Military doctor woman where to study. Training of military doctors, pros and cons of the profession

Military doctor woman where to study.  Training of military doctors, pros and cons of the profession

Contrary to the popular belief that defending the Motherland is an activity only for men, more and more representatives of the fair sex are joining the ranks of the Russian army. Many female soldiers are resilient, hardworking, and are not afraid to take up arms. They often take the commander’s assignments much more responsibly than their male colleagues.

Why do young girls agree and even strive to become military personnel? What educational institutions do they go to for this? Are there military specialties suitable for women? We will try to answer these questions in detail.

The state is interested in female military personnel

Currently, there are approximately 100,000 women in the Russian Army and Navy. Half of them are in military positions, half in civilian positions. In peacetime, girls are not subject to compulsory conscription into the army. They serve only of their own free will, on a contract basis.

One of the strategic goals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation after 2010 is to arouse interest in military service among representatives of the fair sex. Due to the fact that many men do not want to join the army and try in various ways to avoid fulfilling their civic duty, many vacancies are created in the Russian armed forces. Women willing to serve help solve the problem of staffing the army. Thanks to the growing number of ladies in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland, the armed forces of the Russian Federation are becoming more progressive and diversified.

The State Duma is preparing a bill according to which girls over 18 years of age will be sent summonses from military registration and enlistment offices. However, women will decide whether to serve on their own.

Why do girls want to join the army?

It turns out that there are quite a lot of young women who are ready to become defenders of the Fatherland. In military educational institutions there is often a large competition for “ladies’” specialties: up to 10 applicants per place. What motives most often encourage representatives of the fairer sex to become military personnel?

1. Many girls want to join the army because they are true patriots of Russia. They want to defend their homeland and consider military affairs their calling.

2. Some women consider joining the armed forces as a way to move up the social ladder. This motive is especially common among women planning to build a political career.

3. Spouses of defenders of the Motherland, living in units and closed towns, often master military professions. For them, as a rule, there is no other opportunity to go to work.

4. Some young girls enter military universities at the insistence of parents who want to instill a high moral character in their daughters. Mothers and fathers rightly believe that by learning the art of the army, their daughters will acquire such valuable qualities as determination, willpower, and strictness towards themselves. As a rule, in this case, parents do not insist that girls remain in military service after graduation. Nevertheless, many young women “get involved” and continue to work in their profession on a voluntary basis.

5. For some girls, mastering military affairs becomes the only way to get higher education, if there are no universities of a different profile in the locality.

6. Many young women entering the service seek to increase their chances of marriage in this way. They work together with young men and are often surrounded by the attention of fans.

Some representatives of the fair sex on forums note that women, along with men, should be subject to compulsory conscription into the army. Ladies believe that this will help them gain the necessary self-defense skills, learn how to handle weapons and provide first aid medical care. In addition, many young girls are ready to serve because, if necessary, the fair sex will also have to defend their Motherland.

What vacancies can women be hired for?

There is a list of military specialties for women approved by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The text of the document is classified. It is known, however, that representatives of the fairer sex cannot be involved in combat operations on the front line. Women soldiers participate in battles only when absolutely necessary. In the army they play the role of home front workers.

What military specialties are provided for the fairer sex?

  1. Medical: military doctor, paramedic, nurse, pharmacist, pharmacist.
  2. Technical: foreman, mechanic, machine operator.
  3. In the field of communications: telephone operator, telegraph operator, radio operator, radio mechanic, military signalman.
  4. In the field of terrain observation: cartographer, meteorologist, meteorological observer or hydrometeorological observer, surveyor, theodolite.
  5. In the field of photogrammetry: photogrammetrist, photo lab assistant.
  6. In the field of printing: engraver, master adjuster of printing machines, zincograph.

A promising specialty for a girl is a military signalman. Many women become indispensable in the military due to their ability to use various communications hardware. They transmit signals, most often encrypted, using telegraph, television, telephone, telecode and signal communications. It is thanks to the high-quality work of these specialists that military personnel receive orders from command centers and operational information in a timely manner.

Popular among women are military professions that can be considered relatively safe: translator, psychologist, teacher, lawyer, economist, researcher.

Military ranks of women

It is no secret that ranks in the Russian army are assigned in accordance with the level of qualifications and positions held. After graduating from a military university, the graduate becomes an officer. Theoretically, a woman can receive any rank, depending on her length of service and personal achievements.

But in practice, ladies working in units rarely receive high ranks Russian army. 25% of female military personnel are warrant officers and midshipmen. Higher status (up to general rank) ladies reach the police, prosecutor's office, tax service, FSB.

Military educational institutions

Currently, only women who have a military registration specialty, that is, who have graduated from special educational institutions, are registered with the military. The Ministry of Defense, depending on the needs of the armed forces for personnel, annually regulates the number of places in universities and colleges for girls. Therefore, plan military career It is difficult for a representative of the fairer sex, because in the year of graduation from school, admission to the desired specialty may be closed.

Which educational institutions are willing to consider female applicants? The most famous are the following:

1. Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, St. Petersburg (there is a branch in Moscow). This university carries out vocational training military paramedics and doctors. The academy has two areas of work:

A girl can get an education in the specialties “general medicine”, “pharmacy”, “medical and preventive care”, “dentistry”.

The S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy offers full-time training programs for paramedics (3 years) and doctors (6 years). The university has scientific departments.

2. Marshal Military Academy of Communications Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny, St. Petersburg. The university provides (military technician) and higher (military engineer) education. From its walls emerge specialists in the field of communication systems, switching, and software for the armed forces.

The duration of full-time education at the academy is 5 years. Upon graduation, the girl receives the rank of lieutenant. The secondary education program is designed for a period of 2 years 10 months. The graduate is awarded the rank of warrant officer.

3. Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Moscow - excellent Representatives of the fair sex can study here as a military psychologist, translator, lawyer, teacher, economist, personnel officer. There are full-time and correspondence forms training.

4. The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow) trains specialists to work in “hot spots”. After graduating from high school, you can become a criminologist, military journalist, translator, or orchestra musician. According to the documentation, the university accepts girls. However, in practice, according to management, female recruitment has not been carried out for a long time, since the 90s.

5. The Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Moscow) trains specialists for service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The university is also engaged in improving the qualifications of existing staff.

6. The Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin (Voronezh) trains meteorologists, radio technicians, automated and information systems, air traffic controllers, logistics workers providing weapons. Upon graduation from the university, you are awarded the qualification “engineer”.

7. Volsk Military Institute of Material Support (Volsk, Saratov region). The university trains logistics specialists to support troops. There are quite a few female students here.

In general, there are about 20 military universities in Russia that are ready to accept girls for training. There are specialized educational institutions in Rostov, Penza, and Stavropol. Cadets studying at universities reporting to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation receive a monthly allowance in the amount of 10 to 25 thousand rubles.

Military institutes do not accept women for training:

  • previously convicted;
  • not having the right to perform military service by law before the expiration of any period;
  • registered in psychoneurological dispensaries;
  • having medical contraindications to undergoing military service.

Legal rights of women in the army

Women military personnel are generally entitled to the same rights as men. However, their legal status has its own characteristics. In particular, women in military units should be provided with separate rooms from men for sleeping, resting, and changing their wardrobe. Ladies in the service are not subject to such a form of punishment as disciplinary arrest: they do not sit in the guardhouse.

The main document, which fully spells out the rights and responsibilities of the military, including women, is the federal law 1998 on the status of military personnel. In it, representatives of the fair sex are not singled out as a separate category. All provisions that apply to men are equally valid for women.

According to this document, representatives of the fair sex receive the benefits provided to military personnel, including:

  • treatment, receiving medications for free or at a reduced cost;
  • extended vacations (up to a maximum of 45 days per year);
  • housing subsidies;
  • education benefits for children, priority admission to educational institutions;
  • military pensions.

Rights of a military woman related to pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnant military women are completely exempt from physical activity. They also have the right to free medical care in specialized institutions. When the pregnancy is up to 20 weeks, if there are no complications, the female military personnel visits the gynecologist once a month at the place of registration. For a period of 20 to 30 weeks, the frequency of visits to the antenatal clinic is at least once every 2 weeks. For periods over 30 weeks, the frequency of visits to the gynecologist is at least once a week. A female military personnel of the Russian Federation receives a birth certificate and child care benefits. For two months before and after childbirth, they are also given additional cash allowance. Pregnant female military personnel have the right to maternity leave for up to 3 years.

At what age can a woman serve?

Representatives of the fairer sex “work” in the ranks of the armed forces on the basis of fixed-term contracts. A woman can enter into her first “agreement” with a military unit at the age of no less than 20 and no more than 40 years. The contract service period is 3.5 or 10 years, depending on the position and rank. Further, if the lady duly fulfills the terms of the contract and wishes to continue serving, the “agreement” is renewed. The age limit for female military personnel until which they can continue to serve the Fatherland is 50 years.

Physical training

PHYS of female military personnel is supported by the command of units on high level. Ladies serving in the army train daily. Female contract soldiers must be compatible with their “job” in terms of health and fitness level. Ladies pass the PHYS standards:

  • upon admission to universities of a special profile;
  • during training, quarterly;
  • when concluding a fixed-term contract;
  • during service - quarterly.

Mandatory standards for female military personnel are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defense. Ladies, to confirm their compliance with the requirements of the army, perform 3 blocks of exercises.

One of two options is performed:

  • for women under 25 years of age at least 12 times,
  • for women over 25 years of age, at least 10 times.

2. Bend the torso forward:

  • for women under 25 years of age at least 25 times,
  • for women over 25 years of age, at least 20 times.

For speed.

One of three options is performed:

1. 60m sprint:

  • for women under 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 12.9 s;
  • for women over 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 13.9.

2. 100m sprint:

  • for women under 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 19.5 s;
  • for women over 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 20.5 s.

3. Shuttle run 10*10 m:

  • for women under 25 years of age, the minimum standard is to run the distance in 38 seconds;
  • for women over 25 years of age, the minimum standard is to run the distance in 39 seconds.

For endurance.

Exercise - 1 km run:

  • for women under 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 5 minutes. 20 sec,
  • for women over 25 years of age, the standard time to cover the distance is 5 minutes. 46 sec.

Women over 40 years old are not invited to take physical tests.


For women in the service, just like for men, wearing a uniform is mandatory. You can wear other types of clothing only during rest, on weekends, during vacation and outside the military unit, if the exit is not related to the performance of an official task.

The uniform of female military personnel is approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and is sewn by authorized factories. It can be given to the lady free of charge by the military unit or purchased by her independently in a specialized store.

Cannot be worn by an unauthorized civilian. It is also prohibited to wear uniforms and insignia that do not correspond to the rank and position.

The style of women's workwear was developed by Russian fashion designer V. Yudashkin.

Field uniforms are sewn from membrane fabrics using nanotechnology. Military overalls fit neatly on a woman’s figure and do not restrict movement.

Successful careers of military women

The most ambitious career of a military woman that the whole world remembers is professional path Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, who alone completed a three-day space flight on the Vostok-5 spacecraft. Tereshkova reached the highest rank of major general, starting her career as a bracelet holder at the Yaroslavl tire plant.

Currently, many successful female military personnel work in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Among them: Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova (in charge of the economic block), Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense Elena Kalnaya, press secretary of the Minister of Defense - Lieutenant Colonel Irina Kovalchuk, head of the military education system - Ekaterina Priezzheva.


Now you know how female military personnel build their careers. Currently, the work of most of them is considered not very prestigious. All privileges, such as high ranks, interesting assignments, status positions, are predominantly given to men in the armed forces. However, now the number of women in the Russian army is increasing, and gradually their legal status is changing for the better.

A military doctor is not just a soldier with a medical education, but a person, regardless of external conditions, impartially and with full dedication, driven by the desire to provide assistance to all victims of armed conflicts and wars. The profession, which originated in the times of Ancient Egypt, does not lose its relevance in the 21st century, which is due to the many hot spots on the map of the earth.


A military doctor is also a medic who, due to his duty of service, is able to provide medical assistance to military and civilians, regardless of rank and status, but at the same time possesses commanding skills. The peculiarity of his work is the need to act not only in peacetime, but also in situations with a risk to life, during hostilities or armed conflicts, when it is necessary to competently organize a medical service.

The main task of a military doctor is medical support and equipment of the armed forces. In peacetime, they also do not remain idle, performing the following duties:

    prevention of diseases among military personnel, prevention of epidemics;

    control and observation of compliance with sanitary standards by the composition;

    training military personnel in basic first aid skills;

    medical examinations, surgical treatment of patients and emergency operations on wounded soldiers and, if necessary, their evacuation;

    supply of medications and dressings, instruments, and equipment.

Thus, the functions of military doctors are not limited to one treatment; they are much broader and include a set of measures to provide the military unit with everything necessary, i.e., to eliminate all kinds of barriers that prevent soldiers and officers from carrying out assigned combat missions.


Not all applicants who want to find a job as a doctor in military unit will be able to do this. Applicants for this vacancy are subject to a number of requirements and conditions:

  1. Availability of higher medical education.
  2. The applicant and his close relatives have no criminal record.
  3. Emotional stability, mental health.
  4. Military training, physical development.
  5. Absence of any diseases (health contraindications).

Compliance of the applicant with all the stated criteria speaks not only of his qualifications, but also of his psychological potential, which helps to quickly and easily adapt to combat conditions and begin to carry out assigned tasks.

It is important to note that this position does not imply any restrictions on potential candidates depending on gender, except for the presence of education and special skills. military training, so a female military doctor is no exception.

Military ranks for military medics

The medical service of the armed forces includes the following categories of workers:

    Military doctors: surgeon, dentist, sanitary doctor.

    Pharmacists, pharmacists, laboratory assistants.

    Paramedics, nurses, orderlies.

    Sanitary instructors.

Each medical worker, as specified in the Regulations on Service, regardless of whether he is in the reserve or in the Armed Forces, must have a personal military rank.

Thus, a number of military ranks are provided for military personnel, which were introduced back in 1943 by the USSR NGO, depending on where the doctor performs his duties. Moreover, the conditions of appointment apply to both military medical and military veterinary personnel. If you have medical or veterinary military specialties, apply to the corresponding military ranks

add the words "medical/veterinary service".

Military ranks

  • Junior officers of the medical (veterinary) service:
  • Ensign;
  • lieutenant;
  • senior lieutenant;


  • Senior officers of the medical (veterinary) service:
  • major;
  • lieutenant colonel;


  • Senior officers of the medical (veterinary) service:
  • Major General;
  • Lieutenant General;

Colonel General.

However, from 1935 to 1943, the titles of military doctors had a different name. Among them were the ranks of military doctors.

  1. Thus, according to the resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, military doctors could be awarded the following titles:
  2. Military paramedic.
  3. Senior military paramedic.
  4. Military doctor of the 3rd, 2nd, 1st rank.
  5. Brig doctor.
  6. Divdoctor.
  7. Korvrach.

Arm doctor.

At the same time, the title “Military Doctor of the 3rd Rank” was awarded to persons with a higher medical education who had just entered or were drafted into the army.


The career of a military doctor begins with the rank of lieutenant. The assignment of subsequent ranks is carried out in accordance with the basic rules that apply to other military personnel. If a candidate for the position of a military doctor has only an education with a diploma from a civilian university, after which he also completed military service, then the rank of sergeant is the maximum that is possible.

The presence of such introductory notes only allows you to apply for the position of orderly (rank of private), paramedic (ensign) or nurse (sergeant).

In this case, a career ladder awaits only if you receive an education at a special military university, upon completion of which you will be awarded the lowest officer rank.

Moreover, interest in this profession among representatives of the fairer sex is much higher than among boys. Thus, the competition among girls at the Kirov Military Medical Academy amounted to 35 people per place, as opposed to young people, when their number did not exceed 12 people per place.

Thus, if previously military doctors were exclusively men, today women’s names also appear among the names of colonels of the medical service.

Having received the rank of lieutenant, citizens who have graduated from a university must register with the military commissariat, where they will be issued a military ID. Failure to comply with this condition may result in administrative sanctions being applied to them.

Training of specialists

The main forge of personnel military medicine, since Soviet times, is the VmedA named after. Kirov. Three faculties (flight, sea, land) train specialists in this area. The duration of training is 6 years, after which the graduate receives a diploma and the rank of lieutenant. The next stage in education is internship.

Unlike honey. Civil universities have a strict age limit of 16-22 years for admission to the Military Medical Academy, and the full age of 16 at the time of admission must already be on August 1. An applicant who is 23 years old on July 31 will not be able to enter the academy.

The future military doctor will learn all the hardships of military service while still a student. As in other military departments, cadets at the Military Medical Academy undergo drill training; in the first two years they have barracks conditions and get up early. In addition, students wear a compulsory uniform and perform daily assignments. Moreover, the entire process is based on compliance with military discipline and physical training (skiing, running, shooting and swimming standards).

Demand and prospects

The demand for qualified specialists in the military doctor profession remains consistently high. Moreover, this is typical not only during military conflicts, but also in peacetime. A combat-ready army, along with weapons, also requires medical support to be effective.

This specialty promises great opportunities and career growth. At the same time, the activity of a doctor is not at all limited to medical practice alone and allows him to engage in purely scientific activities.

Having concluded a contract, usually for 5 years, a military doctor can go into civilian medicine. To do this, you only need to undergo requalification, and even before the end of the contract. The only condition is the payment of a penalty. This includes all costs incurred by the state. A significant part of them goes to the issuance of clothing allowances, and this is a considerable amount.

The profession of a military doctor is not easy and requires not only medical knowledge, but also endurance. Moreover, military discipline is often cultivated from a young age, when the majority, starting from military lyceums, get used to military life, before entering a university.

Military doctors, or, as they were also called, military doctors, are military personnel with higher medical education and having the appropriate rank. At one time, it was Russian military doctors who introduced huge contribution into military medicine, so Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov became the founder of military field surgery and the founder of anesthesia. During the Great Patriotic War, as well as during local conflicts of our time: the war in Afghanistan and the Chechen campaigns, Russian military doctors saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

On June 13, 2013, at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, the next, 13th ceremony of presenting the award to the best doctors of Russia called “Calling” took place. This ceremony was hosted by People's Artist of Russia Alexander Rosenbaum and famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva. At the ceremony in the category “Military Doctors. Special Award for Doctors Providing Assistance to Victims of Wars, Terrorist Acts and Natural Disasters,” the award went to a group of military doctors of the Russian Ministry of Defense who, during the 1994-1995 counter-terrorist operation on the territory of Chechnya, provided the necessary medical care to the injured and wounded.

The award to military doctors was personally presented by the Russian Minister of Defense, Army General Sergei Shoigu. In his welcoming speech, Shoigu noted the importance of the work of military doctors, and also expressed words of appreciation and gratitude to them for their dedicated work not only during combat operations, but also in peacetime, Everyday life. The nominees were thanked on stage Russian officers Alexey Buzdygar and Sergey Muzyakov, who in 1995 themselves passed through the caring hands of decorated military doctors.

A group of military doctors consisting of the head of the hospital Oleg Popov, as well as surgeons Alexander Drakin, Mikhail Lysenko, therapist Alexander Kudryashov as part of the 696th medical detachment special purpose in December 1994, they had to set up their military field hospital in the area of ​​the city of Mozdok. In those days, military doctors worked 16-18 hours a day, operations followed one after another without interruption. Every day, the personnel of the field hospital prepared hundreds of wounded for the evacuation and transfer to the “mainland” Russian soldiers and officers. During the entire period of hostilities in the Caucasus, military doctors saved thousands of lives of Russian military personnel.

The fate of Dr. Oleg Popov and his colleagues is in many ways indicative and serves as an example of heroism and dedication, devotion to duty. Oleg Aleksandrovich Popov went through the entire first war in Chechnya, as they say, “from bell to bell,” being appointed in 1993 as commander of the 696th special forces medical detachment. It was the doctors of this detachment who promptly set up a hospital in Mozdok, where almost every third soldier wounded in Chechnya was able to receive timely treatment. For his excellent service in the North Caucasus, Oleg Alexandrovich was awarded the Order of Military Merit. But these are not his only military awards; the military doctor received the previous 4 military orders while providing medical assistance to Soviet soldiers and officers during the Afghan War.

In March 1996, Oleg Popov was dismissed from the Armed Forces: the severe concussion he received during the Afghan campaign in Chechnya worsened, and his health condition no longer allowed him to perform the duties of a military medic at the same pace. After leaving the Russian army, Oleg Popov - the only medical officer in the entire Armed Forces who was awarded 5 military orders - was a simple military pensioner for 11 years. However, in 2007, Popov was invited to his current position. Oleg Popov became the general director of the interregional public organization “Association of Veterans of the Military Medical Service of Russia.” Since then, veterans of the Russian medical service have been under his direct, personal care. He tries to do everything possible and impossible in order to provide his colleagues with the necessary social, medical, and sometimes material assistance.

If we talk about the Chechen campaigns, there are many soldiers and officers who will remember Russian military doctors with a kind word. One of these is Captain Alexander Krasko, who was “killed” 3 times in the Caucasus. Twice it was a sniper back in the first Chechen campaign. For the third time, already as a colonel, he was blown up by militants on the road to Urus-Martan. He still cannot forget his very first wound. Then a sniper's bullet entered his neck and threw him over the curb. This curb saved his life; the sniper could not finish him off. Later, a medic from their battalion pulled him out across the street. While rescuing the wounded man, he himself was seriously wounded, but was able to drag Krasko to MTLB. Just 15 minutes later the officer was already undergoing surgery in Khankala.

After this, Alexander Krasno was treated in military hospitals for quite a long time. He returned to duty only a year later, and in August 1996 in Grozny he was shot again. This time, the officer was evacuated by helicopter under heavy fire from militants. The medical helicopter received 37 different holes. But the military pilots and military doctors accompanying the wounded were able to deliver 5 seriously wounded servicemen to a military hospital on time. Since then, officer Alexander Krasko has celebrated his birthday 4 times a year. And he always raises his glass and says a toast to the doctors in uniform. And there are dozens, if not hundreds, of stories like the one with Colonel Alexander Krasko in Russian military medicine.

It was all the more offensive for many to look at what was happening to Russian military medicine in last years. Recently new minister Russian Defense Sergei Shoigu noted that military hospitals are no longer going to be closed; according to him, the Russian Ministry of Defense has its own “road map” on this issue. “We don’t plan to close anything else,” noted the general, who visited the State Flight Test Center named after. Chkalov, located in Akhtubinsk. At the same time, Shoigu later clarified that part of the military hospitals would be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA). In particular, we are talking about those military camps and garrisons in which there are few military personnel and there is no point in keeping them there big number medical workers.

“Still, in many places our clinics seem to be good, and the equipment is wonderful, but the specialists are worse. Therefore, we will train new medical personnel at the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg and send them, among other things, to Akhtubinsk,” noted Sergei Shoigu. Let us recall that the head of the Ministry of Defense decided to transfer military hospitals to the FMBA at the end of 2012. It was then reported that all transferred medical institutions will receive “civilian” status, and not only military personnel and members of their families, but also local residents will be able to seek medical care there.

The massive disbandment of military hospitals began on the initiative of former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov back in 2008 as part of the reform of the Russian military medicine system. By 2009, 22 hospitals and several dozen clinics had been disbanded in the country, and the number of military doctors had decreased from 15,000 to 5,800.

The level of medical care and its efficiency in military hospitals in Russia and the USSR have been high since these institutions first began to appear in our cities. The quality of medical services provided here by military specialists has not been questioned even during the existence of Russian Empire, nor during the USSR. It would seem that if an industry is glorious and brings obvious benefits to citizens, then it should be supported and developed by all means. But in reality everything is different. Experts never tire of saying that military medicine these days is not in its best condition. As a result of the reforms that have been carried out in recent years, the clear continuity from the construction of scientific, clinical, rehabilitation complexes to the output of a healthy citizen after going through this entire medical chain has been disrupted. And this is only a small part of the problems that military doctors face almost every day.

One of the main problems is poor condition material base hospitals and hospitals. Many of them were built in the last century, and their wear ranges from 80% to 100%. It is clear that their restoration requires significant funds. According to Sergei Shoigu, today 72% of buildings have been in operation for more than 40 years, most of Of these, there is a need for reconstruction and overhaul; in addition, there is an urgent need for new premises. Not only the dilapidated buildings, but also the quality of the services provided today leaves much to be desired, the Minister of Defense emphasized. The poor provision of medical units with specialized equipment is alarming. This is a rather serious issue, since the lack of necessary equipment means the impossibility of providing high-quality medical care in the field.

There are also problems with the provision of medicines. The need of military medicine for drug supplies last year amounted to 10 billion rubles. But only 40% of the required amount was allocated. The lack of sufficient funds in the budget for this item, of course, did not help improve the situation. A similar situation is observed regarding the financing of the construction of new medical institutions. Today, the percentage of security in construction and major repairs is no more than 30–40%. Hence the long-term chronic unfinished projects and the deterioration of the material base. Some medical facilities have not been put into operation for more than 10 years, which does not allow providing medical care in full.

As you know, approximately 17 regions of Russia have completely lost the medical facilities of the Ministry of Defense. This has led to the fact that approximately 400 thousand military personnel, as well as military retirees, are now forced to seek medical care in civilian medical institutions that are already overcrowded with patients. If in a number of regions of Central Russia military pensioners, theoretically, without any problems, can afford to seek medical care in civilian hospitals and clinics, then there are quite a lot of corners of Russia, where from their place of residence to settlement to get a suitable hospital you have to travel at least several hundred kilometers.

But the situation will still improve. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered the allocation of 1.4 billion rubles for the purchase of new medical equipment, as well as the replenishment of military hospitals with graduates of medical universities. In addition, the issue of commissioning hospital ships must be resolved and detailed analysis the need and expediency of reducing the number of military medical institutions in a number of regions of Russia. All this cannot but please us.

Information sources:

Military doctors in the army are highly respected figures. Both privates and senior officers treat them with honor, considering doctors to be smart, intelligent, and “intelligent” people.

Average salary: 45,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


Becoming a military doctor means being prepared to provide assistance to a wounded soldier at any time of the day. Such a profession requires a person to have strength of character and composure. During the period of hostilities, the doctor turns into a wizard who saves the lives of soldiers. But how to get the appropriate specialty? This article describes the mechanism for admission to specialized universities with further career advancement.


Military medicine has a rich, centuries-old history. IN Ancient Egypt On the battlefield there were special tents in which wounded soldiers were bandaged. Long before our era, in Greece and the Roman Empire, there were separate unarmed brigades that evacuated wounded soldiers from combat zones and provided them with basic care in safer conditions.

In the territory Kievan Rus During military campaigns, soldiers used specific tents (ubruses), which served as a first aid station. Here healers bandaged the wounds of the warriors and stopped the bleeding.

On the territory of the modern Russian Federation, military medicine actively developed in XII-XIII centuries. However, the corresponding specialty officially arose in 1620. At this time, the first military regulations of Russia were issued - “The military book on all shooting and fiery tricks.” The document clearly spelled out the organizational nuances of the regimental medical service, taking into account all the legal and financial foundations of the profession of a military doctor.

In 1798, by decree of the emperor, the Medical-Surgical Academy was founded, which became the first higher educational institution in St. Petersburg and throughout Russia, where they train military doctors. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the active development of the specialty continued in accordance with the constantly changing conditions of warfare. The use of innovative types of weapons forced field doctors to quickly adapt to new conditions and invent new approaches to treating wounded soldiers.

N.I. played an important role in the development of military medicine. Pirogov, who in 1847 was the first to use ether anesthesia in combat conditions, which significantly improved the quality of emergency care provided.

Description and characteristics of the profession

Despite the romantic aura that movies and books give to the profession, being a military doctor is not easy. Such work requires having a deep knowledge of medicine while simultaneously performing all the duties of an ordinary soldier. The main task of a doctor during combat operations is to provide emergency care wounded comrades. During the peace period, the emphasis is on providing the relevant army units with the necessary drugs and carrying out preventive work.

There are enough medical workers in the troops. These are medical instructors, paramedics, orderlies. However, only an officer can be a doctor. Therefore, all doctors have the rank of at least junior lieutenant.

The advantages of being a military doctor include:

  1. Respect from colleagues. Often the unit commander addresses a junior officer as an equal, which emphasizes the importance of the profession.
  2. Free education with further professional development. In peacetime, approximately a third of the total time of military service is taken up by traveling to various courses and trainings to improve the theoretical and practical skills of a doctor.
  3. Privileges, which are provided by the state for military personnel.

Despite these advantages, you need to remember that a coin always has two sides. A military doctor must be prepared for the fact that he can be called at any time of the day. Doctors often face housing difficulties due to the need to live in barracks. In the event of the outbreak of large-scale military clashes, the relevant specialist will work at their very epicenter. Therefore, before choosing a profession, you need to carefully consider all the pros and cons of such work.

Specialties, universities and Unified State Exam subjects

To train military doctors in Russia, higher educational institutions have been created that specialize in presenting not only specialized medical material, but also demonstrating to future graduates all the hardships of service.

Applicants must be prepared to simultaneously master basic sciences (anatomy, physiology, therapy, surgery) at the same level as combat training, organization of medical service in the army, etc.

To become a military doctor, you need to graduate from a specialized higher education institution, and we provide a list of the most popular universities below:

  1. Military Medical Academy named after. S. M. Kirova (St. Petersburg). This is one of the most sought-after educational institutions in the country. There are three basic faculties here that train specialists for the naval, air and ground forces.
  2. Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great (Moscow).
  3. Tomsk Military Medical Institute.
  4. Samara Military Medical Institute.
  5. Academy Federal service security Russian Federation(Moscow).

After 6 years of study, each graduate receives a diploma and the rank of junior lieutenant. Next you need to complete an internship (1 year). To be admitted to the relevant universities, applicants must provide Unified State Exam results in the following subjects:

  • biology;
  • chemistry;
  • Russian language and literature.

It is important to remember that good physical preparation is required for admission to the relevant universities. Students regularly run cross-country, swim for a while, and go cross-country skiing. Therefore, studying to become a military doctor is not an easy task.


Military doctors become people who are ready, if necessary, to go to a “hot spot”. During combat operations, the doctor’s duties are limited to providing qualified medical care in specially equipped mobile points. Depending on the provision of a particular unit, dressings, operations or bleeding control can be carried out in a regular tent or a full-fledged mobile hospital.

In peacetime, a military doctor also does not sit idle. His key responsibilities are:

  • control of sanitary and hygienic standards in the department;
  • implementation of treatment and preventive measures;
  • carrying out the prevention of epidemics of infectious diseases;
  • control of supplies of medicines, instruments, material for dressings, etc.;
  • conducting medical examinations.

The high-quality work of field doctors is an integral part of the prosperity of the armed forces of any state.

Who is this profession suitable for?

Becoming a military doctor is not easy. This requires endurance, the ability to cope stressful situations, readiness for the defense of the country. Traditionally, this profession is chosen predominantly by men. However, the number of women in the armed forces of many countries is growing every year.

Good physical fitness remains a prerequisite for effective performance of duties. If you are overweight, it is difficult to serve and guarantee quality medical services in combat conditions.

It is important to remember that the position of a military doctor is closely related to the need to participate in relevant exercises or combat operations. Living in barracks also causes a certain discomfort. Therefore, anyone who wants a calm and measured family life, chooses the profession of a civilian doctor.


The salary of a military doctor depends on his rank and experience. Junior officers can receive 20-30 thousand rubles a month. Over time, after climbing the career ladder, this indicator increases. In addition to the corresponding fee, the doctor can additionally count on social benefits that reduce his daily expenses.

The salary level may also fluctuate depending on the working conditions in the particular hospital or medical unit where the doctor works. Graduates of relevant universities who are just starting to work receive an average of 10-15 thousand rubles per month.

How to build a career?

Today, the profession of a military doctor is becoming increasingly in demand. The reason for this was staff reduction after reforms in the 2000s. Career development involves the precise implementation of tasks assigned by the command and qualified provision of medical care. An increase in rank contributes to an increase in both respect among colleagues and co-workers and an increase in wages.

Unofficially, all military doctors are divided into “healers” and “organizers.” The first group specializes in providing medical care to soldiers with all the pros and cons of the corresponding activity. The second part of the doctors is engaged in the supply of drugs, providing hospitals with the necessary equipment and other similar functions. If you have already decided which industry is closer to you, then you need to be patient and at first be content with the least prestigious place of work. As qualifications and experience increase, the chances of transfer to larger military units and, of course, salary increases increase.

Prospects for the profession

The profession of a military doctor still remains relevant. Even in peacetime, the state allocates a lot of money to support the adequate functioning of the medical service within the armed forces. And given the constantly emerging military conflicts in which Russian military personnel are also involved, no shortage of work is foreseen.

Wages may vary depending on government policy. However, respect from people and the opportunity to participate in the defense of their own country still remain the reasons that encourage young boys and girls to enter specialized medical universities. Before making your final choice of profession, you need to calmly weigh all the positive and negative sides specialty of a military doctor and decide for yourself whether it’s worth it.

On the third Sunday in June, Russia celebrates Medical Worker Day. On the eve of the professional holiday of doctors, our correspondent visited the Kirov Military Medical Academy, where he found out why the Russian army needs a robot nurse, how future military surgeons learn not to be afraid of blood with the help of crying mannequins, and what the future of Russian military medicine is.

Without exaggeration, the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy can be called a unique higher educational institution. Only here doctors are trained for the Russian Armed Forces. Seven faculties, 63 departments and about 30 clinics are a potential that many civilian medical universities will envy.

Unlike civil institutions At the academy, much attention is paid to classes in military extreme medicine. Along with studying generally accepted medical disciplines, students learn to work in the field, conduct military medical exercises and undergo internships in the army. The faculties where military doctors study are divided according to the types of the Armed Forces.

Future specialists from Air Force medical units are studying in depth the problems associated with exposure to human body repeated overloads and lack of oxygen at high altitudes. The faculty also teaches methods of special monitoring of the health of pilots and a system for their medical examination.

The Faculty of Training of Doctors for the Strategic Missile Forces and the Ground Forces trains specialists in a wide range of issues. As a rule, its graduates become doctors of a military unit and are responsible not only for the provision of medical care, but also for the sanitary and epidemiological condition of the unit, as well as for disease prevention. Combat training is not complete without a military doctor - shooting, marches, and field trips always take place under his control.

Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

The naval faculty also has its own specifics. Here, special attention is paid to the influence of deep-sea diving and increased air pressure on the health of submariners: a doctor on a submarine must be able to provide assistance in case of decompression sickness and in case of emergencies associated with sudden changes in pressure.

In addition, all graduates of the naval faculty receive the qualification of a surgeon. A ship's doctor, whether on a submarine or on a surface ship, often works alone on long voyages and therefore must be able to perform operations on board. As a rule, this involves suturing wounds, removing an inflamed appendix, or opening an abscess.

Practicing suturing incised wounds. Photo: Anna Gorban

The science of healing

The training of students at the Military Medical Academy is structured in accordance with state standards, however educational process military doctors have a number of advantages compared to their civilian counterparts. First of all, this is an opportunity to study “at the patient’s bedside”. As mentioned above, the departments of VmedA have their own clinics. They simultaneously work to provide medical care to military personnel and members of their families and provide practical training to students.

These clinics are equipped with the most modern medical equipment, and future military doctors have the opportunity to become familiar with it during their studies. At the same time, students civilian universities sometimes they encounter complex equipment only after graduation.

Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

Another innovation of the Military Medical Academy is the Simulation Training Center. Robotic mannequins stuffed with sensors depict various injuries and injuries. Special computer program, controlled by a teacher, displays changes in the functioning of the “organism” on diagnostic monitors. If the listener makes mistakes, then the “patient” begins to scream heart-rendingly in pain, die, and even splash red paint from the damaged “limbs.”

As the deputy head of the Academy for educational and scientific work, Major General of the Medical Service, Professor Bogdan Kotiv, told a “Defend Russia” correspondent, the use of interactive simulators makes it easier for students to prepare for practical medical work.

Practicing resuscitation measures on an interactive mannequin. Photo: Anna Gorban

In addition to mannequins, classes also use models of individual parts of the human body, which are covered with specially treated pig skin, and also imitate the entire structure of the soft tissues underneath. On them, students practice a variety of skills - from intramuscular and intravenous injections to applying and removing sutures.

“Previously it was necessary certain time in order to adapt, not be afraid to work with tissues and understand the boundaries of human pain,” noted Professor Kotiv, “And doing this on simulators is safe and comfortable. The listener can repeat this many times. This is a promising teaching method, because repeated repetition without the risk of harming a living person allows you to consolidate skills well.”

Bogdan Kotiv. Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

Working with simulators is also one of the stages in psychological preparation future doctor. In general, the process of its maturation has a complex, multi-stage nature. At first, the sight of blood, dead or living tissue causes emotional shock or fear in a person. They overcome it through systematic classes in which the student gradually becomes familiar with the structure of the human body and studies normal and pathological processes in the body.

Then the trainees receive primary skills in resuscitation, surgery, dressings, and anesthesia. At a certain moment, this entire complex of knowledge and skills forms in the listener a calm perception of a patient in a serious condition. After the third year of training, Bogdan Kotiv emphasized, the student is already able to provide medical care at a fairly serious level.

Diagnosis of "Warrior"

Along with studies at the Military Medical Academy, intensive scientific work. About some implemented scientific projects ZR talked with the head of the department for training scientific and pedagogical personnel and organizing research work, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Colonel of the Medical Service Evgeniy Ivchenko.

Evgeny Ivchenko. Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

Thus, the Military Medical Academy continues to develop a mobile dental office designed for deployment to remote and hard-to-reach military units. The medical units of the Russian army have already received one such cabinet based on a KAMAZ vehicle with a trailer, but its trial operation revealed a number of shortcomings that were taken into account when building other dental complexes. In the near future, four modernized offices will be transferred to supply the troops.

Another development of the academy’s scientific team is new-style individual first aid kits. Unlike the well-known first aid kits AI-2 and AI-4, which contained anti-chemical and anti-radiation drugs, the new kits contain hemostatic and dressing agents. It also includes a new anti-shock drug, ibuprenorphine, which replaced the outdated painkiller promedol, which caused respiratory depression in the wounded.

As for promising areas, today the academy is developing an automated system for remote assessment of the health status of military personnel. An electronic module integrated into the “” combat equipment set will, using several sensors, measure the soldier’s body temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate, and based on these measurements, provide an answer about his state of health.

Combat equipment "Warrior". Photo: Andrey Luft/Defend Russia

It is also planned to equip this module with a geopositioning system and connect it with the Strelets digital reconnaissance, control and communications complex (command tablet), also part of the Ratnik. At the same time, the development of a tablet for the head of the medical service is underway. On its screen, military personnel will be indicated by dots, the color scheme of which will indicate their condition on the “healthy-wounded-killed” scale. Looking at them, the military medic will decide where to send a team of orderlies.

In the future, the device for monitoring the condition of a serviceman will be improved to the ability to assess the psychophysiological state of a person on the battlefield. This system will allow the commander to decide which of his subordinates is most suitable for a specific task in battle.

As for today's medical research, That academy scientists committed several interesting discoveries in the field of treatment of traumatic brain injuries of a concussive nature. Evgeniy Ivchenko noted that the data obtained is the know-how of Russian military doctors, so he refused further comments on this matter.

Photo: Anna Gorban

Rush job

Soldiers are also engaged in research together with the academy's staff. conscript service in the recently created scientific company at the Military Medical Academy. It includes three platoons: biopharmaceutical, medical and preventive and engineering. The first is staffed by graduates of civilian medical universities who today deal with issues of wound ballistics. Using ballistic soap and gel, they simulate injuries to soft and hard tissues. Subsequently, the results of model calculations will be included in the development state standard according to the assessment of behind-armor contusion injury.

“This is a very important area that no one except the Military Medical Academy is working on,” emphasized Evgeniy Ivchenko. “In some cases, the severity of damage when a bullet hits a bulletproof vest may be greater than if the bullet had gone through.”

Photo: Grigory Milenin/Defend Russia

The medical and preventive platoon, together with employees of the department of general and military hygiene, is participating in research on the “Ratnik” combat equipment set. Among the scientific and practical questions are how long you can keep a walkie-talkie headset in your ear so that a bedsore does not form, how soft tissues feel in the space under the bed, etc.

The engineering and technical platoon developed and presented at the “” forum the concept of a robot delivering medicines to the patient’s bedside. According to the project, the attending physician will make prescriptions for the patient through a computer, the drug terminal will sort the necessary drugs into containers, and the robot will pick them up and deliver them to the wards. The engineers of the scientific company also plan to develop a cleaning robot. Of course, this technique will not replace the work of junior medical staff, but it will significantly facilitate their work. In a combat situation, when every pair of hands is needed to receive the wounded, such robots will be in great demand.

Practicing bleeding control on an interactive mannequin. Photo: Anna Gorban

The future of military medicine

One of the promising areas will be further work on the issues of psychophysiological support for military personnel, in particular remote assessment their condition. This is due to the fact that today many positions have appeared in the Armed Forces in which military personnel work with complex computerized equipment, however, from the point of view of their medical support, today, by and large, no recommendations have been developed. Work will also be launched on the presence of our military units in various climatic conditions, including extreme ones. For example, experts will study the possibilities of safe consumption by Russian military personnel of animals and plants living in different regions of the world.

Experts at the Military Medical Academy call telemedicine one of the main directions in the development of military medicine, when a doctor on a monitor screen will be able to not only look at the patient, but also see his electrocardiogram, ultrasound results or x-ray. In the distant future, when science invents ultra-reliable communication channels, military doctors will begin to perform surgical operations remotely using a robot. But this is still a long way off.

A soldier of a scientific company at work in the laboratory. Photo: Anna Gorban
