Positive and negative qualities of a person. The worst qualities of a person List of negative traits of a person's character

Positive and negative qualities of a person.  The worst qualities of a person List of negative traits of a person's character

Jan 17, 2018 Recruiters often ask candidates to list their shortcomings. The purpose of this question is for the HR specialist to understand how self-critical a potential employee is, whether he evaluates himself correctly and whether he is able to perceive criticism. The applicant can independently indicate his negative aspects in the resume, however, not forgetting to focus on his skills and abilities. In this article, we will tell you how to correctly present your negative qualities in a resume and give illustrative examples, But first things first. To get started, consider the basic rules for filling out the disadvantages section.
If the employer sends you an email or offers to fill out a resume form from the company before the meeting, then there will most likely be a question about weaknesses. In no case should you put a dash. If this section is present in the questionnaire, then this item is of interest to the employer unambiguously. A dash in this case will be regarded as an inability to soberly assess yourself and an overestimated self-esteem. Also, you should not get carried away by filling out this section. Remember that disadvantages can become your advantage. For example, lack of communication for an accountant is undoubtedly a plus. But for a sales manager, it’s obviously a minus. Remember that your adequacy, self-criticism and truthfulness are evaluated, and not how many shortcomings you have. Examples of undesirable personal qualities in a resume - shortcomings that are definitely not worth pointing out I am often late;I am fond of gambling;Availability bad habits(alcohol, smoking, etc.); Often distracted; I work only for a salary; I like to start office romances; I'm lazy; I'm greedy; I'm quick-tempered; Passive; Disadvantages that may not work in your favor: Pedantry; Individualism; Self-criticism; Self-esteem; Hyper-reactivity; Modesty; Distrust; Self-conceit; Straightforwardness; Vanity; Self-confidence; After that, highlight the character traits that will not interfere with you or will help in your future work.Lucky disadvantages for a resume: Inability to respond with rudeness to rudeness; Increased demands on others; Tendency to make decisions based on one’s own opinion; Unwillingness to act to please others; I can’t always express my thoughts accurately; Prone to reflection; I trust people, sometimes too much; I spend a lot of time evaluating of my actions and actions; I can get carried away with work and forget about the break; I pass all situations through myself; I don’t know how to swear; I don’t know how to lie. Neutral qualities: Fear of insects, snakes, mice and other living creatures; Fear of airplanes; Lack of work experience (for those who start a career or change their field of activity); Age (for people over 40 years old); Love to make purchases. The list of negative qualities of a person in a resume should not contradict your line of work or question your professionalism. So, for example, to get a job as a sales consultant, you can specify: reliability (is a plus when working with clients); excessive scrupulousness (will be a plus when working with money); sellers are financially responsible for the goods, and this “flaw” is simply necessary for a good salesperson; excessive love for communication (an important point in working with customers, which is also a positive “disadvantage” for retail.) people and love for facts (or rather, for numbers); Discharge from disorder (everything should be in its place oh, and only that); Slowness (when working with large amounts, you definitely shouldn’t rush); Excessive attention to detail or pedantry.

A resume should contain more than just professional quality job seeker, but also his personal. At the same time, it should be mentioned and its negative sides should be indicated. But do it wisely so as not to spoil the opinion about yourself even at the stage of reading the resume.

Each phrase in the questionnaire should show the applicant for the position from the best side, as a good worker and a professional in his field. Therefore, weaknesses should be selected so that they are strong in relation to a particular vacancy.

On the other hand, for a recruiter, a completed item of negative character traits makes it possible to understand how self-critical a person is, whether he evaluates himself correctly and whether he is able to perceive criticism. But don't get too carried away when filling out this section. It is enough to indicate two or three points.

What negative qualities of a person can be indicated in a resume?

Initially, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the vacancy and correlate your character traits with future profession. Highlight those that will help in future work, and those that will prevent you from getting it. Good examples in certain circumstances include:

  • increased demands on oneself and others;
  • inability to lie;
  • excessive gullibility;
  • I can not always state the essence of my thoughts clearly and understandably;
  • excessive modesty;
  • the tendency to make decisions based only on one's own opinion;
  • inability to swear, to respond with rudeness to rudeness;
  • a tendency to introspection, reassessment of one's actions and actions;
  • unwillingness to please others;
  • over-sensitivity, a tendency to pass situations through oneself.

Among the neutral weaknesses in the summary, you can indicate:

  • lack of experience (if the labor path is just beginning or the professional sphere is changing);
  • fear of flights (suitable when work is not related to business trips);
  • panic fear at the sight of insects, spiders, snakes, etc.

What negative qualities are better not to indicate?

No matter how self-critical a person is, some shortcomings cannot be indicated in a resume. They can negatively affect the desire of the employer to consider him as a candidate for the advertised vacancy. These personality traits include:

  • lack of punctuality, frequent delays;
  • laziness;
  • in the first place, the receipt of income is put, the result of labor is relegated to the background;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • interest in gambling;
  • inability to concentrate on work;
  • irascibility;
  • passivity;
  • negligence;
  • isolation and detachment from what is happening around;
  • passion for extreme sports.

Examples for different professions

When indicating the weaknesses of the personality, it is necessary to choose those that will not contradict professional activity. Consider examples for different types of labor.

For sales consultant

To apply for a job as a sales assistant, you can select two or three characteristics from the following list:

  • excessive sociability (in this case, such a quality from the shortcomings can "go" into the category positive sides since working with clients requires communication);
  • scrupulousness (working with money requires you to be careful);
  • incredulity and an overestimated sense of responsibility;
  • the need for constant motivation.

For Sales Representative and Sales Manager

A salesperson has to be in constant contact with customers. Its negative side can be:

  • increased suspiciousness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • emotionality;
  • self-confidence;
  • excessive sociability.

For a lawyer

A lawyer may have characteristic features, how:

  • heightened sense of justice;
  • persistence;
  • increased anxiety;
  • the desire to speak to the public;
  • straightness.

For an accountant

The work of an accountant is related to documents, so weaknesses in a resume can be:

  • incredulity;
  • slowness;
  • increased anxiety;
  • pedantry;
  • modesty;
  • difficulties in communication, establishing contacts with strangers;
  • pride;
  • excessive scrupulousness;
  • overestimated sense of responsibility.

Writing a resume is not an easy task. Only a successful and competent questionnaire will help you find Good work. Therefore, you should not copy standard solutions, but apply a personal approach to a specific vacancy. When listing weaknesses, you should be guided by a few tips:

  1. All specified characteristics must be true. Any deception is revealed during the interview.
  2. You don't have to list all your flaws. Limit yourself to two or three characteristics, but only in relation to the profession.
  3. Important is the competent design of the resume, the absence of errors, the stylistic order.

P.S. Add your negative qualities to the list by correlating with the profession in the comments 😉

Hello dear readers!

They say that appearances are deceiving.

In any case, not all at once.

Sometimes it takes years to understand loved one, and what to say if we know him for only a few weeks or months.

On the other hand, there are character traits that manifest themselves in behavior that can tell us a lot, a lot. The main thing here is not to rush to conclusions and not to break firewood.

In one of the previous articles, I described .

In this article I will talk about the character traits of a man that most often fall into the black lists of female attention.

I do not think that I will write much new here, countless words have already been said and written on this topic.

However, it should be talked about. After all, the character traits and personality traits listed here and in the previous article most often become a stumbling block in relations between the sexes. Although, for some reason, it is they who are overlooked at the very beginning of these relations.

And again, I note that the problem lies not in the presence or absence of negative traits in the character of a man, but in the degree of their expression. The more pronounced the trait, the more it repels the woman.

Many men compensate well for the presence of one or even several negative traits included in this "black list" by developing positive qualities in themselves that attract women. Thus, they weaken the negative manifestations of their character.

It is very good if, at the same time, a man knows how to control his negative traits, making them almost invisible to others, then his problems with women are minimized.

So the presence of the traits listed below in the personality of a man is not yet a sentence, otherwise it is provided for chronic.

And here is the black list itself:

that women hate

  1. Diffidence

This is one of the most disliked by women, negative manifestations. male character.

This is not about situational insecurity, characteristic of all people, but about a stable self-doubt that has become a property of the individual.

According to women, such a man is not able to defend his position and fight for a place in the sun. He quickly gives up and gives up, which means that in the future he cannot be a protector and provide for his family.

It is even worse if an insecure man compensates for this trait by looking for negative character traits of a woman from his point of view and bringing them to the size of a universal scale with constant criticism and edification. This further worsens the relationship with her and dooms them to constant quarrels.

It often happens that a man in public behaves very insecurely, but in the family circle he shows ...

  1. Arrogance and the continuous desire to subjugate and control a woman

Such relationships usually develop according to the type: “Who is the boss in the house!?!”. The worst thing is when such statements and claims to power come from a man who, either personally or socially, is nothing.

These are empty claims. As a rule, psychological complexes are hidden behind them and the desire, due to the imperious possession of a woman, to resolve some internal problems(so-called "emotional acting out" or "acting out"). In addition, they can be behind ...

  1. Lies and infidelity

There is nothing special to comment on here, everything is quite obvious. Such a man will never become a support for a woman if he does not change himself.

He does not appreciate her and is purely manipulative in her. But at the same time, there are always women who become dependent on him. Just like a lover to dominate a woman, such a man wins back internal complexes in relations with her, most often associated with unresolved emotional conflicts with his mother. Hand in hand with lies and infidelity goes ...

Read about marital infidelity in the article: " "

  1. inattention

Such a man is constantly busy with business and is not inclined to notice the needs and requirements of a woman. Although otherwise he may be quite normal, his inattention makes a woman think that she is somewhere on the periphery of his life, and that there is no worthy place for her in his heart. Most of the time, she's not wrong.

They say correctly: “To lose a woman, you just need indifference”


  1. selfishness

A selfish man is constantly focused on himself. A woman is not for him an object of sincere affection and love. For him, she is a kind of application or concomitant factor necessary to confirm his own significance and exclusivity.

In addition to egocentrism, such a man is often prone to power claims against women, and he is also characterized by ...

  1. Aggressiveness

In such a man, a woman instinctively feels danger. Even if this one is directed only at other people, and such a man treats a woman quite kindly, she is never immune from aggression directed against her.

An aggressive man tends to constantly scandalize and sort things out, he is always dissatisfied with himself and others, he does not control himself well. (Read about it in the article:).

In addition, most often prone to aggression and violence, a man is deprived of the ability to empathize and empathize. To share life and destiny with such a person means to be deeply unhappy.

It is quite natural that given trait The nature of a man is very repulsive to women. Just like…

  1. Emotional coldness

Such a man cannot perceive her emotions and feelings. He cannot rejoice, laugh, suffer and worry with a woman. And this means that he is not able to share life itself with her, to give her love, joy and warmth.

As a rule, such a man is very distant, his emotional ties with others are broken. Often such a man lacks a sense of humor.

A rare woman is able to tolerate such a trait of a male character, because it deprives her of all the colors of life. Things are no better if a man appears in her life who is peculiar ...

  1. Willlessness, lack of initiative and aimlessness

Women quite deservedly do not like men who do not have any significant goal in life, who do not want and do not know how to fight for significant achievements and successes, who do not know how to defend their values.

A man without ambition and purpose strong women generally causes only contempt.

Women believe, and on this point even men agree with them, that a man must show perseverance and will. This is the will to live, and the will to action, and the will to achieve.

Lack of initiative, inability to be enterprising, annoys a woman very much, because, as a rule, such a man does not bring a single thing to the end, and this is a heavy burden on her shoulders. The same thing happens if a man is peculiar ...

  1. Laziness

I won’t even comment, besides, I’m just too lazy 😀 to say anything on this point. I will say one thing, they are often followed ...

  1. Criticism and controversy

They are sometimes even worse than nagging and criticizing women, because they are always charged with very powerful aggression and anger.

Criticism of such a man is very superficial, unfounded, but covers everything and everything. It is unbearable because it lacks justice and demands the impossible. Such a man is ready to argue to the last drop of blood and, as a rule, immediately turns to screaming, and after him not far from assault.

Perhaps 10 qualities are enough for us to develop general impression about what character traits of a man infuriate women.

In conclusion, I note once again that if a man has one or even several character traits included in this list, this does not mean at all that he is a bad and worthless person.

If the level of development of negative traits does not exceed the limits of acceptable normality, if a man is able to change and compensate for his shortcomings with development positive qualities, then the woman can.

But, unfortunately, not everyone is lucky on this path. However, this is not a reason to lose hope, you need to keep going and win your happiness. I'm sure you will succeed!!!

See you in the next article.

I would be very grateful if you leave your

Not every male representative can be called a real man, and not everyone can be married and build a strong family. What qualities should an ideal man have, and does he exist at all?

Against the backdrop of the sea

Who is the perfect man

The phrases “ideal man” and “dream man” are so common that they no longer attach much importance. No one knows exactly what this ideal looks like, what its character is, and what qualities it possesses. Everyone puts their own meaning into these words.

For any woman, the standard qualities of an ideal man include high intelligence, wit, and respect. Everyone dreams of seeing a handsome and fit chosen one next to them, who will make gifts, preferably with their own apartment and car. He must have beautiful eyes and charming appearance. All this is similar to the description of a prince from a fairy tale, but in no way to a description of a real man.

According to family psychologists, the main qualities of a man should include:

  • Kindness is the first quality that all girls talk about when describing the ideal. A kind person will come to the rescue, will love his children and cherish his family;
  • Reliability. Such can be called a person who does not change his mind and does the promised;
  • The ability to take care. Everyone wants to see a chosen one next to her who will take care of her, say nice words;
  • Responsibility. A man must realize that he is the head of the family, a woman and his children depend on him;
  • Loyalty. Every woman wants to be sure that her husband will not leave her and will not exchange her for another.

Note! Partially, all girls are right when they describe real masculine qualities in character, but many of them are exaggerated. For example, having a car is an absolute plus, but if a guy with a car turns out to be an infantile egoist, he can hardly be called an ideal.

Bad character traits

Bad qualities in a man may not appear immediately, a woman may notice his bad features when the relationship has already gone far. The first few months of the relationship, or the "candy-bouquet" period, the girl is in a state of love and does not want to see anything bad. She may be fascinated by looks, facial features, or voice. Later, faced with everyday life, she notices that her chosen one is far from ideal.

Egoist on the background of the wall

According to women, the main negative traits of a male character are:

  • Arrogance and selfishness. Personalities fixated on themselves, who are trying in every possible way to show their significance, do not endear themselves;
  • Uncertainty. Girls do not like weak men who are afraid to make decisions, next to them they do not feel safe;
  • Infidelity and hypocrisy. Lies and betrayals are what destroy any relationship. With such a person, the girl will not want to connect her life;
  • Bad manners and bad manners. A rude man who uses obscene language and obscene language belongs to the lower social class;
  • Lack of initiative and ambition, inability to see things through to the end;
  • Short temper and aggressiveness. Next to such a person, the girl feels in danger. If aggression is directed at strangers, and a man is kind and affectionate with his chosen one, there is no guarantee that he will not break loose later;
  • Indifference to a woman. Such a man may not notice problems, forget about requests;
  • Laziness. Loafers who like to spend their free time on the couch or at the computer are not attracted to women;
  • Phlegm. Girls do not like it when men react coldly and cannot sincerely rejoice or empathize.

Positive traits

Each girl has her own opinion about what the character of a real man should be. Despite this, everyone agrees that a real man must have the following qualities:

  • Masculinity;
  • The ability to be there and help out in a difficult moment;
  • Accuracy and neatness;
  • Independence, having your own opinion;
  • Diligence and purposefulness;
  • Honesty;
  • Ability and desire to earn.

Note! The desire of a husband to provide for his wife does not mean that his chosen one should not do anything.

What do women value most in men?

Girls love men who take care of them, next to whom they feel confident. Everyone wants her chosen one to be attentive to detail and behave like a gentleman. Such small actions as opening a door or giving a hand mean a lot to women, they make their impression on them.

Hugs a girl

What qualities should be appreciated in your man:

  • Integrity, the ability to restrain one's emotions and be reasonable. Such a man will not allow himself to offend or humiliate a woman;
  • Courage, the ability to take responsibility;
  • The ability to love and show emotions. Such a man will make a good family man and father;
  • Attractiveness. A real man has charm, a girl unconsciously reaches out to him, can trust him;
  • A sense of humor is an important character trait. Girls like witty guys who can cheer you up.

Note! The qualities that women appreciate also extend to appearance. The representatives of the stronger sex watch and take care of themselves, that's right, but some are too passionate about their appearance. Not every woman appreciates many hours of visits to the hairdresser for the perfect styling.

How to develop good masculine qualities in yourself

In order to develop positive character traits in yourself, you first need to determine what qualities are currently lacking. How to cultivate a real masculine character:

  • Develop physical. Sports should become an integral part of life;
  • Develop spiritually. Read developing literature, including about relationships;
  • Leave your comfort zone more often, fight your laziness every day;
  • Achieve success. Do not set unattainable goals for yourself, it is better to start small. For example, set a goal to complete work faster than usual;
  • Communicate with your chosen one, listen to her and talk to her. In communication with his woman, a man will understand how best to act, what she and he lack.

What is meant by courage

Masculinity is a generally accepted character trait that everyone should have to represent the stronger sex. Everyone talks about this character trait, but no one knows exactly what it means.

On a gray background

The science of social science says that masculinity is not a separate quality, but a set of all qualities that a real man should have. These include courage, confidence, determination and all other strong character traits.

Is it possible to overcome the negative aspects of character

Throughout life, you need to fight with your shortcomings and make yourself better. Difficulties can arise if negative traits have developed since childhood and have taken root in the character. At first, such a person will not understand why he is condemned, and why a woman does not like his behavior.

You can overcome any negative character trait, the main thing is personal interest and desire. First you need to identify weaknesses and begin to gradually get rid of them. For example, fight laziness, suppress aggression, take the initiative more often.

Each girl has her own ideal of a man and a list of qualities that he must possess. Everyone wants to have the best and good person. Fascinated by the appearance of the girl, they begin to forget about what the ideal chosen one should be. Responsibility, reliability and loyalty are qualities strong in spirit a man who won't cheat on his woman.


Men have many negative qualities. But there are no identical men, and each of them is strong in some ways, and weak in some ways. But there is a set of negative qualities that manifest themselves in the representatives of the strong half most often.

10. Satisfaction

Some of the men over time become unnecessarily ossified in their way of life. Bought a car, had a baby, a well-established job, a loving wife, what else do you need from life? And from that time on, they begin to live like a tracing paper. To work, from work, sofa, TV, Friday or Saturday beer with friends and again all in a circle. What kind of wife would that suit? Is that also ossified. But we are not like that! We want variety, attention, adventure, finally! But no. If a peasant has reached the sofa, you can’t even pull him out of there with a tractor ...

9. Embarrassment

Sometimes this trait in men just infuriates. Somewhere, they are vicious predators, and when necessary, at the most inopportune moment, they do not find a place for themselves from embarrassment. For many, shyness, embarrassment and fear of being branded as a weakling, clumsy bumpkin or an ignoramus in some area can become a stumbling block in moving up the career ladder, and indeed in striving to achieve something.

8. Indifference

No one noticed that when a man comes home from work and tells you about another incident that happened due to someone else's fault, you listen to him with an open mouth, worry, even try to discuss this matter. But as soon as you start sharing your troubles with him, he only nods his head, but he himself doesn’t seem to be listening. And in most cases, it does. What happened to you doesn't interest him at all. He sees that you still have two arms, two legs and a head in place, which means that nothing terrible has happened. Like, survive!

7. Suspicion

One has only to be a little late from work, as a man immediately begins to suspect you of something. Moreover, when you explain everything to him, he is unlikely to believe in it, otherwise he will think up something new. And even when you provide him with witnesses and irrefutable evidence that the delay was not your fault, he will begin to suspect the witnesses. Otherwise, when it would be simply absurd to suspect, they will also make you look like an idiot, saying: “That’s what you should have said!” Or, “Yes, I didn’t doubt you! How could you think that?

6. Jealousy

This is the sister of the same suspicion. It, one might say, flows directly from it. I don't want to talk about jealous men. Immediately the mood drops. Well, who wants to listen to the constant: “What are you wearing? Take it off, it won't work!", "It's too defiant!" and all in the same spirit. You might think that because of the deep neckline or short skirt, potential competitors will eat me alive, but they won’t leave him anything. And these endless suspicions in the style: “Why did you stay late?”, “Who were you with?”, Yes, “Why were you staring at him so much.” I have no words.

5. Negligence

If a man does something for himself, he will always do it excellently. But for others, he can cheat. Or, again, do as he pleases from his point of view. And he always has an excuse: “I don’t know how to do it any other way!”. And you start saying that your hands are just growing from the wrong place, or that you had to try, you can generally run into: “You know what, next time do everything yourself, since you are doing better and you know better how necessary". So, sometimes you just have to be silent, gritting your teeth.

4. Touchiness

But one has only to say something to a man, to reproach him for something, as a man turns up his nose. And not out of arrogance, but out of resentment. Some begin to throw everything, not to talk for a long time. Slam doors, go fishing or hunting, and act like you're nothing. If you got such a hubby - it's bad. Time to dump. There will be no sense, since he has all the signs of selfishness on his face. Moreover, selfishness, which and love is nothing.

3. Vengeance

All men are vindictive natures, without exception. It's only in movies that men know how to stop in time. In life, the lion's share of them will never calm down until they have had their fill of revenge. And if they fail to commit revenge, they make plans, and believe me, just give up the slack, and one of these plans will immediately pour out on your head.

2. Anger

It is bad when a man is not curbed in anger. But in one way or another, men are all subject to it. Even the most nondescript henpecked man can secretly get angry so that when he finally breaks through, everything will turn into one big catastrophe. And hidden anger is many times worse than breaking out. Here, at least, you know that you are not sitting on a sleeping volcano ...

1. Lustfulness

I really don’t want to see this quality in my man, but with one force or another, it can still manifest itself in him. Not all ladies are characterized by excessive emancipation in sex, but men, as a rule, always want something more. And this, at times, is very exhausting and gets on your nerves more than all the previous qualities. And when a man is also unnecessarily intrusive in this, it's just terrible ...


But do not forget that many of the same qualities are inherent in women. So, before blaming your betrothed, you should first look at yourself from the outside. Indeed, oddly enough, men learn many habits from their soul mates. Believe me, it's all right!

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