Study of a person by the face. What will the eyebrows tell you? Physiognomy of the eyes - assessment of objective reality and planning

Study of a person by the face.  What will the eyebrows tell you?  Physiognomy of the eyes - assessment of objective reality and planning

On the face you can not only get an idea of ​​the person who is standing in front of you, but also find out his past and predict the future. Once upon a time the art of reading by faces - physiognomy - was dubbed a pseudoscience, but now hardly anyone will deny that there is a grain of truth in it, and a considerable share.

What can his face tell about a person? Almost everything! Let's start with the form: chubby people can easily adapt to any environment, they are energetic and easily overcome both personal and financial difficulties. The square face betrays a strong and determined person with a heightened sense of justice. Such people are born leaders. A man with a thin elongated face goes to success, overcoming difficulties, much is not easy for him, but this does not detract from his kindness. The oval face speaks of prudence and calmness. We can see large facial features in self-sufficient, successful people.

Complexion can also say a lot, but this is more medicine than physiognomy. Every doctor can determine your general health by looking at the color of your face. An unhealthy blush will indicate high blood pressure, and an earthy skin tone will give a digestive problem. Pallor is a consequence of a lack of hemoglobin in the blood or anemia, blue - oxygen starvation, yellow - problems with the liver or spleen.
By the dark circles under the eyes, we recognize a person who is overworked, and this area is also responsible for fertility. If the skin around the eyes is light and elastic, there will be many children, and the person will be in excellent relations with them.

Now let's move on to the parts of the face.

Tall, convex, broad forehead- a sign of a bright mind and sociability, but the owner of a sloping or narrow forehead hardly occupies a high position in society.

We rarely try to find out about a person by his ears - but in vain. Ears, top part which is located above the eyebrow line, are a sign of intelligence and ambition. Lowered ears betray authority figures. Those with large, fleshy ears tend to be affluent. And people with pointed ears, like bats, often do not have the strength to resist instincts.

High, prominent cheekbones will tell you that you are a fighter who can achieve a lot. If a person lives in a measured, quiet and in no hurry, he has low cheekbones. He is unlikely to be a leader.

Nose - what is not measured by its size and shape! The face of a good-natured optimist and an honest person is adorned with a large straight nose, a pessimist is awarded with a small nose. If this part of the face is twisted by nature, you have a person with a complex character in front of you. But it is better not to quarrel with the owner of the hooked nose.

Thin lips speak of determination, determination and composure, which are often accompanied by cruelty. On the contrary, it will be easy with a person who has full lips. He is benevolent and honest, although he is simple-minded, and his life is filled with positive emotions.

A wide, full chin portends a comfortable old age, square and protruding - evidence of great willpower. A chin with a dimple or a split chin is a sign of a passionate nature, and a sloping or pointed chin promises problems in life.

Wide bushy eyebrows adorn brave, straight people with a strong sexual constitution. But their owners often suffer from the habits of a dictator. Those with thin eyebrows are much more modest, they are secretive and often get sick. If the eyebrows are bent towards the top - the person in front of you is friendly and a little capricious, high-set eyebrows are a sign of generosity. And bushy eyebrows are called devilish - their bearer is obsessed with various obsessions. Fused eyebrows express confusion, jealous character. Such a person most likely had a difficult childhood.

The eyes are the most important part of the face. Big eyes indicate artistic talent, a broad soul, and also an inability to manage money. People with small eyes are usually extremely careful and calculating. The owner of bulging eyes is easily addicted and loves to play pranks on friends. Close-set eyes speak of seriousness, even isolation, wide-set ones - of naivety and gullibility. And yet, the expression of the eyes can say much more about a person than their shape.

The science of reading faces is very deep - in order to master it well, you need to read more than one book, study hundreds of faces. You cannot draw conclusions about a person by analyzing only his nose or mouth. If you come to sad conclusions, looking in a new way at the faces of loved ones and at your own, do not be discouraged! Physiognomy does not make diagnoses - it indicates the direction in which you need to work on yourself. And remember, there are always exceptions to the rule.



Be attentive and discerning. What will the eyes, eyebrows, forehead, nose and lips of a person tell? Learn to read the character, strengths and weaknesses of a person in his face.

What will the eyes tell?

Big eyes, which immediately attract the attention of others, indicate increased emotionality. Most likely, the owner of such eyes is an extrovert. This is by no means a frivolous person (although people with big eyes give the impression of being very frivolous at first).
Positive traits: capable of deep feelings, can be faithful friends and devoted spouses, caring, warm, unclear, friendly family and friendly team - this is what they strive for in life.
Negative qualities: suspiciousness, tearfulness, increased vulnerability.

Small eyes- reduced emotionality. This does not mean that these people are harder than the "big-eyed", they just keep everything in themselves, without splashing out their emotions, which can boil in them oh-ho-ho!
Positive qualities: frugality, prudence, ability to control oneself, analytical skills.
Negative qualities: the owners of small eyes are a “thing in itself”, they are slow, uncommunicative.

The upper eyelid hangs over the eyelashes- before you is a rationalist.
Positive qualities: are focused and keep a sober view of things in all circumstances. Before taking any action, they will definitely evaluate everything, think it over, consider the possible consequences, are able to make a serious impression on the interlocutor, speak weighty and convincingly, thoroughly and authoritatively.
Negative qualities: they can be stubborn, give too much advice, prudent, strive to enrich themselves at someone else's expense.

The upper eyelid is raised above the eyelashes- an irrationalist who knows the world with feelings.
Positive qualities: temperamental, impulsive, intuition is well developed, active, efficient, react quickly to everything that happens, sensitive, able to empathize, attentive.
Negative qualities: they do not cope well with managing their emotions, are prone to thoughtless risky actions.
Monotonous regulated work is contraindicated for irrationalists; boredom and monotony are destructive for them. They can find their place in the help service, education, medicine, in short, where you need to work with people. They can reach the greatest heights in creativity and show business, especially on stage.

Wide-set eyes- slowness. Such people do not like to go into details and details of any events. They are broad-minded, imaginative, usually full of dreams, hopes and great plans for the future, but they usually lack dynamism to carry out these projects. They are loyal friends and patient spouses and will turn a blind eye to all your "pranks".
Positive qualities: philosophical attitude to life, non-conflict, tolerance, peacefulness.
Negative qualities: gullibility, carelessness, inability to learn from others' and one's own mistakes, absent-mindedness.

Closely set eyes- their owners are characterized by a choleric temperament, a quick reaction. Their speech is hasty, their facial expressions are mobile, their movements are accelerated. On any occasion, they have their own opinion, which they consider indisputable and very quickly strive to convey to others. These people are very energetic, businesslike, always full of plans. The best way they show themselves in emergency work when deadlines are tight.
Positive qualities: entrepreneurship, they can thoroughly work out various little things, do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
Negative qualities: prudence in choosing friends and partners, increased emotionality, intolerance to other people's shortcomings, quick-tempered.

The outer corners of the eyes are down- critical attitude to the surrounding reality, increased observation. These people are constantly on the alert, they are excellent strategists who are able to build a plan of their actions in the optimal way based on all the nuances of the situation they have noticed. They are distinguished by the ability to understand and feel many hidden connections, subtleties of relationships and the hierarchy of forces in any system. They work best in areas where discernment is required and there is no strict timetable, and they make good researchers, diagnosticians, editors, investigators, reporters.
Positive qualities: they understand and feel business partners and close people well, they are focused, organized, kind.
Negative qualities: pettiness, criticality, exactingness, pickiness.

The outer corners of the eyes are raised- inattention, lack of criticality. It is not difficult to deceive such people, very often they do not notice the obvious dangers that threaten them. Many advantageous opportunities pass by them, which are also safely overlooked by them.
Positive qualities: optimism, acceptance of the world as it is.
Negative qualities: frivolity, inattention, absent-mindedness.

What will the eyebrows tell you?

Thin, raised, rounded eyebrows- artistic personality. If you or your friend is a happy owner of such eyebrows, then you will not be bored! Artistic people are a real celebration of life and fireworks of events, you will not get bored with them. Such people cannot be alone for a long time, they definitely need a viewer.
Positive qualities: sensuality, sensitivity, desire for creativity, highly developed intuition, emotionality, decisiveness.
Negative qualities: excessive self-confidence and vulnerability, the desire to constantly work for the public, a tendency to deception, narcissism.

Straight eyebrows, the inner edge of which is raised and the outer one is lowered ("Pierrot's eyebrows"),- a tendency to melancholy. In life, such people often go with the flow, accepting what fate sends them. It's good when a "leading" person with good intentions and a positive attitude is constantly next to them, otherwise Pierrot people can swim anywhere.

Positive qualities: attention to others, the ability to perform monotonous work, non-conflict, compassion.
Negative qualities: skepticism, inability to defend their rights and interests, indecision, unjustified criticality.

Smooth, short eyebrows set high above the eyes- legibility. These people have a pronounced sense of their own dignity, which they value above everything else in the world. The owners of such eyebrows strive to live according to the existing rules and regulations, are subject to various formalities, try to adhere to established procedures, avoid getting into unpredictable situations. Keep in mind that such a person may seem friendly and considerate ... but only to appear, because it is this kind of behavior that requires decency.
Positive qualities: the ability to select grains from the chaff, they are well versed in people, good observers, attentiveness, exceptional politeness.
Negative qualities: arrogance, selfishness, maximalism, insincerity, arrogance.

Straight overhanging eyebrows- naturalness. These people do not play to the audience and do not try to recognize others only in order to appreciate them at their true worth. Natural people find it easy, they live one day and get along very well with the surrounding reality.
Positive qualities: sociability, benevolence, tolerance, sincerity, optimism, self-confidence.
Negative qualities: arrogance, excessive assertiveness, exposure to bad influence, lack of a sense of responsibility.

What will the forehead tell?

Wide and high forehead- a sign of high intelligence. Yes, this is a firm opinion: a "highbrow" cannot be stupid, but recent studies of physiognomists have shown that if a person does not have any specific disease, then the level of his intelligence is mainly determined by the conditions of upbringing and socialization. At modern development information network and with the general availability of education, a person with average natural abilities, developing them, can reach great intellectual heights.
Positive qualities: striving for self-improvement, a philosophical mindset, consistency and clarity in actions.
Negative qualities: excessive self-absorption, withdrawal from reality.

Narrow and low forehead- low level of intelligence. This does not mean that this person is as stupid as a cork. Yes, he will not quote Kant, but in everyday matters that relate to construction, repair and the choice of cars and other pressing issues, they will surpass any thinker.
Positive qualities: reliability, clear setting of goals and their achievement, "penetrating" abilities, patience.
Negative qualities: lack of cognitive interest, stubbornness, cruelty.

Concave forehead- a tendency to conservatism. They say that this is a typically masculine trait that helps to delve deeply into the essence of the matter. Such people become good researchers and analysts. However, in life they have a hard time, because they lack such a quality as adaptability. They can change their spouse or place of work only in completely extreme and desperate circumstances. Parting with the usual way of life or with familiar people is always painful for them.
Positive qualities: perseverance, the desire to bring what has been started to the end, curiosity, thoughtfulness.
Negative qualities: excessive conservatism, callousness, decreased emotionality, criticality.

Bulging forehead- a tendency to change. Such people have a very flexible and selective attitude towards knowledge and life, however, the information that they are trying to keep in their head is only superficial. When solving problems, these people look for alternative approaches, strive to show originality, connect the imagination, easily change friends and life partners if, for some reason, they did not live up to their expectations. They can seem frivolous, often create such an image for themselves so that they do not have increased demands and obligations.
Positive qualities: flexibility of thinking, creative approach to work and personal life, sensuality, self-confidence.
Negative qualities: "on their own mind", rarely reckon with someone else's opinion.

What will the nose tell you?

Short upturned nose- credulity. The owner of such a nose at any age has a childish view of the world, with all the advantages and disadvantages of such a vision. T. A. Belikova in her book “Face and Personality” noted that “the financial shortsightedness of gullible people and their naivety in matters related to career growth significantly impede their enrichment and promotion. It is extremely rare that you can see somewhere a snub-nosed leader, businessman or boss, but such people make excellent subordinates, nimble and executive. "
Positive qualities: optimism, complaisance, emotional flexibility, the ability to find a common language with everyone, diligence.
Negative qualities: slowness, spiritual immaturity, irresponsibility.

The tip of the nose is down- skepticism. These are the people who lead the snub-nosed brethren. It is difficult to deceive them, because they do not take their word for it, they need to be convinced of everything, personally touch their hands before believing. Owners of these noses have an amazing sense of profit, which is why they make excellent entrepreneurs.
Positive qualities: commitment, reliability, leadership skills.
Negative qualities: excessive pettiness, suspicion and jealousy.

Thin pointed nose- discernment. Yes, these people, both with business and without business, poke their noses into the lives of their friends and acquaintances. They are able to successfully defend their rights, not give offense to their loved ones, find the maximum benefit not only for themselves. But also for all their relatives.
Positive qualities: instant reaction to what is happening, sensitivity, observation, energy.

Negative qualities: irascibility, domineering, stubbornness.

Nose "potato"- innocence. Such people are undemanding, they will always help in any way they can, and they themselves will not refuse help. Most often, these people have a practical streak, but their practicality can be directed to their own good, and to those around them - to their detriment.
Positive qualities: generosity, rationality, patience, caring.
Negative qualities: gullibility, "do not care".

Curved, tense nose wings- decisiveness. What can flow out of decisiveness? The desire to pull the blanket over yourself, to act without taking into account the opinions of others. These people are absolutely sure that they are right, they do not like it when they poke their noses into their affairs, but they themselves give advice to everyone all the time.
Positive qualities: purposefulness, energy, prudence, endurance, efficiency.
Negative qualities: a tendency to adventurism, excessive riskiness, rigidity.

The pressed wings of the nose- indecision. The owners of such a nose are not sure of themselves. They will consult with you, but not necessarily follow your advice. The point is that they are not sure of anything at all. In life, they try to enlist support. the mighty of the world this, whether it is a boss, a spouse or a friend, and will feel comfortable in the shadow of someone else's success.
Positive qualities: kindness, gentleness, flexibility, a tendency to think analytically.
Negative qualities: insecurity, indecision, excessive anxiety.

What will lips tell?

The corners of the mouth are raised- before you an optimist. Optimistic people always believe in the best, find bright sides in any situation and look to the future with hope.
They have a huge charge of energy that allows them to crush any obstacles in their path.
Positive qualities: positive attitude, benevolence, cheerful disposition, love of life.
Negative qualities: carelessness, excessive gullibility.

The corners of the mouth are down- before you a pessimist. Pessimists know how to smile and even laugh, but with the proviso that "all this is not good." While optimists in pink glasses will enjoy life, pessimists will see all the disadvantages of the surrounding reality and have time to spread straws for themselves.
Positive qualities: a realistic view of what is happening, the ability to adequately assess the situation and people, composure, attentiveness.
Negative qualities: excessive inertia and distrust, dullness.

Bright full lips- generosity. A truly generous person easily part with money, does not suffer from lost things and is philosophical about any material loss. Such people are generous not only with words, but also with good deeds and any mental manifestations. In modern life, we are more often faced with false generosity: they simply hang beautiful "noodles" on your ears, and then a bitter disappointment awaits you. Don't fall for the bait! Know how to distinguish a truly generous person from a fake!
Positive qualities: altruism, selflessness, kindness, generosity.
Negative qualities: wastefulness, carelessness, gullibility, frivolity.

Thin and pale lips- economy. Such people always feel their benefit and it is very difficult, almost impossible, to force them to go against their personal interests. A frugal person can help you, but only when you ask him about it, and only if it is not too burdensome for him. Please note that it is useless to ask such people for a loan!
Positive qualities: the ability to do business, rationality, realism, the ability to analyze.
Negative qualities: low emotionality, prudence, skepticism, a tendency to misanthropy.

Large mouth with indeterminate lips- lack of assembly. These people are very good friends - they have an excellent sense of humor, the need for friendship and communication, they will help, and they will take off their last shirt, if necessary. Wives cry from such husbands: why is he taking off his shirt for someone? Girls of such individuals are trying to reeducate: to monitor the neatness of the wardrobe and appearance but it is useless. Such an individual can easily disappear for several days, and then appear with terrible stubble and ... again without a shirt.
Positive qualities: charm, friendliness, kindness, generosity, altruism.
Negative qualities: carelessness, negligence, optionality, rudeness.

Small mouth with bow lips- organization. You can completely rely on this person, but do not expect that he will easily open his soul to you, rely only on duty politeness and generally accepted friendliness. To become completely your own for such a person, you need to eat more than one pound of salt with him.
Positive qualities: fairness, prudence, clarity, decisiveness, self-confidence.
Negative qualities: rigidity, distrust, prudence.

Physiognomy is a science, the knowledge of which helps to "read" the character and temperament of a person by the features of his face. Even understanding the basics, you can easily learn to guess the behavior and actions of other people.

Chinese physiognomy divides people according to the types of energies that are reflected in their appearance and character. There are five types: Fire, Water, Wood, Soil and Fire. Let's figure out how to read a person in the face based on this concept.

Energy of Water

"Water" people are very calm, wise and reasonable. They are incredibly sensual. Communicating with them, it seems that they see the very essence of things, they understand deeper than other people.

  1. They usually have very thick hair with a soft wave.
  2. The most prominent part of the face is the eyes. They are usually large, their eyes are very calm, full of wisdom. There is always darkening under the eyes, even in childhood... If a person does not live his energy, edema and bags appear.
  3. The chin, with all the external smoothness and softness of the face, usually stands out, it is clear and noticeable.
  4. The figure is usually very "fluid", these are smooth rounded hips, feminine shapes.
  5. "Water" girls prefer a very feminine style of dress. These are dresses made of flowing fabrics, delicate shades.
  6. Aquatic movements are very soft, smooth, slow. They never fuss or rush anywhere.


  1. They do not tolerate frames and restrictions, these are people of freedom. And they choose a job with a free schedule, and in a relationship they value personal space.
  2. If a water person comes home from work, he will first go to the bathroom - he needs to be alone with himself, avoiding questions from his family.
  3. Endowed with tremendous willpower, wisdom and prudence. They love to develop spiritually.

Fire energy

Fiery people are desperate lovers of life and optimists. Above all, they value new experiences, they need constant emotions. Very amorous: they fall in love and are disappointed ad infinitum. Very attractive and seductive to the opposite sex. Loneliness is the worst punishment for them.

  1. They have curly hair like a lamb. This is the most striking and most obvious sign in appearance.
  2. With age, from a constant smile, deep, strongly pronounced nasolabial folds appear, and wrinkles-rays form around the eyes.

Such people always smile full of optimism and never give in to difficult life circumstances.

Energy of Wood

This energy is highly regarded in our world. These are purposeful, active people who value high social status in society and achievements above all. They are incredible workaholics, able to work hard. Therefore, most often it is the "wooden" ones who end up in the hospital with heart attacks.

Their problematic emotions are anger and irritation, which are reflected on the face by deep transverse wrinkles on the forehead and in the area between the eyebrows, which makes them look serious and constantly frowned.

  1. His features are very rough, as if carved out of wood.
  2. Pronounced eyebrows, thick, bushy. The upper eyelid is often overhanging, this part of the face cannot be overlooked.
  3. Heavy strong-willed chin, also very noticeable.
  4. Sports figure. In men, it is squat, stable. Or, on the contrary, a very tall "basketball player".

Education, self-education and career development are obligatory for "wooden" ones, without which they do not see the meaning in life.

Soil Energy

Soil people are made to nourish, nurture and care for. They are able to give a sea of ​​love and care to everyone who surrounds them. They are incredibly hospitable, value family and friendships above all else.

In appearance, Soil is read very simply:

  1. Plump, plump, sensual lips on a round, soft and flowing face.
  2. Women have a very feminine figure: pronounced waist, smooth, rounded, noticeable hips. They are not thin and asthenic, on the contrary, they suffer from excess weight more often than other energies.

The problematic emotion of the soil is a huge, deep resentment, which is reflected on the face by the drooping corners of the lips and an offended expression that does not go away. "I do so much, I try, but I am not appreciated or thanked!" - this is what people with the energy of the Soil most often feel, but they are silent about it.

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The individuality of any person is a set of pronounced personality traits that dominate over the rest, much less developed. It is this set that creates our, so adored by all, uniqueness. Fortunately for us, the leading features are not one hundred or even twenty. Their number usually varies from three to five.

The ability to understand people lies precisely in recognizing this unique "personality profile" and correctly interpreting the combination of characteristics created by nature and society.

Imagine that you have learned to see a certain psychological "code" of a person. The patterns of his behavior have become obvious to you: how he makes decisions, what is important for him in life, what will please him and what will repel ... Do you understand where I am leading?

Knowledge of the behavioral patterns of our partner, client, competitor or loved one will give us the opportunity to influence his decisions and consciously manage the communication process. Further, only ethical restrictions. I hope you, dear reader, have them.

We have prepared for you a small excursion into psychological physiognomy without esotericism, guessing and abstract verbiage.

Physiognomy of the face

Physiognomy divides people into logicians and intuitions by the method of decision-making. The difference is that the logician first builds a chain of reasoning, compares facts and data, and only then makes a decision.

Intuite acts in a completely different way: it makes a decision, guided by sensations (intuition), and then picks up already decision argumentation "for". Neither one nor the other, in itself, is not a strength or weakness. It all depends on the specific life situation.

Physiognomy divides people into logicians and intuitions by the method of decision-making. The difference is that the logician first builds a chain of reasoning, compares facts and data, and only then makes a decision.

Intuite acts in a completely different way: it makes a decision, guided by sensations (intuition), and then selects the argumentation “for” for the already made decision. Neither one nor the other, in itself, is not a strength or weakness. It all depends on the specific life situation.

A logician in a changing environment that requires a quick response with a small amount of input information will lose time collecting additional data to make a decision. Intuition, in a high-stakes environment that requires a calm and thoughtful approach to an issue, can rely on the senses and miss out on obvious danger signals.

The paradox is that intuition, with proper development, often prompts the right decision, because it is a system of competencies that are not recognized by a person at a rational level.
In physiognomic psychoanalysis, indicators of logic and intuition are reflected in the shape of the head, or rather, in the characteristics of long-headed and round-headed.

The shape of the head is determined without regard to the height of the forehead and the characteristics of the jaw. These elements can enhance or compensate for the frequency of decision-making in the structure of logical or intuitive thinking, but they should be considered separately.

Physiognomy of the jaw - volitional qualities

Physical activity in humans is always associated with an effort to tone the chewing muscles. From the point of view of evolution, this is absolutely natural, because the maximum effort necessary for a predator to survive is the effort of the jaws squeezing the victim's throat. This behavioral pattern, the clenching of the jaws during exercise, has evolved to the level of cognitive and social processes.

Overcoming life's difficulties, we unconsciously clench our jaws and "gather our will into a fist."

The physiognomy of the jaw involves not only the study of genetic predispositions of the bone skeleton (height and width of the jaw), but also acquired volitional qualities- the development of the chewing muscles (musculus masseter).

Strong-willed qualities, of course, can and should be brought up. History is full of examples like this.

Physiognomy of the jaw - active action strategies

Same task different people are known to be solved in different ways. For one, the best strategy is open conflict, for another - adjustment and manipulation, for the third - progressive steady pressure, for the fourth - the search for non-standard solutions, etc.

Physiognomy evaluates the dominant strategy of active actions through the characteristics of the structure of the bones of the lower jaw. It is not surprising. The grip strength dictates the possible options for solving problems.

The analogy with the animal world is, again, quite appropriate here. There is nothing to do with a weak jaw in an open battle. A person intuitively chooses a tactic that is comfortable for himself and considers it the only correct one.

By understanding the typical patterns of your opponent's behavior and your dominant strategies, you will objectively realize that the choice of tactics for achieving results should be based on the study of alternatives, and not on the usual response patterns.

Some physiognomic characteristics of the jaw:

  • heavy jaw (size on the scale of the face) - high genetic stress resistance, slowness and progressiveness in actions, rigidity;
  • light jaw - mental mobility, avoiding conflicts, fear of direct confrontation, conformism;
  • jaw height (vertical distance from the lower lip to the tip of the chin) - shock, straightness, fighting ability;
  • the width of the jaw (the horizontal distance between the masticatory muscles along the line of the mouth) - a tendency to non-standard approaches, love of maneuvers, avoiding a direct collision;
  • jaw set forward - uncompromising trial and error strategy, behavioral maximalism;
  • jaw set back - actions with an eye, reassurance against mistakes, cowardice.

The characteristics of the chin are also of great importance for the physiognomic analysis of the jaw.

Given the number and information content of the indicators, it is easy to imagine how many behaviors can be modeled from the above signs and how accurately an experienced physiognomy specialist can predict the behavior of a particular person.

Physiognomy of the mouth - capture ambition

The size of the mouth in physiognomic analysis is the ambition of possession. The larger the mouth, the correspondingly larger pieces you want to send there.

More precisely, the more ambitions a person has to capture, the more bigger size mouth. And here it doesn't matter what aspect we are talking about: money, power, knowledge, impressions, travel, etc.

In which area the capture will be carried out, other physiognomic signs will show, but the fact that the bigmouth never stops at what has been achieved is a fact.

A small mouth on the scale of the face indicates the selectivity of the owner. He is ready to be content with little, but at the same time he is not ready to take anything.

His ambitions always have a visible horizon and upon reaching it, the owner of the small mouth is likely to stop and enjoy.

The physiognomy of the lips is also of great importance, but this aspect is associated not so much with ambitions as with the area of ​​a person's communicative abilities.

The lips are our last line of defense before taking over. Its purpose is to probe the subject of seizure.

The characteristics of the lips directly reflect the person's ability to feel the interlocutor, catch situational changes in the environment and provide other auxiliary information that improves the ability to interact with the outside world.

Physiognomy of the nose and forehead

Impulsiveness and reflexivity

When analyzing the personality of any person, the indicators of conflict and impulsivity are of interest. A psychopath, jealous person, or just an unbalanced person with poor control over their outbursts of anger is unlikely to be a desirable employee, business partner, or even more a life partner.

The tendency to rash, uncontrolled actions can be determined by several indicators: a sloping forehead, a hump on the nose, a thin nasal bridge.

If this combination is complemented by a light or shock jaw, the likelihood of irascibility will be even higher. The psychoanalysis of the reasons in this case differs significantly, but the result will be the same - strict adherence to principles in non-fundamental issues.

Impulsive outbursts of anger, a tendency to selfish self-justification of their overly harsh actions in relation to other people. A couple more touches and we get the classic portrait of a jealous man.

A high forehead with a heavy jaw gives increased thoughtfulness and even inhibition in decision-making. Such a person prefers to think about actions and sort out options, but often forgets about the need to start the process of activity itself.

Moreover, it is not clear to him what the final result is. He is interested in the processes themselves, but he does not care about the product.

But, in the presence of a wide straight nasal bridge, one can count on high stress resistance and unhurried calmness. Such a person does not worry in vain and does not rush things. It is difficult to piss him off, and he will not argue over trifles.

Physiognomy of the nasolabial wrinkles - motives and goals

The structure of motives has a direct relationship with the acquired life experience gained during social interaction... As a rule, it is associated with acquired social attitudes due to the implementation of leading needs. Often, the true motives are replaced by the patterns of imaginary social success.

This phenomenon of substitution in psychology is called the shift of the motive to the goal. It can lead to a person's obsession with processes of hoarding and pseudo success that are insignificant from the point of view of personality development, but encouraged in society.

To assess whether a person's internal motivation system is aimed at hoarding or is driven by intangible motives, physiognomy highlights the corresponding characteristics of the nasolabial wrinkle. Its severity and direction indicate the presence or absence of an established structure of motives and connections with capture ambitions in a person.

In other words, the direction of the wrinkle motives indicates a person's tendency to hoard and, in combination with other signs, indicates greed or altruism.

Physiognomy of eyebrows - emotions and feelings

To assess the structure of the motives, it is also necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the eyebrows and forehead wrinkles. Two principles are present and constantly interact in a person:

  • the animal (individual) component of our I: the need for security, continuation of joy, physiological saturation, domination, etc.
  • social motives: rationality, success, financial viability, material independence, etc.

The characteristics of the eyebrows and forehead wrinkles determine the balance of these two factors in physiognomy. Naturally, there is a good balance in everything. Let us describe the extreme states.

A person with a dominant individual beginning is led by his emotions and desires. He cannot deny himself anything with regard to satisfying basic needs.

An uncontrollable fire of emotions constantly rages in him, which he cannot cope with. Anger, joy, sadness, passion - all this person has over the edge. Due to low self-control, impulsive or even aggressive actions may prevail.

A person who is at the mercy of egos is a soulless and insensitive rationalist. He has high self-control and a cold mind, egocentric and not sensitive to other people's experiences. He is not touched by someone else's grief or joy. All his actions are conditioned by the system of social attitudes, and the true motives are replaced by the goals of achieving social well-being.

The position and shape of the eyebrows also give information about the dominance of abstract or practical thinking and some other signs.
Here, in conjunction with motives, the physiognomy of the cheek is considered as a feature of a person's work with resources and some other clarifying indicators.

Physiognomy of the nose - features of working with information, curiosity and intelligence

Physiognomy considers intelligence as a set of qualities that allow working with information. The main indicators in this system:

  • curiosity;
  • the ability to work with large information volumes;
  • analytical capabilities;
  • ability to maintain analytical skills in stressful situation;
  • the ability to apply information in practice.

For example, curiosity can be measured through the characteristics of the tip of the nose. A pointed tip will indicate a person's tendency to seek new information. They are innovation lovers who always want development. They are ready to learn and develop regardless of age and life achievements.

A potato nose, on the other hand, will indicate a person with established traditions. Such people are accustomed to relying on old schemes that have already been established and have proven their reliability. New for them is an attempt on the foundations. But such people are characterized by thoughtfulness and consistency when working with information.

Ability to work with information flows - characteristics of the nostrils. Analytical skills - the size of the nose on the scale of the face. Analytics in a stressful situation - characteristics of the wings of the nose.

These indicators are very important in the situation of personnel selection, because the success of the execution of business processes related to analytics and forecasting, especially depends on the level of executive abilities of a particular employee.

Physiognomy of cheekbones - communication skills

Big-boned people love to communicate. They do not always know how, but they always love. Therefore, it is not surprising that a cheek-cheeked face itself is more likely to evoke sympathy than antipathy. In any case, people with high cheekbones have a predisposition for communicative activity.

If, in combination with pronounced cheekbones, we see, for example, pronounced lips as an amplifier, then the communication of such a person increases significantly. He no longer just loves to communicate, but also knows how to feel the interlocutor in contact, which means that the exchange of information will be more effective and comfortable.

People with weak cheekbones, as a rule, have little contact. If such a person actively stimulates communication with a wide range of people, then this is most likely an acquired skill mastered as a necessity. Such a subject, as a rule, prefers books, a computer or a TV set to human communication, i.e. objects that do not require feedback from him.

The modern information space provides unlimited opportunities for communication. But, perhaps, precisely because so many people with weak cheekbones are engaged in the development of the communicative sphere, in our world there is less and less room for personal human contact.

Physiognomy of the eyes - assessment of objective reality and planning

All people see the same world, but often perceive it in completely different ways. The point is not only in the features of the visual analyzer, i.e. the eyes themselves. The main discrepancies occur at the stage of data processing. The characteristics of the eyes in physiognomy provide information about the structure of the world perception of a particular person and the specifics of his planning.
To assess the physiognomy of the eyes, there are the following physiognomic indicators:

  • eye section (round, panoramic, narrow);
  • landing of eyes (close-set and wide-set);
  • eyelashes;
  • upper eyelid;
  • lower eyelid;
  • wrinkles around the eyes.

It also discusses some of the characteristics of the eyebrows and wrinkles located in the area between the eyes.
Round eyes - commitment quick solutions... Such a person, all other things being equal, will always choose a short perspective rather than far-reaching plans. This should be taken into account, say, when preparing a commercial proposal or presentation. Seeing a long-term perspective without detailing and interim results, he is unlikely to approve of the project.

Narrow-set eyes - tunnel planning. A person gives preference to the development of one, narrow direction, considering the development of adjacent areas unnecessary. In a situation where it is necessary to develop, say, one narrow line of business, this is an excellent quality.

All forces will be focused on strengthening positions and conquering new horizons. But if it is necessary to expand the range of activities, an employee with close-set eyes will see the scattering of resources everywhere and intuitively look for a priority area on which the main stake can be made. The rest of the projects will be quickly forgotten.

Physiognomy of eyelashes - sensitivity

The ability to isolate small nuances from the information flow. A woman with long eyelashes seems more sensual. This has long been noticed by professional seducers and successfully use eyelash lengthening when applying makeup.

Physiognomy of the upper eyelid

Satisfaction with their life situation; the presence or absence of unresolved intrapersonal conflicts. Through half-closed eyelids, either a snob or a person who is dissatisfied with his present and predicts a negative future looks at us.

Physiognomy of the lower eyelid

Fighting qualities, vitality. Sagging of the lower eyelid, bags under the eyes, as well as blue - directly indicate a lack of vitality, as well as a reduced function of the kidneys and liver. A dense lower eyelid speaks of pronounced qualities of a leader. Remember "Stalin's squint".

Physiognomy of wrinkles around the eyes

Decision-making principles, dominant planning strategies, self-esteem and trade-offs. As a person used to solving problems. What persistent cognitive connections he has developed over the time of gaining experience. Important wrinkles. Understanding them, you can fairly accurately predict the likely directions of human actions.

Physiognomy of forehead wrinkles - life beliefs

Forehead wrinkles in humans appear at different ages. This is due to the different times the personality passes through the periods of development. The appearance of forehead wrinkles as such speaks of the emergence of global life concepts or meta-strategies.
First of all, the very fact of the formation of such wrinkles indicates some established stable principles and the presence of a person's own picture of the world. What is this picture, we will be helped to understand not only the forehead wrinkles themselves, but also other physiognomic signs. The presence of formed wrinkles should in no way be considered as some kind of incorrigibility. Under the influence of life circumstances, any foundations can be shaken. We know that the human psyche is plastic and capable of transformations at almost any age.

The physiognomy of horizontal forehead wrinkles distinguishes four main metastrategies:

  • leadership;
  • tendency to militarism and aggression;
  • humanistic values;
  • service and selfless devotion.

Forehead wrinkles, as a rule, are not symmetrical, have tears and curvatures. This drawing needs to be able to read and interpret.
Physiognomy of forehead wrinkles - metastrategies

Physiognomic analysis as a method of personality diagnostics

Physiognomy provides a detailed and reliable psychological portrait of a person. Knowledge of the signs and understanding of the patterns of physiognomic psychoanalysis allow the use of this technique in almost all areas of activity related to communication: identifying personality traits when selecting personnel, determining the character traits of employees, preparing for negotiations with partners and competitors, interpersonal relationships, etc.
Of particular importance in physiognomy is the skill of assembling and interpreting mutually reinforcing and compensating combinations of physiognomic features. Physiognomy is not only a science, but also an art that has been called that since time immemorial: the art of reading in the face.

Physiognomy of the face, as a science, originated in Ancient China, but to this day it is developing and in demand all over the world. It is by the face of a person that Chinese masters are sure that you can read complete information, find out the nature and characteristics of behavior. What a person thinks about this moment- emotions, facial expressions will tell, but, of course, only specialists can recognize and correctly interpret all the data.

Specialists in individual facial features can read not only historical information, the real inner world, temperament and character of the human person. Physiognomy is often practiced by criminologists, psychics, civil servants in order to recognize which person is: immoral or, on the contrary, kind, peaceful, polite.

According to Timati More, as one of the masters of physiognomy, the face is a reflection of the past, present and future of a person.

By the shape of the face, you can find out about the character, the inner world and even a person's thoughts:

We recognize the character by the eyes

The eyes are a reflection of the soul and can tell about the personal qualities and character traits of a person. And here are some examples:

Eye color is also important, which determines the nature:

  • dark brown- impulsivity;
  • light brown- prudence;
  • gray- a sign of curiosity;
  • blue- adherence to beauty, complaisance;
  • blue (as a rare color)- inconsistency, purposefulness;
  • gray-blue- kindness and responsiveness in character, but excessive vulnerability of nature;
  • green eyed- loyalty, kindness, harmony in relationships;
  • gray-green- energy, purposefulness.

The color of the iris can be detected in a person life position and the power of the mind.

Revealing character in other areas on the face

According to experts, few people have the ideal face shape, if you look at the photos and pictures.

It is possible to identify character traits not only by the eyes:

  1. Excessive protrusion of the nostrils is a sign of licentiousness, self-will, incontinence.
  2. The thinness of the lip indicates indecision in character.
  3. Ears are able to indicate the level of intelligence of a person. When located above the level of the eyebrows - high intelligence, when staying at eye level - average. If the ears are shapeless and pale, then this is a sign of unreliability.
  4. Forehead. In the presence of a round and tall - a sign of pride and magnanimity, round and large - courage, but a tendency to lie, elongated - cruelty, tyranny.
  5. The chin is wide - a strong-willed nature, not prone to violence, depression. Square - for people who are mercantile and fixated on material wealth, outstanding with a rounded shape is inherent in more sensitive, intelligent and at the same time cunning, resourceful people.

Physiognomy requires long-term education... This is a science that can reveal a person's character by facial features based on all factors in the aggregate.

Seen in profile

Visually, the face can be divided into 3 zones: upper, middle and lower. Each of the zones can indicate signs in which the emotional component is reflected to one degree or another.

If a person has:

  • bulge, then this is a sign of irritability, difficulty concentrating on some particular object. But man is practical, inclined to get to the essence of things;
  • concavity, then we can say about thoughtfulness and restraint, but excessive isolation, gloom. Although there is a good memory, deep and common sense.

It is difficult to meet people with balanced and proportional 3 zones on the face at once.

If well developed:

  • the upper zone (the area from the eyebrows to the hairline), then the person is intelligent. If the forehead is high and the middle zone is elongated, then it is noble, but arrogant;
  • the middle zone, then appreciates spiritual qualities and is likely to be a long-liver;
  • the lower zone (from the bottom of the chin to the base of the upper lip), then the person is most likely successful and prosperous.

The physiognomy of the face and character are often similar. Looking at a person, you can find out what feelings, emotions, experiences he is experiencing. Each area on the face can carry additional information. If you master this technique, then according to the shape of the face, eye color, outlines of lips and wrinkles, it is quite possible to create an integral image, a complete visual picture of a person's character.
