20 examples of augmented reality in education. The use of augmented reality technology in modern education

20 examples of augmented reality in education.  The use of augmented reality technology in modern education

There are very few successful projects that allow the use of augmented reality technologies in education. Here are some successful examples:

PhysicsPlayground - a manual on physics, which is a three-dimensional environment with which you can improve your knowledge of the structure of the Universe.

Dow Day combines the modern layout of Wixon State University with what happened there in 1967. Students, teachers and guests of the university can witness the action against the Vietnam War, watching it through their own smartphones.

Elements 4D– a set of 6 dice, each with a picture of chemical element. If you point your smartphone camera at a cube, it will turn glass on the screen, and a sample of the substance will appear inside.

Despite the apparent effectiveness and efficiency of the solutions, there are many problems. Firstly, there is no technological base, standards for software development and the use of augmented reality technologies. Secondly, it is inconvenient to point the gadget at the marker each time and hold it for a long time. If you need smart glasses to use the application, another difficulty arises - their inaccessibility.

Nowadays, augmented reality is at the stage of getting rid of illusions: the shortcomings of the technology are being revealed, enthusiastic publications are becoming less and less, but work on the mistakes is beginning. I learned from employees of leading agencies about how this industry will develop and how education will be useful.

Oleg Yusupov, head of MaaS Agency:

MaaS Agency is an industry marketing agency that solves problems of positioning, presentation of a product or service in an innovative digital format, and also implements digital solutions in the field of architecture.

Until we can say that this decision saved a school this much money, augmented and virtual reality will remain a niche market. We can only talk about isolated cases - first of all, this concerns virtual reality. For example, the Discipulus project, opened at University College London, allows you to create “medical avatars” of patients by collecting information from wearable sensors. Courses of treatment can be tested directly on them, before starting to treat the patient himself.

In virtual reality you have to solve a lot moral dilemmas. It is psychologists who most often use the empirical material of virtual reality and actively use the capabilities of simulators. Many psychotherapists have opened offices in Second Life where they successfully treat patients.

People begin to perceive the surrounding space in a new way. This is best seen in the example of young children, for whom a magazine is “a broken iPad”, and interaction with the TV by default should be gestural.

Ivan Yunitsky, creative director of MaaS Agency:

Judging objectively, the augmented reality market in education is in its infancy. The main problem is minimal interaction between those who develop technologies and implement them in training. Reasons include lack of funding for educational institutions and low awareness of the effectiveness of such technologies.

While virtual and augmented reality technologies are most actively used in medical education. There are many programs that simulate internal structure body, nervous and circulatory systems, etc. The effectiveness of this training format has been proven long ago: a person perceives visual images faster and remembers better.

Denis Ponomarenko, head of OrdinLab:

OrdinLab– an engineering team founded in 2014, dealing with IT technologies in the field of education and business. To date, 12 projects in the field of augmented reality and interactive installations have been implemented.

If we talk about the near future (2-4 years), then we will see a boom in augmented reality technologies in printing. You can simply point your smartphone camera at the pages of the textbook and get a colorful 3D model of the Battle of Borodino, a historical summary, and important facts. On higher levels In education, such technologies will be useful for scanning complex technical units and creating visual aids for working with them.

In the distant future (10-15 years), we will see a combination of virtual augmented reality: people will sit still and simulate entire universes using wearable gadgets. Companies that develop similar products in Russia are in too much of a hurry to create an augmented reality headset right now. Until technological progress makes it possible to create exactly the kind of wearable gadgets that consumers want, we need to focus on developing and testing software products for mobile devices. It is necessary to show that this really works, that it helps to receive information in a new and convenient form. Then it will be possible to move on to a new stage: the person will be ready and will take it for granted. At the same time, the user must take a direct part in the development - after all, it is up to him to use it.

Augmented reality technology in education plays an increasingly important role every year: schools, technical schools and universities around the world are moving from traditional methods to more advanced methods. Paper textbooks and manuals are being replaced by electronic books, wooden and plastic boards for chalk and markers are being replaced by displays and tablets.

Is it effective?

Research shows that mixed reality is confident in educational sphere. This approach allows you to better assimilate information and remember large volumes of it, and this also applies to junior schoolchildren, both high school students and students. To establish this, experiments were conducted in which one group studied new material using AR, and the other using classic diagrams and manuals. Tests demonstrated that representatives of the first group learned almost 90% of the total amount of material, showed discipline and interest in learning, while the classical approach showed three times less effectiveness.

How to explain this effectiveness?

In education, the benefits of mixed reality are as follows:

  • Visibility. Typical example– Although a two-dimensional paper projection gives a complete picture of an object, it does not allow you to “feel” it or examine it in detail individual elements. The three-dimensional approach is a completely different matter; a future specialist can evaluate the part, understand its structure, and implement various improvements and changes.
  • Visualization. This technique is often used when teaching children who are not yet familiar with concepts such as theoretical approach And abstract thinking. Visualization of theory using augmented reality, in turn, facilitates the memorization process and improves the assimilation of the material.
  • Interest. Remember your own school years. Flipping through the black and white pages of a textbook is not the most exciting process. Now imagine that its pages come to life, the characters enter into dialogue with you, explain difficult moments, and help you understand the essence of the material. This approach, possible with Augmented Reality, is many times more interesting, pleasant and understandable.

The use of extended reality devices in teaching is becoming more diverse every year. The simplest example is e-books and smartphone applications. Some educational establishments moving on, installing holographic stands, transparent touch screens, and equipping desks with special glasses.

The term “augmented reality” has generally accepted characteristics - it is a combination of real and virtual contexts, their interaction in real time, both contexts are presented in 3D space. Educational augmented reality is a complex of 3D model objects and software for use in the learning process.
To demonstrate Augmented Reality Objects- The ODR teacher uses the following list of hardware: a camera, a computer with a program and a marker with a graphic code. The process of displaying objects takes place in 3 stages: recognizing the marker, tracking the position of the object and displaying virtual information on the screen instead of the marker.
The tasks that I set in connection with the use of this technology are to expand the traditional methodology preschool education due to the capabilities of the AR program, in particular, due to the inclusion of the child in the process of interaction with objects, due to the observation with the help of those means of one’s own movement and reaction, and the child’s self-control. I want to introduce elements of independent play and opportunities into the child’s activities during the lesson. independent choice objects, visually vibrant and three-dimensionally moving characters and models that meet modern technical capabilities. The musical instruments presented as objects of DR are the main instruments of a symphony orchestra used in the practice of classical performers, as well as some instruments that exist in the music of Russian nationalities.
Using this technology in teaching children, I want to achieve:
1. Completely and comprehensively familiarize children with the instrument in a 3D model, in sound and with the help of a video of the performer playing.
2. Give an idea of ​​the varieties and groups of musical instruments, the techniques of classical and traditional instrumental performance.
3. Help children feel the living beat of music, feel like a participant in the process of creating and performing music.
Attached are some photos and videos:

From my musical leisure time.

From preschool to school education. Features of the organization educational process at the beginning

Using augmented technology reality" in modern education

Today, augmented reality technology has become widespread in various fields: the Internet, marketing, tourism, multimedia, science and technology.

Despite the unusual wording of the definition, “Augmented Reality” has long entered our lives. The history of augmented reality goes back about 20 years today, since it was described as a continuum by Paul Milgrom and Fumio Kushino. Augmented reality is presented as a space between reality and virtuality, along with augmented virtuality. Augmented reality technology involves superimposing virtual objects onto a real image obtained via video or webcam. For example, during a television broadcast of an athletics competition, viewers are shown a photo finish - a photograph with lines defining the positions of the athletes. These lines are primitive objects of augmented reality, since they provide additional information, making the real image more informative.

Augmented reality technologydoes not bypass the field of education even todayusedsuperficially in the process of studying the disciplines of the natural and mathematical cycle, which is an objective necessity and requirement in the development of the cognitive processes of modern students.The introduction of modern virtual learning tools into the education system is the most important condition for enhancing the learning effect, which lies in the interactivity of 3D modeling and the use of the augmented reality effect. Having a set of paper markers at hand, we can at any time present a learning object not only in volume, but also perform a series of manipulations with it, look at it “from the inside” or in section.The relevance of introducing augmented reality technology into the educational process lies in the fact that the use of such an innovative tool will undoubtedly increase the motivation of students when studying computer science and other disciplines, as well as increase the level of assimilation of information by synthesizing various forms of its presentation. A huge advantage of using augmented reality technology is its visibility, information completeness and interactivity.

Despite its enormous functionality, augmented reality technology is easy to use and accessible to a multi-age audience of users, but it requires new developments and in-depth study of new problems. However, with proper development, this technology can satisfy a wide range of educational and cognitive needs of schoolchildren and students.

Also, the wide functionality provided by augmented reality technology is also available to the teacher. Using this technology, the teacher can convey the material necessary for learning in a more interesting and accessible form for students, building a lesson based on exciting games, demonstrations and laboratory work. Ease of use of virtual 3D-objects simplifies the process of explaining new material. At the same time, by mastering augmented reality technology, the level of information literacy of teachers and students increases.

For example, studying the topic “Computer Architecture” in a computer science lesson and using 3 instead of real partsD-objects of augmented reality, each student has the opportunity to familiarize himself with each computer device, get an idea of ​​its technological structure and features. For such activities, the teacher must have: ready 3D-models developed in environment 3DsMaxor other modeling programs; web cameras, augmented reality controllers; program for recognizing augmented reality markers in digital or analogue versions; demonstration tools such as projectors, screens, interactive whiteboards.

One example of the use of Augmented Reality technology is the company’s productsSMART Technologies. The technology, in this case, is implemented by the synthesis of an interactive whiteboardSMART, softwareSMART Notebook, document camerasSMARTand an augmented reality cube. Integration with SMART Notebook software allows you to capture images and immediately add them to your digital lesson page. Students can operate animatedWith 3D objects, for example, a student can display a 3D image using an augmented reality cube and demonstrate it to the class from all angles by moving the cube in front of the camera lens. SMART Notebook software support enables additional content to be embedded into lesson files. Augmented reality tools support several common 3D object formats available in various content libraries. Thus, the use of Augmented Reality technology will increase the efficiency of the educational process and interest in the study of science and mathematics disciplines.


1. Smart Education, “How to use augmented reality in education and personnel training” http://www.smart-edu.com/augmented-reality-inlearning.html

The article discusses ideas and has already existing examples use of augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR) technologies in education. At the beginning of the article it is given short review technologies, basic definitions are given, and the technical part is described. The following discusses existing experience in using these technologies: applications, organizations, research. The final section offers ideas for educational applications. In conclusion, the main problems and difficulties that may arise in the process of introducing these technologies are indicated.

Butov Roman Alexandrovich,
engineer IBRAE RAS, graduate student

Grigoriev Igor Sergeevich,
Methodist Resource Center GBPOU “Sparrow Hills”

Technology overview

Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR)– These are modern and rapidly developing technologies. Their goal is to expand the physical space of human life with objects created using digital devices and programs, and having the nature of an image (Fig. 1).

Figure 1a shows the image that the user sees through special virtual reality glasses (hereinafter referred to as VR). The image is divided into two separate pictures for each eye and is deliberately distorted to create the illusion of three-dimensional space for the eyes. If a person moves or simply turns his head, the program automatically rearranges the image, which creates a feeling of real physical presence. Using controllers (joysticks, etc.), the user can interact with surrounding objects, for example, he can pick up a stone and throw it from a mountain - the physical model built into the program will calculate the flight of this stone, which will further create the illusion of real space.

Figure 1b shows an application using augmented reality technologies (hereinafter referred to as AR). In this application, you can place images of furniture on the image from the phone camera, but due to their deformations, the user gets the impression that he is seeing a real object located in the room. It is important that in this case reality (the room) is complemented by a virtual chair, and the corresponding technology will be called augmented reality. Creating augmented reality is possible not only with the help of smartphones, but also with other technical means, for example, through special glasses. In this case, the virtual image is completed on the surface of the glasses lenses.

Figure a

Figure b

Figure 1. Examples of virtual (a) and augmented reality (b) technologies

As devices on this moment used: virtual and augmented reality glasses, controllers, headphones, smartphones, tablets. These devices allow a person to see and hear digital objects (Figure 2). In the near future, gloves with feedback are expected to appear, allowing a person to touch digital objects (Fig. 3).

Figure a

Figure b

Drawing in

Figure 2. Devices for VR and AR: glasses with headphones (a), controllers (b), smartphones and tablets (c)

Figure 3. Prototype of gloves with feedback

Programs are created, as a rule, on the same platforms on which computer games are developed (Unity, Unreal Engine, etc.), using various tools for developing virtual and augmented reality programs (Steam VR, Google VR, Oculus, Windows Mixed Reality, Google ARCore, Apple ARkit, Google Tango, Vuforia, etc.).

Prototypes of devices and the first uses of the terms VR and AR existed in the mid-20th century, but modern terminology was formed in the early 90s. For VR in the work of Jaron Lanier, for AR in the work of Caudell, Thomas P., and David W. Mizell.

Due to the rapid development of technology, terminology is constantly changing. However, the concept of a real-virtual continuum (reality-virtuality continuum), proposed in the work of Milgram, Paul, et al. (Milgram, Paul, et al.) remains relevant to this day and is fundamental for subsequent ones. Figure 4 shows an illustration for defining the concept of a real-virtual continuum.

Figure 4. Real-virtual continuum.

All technologies related to the expansion of reality through digital objects (and perhaps not only digital ones) are located between two polar versions of possible realities: the reality in which we live, and virtual reality (VR). Reality is the absolute absence of additional objects in physical space, i.e. physical space itself. Virtual reality is the absolute absence of real objects. Many of these technologies are called mixed reality (MR). In practice, it is often divided into subsets. Two classic subsets are augmented reality (AR) and augmented virtuality (AV). In the first case, we mean technologies that supplement reality with various objects, in the second, they supplement virtual reality with real objects.

An example would be technology that immerses you in Ancient Rome. If this technology complements the space around you with various objects from that era (swords, armor, clay jars, temples, arenas), then this will be considered AR technology, but if you are transported to ancient city, with its architecture, people, weather, events, etc., but, for example, the faces of these people will be broadcast from the outside world, then this is augmented virtuality technology (hereinafter referred to as AV). At the current level of development, AV technology is practically unused, but in the future it can become much more impressive than AR and VR.

Speaking about forecasts for the development of technology, it is often assumed that human existence will shift to the space of mixed reality (MR), which is already observed due to the development of the Internet and mobile devices. Within the virtual-real continuum, mobile devices can be considered AR technology, as they complement the world additional visual, audio and partly tactile information. In the dystopian short film, director Keishi Matsuda shows the result of this movement, which the author calls hyper-reality. Will a person in the form in which he is now be able to exist in such a world? This remains a question.

Existing experience of application in education

In the last decade, thanks to the reduction in the cost of devices, technologies have become more accessible to a wider range of users. Which, in turn, led to an increase in the number of programs (applications) on various topics. For VR, these are mainly first-person games in the shooter genre or recording 360-degree cameras (skydiving, landmarks, wildlife, underwater world, dinosaurs, etc.), for AR applications for changing user faces, measuring distances of real-world objects , various puzzles, as well as educational programs (mainly on anatomy and astronomy).

If we talk about application in education, then for virtual reality it is studying nature, conducting laboratory work in physics, studying dinosaurs, traveling around the planets, astronomy and much more. For AR, this is the study of anatomy, chemistry, astronomy.

VR and AR technologies are often mentioned in immersive education programs. Such programs include the use of modern information technologies in the learning process, which takes place inside various virtual worlds and simulations, often in game form. This type of training helps to increase engagement, communication between students and interest in the subject.

As part of academic research, dozens of works have been carried out on the impact of augmented reality technologies on the learning process (the most complete review is presented in one of the works indicated in the list of sources -). The review noted an improvement in student performance, understanding of the material, and an increase in the level of motivation. The degree of involvement in the learning process and interest in studying the subject also increases, and the level of communication between students increases.

The main problems that teachers faced were the additional time spent downloading applications, training students to work with them, poor geolocation performance, sometimes low quality of model response, and difficulties for students working in AR format. In general, all problems are associated with a lack of experience in working with AR and the still imperfect technology. In the future, with the development of technology, these problems will be eliminated.

Ideas for application

This section presents just some ideas on how the capabilities of AR and VR technologies can be used in the field of education.

a) virtual reality (VR)

The ability of this technology to immerse a person in virtual world determines the main direction for its development in education. Everything that cannot be created in real world for technical, economic or physical reasons, can be created in the virtual world. The opportunity to visit places where in reality it is difficult or impossible to visit. See electrical and magnetic fields, prehistoric animals, underwater worlds, ancient countries, planets and asteroids. Also, this technology can open up some things in a new way, for example, painting; there is an application that immerses you in Van Gogh’s painting “Night Cafe”. Such applications could reinvent painting in the age of cinema and computer games.

In physics, this technology could allow laboratory works in modern laboratories. For example, why not model the most famous research projects recent years: Large Hadron Collider or gravitational wave detector and conduct laboratory work in them? This will interest the trainees by showing them current state science, and not the one under which their grandfathers and great-grandfathers studied (which, of course, also matters).

When studying foreign languages, great progress in learning is achieved through live communication with a native speaker. But if such a person is difficult to find or technically difficult to deliver him to the audience. Virtual reality already allows you to get into spaces where you can not only communicate, but also interact with other users. For example, you can move a group studying Japanese in Russia, and a group studying Russian in Japan, into one space where they could communicate and complete tasks. And for the next lesson, for example, with a group from Spain. This interactive format will be of interest to students of any age. Conducting such meetings live or even using video conferencing would not be as effective, but more labor-intensive and costly.

In the study of history, students can familiarize themselves with three-dimensional exhibits from museums around the world. And also with recreated cities, battles or other historical events. For example, you can not only recreate the Battle of Borodino, but also allow students to participate in it and make their own, as well as collective decisions. Thus, this will be a new step in development after the creation of the Borodino panorama in Moscow.

In the field of geography modern development 360 degree cameras allow users to shoot 3D panoramas and videos. Many researchers, travelers and just tourists take a lot of material and post it on open access. This video is about mountains, oceans, flights, volcanoes, poles. The use of such material in the classroom will allow students to see the distant corners of our planet and maintain their interest in travel.

In biology, technology opens up the possibility of scaling up to the size of organs, cells, or even DNA molecules. Interactive capabilities allow you not only to see a static picture, but also to see, for example, the process of DNA replication.

In the field of chemistry, applications allow dangerous or expensive experiments to be carried out. Study the structure of atoms and molecules. Observe chemical transformations over time.

In the field of literature, you can, for example, visualize the highlights works of art. The combination of material and event seems interesting. For example, take an exam at the Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum and see Pushkin reading “Memoirs in Tsarskoe Selo.” Of course, the poet’s voice and, most importantly, that energy cannot be recreated, but this format will allow students to feel the atmosphere that reigned at that time.

b) augmented reality (AR)

Visualization of algebraic surfaces, both second and higher orders. In Fig. Figure 5 shows 2nd order algebraic surfaces when they are displayed using AR technology. The student will have the opportunity to qualitatively study the surface as a real object in front of him, and not on a computer screen or, especially, a book, as well as change parameters in real time and see the result. All this should contribute to a better understanding of the structure of equations (interactive changes in parameters) and the three-dimensional shape of surfaces.

Rice. 4. Algebraic surfaces of 2nd order

Similar visualizations can be created for surfaces more high order(Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Algebraic surfaces of order greater than 2: (a) Diagonal cubic Clebsch surface, (b) Möbius strip, (c) Klein bottle

The main direction for application in physics is the visualization of the equations of mathematical physics. In this case, the solution is shown in the form of a physical process. The student will be able to dynamically change the parameters of the equation and see the impact of this change on the result.

It seems interesting to visualize phase diagrams, in particular the pvt diagram (phase diagram) of water (Fig. 6). The diagram can display physical processes: isobaric, isochoric, isothermal, adiabatic and polytropic processes. The student will see a complete picture of the process, and not projections onto certain planes, interactively change the start and end points of the process, see additional information about the process (energy released/absorbed, parameters at the beginning and end).

Rice. 6. Phase diagram of water

In chemistry mapping atomic orbitals(Fig. 7) will help you better understand and remember their structure. Visualization of the structure of molecules (Fig. 8) allows you to see different chemical bonds in space.

Rice. 7. Phase diagram of water

Rice. 8. Caffeine molecule

In mechanical engineering, visualization of equipment models with the ability to reproduce animations showing the principle of their operation. For pumps and turbines, you can place a phase diagram of the medium next to it with a physical process plotted on it. In Fig. Figure 9 shows a snapshot from the AR application, which shows a nuclear power plant with a 1200 MW VVER reactor. The application displays the main structures, equipment and animates the movement of the environment.

Rice. 9. AR application with VVER 1200 NPP


Today, in the reality of mass general education, it is quite difficult to imagine the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies. And it’s not about the financial component - we know a successful example of the ambitious project “Moscow e-school", within which such technologies are used to some extent. In our opinion, the main difficulties are related to:

  • The rigor of the program that students must successfully master within the framework of general education. Although virtual and augmented reality technologies have great potential for improving student performance, they can also be a significant distraction. Examples of the use of technology indicate increased engagement and interest in the learning process. Some researchers conclude that these factors lead to improved student performance. However, in case of excessive emphasis on form at the expense of content, the effect may be the opposite.
  • The use of such technologies can probably have a great effect, but use within a standard school lesson of 45 minutes will lead to a significant disruption of the program, since the time spent on working with the material using these technologies will somehow change the lesson plan.
  • The introduction of such technologies is associated with several difficulties that are financial in nature: high cost of equipment, lack of large number high-quality applications and, accordingly, the need for their development, little experience in using this technology among teachers who need additional training.
  • The modest number and variety of existing applications using AR and VR technologies, especially those specifically created for education, is another “brake”. In order to change the situation, of course, government support for such projects and government orders are necessary. Creating even a small virtual reality application, for example, in the field of history, requires the work of many specialists: historians, artists, programmers, cultural experts, etc. Such resources can be found either if there are serious resources and a request from the state or large business, or in the case when the interests of different parties intersect.

What are some ways to overcome these difficulties? Our main thesis is that at the moment the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies is most adequate in the field of additional education, which can serve as a conductor of new ideas and is not as rigidly structured as general education.

Let's illustrate how additional education can overcome difficulties by going through the above points of potential problems of technology implementation.

Additional education has a much more flexible structure than general education. Programs of different levels, different duration of classes, attracting teachers from specialized organizations for part-time employment. The possibility of cooperation with specialized industrial enterprises and universities allows you to attract competent specialists, and also potentially makes it possible to find ways to resolve issues regarding the necessary equipment. Particularly interesting is the option of cooperation with other organizations, for example, museums, which may be interested in similar technologies. Already, there are excursions and specially created exhibitions where the capabilities of AR and VR are actively used. So why not create and use a high-tech product for sharing? After all, they can be included as elements of programs in many areas of additional education.
