How to make things interesting. To a young teacher

How to make things interesting.  To a young teacher


Whether the lesson will be interesting for children, whether they want to take an active part in it, depends on how well the teacher thought out every detail of the lesson. When organizing a lesson, it is necessary to rely on its purpose. Clearly define what the student should take away from the lesson, what task the lesson will solve: whether it will be the study of new material or a lesson in repetition, generalization and systematization of knowledge, a control lesson.

Achieving the goal will directly depend on the motivation of the students. Therefore, make every effort to make them want to know what you are telling them. Actively use your creative, diverse methods, techniques and teaching aids.

Choose the form of the lesson. It is determined in accordance with its goals and the age of the students.
The forms of the lesson are very diverse, each teacher brings something of his own. Lessons for learning new material can be in the form of an adventure, a lesson, a surprise lesson, etc. For an older age, this may be, including prepared by the students themselves. A lesson to consolidate the material can be held in the form of a competition, a tournament. It can be both within one class and several parallel classes. You can also organize an excursion, a hike. This will help not only to show students' interest in the lesson, but also to unite the class. The control lesson can be held in the form of an Olympiad, a quiz. A lesson in the application of knowledge can be organized as a reportage lesson, a court lesson, an auction, a research lesson. For a combined lesson, it is suitable to conduct it in the form of a workshop, seminar, consultation. Seminars, lessons of cooperation of different ages are also useful. But it should be remembered that such lessons should be held in the system, but not every day. Students, firstly, will have to prepare, and secondly, they will know that not just an interesting lesson, but a holiday awaits them again. This raises the authority of the teacher in the eyes of the students. A computer, a projector, an interactive whiteboard, tables, illustrations - the correct and appropriate use of this will only decorate your lesson.

Based on the objectives and form of the lesson, select the methods and techniques of teaching. They are classified on various grounds and can be: verbal, visual, practical, explanatory and illustrative method, reproductive method, method of problem presentation, partial search, or heuristic method, research method, etc. Of great importance for the development of the cognitive interest of schoolchildren are the methods problem learning, because they are in more capable of engaging students in the classroom. Problem question, problem task, problem situation, etc. - all this allows you to make any lesson interesting, due to the fact that the children themselves take part in finding the answer. With the partial-search method, the independent search of students is given more importance than with the problematic method. The teacher only guides the students in their actions. More difficult for the teacher to organize and for the students to perform is the research method. The teacher only creates a problem situation, and students, in order to solve it, must see the problem, determine ways to solve it and find an answer.

The use of various teaching methods contributes to an increase in the cognitive interest of students, and this is inextricably linked with a better assimilation of the material being studied, the development of creativity, attention, memory, thinking. The student will be happy to attend your lessons, knowing that they are always interesting.

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Be sure to refer to the experience of students, this will help them feel like a part of the material being studied, and not just a listener.

Let the student express their opinion. This means that he reflects on the material, assimilates it.

Not all children are in a hurry to answer in class. Perhaps they are just shy. Find out what these students are interested in and try to connect with them through their hobbies. They will trust you, which means they will start speaking up in class. You can also give these children individual tasks more often.

New times raise new questions. Society is changing - attitudes towards the subjects being studied are changing. History in this regard is most subject to change. The amount of information studied has increased, the source base has expanded, and different points of view on the same events have appeared in textbooks. In this regard, a logical question arose: is the child able to remember and assimilate all this amount of information? Today, teachers and methodologists are looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching.

I have always been concerned about the problem of how to make sure that everyone is interested in the lesson, so that everyone is involved in studying proccess, not a single one remained indifferent. Is it possible to avoid the general tendency to view the teaching of history as the absorption of a certain amount of knowledge? How to develop the personality of a student with the help of history, his creative thinking, the ability to critically analyze the past and present, to draw their own conclusions?

Apparently, the main goal of teaching history at school is the self-development of the student as a person, as a cultural and historical subject. History should confront students with the problems of moral choice, showing the complexity and ambiguity of assessments. historical event. Pupils should be given the right to subjectivity and partiality of judgments, to substantiate their decisions on the moral problems of history.

History is one of the most important, pivotal humanitarian subjects at school, where the intellectual skills necessary for the student are formed. To write an abstractdownload history presentation or to make a report on a given topic, one must learn to work with any text, be able to choose the main thing from it, highlight the main idea, compare texts, and analyze.

Is it always interesting for a student to work with a textbook? Probably not. It depends on the interest in the subject, and on the ability to work with the book economically and efficiently in terms of the result. At the same time, it should be remembered that a history lesson is one of the few where students acquire communication skills, where an atmosphere of creativity easily arises, where you can organize a discussion of what you have read, cognitive games, and problem solving.

Students should also be taught to listen to each other, ask and answer questions. It is hardly appropriate to use a single technology here, just work with the source or solve problems. We must not forget about the living word of the teacher, about his emotional, vivid story, which will arouse interest in a particular topic, problem. modern learning must necessarily be built on interest, taking into account psychological characteristics children.

We all know that there are children who find it difficult to give oral presentations in front of the class. And others, on the contrary, never close their mouths, which sometimes interfere with the teacher very much, because they divert all attention only to themselves. And there are also those who have long read the entire textbook, are happy to read additional literature and have a steady cognitive interest.

With this in mind, when learning new materialit is possible to apply a form of group work that will make it possible to approach each child in a differentiated way, taking into account psychological characteristics and individualization of education.

The students are divided into three groups.The first group - editors. They compose brief factual articles for encyclopedic dictionary They need to reconstruct the logic of events using only the textbook. For this category of students, written assignments will be the main ones.

The second group - journalists. They will create vivid images of events, talk about personalities. As a rule, they are rarely satisfied with one textbook, they have a desire to learn as much as possible. Their work will be dominated by oral responses.

The third group - historians. They have to explain the most difficult and controversial issues of the topic, terms, concepts. They are entrusted with the duty of preparing a debate, a round table on a given topic. This group cannot do without additional literature.

Interest is the attitude of the child to the subject, it is a manifestation of cognitive, mental actions. These actions have an emotional coloring, which is expressed the brighter and more positively, the more successful the cognitive activity is.

So, for example, children in grades V-VI love it when there are game moments in the lesson, the emotional story of the teacher, situations are perceived through their own "I" (for example, "I'm visiting someone", "I'm interviewing someone " etc.).

Activation of the student's mental activity will be facilitated by such techniques as:

- question and answer game(questions are asked to each other in a chain). This is a test of home material by the children themselves. To ask a question, you need to know what you read well, be able to clearly and clearly formulate your thought, and answer logically;

- compiling various options for screening tests on the topic covered. Children turn to the text of the textbook, learn to choose the main thing and formulate their thoughts;

- writing a short article for the encyclopedia, selecting the main events, dates, personalities, opinions. This is one of the techniques that allows you to form the ability to independently write an article, report, abstract;

- use of words given by the teacher to compose a story;

- highlighting keywords in the topic.

Group work in class:

- restoring the chain of events(one of the students starts the story, the other continues);

- misspelled text(forms the ability to listen and hear);

Name auction (determine which event is associated with a historical figure);

- story about the event according to the illustration.

Let's take as an example some of the tasks I use onfinal lesson on the topic "Early Middle Ages"(VI class). The form of work is group work.

I. Using the words given by the teacher, compose a story.

1. The Great Migration of Nations (task for the first group): Caesar, legions, Germany, Limes, Huns, Visigoths, division of the Roman Empire, the battle of Adrianople, Alaric, Honorius, 410, Attila, the battle of the Catalaunian fields, vandals, Romulus Augustulus, 476, Lombards, Franks.

2. Frankish kingdom (task for the second group): Gaul, Franks, Clovis, Su-Asson bowl, majordomo, customary law, Salic truth.

3. Empire of Charlemagne (task for the third group): Carolingians, Charles Martel, battle of Poitiers, benefices, Charlemagne, campaigns, emperor, empire, government, palace Academy, Alcuin, Carolingian revival.

Each group reviews the answer of the previous one, taking into account the correct use of terms and concepts, the logic of events, and the form of presentation.

II. Quiz.

And "What they talk about at the court of Charlemagne."

1. What was the meaning of the military reform of Charles Martel?

2. Why did Charlemagne proclaim himself emperor?

3. Why didn't Charlemagne's state have a permanent capital?

4. What peoples were part of the empire of Charlemagne?

5. What is the Carolingian Revival?

6. What was the name of Charlemagne's closest adviser? What role did he play at court?

7. When and why did the empire of Charlemagne collapse?

8. What threats did European society face in the 9th-10th centuries?

9. How could new dangers be confronted?

10. Envision how external and internal threats will change the face of Europe.

B. "What Scheherazade said."

1. What is the name of the peninsula, which is the homeland of the Arabs?

2. What is the name of the main sanctuary of Muslims?

3. What was the name senior official who helped the caliph in the administration of the state?

4. What is the name of the art of beautiful and graceful writing?

5. What are the main religious precepts of Islam.

6. What is a mosque, madrasah?

7. Why did calligraphy become the main art of Muslims?

8. What are the obligations and prohibitions imposed by Islam on a Muslim?

9. What scientific discoveries were made in the Arab-Muslim East?

10. Why did the Arabs not develop sculpture and painting?

III. Individual, differentiated tasks.

A. Do you agree with these statements?

1. IV-VII centuries. - the time of the Great Migration of Nations.

2. The state of Clovis was based on a clear set of laws.

3. The Treaty of Verdun was signed in the twelfth century.

4. At the court of Charlemagne, a society for scientific knowledge arose - the Academy.

5. The biggest expansion of the borders Byzantine Empire was under Emperor Basil II.

6. The time of Charlemagne, when the rise of culture began, is called the early Renaissance.

7. The great scientist Ibn Sina is famous for his discoveries in the field of mathematics.

8. In his youth, Muhammad was a farmer.

9. Damascus became the capital of the Caliphate

B. Make semantic pairs of words.

The first group of words: Clovis, Charlemagne Map-mew, Charlemagne, Justinian, Mohammed, mosque.

The second group of words: Alcuin, Soissons bowl, arabesques, Medina, Hagia Sophia, the battle of Poitiers.

C. Make tests on the history of the early Middle Ages:

1) the chronology of events;

2) to correlate the date and the event;

3) to correlate the person and the event;

4) to establish a logical sequence of events.

D. Compare the kingdom of the Franks under Clovis and the empire of Charlemagne:

What territory did they own?

How was government organized?

What were the laws.

What are the main differences between an empire and a kingdom?

IV. Questions for a written answer,

What is common and what are the differences in the formation of the state between the Franks and the Arabs?

What role did religion play in the lives of the Franks, Byzantines and Arabs?

What is common between the causes of the collapse of the empire of Charlemagne and the Arab Caliphate?

V. Creative tasks.

A. Make up a story:

"Charlemagne through the eyes of a court biographer";

"One day at the court of the caliph";

Byzantium through the eyes of foreigners.

B. Write a short essay from the point of view of a travelerWhat I saw in Baghdad.

B. Compose an entry for an encyclopedic dictionary on the topic.

"At the Origins of Medieval Europe".

"A Thousand Years of the Byzantine Empire".

"The New Faith of the Arabs".

In the classroom, as you know, the use of methods is very effective. interactive learning The main among them are educational role-playing games, discussions, joint solution of creative problems. Psychological reason revitalization cognitive activity students with interactive methods is inherent in the originality of the educational environment, in the joint activities of students and teachers. Below is the author'sdevelopment of the educational role-playing game "Knight's Tournament"(VI class).

Target: generalization, repetition and consolidation of knowledge through immersion in the era in the form of a role-playing game.

Characters:king, queen, bishop, herald, knights, beautiful ladies.

Organizing timeit is desirable that all characters games have made at least one element of the medieval costume. "Knights" make armor, a shield with a coat of arms, a helmet, a spear, chain mail, a sword, make up their genealogy, "beautiful ladies" make an element of a headdress or dress.

Game progress

The king talks about the tournament that is to take place today, greets the knights and beautiful ladies.

The king also talks about his castle, based on the relevant passage from the novel Quentin Dorward by W. Scott:

“The castle was surrounded by a triple crenellated wall with fortified towers along its entire length and at the corners. The second wall was slightly higher than the first, and the third, inner, higher than the second, so that it was possible to defend the outer walls from the inner walls if the enemy took possession of them. Around the first wall there was a twenty-foot-deep ditch, which was filled with water with the help of locks. Exactly the same deep ditches gili around the two inner walls. Both the inner and outer banks of this triple row of ditches were surrounded by a palisade of thick iron rods, split at the ends into sharp teeth, which stuck out in all directions and made these ditches completely impregnable; trying to climb over them would be tantamount to suicide.

In the center of this triple ring of walls stood the castle itself, which was a close group of buildings surrounding the oldest of these buildings - an ancient gloomy tower (donjon).

The only entrance to this impregnable stronghold was a gate pierced in the first outer wall, with two high towers on the sides, with a lowered portcullis and a drawbridge. Exactly the same gates with towers were in the two inner walls. In order to get into the courtyard where the castle stood, it was necessary to pass two dangerous narrow passages, fired from two sides, and take possession of three heavily fortified and carefully guarded gates.

The queen introduces the beautiful ladies, introduces the audience to the heralds, tells about the initiation into the heralds.

Herold in German means herald. They monitored the correctness of the coat of arms, maintained order at the tournament, checked the pedigree of the tournament participants. Becoming a herald was not easy. You had to serve as an assistant for seven long years before you earned the right to be initiated into heralds. During the initiation, a goblet of wine was poured over the candidate's head, he took an oath and became a herald.

The king and queen also talk about what kind of feast awaits the winners after the tournament. You can use the description of the feast in the book of K.A. Ivanov "Many-faced Middle Ages":

“The horns have sounded, calling for a grand dinner. All the brilliant company is directed to a huge table, hidden by a patterned white tablecloth. Throwing a cursory glance at the table setting, we notice with some amazement the absence of an object, according to our concepts, absolutely necessary - forks. The latter began to come into use only from the very end of the 13th century. Each device consists of a knife, a spoon and a silver, in some places gold, goblet. There are cups for two people. For each person present at his device, white loaves are laid on the table in advance. In addition, large metal goblets with wine, bowls with and without lids, salt shakers, gravy boats are placed on the table. As soon as the guests of our baron sat down at the table - servants entered the hall; in their hands are jugs of water, towels are thrown over their necks. Washing hands before dinner in the absence of forks, of course, has a special sign. As for the dishes themselves, it should be noted that at that time neither soup nor broth existed, they started directly with meat. Today the first course is roast deer; it is cut into pieces and heavily seasoned with hot pepper sauce. The second dish is just as hearty as the first - it's roasted wild boar with the same sauce. Behind him are fried peacocks and swans. While some servants and squires are carrying food, others go around the table with jugs and pour wine into goblets. Then hare and rabbits, all kinds of birds, meat pies and fish are served. Here are brought apples, pomegranates, dates.

Curious are some of the instructions for the guests, the guests should be modest and happy with what is offered to them; they must not eat with both hands; one should neither drink nor speak with a full mouth; do not ask your neighbor for a favor of the cup, if you see that he himself has not finished it yet.

The bishop speaks of the union of the king with the church, of the rite of knighthood. The king girds one knight with a sword and strikes him on the back of the head with his palm.

Heralds talk about the rules of the tournament. Each knight must have good weapons: armor, chain mail, armor, a helmet with a visor, a sword, a spear. Each knight has a coat of arms on his shield - his distinguishing sign. Briefly, the heralds talk about the rules for compiling coats of arms, the mottos on them.

Tournament rules: five instigator knights challenge everyone to fight. Each knight from among the participants has the right to choose an opponent from among the instigators. To do this, he must touch his shield with a spear. A touch with a blunt end means that the knight wishes to compete with a blunt weapon. If a knight touches the shield with the tip of a spear, it means that he wants to fight to the death.

The heralds end the reading of the rules with exclamations:Generosity, generosity, valiant knights. We keep a chronicle of tournaments, and you should not spare money for the historians of your exploits. Then the heralds read the genealogies of the knights and ask each of them to tell about their coat of arms.

The knights demonstrate their martial arts, fighting each other with swords.

Heralds announce the first winners of the tournament based on the duel. Then each knight talks about his coat of arms. The knights remaining after the duel must answer the questions that the king, queen, beautiful ladies ask them.

The ladies, in turn, talk about their outfits, read instructions prepared in advance at home to the young knight, talk about the traitor knight and the code of knightly honor. Costume, artistry and storytelling are judged.

Students may use the two passages below as they prepare.


They are obliged to serve their lawful sovereign and defend him and their fatherland.

May their shield be a refuge for the weak and oppressed, may their courage support everywhere and in everything the just cause of the one who turns to them.

May they never offend anyone, and may they be afraid most of all to offend with slander friendship, integrity, the absent, the mourners and the poor.

Thirst for profit or gratitude, love of honor, pride and vengeance, let them not guide their actions. But let them everywhere and in everything be inspired by honor and truth.

May they not enter into an unequal battle: several against one, and may they avoid all deceit and lies.

J. Roy. "The History of Chivalry"


“On the platform erected in the center of the square stood the “king of coats of arms”. He was dressed in a magnificent ceremonial attire, which was the full coat of arms of the kingdom. Armorial fields of noble colors with heraldic figures located on them uniformly concealed the attire of the "king of arms", filling in wide, elbow-length sleeves, repeating both in front and behind. He stood straight and dignified, like a living embodiment of the greatness and honor of the kingdom.

Beside him on the scaffold stood a condemned knight clad in full battle armor. In front of him on the table was fixed upside down a shield with his family coat of arms.

Everything was quiet, and the "king of arms" began the announcement of the verdict. It lasted a long time.

A two-faced, evil, unfaithful knight, a perjurer and a liar, and as a sign of this, his coats of arms are turned upside down. And he, and his descendants, forever, - the voice of the herald sounded.

The choir sang psalms. When the first psalm had finished, the herald removed the helmet from the head of the condemned and proclaimed

This is the helmet of a traitor knight!

A sigh passed through the crowd. After the second psalm, the herald freed the condemned from the sword, then the belt and spurs followed. The choir buried the convict, the herald proclaimed:

This is the sword of the traitor. These are spurs.

And with each psalm, the herald removed one more piece of armor from the condemned, dishonoring him.

Finally, the turn came to the armorial shield, but not the one that hung upside down on a pole, but the one that was with the knight's armor. A ringing silence hung over the square. And in this silence, the herald broke the shield into three parts with a hammer.

When the last psalm had finished, warm water was poured over the convict's head. Silent and exhausted, he was carried to the nearest church to listen to the funeral service on his own. After that, he will be delivered to the royal judge, then given into the hands of the executioner, who will carry out the death sentence.

And along the streets of the city, stern heralds publicly announced that the descendants of the knight who had lost his honor had henceforth lost the right to be called noble people, wear coats of arms and participate in tournaments. And his emblems themselves will be unknown to posterity, just as something that has never been is unknown.

So the traitor had to die like a commoner. They will not lead a horse covered with a coat of arms to his burial, they will not carry a helmet crowned with a helmet emblem, a sword with engraved or enameled images of coats of arms on the hilt or at the base of the blade or shield with family coats of arms. At the hearse, heralds in long, to the heel, mourning robes, with candles, on each of which the coat of arms of the deceased is attached, will not go. And no emblems will decorate his tombstones and protect his grave.”

A.P. Chernykh. "A case from heraldic practice"

Questions that are asked to the knights at the end of the tournament.


1. What are the names of the rivers in whose basins the ancient Germans lived? (Elbe, Rhine.)

2. Distinctive sign of the knights. (Coat of arms.)

3. Hereditary land ownership for service. (Feod.)

4. Abbot of the monastery. (Abbot.)

5. The work of a peasant in the field of the seigneur. (Corvee.)

6. Roman province conquered by the Franks. (Gaul.)


1. A shirt woven from iron rings. (Mail.)

2. Payments of peasants to the seigneur with products and products of their economy. (Trouble.)

3. The main tower of the feudal castle. (Donjon.)

4. The first king of the Franks (Clovis)

5. The art of court behavior. (Courtesy.)

6. A person who has received a fief. (Vassal.)


1. Mounted warrior. (Knight.)

2. Name of the first Frankish emperor. (Charles.)

3. The art of beautiful, graceful writing among the Arabs. (Calligraphy.)

4. Armor made of iron plates. (Lats.)

5. Holy book of Muslims. (Koran.)

6. Symbol of power and domination of seniors (Castle.)


1. Explain the expression "Castles are a symbol of the Middle Ages."

2. What is a knightly culture?

3. List the duties of the peasants.

4. What is internal colonization?

5. What are the similarities between a tournament and a battle?

6. Why does generosity appear as a truly royal property in chivalric novels?

7. Formulate a code of knightly honor.

Additional questions asked by the teacher to applicants for the title of the winner of the tournament:

1. In English proverb thirteenth century said "Senior does not sit at the table alone." What feature of the behavior of a noble lord does it reflect?

2. How do you understand the German proverb: “Who remains at school until the age of 12 without riding is only good enough to become a priest”?

3. Find an error in the text.

The castle was surrounded by a triple wall, with powerful towers along its entire length and in the corners. However, I went into the castle calmly, no one stopped me. There were many buildings on the territory, half of them were wooden, so it took me a while to find the place I needed. The windows were large and wide, and the floors were covered with expensive oriental rugs.

The one who answers correctly most questions, will win the last duel and will be declared the winner. He chooses for himself a beautiful lady from those who received the most points for a correctly completed task.

Anatole France very accurately noted the importance of an unusual presentation educational material, saying: "The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed." Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct an interesting lesson? Such that the guys were afraid to be late for it, and after the bell they were in no hurry to leave the class.

How to awaken the “appetite” of students for new knowledge? How to make each lesson interesting and unusual? How to correctly use well-known pedagogical techniques and techniques to deliver memorable lessons? This topic is devoted to our material.

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, each lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, every one. The history lesson should be interesting and in English, open class and traditional. In this case, the effectiveness of school teaching increases markedly, and new material digested easily. We will tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and interesting lessons.

  • Plan your lesson with age features students, their emotional mood, propensity for individual work or group activities. The concept of each interesting activity should have a creative beginning.
  • Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit your flight of fancy - and there will definitely be non-standard solutions. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will make the prepared lesson interesting.
  • Always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! Start the lesson actively (you can - with a little surprise!), clearly formulate its tasks, check your homework using .
  • An interesting lesson is always broken into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, do not bring down a portion of new knowledge on students, but smoothly and logically move from one stage of the lesson to another. Each separate part classes should not be long (on average - up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explaining new material).
  • Use a variety of techniques for a fun lesson. Using a computer or an electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both open and traditional lessons interesting in any discipline. Yes, the presentation big screen a significant event or watching a war newsreel will help the teacher to conduct an interesting history lesson.
  • Be flexible! Equipment breakdown, student fatigue or unexpected questions are situations from which a teacher must be able to quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve the tension that has arisen in the classroom, you need to have in stock simple and fun tasks on the topic (preferably in a playful way).
  • How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? Don't be afraid to break stereotypes! Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise! Avoid templates! After all, the lack of interest in the lesson is most often due to the fact that students know in advance all its stages. This chain, which is pretty annoying for the guys, can and should be broken.
  • Do not do all the work for the students to avoid silence and help them! Encourage students to be active. Give children simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Get the most out of every task.
  • Use group work: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions, develop a sense of partnership. This form of work is often used to conduct an interesting open lesson.
  • To teach interesting lessons, constantly look for and find unusual and amazing facts on each topic that is not in the textbook. Surprise your students and never stop being surprised with them!
  • Create and constantly replenish your own methodical piggy bank of the most successful, interesting and exciting tasks and forms of work, use entertaining material at every lesson.
  • Thematic games will make the lesson interesting in any class. The game gives rise to a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, in which new knowledge is well absorbed. For example, by passing a small ball through the rows, you can arrange an active blitz poll. And role-playing games will help to conduct an interesting English lesson.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop interest in a subject due to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What does that require?

  • Leave fatigue, worries, troubles outside the school threshold! Open to communicate with students! Children really appreciate the appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom, dialogue on an equal footing.
  • Behave outside the box! Go beyond the usual limits, because the personality and behavior of the teacher in the classroom is extremely important. Do you traditionally wear a business suit? Put on a bright sweater for the next lesson! Is energy always in full swing? Conduct the lesson in a relaxed manner. Prefer to explain new material while standing at the blackboard? Try to tell a new topic while sitting at the table. As a result, children will follow the teacher with interest, subconsciously expecting something new and unusual from each lesson.
  • Give more interesting examples from personal experience After all, a teacher, first of all, is a creative person and an extraordinary personality. Vivid life examples are remembered much better than fictional ones.

We hope that our recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new boring lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional self-improvement is the basis of a successful and effective pedagogical activity, a guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.

Here are a few exercises to help you make your lessons more interesting using only textbook material (from personal experience). These exercises contribute to the development of all types of activities, namely writing and speaking, listening and grammar skills, and also develop independence in learning. And most importantly, your students will come to your aid!

Work on written speech: punctuation

Exercise 1. Punctuation marks

  1. Type it, removing all commas, periods and, accordingly, capital letters.
  2. Have the students copy the text into their notebooks using punctuation marks and capital letters.
  3. Ask them to compare their version with the text in the textbook.
  4. You can arrange a competition between two teams, each of which writes the text on different halves of the board.

The development of language conjecture

Exercise 2. Broken sentences

  1. Take a small text from the textbook.
  2. Print it out, then cut out a strip the width of a ruler and stick it in the center of the text.
  3. Students should read the sentences, inserting possible words into the sentences as they go.

Note. As an option for pair work, you can ask students to simply cover the text with a vertical strip of paper, and read the sentences in turn.

Development of listening skills & activation of vocabulary

Exercise 3. Listening to activate the topic covered
(it is advisable to ask at home to repeat the words on this topic)

Option 1.

  1. Before listening, students should write down in their notebooks 5 words that they can hear in the text.
  2. Then have them swap notebooks.
  3. While listening, students cross out the words they heard.

Option 2.

  1. Give students a list of 15 related words(10 of them they will hear in the recording, but 5 will not).
  2. Ask them to choose 5 words on the topic.
  3. While listening, students cross off the list of words that they heard.
  4. If someone guessed all the words, then he won (think of a reward).

Exercise 4: Involve your best students

Texts for audio recordings (an appendix to any textbook) are very valuable material. Be sure to use it!

  1. Divide students into small groups (3-4 people).
  2. Instead of an audio recording, ask the best students to read the text for the rest of the group to complete the listening task.
  3. In the process of reading, it is allowed to ask in English to repeat sentences (Can you repeat that, please? Etc.), but only 3 times.
  4. Play an audio recording to check the exercise during the final audition.

Note. This exercise should be practiced in cycles until everyone in the group has acted as an announcer. The composition of the groups needs to be changed: for the second time, for example, you can unite strong children together.

Exercise 5

  1. As a repetition, use the texts that you have already listened to, but in a different form.
  2. Type the text, but remove 10 words from it, leaving gaps.
  3. While listening, students should write the words in the text.


Exercise 6. Work in mini-groups with experts

After the verification work, in a similar way, you can organize work on errors.

Tell the students that you will need helpers for the next lesson. Those who want to be experts will help you conduct a review of the grammatical topics covered, on which errors were made. Also ask students who are not well versed in such topics to raise their hands.
  1. In the next lesson, expert students give a short explanation (presentation of this section) in mini-groups.
  2. Then weak students ask them questions and correct mistakes.
  3. You oversee the process, adjusting your assistants as needed.
  4. In conclusion, we can offer to perform a short test (5 minutes) on this topic.

Note. For strong classes, you can ask experts to study any grammar section, which is given at the end of the textbook, usually in English or in Russian (available on our website). Then they explain the topic to their classmates in mini-groups (about 10 minutes).

This practice is very motivating and tightens children, and also contributes to the development of reflection in the child.

Development of writing skills

Oh, how tired I am of these formulaic letters to imaginary friends! And ask your students to write a letter to the authors of the textbook! By the way, the address is on the cover. Have them write in a letter what they think about the textbook, what is the most interesting section, what is the least interesting, what topics they would like to see in the next edition of the textbook. By the way, you can ask a few questions to the authors of the textbook.

Use these simple exercises and English lessons will become much more interesting. Good luck to everyone in the hard work of teaching!

Good winter day everyone!

Autumn is coming to an end, it’s incomprehensible snow outside the window, and your phone suddenly rings and, having picked up the phone and prepared to refuse to take a loan or have a very necessary procedure in a beauty salon, you hear that someone is eager to learn a language, and certainly under your sensitive leadership.

What to do and where to run?

Let's try to figure out what to talk about on the phone and what to do on first lesson in English.

Phone conversation

By phone, I always try to discuss the points that concern me in order to understand whether we can cooperate or not. And the answer will be negative if:
1) not suitable time or a place conducting classes;
2) not satisfied price;
3) goal student learning does not coincide with my teaching goals (for me, this is when a mother wants us to do homework in English with a child or an adult declares that he will only talk, without tedious rules and memorizing words);
4) on the other end of the wire they say as if I already have something should caller.

If everything suits us, we agree on the place and time of the first lesson. I warn you that the purpose of the first meeting there will be a language level determination, it is free and lasts about 40 minutes. You need to take a notebook and a pen with you.
I also learn how the student himself can determine his level of knowledge in order to imagine what level of material to prepare. As a rule, adults quite adequately assess their capabilities, while with schoolchildren one cannot be sure of anything.

It happens that parents say: “we have been studying with a tutor for two years, but she can no longer study with us, so we turned to you”, I prepare A2 level materials, I come to class - and the child barely reads, and say he can’t do almost anything… The student becomes embarrassed because he doesn’t meet my expectations, my mother sees his discomfort and also starts to worry… It’s a stupid situation, I usually try to cheer me up in every possible way to smooth this moment, otherwise after the first meeting there will be an unpleasant impression.

First meeting

If the first lesson is held by the student, I always leave early and try to dress more formally in order to make a good impression, it determines the opinion of the teacher for a long time. This is when we get to know each other better, you can walk in torn jeans and a T-shirt ...

Impressed, proceed directly to the lesson:

  1. We start the meeting with dialogue. I have not yet seen a single student who cannot speak English at all. Before the conversation, I say to speak English as they say, without fear of making mistakes. If he does not understand or does not know something, let him speak in Russian.
    I ask standard questions: How are you? The name of? Where does he/she study/work? What does he like to do in his free time? If I see that I am doing well, I ask about the purpose of the study and wishes for conducting classes in English, if not, in Russian. (Accordingly, if there is a student in front of me, I ask this question to my parents, who always sit next to me at the first lesson).
  2. I give further vocabulary and grammar test(about 20 questions), about 5 minutes. (If the student is an adult, I can send him to the post office before the meeting so as not to waste time in class.
    It is better to save the results in a separate folder specially dedicated to students. What for? If during the training a popular phrase “we have been studying for six months now, but I don’t feel that I have progressed in learning the language” pops up, show it every time I hear it. This is especially popular with USE students, recently one of them wrote me a sample for 86 points (against 72 points six months ago), and still the same song: “I know the language worse than before” ...
  3. While I'm reviewing the test, I give a small text for reading comprehension, with post-text speaking tasks, and ideally with listening, where the end of the story is recorded (for example, for adults, I like the text about the hotel with a ghost from lesson 6B New English File Elementary).

After all the manipulations, I say what level the student has (as a rule, the dialogue-test-text in unison repeats one thing, but there are also cases when the student understands what he read and writes the test well, but he can’t say almost anything and understands poorly by ear ), and which tutorial and why we choose. When choosing a textbook, I focus not only on the level of knowledge, but also on the tasks assigned to us.

In the end, I ask you once again to express any wishes for the classes, and for my part I warn that:

  • at class cancellation(ill, work, urgent matters) must be reported 24 hours in advance. If more than three times in six months a lesson is canceled right before the lesson, I transfer it to an advance payment and increase the price. If I cancel the lesson (due to illness of myself or the child), we can reschedule it at the request of the student for the weekend or for a window in my schedule;
  • at unfulfilled homework (more than three times in six months) we part. I don't believe in progress without independent work. I can make an exception for adults, who may not do homework for one lesson and we chat with them the whole lesson, and for the second they do double volume;
  • raise the price I won’t be studying for a year (unless, of course, the goal changes - I suddenly want to pass the exam), and if I decide to raise from the next school year, I will inform about it in three months;
  • if the student has something do not like during the lesson, I want to focus on some type of activity or any other doubts arise - all complaints are accepted and considered.


It's great if you have a business card with coordinates. It looks professional, and it becomes clear that you are serious about the matter. I want to do everything for myself, I even came up with a design, but my hands won’t reach it.

Over time, at the first meeting, it becomes clear whether the person is serious. This helps to avoid that feeling when you allocated a place in the schedule, prepared for classes, tried to captivate and entertain ... and after a vacation or vacation, it disappears forever, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste on your soul.

I don’t want to end the article on a sad note, so I’ll say that the percentage of students who go nowhere is small - two students left me in a year. When I remember our first meetings, I understand that now I would not waste time. The first one on the phone said “it’s expensive for you”, but she started to study anyway, the second told me every lesson: “I like everything, I’m ready to study and do everything” and also disappeared after the holidays.
There are much more of those who come by word of mouth, so look at everything philosophically - "when one door closes, another one will certainly open."
Everyone new year mood and good luck!

P.S. About the first lesson with those who are going to prepare for the OGE or the USE, I am writing.
