes it unique among similar traditional campuses. It is located on a plain surrounded by hills.

The design of the university campus was developed by the famous architect, creator of the New York Central Park project, Charles Coolidge. He combined the neo-Romanesque and Catholic styles that were fashionable at that time, giving the campus originality, lightness and harmonious lines.

3. Harvard University, USA

This university is the oldest in North America and today is rightfully considered one of the best in the world. Harvard is located in the Boston suburb of Cambridge, which is accessible by local tram.

The collection of the Harvard library, one of the three largest in the world, contains more than 15 million books.

2. University of Cambridge, UK

Cambridge's most famous building is King's College Cathedral, which took almost 100 years to build and has become the university's greatest architectural monument. Every year at Christmas the performance of the cathedral boys' choir is broadcast on central television channels.

1.Oxford University, UK

Any world-famous architect will call this university one of the most beautiful in the world.

The oldest educational institution has 39 colleges that are currently available for inspection. There is something to see: local history and history museums, libraries and the most luxurious botanical gardens in all of England.

We will assume that doubts and fears have been cast aside, and with varying degrees of firmness you have decided to study architectural skills abroad. Without pretending to be original, I would advise you to first decide on a course.Your decision will certainly be influenced by what segment life path This thought came to you.

Roughly speaking, there are only three of them:

2) Upon receipt of a Bachelor's or Specialist's degree in a Russian architectural (and perhaps mathematical, engineering or even artistic) university.

3) Upon receipt of a Master's degree from one of the Russian universities.

These starting points will give you further coordinates for choosing a foreign institute.

  1. In the first case, you will have to be patient: despite Russia’s accession to Bologna process(the process of creating a single European higher education space), foreign universities are still wary of our educational system.

Therefore, in most countries you will have to take preliminary courses lasting from 9 months to 2 years (depending on the chosen country). It is encouraging that often final exams Such courses are equivalent to introductory courses to a university. You can bypass preparatory programs if you apply for admission after completing the first years of a Russian university. True, in this case, years of study at a Russian university most often do not count and “burn out.”

  1. In the second case, admission to the “zero” level does not stand up to criticism: despite all the cliches, Russian education still worth a lot. During the first courses you will mark time, clearly surpassing your classmates in knowledge. So once you have some basic knowledge, consider a master's program. Please note that the admission process for master's programs is more personalized than for bachelor's programs. Sometimes work experience, recommendations are needed, and serious attention is paid to the personal qualities of the candidate. Bad news for Specialists: despite the whole year difference, most likely your diploma will be equivalent to a bachelor's degree.
  2. And finally, the most venerable and experienced architects with a Master's degree, seeking to get a powerful career lift, will be interested in Postgraduate programs or obtaining a PhD degree.

Having decided on the program, you will have to face the next challenge: choosing a country.

My advice: don't look for the easy way out!The best way to learn/improve a language is only in the native country! Cast aside your doubts and immerse yourself in the local flavor! Of course, do not forget to prepare the ground for maneuvers using the Internet or one of the agencies described above.

The second factor will be your architectural preferences. Try to become as close as possible to familiarize yourself with the architectural traditions of the countries that make up your shortlist and project them onto yourself. No matter how much Western education officials strive to fit everything to one standard, each country has its own style and special national features in construction. They will undoubtedly find a response in curriculum local architectural schools. Therefore it is important that character traits local architectural heritage harmonized with your sense of style.

As you might guess, the third factor will be your material well-being. It will not be superfluous to apply for a grant or scholarship. Oddly enough, the most important thing in receiving a grant will be a correctly completed set of documents. Therefore, you need to start preparing in advance, one and a half to two years before the start of training.

The same applies to formal requirements for the university admission process. You will be required to provide a copy of your diploma higher education, an appendix to it, a transcript - an academic certificate of all disciplines completed at school (or university) with grades; CV (resume), where you will need to indicate your contacts, education, achievements, work experience (if any), knowledge foreign languages and other documents. Sometimes you also need to write a cover letter, in which you need to answer the question: why do I want to study at this particular university, and collect 1-2 letters of recommendation. You can find a complete list of documents on the website of the selected university.

Review of foreign higher educational institutions / ARCHITECTURE

SchoolArchitectureArchitecturalAssociations, England(Architectural Association School of Architecture)

Legendary architectural school, the undisputed leader in ratings.

More than 90% of both students and teaching staff are foreigners. Among the graduates are such masters as Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Daniel Libeskindand, Richard Rogers, who taught there at different times. The program is presented as “full-fledged” educational programs (5-year programs with a diploma and assignment of the specialty “architect” according to ARB/RIBA, as well as master’s programs (Master of Arts and Master of Science - in a year or Master of Architecture - in 16 months)), and post-graduate programs lasting a year in 11 areas.

Due to the popularity of universities, the administration is quite demanding of applicants: good knowledge of the language (IELTS (Academic) with an average score of 6.5 or 90 TOEFL points), portfolio, interview and, of course, solvency.

The average cost of a year of study is 16 thousand pounds; scholarships and grants are available for gifted students.

To top it off, it should be noted that in addition to the educational process itself, the school regularly organizes exhibitions and open lectures, and also has its own publishing house, AA Publications, and one of the best architectural bookstores, AA bookshop.

SchoolArchitectureColumbianuniversity, USA(Columbia's Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation)

Another monster of architectural education, Columbia's Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation (GSAPP), has been training specialists since 1881.

As the name suggests, the school is a division of Columbia University in New York, which is part of the Ivy League and widely known outside the United States.

The school of architecture at the university is in no way inferior to its alma mater in terms of eminence: annually it ranks in the top 5 rankings of such respected resources as ArchitectMagazine, DesignIntelligence and In addition, the yearbooks and teaching staff are simply teeming with the superstars of modern architecture: Peter Eisenmann, Frank O Gehry, Steven Holl, Greg Lynn and others. The school itself specializes in master's (7 areas lasting 2.5-3 years) programs and specialized courses (duration 2-3 months).

Thus, education at GSAPP will be of interest to already certified architects. Having decided to study here, you will have to worry about preparing documents in advance: applications for study are accepted until August of the year preceding the desired period of study, and only in the online form from the website.

In addition to the traditional diploma transcript, you will need 3 letters of recommendation, a portfolio, an essay (about 500 words on the topic of why you chose GSAPP), a non-refundable application fee of $75, as well as a TOEFL IBT with a minimum of 100 points. In addition to bureaucratic costs, you will have to face a serious financial selection: the average cost of a semester will be about $22,000 (plus student fees). Grants are available to US citizens only.

Faculty of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (MassachusettsInstituteofTechnologyDepartmentofarchitecture)

It is difficult to suspect the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of an inferiority complex due to its proximity to the popular Harvard. The institute is rightfully considered a world leader in the field of science and technology, and the list of eminent graduates will compete with Harvard (among them Tony Stark - Iron Man). The same goes for MIT's School of Architecture, founded in 1868 and considered the world's first university architecture program.

The school offers a full cycle of education: bachelor's degree (4-year program The Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BSA)), master's degree (the Master of Architecture (MArch) - 3.5 years, The Master of Science in Architecture Studies (SMArchS) - 2.5 years) and doctoral studies ( Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture (PhD) – minimum 2 years). There is the possibility of distance learning online.

The MIT School of Architecture has simply huge teaching areas, an extensive library and is equipped with the latest computer systems and technologies.

To apply for training, you must complete online registration, prepare a portfolio, TOEFL IBT with 100 points, or testing at the institute. Tuition traditionally costs a pretty penny for famous American universities: $20 thousand. per semester, but it is possible to receive a grant for training.

Technical University of Munich, Germany (Technische Universität München, TUM)

The university is part of the association of technical universities in Germany TU 9 and is the largest university in Bavaria.

The Faculty of Architecture at TUM is generally the only place in Bavaria where you can get a degree in Architecture.

The faculty has been awarded various prizes more than once: Deutscher Architekturpreis - national award in the field of architecture, Deutscher Städtebaupreis - national award in the field of urban planning, European Architecture + Technology Award, Mies-van-der-Rohe Prize, RIBA Award. According to the national agency DAAD, the faculty's program has been assigned a top rating - the highest on a four-point system.

The faculty offers both a bachelor's program (8 semesters, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) TUM, language of instruction - German) and a master's program (Master of Arts (M.A.) TUM - 4 semesters, language - German; Master of Science (M.Sc.) TUM – 4 semesters, language – German/English depending on the course) or doctoral program (6 semesters).

The cost is on average 500 euros per semester (plus student fees).

Bauhaus, Germany (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)

Created during the heyday of the Bauhaus, the school building in Weimar is classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Under the roof of the Bauhaus, outstanding architects, artists, and designers of the 20th century worked side by side, including Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky and Lionel Feininger. In addition to its historical past, the school is famous throughout the world for its modern and innovative educational program and prestigious diploma. A regular award winner, the university in Thuringia made a name for itself this year as well.

Educational process involves bachelor's (3 years), master's (2 years) and doctoral studies. Teaching at the Faculty of Architecture is exclusively in German, so a DSH-Prüfung certificate is required.

Traditionally for German schools: online registration and internal exam. A portfolio and interview are also provided. The cost will be about 500 euros per semester.

Technical University of Milan, Italy (Politecnico di Milano)

The university was founded on November 29, 1863 and is the oldest in Milan. In Italian, the term Politecnico means a university specializing exclusively in engineering and architecture.

The university is located on 7 main campuses, students of the Faculty of Architecture study in the main Leonardo Campus and the Piacenza Campus.

Bachelor's program in English language provides 3 years and 2 directions: Architecture and Industrial Design.

The master's degree will take 2 years (6 directions), you can also enroll in doctoral studies.

To submit an application, you must fill out the online form, prepare a motivation letter, diploma transcript, resume and certificate of English proficiency (TOEFL IBT: 82, IELTS: 6).

Tuition fees start from 850 euros per year (depending on the grades in your diploma), but the institute provides a system of scholarships and grants (only for those entering the Leonardo Campus). In addition to education, the university has a graduate employment service - CareerService (80% of graduates find work within six months after graduation).

Higher technical school Zurich, Switzerland (ETH Zurich-DARCH)

ETH Zurich was founded on October 16, 1855 and is the most prestigious university in Switzerland.

The school is recognized as the best university in continental Europe according to the Shanghai Ranking ARWU, the Times Higher Education Ranking and QS World University Ranking.

21 The Nobel Prize was awarded to graduates of the school, the most famous of whom was A. Einstein.

A bachelor's degree will take 3 years, including a 6-month internship, a master's degree will take 2 years. Knowledge of German must be confirmed by a DSH-3 certificate or equivalent, English - TOEFL IBT: 100, IELTS: 7, plus a package of documents from the site. Then the applicant faces entrance exams.

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts was founded in 1754 in the city of Copenhagen. In 1960, the School of Architecture, which was part of it, was transformed into an independent division and its diploma was equivalent to a university Master's degree.

At the moment, the school provides two types of training: full-time educational program Bachelor-Master (3 years/2 years respectively) and exclusively Master Program. In the first case, training takes place in Danish, so you will have to undergo a mandatory state exam.

In the second case, knowledge of English will be required at the level of TOEFL internetbased - 80, IELTS - 6.0, small groups are recruited (no more than 10 people), training in two directions - Architecture in Urban Context and Design in Architectural Contexts.

The cost of education will be 5,000 euros per semester.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that almost all of the listed schools hold “Open Days”.

Show independence and patience, and you will certainly find a university to your liking.

Material prepared by Sergey Titov

The average Russian competition for one “architectural” place is quite high. The determining factor is the requirement from applicants to demonstrate their creative potential, without which it will be very difficult to study architecture. This explains the fact that many enter such faculties after art school, already having behind them the basic skills of creation, creativity and design. All this knowledge, if available, will be very useful to a person, starting from the first year: while studying at architectural universities, students are forced to draw a lot (manually, or - later - using special application programs).

Top ten universities

There are quite a lot of well-known universities in this field across Russia, but we will list only 10 of them:

  1. (SFU or RSU - Rostov State University).
  2. (MARCHI).
  3. (SPbGASU)
  4. (GUZ), located in Moscow
  5. (URFU)
  6. (NNGASU).
  7. Siberian federal university(Siberian Federal University) - Krasnoyarsk city.
  8. Military Engineering and Technical University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (VITU).
  9. (MGSU).

Quality of education and the prospects arising from it

Over time, the quality of education in Russian architectural universities should reach higher levels. high level. When preparing the relevant plans, the authorized bodies take as a basis, first of all, the American model of architectural education.

According to this model, after completing training in an accredited program, the student proceeds to an internship. Here he receives more in-depth knowledge, both in design and design supervision in construction and architecture.

After the internship, professional licensing of the graduate’s knowledge should be carried out. The license, which gives the owner the right to conduct architectural and construction activities, is renewed once a year - on the basis of mandatory advanced training. With this professional positioning scheme, the graduate will have every chance of becoming a sought-after specialist.
