Essay how I see modern society. Composition on the topic: “I am in modern society

Essay how I see modern society.  Composition on the topic: “I am in modern society

"You have to run as fast just to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you have to run at least twice as fast!"
Lewis Carroll "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

Theses illustrating the need for continuous education and the difficulties that arise in connection with this phenomenon in modern society:

1. The need for continuous education as a counter to the rapid obsolescence of knowledge.

One of the consequences of the scientific and technological revolution of the 20th century is the accelerated process of depreciation and obsolescence of the knowledge and skills of specialists. It has been recorded that in the middle of the 20th century, the knowledge of specialists became obsolete after 5-6 years and depreciated by 97% in the course of the industrial life of a university graduate. American economists report that 5% of the theoretical and 20% of the practical knowledge of engineers, doctors, biologists, and representatives of other groups of specialists is updated annually.

2. Continuous continuous education ensures adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions

The “replacement” of the crisis of competence, due to its “half-life” a few years after graduation, comes a more complex phenomenon - an identity crisis that occurs as a result of a person’s awareness of his inadequacy to the requirements dictated by the mobile age. Such a crisis is accompanied by a feeling of lagging behind life, depression, loss of a sense of the new. It is often experienced as a sign that a person has exhausted his possibilities. Based on these data, it can be assumed that the main function of lifelong education is to ensure competence and adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions, through the acquisition by working adults of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for professional activity in new conditions.

3. Continuous continuous education will allow a modern person to navigate in a huge flow of information.

In modern society, global informatization is of great importance. The expansion of the availability of knowledge is also associated with their simplification and the spread of false information. The wider the field of information under the influence of which a person falls, the greater the likelihood of identifying a person with group values ​​and relieving himself of responsibility. Refusal to analyze the causes of certain complex phenomena, unambiguous conclusions make a person an object of manipulation. A person in modern society is often faced with the problem of choice and, in order to resist the manipulations that lead to an imposed choice, he needs to more holistically evaluate the information he encounters, taking into account the causes and consequences of the subsequent choice. Also resist negative influences
information space will help the selectivity of perception and critical thinking of the individual.

4.Continuous learning supports human brain in a healthy state.

Neuroscientists Lulu Chen and Christine Gall say that everyday learning activates neural receptors that keep brain cells functioning properly. The receptors are activated by a protein that promotes the growth of synapses responsible for the connections between neurons. These studies confirm the direct relationship between learning and brain development.

5. The professional knowledge and skills of young professionals obtained at the university do not meet the requirements of employers for employees, so young professionals need advanced training in order to be able to provide themselves with a job.

Modern universities pass on general fundamental knowledge to students, which does not allow graduates to navigate in all possible professional fields. In turn, employers demand quality work from employees in their highly specialized field. In this regard, young professionals need to receive advanced training in a highly specialized field in order to provide themselves with a job. However, since in the modern world professional requirements for an employee are constantly changing, the relevance of various fields of activity, as a result, a person again faces the task of improving professional qualifications (in an existing field or in a new highly specialized area), i.e. Continuing education is not only necessary but inevitable.

6. Constant education allows you to find new ways to solve problems.

Successful orientation in modern research will allow a specialist to keep abreast of the latest developments, “not reinvent the wheel”, but solve professional problems based on the experience of other specialists, which will reduce the number of possible errors and save time spent on finding a solution.
IN given time in the field of psychology with the help of computer technology, effective programs are being developed psychological diagnostics and corrections. Computer methods have a number of advantages over paper ones; they will allow a psychologist who knows how to work with these programs to quickly and efficiently process information and more accurately select the necessary impact.

7. Constant education allows you to look at the same subject from different points of view.

Consideration of one subject from different points of view allows you to see new opportunities, perspectives, ways of solving problems. IN Lately especially noticeable as scientific problems, which have not found a solution for many years, discover it through interdisciplinary research.
However, gaining knowledge in related areas, the specialist learns new things "in breadth, not depth", which contributes to a superficial judgment about a very wide range of phenomena. How to provide a holistic vision of different points of view without compromising their quality - open question for discussion.

8. Teaching adults is associated with certain difficulties:

.The high pace of modern life does not allow a person to devote enough time to learning.

Effective planning, as well as proper prioritization, can help solve this problem. Modern companies, realizing the need for constant training of employees, solve this problem by including educational lectures and seminars in their work schedule.

.Lack of motivation to learn

The leader of the seminar will contribute to the motivation for learning in the listener, illustrating the usefulness, practical applicability, the need to obtain new information, as well as bright material and a creative way of presenting information will interest the listener. Modern companies use a system of bonuses to encourage participation in seminars.

.Assessment of new information in terms of past experience, dogmatic worldview.

The way to solve this problem can be a discursive discussion of "new" and "old" knowledge, finding the pros and cons of both points of view.

In order to improve the efficiency of obtaining additional education andragogical learning model was developed. It is built on the following principles: equality, active creativity, personality, conformity. In such a group, the leader educational seminar the same participant as the others. Any information has the right to be questioned and discussed in the group. Introduction creative component in educational process contributes to the memorization of new material by the listeners, and positive emotions in the process of work - to the assimilation of the material. This learning model takes into account the main features of all adults, but the facilitator knows that each member of the group is a person with his own specific features and new information can irritate him, so the facilitator does not criticize the position of the listener, but tries to resolve contradictions through a constructive dialogue. Productive educational work is interspersed with frequent breaks that allow you to relieve stress and think about new information.

Thus, in modern society, permanent education is necessary, since it performs a compensatory-adaptive function, thanks to which it becomes possible for working adults to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for professional activities in new conditions. Constant education allows a person to find new ways to solve problems, consider the same subject from different points of view, navigate a huge flow of information, and constant learning also keeps the human brain in a healthy state.
However, taking an important life modern man, the need for continuing education creates many issues that need to be addressed. First of all, it concerns the effective distribution and time at the modern pace of life. Also discursive is the issue of obtaining not only superficial knowledge in various fields, but a holistic vision of a wide range of phenomena.
In addition, there is a wide range of issues related to psychological problems generated by the need to receive permanent education in modern society. It is important to search for methods of influencing the identity crisis that appears as a result of a person's awareness of his inadequacy to the requirements of modernity, as well as the creation of training programs for adults that allow them to take into account their psychological characteristics.

The world is constantly changing, for better or worse, but with it, the person is constantly changing. Each generation of people differs from the previous one in many ways. Now the most common thought is that a generation changes every 25 years. I agree with this, because this age is already the beginning of maturity, a person and his worldview have already been formed. Each generation, in addition to external signs, is primarily distinguished by values, views on the world and society, and a way of thinking. This is the main reason for the constant misunderstandings between

Parents and children.

Modern man has received many changes, and they have been quite dramatic. Our lives have been made easier on the one hand. First of all, this is the rapid automation of labor, especially in everyday life. Now a person does not have to survive in the wild, work hard to create minimal comfort for life. Home appliances have taken on a lot of work. Of course, the concepts of fashion have changed, outwardly we differ from previous generations. But the main changes have occurred in our head - in the worldview and in the way of thinking.

Appeared more freedom, more opportunities to realize themselves.

All you need is a desire, a desire to act. Unfortunately, a modern person with motivation is bad. This is noticeable in the large mass of various courses, books, videos created to motivate to action. But we forget that this was not the case before, and people did without it, overcoming much harder life difficulties. The fact is that a person appreciates only what is difficult to obtain and difficult to achieve. Now many things are easily accessible to us, but we do not see the point in this.

But I consider the information boom to be the biggest tragedy of modern man. With the invention of the Internet and other technologies, information began to spread at the speed of a virus. It pours on a modern person from everywhere and it is impossible to resist if you live in a society. Of course, there are big advantages here: for example, free access via the Internet to entire libraries of valuable literature, remote communication, and so on. That's what we thought when the Internet was just entering our lives. Today, the Internet has already firmly entered our lives, and what we see is not quite what was expected. Free and general access to knowledge not only did not raise the level of education of the population, but even devalued knowledge. Here again, the point is that a person appreciates only that which is hard to reach. Knowledge is of great value if it is like secrets that are difficult to reveal.

Modern man has not yet learned to live in the modern world, so changeable and changing rapidly. We have a lot to think about, weigh and decide. I believe in the person and I believe that she will master these difficulties too.

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If you ask the question: what is a modern society? Then the answer will be as follows: it is an industrial and post-industrial (information) society in which science, knowledge, technology, and education play an important role.

What do you think, what labor skills, qualities should a modern person have in order to be successful?

Composition of modern society

Over the past hundred years, the social composition of society has changed a lot. In the 21st century most of population lives in cities. Thanks to new technology and new ways of working in agriculture fewer workers are needed. If a few centuries ago most of the population was engaged in agricultural labor, now in developed countries 5% of the rural population is enough to feed all the inhabitants. Nevertheless, agricultural labor remains a very important component of the economy. He feeds our planet.

Multi-million cities - megalopolises have become a symbol of our time.

What are the largest cities in the world you know?

    Interesting Facts
    Modern cities are divided into small (up to 50 thousand inhabitants), medium (50-100 thousand), large (100-250 thousand), large (250-500 thousand), largest (500 thousand - 1 million) and millionaire cities (over 1 million inhabitants). by the most major city Mexico City is now considered to be home to 20 million people.

Modern society includes people of various professions. New specialties appear (programmers, computer graphics specialists, managers, etc.), which did not exist until recently. The requirements for a modern worker, the level of his knowledge, skills, professional skills and responsibility are increasing. In many countries of the world, in order to get a secondary education, they study in schools for 12-14 years. It has become widespread professional education in public and private colleges and universities.

Modern production

Robotic factories, giant supermarkets, space stations These are the hallmarks of modern society.

Today, such industries as electronics, computer equipment, telecommunications, the latest technology mining, petrochemistry, pharmaceuticals (a scientific and practical branch dealing with the receipt, storage, manufacture and dispensing medicines). Society produces an increasing number of goods, offers a wide variety of services.

In the economically developed countries of the world, thanks to the success of electronics, it became possible to automate production, and then its robotization. In modern industry, there are tens of thousands of robots and automated systems.

    Additional reading Automated processes run for 10 days at Toyota's car factories without the slightest involvement of people or under the control of several specialists. In an automated process, repetitive tasks that were previously done manually are now performed by machines, and the tasks of workers become only supervision and control.

Explain, using the example of Toyota enterprises, what changes have occurred in human labor in a post-industrial society compared to an industrial one? What are these changes?

The last word in science and production is the application of nanotechnologies.

Nanorobots, created from nanomaterials and comparable in size to a molecule, have the functions of moving, processing and transmitting information, and executing programs.

Modern means of communication and communication

It is difficult to imagine modern life without cars, planes, space satellites of the Earth. Satellite technology opened up the prospect of worldwide television and global communications. The satellite is launched far into space, so that almost half of the globe is within its radius of action. New information means of communication connected people all over the world. Radio signals are transmitted over any distance in a fraction of a second. Mobile phones have become a common communication channel for many people.

Every historical era and the type of society signify great discoveries. In a pre-industrial society revolutionary changes produced the discovery of fire, the invention of the wheel and the alphabet; in the industrial society - a steam engine and a conveyor line, in a post-industrial society - a computer and the Internet.

The beginning of the information revolution - the spread of computers and the Internet - dates back to the second half of the 20th century.

    Additional reading
    There have been four information revolutions in history. The first is associated with the invention of writing, the second is caused by the invention of printing. The third (the end of the 19th century) is due to the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone, radio appeared, which made it possible to quickly transmit and accumulate information in any volume. The fourth revolution, which began in the 1960s, is associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the advent of the personal computer.

Explain why the invention of writing, printing, electricity led to information revolutions?

The latest information revolution brings to the fore a new industry - the information industry associated with the production of technical means, technologies for the production of new knowledge. The most important component of the information industry is information technology.

Computers have penetrated into all spheres of human life. With their help, you can receive and process information, perform complex calculations, and communicate between users of computer networks around the world. The Internet - the Worldwide Computer Network - has united millions of people and hundreds of countries, has eliminated barriers to communication in various fields of science, culture and education.

    Interesting Facts
    The Internet unites more than 2 billion inhabitants of the planet and is available in 180 countries and regions, and the number of its users is constantly increasing. In our country, the Internet services market is developing rapidly. In 2012, the number of Internet users in Russia amounted to over uo million people. Russia ranks third in the world in terms of the amount of time its residents spend on social media.

The number of Internet users is growing year by year. How does the Internet help you in your studies? Or maybe it interferes?

On the Internet, you can request any educational and entertainment programs, purchase goods in an online store, buy tickets to the theater, train and plane. Thanks to the Internet, people get to know each other, communicate, get a job, find out latest news etc. The Internet is a global computer network where you can get information on issues of interest to you in the field of education, science, culture, economics, politics, law, in the field of youth life, etc.

Communication through social networks has become very popular - virtual communities of people, communication between which is mediated information technology primarily by the Internet. They have become the main channel of communication among young people. Social network Facebook is the most popular site in the world today.

Modern man has great opportunities to make his life worthy and interesting.

    Summing up
    Modern society is called post-industrial because the fuming plants and factories (industry) have been replaced by robotic production and complexes. And it is called informational because it driving force scientific knowledge and high technologies, first of all - information technologies, act.

    Basic terms and concepts
    Nanotechnologies, means of communication, information revolution.

Test your knowledge

  1. What are character traits modern society?
  2. Explain the meaning of the following concepts: "nanotechnologies", "means of communication", "information revolution".
  3. Tell us about the achievements of robotization and nanotechnology.
  4. Explain the role and importance of modern means of communication and communication with concrete examples.


  1. Prepare a report for a presentation at the Modern Society conference on one of the following topics:
    "Modern means of communication";
    "Modern production";
    "Modern city";
    "Modern Village";
    "Modern technology".
  2. Write a short essay on one of the following topics:
    “I like living in modern society”;
    "Me and the Internet: pros and cons".
  3. Compare the composition of medieval and modern societies and fill in the table.

Essay on the topic of:

"Modern Man and Information"

Krechetova Maria

MF-SO, 1 course, 114 group

information man modern intermediary

Before talking about the interaction of modern man and information, it is necessary to understand what information is. In various sources, you can find many definitions of it, but I will proceed from the fact that information is all the information and knowledge that is only in the world and that is available to a person (and today, if desired, a person can get access to almost everything). And in the modern world, this information is very, very much. Incommensurably more than fifty or a hundred years ago. A person of that time would have been shocked by the amount of information that seems completely normal to the modern population. various news, Interesting Facts, helpful tips and just empty chatter is constantly raining down on the inhabitants of the entire planet from numerous sources and intermediaries for the transmission of information: through television, the Internet, radio, books, magazines, colloquial speech, and so on. And quite logical and natural questions follow from this: are all this information really necessary? And can a person cope with such a volume of information and how can he do it? (In fact, they are equivalent to the age-old questions "how to be?" and "what to do?").

People in the modern world are accustomed to living in an environment of information flows. Today, a person receives as much information in a day as he received in his entire life 100-150 years ago (we take into account the average person: we are, of course, not talking about people who had a higher potential to receive various information, that is, about those who belonged to the upper class.The majority of the population were workers or peasants who spent their whole lives in a closed world of their own life).

One of the problems is that not all of this information is really necessary for a person. Or, more accurately, different people different information is needed to varying degrees. So, for example, for someone the most important are news and information from the world of science and technology. In theory, he can filter the information he receives and minimize the flow of unnecessary, but he still cannot avoid this. A randomly heard or seen word is already "loaded" into a person's memory and stored there, filling the space needed to remember other, more important information. After all, almost everyone has more than once encountered a situation where some stupid anecdote or gossip remained in memory much longer than a much more necessary paragraph of the textbook. In theory, the human brain can store from 1 to 7 million megabytes of information - only the most advanced and powerful computers exceed these figures. However, even this cannot be enough with the amount of information that exists in the world today.

This leads to problem number two: what to do with all this information? If you try to make a conditional distinction, then you can identify several ways or ways in which people try to cope with an endless stream of data. The first and most unproductive is the absorption of all information indiscriminately. It seems to some individuals that the more they know about everything, the better, but as a result, such a desire to embrace the immensity does not lead to anything good: a huge amount of data is stored in a person’s head in complete disarray, the use of which is sometimes very difficult to find. The second way is to ignore useless and unnecessary information in an attempt to leave only the necessary. Alas, this method also has drawbacks: sometimes it is very difficult to divide information into important and superfluous, and this leads to the fact that a person simply discards everything together and is left without data that is useful to him. The third and most optimal is the desire to isolate the most fundamental information, without leaving aside everything else. Unfortunately, this is rarely possible for a person, again because of the inability to correctly divide data by importance. And this leads to the fact that as a result people simply give up trying to somehow cope with all this information.

But you can't do that. After all, it was not in vain that back in 1815, Rothschild uttered words that have repeatedly proved their veracity: "Who owns information, he owns the world." Then Rothschild, the first to know about the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, managed to earn 40 million pounds on the London Stock Exchange. That is, already 200 years ago people realized how important it is to have information and manage it. In the modern world, it often happens that there is a substitution of subject and object in the relationship between a person and information: it is not the person who controls the information, but it controls them. But those who manage to subordinate information to themselves, as a result, are "at the helm." After all, the less a person knows, the less he understands, and he can be controlled, and, accordingly, vice versa.

This is where the issue of transparency comes in. Does a person need to know everything? And if not, how much exactly can you know? These questions are difficult, if not impossible, to answer. Let's remember the scandalous WikiLeaks: on the one hand, how many opportunities they gave the common man in the street, on the other hand, how many problems they brought. This example is indicative precisely in the sense that we cannot unequivocally say whether we really want to know everything ourselves.

Summing up the above, first of all I want to note that in the case of information, almost no question can be answered unambiguously, no problem can be found an absolutely correct solution. But in general, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: a person must be able to manage information. He already knows how to cope with its volume, now he needs to learn how to use it for the benefit of himself and others. The huge amount of various information that exists in the world expands the possibilities of a person to almost infinite ones, which means that he must use them to improve himself and the world. It is not for nothing that the society in which we live is called information society by sociologists: almost everything in the world is tied to information and its management. So, for a modern person, the ability to subordinate it to oneself and use it is the number one priority.

Tags: Modern man and information Essay Psychology
