Examples of intuition in human life. Other examples of sports intuition

Examples of intuition in human life.  Other examples of sports intuition

Relevance of the training topic.

It is difficult to list all the situations in which a person needs intuition to make a decision. We use intuition all the time: when choosing from several options, when looking for a job, to develop a project, to assess the reasons for the current situation, to make decisions on investments, when hiring employees and searching for partners, when negotiating, to create something new (discovering your business, etc.). Life itself requires us to be able to be in the right place at the right time, to “automatically” choose the best option.

The goal of intuition training is to develop intuitive abilities, as well as master the skill of intuitive decision-making. Intuition training is a product that is rarely found on the business education market, but there is every reason to believe that it is in demand by managers. This is due to the increase in modern factors such as stress, uncertainty when making decisions, an increase in information flows and a simultaneous increase in time shortage. To make decisions and operate effectively in such conditions, it is necessary to turn to mental reserves that are practically not used in the traditional rational approach to management. These reserves are located in the realm of the unconscious. If managers discover such a cognitive tool as intuition and learn to use it, they will thereby receive an additional reserve for insuring risks when making decisions.

In 2002, an event occurred that surprised the whole world. For the first time, the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded not to an economist, but to a psychologist. In his books “Psychology of Forecasting”, “Decision Making under Uncertainty”, he experimentally proved that decisions in the field of economics are made by people not on a rational, but on an emotional and intuitive level.

II. Specific examples using intuition.

A woman, the head of a trading company, told the following story. One day, when she was getting ready for work in the morning, the idea occurred to her that she needed to remind the team at her store to be more attentive in order to prevent theft of goods. The manager decided to hold a small team meeting for this purpose (at the same time to discuss a number of other pending issues). However, then the phone rang and she was informed that she needed to go to her partner’s office. Thus, urgent matters meant that she only got to the store in the afternoon. And then her employees reported the theft, which had already occurred in the first half of the day!

When she later reflected on what had happened, she came to the conclusion that she should have immediately acted on the intuition she had received. If she had at least called the store in the morning and simply reminded her to be vigilant, then, most likely, the theft could have been avoided.

One of the most common examples of using intuition is solving a problem such as choosing a profession. Every person goes through this intuitive choice. When choosing a profession young man there is no guarantee that the acquired qualification will bring him success in the future. When applying for a job, the question of what influenced the choice of profession is one of the most informative. In the candidates’ responses, one can hear different answers: that it was the parents’ decision, that the sister successfully graduated from the same institute, that the decision was made “for company” with friends, that this profession promised guaranteed income or social prestige, etc. Such “external” choices in the vast majority of cases lead to the fact that a person does not like his profession and does not achieve success in it.

One of the most important examples of using intuition is goal setting. Every leader sets goals, which then become goals for many people, sometimes a few people, sometimes millions. It is through the power of a set goal that a leader is able to unite and rally his team around him. Setting goals is an intuitive process. Along with rational information, when choosing a goal, a leader must be guided by his intuition, otherwise the set goal will not have motivating power. Leaders are known to “infect” other people with their own goals. The unifying power of a goal directly depends on the belief in it of the leader, the author of the idea or direction. This belief comes from the depths of his psyche, and if the goal does not resonate deeply in his soul, it loses its ability to lead people.

III. The problem of modern business people is a lack of self-confidence

Modern business people have such a feature as distrust of themselves. Often a person receives useful information from his intuition, but does not consider it important, “relevant”. Managers and businessmen are more inclined to listen to the advice of a specialist, request expert advice, read news reports on a topic of interest, rather than listen to the voice of their own Self. However, without the voice of their own Self, it is impossible to choose the right decision, to find the true path, because only you yourself know the path to your own well-being .

Modern business education has succeeded in developing rational skills in analyzing and obtaining external information. However, it seems to us that this is not enough. It is also necessary to develop a culture, self-understanding, and the ability to listen to internal signals.

A paradoxical situation is emerging. On the one hand, it is common knowledge that all successful businessmen have declared their intuition and its vital role in their success. Henry Mintzberg, a columnist for the Harvard Business Review, conducted a survey of high-ranking officials and businessmen, which revealed that many of them “...constantly solve problems too complex for rational thinking using intuition" But at the same time most of Modern managers and executives do not even know the basics of working with intuition.

IV. The relationship between intuition and rationality

Intuition is a tool of cognition, known since ancient times. It does not exclude the use of rational tools and does not at all imply neglect of rational knowledge. They have different tasks. The task of intuition is to show the direction and goals of an individual’s development, and the task of rational thinking is to select the means to achieve it. Rationality cannot indicate what will be good and what will be evil for a given individual. For example, every mother wishes the best for her child - this is a rational message. However, if a child follows his mother’s wishes in his choices, he has no chance of living out his life. own life. He also cannot find out in which direction his implementation is located from books (even the smartest ones), from professors or bosses. He can only know this from his intuition. When an intuitive vision - a fleeting flash-image - is given, you need to use all rational tools to build a strategy for achieving the goal indicated by intuition.

When comparing intuitive and rational knowledge, the comparison between a manager and a leader made by F. Lutens in the book “ Organizational behavior" Intuition is related to rational knowledge in the same way that the abilities of a leader are related to the abilities of a manager.

Characteristics of rational cognition Characteristics of Intuition
AdministersCarries out innovations
Focused on systems and structuresPeople oriented
Relies on controlInspires confidence
Short termLong-term perspective
Asks: how and whenAsks: what and why
Looks at the totalsLooks to the future
Accepts the status quoChallenges the status quo
good soldierIndividuality
Does the job rightDoes the right thing

If we recall the famous saying A. Einstein that reason is the servant of intuition, then we can once again emphasize that the task of rationality is to tell a person how to do things correctly, and the task of intuition is to suggest how to do the right things.

V. Intuition as a skill successful people

Intuition is the subtlest instrument of nature, designed to work for the benefit of man. Intuition has a number of limitations and strict rules for use, stimulation and development. All these rules are quite accessible modern leader. They can be mastered and successfully used to benefit yourself and your business.

Intuition is an ability found in most successful people. In the biographies of great businessmen and leaders, there is often mention of the importance of intuition in making the most important decisions. Intuition is a means of saving a manager’s energy and time, because it allows him to make decisions in the shortest possible time when there is a lack of information.

Intuition training is a tradition in many foreign companies, such as Microsoft. Typically these are high technology companies where there is a need for constant creative development and change. As for Russia, the Forex company is now showing systematic attention to this topic, since the sphere of exchange trading is one of those where the skill of intuition is used every day. Academician Norbekov does a lot of work on the practical application of intuitive solutions.

VI. Intuition training in a thematic training grid

In the context of business education, intuition training is located between creativity training, self-regulation training and decision-making training. You can also see the close connection between intuition training and “” training. Intuition how cognitive ability has a source unconscious, which in psychology is associated with the emotional sphere of the individual.

Intuitive abilities are close to creative abilities, because... They have a common mechanism - imaginative thinking. At the same time, intuition is directly related to physical and emotional self-regulation. Academician Norbekov considers health and emotional balance to be the most important conditions for the development of intuition. Intuitive thinking involves high sensitivity to signals in the emotional and physiological systems(organismic sensitivity).

Finally, practical use in business, intuition is found in the decision-making process. Thus, intuition training is at the intersection of emotional intelligence and management training.

VII. New achievements in the problem of studying intuition

Ontopsychology has made a significant contribution to the study of intuition. This direction modern psychology developed by Professor Antonio Meneghetti (Italy). In the Russian Federation, ontopsychology is taught as a second higher education in St. Petersburg State University at the department of ontopsychology. (The author of the report is a student of this department.)

Ontopsychology allows you to use the following new tools for the development of intuition.

1. Reading the semantic field.

Intuition must be distinguished from other signals, both external and internal. The semantic field is the impact of external influences on a person. These are emotions, images, thoughts, states that the subject experiences as his own, but they are brought into his consciousness from the outside. To use intuition, it is necessary to recognize information signals from the semantic field. During the training, participants learn to recognize and meaningfully qualify signals from the semantic field.

Let's consider an example of behavior that can lead to the development or, conversely, to regression of intuitive ability. A modern young man may be faced with a difficult choice: friends invite him to take part in a general party, his mother demands that he come to her family dinner, a friend asks him to accompany her to a nightclub, and his own inner voice says that he needs to be in alone. Depending on whether the young man is ready not to betray himself in a given situation, it will depend on whether he will be able to hear the voice of his intuition in the future.

Having listened to “other voices”: a sense of solidarity in the case of friends, a sense of duty in the case of his mother, a feeling of love in the case of a girl - he betrays himself and gradually loses the ability to hear the instructions of his own intuition. So, concession after concession, mistake after mistake, a person begins to get confused in the chorus of other people’s voices, but no longer hears his own. Thus, in order to enjoy the benefits of intuition, inner maturity, autonomy, and strength of personality are required.

2. Visceral susceptibility.

In psychology, it is accepted that intuitive thinking is different from logical thinking, but the “organ” responsible for intuitive thinking remains debated. Many authors believe that if logical thinking is carried out by the brain, then intuitive thinking is carried out by the heart. However, it would be more accurate to say that intuitive thinking is carried out by the integrity of a person’s being. Within the framework of ontopsychology, it has been clinically proven that the localization of holistic sensitivity in a person is the visceral zone. It includes the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and genital area. In the literature, this zone is usually called the “second brain.” The visceral zone analyzes information coming to the subject from outside world, based on the combined reaction of the emotional and physiological spheres, i.e. holistically and organically.

To control intuition, the subject must have developed visceral sensitivity, since the reaction of the visceral zone is the primary undifferentiated reaction of the organism to the situation, from the point of view of favorability or danger for the subject.

In addition, the skill of synchronizing logical consciousness with visceral sensitivity is necessary, because this provides an optimal state, being in which the subject is able to predict events before the onset of consequences.

3. Existential ethics and hygiene.

The development of intuition presupposes a certain lifestyle. By retreating from one's own authenticity in favor of stereotypical choices dictated by complexes, fears, feelings of guilt, the desire to be like everyone else, etc., a person loses this gift. Conversely, by making authentic choices, a person increases his ability to intuition.

Intuition refers to “subtle” abilities that are difficult to develop and easy to lose due to incorrect actions. Therefore, an important element of the training content is the ethical (behavioral) component, which can be designated as “Hygiene of Intuition”. The training examines a lifestyle that allows you to increase your intuitive abilities.

VIII. Conclusions.

As conclusions, I would like to give a general nomenclature that makes up the ability for intuitive thinking.

Intuition as an ability and skill is divided into several components. These include:

  • Skill imaginative thinking,
  • The ability to become aware of your emotional and physical condition,
  • The skill of emotional and physical self-regulation,
  • Forecasting skill
  • Problem analysis skills
  • Decision-making skills under conditions of uncertainty,
  • Organic hygiene skills
  • The skill of reading the semantic field,
  • The skill of synchronizing logical consciousness with visceral sensitivity,
  • The skill of recognizing and interpreting images.
List of used literature
  • D. Kahneman, P. Slovik, A. Tversky. Decision making in uncertainty.
  • L. Day. Practical intuition in business.
  • L. Schultz. The language of intuition.
  • A. Meneghetti. Psychology of a leader.
  • A. Meneghetti. Textbook on ontopsychology.
  • F. Lutens Organizational behavior

Modern psychologists distinguish the following types of intuition (paths or channels of intuitive responses coming to us):

1. Bodily (or physical) intuition
People who have developed this type of intuition receive intuitive clues through actual physical sensations - pain or pleasure, apathy or a surge of strength. Such people are in touch with the sensations of their body and make conclusions about their potential success in a particular event based on how they feel.

2. Emotional intuition
Emotional intuition appeals to our feelings, and with the help of, for example, “inexplicable” anxiety, worry or fear, signals to us: “something is wrong here.”
From time immemorial, emotions (anger, fear) have served us to quickly classify the degree of danger of a developing situation (no time to think!), so this type of intuition does not give clear answers, but tries to warn us, with the help of a feeling of primitive fear, about a danger threatening our life or health .

3. Intellectual intuition
This type of intuition works somewhat slower than others. Intellectual intuition serves us as a source of new creative and scientific discoveries. Intellectual intuition, in turn, falls into the following subtypes (not much different): professional, scientific and creative.

4. Professional intuition
This type of intuitive subconscious cognition develops in people who have been engaged in a certain profession for a long time, for example medicine, politics, business, sports. It relies on the accumulation and holistic understanding of one’s own professional experience. Thus, the experience accumulated by the subconscious helps professionals make “non-standard” decisions in their field.
An example of professional intuition:

“The inventor of the sewing machine, Elias Hove, worked for a very long time on his first sewing device, which could make the work of seamstresses easier. Only one thing was missing key element. He was already in despair when he had a nightmare: Hove is on a desert island, and a crowd of cannibals is chasing him. And so, escaping from persecution Hove falls exhausted and the savages overtake him. They raise their spears over him, and then he clearly sees oblong holes in the tips of the savage spears...”
This is how the sewing machine needle appeared, and its design made the process of machine sewing possible.

5. Scientific intuition
This type of intuition manifests itself in scientists, especially in those moments when the process of cognition stalls. Such moments require from the scientist a tremendous effort of all the moral, intellectual and physical forces of the body.
One of the brightest and most interesting practical discoveries is the discovery by the German chemist Friedrich August Kekule of the main component of gasoline. He invented the formula for the benzene ring.

This discovery was preceded by years of hard work that did not bring results. But at some point, tired of thinking, Kekule dozed off and had a very vivid and colorful dream. He looked at the flames of the fireplace, and they formed into chains of atoms. These chains turned into snakes that wriggled and attacked the chemist, but did not bite him. One of these snakes grabbed its tail and began to spin wildly. The picture of a snake grabbing itself by the tail and spinning amazed the scientist so much that he immediately woke up and began to write down all his thoughts regarding the formula of the gasoline molecule. In 1865, Kekule reported to the scientific community of chemists that the benzene ring consisted of six carbon atoms (which connected to each other like a snake biting its own tail). His discovery helped make a new breakthrough in theory aromatic hydrocarbons famous

Alexandra M. Butlerova.
6. Creative intuition Finally, we come to a type of intuition that is considered highest form

intuitive knowledge. It is usually attributed to artists, although it is often combined with scientific intuition.

Creative intuition is based on insight.

A typical example of creative intuition is the activity of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who, according to the recorded evidence of his contemporaries, heard his works in a ready-made, complete form, and did not compose musical fragments and transitions between them...

*But how to determine what is most important for you, what you really want, why you came into this world? Watch yourself.

Is there really nothing in the world that you really like? And do you dream that later, when you have more free time, you will definitely do this? When - later? When will you no longer have the strength, health, and desire to disappear, dissolving in the everyday struggle with worries and problems, with yourself and your reluctance to do what your heart is not in? Or maybe, if thoughts of doing something seriously have already appeared, then the moment has come? Just think about these questions.

One of the most striking signs that intuition gives us in connection with our occupation is boredom. Take a closer look at yourself, listen: you started talking about how you would gladly start growing beautiful flowers. You buy books on floriculture. You give people tips that help them grow beautiful but difficult to care for plants. Do you think it won't generate income? Why not! Or maybe now your most important dream is to study foreign languages
, despite the fact that you don’t have time for it. All these are hints from intuition. In the modern information world, languages ​​can generate income, just like other knowledge and abilities.

Therefore, the first piece of advice is: do not waste time and money on your interests and hobbies. Firstly, these are signs of intuition about possible paths along which success awaits you. Secondly, any knowledge not only can, but will also bring you income. Learn and success will follow. By the way, by purchasing this book, you have already taken the first step on the path of learning and self-development. Knowledge is never superfluous!

But you don’t need to brush aside negative emotions, especially if they appear suddenly, unexpectedly: your intuition speaks to you through emotions! This is the most direct and accessible channel of communication with her. Negative emotions - fear, anxiety, etc. - warn of danger, warn against the wrong direction of movement. If you have decided to invest money in some profitable enterprise, but we felt

suddenly a vague anxiety, this, of course, is not a reason to abandon the plan.

But maybe you should take a closer look at where exactly you are investing your money in order to avoid or reduce possible losses? The path to business success John Rockefeller III, one

from representatives

dynasty of American millionaires, explained how to achieve success: “The path to success is determined by two simple principles. Find a business that interests you and that you are good at, and when you have found it, put all your soul into it without reserve, all your energy, ambition and natural abilities.”

Photo by @Svetlana Shmeleva

As someone successfully formulated, prayer is a conversation between a person and God, and intuition is a conversation between God and a person.

Why is intuition needed?

Intuition is often perceived by people as some kind of mystical force. If a person predicts subsequent events or the actions of others, he may be recognized as a clairvoyant, putting some secret magical meaning into this concept. Or maybe intuition is just a skill that can be developed?

If you translate the word “intuitio” (intuition) from Latin, you get a fairly simple and understandable word – “contemplation, close observation.” In general, the entire mystical touch disappears in this way.

However, in psychology there is no gender division - intuition in psychology is inherent in both men and women equally, the only question is that more often we ourselves choose to make decisions. Since men, as a rule, prefer to act rationally in everything, to control their consciousness, then the formation of intuitive decisions in men in this case does not occur. Men often don’t even ask themselves why intuition is needed. However, many psychologists, including Carl Gustav Jung, for example, believe that intuition is an integral part of personality, which helps a person determine his attitude towards the whole world and himself.

From childhood we are taught to prove, reason logically, and make arguments, so the intuitive approach begins to fade into the background. Although everyone knows stories about how scientists made great discoveries after seeing them in their dreams, composers wrote brilliant works that they thought they heard while half asleep. All this confirms that the truth that appears “out of nowhere” is sometimes the only true one. And it’s worth listening to yourself, even if it cannot be explained, without thinking about why intuition is needed.

Modern psychology distinguishes several types of intuition:

Bodily intuition

People with developed physical intuition rely on the clues they receive from the physical sensations of their body, from their well-being.

Here is an example from the life of a famous and successful entrepreneur on the Stock Exchange George Soros. In his book Soros on Soros, he describes his physical sensations in response to fluctuations in stock prices:

"I feel pain. I rely very heavily on animal instincts. When I was actively managing the Foundation, my back hurt. I interpreted the onset of acute pain as a signal that something was wrong with my affairs. The pain in my back told me what was wrong (low back for short-term investing, left shoulder for currency), but it encouraged me to do troubleshooting that I might not have done otherwise. This is certainly not the most scientific way to manage investments."

From the above excerpt it is clear that Soros does not at all rely on the scientific knowledge and terms, for example, “bullish trend”, “sideways trend” or “bearish trend”, which are filled with all kinds of textbooks on stock trading. On the contrary, Soros, as he puts it, completely trusts his instincts, which he includes intuition. Please note that according to Soros, intuition refers to instincts. And, as we know, all people are endowed with instincts from birth. This proves that all people have intuition.

Emotional intuition

Reliance on our feelings, emotions, unclear fears and irrational phobias. Emotional intuition does not answer questions, it simply gives a signal about the danger or safety of actions and situations.

Intellectual intuition

This is a real source of progress, creativity, scientific achievements, in a word, is the support of human civilization. Intellectual intuition can be professional, scientific or creative. Each of the subtypes of intuition is characterized by a process of long-term “maturation” of an intuitive solution, here is an approximate diagram creative process:

  • — preparation, formulation of the problem and collection of information
  • - maturation, gestation of a problem
  • - epiphany
  • — interpretation, logical processing of the task and fixation

a) Why does a professional need intuition - an example

Inventor of the sewing machine Elias Hove I worked for a very long time on my first sewing device, which could make the work of seamstresses easier. Only one key element was missing. He was already in despair when he had a nightmare: Hove is on a desert island, and a crowd of cannibals is chasing him. And so, fleeing persecution, Hove falls exhausted and the savages overtake him. They raise their spears over him, and then he clearly sees in the tips oblong holes... This is how the needle for sewing machines appeared.

b) Why does a scientist need intuition? example

One of the brightest and most interesting practical discoveries is the one discovered by the German chemist Friedrich August Kekule main component of gasoline. He invented the formula for the benzene ring.

This discovery was preceded by years of hard work that did not bring results. But at some point, tired of thinking, Kekule dozed off and had a very vivid and colorful dream. He looked at the flames of the fireplace, and they formed into chains of atoms. These chains turned into snakes that wriggled and attacked the chemist, but did not bite him. One of these snakes grabbed its tail and began to spin wildly. The picture of a snake grabbing itself by the tail and spinning amazed the scientist so much that he immediately woke up and began to write down all his thoughts regarding the formula of the gasoline molecule. In 1865, Kekule reported to the scientific community of chemists that the benzene ring consisted of six carbon atoms (which connected to each other like a snake biting its own tail). His discovery helped make a new breakthrough in the theory of aromatic hydrocarbons of the famous A.M. Butlerov.

c) An example of creative intuition

Creative intuition is based on insight. A typical example of creative intuition is music. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who, according to the recorded evidence of his contemporaries, heard his works already in a finished, complete form, and did not compose musical fragments and transitions between them.

To summarize, we note that now we know why intuition is needed and we can turn our conscious attention to our individual channel of intuition, which is a priority for us when we make decisions. In addition, we now understand that intuitive decisions can come to us both immediately (in the form of anxiety, for example) and over time (every fruit must ripen).

Exercises to develop intuition

Listen to your feelings and read the signs

Don't ask your intuition for direct answers to questions. Don't try to explain your every step to yourself. Stop asking yourself why intuition is needed and what to do with it. Listen not to the voice of reason, but to your vague sensations and signs of the body.

Relax and drown out the inner noise

The more thoughts in your head, the less room there is for intuition. Yoga, walks, hobbies and hobbies - do everything regularly to stop the noise of thoughts in your head, internal dialogues. Intuition will not come while you are tense or engaged in the thought process.

Loneliness is not a punishment, but a gift of fate

See loneliness as a blessing, not a punishment. Only in solitude can you free yourself from the burden of other people's opinions and be alone with your intuition.

Science has not proven that a person can develop intuition, but here you should believe your eyes: brilliant scientists, artists, writers and composers were able to create their creations and discoveries using natural abilities, life experience and intuition.

Intuition (from intuitio - “contemplation”, from the verb intueor - I look closely) is knowledge based on close attention to the essence of things, events and phenomena.

How to effectively use your “sixth sense”
to achieve success in school, career, business and personal life?

Intuitive thinking has not been studied enough for science to offer a ready-made algorithm for developing intuition that works equally for all individuals. However, there is ENOUGH research in the field of intuitive cognition, historical examples and developed methods for the development of individual intuitive thinking in ANY person. So why don't we apply this to our lives? Moreover, EVERY person has intuitive thinking as well as analytical thinking as a potential birth ability. Potential means requiring development. However, we are haunted by Myths about intuition.

Myths about intuition:

  1. "Intuition is the opposite of logic."
  2. “Intuition is a product of the activity of the right hemisphere.”
  3. “Intuition is our unconscious.”
  4. "Some people have intuition and others don't."
  5. “Intuition is developed in women, and logic is developed in men.”
  6. “Intuition is a gift that is given from above and cannot be influenced.”

Intuition in business

Akio Morita, head of SONY, calls intuition the main component creative thinking and the cornerstone of technological innovation and new product development: “Machines and computers do not have the ability to create, because simple information processing is not enough for creative activity. Creativity requires human thought, spontaneous intuition and courage.” Managers and leaders with experience become wiser on an intuitive level. Intuition resides not only in our brain, but also in our body. Its manifestations can be conditionally attributed to the “head”, “heart”, “hands” and “guts”.

Would you like to develop these levels of personal effectiveness? Then let's look at the 4 differences of the “intuitive” mind:

  1. Speaks the language of feelings.
  2. Acts quickly and spontaneously.
  3. It is a complete “pattern recognition system”.
  4. Offers us hypotheses, not facts.

Intuition in science. Historical example

Nikola Tesla is considered a prominent representative of the intuitive method of research in science. In contrast to Thomas Addison, who is the personification of a galaxy of experimental scientists who achieve their goals by trial and error. Nikola Tesla is the greatest inventor of the 20th century, the author of several thousand inventions. Enthusiastic admirers call him the Lord of Lightning, the Father alternating current, the Wizard and the Man who invented the 20th century! A unit for measuring magnetic flux density, a street in Croatia, an airport in Serbia are named after him, his face appears on banknotes, and in his homeland he is considered a national hero along with great rulers and warriors.

Nikola Tesla, a Serb by nationality, was born in the province of Lika, which was part of Austrian Empire. His father - Orthodox priest, who had many abilities: he knew several languages, had an excellent style of writing articles, and had an excellent memory. Mother - Duka Mandich - a representative of one of the most famous Serbian families for its traditions, was a talented needlewoman, could not read, but knew many national poems by heart and came up with many useful devices for her home.

As proof of Tesla's intuition, they cite the story of the creation of the alternator: when Nikola was a second-year student at the Higher Technical School, a car was brought to the physics classroom direct current with a collector. After observing the work of the dynamo, Tesla declared that it was possible to build an alternating current generator and do without a commutator. Tesla was ridiculed because at that time in science the use of alternating current was considered impossible. For several years Tesla lived with this idea. How does Tesla's famous intuition work?

According to legend, he was walking with a friend in the park, reciting Goethe’s “Faust” by heart, and suddenly saw a diagram of the future generator. “Suddenly the truth was revealed to me. I sketched out diagrams on the sand with a stick,” recalled Nikola Tesla. And several more years passed before the generator and other equipment created by Tesla served to create the world's largest power plant at Niagara Falls.

Tesla had the intuition of a physicist. Leonardo da Vinci - artist. Mozart is a musician.

In what area would you like to develop your intuition?

Leadership. Oratory. Management. Marketing. Medicine. Pedagogy. Art. The science.

Making decisions. Relationship. Parenting. Purpose. Foresight of the future.

We respect any choice. For those who are already READY, the “INTUITION DEVELOPMENT” program has been developed and selected best time and a place to unleash your intuitive thinking.

For those who think, we offer 10 principles of intuitive knowledge:

Principle 10: Stay true to your intuitive personality.

Principle 9: Do things right, do the right things, and go in the right direction.

Principle 8. Listen to your head, heart and inspiration.

Principle 7: Express your intuitive feelings.

Principle 6: Develop skills and knowledge (competence).

Principle 5: Beware of weak gut feelings.

Principle 4. Rely on first impressions and take them into account.

Principle 3. Do not be confused about your Self (distinguish between emotions, intuition, insight, stereotypes, etc.).

Principle 2: Switch mental gears.

Principle 1: Acknowledge your intuition.

If you are tired of doing what you always do during the New Year holidays, try a NEW EXPERIENCE - this is a journey through the Places of Power with the goal of developing personality and harmonizing relationships.

Treat yourself to a MAGICAL WINTER VACATION!


An amazing Christmas tale: guided visualization, dynamic and relaxing meditations, bodily practices, energy exercises, dance show, laughter therapy, surprises, competitions, shamanic practices, sexuality disclosure...

Do you want to effectively combine analysis and intuition? Achieve success in education, career, business and personal life? Accept right decisions in complex and time-sensitive situations? Develop your brain or become a leader?

What awaits you?

  1. Debunking the myth of intuition.
  2. The flip side of intuition: logical errors, tendency to bias, stereotyping, self-deception.
  3. Intuitive successes and mistakes.
  4. Damasio somatic markers.
  5. Five Rules for Good Intuitive Judgment.
  6. Ten principles of intuitive knowledge.
  7. Intuitive knowledge of the future.
  8. Intuition and choice of partner.
  9. Intuition and decision making.
  10. Intuition and extrasensory perception.
  11. Intuition and creativity.
  12. Intuition and entrepreneurship. Income from intuition.
  13. Intuition and leadership. Aristotle's Intuitive Leadership. A leader's set of values. Vector.

Practice: “Crystal Ball”, “Devil’s Advocate”, “Time Out”, “Extra Time”, “Pulsing”, etc.

Meditations: “Healing”, “Golden Light”, “ Cash flow", "Waiting for sunrise", "Dynamic", etc.

You will also be able to receive:

  1. Enneagram testing.
  2. Your psychological portrait.
  3. Composite psychological portraits(relationship with partner).
  4. Tarot consultation.
  5. Family consultation.
  6. Individual and family coaching.

Format: mini-lectures, demonstrations, games, actions and events.

The whole family CAN participate. For children - the program “I am a leader” - a program of intuitive development in English.
