To this day no one knows. Until now, no one knows the truth about Stalin

To this day no one knows.  Until now, no one knows the truth about Stalin

Few people know that back in June 2015, the next congress of the Bilderberg Club took place, at which it was decided to... transfer the global payment system to electronic form. In fact, we have come close to the stage of eliminating cash. Anyone who does not have an electronic card (and then the “mark of the beast”!) will not be able to buy or sell. And only the diligent prayer power of the righteous still restrains the “behind the scenes” from this step...
Literally a month after these events, it became known that from the beginning of 2016 Russia will also switch to electronic money and cash registers that display all people’s purchases on the Internet. ...

As the expert writes Vladimir Rusinov (at the same time, the editors omit some of his judgments and definitions, which are either not relevant or are, in our opinion, a delusion - ed.), h then the main thing is important to know and understand in the issue of countering the implementation "marks of the beast" in the world? - It is necessary to know the goal pursued by the forces of Darkness. Then it is possible to resist their plans to block the path of enslaving people here, in Rus' and throughout the planet.

Main target dark forces are chipization, soul capture, - implementation "marks of the beast" , death, destruction of humanity. Path to achieve such a goal, the main plan of the dark (servants of the Antichrist - ed.)- to achieve the possibility of threatening to disconnect the current account through which purchases of all means of subsistence are made, forcing Thus fulfill their demand. So that, under pain of death due to the threat of being deprived of the opportunity to live, nourish the body, receive services, have housing, everyone began to accept their disastrous "label", “the seal of Satan” (a “mark” applied to the body and an implanted enslaving microchip that turns a person into a robotic creature without consciousness - this is the death of the soul...) The system wants to seize power over the distribution of physical means and through this then influence the spiritual will of people.

How practically do they try to achieve this? And at what stage is the implementation of this goal?- If everyone ends up in conditions When will it be possible to make purchases? only through an electronic system organized by dark forces(cashless computer network throughout the world) and the resulting individual document, biopassport card, - then anyone can be disconnected from this network by the system owners. Then ALL may be threatened with the shutdown of their current account and deprivation of their means of subsistence (food and drink, heating in the cold season, necessary medical and other services) in order for people to comply with the demands of Satan’s servants. EXACTLY EVERYONE will be threatened (and not, as some people think, “only certain disloyal individuals,” not only “opponents of the government” and “the guilty ones”), this must be understood. Everyone will be “disliked” system until they deliver satanic "mark"! This is a problem and a terrible fact for those who hope to “live somehow” under a future electronic digital dictatorship. The dark forces will not allow anyone to live, even as a “slave,” in the promised “electronic concentration camp”! It’s just that there won’t be anyone to live!.. The one who accepts "label"- will no longer be a person! - But only controlled biomass. Such a creature will have no consciousness. And the soul (located in darkened shells... even after disembodiment) will remain in terrible suffering.

Such conditions are being created right now. And there may only be a few months left before the final implementation of this situation.


The world behind the scenes of the main financial oligarchs has already clearly notified their plans abolition of cash in the world, transition only to electronic money;

The old financial system is systematically collapsing, and the beginning of the main crisis that will put an end to the old cash economy has already been realized, apparently from some "Black Monday".. which will end with the announcement of the need to switch “TO A NEW CALCULATION SYSTEM” as a condition for solving their crisis. “We are on the edge of a global transformation. All we need is a properly organized mega crisis, and nations will accept a new world order” (D. Rockefeller);

Untied third World War , which will accelerate the destruction of the financial system due to violation economic ties, and in the shortest possible time will lead to famine (food production will be sharply limited, when the necessary agricultural equipment stops due to a lack of fuel and components, it will be impossible to plant something in the required volume to feed multimillion-dollar cities; for example, now even the old horses no, which were plowed, and the farms use only purchased seeds, which will not be available, and due to a power outage, processing and preservation of products will become impossible; “intensive” agricultural methods of food production will be forgotten, and the previous ones will be unattainable);

And most importantly, “electronic documents” are imposed on everyone - so that everyone contacts the “Beast” system through a certain identifier number issued to him with the potential function of performing trade operations, with the achievement of the ability to indicate to everyone the requirement to FOLLOW the instructions of the dark forces - to accept the laser on the hand or forehead “ mark" and agree to implant an enslaving chip (as a condition for saving included current account or enabling an already blocked).

“...At the end of May, a secret meeting of representatives of the transnational financial elite was held in London... Some major tectonic shift is taking place in the global economy, the bigwigs of the financial world took up this issue... The issue of to finally “end the end of cash”…” (“The end of cash is coming!”, ).

“Representatives of the largest Western banks discussed the transition from cash to non-cash payments. According to financiers, gradually the whole world should have a ban has been introduced on the use of paper money. The secret meeting took place in London in May, says American economist Martin Armstrong. The transition to a 100% cashless payment system will mean that a person will completely lose economic freedom» (“Secret meeting in Foggy Albion. The ban on the circulation of cash leads to totalitarianism”,

“...Well-known financial forecasters say that virtually all governments in the world will suffer a gigantic economic crisis in the first week of October 2015. In our opinion, from this date the United States will launch a procedure for renouncing paper dollars and external debts, with the transition for electronic money… In the future, the EU and Japan plan to join this process...It's interesting that The 70th session of the UN will be held in New York from 15 to 22 September, at which the following are going to speak: US President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and immediately after him plans to speak Pope Francis…» (“EXPERTS. In October, the US will collapse the world economy...”, (All this, obviously, was in the plans of the builders of the “New World Order”. However, thank God, it failed once again! - ed.)

“The third encyclical of Benedict XVI has been published, where he calls for the creation body of "world political power"....According to the pontiff, “this organization must take on issues of disarmament, food security and immigration policy (“ The Pope called for the creation of a World Government",

The “New World Order” is the walking dead, chipped, biorobots, depicting, according to an embedded program, the behavior of former people, enslavement through the global system of electronic money. Although all this will be beautifully presented, at the highest political and religious level.

“As we know, the time will come when cash will be abolished all over the world... And this time is approaching very quickly. Along with introduction throughout the world, including on Russian soil, of electronic cards, which are the last stage before the introduction of the seal of the Antichrist, a whole range of preparatory measures for the introduction of single world currency and giving up cash...

The finance ministers of the European Union countries have just decided how to save the shaky single European currency. The Scandinavian countries, which never joined the euro, are today preoccupied with a different be or not to be banknotes and coins. That is, familiar payment instruments, the history of which goes back about five thousand years, the basis of modern civilization" (“THE COMPLETE CANCELLATION OF CASH IS COMING...”,

The “single world currency”, the announcement of the introduction of which is expected in these times, may also be "electronic money". Because the old coins and banknotes are clearly not positioned by world rulers as a suitable means for solving problems with the emerging crisis.

«… 9. The non-elite will not have any cash or coins in their hands. All payments will be made using a debit card on which the owner identification number. Any person who violates the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 will be punished by suspension of his or her card for a time depending on the nature and severity of the offense. When these people go shopping, they suddenly discover that their cards are blacklisted and they will not be able to receive any products or services. Attempts to sell “old” coins, i.e., silver coins of ancient or departed peoples(exchange for food, in an effort to survive, try to gain access to livelihood way, OUTSIDE made the only “legal” non-cash trading transactions, - approx. auto) , will be considered a serious crime, punishable by death...” (“Conspiracy Against Humanity.” Based on the book by D. Coleman “The Committee of 300”).

“...And he will do that to ALL, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, there will be an outline on right hand them or on their foreheads, and what no one will be allowed to buy or sell besides the one who has this is the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (no one except those who accepted the “seal of the Antichrist” 666. - Author’s note) . Here is wisdom. He who has intelligence count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; his number six hundred sixty six».

“...Who WORSHIPES the beast and his image and accepts style on his forehead or on his hand, he will drink the wine of the wrath of God... and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone... and the smoke of their torment will ascend forever and ever..." (Rev. 13:15-18; 14:9-11).

"Worship of the image of the beast" - will consist in agreement to use NOW INTRODUCED cashless payment system.

Until that time there was no final clarity, what does it consist of main danger transition of the population to “bio-passports”! Electronic “cards” are being introduced in Russia and Ukraine, replacing previous paper passports and cash.

As soon as everyone switches to such electronic passports, everything immediately CHANGES! There is an opportunity to influence the ability everyone acquire a livelihood! Then everyone can be ordered, under the threat of being cut off from access to purchase and sale transactions, so that they accept anything in the future - laser “inscription” 666, a chip implanted into the body and enslaving a person, and the tyrant Antichrist!

How many will be able to refuse if they are threatened with starvation, complete inability to buy anything from food, drink, or get heating for their home during the cold season of the year? Horror creeps in from the awareness of the defenselessness of the population in case the dark forces manage to impose the planned transition to such “electronic money”!!! After the abolition of the previously existing cash.

That's when it will be, basically, irreversibly accepted by the majority "mark of the beast" - when people will agree to accept an electronic document-passport (which also replaces money) and so enter the cashless payment system, prepared by dark forces in this world for many years!

Possession of information about the impending danger is a necessary condition, but by no means sufficient. In addition to knowing the warnings, there must be a non-abstract, actual way out of the situation. (You need ardent faith in God, the Savior, ardent and unceasing prayer, sobriety of mind... - ed.)

EVERYTHING depends on this. And yet, everyone needs to know the necessary information and be warned! Under no circumstances should you accept “bio-passports” or undergo digital scanning procedures.

... A strong impact will come through the chip (even if it is still outside, in the document). Even without this, today people are losing faith and becoming spiritually blind. And even more so with this psychotronic effect! Therefore, no one should be careless, follow the lead of the dark forces, agreeing to accept biometric documents to solve some of the problems that have arisen. This cannot be justified by any, even “good” intentions, since it will be a betrayal before the soul and God !


Brief introduction electronic ID card(“chipped”, mandatory passport for everyone) with the function of a single payment document, replacing the previous paper passport, we can say the following. In 2010, a law was passed on compulsory extradition to Russian Federation from 2015 to all so-called. “UEC” (“Universal Electronic Card”), which has the function of performing trade operations. But this card didn't turn out to be accepted by the population"massively" as expected. Because there was an opportunity to refuse, to ignore its implementation. (Today, after the official abolition of the UEC, it is known that for the entire time it was offered to the population, it was accepted only by... 600 thousand people throughout Russia! - ed.)

Subsequently, the Federal Migration Service published a project on the transition of the population to a “single electronic passport” in the form of a plastic card, so that it becomes main ID in the Russian Federation, however, without the function of performing trade operations. They started from afar, so as not to frighten too much right away... It was decided to issue such passports to everyone, including newborns...

Attention!- Legalized receiving by EVERYONE WITHOUT EXCEPTION such a passport requires mandatory passing each resident of the procedure for removing “biometric parameters”: fingerprinting and facial scanning for digital 3D photography (the same one, upon receipt of which, as you can see in the video on the operator display you can see signal… “LASER connected”, - such information is food for thought, taking into account the knowledge that the application of a “seal”, a barcode “inscription” invisible in normal lighting, is done with a laser).

And at the beginning of 2015, everything changed again: They have already decided to make the “passport” combined with the function of performing trading operations! So that it begins to provide the same thing as UEK, which people en masse did not want to take.

Thus, in order to still impose a single electronic payment document on the population, "animal" card , - decided to use a passport for this, which cannot be renounced! Because citizens cannot have a passport at all.

At the same time, the electronic infrastructure prepared for use by UEC will now also be used to operate the new passport, this time as a means of payment. Moreover, with REMOTE interaction of the chip located in it with reading devices (almost the same as when working with an already IMMEDIED ​​microchip - that is, the equipment is being prepared in anticipation of the chipization planned by the dark ones for the future). “UEK” worked when interacting with its contacts, like in telephone SIM cards.

“UEC” itself was left, and according to the official version, its implementation was postponed 2 years later (arguing this by the period of combining the work of the new passport and “UEC”). Although its functions have already been taken over by an electronic passport. Which now, according to all the described possibilities, ultimately is the “world passport” of the Antichrist system that the seers warned about. A similar document will be issued to everyone and in all countries as soon as it is implemented unified government system on Earth and one cashless computer trading network. Whatever the owners of such a passport are ordered to do, they will do... Because failure to comply will immediately threaten with deprivation of access to trade operations, and all civil rights inhabitants of such a “world state”.

The Federal Migration Service has prepared a draft decree according to which an electronic plastic card will become the main identity document in Russia.

“The Federal Migration Service of Russia has developed a draft law to replace the current civil passports with identity cards of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the form of a plastic card with an electronic storage medium... ALL Russian citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation will be required to have an electronic identity card, starting from birth»» (« The authorities will equip all Russians, including babies, with chips in just over a year",

“It will be impossible to buy or sell...” The FMS and the UEC agreed to make an electronic passport a means of payment.

“Future electronic passports of Russians will be able to be used like payment cards. In this case, payments can only be made CONTACTLESS. Electronic passports of Russians will support the payment function. The new type of documents will be issued in pilot regions, the names of which have not yet been disclosed. From January 1, 2016, electronic passports will be issued ACROSS THE WHOLE COUNTRY. Newborns will also be able to receive new types of documents…” ( God, even then these plans were destined to fail, but they will not stop there - ed.)

It was decided to delay the issuance of universal electronic cards for two years.

“Deadline for issuing universal electronic cards (UEC) to all Russian citizens postponed for two years. ...Until December 31, 2016, any citizen could still receive the UEC upon personal application. This was reported by the federal authorized organization - the UEC company. “The shift in timing is due to the need to synchronize the mandatory issuance of the UEC and the START OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ELECTRONIC PASSPORT, the decision on which was made by the government,” said then company president Alexey Popov. - An infrastructure for issuing and applying UEC has been created in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It will also be used to apply an electronic passport” (

IN COLONIZED UKRAINE, ACCORDING TO THE UNIFIED PLAN OF DARK FORCES, similar electronic identity cards are also being introduced, replacing the previous Ukrainian passport.

“They plan to introduce passports in Ukraine in card format(as in many Western countries)… “The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine yesterday, March 30 (2015 - ed.), approved changes that will affect the passport of a citizen of Ukraine. This was announced by Deputy Head of the Administration Dmitry Shimkiv, an RBC-Ukraine correspondent reports. “The government yesterday approved a card that should replace internal passport"- said Shymkiv" (“There is one step away from spiritual death. Ukrainians are preparing passports of a new format”,

UKRAINE. Internal passports will be replaced with ID cards.

“From January 1, 2016, the government plans to ensure the process of issuing new ID cards instead of internal passports, Prime Minister of Ukraine A. Yatsenyuk said in a statement to the media... On August 5, the government allocated UAH 50 million to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the production of new internal passports"(

“And he will do that which ALL... will receive a mark” (Revelation, ch. 13). How will he do it? This is what he will do, as described above. Through the abolition of cash, the beginning of the crisis, a global war, the introduction of electronic documents, and, after threats to disable payment cards and passports, demands for everyone to “mark themselves.”

That is why this “bio-passport” is needed, through which the servants of Satan will force everyone to accept the disastrous "mark of the beast"? They still won’t let you use the “convenient system” for a long time, they will present you with the specified condition, enslavement "tag", death forever. No global e-passports can be accepted now. Which then no one will be able to refuse (since those who are capable of this will no longer accept such evil). DO reject these digital documents now! And help others make that choice!

Those who have renounced these satanic passport documents and "marks of the beast"- will be Saved! And those who thought of somehow existing in the abundance of benefits and the former comforts of civilization will lose even the last thing - the possibility of realizing themselves as human, turning into a suffering source of energy for the vampirism of the dark ones. (i.e. the lower infernal entities of hell - ed.)

Thus, the main thing is to reject these new electronic documents, - LET THEY BE ACCEPTED BY THE MAJORITY!(unfortunately and alas, this is a utopia - ed.)

When those who have adopted electronic means of manipulation are in the minority (as is STILL THE case NOW, when only a certain part of the population has foreign bio-passports, accepts the calculation of their salaries on cards, accepted “UEK”, similar digital traps), then for the rest it will be impossible to influence from dark, because the system will not work! Even if cash is abolished worldwide. THEN THEN THERE WILL BE NO THING TO THREATEN PEOPLE! There will be no “levers” through which the system manipulates people. It is impossible to force those who are ready to lose all opportunities to live in society and even die of hunger rather than fall into a satanic trap to use electronic payment documents.

It is necessary for everyone to understand this and consciously refuse digital identification! And now, some people, unfortunately, blithely think “that this is progress” and “necessity”, or “what’s wrong with that?” (without even trying to comprehend what is happening). And they agree, thoughtlessly, to enter a terrible digital trap.

What does it matter to some decrees that supposedly “oblige” everyone to accept “digital documents” (foreign “biopassports”, replacing previous passports; electronic passports with a chip; and the like) - if these decrees were issued by Satanists, such as, for example, those who came to power during the colonization of the West, which was captured... by the dark governments of the EU and the USA. A person himself must understand what he needs. And not to agree to the “biometrization” imposed by the forces of Darkness, which leads to death, no matter under what “good” pretexts it is imposed. And the dark forces will find a great variety of such pretexts, and they will come up with many methods to force and make it difficult to refuse to accept such individual digital documents.

Many details are not specifically given here that describe the state of affairs during the transition being considered, imposed by the servants of the Antichrist, in the world to “non-cash payments” and electronic documents. This is all already known and would take up a large amount of text and, perhaps, would only complicate the perception of the MAIN thing that needs to be understood. There are already enough materials on the Internet for those who want to familiarize themselves (explanations by expert O. Shcherbanyuk, Prof. V. Katasonov, films and speeches by G. Tsareva, etc...)

“Electronic documents” pose an immediate, “topical” danger. Although it is usually said that the “mark of the Antichrist” will be “after” the introduction of these electronic cards. And it is assumed that from the real "tags" it will be possible to refuse later, as if “stopping in time.” This is how the vast majority of even those who are warned about the disastrous deeds of the forces of Darkness reason. Unconsciously, the most dangerous false conclusion is made that “... it is still possible to enjoy such benefits of progress.” One decided so, the second, ten people, a city, a region...and so on the majority can become slaves, possession of the system. Because of this, everyone will be massively forced to accept final death, since the system of enslavement will become fully operational.

THAT'S WHY IT'S SO IMPORTANT NOW TO INFORM PEOPLE ABOUT THE DANGERS OF ACCEPTING ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS! So that earthlings know that under no circumstances Electronic credit cards cannot be allowed to be accepted by the MAJORITY!!! In any case, to this in no case happened in Rus', in the Slavic countries!!!(Even if the rotten, soulless West has long been completely “captured” by the servants of the Antichrist, and almost everyone there has already switched to non-cash payments, and cash is little used, and sometimes even its use is punishable).

Anything but a cashless system in our countries! Which means the final death of freedom for the majority, and further inevitable complete enslavement and death!!! Many, like still small children in spiritual terms, need time to prepare, strengthen, awaken in order to resist enslavement!.. War has already been allowed on the territory of Rus', Ukraine, if only people would extreme situation gained experience in fighting evil, saw who rules them! And they rejected the input "mark of the beast", this deception of Darkness. Although, on the other hand, any “emergency situation,” on the contrary, may be a reason to legitimize the transition to electronic accounting methods, they say, “after all, there is a war, it is necessary to ensure clear control...”.

...The dark forces will teach, beat (as is happening now), take their power even in the newly formed New Russia, until people turn to God! Then it will be possible to expel the invaders, heal the souls even of those previously hopelessly lost, thus forming a territory where there will be no place for the appearance of the Antichrist and his system, this “electronic driver to the underworld,” in the form of a cashless system introduced by his servants.

The insidious implantation of “electronic documents” must be exposed!!! When people KNOW the potential dangers of accepting by the majority of biopassports with the functions of the only means of payment in a cashless world monetary system, they will begin to completely reject such a plan of dark forces. Although they themselves were recently in the dark, and could thoughtlessly agree (as now some just shrug their shoulders: “What’s wrong with that, why not accept a modern biopassport?”). But whoever knows the whole truth will never agree to the obvious destruction of himself and his loved ones, will awaken from sleep and ignorance, and will reject the Antichrist.

But if very MANY people clearly understood that the acceptance of imposed electronic documents (after all, the system could not WORK without them) and, as a consequence, the inclusion of a global cashless sales system is death, THEN OTHERS WOULD BE CAREFUL, even those who are less conscious. And the plans of the dark forces would have completely collapsed.

If in Slavic countries people reject electronic documents, then "mark of the beast" and the power of the dark will not be able to enter here! The Russians can become the basis of opposition to the Antichrist! But for this it is necessary that you, and those around you, reject biopassports, new passports with chips! Even if they had to be left without their usual access to the means of subsistence. And if there are a lot of people who choose difficulties, but do not support the creation of the “beast” system, then no resolutions of the organizers of the satanic “new world order” will be able to achieve anything. IF PEOPLE DO NOT ALLOW THEMSELVES, then the dark forces will not be able to enslave them all!

Vladimir Rusinov

- karrokh - coarse materiality created by demonic forces, impenetrable to Light (due to the replacement of the previous materiality with particles of “aggi”, dead indivisible waste, which makes up the anti-world of Satan, located below the Divine Material sphere of creation); in such a body made of carroch, the Antichrist is on the planet, which is why such a terrible influence comes through him, so that everyone marked with his energetic satanic seal and completely controlled through computer robotization will lose their human nature, in a short time they will forever turn into prisoners of the antiworld. (i.e. “utter darkness”, which, apparently, is no longer even hell, but something even worse - ed.)
- “Laser tattooing has been tested at Disneyland for 15 years. Those people who stayed there for several days were offered the choice of a permanent card or a laser tattoo on their left arm. This way it was tested how people would react to it and whether they would get used to it over time.”, says the publication published in 1997 year in St. Petersburg, N. Bogolyubov’s book “Secret Societies of the 20th Century,” which talks about a certain single electronic card, - as well as about laser tattoo, which, according to the book, has been given to people for 29 years!

Cancellation of cash. Introduction of the electronic system "Mir".

Hello! I want to tell you a story. I don't have any speaking skills, so I'll tell it like it is. Let's begin...
Almost every teenager spends their summer mostly at the dacha, and mine was the same way. The place was not very good, and the rumors that circulated there did not inspire confidence. That in one of the houses on the outskirts there lived a man who killed 6 people and burned their corpses in his oven. What silhouettes were seen in abandoned houses. And that one person died of a heart attack after seeing something that could not be explained. Well, now my story. We had a place where we sat, one might say, almost in the forest. The place was unremarkable: there were trees, bushes everywhere and an iron bridge nearby. I won’t lie, it was towards the end of summer. We were sitting as always: the fire, the night, fun, all the work... And suddenly we heard a sound along the way, quite strange for one in the morning. The sound was like a cart - as if someone was running very fast with a cart along a rocky road. Everyone laughed, supposedly the grandmother was late for the bus, and wanted to forget. But the sound became closer and closer, everyone became more tense. Suddenly the sound stopped very abruptly. And then something happened that forced us to leave our place. A very strong stomping sound was heard from the direction of the iron bridge (when you walk across this bridge, it rattles and grinds). Then, after the bridge, already in the distance, the sound of this cart was heard again. But here’s the problem: there was no one on the bridge during the noise. I thought that I imagined it, but the faces of everyone who sat with me said that it was not a hallucination. We all ran as long as we could. Having run enough, we all laughed very stupidly, taking it for someone’s cool joke, and went home.
The next day, having forgotten about what happened at night, everyone, including me, of course, went back to that place. Night fell, no one remembered the cart and the steps on the bridge. But then I began to listen to what was happening around us. I don’t know why I did this at all - it would be better not to do it. Namely: I began to hear someone’s steps. Well, think about it, what normal person would go looking for mushrooms at night? Everyone started making jokes about how mutant mice would attack and eat you. But the steps were getting closer and closer, and shuffling on the grass could already be clearly heard. I was already at my limit! And suddenly we hear a stick breaking with a crash almost behind us. This is where all the humor was deeply hidden. Again, our entire brave company rushed towards their homes. This time we were not so cheerful, we simply shook hands and went home.
The next day at this place began already with the expectation of something supernatural. They joked: like, take out a mirror and see what or who is behind you, go check - in case a devil is waiting for you there, and stuff like that... But strangely enough, the day went very calmly.
Finally the day came when I was leaving home. The weather was terribly lousy, although sun and heat were promised. However, by 5 o'clock in the evening the sky was black, a very strong wind was blowing and bright lightning was visible. Having said goodbye to everyone, I went home, forgetting about what happened to us. When I was already in Moscow, they wrote me a message on ICQ something like this: “Lekha, you won’t believe it, we took a picture of this..”. When my friends arrived in Moscow, they sent me this photo. This put me into complete stupor and fear. The photo showed my friend, all over the photo there were balls of a strange color, as they are called - ectoplasm, and in the background of his face there was a clot of smoke. And in this clump one could see 3 faces: a woman with a very open mouth and large eyes, and on both sides - the faces of children, 3-5 years old. At the time of filming there was no fog outside, no one was smoking and the camera was absolutely working. Fortunately or unfortunately, I no longer went to the dacha, and as my friend, who was in the photo, says, it seems to him that someone is watching him..

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There are so many amazing places in our world that almost no one knows about, where there are no tourists and where it is not easy to get to. Islands with azure waters, flower fields and waterfalls. Well, doesn't this look like a fairy tale?

website will literally tell you in secret about 15 places on our planet that few people know about.

Blagaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Blagaj is a small village where small white houses stand among small waterfalls and azure waters under a steep cliff, and a monastery rises in the middle. This is a holy place for dervishes and Sufis, who built a village in this paradise.

Huacachina, Peru

Huacachina is an oasis city in the middle of a vast desert, the road to which takes about 5 hours south from the capital of Peru, Lima. The population there is only about 200 people, so when you get there, you can fully feel cut off from the whole world. You can also go sandboarding on the sandy Peruvian hills.

Lake Hillier, Australia

Just imagine white sand surrounded by eucalyptus forest by the pinkest lake in the world. Lake Hillier is located in southwest Australia, on Middle Island, and was discovered back in 1802. It is remarkable in that it has a pink color and does not change its color for a whole year. It was assumed that special algae and microorganisms gave it its pink color, but subsequent studies did not confirm this. Therefore, no one still knows why the reservoir has such an unusual color. The only real way to get to Hillier is by air.

Marieta Island, "Hidden Beach", Mexico

"Hidden Beach" (Playa de Amor) - a secret beach with crystal clear water, abundance large quantity various birds. This secluded paradise can only be reached by boat. After a few minutes of swimming through the labyrinths of underwater caves, you will discover a wonderful view of a beach lost in the depths of the island.

Silfra Cleft, Iceland

The Silfra Rift is located in Iceland in the Thingvellir National Park. This amazing place is a favorite among divers and adventure lovers. Swimming here, it is easy to lose your sense of depth, as the pure cold drinking water so transparent that visibility in it is up to 300 meters.

Isola Bella, Italy

There is no doubt that the Italian island of Isola Bella on Lake Lago Maggiore is one of the most beautiful in the world. Almost the entirety of this tiny piece of land is occupied by the luxurious Borromeo Palace and a multi-level flowering garden with grottoes, terraces and fountains. A harmonious addition to all this splendor are the royal birds - white peacocks - slowly wandering around the garden.

Popeye Village, Malta

Popeye village is a collection of wooden cabins originally built for the filming of the Popeye musical in the 1980s. Now it is a resort area with an amusement park, bay cruises and stunning views. In some houses, the furnishings have been preserved from the time of filming and are related to the film.

Red Lands of Dongchuan, China

Dongchuan Red Soil is a mountain valley southwest of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province. Due to its remoteness from infrastructure, this place is not on the tourist map of China. It was opened in the mid-1990s. The undulating landscapes, like a patchwork quilt, have brownish-red hues due to the high content of minerals and fossils.

Flores Island, Portugal

Flores island is not in vain on the UNESCO list, because there is a national park with unique flora and fauna here. It is located at the westernmost point of the Azores off the coast of Portugal. Translated from Portuguese, this is “Cape of Flowers”, because almost its entire territory is dotted with flowers of various colors and types. There are also natural hot springs and lagoons, rice fields, unique villages, lakes, as well as volcanoes and world-famous caves.

Darvaza “Door to the Underworld”, Turkmenistan

Darvaza is a giant burning crater about 60 meters in diameter and 20 meters deep. Locals call this place “the gates of hell.” Once upon a time, geologists accidentally found a cave here that had huge reserves of natural gas. The gas was set on fire to avoid harmful effects on people and livestock. But the fire, which was supposed to go out in a few days, has been burning for 45 years. This is a unique and fascinating spectacle that people from all over the world come to see.

Lencois Maranhenses, Brazil

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is located off the coast Atlantic Ocean in northeast Brazil. During the rainy season it is simply an unforgettable sight. Every year at this time, thousands of lagoons with turquoise water and living creatures form among the sand dunes. It remains a mystery how fish and crabs get here after a drought, but the scale of such a spectacle simply cannot help but amaze. Best time to visit Lencois Maranhenses - the period from July to September, when the pools reach full capacity.

Faktrum invites you to learn about ten interesting riddles, to which there are still no answers.

The mystery of Hitler's wealth

The list of treasures that belonged to Adolf Hitler is amazing. The estimated value of the stockpile of looted gold bars, foreign banknotes and jewelry reaches $4 billion. But the cache in which these riches were stored was empty shortly after Germany's defeat in World War II. In subsequent decades, individual items from this collection were discovered in many countries - Portugal, Turkey, Spain, Switzerland and even Sweden.

Hundreds of adventurers still continue to hunt for these treasures, but even after 70 years no one knows where all of Adolf Hitler's gold disappeared.

Some believe that Hitler hid wealth in Deutschneudorf (a German commune in Saxony) in the last months of the war. Other people are sure that the treasure lies at the bottom of the Austrian Lake Toplitz. And some are convinced that they are stored separately in dozens of banks around the world...

Disappearance of the Cyclops

The Bermuda Triangle is known as a place where mysterious disappearances of ships and planes occur. Scientists cannot give any logical explanations for many of them. In particular, this applies to American ship"Cyclops", built shortly before the outbreak of the First World War.

In early February 1918, the Cyclops set course for Brazil, planning to supply fuel to British ships sailing the South Atlantic. On the way back, the ship made an unscheduled stop near the island of Barbados, after which it headed to Baltimore. This happened on March 4, 1918. From that day on, “Cyclops” was never seen again. There were more than 300 passengers and several dozen crew members on board the ship. All of them are considered missing.

The American government spent almost 10 years carefully searching for the Cyclops, but no traces of the vessel could be found.

Location of Columbus' remains - historical dispute

The great explorer was initially buried in Valladolid, Spain. A few decades later, his remains were transferred to the island of Hispaniola (Caribbean Sea), as he bequeathed. But when the island came into the possession of the French in 1875, the Spaniards transported the remains of Columbus to Cuba. There they rested until 1898 (Spanish-American War). And then they returned to Spain, to Seville.

In 2006, the remains were subjected to genetic testing and comparative analysis, which proved their authenticity. But it was not there! The authorities of the Dominican Republic refused to recognize the results of this DNA examination. They are still trying to prove that Columbus's remains are buried in their country.

It's funny, but in 1877, in one of the Peruvian (!) cathedrals, a dilapidated box was found with the inscription that it contained the remains of the “famous Christopher Columbus.”

The Unsolved Mystery of the Phaistos Disc

The Minoan civilization is considered by most historians to be “the initial link in the chain of European peoples.” The Phaistos Disc, discovered in 1908 by archaeologist Luigi Pernier in the small town of Phaistos (Crete), gave scientists hope that they could learn a little more about this advanced civilization.

But the Phaistos Disc stubbornly refuses to reveal its secrets. The contents of the disk still remain unsolved. Some believe that a hymn or prayer is written on it, others are sure that it is a calendar. Unfortunately, the scientific community has no way to confirm or refute these hypotheses.

Signal "Wow!"

The famous “Wow!” signal was received from space. It lasted quite a long time - a full 37 seconds. Unfortunately, scientists cannot explain what it was.

In August 1977, American astronomer Jerry Eyman, working with the powerful Big Ear radio telescope in Ohio, unexpectedly detected an unknown signal. The astronomer was amazed and hand wrote “Wow!” on his printout. Eyman claims that it was the most powerful, clear, and by far the most important signal he had ever heard in his life.

In the 38 years since the “Wow!” signal was received, scientists have not been able to figure out where it came from. Most researchers are inclined to believe that it was of extraterrestrial origin. Unfortunately, similar signals were no longer recorded.

Tomb of Genghis Khan

According to legend, Genghis Khan's loyal followers buried the Great Khan's body in a secret location, killing hundreds of warriors and slaves who attended the ceremony. “Ten thousand horsemen trampled the ground for three days at the place where Genghis Khan’s body was buried in order to destroy all traces of the grave,” claims a historical source.

Some historians believe that the burial place of the remains of Genghis Khan is located at the bottom of the small Onon River, which has repeatedly changed its course in recent centuries. According to a more plausible version, the Great Khan was buried near the place where he was born - in the Khentii aimag.

When in 2006 a team of archaeologists discovered the ruins of Genghis Khan's third palace (10 kilometers west of Ulaanbaatar), many experts assumed that Genghis Khan was buried in its vicinity. Alas, after 9 years of searching, the supposed grave was never discovered, that is, the mystery remains unsolved to this day.

Star of Bethlehem

Christians perceive the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem as a divine sign that does not require much explanation. But scientists want to understand this phenomenon better.

Some of them are inclined to believe that it was a UFO. This conclusion was made after analysis Holy Scripture, in which it was said that a bright object was observed in the sky at any time of the day and, unlike other stars, it did not move to the west.

Scientists from Oxford believe that the Star of Bethlehem could have been a supernova explosion. The famous astronomer Johannes Kepler was sure that it was formed during the collision and subsequent merger of two planets in our solar system.

Well, the ancient Greeks believed that the Star of Bethlehem was just a bright comet. Which version to believe? Choose for yourself!

The Olympian Gods Could Be Aliens

Could it be that several thousand years ago representatives of alien civilizations visited Earth and gave people technologies that radically changed the course of history? If this assumption is true, then why shouldn't our distant ancestors and not treat them like gods?

Some researchers believe that this is exactly what happened. "Our civilization modern people, according to Hesiod, belonged to the fifth faction, which Zeus created. We are an iron race, in whose representatives good and evil are mixed,” explains Erich von Däniken, a popular Swiss writer interested in ufology.

In his book called "Odyssey of the Gods" he wrote that ancient greek gods in fact, they were not fictional creatures at all, but real aliens from more developed planets. Having visited Earth, they presented new technologies to humanity. Unfortunately, this version can neither be confirmed nor refuted.

What secrets does the Bimini Road hold?

In May 1968, in the sea off the coast of Bimini (Bahamas), divers discovered thousands of huge flat limestone blocks. All of them were carefully laid out, forming a road more than one kilometer long. Agree, nature itself could not have created anything like this without human intervention.

Some researchers believe that these blocks are ruins ancient civilization, others call them an amazing natural phenomenon. But how then can one explain the prophecy made by the great predictor Edgar Cayce? Back in 1938, he said the following: “The ruins of the lost Atlantis will be found in the depths of the sea off the coast of Bimini... This will happen in 1968 or 1969.” The prediction came true with amazing accuracy.

Lady Grandmother

In documentaries and photographs related to the tragic death of John F. Kennedy, an unknown woman can be seen among the crowd standing on the side of the road along which the limousine of the 35th President of the United States was traveling. She is dressed in a brown coat and has a scarf tied around her head. The Americans gave this woman the nickname “Lady Grandmother” (in the original - Babushka Lady).

On some frames documentary film you can see that the woman is holding a small video camera in front of her eyes. Almost all the people fled when they heard the shooting, but Lady Grandmother remained in place and continued to film what was happening. Soon she mixed with the crowd and disappeared from sight.

Even the FBI subsequently began searching for this mysterious woman, but they were unsuccessful. In June 1970, a certain Beverly Oliver told reporters that she was the same Lady Grandma. But there were many gaps and factual inaccuracies in her story, so no one accepted her words as the truth.

Who is this unknown woman in a headscarf? Where did the video she shot go? There are still no answers to these questions.

Why did women start wearing bras?

What is the “poverty trap”?

Sociologists call a “poverty trap” a situation where children growing up in poverty cannot, for this reason, receive a decent education, a well-paid profession and a decent pension, and are forced to remain on the social bottom all their lives. According to the latest data from Rosstat, in Russia the share of children from low-income families is 26% of the total: all of them are at risk of falling into the “poverty trap.”

Why does a flight attendant require you to open the window shades during takeoff and landing?

Soviet city washed away into the ocean

In 1952, a tragedy occurred in the Kuril Islands, the like of which had never happened in the 20th century.

“Forgotten” in space after the collapse of the USSR

The genius of war Kutuzov [“To save Russia, it is necessary to burn Moscow”] Nersesov Yakov Nikolaevich

Chapter 26 The fateful “evening in Fili”: still no one really knows how it happened...

The fateful “evening in Fili”: still no one really knows how it happened...

After Borodin's terrible sacrifices, everything seemed to require the defense of the ancient capital. The soldiers, and the Muscovites themselves, were ready to die rather than let the enemy into the city. The loss of Moscow could undermine the spirit of the Russian army, negatively affect discipline, and give rise to defeatist sentiments. But from a military point of view, the defense of Moscow was impossible. There was no position convenient for defense near Moscow. Moreover, firstly, the actual losses turned out to be worse than the worst fears; secondly, of the approximately 90 thousand soldiers and officers who retreated from the Borodino field, only 60–65 thousand were not only experienced, but also more or less combat-ready, and this was, of course, not enough for a repeat battle with Napoleon. And he, having received reinforcements, with a force of up to 95 thousand people, which means, having almost one and a half superiority in forces, was already moving from Ruza to Zvenigorod, bypassing Moscow from the south with Poniatovsky’s corps along the Borovskaya road. And finally, the Russian army did not receive fresh reinforcements after the Battle of Borodino (in particular, from the governor of Moscow Rostopchin) and it needed time to bring up its reserves. It was possible to get this time only by surrendering Moscow, contrary to the wishes of the Tsar, the mood of the army and the people.

Kutuzov had to make a very difficult, extremely unpopular decision.

At first, it was planned to defend Moscow with the forces of Dokhturov - from the Sparrow Hills and Prince Eugene of Württemberg - from the Dragomilovskaya outpost. Considering analytical warehouse Barclay's mind, Kutuzov ordered him to evaluate all the pros and cons of the position proposed for consideration by the commander-in-chief on the banks of the Moscow River between Fili and Sparrow Hills for the last, decisive battle under the walls of Moscow. Methodical Mikhail Bogdanovich did detailed analysis the location of the Russian army, then showed Mikhail Illarionovich a drawing of the position, which made a strong impression on the “old fox of the north.”

The new 6-kilometer position on the banks of the Moscow River between Fili and Sparrow Hills, chosen by Kutuzov’s favorite K.F. Tol, was really not suitable for battle. The right flank abutted the forest, and the situation with a detour to the rear on the right depended on who took possession of it. The left wing was located at the top of the Sparrow Hills, but in front of it there was flat terrain on which the enemy could concentrate about 30 thousand people for an attack. And although the rear of the Russian position, which was only two kilometers long, was covered by the Moscow River, it, as well as a large city in the rear, would have made retreat much more difficult. Moreover, the descents to the eight floating bridges built were very steep and it would have been necessary to abandon all the artillery, the convoy, and the cavalry would have had a hard time. In case of failure, the entire army would not have been able to be transported to the other side, and the part that had crossed would have been lost while passing through Moscow. In addition, the area was “cut up by ravines” and two winding rivers, Setunya and Karpovka, flowing through the deployment of troops from west to east. This made it difficult for troops to maneuver and infantry to operate in columns and squares. In general, the terrain did not allow one to take a dominant position over the enemy, it could be clearly visible to him, and the troops and artillery positions located here could be subject to destructive artillery fire. It was also believed that the front of the battle formation would be too stretched for the very weakened Russian army.

“He was horrified after listening to me,” Barclay later wrote. All the staff officers - Michaud, Krossar, Ermolov, and his son-in-law Kudashev, his special confidant - everyone with whom the “wise crucian carp” “Larivonych” consulted were of approximately the same opinion.

On September 1 (13), at 5 pm, he convened a military council in Fili, in the hut of the peasant Andrei Frolov, where the Russian army had retreated. It is generally accepted that generals L. L. Bennigsen, M. B. Barclay de Tolly, D. S. Dokhturov, F. P. Uvarov, A. I. Osterman-Tolstoy, P. P. Konovnitsyn, N. N. gathered there . Raevsky, A.P. Ermolov, (quartermaster general), V.S. Lanskoy and two colonels - K.F. Tol and P.S. Kaisarov, who served as duty general of the commander-in-chief's staff.

…However, there are discrepancies in the composition of the council members, since no minutes of the meeting were kept and information about the debates came to us indirectly - from the participants in the fateful “evening in Fili”. In memoirs, as is known, participants or eyewitnesses of events sometimes “forget” some details, and “add” something of their own; it happens: human memory is selective...

Miloradovich's rank (infantry general) could have been present at the council, but he was absent for a good reason: Kutuzov entrusted him with command of the rearguard, holding back Murat's constantly pressing vanguard. But the presence or absence of the Don ataman-“whirlwind” M.I. Platov remains in question.

…By the way, really in historical literature There is still no unity - “was the Don Ataman Platov at that fateful council or was he “treated” with the help of pepper, mustard or kizlyarka that he so adored?!” Some researchers, mainly relying on the data of memoirists, believe that Platov was there and, with his characteristic determination and uncompromisingness, opposed the abandonment of Moscow and for a new battle. However, not everyone agrees that Matvey Ivanovich was actually there: no minutes of the meeting were kept, and the entry in the “Journal of Military Actions” is so meager that neither Raevsky nor Uvarov were there...

According to one of the most common versions, it went something like this! On rights and. O. Chief of Army Staff Leonty Leontyevich Bennigsen put up a rhetorical question for discussion: “Is it beneficial to fight under the walls of Moscow or to leave it to the enemy without a fight?!” Taking advantage of the right of the commander-in-chief, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, a great master of “shifting the arrows to a time favorable to him”, deftly transferred the subject of discussion to a different plane: “Should we expect an attack in a disadvantageous position or should we cede Moscow to the enemy?!”

...By the way, testimonies of the generals surrounding Kutuzov or, as they were called by A.P. Ermolov, a well-known among them, “collaborators” who, under certain circumstances, were eager to take his place if the old man suddenly “stumbled”, about how the fateful meeting of that memorable military man took place Council in Fili are very diverse. It is possible that this very fact allows us to assume that the commander-in-chief trusted his “collaborators” very little, preferring in face-to-face conversations with them not to say a word of truth about his true intentions. It is quite possible that after the fateful incident many years ago with the “mocking” of Field Marshal P. A. Rumyantsev, Mikhail Illarionovich strictly followed the axiom - “even a pillow should not know the thoughts of the commander”: what “two” know, everyone knows...

The first to take the floor contrary to subordination (according to the tradition of military councils, the commanders who were junior in rank, position and age were supposed to speak first), Barclay spoke categorically and to the point! He criticized the position chosen for the battle by Tolem to smithereens. According to the authoritative opinion of Mikhail Bogdanovich, it was very similar to the position under... Friedland! He firmly spoke out in favor of leaving the Mother See in order to save the army and proposed retreating to the Vladimir (Nizhny Novgorod) road in order to maintain communications with St. Petersburg.

And yet, generals Bennigsen, Dokhturov, Konovnitsyn and Ermolov spoke out in favor of giving battle to Napoleon! But generals Raevsky and Osterman-Tolstoy supported Barclay, proposing to retreat. Uvarov - according to some sources, voted for retreat, according to others - against it.

Then Bennigsen began to appeal to... the patriotism of the Russian soul! Some historians do not rule out that he voted for another battle largely because of his confrontation with Kutuzov, whom for some time he was ready to “put a spoke in his wheels”: if only there was chance. Osterman-Tolstoy, who had long despised Bennigsen, asked him a rhetorical question: “Who will guarantee the success of the battle?” The trickster Leonty Leontievich retorted in his characteristic manner: “If this had been doubted, the military council would not have taken place and you would not have been invited here.”

…By the way, who at that time, by virtue of his position (chief of army staff), was aware of many events, Alexey Petrovich Ermolov later expressed a very interesting assumption. He did not rule out that Kutuzov, firmly repeating to everyone about the need for a new battle with the Napoleonic army under the walls of Moscow, in fact was not at all going to risk his reputation again in a decisive battle with Bonaparte, much less tempt fate again! The fact is that for the second time a categorical order from the army "Stand and die!" (largely due to this battle of Borodino and it was “made a draw” by them!) could not pass: “you cannot step into the same river twice”! For himself personally, the “old fox of the north” had long ago decided everything: to surrender Moscow in order to save the army and Russia. But first he says this out loud for a number of good reasons I couldn't say! Moreover, quite recently, in all his letters to the Moscow Governor-General Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostopchin, Mikhail Illarionovich wrote that he would never surrender Moscow, swore by his gray hair, promised to die with his bones, wrote that “the loss of Moscow is connected with the loss of Russia,” that he would never give up ancient capital. And he himself did exactly the opposite: he retreated and decided to surrender Moscow. This happens to... people who know that it is... impossible to tell the truth!!! Kutuzov was then “saved” by Barclay at the council in Fili! He, as a former minister of war, categorically stated that the bloodless Russian army would definitely not be able to withstand another battle like the Battle of Borodino: “I speak as a soldier: the salvation of Russia does not depend on Moscow; most of all it must save troops; we must leave Moscow without a battle... If we do not lose courage and are active, then the capture of Moscow will prepare the death of Napoleon.” According to the same Yermolov, when Barclay first spoke about the need to retreat, Kutuzov “could not hide his admiration that it was not he who would be given the idea of ​​retreat.” "Larivonych" (that was his name among the generals) cleverly took advantage of the confusion that came after such a sharp statement by Barclay de Tolly and Bennigsen’s unsuccessful argument with him. In the oppressive silence that followed, “Larivonych” uttered the historical phrase at the right time: “...I order to retreat!” Having agreed with Barclay on the need to retreat from Moscow, he nevertheless chose a different direction, which, as it turned out, was strategically the most correct...

With a feeling of deepest grief, Russian soldiers left Moscow.

Moscow! - how much there is in this sound

For the Russian heart merged,

How much echoed in him...

The Russians abandoned their ancient capital, which for the first time in 200 years was in the hands of foreigners. In addition, proper measures to evacuate material and other assets from the city were not taken in advance.

Kutuzov's decision to leave Moscow caused irritation and fear in Emperor Alexander I. The Tsar was afraid that, having taken Moscow, Napoleon would go to the northern capital Russian Empire- Saint Petersburg.

...By the way, the king was very dissatisfied not only with the loss of his ancient capital, but also with the fact that it later burned down! Today, by the way, it is no secret that the Russians themselves set it on fire! He wrote an irritated letter to the newly appointed Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov: “You... owe a response to the offended fatherland for the loss of Moscow...” Letters to him from the emperor, filled with reproaches and reprimands during this period, give every reason to believe that Alexander I in the current critical situation was not only dissatisfied with Kutuzov, but was also preparing to remove him from command if compelling reasons appeared ( according to some reports, the candidacy of P. A. Zubov has already been discussed for this post). Kutuzov was able to cleverly hide behind Barclay’s harsh conclusions at the council in Fili, but he should have been responsible for the decision. Not only the entire arsenal remained in Moscow (156 guns, 74,974 rifles, 39,846 sabers and 27,119 artillery shells), but also thousands of wounded. According to various sources, from 2 to 15 thousand wounded remained in Moscow. (True, some historians raise the number of abandoned people to 20–22 thousand.) The Moscow Governor-General Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostopchin did not have any carts to evacuate them, which he used to transport fire brigades and “fire extinguishing equipment” so that the French would have nothing with which to extinguish the fires. The king was annoyed that the crafty old man (before that he swore that Moscow would not be abandoned under any circumstances!), Having made such a decision, he did not hasten to notify the sovereign about it. Mikhail Illarionovich understood that he would have to answer, and, in the end, sent a report in which there was not a word of truth: “All the treasures, the arsenal and almost all property, both state and private, were taken out of Moscow, and not a single nobleman didn’t stay in it.” The resourceful Mikhail Illarionovich covered himself with a note to the chief of staff Napoleonic army Marshal Berthier, in which he wrote that “the wounded remaining in Moscow are entrusted to the philanthropy of the French troops.” Wherein he knew for sure from the talkative Fedka Rostopchin that Moscow would be burned and many of his wounded soldiers - Borodin's heroes - would die in the fire of a gigantic fire that soon engulfed the capital. (The death toll remains a matter of intense debate among historians!) True, most of the wounded Russian officers were rescued by the French. Meticulous Alexander I sent a special messenger, his especially trusted interrogator, Adjutant General of Prince P.M. Volkonsky, to find out all the ins and outs of... Alexei Petrovich Ermolov, “how did it happen that Moscow was surrendered... without a single shot?!” Ermolov somehow managed to find out the true purpose of the “investigator’s” visit and skillfully disappeared for some time, “finding himself out of reach.” Alexey Petrovich knew when it was better to “quit the game.” At the same time, the sovereign was vindictive and over the years he would remember the “wise minnow” Ermolov for his disappearance maneuver. But this will not happen very soon...

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Chapter 5 Nobody Abolished the Empire Reviewing the Giant's Legacy The legacy inherited by Peter's successors in the international sphere was truly enormous. A powerful empire stretching from Kola on the Kola Peninsula to Astrabad in Persia, from Kyiv to Okhotsk,

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Chapter 22 Need knows no law At the end of the spring of 1884, one impoverished Norwegian woman knocked on the door of the Hugel villa, but the servants of the old “cannon king” ordered her to leave. That same evening she wrote a letter to Alfred himself. Apparently, the plight of the foreigner touched him, and

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