Well done cucumbers don’t crawl into everything. Open integrated lesson for the middle group Harvest from Prostokvashino

Well done cucumbers don’t crawl into everything.  Open integrated lesson for the middle group Harvest from Prostokvashino

Lesson on the topic "Vegetables"

Making a serious activity entertaining for a child is the task of initial education.

K.D. Ushinsky

The purpose of the lesson: generalize and expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about vegetables; involve as many students as possible in the lesson; Make the lesson a collaboration between teacher and students.

Preparing for the lesson

The teacher selects visual material (slides or drawings, filmstrip or natural or fake vegetables), writes proverbs and sayings on a piece of Whatman paper to later read them in class, finds short poems: “Cucumbers”, “Dill”, “Beets”, “Potatoes” ", "Zucchini", "Melon", "Pumpkin", "Cabbage" and writes them out on cards, selects riddles for the wall newspaper "Our Vegetable Garden", writes them (like poems) on cards made of thick paper and distributes them to the editorial board - nine willing or assigned students.

Students receive poems in advance, learn them by heart or prepare them expressive reading, and no one should know what poems other students have. The wall newspaper is posted in the classroom 2-3 days before class. In it, each student writes one riddle (without an answer).

What's that creak, what's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I … ( Cabbage.)

Even though I'm called sugar,
But I didn’t get wet from the rains.
Large, round, sweet in taste.
Did you recognize it? I … ( Beet.)

In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter, in a barrel - yellow, salty.
Guess it, well done
What are their names? …( Cucumbers.)

A bush is tied to a peg.
There are balls on the bush:
Exposing my sides to the sun,
They turn red from the heat. ( Tomatoes.)

There are fruits under the bush in the ground -
To the man for his efforts. ( Potato.)

The most necessary of all vegetables)
For vinaigrettes and borscht
From the new harvest
Beauty lilac. ( Beet.)

He drinks water - he hurries himself,
And it grows and accumulates leaves.
The egg capsule is gaining weight,
In the middle there is a stalk. ( Cabbage.)

(V. Musatov)

Round, not a ball,
With a tail, not a mouse,
Yellow like honey
But the taste is not the same. ( Turnip.)

The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose. ( Carrot.)


Teacher. The topic of today's lesson is “Vegetables”. What vegetable names do you already know? Do you like fairy tales? Please remember the Russian folk tale, in which people and animals pull a huge vegetable from the ground, but cannot pull it out. What was the name of this vegetable? ( The fairy tale is called “Turnip”, the vegetable is turnip.)

Teacher. Who knows the fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino”, written by the Italian teacher and writer Gianni Rodari? Help me remember the heroes of this fairy tale whose names are the names of vegetables. ( The main character of the fairy tale is Cipollino, his name translated from Italian means “onion”; Godfather Pumpkin, Signor Tomato, Doctor Artichoke, Professor Salato-Spinato, home teacher Signor Parsley, detective Mr. Carrot, gardener Onion Leek, girl Radish, Potato, Tomato, etc.)

Teacher. You can read about vegetables not only in fairy tales different nations. Many poems have been written about them. Listen to the poem by the Polish poet Julian Tuwim, which is called “Vegetables”. (It is advisable to read the poem by heart.)

The hostess came from the market one day,
The hostess brought home from the market:
Parsley and beets.

Here the vegetables started an argument on the table -
Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:
Parsley or beets?

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife
And with this knife she began to chop:
Parsley and beets.

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water:
Parsley and beets.
And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

Teacher. Guys, tell me what vegetables the hostess bought. ( Answers.) Now you will hear a few more poems about vegetables.

1st student

Well done cucumbers:
They don't crawl all over the place.
Like children holding hands,
They hold on to the whips.

2nd student

Not umbrellas guys
Opened up in the rain -
Bloomed in our garden bed
Dill on a July day.

3rd student

It hasn't withered or dried out.
The beets are turning green again.
Because beets
Got wet in the rain.

Teacher. You probably know that every person has his own biography, i.e. life story. Every vegetable has a “biography”. For example, potatoes. We are so accustomed to it that we cannot imagine our life without this vegetable; we consider it almost the most ancient product on our table. But it is not so.
The homeland of potatoes is South America(the Indians ate it). In the middle of the 16th century. potatoes were brought to Europe. Here it began to spread with enviable speed. And when did it appear here in Russia? It is believed that the first bag of potatoes was sent from Germany by Peter I. The mass acquaintance of Russians with potatoes, which were called “earth apples,” took place after one of the founders of Russian agronomic science, writer, participant in the Seven Years’ War with Prussia, Andrei Bolotov (1738–1833). ), returning to his estate near Tula, he grabbed potatoes for planting.
Gradually, in a number of Russian provinces, potatoes began to produce good yields. However, it was mostly city dwellers who ate it, because... The peasants, spontaneously rejecting everything that was introduced from above (by the authorities), were hostile to the new vegetable. And in the 19th century, during the reign of Nicholas I, who forcibly introduced the planting of potatoes, they even organized so-called potato riots? These riots were suppressed by the tsarist troops.
Today potatoes are one of the most important food products for the population of many countries around the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are poems about this vegetable.

4th student

Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
Salt it a little.
After all, really, delicious potatoes?!

Teacher. To prevent other vegetables from being offended, the guys will read poems about them too. ( Three students each read one stanza from a poem about zucchini.)

5th student

Zucchini, fat man,
golden barrel,
He's on our site
Still a newbie.

6th student

I planted him
And he watered and covered,
So that first
He lived under a thin film.

7th student

To gain strength,
The zucchini didn't freeze.
So that it fills more fully
A barrel under the sun.

8th student

And this is a poem about Dinya’s melon.

People are noisy at the gate:
“Where is Dinin’s vegetable garden?!”
A big melon
Raised by Dina:
He will hide behind a melon -
And Dina is not visible.

Teacher. Pumpkin is especially useful in late autumn and winter. Salads, juices, drinks are prepared from pumpkin fruits, pancakes are baked, porridge is cooked, soups, purees, caviar, jam, jam, candied fruits, it is added to dough when baking bread products. And in France they eat not only pumpkin fruits, but also the ends of young vines. Peeled and boiled in salt water, they taste like asparagus.

9th student. I will read a poem about a pumpkin.

A lot of pumpkin
I'm used to drinking water.
Pumpkin in sunny days
I would like to lie down in the shade.

Teacher. Every time we eat carrots or radishes, cucumbers or tomatoes, parsley or cabbage, we, without knowing it, “swallow” a lot interesting stories from the “biographies” of these vegetables. Judge for yourself. For example, cabbage was mentioned in ancient legends and legends. Our ancestors learned about it from the Greco-Roman colonists who lived in the Black Sea region, because in Ancient Rome Cabbage was grown and eaten very widely.
Over time, people learned to prepare many different dishes from cabbage: salads, cabbage soup, cabbage pies, solyanka, borscht; they learned to salt and ferment cabbage... Even then they noticed that cabbage was not only very tasty, but also extremely beneficial for the human body. Later Scientific research scientists have confirmed this. So, cabbage. Listen to one of the tips for all gardeners.

10th student

So that cabbage grows faster
And the cabbage was delicious,
To be of great size
Curled the heads of cabbage,
Water it all summer long
Don't be sorry for the water
And she will pay generously
All your works.

Teacher. The “cabbage family” is very numerous. It contains white, red, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower...

That's right, intense heat is harmful
For cauliflower:
Hides white heads -
Like snow globes.
Leaves tied deftly -
This is an umbrella from the heat.

You can read about vegetables in encyclopedias and textbooks, books and magazines. Vegetables can also be seen in artists’ paintings. Among the world masterpieces are paintings by the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527–1593) “The Gardener”, “Summer”. Up close, the picture looks like something out of a greengrocer's dream come true. But if you look closely, the outlines of a human head appear, which is entirely composed of summer fruits and vegetables.
Exists a large number of folk proverbs, sayings and riddles about vegetables. Here are just a few examples of folk wisdom.

    Every vegetable has its time.

    Every day with vegetables, but not every day with cabbage soup.

    Love is not a potato - you can’t throw it out the window.

    Cabbage loves water and good weather.

    Garden head (means: cabbage head, i.e. slow-witted, sluggish, clumsy person, open-mouthed.)

    Do not chop cabbage with your tongue.

    Easier than steamed turnips (i.e. very simple).

    Cheaper than steamed turnips (i.e. very cheap).

    Onion from seven ailments.

    Onions and a bath will fix everything.

    Onion grief (i.e., an unlucky, clumsy person; a klutz).

    Who has what taste: some like melon, and some like watermelon.

    Onions and garlic are siblings.

    Heart with pepper, soul with garlic (i.e. an evil person).

    Radish boasted: “I’m good with honey!”

    I'm tired of it, like a bitter radish.

    Tired of worse than bitter radish.

    Carrots add blood.

    Eat a carrot if you don't have an apple.

    Plant cucumbers in the sea (i.e. exaggerate, deceive).

Teacher. Guys, let's remember where the housewife bought the vegetables from Julian Tuwim's poem “Vegetables”. ( Students answer from their seats.)

Teacher. Yes, the hostess bought vegetables at the bazaar (market). Vegetables can also be bought in the store. You can also grow them yourself in your garden bed. Here's a poem about it.

What's growing in our garden bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and salad -
Our garden bed is just a treasure.

Now be careful and try to guess the riddles, which we will call “Riddles from the Garden.”

Like in our garden
Mysteries have grown -
Juicy and large,
They're so round
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.


And in this garden
Bitter riddles
Thirty-three clothes
And all without a clasp.
Who undresses them -
Tears are shed.

(Onion.) (Yu. Chernykh)

I grew up in the garden
My nasty character:
Wherever I go
I will bring everyone to tears.

(Onion.) (A. Rozhdestvenskaya)

Cucumbers are just sprouting
In an ordinary garden bed,
And this one has greens
We played hide and seek
Because thin
They were covered with film:
And it’s not blowing, and it’s warm,
And transparent, like glass.

(Greenhouse.) (V. Musatov)

Played hide and seek
Guys from the garden
And straight from the garden
They ended up in tubs.

(Cucumbers.) (V. Musatov)

Everyone will recognize the young man
What grows in the garden:
It's bigger than a cucumber
He's thick and smooth
He also holds on to the whip...
Come take a look.

(Zucchini.) (V. Musatov)

So many arrows
Grows in the beds
And shoot
Not for kids.

(Onion.) (V. Musatov)

Teacher. Tell me, where are the beds usually located? ( In the garden.) But vegetable gardens are different. Listen to the “tease” poem by poet Ivan Demyanov:

The dirty guy didn't wash his hands.
I didn’t go to the bathhouse for a month.
So much dirt, so many abrasions!
We'll put an onion on your neck,

Turnips - on the palms,
There are potatoes on the cheeks,
Carrots will sprout on the nose -
There will be a whole garden!

Do you like this kind of garden? No to me. It’s better to imagine this picture: outside the window there is a December cold, there is so much snow that you can’t see a single piece of land. And in the apartment there are vines of cucumbers hanging, red-sided tomatoes flaunting like balls on a Christmas tree, dill, onions, parsley growing green on the windowsill...
This is not a fairy tale, but reality, the fruit of the painstaking work of a vegetable grower - a lover of home farming. And it's not a fad today. This kind of activity is an old thing, known in Rus' for a long time. Russian experience was adopted abroad.
Home farming was successfully practiced famous writers Alexander Tvardovsky, Sergey Smirnov, Konstantin Paustovsky, storyteller Pavel Bazhov, sculptor Sergei Konenkov...
You guys can do home farming too. You need to start with the simplest thing, for example, growing green onions. The benefit will be double: vitamins all year round, and the opportunity to better study the plant world.
And now - attention! Let's write down, to better remember, the names of some vegetables.

Vegetable dictionary

1. Artichoke.
2. Eggplant.
3. Melon.
4. Zucchini.
5. Cabbage.
6. Potatoes.
7. Onion.
8. Carrots.
9. Cucumber.
10. Patisson.
11. Pepper.
12. Parsley.
13. Radish.
14. Radish.
15. Turnip.
16. Salad.
17. Beetroot.
18. Celery.
19. Tomato (tomato).
20. Pumpkin.
21. Dill.
22. Garlic.
23. Spinach.
24. Sorrel.

You see how diverse vegetable crops are. Vegetables are a valuable food product and animal feed (there are fodder varieties), vegetables are vitamins and medicines. They can be grown not only in fields and gardens (i.e. in open ground), but also in greenhouses and greenhouses, and even at home.

IN closing remarks teacher:

– evaluates not only children’s preparation for the lesson, but also their participation in it;
– proposes to consolidate knowledge on the topic “Vegetables” on the page of the school (class) thematic album: write down the topic, 2 poems and 2 proverbs; stick pictures of vegetables or make a collage; names the person responsible (volunteer or assigned) and determines the deadline for completing the work;
– writes creative homework on the board:

Who wants,
Make up your own riddle.
Draw the answer.
Show it to mom.

Open integrated lesson for the middle group

"Harvest from Prostokvashino"

Goal: To summarize children’s knowledge on the topic: “Vegetables”

Systematize knowledge about vegetables, their names, colors, shapes.

To consolidate children's ideas about vegetable crops and their benefits for human health.

Develop the ability to recognize vegetables by taste.

Activate lexicon. Attention and memory of people.

Continue to arouse interest in sculpting, using previously learned plucking techniques and smoothing the surface.

Foster independence and activity.


Natural vegetables: raw and boiled carrots, cucumber, tomato, cabbage, radish, garlic, boiled and raw beets, onion, eggplant, pepper; a large saucepan, two baskets, a painting “Prostokvashino Village”, trays, napkins, spoons, salad bowls, cups, a magic wand with an autumn leaf, 4 baskets with multi-colored bottoms, plasticine, cardboard vegetable preparations for each child, 2 boxes of natural vegetable juice ( tomato, carrot), medals “Thank you for your work” for each child, masks - headbands made of vegetables for each child, a letter and a parcel from the village “Prostokvashino”, modeling boards, imitation of a vegetable garden, a poster “To be healthy and strong you need to love vegetables "

Heroes: postman Pechkin, sorceress - autumn, children in "vegetable" costumes, cook.

Literature: children's poems about vegetables.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: sorceress - autumn.

Children: vegetables.

The sorceress - autumn comes into the group with the children and stands in a circle. Swinging with a magic wand, speaks:

I am a sorceress - autumn and now I will turn you into small vegetable seeds, sit down. The warm sun warmed the seeds and it started to rain. The seeds grew and grew and became plants. Slowly raise your hands, reaching for the sun. Feel the tension. The sun was very hot and our plants withered. Relax, drop your head, arms, lower your shoulders and torso. Get down to the floor. A cheerful, mischievous rain began to pour and the plants came to life and reached for the sun. Wonderful vegetables grew in the garden. Pretend to be “fat” vegetables and turn into “skinny” vegetables.

Teacher: asks the children to name their vegetable.

Children take turns calling.

Well done, says the teacher.

“I have baskets, but not simple ones, but with multi-colored bottoms,” says the teacher.

The task is this: take baskets with a bottom that matches the color of your vegetable.

I know that the guys have prepared poems. Come out: beets, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber.

What beautiful, interesting poems you told about vegetables,” says the teacher.

There is a knock on the door. The postman Pechkin comes from Prostokvashino. ---Hello guys! - says Pechkin

This kindergarten“Birch tree”? - asks Pechkin

Yes, - the children answer.

Group No. 10? - asks Pechkin

Yes,” the kids answer in unison.

So, I was not mistaken,” the postman says to the children.

I brought you a letter from Prostokvashino, please receive it and sign it. The teacher approaches the postman Pechkin, signs and takes the letter.

We thank and say goodbye to postman Pechkin. Children stand next to the teacher.

He reads a letter to the children:

“This year, a large harvest of vegetables grew in the village of Prostokvashino. We kindly ask you to help us. We have prepared for you interesting tasks. Best regards

Uncle Fyodor, Sharik and the cat Matroskin."

Guys, what do our heroes propose to collect?

Vegetables, the children answer.

What vegetables do you know?

Children say the names of vegetables.

Who knows where vegetables grow? (In the garden, in the garden bed)

What time of year does the harvest ripen? (autumn)

The teacher and the children approach the model of a vegetable garden. Children look at the garden, harvest and put the vegetables in 2 baskets. The first basket contains vegetables that grow in the ground, the second basket contains vegetables that grow above the ground.

Then the children, along with the autumn vegetables, put them on the table.

Guys, who grows vegetables? (Human)

Children take vegetables in their hands, look at them, smell them. Name each vegetable that was collected. Describe the color and shape of the vegetables.

Vegetables are different from each other, how are they different? - asks the teacher.

Color, shape, size, some are hard, others are soft,” the children answer.

Well done, you are so picky! - says autumn.

There is a knock on the door and the cook comes in from the kitchen.

Hello, guys! - says the cook.

Hello! - the children answer.

Tell me, weren’t you the one who picked the vegetables from the garden?” asks the cook.

Yes, - the children answer.

Let’s share,” the children answer.

We need: cabbage, beets, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, says the cook.

Children put all the named vegetables in a pan for the cook, he checks whether everything is correct.

I see that you are excellent helpers. Thank you very much for your help. I'll go make some soup for lunch. Goodbye! - says the cook.

Autumn says to the children: “What can you see in the distance? Let's look through our binoculars (they imitate binoculars with their hands).

And here is the village of Prostokvashino.

The teacher and the children approach a painting depicting the autumn village of Prostokvashino. They look at and discuss the plot of the picture. The teacher listens to the children's answers.

Educator: our friends got to work. And they expect diligence, hard work, and attentiveness from us.

Physical education minute:

Let's go to the garden, collect the harvest, march

We'll drag carrots, we'll drag them

And we’ll dig up potatoes, we’ll dig up

We cut the head of cabbage

Very tasty, very tasty.

Bends forward for a curly braid

I'll drag her out of the hole,

We tear the sorrel narva a little

And let's go back along the path. let's march

Now we’ll rest, sit down on the chairs. Let's play the game “Guess what you ate?”

The teacher asks the children, with their eyes closed, to guess which vegetable they tried (the children are given boiled vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers).

Game “Name it kindly.”

Children should say the name of the vegetable affectionately. For example, tomato - tomato, cucumber - cucumber and others.

Then the children, together with autumn, move to the tables and perform plasticine painting.

Guys, Uncle Fyodor painted vegetables for us, but the rain from a capricious cloud washed away all the colors. And they became colorless, says autumn.

Do you want to help vegetables become bright again? - suggests the teacher.

“We want to,” the guys answer.

Modeling boards, plasticine and vegetable samples are prepared on the tables. Children use the “painting” method to make their vegetables bright. The fashioned vegetables are placed on a tray.

To get a good harvest, you have to work hard, says autumn.

There's a knock on the door. The postman Pechkin comes in.

A package has arrived for you, receive it and sign for it,” says Pechkin.

“Thank you,” the children say.

Autumn opens the package with the children, containing boxes of vegetable juices. The teacher pours juices into glasses and says: “Guys, try the juices and tell me what vegetables they are made from?” (tomato and carrot)

And Sharik and Matroskin also sent you medals for your Good work. They say “Thank you for your work.”

Thank you very much, guys, for your work and for your work - says autumn.

Cucumbers are great: they don’t creep in all directions. Like children by the hands, they hold on to the whips.

It hasn't withered or dried out. The beets are turning green again. Because the beets got wet in the rain.


Round, crumbly, white, it came to the table from the fields. Salt it a little. After all, really, delicious potatoes?!

I'm so pretty

Little green boy

If only I want

I'll treat you to some peas.

The story about me is not long.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And bite the carrots -

We will always be friends, strong, strong, dexterous.

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Open integrated lesson for the middle group

"Harvest from Prostokvashino"

Target: Summarize children's knowledge on the topic: “Vegetables”


  1. Systematize knowledge about vegetables, their names, colors, shapes.
  2. To consolidate children's ideas about vegetable crops and their benefits for human health.
  3. Develop the ability to recognize vegetables by taste.
  4. Activate your vocabulary. Attention and memory of people.
  5. Continue to arouse interest in sculpting, using previously learned plucking techniques and smoothing the surface.
  6. Foster independence and activity.


Natural vegetables: raw and boiled carrots, cucumber, tomato, cabbage, radish, garlic, boiled and raw beets, onion, eggplant, pepper; a large saucepan, two baskets, a painting “Prostokvashino Village”, trays, napkins, spoons, salad bowls, cups, a magic wand with an autumn leaf, 4 baskets with multi-colored bottoms, plasticine, cardboard vegetable preparations for each child, 2 boxes of natural vegetable juice ( tomato, carrot), medals “Thank you for your work” for each child, masks - headbands made of vegetables for each child, a letter and a parcel from the village “Prostokvashino”, modeling boards, imitation of a vegetable garden, a poster “To be healthy and strong you need to love vegetables "

Heroes: postman Pechkin, sorceress - autumn, children in "vegetable" costumes, cook.

Literature: children's poems about vegetables.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: sorceress - autumn.

Children: vegetables.

The sorceress - autumn comes into the group with the children and stands in a circle. Waving his magic wand, he says:

I am a sorceress - autumn and now I will turn you into small vegetable seeds, sit down. The warm sun warmed the seeds and it started to rain. The seeds grew and grew and became plants. Slowly raise your hands, reaching for the sun. Feel the tension. The sun was very hot and our plants withered. Relax, drop your head, arms, lower your shoulders and torso. Get down to the floor. A cheerful, mischievous rain began to pour and the plants came to life and reached for the sun. Wonderful vegetables grew in the garden. Pretend to be “fat” vegetables and turn into “skinny” vegetables.

Educator: asks the children to name their vegetable.

Children take turns calling.

Well done, says the teacher.

“I have baskets, but not simple ones, but with multi-colored bottoms,” says the teacher.

The task is this: take baskets with a bottom that matches the color of your vegetable.

I know that the guys have prepared poems. Come out: beets, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber.

What beautiful, interesting poems you told about vegetables,” says the teacher.

There is a knock on the door. The postman Pechkin comes from Prostokvashino. ---Hello guys! - says Pechkin

Is this the Beryozka kindergarten? - asks Pechkin

Yes, - the children answer.

Group No. 10? - asks Pechkin

Yes,” the kids answer in unison.

So, I was not mistaken,” the postman says to the children.

I brought you a letter from Prostokvashino, please receive it and sign it. The teacher approaches the postman Pechkin, signs and takes the letter.

We thank and say goodbye to postman Pechkin. Children stand next to the teacher.

He reads a letter to the children:

“This year, a large harvest of vegetables grew in the village of Prostokvashino. We kindly ask you to help us. We have prepared interesting tasks for you. Best regards

Uncle Fyodor, Sharik and the cat Matroskin."

Guys, what do our heroes propose to collect?

Vegetables, the children answer.

What vegetables do you know?

Children say the names of vegetables.

Who knows where vegetables grow? (In the garden, in the garden bed)

What time of year does the harvest ripen? (autumn)

The teacher and the children approach the model of a vegetable garden. Children look at the garden, harvest and put the vegetables in 2 baskets. The first basket contains vegetables that grow in the ground, the second basket contains vegetables that grow above the ground.

Then the children, along with the autumn vegetables, put them on the table.

Guys, who grows vegetables? (Human)

Children take vegetables in their hands, look at them, smell them. Name each vegetable that was collected. Describe the color and shape of the vegetables.

Vegetables are different from each other, how are they different? - asks the teacher.

Color, shape, size, some are hard, others are soft,” the children answer.

Well done, you are so picky! - says autumn.

There is a knock on the door and the cook comes in from the kitchen.

Hello, guys! - says the cook.

Hello! - the children answer.

Tell me, weren’t you the one who picked the vegetables from the garden?” asks the cook.

Yes, - the children answer.

Let’s share,” the children answer.

We need: cabbage, beets, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, says the cook.

Children put all the named vegetables in a pan for the cook, he checks whether everything is correct.

I see that you are excellent helpers. Thank you very much for your help. I'll go make some soup for lunch. Goodbye! - says the cook.

Autumn says to the children: “What can you see in the distance? Let's look through our binoculars (they imitate binoculars with their hands).

And here is the village of Prostokvashino.

The teacher and the children approach a painting depicting the autumn village of Prostokvashino. They look at and discuss the plot of the picture. The teacher listens to the children's answers.

Educator: our friends got to work. And they expect diligence, hard work, and attentiveness from us.

Physical education minute:

Let's go to the garden, collect the harvest, march

We'll drag carrots, we'll drag them

And we’ll dig up potatoes, we’ll dig up

We cut the head of cabbage

Very tasty, very tasty.

Bends forward for a curly braid

I'll drag her out of the hole,

We tear the sorrel narva a little

And let's go back along the path. let's march

Now we’ll rest, sit down on the chairs. Let's play the game “Guess what you ate?”

The teacher asks the children, with their eyes closed, to guess which vegetable they tried (the children are given boiled vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers).

Game “Name it kindly.”

Children should say the name of the vegetable affectionately. For example, tomato - tomato, cucumber - cucumber and others.

Then the children, together with autumn, move to the tables and perform plasticine painting.

Guys, Uncle Fyodor painted vegetables for us, but the rain from a capricious cloud washed away all the colors. And they became colorless, says autumn.

Do you want to help vegetables become bright again? - suggests the teacher.

“We want to,” the guys answer.

Modeling boards, plasticine and vegetable samples are prepared on the tables. Children use the “painting” method to make their vegetables bright. The fashioned vegetables are placed on a tray.

To get a good harvest, you have to work hard, says autumn.

There's a knock on the door. The postman Pechkin comes in.

A package has arrived for you, receive it and sign for it,” says Pechkin.

“Thank you,” the children say.

Autumn opens the package with the children, containing boxes of vegetable juices. The teacher pours juices into glasses and says: “Guys, try the juices and tell me what vegetables they are made from?” (tomato and carrot)

And Sharik and Matroskin also sent you medals for your good work. They say “Thank you for your work.”

Thank you very much, guys, for your work and for your hard work, says autumn.


Well done cucumbers:
They don't crawl all over the place.
Like children holding hands,
They hold on to the whips.


It hasn't withered or dried out.
The beets are turning green again.
Because beets
Got wet in the rain.


Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
Salt it a little.
After all, really, delicious potatoes?!


I'm so pretty

Little green boy

If only I want

I'll treat you to some peas.


The story about me is not long.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And bite the carrots -

We will always be friends, strong, strong, dexterous.

Making a serious activity entertaining for a child is the task of initial education.

K.D. Ushinsky

The purpose of the lesson:generalize and expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about vegetables; involve as many students as possible in the lesson; Make the lesson a collaboration between teacher and students.

Preparing for the lesson

The teacher selects visual material (slides or drawings, filmstrip or natural or fake vegetables), writes proverbs and sayings on a piece of Whatman paper to later read them in class, finds short poems: “Cucumbers”, “Dill”, “Beets”, “Potatoes” ", "Zucchini", "Melon", "Pumpkin", "Cabbage" and writes them out on cards, selects riddles for the wall newspaper "Our Vegetable Garden", writes them (like poems) on cards made of thick paper and distributes them to the editorial board - nine willing or assigned students.

Students receive poems in advance, learn them by heart or prepare expressive readings, and no one should know what poems other students have. The wall newspaper is posted in the classroom 2-3 days before class. In it, each student writes one riddle (without an answer).

What's that creak, what's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I … ( Cabbage.)

Even though I'm called sugar,
But I didn’t get wet from the rains.
Large, round, sweet in taste.
Did you recognize it? I … ( Beet.)

In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter, in a barrel - yellow, salty.
Guess it, well done
What are their names? …( Cucumbers.)

A bush is tied to a peg.
There are balls on the bush:
Exposing my sides to the sun,
They turn red from the heat. ( Tomatoes.)

There are fruits under the bush in the ground -
To the man for his efforts. ( Potato.)

The most necessary of all vegetables)
For vinaigrettes and borscht
From the new harvest
Beauty lilac. ( Beet.)

He drinks water - he hurries himself,
And it grows and accumulates leaves.
The egg capsule is gaining weight,
In the middle there is a stalk. ( Cabbage.)

(V. Musatov)

Round, not a ball,
With a tail, not a mouse,
Yellow like honey
But the taste is not the same. ( Turnip.)

The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose. ( Carrot.)


Teacher.The topic of today's lesson is “Vegetables”. What vegetable names do you already know? Do you like fairy tales? Please remember the Russian folk tale, in which people and animals pull a huge vegetable from the ground, but cannot pull it out. What was the name of this vegetable? ( The fairy tale is called “Turnip”, the vegetable is turnip.)

Teacher.Who knows the fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino”, written by the Italian teacher and writer Gianni Rodari? Help me remember the heroes of this fairy tale whose names are the names of vegetables. ( Main character fairy tales by Cipollino, his name translated from Italian means “onion”; Godfather Pumpkin, Signor Tomato, Doctor Artichoke, Professor Salato-Spinato, home teacher Signor Parsley, detective Mr. Carrot, gardener Onion Leek, girl Radish, Potato, Tomato, etc.)

Teacher.You can read about vegetables not only in fairy tales of different nations. Many poems have been written about them. Listen to the poem by the Polish poet Julian Tuwim, which is called “Vegetables”. (It is advisable to read the poem by heart.)

The hostess came from the market one day,
The hostess brought home from the market:
Parsley and beets.

Here the vegetables started an argument on the table -
Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:
Parsley or beets?

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife
And with this knife she began to chop:
Parsley and beets.

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water:
Parsley and beets.
And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

Teacher.Guys, tell me what vegetables the hostess bought. ( Answers.) Now you will hear a few more poems about vegetables.

1st student


Well done cucumbers:
They don't crawl all over the place.
Like children holding hands,
They hold on to the whips.

(V. Musatov)

2nd student


Not umbrellas guys
Opened up in the rain -
Bloomed in our garden bed
Dill on a July day.

(V. Musatov)

3rd student


It hasn't withered or dried out.
The beets are turning green again.
Because beets
Got wet in the rain.

(V. Musatov)

Teacher. You probably know that every person has his own biography, i.e. life story. Every vegetable has a “biography”. For example, potatoes. We are so accustomed to it that we cannot imagine our life without this vegetable; we consider it almost the most ancient product on our table. But it is not so.
The homeland of potatoes is South America (the Indians ate it). In the middle of the 16th century. potatoes were brought to Europe. Here it began to spread with enviable speed. And when did it appear here in Russia? It is believed that the first bag of potatoes was sent from Germany by Peter I. The mass acquaintance of Russians with potatoes, which were called “earth apples,” took place after one of the founders of Russian agronomic science, writer, participant in the Seven Years’ War with Prussia, Andrei Bolotov (1738–1833). ), returning to his estate near Tula, he grabbed potatoes for planting.
Gradually, in a number of Russian provinces, potatoes began to produce good yields. However, it was mostly city dwellers who ate it, because... The peasants, spontaneously rejecting everything that was introduced from above (by the authorities), were hostile to the new vegetable. And in the 19th century, during the reign of Nicholas I, who forcibly introduced the planting of potatoes, they even organized so-called potato riots? These riots were suppressed by the tsarist troops.
Today potatoes are one of the most important food products for the population of many countries around the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are poems about this vegetable.

4th student


Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
Salt it a little.
After all, really, delicious potatoes?!

Teacher.To prevent other vegetables from being offended, the guys will read poems about them too. ( Three students each read one stanza from a poem about zucchini.)

5th student


Zucchini, fat man,
golden barrel,
He's on our site
Still a newbie.

6th student

I planted him
And he watered and covered,
So that first
He lived under a thin film.

7th student

To gain strength,
The zucchini didn't freeze.
So that it fills more fully
A barrel under the sun.

(V. Musatov)

8th student

And this is a poem about Dinya’s melon.

People are noisy at the gate:
“Where is Dinin’s vegetable garden?!”
A big melon
Raised by Dina:
He will hide behind a melon -
And Dina is not visible.

(V. Musatov)

Teacher.Pumpkin is especially useful in late autumn and winter. Salads, juices, drinks are prepared from pumpkin fruits, pancakes are baked, porridge is cooked, soups, purees, caviar, jam, jam, candied fruits, it is added to dough when baking bread products. And in France they eat not only pumpkin fruits, but also the ends of young vines. Peeled and boiled in salt water, they taste like asparagus.

9th student.I will read a poem about a pumpkin.

A lot of pumpkin
I'm used to drinking water.
Pumpkin on sunny days
I would like to lie down in the shade.

(V. Musatov)

Teacher. Every time we eat carrots or radishes, cucumbers or tomatoes, parsley or cabbage, we, without knowing it, “swallow” many interesting stories from the “biographies” of these vegetables. Judge for yourself. For example, cabbage was mentioned in ancient legends and legends. Our ancestors learned about it from the Greco-Roman colonists who lived in the Black Sea region, because in Ancient Rome cabbage was grown and eaten very widely.
Over time, people learned to prepare many different dishes from cabbage: salads, cabbage soup, cabbage pies, solyanka, borscht; learned how to salt and ferment cabbage... Even then they noticed that cabbage was not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy for human body. Later, scientific research by scientists confirmed this. So, cabbage. Listen to one of the tips for all gardeners.

10th student

So that cabbage grows faster
And the cabbage was delicious,
To be of great size
Curled the heads of cabbage,
Water it all summer long
Don't be sorry for the water
And she will pay generously
All your works.

(V. Musatov)

Teacher.The “cabbage family” is very numerous. It contains white, red, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower...

That's right, intense heat is harmful
For cauliflower:
Hides white heads -
Like snow globes.
Leaves tied deftly -
This is an umbrella from the heat.

(V. Musatov)

You can read about vegetables in encyclopedias and textbooks, books and magazines. Vegetables can also be seen in artists’ paintings. Among the world masterpieces are paintings by the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527–1593) “The Gardener”, “Summer”. Up close, the picture looks like something out of a greengrocer's dream come true. But if you look closely, the outlines of a human head appear, which is entirely composed of summer fruits and vegetables.
There are a large number of folk proverbs, sayings and riddles about vegetables. Here are just a few examples of folk wisdom.

· Every vegetable has its time.

· Every day with vegetables, but not every day with cabbage soup.

· Love is not a potato - you can’t throw it out the window.

· Cabbage loves water and good weather.

· Garden head (means: cabbage head, i.e. slow-witted, sluggish, clumsy person, open-mouthed.)

· Do not chop cabbage with your tongue.

· Easier than steamed turnips (i.e. very simple).

· Cheaper than steamed turnips (i.e. very cheap).

· Onion from seven ailments.

· Onions and a bath will fix everything.

· Onion grief (i.e., an unlucky, clumsy person; a klutz).

· Who has what taste: some like melon, and some like watermelon.

· Onions and garlic are siblings.

· Heart with pepper, soul with garlic (i.e. an evil person).

· Radish boasted: “I’m good with honey!”

· I'm tired of it, like a bitter radish.

· Tired of worse than bitter radish.

· Carrots add blood.

· Eat a carrot if you don't have an apple.

· Plant cucumbers in the sea (i.e. exaggerate, deceive).

Teacher.Guys, let's remember where the housewife bought the vegetables from Julian Tuwim's poem “Vegetables”. ( Students answer from their seats.)

Teacher.Yes, the hostess bought vegetables at the bazaar (market). Vegetables can also be bought in the store. You can also grow them yourself in your garden bed. Here's a poem about it.

What's growing in our garden bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and salad -
Our garden bed is just a treasure.

(V. Korkin)

Now be careful and try to guess the riddles, which we will call “Riddles from the Garden.”

Like in our garden
Mysteries have grown -
Juicy and large,
They're so round
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.


And in this garden
Bitter riddles
Thirty-three clothes
And all without a clasp.
Who undresses them -
Tears are shed.

(Onion.) (Yu. Chernykh)

I grew up in the garden
My nasty character:
Wherever I go
I will bring everyone to tears.

(Onion.) (A. Rozhdestvenskaya)

Cucumbers are just sprouting
In an ordinary garden bed,
And this one has greens
We played hide and seek
Because thin
They were covered with film:
And it’s not blowing, and it’s warm,
And transparent, like glass.

(Greenhouse.) (V. Musatov)

Played hide and seek
Guys from the garden
And straight from the garden
They ended up in tubs.

(Cucumbers.) (V. Musatov)

Everyone will recognize the young man
What grows in the garden:
It's bigger than a cucumber
He's thick and smooth
He also holds on to the whip...
Come take a look.

(Zucchini.) (V. Musatov)

So many arrows
Grows in the beds
And shoot
Not for kids.

(Onion.) (V. Musatov)

Teacher.Tell me, where are the beds usually located? ( In the garden.) But vegetable gardens are different. Listen to the “tease” poem by poet Ivan Demyanov:

The dirty guy didn't wash his hands.
I didn’t go to the bathhouse for a month.
So much dirt, so many abrasions!
We'll put an onion on your neck,

Turnips - on the palms,
There are potatoes on the cheeks,
Carrots will sprout on the nose -
There will be a whole garden!

Do you like this kind of garden? No to me. It’s better to imagine this picture: outside the window there is a December cold, there is so much snow that you can’t see a single piece of land. And in the apartment there are vines of cucumbers hanging, red-sided tomatoes flaunting like balls on a Christmas tree, dill, onions, parsley growing green on the windowsill...
This is not a fairy tale, but reality, the fruit of the painstaking work of a vegetable grower - a lover of home farming. And this is not a fad of today. This kind of activity is an old thing, known in Rus' for a long time. Russian experience was adopted abroad.
Famous writers Alexander Tvardovsky, Sergei Smirnov, Konstantin Paustovsky, storyteller Pavel Bazhov, sculptor Sergei Konenkov were successfully engaged in home farming...
You guys can do home farming too. You need to start with the simplest thing, for example, growing green onions. The benefit will be double: vitamins all year round, and the opportunity to better study the plant world.
And now - attention! Let's write down, to better remember, the names of some vegetables.

Vegetable dictionary

1. Artichoke.
2. Eggplant.
3. Melon.
4. Zucchini.
5. Cabbage.
6. Potatoes.
7. Onion.
8. Carrots.
9. Cucumber.
10. Patisson.
11. Pepper.
12. Parsley.
13. Radish.
14. Radish.
15. Turnip.
16. Salad.
17. Beetroot.
18. Celery.
19. Tomato (tomato).
20. Pumpkin.
21. Dill.
22. Garlic.
23. Spinach.
24. Sorrel.

You see how diverse vegetable crops are. Vegetables are a valuable food product and animal feed (there are fodder varieties), vegetables are vitamins and medicines. They can be grown not only in fields and gardens (i.e. in open ground), but also in greenhouses and greenhouses, and even at home.

In the final speech the teacher:

– evaluates not only children’s preparation for the lesson, but also their participation in it;
– proposes to consolidate knowledge on the topic “Vegetables” on the page of the school (class) thematic album: write down the topic, 2 poems and 2 proverbs; stick pictures of vegetables or make a collage; names the person responsible (volunteer or assigned) and determines the deadline for completing the work;
– writes down creative ideas on the board homework:

Who wants,
Make up your own riddle.
Draw the answer.
Show it to mom.

(L. Sandler)
