An example of a target application. How to get a target referral to a university

An example of a target application.  How to get a target referral to a university

When preparing for admission to a university, it is necessary to consider all options. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The future applicant should know that in addition to commercial and budgetary, there is another option for admission - target direction.

Targeted education - what is it?

The target direction is the so-called official request of the interested employer or the state, addressed to the university. In this request, the university is asked to provide several places for students to study in certain specialties. The target direction is issued individually, for one specialty and only in 1 university. The student, in turn, received free education, undertakes to work in a certain organization or for the benefit of the state for a certain amount of time (about 5 years).

Obtaining a target direction for training

You need to worry about submitting documents in advance - in the last school class. The person responsible for the career guidance of graduates, the director or the class teacher can help in resolving this issue, you can act independently.

  • The future student must decide on the specialty that interests him and choose the appropriate university.
  • After that, you need to start looking for an enterprise that is ready to pay for your studies. You must take a petition from his superiors. In most cases, the decisive factor is the place where the parents work: the company tries to meet the needs of conscientious employees and pays for the education of their child. If the future applicant has difficulty choosing an enterprise, then you can contact the local administration. They always have contacts of organizations cooperating on employment and training issues with the district or city leadership.
  • Submit an application to the local administration, where indicate the direction in which you want to study. If you were able to independently choose an organization that agreed to pay for the training and took a petition there, attach it to the application.

How to get a target direction for training - necessary documents

An application is submitted to the local administration for receiving a targeted referral, which indicates: educational institution, the class in which the child is currently studying. The university and the desired specialty are indicated. It would not be superfluous to attach a description of the student written by the school principal, as well as a petition from the organization that is interested in this specialist.

When submitting documents to an educational institution in the target area, the applicant provides the original certificate, USE results and other required documents. Only then will his application be considered. Simultaneous admission on a general basis and in the target area is practiced, but not particularly welcome.

Pros and cons of targeted education


  • training on a budgetary basis;
  • 100% employment after graduation from a higher educational institution;
  • providing places for all practices in public institutions;
  • the possibility of obtaining a scholarship;
  • support and assistance from the organization during training (collection of materials for scientific articles and term papers).


Whatever plans you have and wherever you study, after completing your studies, you will have to go to work in the city in which you received the referral. If a student studies at a prestigious Moscow university, after graduating from which he can be offered a decent job in the capital. However, if the direction for training was issued by the administration Irkutsk region, then he should return to the Irkutsk region.

Also, no one guarantees you a highly paid job. You can end up in an organization where you are required to complete training with low wages and no career growth.

Please note that with targeted training you will not be able to change your specialty. This is possible only with a close relationship of specialties. You will need to have a serious talk with the donor organization and provide guarantees of a good study.

Try to use every opportunity to get an education. If you are a purposeful and responsible person, then you will be noticed in the organization. You will have the opportunity to make a good career and receive a decent salary.

University is a real opportunity higher education get free.

If we analyze the current situation, then it is most likely to draw up a similar document in such sectors as education, medicine and agriculture, since it is in them that there is a significant shortage of personnel. Therefore, getting a targeted direction to a university of any of the indicated profiles is an opportunity for an applicant to enter. In the future, the state will receive good specialists in the right direction.

There are many advantages to this approach.

Firstly, applicants will not have to endure a tough competition, as when entering the general stream. Therefore, many of them strive to get a targeted direction in medical school, which is very difficult to become a student.

Secondly, the problem of employment after graduation will be solved. This is very important at the moment.

But be sure to keep in mind that such training is usually provided at the expense of the organization or enterprise. Therefore, if the target direction to the university is received, the student graduated and received a diploma, he must work in the structure for three years, but not less. Such an educational strategy makes an invaluable contribution to the development of problem areas in terms of personnel.

Let us dwell in more detail on how to get a targeted direction to a university.

But such action must be taken as early as possible. A statement of the desire to study in the direction of the municipality must be written no later than winter. This document must be accompanied by a petition from the school where the child studied, as well as from the organization that will allocate funds for the education of the future student.

The local administration collects all applications for the next academic year. Then she sends this data to the universities that cooperate with her on the program. Universities, on the other hand, determine the number of such places, based on their capabilities and the estimated total number of applicants.

The target direction to the university will be provided for a single specialty in a specific educational institution. The application for admission must be accompanied by purpose agreement. It is concluded between the Customer (the enterprise to which the student will return after receiving a diploma), the Contractor (the university that will train the specialist) and the applicant.

This document must be read very carefully as it is not always educational institutions want to train a target student absolutely free of charge. Or there are some nuances with the payment of scholarships and other things. Therefore, to begin with, it is very good to study the contract and sign only the option that suits you.

The university is obliged to give confirmation of the availability of target places before the start of the work of the selection committee. Moreover, information should be provided on the number of target places for each specialty or direction.

Subsequently, there will be a competition for each place, but only among the target audience.

This issue has its own subtleties. The point is that every university
independently establishes the minimum that will be necessary for the competition. So, in one institution it can be two people per place, and in another - one and a half.

In recent years, there has been a steady decline in target places. The main reason for this is that this situation will only get worse over the next five years.

How to get a targeted referralto a higher educational institution worries those who care about getting an education for free. Knowing how to get a targeted referral to an educational institution of interest to you, you get a chance to enter there on a preferential basis and not worry about finding a job in the future.

The very fact of targeted training makes it possible to eliminate the shortage of personnel in important sectors (education, medicine, agriculture) and to distribute future specialists in advance in certain areas.

It is important to worry about submitting documents to receive a target referral in advance, even in the last school class. For help, you can contact the person responsible for the career guidance of graduates at the school, class teacher or director, or you can act independently.

  1. First of all, the future student needs to decide on the specialty in which he will study, and choose the appropriate university.
  2. Then you need to find an enterprise (in accordance with the direction of future education) that is ready to pay for your studies, and take a petition from its management. Sometimes the determining factor in choosing an enterprise is the place of work of the parents: the organization can meet the needs of conscientious employees and pay for the education of their child.

    If the future student has difficulty choosing an enterprise, then the local administration can help in this case: there are always several organizations that cooperate on education and employment issues with the city or district leadership.

  3. Submit an application to the local municipal authority (administration) indicating the direction in which you would like to study. If the applicant was able to independently decide on the organization that wished to pay for the studies, and take a petition there, you need to attach it to the application.

After the target direction is received, it remains to apply to the selected university. You must have with you:

  • certificate (original);
  • certificate of USE results and other documents required by the university;
  • treaty about targeted training;

Next, the applicant must pass the competition, which is held according to USE results. At the same time, the passing score for "targeted students" is lower than for ordinary applicants - accordingly, the probability of admission is higher.

Don't know your rights?

How to get a targeted referral to medical school

Many people who want to get a higher education want to get a targeted direction specifically to medical universities, because there is always a high passing score and therefore it is more difficult to enter. At the same time, the shortage of personnel in this area makes it easy to find a job after graduation.

The need for target specialists and training parameters are determined by the Ministry of Health, however, the procedure for obtaining a target referral in this case does not differ from taking a referral to other universities.

The nuances of getting the target direction

The most important point when receiving a referral is the conclusion of an agreement:

  • with the administration that sent the applicant to study (in this case, he is allocated a budget place, a scholarship);
  • an organization willing to pay for the training.

In the latter case, it is extremely important to carefully study the conditions before putting your signature. It is necessary, in particular, to clarify how much tuition will be paid (full or partial) and whether a scholarship will be paid. In addition, some future employers even provide their wards with temporary housing.

It’s safe to say that the benefits of targeted learning are significant:

  • the opportunity to study for free,
  • admission on more loyal terms,
  • no need to worry about the future place of work.

However, when choosing this type of training, you need to remember that after graduating from an educational institution, you will need to work in the chosen organization for 3 years. In this regard, it is important to take the choice of an enterprise with all seriousness.

Preparing for admission, applicants ask a variety of questions: what to prefer - budgetary or paid department, state university or commercial, which department to choose in the future, will the specialty be in demand? Every year there are more and more opportunities. And recently another interesting option has appeared - targeted reception.

Extraordinarily popular in Soviet times target reception is back in vogue. Some see this as a return to government distribution. In reality, everything is much more democratic: whether or not to act in the direction of the organization is up to you, and working after graduation for five years is not as strictly necessary as in the old days.

The Government of the Russian Federation has long been seriously concerned about the decrease in the effectiveness of spending on training specialists. In some sectors, such as agriculture, medicine, education, there is an acute shortage of personnel. In the most important areas that support the economy and culture of the country, there was simply no one to work! Therefore, the State Plan for Training Personnel, the Decree of the Government of Moscow and about 25 more documents and orders appeared, designed to establish educational process and revive target reception. And applicants have expanded opportunities: they can apply for budget, commercial or target locations.

According to the law of 2004, targeted training of specialists is carried out at the request of municipalities at the expense of the federal budget. A commission is being created to find out exactly what kind of specialists the enterprises of the region need and accumulate this information. The municipality also finds applicants for targeted places.

But for the time being, the former scheme of targeted admission continues to operate in universities: when applicants are sent by specific enterprises that pay for their education. After receiving a diploma, you will need to work at this enterprise for at least three years or return all the money for five years of study.

Who and where

Among the target recipients are not only yesterday's schoolchildren, but also officials and seconded reputable specialists whom organizations send to receive a second higher or additional education for MBA programs.

Target Reception practices in many well-known universities in Moscow: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Russian State Medical University (RSMU), State University of Management (GUU), Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties (VGNA), etc.

Usually, targeted admission for residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region does not differ from that for residents of other regions and is regulated by the "Regulations on Targeted Admission". However, for example, in universities with an agricultural orientation, preference is given to children from the outback, who are sent by agro-industrial enterprises. And in some educational institutions places are provided specifically for the admission of applicants from Chechnya or for graduates of schools in Moscow and the Moscow region. Thus, in 2006, Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU) provided Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region: 158 places for full-time training in various specialties, from history to computer science, and 24 places for part-time form learning. In some universities, "target students" are accepted only for full-time education (RSMU), in others - for evening education (MGIU).

Competition is required

Applicants in the target area go through a separate competition - as a rule, it is small. However, in the secretariat of the Moscow State Agroengineering University. V.P. Goryachkina say that it is difficult to predict. If, for example, there are few applicants this year, then next year enterprises may send too many applicants, and the competition will be no lower than for state-funded places. There are usually no restrictions on specialties, in the target area you can enter at least "Mechanization Agriculture", even to "Economics and Management at Enterprises." The only "but" is that a certain faculty is indicated in the direction, and you will no longer be able to urgently switch to another.

The number of target places is regulated by educational institutions. The main condition is that admission should be carried out on a competitive basis. The rules of some universities set a minimum of 2 people per place, others - 1.2. If there are too few applicants, then places are reduced. But to increase the number of seats after the start entrance examinations the university is not eligible.

Usually, to be among the students, it is enough to pass the exams at least for triples. Say, for state employees, the passing score can be 40, and for target students for the same specialty - only 29. Moreover, in some universities, for example, at the Moscow State Mining University (MGGU), the selection committee, when considering the issue personally, takes into account such merits of the applicant , as participation in olympiads, own creative developments, awards - and can enroll him in the first year, even if he did not pass the competition.

be careful

To get a referral and enroll in a university target set, you need to contact the school principal, who is ready to intercede for you with the municipality, or directly to the municipality, where applications from employers are received. Another option is to find an institution yourself that will agree to pay for your studies: it can be either a large state enterprise or a small commercial firm. Elena, student of MIIT: "I entered the target area in 2005, having passed one exam for a four and two for triples. I'm sure it's easier to do this than for budget places, around which there is constant hype. It's not such a secret that most of my acquaintances of the target recipients received a referral from the organizations their parents work in. Universities, in general, do not care who sends you and where, but such cooperation is useful for students and enterprises. By the way, if the target recipient does not want to work, he can agree with firm, leave and pay off the debt in installments.

It is better to submit an application at the end of May, and start dealing with this issue even earlier - in winter-spring. Along with a statement to admission committee you need to bring a tripartite agreement, which is concluded between the Customer (enterprise), the Contractor (university) and the Consumer (you). Be careful when signing the contract, read and discuss all its points together with your parents or acquaintances who are knowledgeable in matters of jurisprudence. The papers may indicate that you need to work for three years, or maybe ten ...

How to correctly draw up documents will be explained in the admission committee of the university and in the municipality or the personnel department of the organization. The contract must be signed by the head, chief accountant of the future employer and certified with a seal. If you do not have time to submit the contract to the selection committee within the prescribed period, then you will be removed from participation in the competition for targeted training.

During the study, force majeure circumstances are possible, which are also agreed in advance in the contract. For example, if you are expelled from the university for poor study, then you will not be reinstated on the same conditions. If the reason is valid, then the contract will have to be concluded again, but taking into account the previous training period. There should be provision for postponing the fulfillment of contractual obligations in cases such as maternity leave, parental leave or academic leave.

There is a problem...

It is really easier to enter the direction - on such preferential terms, only inveterate losers do not get into the university. Maksim, student of the State University of Management (SUM): "I was not very worried about the competition. When the results were posted after the exams, the target students were marked separately there. I saw my first four and realized that I would do it. The main thing for me is that the prospects are immediately clear: no need puzzle over where to go to work, and you can even get an internship at "your" enterprise.

The only problem for an ordinary applicant is to get a referral. With ease, it is given to future doctors, teachers and agricultural workers, who are then ready to work in the outback. In higher education institutions of the corresponding profile in some specialties, up to 40% of state-funded places are targeted. And in more prestigious educational institutions at the expense of the state, relatives or children of officials often study. Upon graduation, they find a good and good reason not to fulfill the terms of the contract. So it turns out that the main idea of ​​the targeted technique is practically not implemented.

The same applicants who enter the general competition are dissatisfied with the innovation. Due to the fact that part of the budget places goes to the target beneficiaries, they have to endure for exams tougher competition. As a result, students study for free, who, perhaps, do not always deserve it, but managed to get directions. And the more capable are "overboard" or forced to pay for education themselves.

Some experts see a way out in the "depersonalization" of the target technique. In other words, municipalities should provide information on the number of specialists needed, but not lists of targeted individuals. And for the allocated places, universities will select the best of those who would like to study in the areas. And only after enrollment, freshmen will conclude contracts.

In any case, it is too early to judge how well the targeted approach has justified itself, whether it has more minuses or pluses. Perhaps the future will show this, when current students join the ranks of graduates.

Essential question: how can an applicant get a referral?

Valentin Vinogradov, First Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector for academic work MIIT:

- To enter the Moscow State University ways of communication on the terms of targeted training, it is necessary to present the direction of the organization with which the university has an agreement on such training, pass entrance exams and pass the competition. Branches of OAO "Russian railways", the Transstroy group of companies, the Moscow Metro, research and design institutes (VNIIZhT, VNIIAS, Transelectroproekt), etc.

Nikolay Ostanny, head of the department for organizing a new reception of MSGU:

– Applicants are sent to our university by the district departments of education in Moscow. A high school student can apply to the principal of the school with a request to send documents for targeted income at MSGU with an indication of the faculty and specialty. Subsequently, a university graduate will work in one of the district's schools.

The introduction of targeted admission is useful for both universities and students: an applicant is initially clearly career-oriented, knows his goals, studies better, and upon admission can participate in two competitions at once - regular and targeted.

Elena Martynenko, Head of the Department for Organization of Student Admissions at RUDN University:

– Targeted admission to RUDN University is based on bilateral agreements between RUDN University and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as agreements between RUDN University and large enterprises, mainly in the Moscow region: Special Design and Survey Institute Hydrospetsproekt LLC, Mosenergo Energy and Electrification OJSC, etc. .

Applicants who want to enroll in a referral from a constituent entity of the Russian Federation can be advised to contact the Ministry of Education or the Department of Education (depending on the region) of their constituent entity of the Russian Federation and find out which universities, for which specialties and under what conditions they can participate in the competition for targeted places. Applicants wishing to enter universities in the direction of the employer-enterprise should find out which enterprises in the region with which universities have concluded appropriate contracts for the training of specialists (according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1995 N 942).
