Essay contest my profession is a teacher. Essay on my future profession teacher

Essay contest my profession is a teacher.  Essay on my future profession teacher


« My profession is a teacher»

Children are wonders of the world

I saw it myself.

And counted this miracle

To the most wondrous miracles.

We are responsible for the future.

Our joy, pain and sadness

our future is children.

It is difficult with them, so be it.

Our children are our strength

In unearthly worlds the lights

If only the future was

as light as they are...

There is a word “enlightenment” that is surprisingly capacious in meaning in our language.

Enlightens, creates a person with the light of knowledge,

the light of the soul, the light of creativity - Teacher.

A teacher is not a profession, it is a special mission, a special mindset, it is responsibility, dedication, patience, multiplied by knowledge, skill, and creativity.

“In order to give a student a spark of knowledge, a teacher needs to absorb a whole sea of ​​light,” said the wise one.

The teaching profession is one of the noblest. Who, if not a teacher, will give you the necessary knowledge, introduce you to the fascinating world of sciences, teach you how to act correctly in critical situations, come out of them with honor, remaining a person.

This profession is not new, there have always been teachers. Only here is the prestige of this profession in different times was different. A very small percentage of graduates of pedagogical universities after receiving a diploma work in the previously chosen specialty. In student newspapers, I have repeatedly come across articles that a person who entered a pedagogical institute is a loser once, and a person who also came to work at a school is a loser twice ...

Nowadays, working at school is difficult, but interesting. You always have to not only teach others, but constantly learn yourself. Schools use new information technologies: computers, interactive whiteboards, projectors. Over time, you have to keep up, so I study new programs, methods, use information Technology in mathematics lessons.

When I prepare for lessons, I always strive only for a positive result. But everything happens in our work. I have to deal with many students additionally outside of school hours, since I do not “give” grades, but strive to ensure that students achieve certain results, understood the material and received the mark that they earned. The USE objectively evaluates the knowledge of students. To successfully pass the exam, the student must work, and the teacher is always ready to help in preparing for the exam.

The teacher is a creative person. Every day he must comprehend something new, something to get involved in and be interested in.

Mathematics is an amazing science, so love for it was born from school. When I first came to work, I set a goal: “The main thing is to burn yourself and be able to convey the warmth of this fire to every child.” That is what I do to this day.

Teaching is the most important profession in the world. It is a source of joy, gives us the joy of human communication, the happiness of immersion in the world of childhood, a sense of involvement in the birth of something new in this life, the opportunity to look into the future.

This profession is unique in that the whole of humanity passes through the mind, heart and soul of a teacher in its development. And those who have decided to devote their lives to the education and upbringing of children must have moral principles. “Do no harm” is the commandment not only of a doctor, but also of a teacher.

I often tell my children that next to you are the same people as you, with their problems, difficulties, troubles and joys, they are different, and all of them must be accepted, able to communicate with them. Living in a society, one cannot do without people, without the laws of morality, humanity.

Therefore, my pedagogical credo in my work is: “Never humiliate or betray a student. To be able at the right moment to take the place of the child and look at the world through his eyes.

Ever since school, the profession of "teacher" has attracted me.

With bated breath, I imagined how I would enter the classroom and tell the children about something good, beautiful. This is what my school youth was filled with. Beloved teachers who revealed to me the secrets of beauty, whom I so wanted to be like; Komsomol work captivating with its romance; the Pedagogical Institute, which instilled in me a love and interest in mathematics and creativity; congenial friends, the same dreamers, seekers of truth. Having absorbed all the good that was, the soul sang, rushed to unknown heights ... To become a teacher, a real, good teacher.

Everyone has his own path. Your calling. For me, it's a school. This is the place where I can convey my great love for children, what I live by myself.

Once I read the words that sunk into my soul: “If a teacher has only love for work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father, like a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher.

There are lessons in biology and physics, mathematics and chemistry at the school. The lessons of generosity, nobility, respect and attention to the dignity and honor of people do not appear in the schedule. But the teacher teaches all this to his pupils every minute, every hour, every day, with his every thought, gesture, manner of speaking, listening, dressing, the way he is in anger and at rest, in joy and in sadness. He continuously educates children with all his appearance and behavior.

I myself was a child and in my fantasies painted a portrait of the ideal teacher. What was he like? In front of me I saw a kind, understanding person, like a fairy from fairy tale. I wanted the teacher to love me, respect me, appreciate my slightest success. This is just a part of what I dreamed about.

What now, after almost twenty-six years, can change in the dreams of children?

Oddly enough, but today's children dream of the same thing. Love, kindness, sincerity - that's what you need modern student. It is these human qualities that our children lack so much, since many parents are forced to work day and night in production in order to feed their families.

Where can a child get warmth, care, attention? If the teacher does not give this, what will happen to people in the future? Will we turn into soulless robots, automatically doing the assigned work? Coldness, self-interest, prudence, envy will lie in wait for us everywhere and everywhere.

“Why do children come to school with a great desire to learn, raise their hands, ask to be called, and after a few years, around the fifth grade, this light gradually fades? What's the matter? What's the secret?" - this question faced teachers 100-200 years ago, it is still relevant today.

Of course, it's easy to say that the child is out of hand, and write off the costs of parenting.

Or maybe we, teachers, would do well to analyze our own behavior in relation to this or that student? Perhaps the answer lies in us?

In my professional experience there have been many various situations, emotions, feelings: both joy, a sense of pride in the achievements of my students, and pain, a sense of failure as a result of some failures, but I have never experienced a feeling of boredom and emptiness.

What should a modern teacher be like?

Yes, the teacher must keep up with the times: use innovations in his work, various methods, must be fluent in the material taught.

But, first of all, it must be A HUMAN WITH A CAPITAL LETTER.

It is necessary to leave the negative beyond the threshold of the school, and to carry and sow the good, reasonable, eternal to the children, no matter how hard it is on the soul. It would not hurt to recall folk wisdom in the form of proverbs and sayings: "As it comes around, it will respond." It depends on us what will respond to us in the near future.

I sincerely hope that the teacher of the 21st century will finally become a specialist in a highly paid profession. The degree of self-giving that is inherent in people of this specialty will sooner or later be deservedly appreciated by the society of the future.

Analyzing my work, I understand that, on the one hand, I know enough, and on the other, practically nothing. There is still much to learn, much to understand. I am ready for this, because I love my profession.

Every day, year after year, I, the teacher, enter the classroom. But no class is like another, each is unique. Moreover, the same class is constantly changing: the guys are growing, one might say by leaps and bounds. Events take place in the class, its moods, hobbies change throughout the year, quarter, week, one day, and even a lesson. And every time I enter the classroom, meeting with the guys after school, outside of school, I come across something new. And this requires observation, analysis, reaction, each time in something different from those that have already been, each time in something unique. All this undoubtedly indicates that my profession, the profession of a teacher, is the most creative.

Now, having worked at the school for more than 26 years, I understand that the school requires self-sacrifice for the sake of children.

I often sort through photos of my students ...

During this period there were three releases from 5th to 11th grade. All of them are so different: sad and funny, beautiful and wise, kind and not very kind, romantics and pragmatists, mischievous and funny, naive, touching, but, most importantly, they all took place, all received a profession, took place as individuals. Many have good families, children, and I believe that this is my merit as a class teacher. They chose different professions: teachers, engineers, doctors and military.

I can't explain why, but in every issue there are children who have chosen a profession - a teacher. I hope they chose this consciously.

And if, in the choice of the profession of a teacher by my students, there is at least a small fraction of my participation, I am very happy! ..

Every child I open the school door and go into the classroom. The bell rings again and the eyes of my students turn to me. Their bright, clear, pure eyes, curious, believing, kind, appreciating my every look, gesture, step, deed. They expect a lot from me.

Am I happy?.. Everyone has their own happiness, it consists of many indicators. One of its components for me is the chosen profession.

I - happy man. I have a favorite thing. I am in constant search. After all, only a creative teacher can infect with his warmth, faith, talent.

I am happy because I have the opportunity to experience this extraordinary world again and again with my students.

I am happy when children like to learn, when I see the results of their work.

I, a happy person, because I chose my business and fell in love with it for the rest of my life.

Do not be afraid to take risks, change, learn life. It is worth trying, daring, creating, not stopping there.

Remembering her still quite uncertain, timid “steps” in adult life, she dreamed of becoming a good teacher, a true friend, a second mother for her children. I hope my dream came true!

I think that a few decades ago a teacher in his professional activity mainly relied on the third and fourth points. It was important for the teacher that the student memorize, assimilate information, for this he often engaged in suggestion, instructing and quite often punishing the ward for not fulfilling his requirements.

In today's information society, it is imperative to change priorities. As the 7th grade students of our school say: “Ilmira Damirovna, why do we need to remember all this, because at any time you can “google” and find everything you need.” And you know, I can't help but agree with them.

Previously, in order to learn about the biography of a scientist or writer and write an essay, we had to visit the library, turn to printed publications, select the information we need, write it in beautiful handwriting, and also try to remember everything, because in the lesson we will have to tell in front of the class. And now, you just have to start typing a name or date in the search bar, and the Internet will do everything necessary for us. It remains only to press the button on the printer and the result is in your hands.

So what should a teacher be doing these days? I believe that the moment has come when a child does not need information itself, but to acquire the skills to use it for the benefit of himself and others, to form the skills to choose from a great variety exactly what will be useful and even beneficial. And the teacher in this case should act as a mentor, who, passing his personal experience, expressing a personal opinion and substantiating his thoughts, helps the student to form his worldview, which is what I do every day.

I work at our school as a social educator, and my job is to work with children with deviant behavior and their families. My main pedagogical principles of work are the motto "Feel my love" and life credo"Everything that is done, everything is for the better." I try to love these children just like that, for what they are. Of course, often they do not know how to accept this selfless love, but this is precisely the purpose of my work, to teach them to be loved and, as a result, love themselves, trust others and know that they also deserve better than they are content with at this stage of their lives.

Often in my conversations with teenagers, I resort to psychological methods search for cause-and-effect relationships, when the child himself finds the reasons why his life has become such a deviation from the norm, and, reflecting on this, predicts various ways of developing his further destiny.

You know, in my 27 years of life, I have repeatedly observed how fruitfully I influenced the quality of life of the people around me, simply with the help of a word. Also in school age I intuitively was a teacher for my peers, it was I who could convince or dissuade almost the entire class to commit any act, it was to me (and not to my best friends) that many girls ran with their problems.

This is probably why fate brought me to this amazing profession, where I can realize my potential. And since everything that is done is for the best, I am sure that I am in the right place. I hope everyone who knows me will agree with me.

Essay on the topic “My profession is a teacher” updated: October 9, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Profession teacher- the most honorable profession in civilized countries, because the teacher sculpts human nature with his own efforts, shows the characteristics of the character and personality of the child and, ultimately, the future of his student. The teacher must have the ability to set the direction life path child, to engage in the educational process in a positive way in relation to the student, to develop the good sides of the child's soul and, by common efforts, to identify the bad ones. The teacher must develop children comprehensively, taking into account the mental, physical, moral and aesthetic educational aspects.

Being an educator in our time is quite difficult, and very few people want to devote themselves to pedagogical activity. It's sad, but statistics say that every year fewer school graduates enter pedagogical universities and secondary specialized educational institutions. Agree that it is very easy to find the reasons for this: low wages, daily stress, lack of support from the state, a huge amount of work. It should also be noted that earlier the teacher was treated with great respect, but now there is a tendency to reduce the level of cultural education of the society, which begins to disdain the teaching profession.

But, despite all these shortcomings, I believe that the profession of a teacher, which is one of the most ancient, will remain in demand throughout the entire existence of mankind. After all, society could not develop and exist if the younger generation, which stepped into the current life to replace the older one, had to start all over again, trying to create in the dark of the mind and not using the experience that it inherited. A teacher is an educator, a mentor - this is his civil, human destiny.

In young, inexperienced years, it is difficult to choose the one job that you will then give long years life, it is difficult to find your own path, not to regret later and to achieve mastery in the chosen profession. As a teenager, I realized that I would devote my life to education. My mother is a teacher primary school. I grew up in conditions of constant influence on me school life. I tried to help my mother check notebooks, find new approaches and teaching methods. Together with her, we came up with creative tasks for kids. And all this took possession of me so much that when they asked me what I want to become: without hesitation, I answered that my vocation is a teacher.

I have never regretted my choice of profession and I am even proud of it. The path to professional pedagogical heights is not easy, but it fills the whole teacher's life with meaning. Anyone who has determined for himself the importance of the chosen business must go this way, feel the joy and happiness of joint success: the success of a talented teacher and talented students!

If you live in city ​​near Moscow Khimki, and your child is not yet fluent in English, then we offer effective children's training programs - in a short time and with the possibility of in-depth study. is a creative process of mastering the material using unique methods of interactive teaching. At your service professional educators foreign language.

Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about.
Overheard on Wall Street.

Enlightenment should be introduced with moderation, avoiding bloodshed as much as possible.
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

According to Ozhegov's dictionary, a teacher is a person who teaches someone something.

If earlier this concept evoked only one association: school, today the scope of the profession has been expanded. Teachers pass on knowledge to us in universities, courses in English, teach various business sciences as business coaches, coaches, work on our plasticity in yoga and dance classes.

Once upon a time, when the division of labor did not exist, all the older, most experienced representatives of the tribe/community became teachers. During the transition to the division of labor, people who practiced this or that craft and transferred this or that skill/knowledge became teachers. And only in the 18th - 19th centuries, teaching as an officially recognized profession became a mass phenomenon in Europe and around the world.

The main professional duty of the teacher is to conduct lessons, during which he ensures the study of new information in his subject, repetition and consolidation of what has been previously covered, control and grading, and also organizes independent work of students. The purpose of this is not only education itself, but also development and education.

In addition, the teacher checks the work of students, prepares for lessons (watch or remember the work of good teachers - they have pre-prepared manuals on any topic, a set of individual tasks, etc.), participates in meetings of teachers' councils.

As a rule, he is also engaged in educational work (especially if he is a class teacher) - he conducts various interesting and useful events with schoolchildren, individually deals with "problem" students, prepares for parent meetings and conducts them. On average, directly conducting lessons takes only 50-60% of his working time.

At first glance, it seems that the teacher's activity should differ sharply depending on what he teaches. However, as a number of studies show, in reality these differences are not so great, in the first place a person remains a teacher, and only in the second he becomes a school "physicist", "historian" or "writer". But the specificity of the teacher's activity is great, depending on the age of the students.

AT primary school he (or, more often, she) is literally a “second mother”, first of all raising students and satisfying their emotional needs, and only then passing on knowledge.

By the older grades, the teacher becomes primarily an informer, and students have a reasonable expectation that he will teach them first, and only then will educate or care for their emotional needs.

Personal qualities:

To achieve success in teaching, a high level of abilities (intellectual, communicative, organizational), thorough preparation, as well as personal qualities relevant to this work. You need to know the disciplines taught well, master modern teaching and upbringing methods, be able and willing to communicate with children and adolescents, have a high motivation for such work (it is not for nothing that they say that a teacher with a capital letter is not just a profession, but a calling of a person).

Education (What do you need to know?):

The education system offers ample learning opportunities for those who want to become teachers. The main thing is to decide what exactly and in what format you want to teach. If you love to mess with kids, you can become a kindergarten teacher or elementary school what you learn in a teacher's college or college. In order to teach at a university, it is necessary to obtain at least a complete higher education, and ideally - a scientific degree.

If you want to be a business coach - get a higher education, forget about everything you have learned and go to the real sector of the economy for practical knowledge. If you are talked about as a successful specialist, ambitious colleagues will want to adopt your experience, and your training room will always be full. If you become known in top management circles of successful companies, you can act as a consultant/coach, which, in fact, is the peak of a teaching career.

Place of work and career:

Teachers work, along with schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education(vocational schools, schools, colleges, technical schools). They are also in demand in institutions additional education: various circles, sections, etc.

The phrase "teacher's career" is not very common in Russian. Career prospects for these specialists are associated, first of all, with an increase in the level of their pedagogical skills, victory in competitions professional achievements, training successful students (for example, it is considered very honorable to prepare the winners of subject Olympiads).

Opportunities for administrative and material growth are not very great. So, sometimes teachers become head teachers or directors of schools, move to managerial work in educational authorities or become owners of their own business aimed at providing educational services.

The teaching corps is tired of the war
A collective portrait of a Russian teacher: an elderly, exhausted woman, often dissatisfied with her work.
The teaching corps in modern Russia I have almost exhausted all my reserves, and this can be seen when communicating with a teacher audience anywhere in our country.

The main pool of our teachers are those who came to school at the end of the Soviet era, who have been working for 25, 30, 35 years. The normal age of professional flourishing - 30-40 years old - is practically absent in the modern school: there are green youth who can do little, and there are people who are improving. But we don’t have others, if they die out, no one will come to take their place. And this is the main problem. modern school- not in programs and not in textbooks.

History of the teacher profession

The teaching profession is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. For each person, at any stage of his existence, a person is needed who could explain this or that problem, situation or just an event.

Historians believe that the first foundations of the teaching profession appeared at a time when people first began to hunt wild animals ( How to become a hunter), since it was at this time that the older generation began to teach the young people all the tricks of this unpretentious occupation. At the same time, the person who taught teenagers and children was a highly respected member of the tribe, as a result of which certain privileges were always given to him.

With the development and evolution of the life of mankind, the profession of a teacher became more and more necessary, especially when the division of labor took place. If you pay attention to the later stages of human development, it is worth noting that teachers were very important personalities in Ancient Rome, as well as in Greece, respectively, hence the emergence of the largest number of philosophers and scientists from these regions.

About the teaching profession

Teaching is a unique profession. It is considered one of the oldest professions, but continues to be in demand today. Wikipedia even provided information about the significance of the teaching profession. Data about it can also be found using any search engine on the Internet. One has only to enter a request and you will be given comprehensive information, as well as pictures with a visual image of teachers by profession. The teacher teaches students in schools, gymnasiums, lyceums general education subjects. There are many specializations in the profession of a teacher: the profession of a teacher primary school, the profession of a chemistry teacher, the profession of a history teacher, the profession of a physical education teacher, the profession of a physics teacher, the profession of an English teacher and others. And they are all very honorable and noble.

The main tasks and main responsibilities of the teacher profession

The main tasks that the teacher solves are the following:

    familiarizing students with state laws and the need to comply with them;

    the formation of moral principles in students, as well as such qualities as respect, tolerance, kindness;

    development of self-esteem and self-respect;

    education in students of diligence, responsibility and patriotism;

    development of the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Another important task facing the teacher is to be a friend, an example and a mentor for his students, since the school also forms the future personality of a person, moral principles, views on life, which in adulthood will affect their lives. The primary responsibility of every teacher is the ability to select personal approach to any student. Professions related to psychology

But there are other equally important responsibilities. The teacher must:

    to plan educational material in your subject

    ensure the implementation of training programs,

    participate in methodological work,

    use the most effective means, forms and methods of teaching,

    analyze the progress of their students,

    enforce discipline,

    develop skills and abilities independent work at the students

    stimulate learning motivation and cognitive activity,

    to achieve a deep and lasting assimilation of knowledge, as well as the ability to apply them in practice.

Job requirements for a teacher

In order to become a qualified specialist, you must have certain qualities:

    developed intellectual abilities,

    high concentration,

    good diction,

    the ability to switch and distribute attention,








    the ability to interest one's subject.

Pros and cons of being a teacher

The profession of a teacher has pros and cons. The advantages include: communication with children, mental work, stability in work, long vacation, recognition from the public. And the disadvantages are: great responsibility, low wages, psychological pressure and stressful situations.

The mediocre teacher sets out.

A good teacher explains.

Outstanding teacher shows.

A great teacher inspires.

William Ward

Essay: Profession teacher

Most people are arranged in such a way that all their lives they strive to learn, learn, discover and develop in themselves more and more new qualities, opportunities and abilities. A person, often not realizing himself, strives to become a diversified personality, to become educated, well-mannered, beautiful, physically developed, in demand by society and socially adapted.

Top level in the development of human qualities is perfection. Perfection is an abstract category. No matter how much you try to get closer to it, it, like the horizon, moves further and further away. But a person will definitely, at least in one chosen and favorite direction, strive for it, whether it be knowledge, skills, physical data or other categories.

Comprehending various disciplines and reaching ever higher levels in his development, each person voluntarily or involuntarily transfers his knowledge to other participants in the movement, the name of which is life. He infects with his example. He captivates with his outstanding skill and craftsmanship.

Special part human society- these are people who consciously chose the path of professional transfer to fellow travelers in the movement towards the perfection of their knowledge, devotion to their specialty, creativity and ingenuity, investing in their wards everything that is united by the concept of "soul". These are teachers, teachers, coaches, educators, instructors. And all of them are teachers.
I am pleased to refer myself to this most socially necessary part of human society - teachers!

How do you become a teacher. For me, this issue began to be resolved at an early age. Then, having barely learned to walk, run and jump, I enthusiastically repeated the dance and gymnastic movements seen on television and movies. And having mastered something a little, I showed my girlfriends so that they repeat it with me - my first “pedagogical steps”. Time passed. My passion and I grew up together. At the same time, dance and aerobics classes from a child's hobby gradually grew into a conscious and desired work.
By the end of the school, the questions “who to be” and “where to study” were practically resolved. All that was left to do was to execute the programmed program. The transformation of a hobby into a specialty has been worked out by generations. It is quite successfully implemented by the system of specialized education. On a professional basis, I studied as a performer and as a teacher of my future wards.

Today, nineteen years of pedagogical work and nineteen years of continuous study are behind us. Many things change rapidly in life. Today it is unacceptable to teach children and adults the same way as ten years ago. Almost everything that was the norm then, now looks like an anachronism. The fast-paced time constantly brings new features, new requirements, and, finally, a new fashion into life.

AT contemporary studies and training, health and even healing principles began to be present. Today, choreographic training (to a lesser extent), aerobics, callanetics (to a greater extent) should give a person an impetus to the development of many functional and physical qualities. The teacher-leader needs more and more profound medical knowledge. My specialty today is at the intersection of two sciences. Need to study again. What for? To keep up with fashion? No, that what I study and teach is really professional and at least one iota closer to perfection. Otherwise it's not professional work which I love, but an artisanal craft.

Study, study ... endlessly. Is there a threshold of pedagogical maturity at which learning becomes unnecessary? But then development stops. So study is always, to one degree or another, simply necessary. Such is the condition of human dialectics. And if you add ingenuity to the acquired experience, skills and knowledge, a little wider than what is required now, and do something that no one else has done - this is already an innovation and a step towards leadership!

How to evaluate what is known, done, invested in your students? The number of prizes and diplomas? Contests won? Probably, by them too, but the main criteria for evaluations are different. In what allowed one of the wards to become more self-confident, healthier and stronger physically, more beautiful in appearance; which allowed me to see in life not only my vocation, but also the need for a wider range of necessary knowledge and skills.
Some will go further than others. Some of my followers in professional skill will overtake me. It will be closer to perfection. In this case, my work was done adequately.

There are also very clear criteria. Students look forward to their favorite activities. They don't go, they run. Willingness to learn new things. Associate their successes with the work of the teacher. After many years, with a sincere feeling of gratitude, they find their teacher just to talk, tell about themselves, remember something from the past.

My work is a favorite way of learning, creativity, communication, self-expression. My students are my like-minded people who entrusted me with a part of their destiny. All this I need to dispose of wisely and accurately.

Essay on the profession of a teacher "What should be a teacher"

The teaching profession has always been treated with respect. Probably because a teacher is not just a highly educated person, but, first of all, one who knows how to transfer his knowledge to others, explain the incomprehensible, find the key to the abilities of each student.

In order to teach someone something, you need to perfectly understand it yourself, be ready to answer any question. In addition, the teacher often has to answer questions that are not related to his subject, so his horizons must be broad. And the teacher needs such qualities as endurance, patience, friendliness. The teacher must be a good psychologist and love children.

Being a teacher is very responsible, because he is a model for students in thinking and behavior. Not only does a teacher need to know perfectly the subject that he teaches, he needs to be able to teach. Every child in the class must understand the material. And children are all different, so the teacher should be attentive to each. He must find an approach to everyone, interest them in his subject, show its importance and usefulness in the life of students. At the same time, the teacher is obliged to respect the individuality of the student, not to humiliate him, even putting a deuce. Such a teacher is loved by students, they listen attentively and perform tasks with interest.

My favorite teachers will forever remain in my heart. They are all different, with different approaches to their work. But there is something in common that makes me respect - justice, attentiveness, the ability to explain in an interesting way, understanding. I am sure that we have something to be grateful to our teachers for, to appreciate them. The best gratitude to the teacher from the student, as my favorite teacher said, is his willingness to learn and success in the future life.

The profession of a teacher is the most honorable profession in civilized countries, because the teacher molds human nature with his own efforts, shows the characteristics of the character and personality of the child and, ultimately, the future of his student. The teacher must have the ability to set the direction of the child's life path, to engage in the educational process in a positive way in relation to the student, to develop the good sides of the child's soul and, by common efforts, to identify the bad ones. The teacher must develop children comprehensively, taking into account the mental, physical, moral and aesthetic educational aspects.

Being a teacher in our time is quite difficult, and very few people want to devote themselves to teaching. It's sad, but statistics say that every year fewer school graduates enter pedagogical universities and secondary specialized educational institutions. Agree that it is very easy to find the reasons for this: low wages, daily stress, lack of support from the state, a huge amount of work. It should also be noted that earlier the teacher was treated with great respect, but now there is a tendency to reduce the level of cultural education of the society, which begins to disdain the teaching profession.

But, despite all these shortcomings, I believe that the profession of a teacher, which is one of the most ancient, will remain in demand throughout the entire existence of mankind. After all, society could not develop and exist if the younger generation, which stepped into the current life to replace the older one, had to start all over again, trying to create in the dark of the mind and not using the experience that it inherited. A teacher is an educator, a mentor - this is his civil, human destiny.

In young, inexperienced years, it is difficult to choose the only job that you will then give for many years of your life, it is difficult to find your own path, not regret later and achieve mastery in the chosen profession. As a teenager, I realized that I would devote my life to education. My mother is an elementary school teacher. I grew up under the constant influence of school life on me. I tried to help my mother check notebooks, find new approaches and teaching methods. Together with her, we came up with creative tasks for children. And all this took possession of me so much that when they asked me what I want to become: without hesitation, I answered that my vocation is a teacher.

I have never regretted my choice of profession and I am even proud of it. The path to professional pedagogical heights is not easy, but it fills the whole teacher's life with meaning. Anyone who has determined for himself the importance of the chosen business must go this way, feel the joy and happiness of joint success: the success of a talented teacher and talented students!

One who has acquired knowledge only from books has more mistakes than correct steps.

(Arabic wisdom)

The profession of a teacher is God's calling.

There are professions in the world that cannot even be called professions. It is rather a vocation or the work of a lifetime, to which one devotes not only most of time, but also the soul. One such profession is, of course, the profession of a teacher. Of course, teachers are different. We go to one lesson reluctantly, nervously squeezing notebooks and anticipating an excruciating headache for the rest of the day. For others, we do not feel exactly any emotions, except perhaps persistent indifference. But there are teachers whom we love with all our hearts, whose lessons turn into an exciting journey into the world of knowledge. Graduates are always happy to come to such teachers for a cup of tea and heartfelt conversation. On Teacher's Day, they always have a flurry of congratulations, gifts and thank-you speeches. We call such teachers - teachers from God.

In numerous pedagogical schools and pedagogical institutes, thousands of students receive the profession of a teacher. From there they come out as qualified specialists with knowledge and skills. pedagogical education. But not one educational institution will not teach you to love children, your subject, school with all its difficulties and complexities. It does not matter whether teachers are born from God or become, the main thing is that almost each of us was lucky enough to learn from such a talented teacher.

Teachers with a capital letter: they are so different, but still they have something in common. That which distinguishes them from the background of others and makes even the most negligent and seemingly incapable of any kind of learning to actively take up the mind, well, or the textbook.

A real teacher will never force you to cram.

Not all subjects are equally easy. Someone writes essays in one breath, but sheds seven sweats, deciding math problems. For others, it's exactly the opposite. A teacher with a capital letter has no laggards. How do they do it? With their love for the subject and enthusiasm, they charge everyone around. It is interesting to listen to such teachers, because their story is simple and understandable. With such a teacher, you can forget about cramming (in your own words, it’s also good!), because for him the main thing is our knowledge. Probably, only such teachers produce future famous scientists, writers, economists and engineers. In the lessons of such teachers, the only unpleasant event is the bell.

The teacher from God has unusual lessons.

"Groundhog Day" in the classroom talented teachers- an unusual picture. I wonder what will happen today? Even an ordinary lesson does not promise to be boring. An unusual scheme, drawing will definitely appear on the board, and impromptu exam tickets. The hated exit to the board is replaced by an answer from a place where it is much more comfortable and no one knows where the confidence comes from.

Teachers with a capital letter are big inventors.

Agree it’s not interesting to learn something for the sake of a banal grade in a quarter. Much more desire is the opportunity to shine in an intellectual tournament, a literary cafe, a geographical game, a biology competition ... It is worth saying that only a born teacher can make entertainment out of a lesson.

A gifted teacher and extra-curricular life is in full swing.

Anyone can call themselves lucky if class teachers he got a teacher from God. This means that after the lessons there are skits in the winter, watermelons in the fall, tea parties in the spring, theme evenings all year round. Such teachers will shake the principal until they manage to get their students a trip to an interesting place.

As the Russian proverb says, “a student and a teacher are judged”, and the wards of a gifted teacher are completely talented and enthusiastic. All because sincere interest in the subject + maternal love for students = a teacher from God.

Teachers, to whom children owe education, are more respectable than parents, to whom children owe only birth: some give us only life, while others give us a good life.

The more talented a more capable person, the more irritability and torment he teaches.
Cicero Mark Tullius

If you teach, try to be brief, so that the obedient mind immediately understands the words and keeps them in memory correctly! Everything that is superfluous cannot keep our concept.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

Whatever you teach, be brief.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

The one who teaches to do well teaches to speak well.
Seneca Aucius Annaeus (the Younger)

He who is good at identifying differences is a good teacher.
Unknown author

Blindly follow the teacher's words.
Unknown author

The one who teaches... will achieve more than the one who doesn't teach.

A good man is the teacher of the bad, a bad man is the material good man. Anyone who does not respect his teacher and does not like the material he is working on, even if he is very smart, is mistaken.
Laozi (Li Er)

Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance. Help only those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of the square, to imagine the other three.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

Who comprehends the new, cherishing the old,
He can be a teacher.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

The one who, turning to the old, is able to discover the new, is worthy of being a teacher.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

He who studies without thinking will fall into error. He who thinks without wanting to learn will be in difficulty.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

There is no faster way to mastering knowledge than sincere love for a wise teacher.
Xun Tzu

Even if a person by nature has excellent properties and wisdom, he must still receive a wise teacher and follow him, he must choose his friends good people and be friends with them.
Xun Tzu

When a good person preaches a false doctrine, it becomes true. When a bad person preaches a true doctrine, it becomes false.
Unknown Chinese author

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself.
Michel de Montaigne

Who teaches people to die, he teaches them to live.
Michel de Montaigne

Absolutely unreasonable is he who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can assimilate, but to the extent that he himself desires.
Jan Amos Comenius

He who knows little can teach little.
Jan Amos Comenius

I demand only good morals from a teacher, just as I would demand them from every citizen.
Denis Diderot

How to pour water into a fragile fur, so teach a madman.
Daniel the Sharpener

Those who themselves do not know have much to be instructed.
Peter I the Great

Those from whom we learn are rightly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves that name.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

An educator and a teacher must be born; they are guided by natural tact.
Adolf Friedrich Diesterweg

The task of the educator and teacher remains to introduce every child to universal human development and make a person out of him before he is mastered by civil relations.
Adolf Friedrich Diesterweg

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it.
Adolf Friedrich Diesterweg

The most important phenomenon in the school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. He is the personified method of teaching, the very embodiment of the principle of education.
Adolf Friedrich Diesterweg

The idea that the teacher serves is to inculcate morality in the human race.
Adolf Friedrich Diesterweg

The indifference with which cheerful youth perceives the prescriptions of pedagogy, which are contrary to the spirit of the times, is to a certain extent explained by what the ministers of pedagogy themselves are, this class of people, separated from the rest of the world by special inclinations, their own weaknesses and squalor. The ideal of perfection that teachers embody is too unattractive to aspire to. Young people, who indulge in frivolous pleasures from morning to evening, prefer a break with school wisdom to the rejection of entertainment and the joys of communication.
Karl Fröhlich

To repeat the words of a teacher does not mean to be his successor.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Not a single teacher should forget that his main duty is to accustom pupils to mental work and that this duty is more important than the transmission of the subject itself.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

A teacher, if he is honest, should always be an attentive student.
Maksim Gorky

Teaching children is a necessary thing, we should understand that it is very useful for us to learn from children.
Maksim Gorky

You cannot teach to love what you yourself do not love or do not know how to love.
Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky

Working with importance and reflection on the education of the spirit and heart of your students, you will also deliver new advantages to your spirit. Trying to make others wise, you yourself will become wiser, trying to correct them, you will always be more successful in your own correction.
Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov

Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has inner confidence that he exists, should be and cannot be otherwise. This certainty is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his vocation.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

If a teacher has only love for the job, he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love either for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The easier it is for the teacher to teach, the harder it is for the students to learn.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The art of learning is the art of awakening curiosity in young souls and then satisfying it ...
Anatole France

Do you know that for some teachers there is no greater torment in the world than too faithful and consistent students?
Lev Shestov

We do not learn anything from someone who says: do as I do. Our only teachers are those who say "do it with me".
Gilles Deleuze

Every novice teacher discovers sooner or later that his lectures were initially incomprehensible to the students, as he spoke for himself, only from his own point of view.
Jean Piaget

The indifference with which cheerful youth perceives the prescriptions of pedagogy, which are contrary to the spirit of the times, is to some extent explained by what the ministers of pedagogy themselves are, this class of people, separated from the rest of the world by special inclinations and their own weaknesses. Karl Fröhlich

If a teacher has only love for the job, he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love either for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The most important phenomenon in the school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. Adolf Diesterweg

In education, it's all about who the educator is. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

The educator himself must be what he wants to make the pupil. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

Those from whom we learn are rightly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves that name. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Who comprehends the new, cherishing the old, he can be a teacher. Confucius

Pedagogy is a thankless profession, all the successes of which can be attributed to nature, leaving the teacher to take the rap for all the failures of the wards. Viktor Gavrilovich Krotov

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself. Michel Eikem de Montaigne

Teachers were given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else's. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

There are only two types of teachers: those who teach too much and those who don't teach at all. Samuel Butler

The ideal of perfection that teachers embody is too unattractive to aspire to. Karl Fröhlich

Perhaps the most important thing for a teacher is not to take himself seriously, to understand that he can teach very little. Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin

That teacher is good, whose words do not disagree with the deed. Mark Porcius Cato the Elder

Teaching means doubly learning. Joseph Joubert

A teacher is a person who knows better how to educate other people's children than his own. Julien de Falkenare

An educator and a teacher must be born; they are guided by natural tact. Adolf Diesterweg

school teachers have power that prime ministers can only dream of. Winston Churchill

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it. Adolf Diesterweg

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself. Michel Eikem de Montaigne

The eagle never wasted so much time in vain as when he agreed to learn from the crow. William Blake

We must believe in what we teach our children. Thomas Woodrow Wilson

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has inner confidence that he exists, should be and cannot be otherwise. This certainty is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his vocation. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

We feed on what the writers of antiquity and the best of the new give us, squeeze and draw out of them all that we can, saturating our own works with these juices; then, having let them out into the world and deciding that now we have already learned to walk without someone else's help, we rebel against our teachers and treat them badly, like babies who beat their nurses, having grown stronger and gained strength on their excellent milk. Jean de La Bruyère

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The educator himself must be educated. Karl Heinrich Marx

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it. Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills its students. He who is so preoccupied with the enlightenment of others will never make time for his own enlightenment. Our true teachers are experience and feeling. The mediocre teacher sets out. A good teacher explains. Outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires. The teacher touches eternity: no one can tell where his influence ends. Interest not only increases the intellect, it reveals the personality. Interest not only opens eyes and ears, it elevates minds and souls. Whom the gods want to punish, they make a teacher.

Nadezhda Kozyreva
Essay "My profession is a teacher-defectologist"


“I am a teacher-defectologist”

"To be a good teacher,

you have to love what you teach

and love those you teach."

V. O. Klyuchevsky

Why did I choose the profession of a teacher-defectologist?

Profession mine is extraordinary, like an endless childhood, and sometimes even magic. After all, a defectologist is able to help "special" kids. He knows how to present program material, based on the characteristics of the child, on the extent to which certain cognitive processes are developed in him.

Due to poor ecology, adverse hereditary factors, various severe infectious and chronic diseases, bad habits and other factors, more and more often children are born with certain developmental problems. The number of such children, unfortunately, is constantly growing, therefore profession defectologist in modern world very relevant and in demand.

The greatest advantage of my work is its special significance for children with disabilities.

Helping families with a child with special educational opportunities is invaluable. And the main reward for me, as a teacher, is moral satisfaction from the work done and a positive result in the development of children.

Yes, in our profession a lot of difficulties, but despite this, in it I can realize my creative potential, get a boost of energy to move forward.

I enjoy my work, as I realize that my strength is not wasted in vain, my specialty is extremely in demand.

Teacher- a defectologist is my vocation, this is an unceasing teaching, my way of life and a good goal!

I defectologist teacher!

What's so special about that!

Everyone will know about me

when trouble comes to the house...

Taking from the hands of parents

"Flower", wounded and fragile,

I will quickly remember all the sciences

And about universal love!

I'm not alone, my colleagues

The shoulder will be substituted, encouraged

And a kind word, and advice,

They will do a good deed!

What are my teaching principles?

My first principle is very simple:

Give warmth, energy and knowledge!

The second such: always learn!

And don't leave anything unattended!

And the third principle is like an oath Hippocrates:

Do no harm! I don't need to explain it.

Work must be done with heart,

To enjoy the result after!

Comfort in education and training -

The basis of motivation in learning!

Possessing great power of knowledge,

I never forget:

The teacher is not only me,

My pets also teach me.

They always help me to be in good shape,

Keep my hand on the pulse of pedagogy

And never lose heart!

I don’t know the boundaries in my personal life and work.

Everything goes in sequence

Always in care.

So the day goes by.

I love my job

I'll tell you honestly!

Ready to endure a lot.

And there's a lot to be done!

Modern educational institution needed modern teacher is the requirement of the time.

The Russian education system is undergoing a number of changes, expressed in the use of new programs and manuals, changes in the content of education and the ways in which pupils acquire knowledge. Modern equipment and innovative technologies is part of a new educational institution.

Modernization processes Russian education that have taken place in recent years are significantly changing the ideology and priorities not only in general education, but also in the education of children with developmental problems.

However, the main role still belongs to the teacher. Accordingly, continuous self-education and self-improvement is part of the activity of a teacher-defectologist.

“The lower the level of mental development of the child, the higher should be the level of education teachers"- wrote at the beginning of the twentieth century. famous German teacher-defectologist

Teaching children, learning myself! Only love for your professions helps to overcome difficult steps in the world teacher's work. My profession is a constant knowledge of the new and daily creativity.

I'm in constant search movement: how to show the child the world around is accessible, how teach to his rational thinking and to know the warmth from our hands; how not to fade, but to go forward.

In my correctional and pedagogical activities I use health-saving technologies. I work in three directions: technologies for maintaining and stimulating health, technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle, correctional technologies; since in the concept of modern preschool education the preservation and active formation of a healthy lifestyle and health of pupils is envisaged. Health-saving technologies are the most significant in terms of the degree of impact on the health of children, especially children with disabilities.

I use ICT in my work (information and communication technologies). I develop electronic educational resources in such programs as Word, Power Point, Publisher, Activ Inspire. I conduct classes in the form of games, experiments, creating problem situations, using search tasks (for example, to find something new in a group, a winter garden, exhibitions, presentations that enrich the lessons with clarity, make it possible to hear the sounds of the world, the voices of birds and animals.

I constantly get acquainted with new discoveries in correctional pedagogy. I read contemporary publications, articles in pedagogical journals. I attend and participate in methodological associations defectologist teachers, seminars, conferences. I study the experience of colleagues through the global Internet, which make it possible to expand and modernize the means corrective work. Also, in order to improve the level professional knowledge and improvement of personal business qualities.

In recent years, the goals and objectives of education have changed a lot. Implementation of a new national project "Education" once again emphasized the importance of, above all, the socialization of the individual. It is not memorized facts and theoretical knowledge that come to the fore, but the formation of vital practical skills and abilities. Therefore, I believe that the main thing is to help the child become successful person. Not to form a personality, but to create conditions for the realization of his abilities; not to dictate the beaten path of knowledge, but to help learn decide on your own practical tasks; not to punish in case of failure, but to help overcome it by reaching out a hand in time.

"The only possibility teach child to live in existing conditions is to create conditions for him to fully master his own abilities. Confucius.

My understanding of the teacher's mission in modern world:

My pupils are small, but they require a lot of attention. What is imparted, learned in childhood, affects throughout a person’s life.

Children notice everything: my mood, appearance, so you always need to be collected, well-groomed, modern. Before teach and educate, you need to win over the child, become his friend.

The personality of the teacher is the main condition and means of the success of the pedagogical process.

As educators, we create the future. The success of our country and the world depends on how we work. Prestige teachers made up of his common culture and professional competence that need to be fed constantly. First of all, the teacher himself should improve. Increasing the flow of information, the use of new technologies - all these are realities today. My teaching philosophy is teach children to believe in themselves understand and respect others, and this can only be achieved through the co-creation of the teacher and the child.

Like ordinary children, a child with special needs educational needs has the right to receive qualified pedagogical assistance, which can only be provided by a specially trained teacher-defectologist. For successful pedagogical activity in the structure of special education, ordinary pedagogical training is absolutely not enough.

professional the activities of a teacher-defectologist go beyond the traditional teaching activities, closely interacting and intertwining with various types of socio-pedagogical, rehabilitation, consultative and diagnostic, psychotherapeutic, corrective and other types of "not teacher's» activities, being directed to one goal - to assist a person with disabilities in his social adaptation and integration by means of special education.

A teacher-defectologist is a person with a special mentality, active, enterprising, energetic, confident in the successful result of his professional activity, benevolent and tactful. It is characterized by a humane assessment of the role of a person in the modern world, including a person with disabilities.

AT modern education children with developmental problems teacher- a defectologist performs a special mission, in which two interconnected component: humanistic and social.

The humanistic component involves the provision of qualified assistance to children with developmental problems, the disclosure and realization of their capabilities.

The social component is associated with ensuring the preparation of a child with disabilities for life in society, which is associated with an impact on public consciousness people, with the aim of fostering a tolerant attitude towards people with special abilities. This, in turn, develops moral consciousness. modern society and enables successful socialization of children and adults with developmental problems.

on me as on teacher-defectologist, has a special mission and great responsibility for providing each child with a high quality of correctional and educational services, taking into account his individual needs.
