Scientists who studied educational problems of our time. Problems of modern education and science

Scientists who studied educational problems of our time.  Problems of modern education and science

The education system is one of the most important structures, controlled by the state, aimed both at the socialization of each member of society and at the socialization of natural science knowledge. Education, by presenting to a person moral and spiritual values ​​that constitute the property of public culture or that claim to be included in the treasury of culture, allows us to form the spiritual image of a person. The content of education is formed on the basis of the achievements of human knowledge. Bringing accumulated knowledge to the consciousness of members of society ensures not only the maintenance achieved level civilization of society and the functioning of production, but also the progress of society.

In modern school there are a number of unresolved or insufficiently resolved problems that are relevant to professional activity teachers. The modern school has more than enough problems and it is impossible to cover all of them. In the struggle for the quality of education, a large role is given to the content and structure of education. Most often, both structure and content are “descended from above” by the school. It is impossible otherwise - the educational space will be disrupted. It is impossible to disagree with this.

What difficulties does a modern school face (in my opinion), what problems does it have to solve in order to improve the quality of the services it provides?

  1. Insufficient intensity and effectiveness of counter activities - teaching, i.e. low student activity in the learning process. The teacher’s task is not only to work in class himself, but to achieve equally productive work from the student. And this should not be episodic activity in some lessons and in some subjects, but the creation of an entire teaching system, a system of all methods in which the student cannot be inactive in principle.
  2. The nature of teaching is such that teachers exaggerate the role of observation and perception, using the illustrative and explanatory nature of teaching, thereby actually turning off the student’s thinking, they “forget how to think.” At school, of course, it is necessary to explain and illustrate, but all this should be subordinated to one goal: students’ understanding and assimilation of the essence of the subjects and science being studied, and not a simplified presentation and colorful description.
  3. Congestion educational subjects. We are trying to embrace the immensity and push the necessary and unnecessary in exorbitant quantities into children's heads. What is the value of scientific excellence? teaching aids for students? Their authors seem to be poorly acquainted with the peculiarities of child psychology and completely forget that they themselves were once children. Hence we have the problem of lack of creativity and search in students’ work. Memory is loaded, not thinking. As a result, knowledge is fragile, short-lived, and inapplicable in practice.
  4. Almost complete oblivion of the educational side educational process. With the collapse of the Pioneer and Komsomol movements in school, there is still no alternative that actually works everywhere. Previous connections with sponsoring enterprises and organizations have been completely destroyed. This means that all previously existing “external tools” that performed the most important function of the educational process have been violated. mass media, censorship, cinema, literature, etc.). It seems that a good school slogan for a student “Be successful” in a modern school sounds like “The main thing is to be rich and famous” or “Take everything from life.”
  5. Abandoning the educational function, abandoning the role of “educator” in favor of the role of “teacher,” the modern school is now increasingly inclined towards transforming itself into a kind of “teaching machine.” More and more now acquiring the functions of a kind of soulless unit, combining in itself partly the functions of a copy machine, and partly a commercial production conveyor. The school is now approaching the appearance of a kind of “de-souled knowledge factory” or “copier”, like the same copier, for transferring the amount of knowledge from some people - teachers, to other people - children. And that’s why children are now often seen in school as a “soulless product” or an equally “soulless product.” They are no longer the “younger generation”, not the “growing shift” and not the “maturing part of society”, they are now simply “those” in whom you need to invest (including for money) some specific knowledge. It is not surprising that in such “official” conditions, teachers are forced to put forward, most often, mercantile, material interests and values ​​as their motivation and the motivation of their students. And not including - or even, first of all - moral and spiritual, as the school tried to do in Soviet or even in “tsarist” times. And it is not surprising that in such conditions the teacher is now increasingly moving away from the previous formula: “the teacher (read – school) is a sower of the good, the bright, the eternal.
  6. There is an urgent question about the need to individualize the learning process, to take into account the age and individual characteristics of students, about the appropriate differentiation of knowledge, assessments, and most importantly, programs. There is a general orientation of education towards the average, towards schoolchildren with some average academic performance, but at the same time it is equally bad for both high-achieving and lagging students. In the conditions of modern mass education, all these issues are still waiting to be resolved.
  7. The reluctance of a significant part of teachers to work in a new way, taking into account the latest achievements of pedagogy. Teachers simply cannot keep up with the fast paced innovative modern scientific achievements in area information technologies. The older age category of teachers (and this is the main backbone of any educational institution today) is “finishing” their work experience and does not consider it necessary to master modern innovations. Our children are already one step ahead of us in some technical issues. How can you not strive to at least catch up with them? Colleagues, the 21st century is outside!
  8. Lack of tools to curb aggression and disobedience of students. Democratization public life deprived teachers of these tools, but did not give anything other than a mutual opportunity to defend their infringed interests in court. But, as they say, you can’t rush to court in every case. Hence the lack of order in school.
  9. The starting point should not be the interests of the educational institution, but the interests of the child and family. We must ask parents whether they want to see their children educated selfish and ungrateful egoists? Or maybe they want to raise a practical rationalist, concerned about earthly success and career? Do they want to see their children as worthy sons of the Fatherland or are they raising a citizen of some other state? The school is designed to help the family in educating the child, in raising a good citizen for our Fatherland. On what principles should the education system be based, what should be the content of the educational process so that the child pleases his parents with kindness, obedience, hard work, and humility? What conditions must be created for a child to develop correctly, so that the spiritual life awakened in the family does not fade away, so that he masters the principles of science, gets to know his native and world culture so that he would be a patriot of his homeland, ready to Hard time to lay down your belly for her? An education system is needed that would allow the full transfer of knowledge, creative and creative experience from one generation to another. creative activity, values ​​inherent in the people, experience of spiritual life. If we try to create such a school, we will inevitably end up with a school based on Orthodox traditions. The school, based on the Orthodox tradition, is the only natural and scientific one that allows children of all nationalities and confessions to enter world culture through Russian culture, while creating conditions for the development of their national culture.
What should a modern school pay attention to?
  1. Information support and support of the learning process in modern conditions. Features of predicting the onset of learning outcomes. Everyday organizational activity of a teacher and the specifics of its manifestation. Implementation of the goals and functions of control, evaluation and incentive activities in practice.
  2. Humanization of education. Ensuring the free and comprehensive development of a person in the process of education; dissemination of the ideas of humanism in education.
  3. Establishing an optimal and harmonious combination of humanitarian, natural science, technical and other cycles of disciplines with the aim of developing a humanitarian culture in each student.
  4. Individualization and differentiation of education. Taking into account the individual characteristics of each student, creating conditions for the education and training of groups studying according to certain characteristics.
  5. Developmental and educational orientation of education. The focus of education is not on the formal accumulation of knowledge, but on the development of students’ abilities and their thinking by activating their cognitive needs and capabilities.
  6. Organization of education on a competency basis. The result of mastering the content of education for each graduate should be a set of competencies.
I wish teachers to become necessary and loved by students and colleagues. This is the key to gaining creative freedom, and without it, how can you become a school that both children and adults want to go to in the morning?


  1. Vasilyeva N.V. Education today and tomorrow: ways to overcome the crisis. - M.: ZAO, Publishing House Economics, 2011.
  2. Social problems of education: methodology, theory, technology. Collection of scientific articles. Editor O.A. Panina. - Saratov. - 1999.
  3. Slobodchikov V. New education - the path to a new community // Public education 1998 No. 5.

According to the forecast of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, in 10-15 years, 57 professions will disappear, and they will be replaced by 186 high-tech “professions of the future.” Is the Russian education system ready for challenges?XXI century? Let's try to look at the main problems and look for ways to overcome them.

1. Low motivation

The first and main problem of today's educational system is that schoolchildren are simply bored with studying. Of course, the problem is not new, but modern children differ from you and me in that they do not pay attention to external motivation. This means that grades and parental praise become the least important factor in developing interest in learning. 40% modern schoolchildren They named personal social goals as the main motivator (“I want to be cultured and developed”, “I know who I want to work with and what is needed for this”). *

What to do about it?

Alexander Adamsky, scientific director of the Eureka Institute for Educational Policy Problems, talks about on the positive side of this process: “Learning becomes important and fashionable for schoolchildren, and schoolchildren, coming to class, may know no less, or even more, about the subject of the conversation than the teacher.”

Another thing is that students refuse the pace at which “old-school” teachers give it. Sitting through 45 minutes of a monotonous lecture is simply impossible for a child who is accustomed to receiving information instantly and switching between a dozen tasks at once. Therefore, the school one way or another has to adapt to new standards.

Firstly, the structure of the lesson changes. Previously, the teacher first explained the material, and only then gave the task. But today they try the opposite: first they give the child a problem, and when he has struggled a lot with the solution, they give him the necessary formula or theorem. Full update teaching materials and lesson scenarios should happen over the next 3-5 years.

Secondly, do not forget about logistics: electronic diaries and textbooks, interactive whiteboards and desks - all this is designed to make the school environment more understandable and interesting.

2. Inability to apply knowledge in practice

The second problem logically follows from the first problem. Children have difficulty understanding when they need to apply their knowledge to practical material. This is especially true for today’s freshmen - “trained” in test tasks, they are simply lost when they are given the task of writing a scientific or creative work.

What to do about it?

Since 2013, Moscow schools have been actively working to change the format additional education. Now the lesson can take place anywhere - in a creative circle or sports section, in a museum, theater and even in a park. You don't even need a teacher for the lesson!

Increasingly, schoolchildren within school education engage in personal interdisciplinary projects. This could be designing a robot assistant, writing a children's encyclopedia, or even organizing elections to the school council.

3. The gap between the knowledge that school provides and university requirements

This is not the first year that university teachers have been complaining about the level of knowledge with which freshmen come to them. For the first six months, yesterday’s schoolchildren have to be “brought up” to the required level of knowledge.

What to do about it?

It is not always possible to provide a high school student with all the knowledge that will be useful to him at university. Children from the same class then enter different universities, and MEPhI and the Literary Institute have very different requirements. Therefore, since last year in Moscow they have been trying a model of narrowly focused classes --- the so-called pre-universities.

Pre-university is a specialized class of a general education school, created on the basis of a university. The first class within the framework of the Pre-University program was organized in 2013. This year, 9 universities have already decided to participate in the program, including Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow State Linguistic University, MEPhI, REU im. Plekhanov.

4. Higher education as an end in itself

About 80% of Moscow school graduates continue their studies at universities. But not all of them have a clear understanding of why they need it. Most come to university because their parents insisted on it. Teachers note extremely low motivation of first-year students and a total reluctance to immerse themselves in the subject of study.

What to do about it?

For the second year now, Moscow has been trying to popularize secondary vocational education and get rid of the negative image of colleges. Surprisingly, such popular and “money-making” professions as a cook, jeweler, and hotel business specialist can be obtained in college.

But this is not the only solution. The capital's schools seriously intend to move to the concept of pre-vocational education. For now, engineering, medical and cadet classes are being opened on the basis of schools, and students of general education classes are invited to the “Professional Environment” project, where they can get a working specialty in their free time from studying.

It is not difficult to guess that the main problem modern education is insufficient attention to the practical side of training. Therefore, the main efforts are aimed at developing practical skills, developing a responsible approach to one’s educational responsibilities and developing the desire to independently solve problems.

Just some 20-30 years ago, Russian education was considered one of the highest quality in the world. Today, only the lazy do not criticize our education system, and the overwhelming majority of graduates of educational institutions demonstrate such a low level of knowledge that it becomes “offensive for the state.”

Some 20-30 years ago Russian education considered one of the highest quality in the world. Today, only the lazy do not criticize our education system, and the overwhelming majority of graduates of educational institutions demonstrate such a low level of knowledge that it becomes “a shame for the state” (in particular, according to statistics, the knowledge of about 80% of first-year students paid branches Russian universities corresponds to the knowledge of 8th grade schoolchildren of the Soviet period).

And what is most upsetting is that, despite the regular implementation of reforms to improve the domestic education system, “things are still there”: the quality of modern Russian education It is not so much improving as it is rapidly deteriorating. If in 1990 the level of knowledge and literacy Soviet Union occupied 33rd place among 174 states, then already in 1998 Russia dropped to 62nd place. And the “fall” of our positions continues and continues.

In many respects, this situation arises due to the fact that the well-proven soviet school collapsed, and our specialists have still not been able to create a new model of the educational system that corresponds to modern European trends.

Fortunately, our society understands that not only the prestige, but also the fate of the state depends on the state of the education system. Therefore, both the Russian government and the public are making every effort to identify relevant problems of Russian education and find effective ways to eliminate them. What are these problems? Let's look at the most obvious and relevant of them.

Decline in the social status of the teacher

In the Soviet Union, teachers had a special status: parents did not doubt the professional suitability of teachers and did not question their recommendations for the upbringing and development of children, and schoolchildren and students perceived teachers as certain “celestials” who should be treated with exceptional respect and respect.

What are we seeing today? Students and schoolchildren allow themselves to barge into the classroom during a lesson or lecture, argue with the teacher and insult him, go about their own business during the learning process (for example, play on a mobile phone or “surf” the Internet), and not respond to the teacher’s comments. At the same time, some parents not only justify this behavior of their children, but also do not behave in the best way themselves.

It should be noted that in the current situation, the government is largely to blame, as it is unable to offer teachers a decent level of salary, as a result of which the quality of education has deteriorated. teaching staff, but also the teachers themselves, who allow themselves to discuss personal problems in front of their students and “take out” their bad mood on them.

Inconsistency between labor market requirements and the range of diplomas

Experts are increasingly saying that Russian universities place their main emphasis on preparing “money” majors (that is, those that are popular among applicants and for which they are willing to pay). And the specialists who are really required for economic development our country, they prepare according to the residual principle.

In addition, the current education system is simply not able to quickly respond to changes in the labor market, the content of in-demand specialties of which changes every 5 years. As a result, a young specialist graduates from a university with outdated knowledge, which is why he has to “spend” the first years of his working life acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills through experience.

Educational services

But most main mistake admitted according to public opinion Ministry of Education, was the retraining of the education system into a system for providing educational services. The same opinion is shared by many experts who claim that such concepts as “training” and “services” are incompatible.

The fact is that the provision of services implies the performance of work in a volume corresponding to the amount of payment. And if we take it as an axiom that educational organizations provide educational services to the population, there is no need to talk about any high-quality and accessible education for everyone. In addition, such a consumer attitude towards education gives participants educational process every right to make such statements as “I don’t want to study, but my parents pay you, so try to teach me something” or “until you pay me for additional classes, your child will not get high grades," etc.

As a result, we have graduates with “bought” diplomas and certificates, behind which there is only the minimum required amount of skills and knowledge. To understand what this approach to training can lead to, you don’t need to think long: we will be treated by doctors who do not see the difference between, for example, hypertension and physical inactivity, and the country’s economic development strategy will be developed by specialists who confuse debit with credit.

Ways to solve problems in the education system

From all of the above, it is obvious that solving the problems of modern Russian education is impossible without restoring the status of the teacher as the country's elite and the most respected member of society. Naturally, such a status must be confirmed by an appropriate salary and respect, both from the public and the bureaucracy.

In addition, it is very important not just to try to introduce Western models of the educational system, many of which, by the way, are not adapted to the Russian mentality, but to make every effort to return the country to the natural path of development, which, whether we like it or not, is inextricably linked with the socialist the past of our state. In other words, today Russia needs education system Soviet type, equipped modern technologies and teaching methods.

1. Introduction

5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

At this time, there are a sufficient number of problems in our education system that require urgent solutions. After all, the quality of our education, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired, if we recall the education system in Soviet times, then Russia was in 2nd place in terms of the most reading countries, and all because in those days enormous efforts were invested in the development of education, there were more stringent requirements, which attracted the most missing quality of today's students - responsibility. From a young age, children were attracted to education and viewed it as an important part of social life, an engine of progress.

education system student teacher

2. Definition of education, education system

To talk about the problems of education, you need to understand what education is.

Education system is a complex of institutions, standards, programs and characteristics used in the education process.

Modern education is a purposeful, multifaceted and multi-stage process of acquiring knowledge and skills, but in addition to the process, education is also the result of this process. This is so freaky

Education as a process implements educational program(a set of basic characteristics of education: organizational and pedagogical conditions and forms of certification, in cases in which this is provided Federal law on education, work programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines, other components as well as assessment and teaching materials)

We should not forget that education is a multi-stage process, because even Jan Amos Comenius stated that education should be divided into levels appropriate to age. He was supported by many philosophers of the time.

Education in this country is divided into several main stages:

General education- the first stage of education, which provides basic non-specialized and non-professional knowledge. In turn, general education is divided into several stages:

Preschool education - providing the foundations of physical and intellectual development due to nature. Just as during the development of an embryo, a person undergoes a transformation in life from a more biological to a more social one.

Primary general education- characterized by the provision of knowledge about the basics of communication, ethics, and understanding of the world around us. This period is also marked by laying the foundation of personality

Secondary general education -can be called the most interesting and problematic period of a child’s education for a teacher. If in primary general education the foundation of the individual is laid, then during this period of education walls are erected, and the walls are not built quite evenly. Intelligence may develop in a timely manner or even ahead of age, but emotional maturation may be slow. Most often it happens differently: emotional and intellectual maturation occurs according to biological age, but physical development is ahead of age and this reveals many social and pedagogical problems, which need to be addressed, paradoxically. Also, the development of a child as an individual also presents a whole bunch of pedagogical problems that do not and cannot, in principle, have a standard solution.

Secondary (complete) general education -a stage aimed at creating a system from all the knowledge acquired at the previous stage. More in-depth study of information. Despite the older contingent, no less interesting stage education, both for the teacher and for the student himself. The previous stages are aimed at the formation of personality, at the presentation of spiritual and cultural values. And this stage is needed rather for realizing oneself as an individual.

Special education -A period of education aimed at obtaining special professional knowledge that guarantees professional competence trainee in his work area. At this stage, a person has already been formed as a personality, by biological and psychological standards, and is now gaining experience in social activities, honing communication and interaction skills. The least interesting period for the teacher from the point of view of solving any non-standard situations, because the student becomes in a position in which he receives most knowledge independently, and conflicts and social aspects are not processed by a higher education teacher. This can be called both a plus, because it fosters independence, and a minus, because the transition from school control to university freedom is quite abrupt and painful.

The versatility of education is especially indicative of the Ancient Greek model of education. There, an ideal image of a person was brought up, developing in himself: physical strength necessary for health and longevity; intelligence is obviously necessary for life, not existence. They also did not forget about the spiritual sphere, which consisted of cultivating a moral image of a citizen who is responsible to himself and understands the essence and meaning of his life.

3. Main problems of education, education systems and their classification

Educational problems can be classified according to the sources of these problems. Let's list the main sources of problems.

Problems coming from students- the main part of the problem is pedagogical process is created by students, but we should not forget that solving problems in the learning process is the main task and purpose of the existence of pedagogy as a science. This also includes social problems and problems with parents.

Problems emanating from the education system -a huge part of the problem modern teacher associated with bureaucratization and ill-conceived education system. This problem is with maximum simple solution- it is necessary to discuss typical problems arising from the education system. Problems of this class arise due to the fact that education officials, when carrying out reforms, are quite far from schools and educational institutions, and without seeing the problem on the spot, it is not possible to come up with a reasonable and adequate solution.

Problems coming from the teacher -Teaching activity, although it does not require physical activity in the traditional sense, is actually very exhausting, and with such stress a person works to the limit of his capabilities. And when a teacher comes home, he needs rest, but in our country this is not always the case; stress affects and manifests itself in weakened health and in many other aspects. In addition, problems can be caused by a lack of experience.

Let's look at the problems and their sources using examples.

3.1 Problems coming from students

A person develops along a long path in which he encounters problems of a different nature. A teacher is a person who gives knowledge and helps solve problems that arise along the way. At the same time, I would like to note that the best approach is not to solve students’ problems, but to help students solve them independently.

What are the problems posed by the students? In their personality. Individuality is an excellent quality that poses many interesting problems, because the techniques used for one group of students (or even an individual student) can work completely differently for another group, even if the groups are identical in age (which, even in theory, is very rare).

A real example from practice: In the first grade with the letter "A", the teacher offers summing the number of oranges as a task. Everything is going well, students are moderately active and summing up oranges perfectly. In another class with the letter “B,” absolutely the same approach is used, but one of the students (for example, Kolya) declares that he is allergic to oranges. The teacher replaces oranges with apples; several people claim that they are allergic to apples. Kolya is indignant and demands that other students give up their allergic diseases. Massive children's fight - lesson disrupted.

What does this example illustrate? This example illustrates that the same methods may not work for similar teams, even if there are even minimal differences between them.

And there are a huge number of such problems and examples. Moreover, even trying to systematize them is very difficult.

3.2 Problems emanating from the education system

Things are a little simpler with the systematization of problems emanating from the education system

Problems of material and economic support are receding into the background, but are still a pressing problem. It consists of limited economic support for schools and other educational institutions. Lack of textbooks methodological manuals, little opportunity for practical and laboratory work. It seems like a minor problem, but in fact it grows into a very serious one. Lack of practice leads to loss of interest in the subject, and this already gives rise to new problems that the teacher has to solve in the course of his activities.

The second problem caused by the system is the lack of decent personnel. Many teachers by nature now work in a profession that is far from theirs, but why? They are afraid of small salaries. And those who dare face more global problems that repel. There are few teachers, which means that the free workload is transferred to already overloaded teachers. Overload, working at the limit - also scare people away from the profession and this is the fault of the system.

The third problem is an attempt to standardize the educational process. IN modern world There is a tendency to build an assembly line and industrial production in everything, however, from the example it is clear that this is not always a successful tactic to use in the educational process. This manifests itself in total bureaucracy. A myriad of paperwork comes with the new government. education standards. Standardization is a great idea, but there is not enough strength to implement it in this country.

The fourth problem is weak reflection and slowness of the system. The system is very unresponsive. It is almost impossible to change something in the interests of students; dozens of meetings, hundreds of people decide one issue and it is not a fact that this issue is so important.

Example: The decision to introduce uniform uniforms in schools. This decision has been discussed for years. The decision is not the most important, but at the same time its discussion dragged on for long years. Why all this? Bureaucratization, slowness.

3.3 Problems coming from the teacher

But in education, problems come not only from the environment; sometimes the teacher himself creates problems for the teacher. These problems can be divided into several groups.

Household problems - Problems caused by the teacher’s living conditions. Overload, poor living conditions, family problems, lack of material opportunities. Many teachers in the 90s were acutely faced with these problems. Non-payment of wages was normal. This resonated with the students as Bad quality presentation of the material, sometimes teachers simply lost motivation to arr. activities and quit their jobs.

Subjective-objective problems are problems emanating from the teacher, but initially caused by external factors. For example, a lack of motivation or experience that was not given in the right amount during their training.

Problems are subjective - caused by the qualities of the teacher himself. For example, the underdevelopment of any personal qualities. Or professional deformations.

Example: The teacher has very strong knowledge in his subject. He shines with erudition and, in principle, is a genius, but bad luck, he is an absolute zero in communicating with people. Has no communication skills. A very common occurrence in modern schools. Teachers are obsessed with their subject. They don't care about the students at all. Sometimes you come across personnel who receive psychological satisfaction from more high level knowledge than their students. Such problems are clearly subjective and need to be treated.

4. Research (sociological survey of teachers)

In the process of conducting the research, I decided to use a short sociological survey, with detailed answers from respondents, among teachers primary classes. The research audience is diverse in terms of experience and age.

What are the main problems in education?

What problems do you experience?

What are the possible solutions to these problems?

people noted that the main problems of education are poor provision and lack of quality young specialists.

the person answered that the main problem is the lack of motivation for development and a poor-quality training program.

people responded that they felt obvious problems with housing and material support, although they added that the situation was beginning to improve.

people responded that they felt a poorly designed training program and excessive bureaucratization.

responded that a radical reform is needed with the involvement of practicing teachers

people noted that it is necessary to improve existing system.

Study conclusion:

According to the results of the study, it becomes clear that the majority of teachers are dissatisfied with the existing educational system and note that changes are necessary, others believe that changes are not necessary, it is only necessary to improve the existing system.

5. Conclusion

During the abstract, we examined the problems and causes of certain types of problems that arise on the path of the teacher, and we also tried to classify them using data obtained in live communication with practicing teachers.


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Current problems of education in Russia

Global sociocultural changes in the world, the so-called civilizational shifts, are increasingly revealing the discrepancy between the existing school education system and the emerging social needs on the eve of the new anthropogenic reality. This discrepancy causes attempts to reform the secondary school from time to time in our country. Despite these attempts, many researchers tend to assess the state of school education as critical. The school crisis is naturally a reflection of socio-economic processes manifested in education in the following:

Loss of the usual goals of school education;

Acute lack of funding;

The inertia inherent in everyone educational systems and society as a whole.

But if the crisis were reduced only to this series of problems, overcoming it would only be a matter of time and the success of reforming the Russian social system. However, the close attention of domestic and foreign scientists to the problems of education is primarily associated with the evolution of the worldview of mankind, which is at the center scientific picture the world places man as part of the macrocosm. And then the problems of school education come to the fore, since they affect fundamental human values ​​that require civilizational approach for their consideration. Such problems include:

The problem of optimizing the interaction between the individual and society as finding a balance between social-normative pressure and the individual’s desire for socio-psychological autonomy, overcoming the inconsistency of the “needs” of the social order and the interests of the individual (student, teacher, parent);

The problem of overcoming the disintegration of the content of school education in the process of creating and implementing a new socio-educational paradigm that can become the starting point in the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the student;

Problems of coordination and integration of pedagogical technologies;

The problem of developing problematic thinking in students through a gradual shift from monologue to dialogical communication in the classroom;

The problem of overcoming the irreducibility of learning outcomes in various types of educational institutions through the development and introduction of uniform educational standards based on a comprehensive systematic analysis of the educational process

a) The problem of social differentiation and quality of education

Young people enter working and social and political life, usually having a secondary education. However, education at this moment varies greatly in quality. Significant differences depend on social factors: in specialized schools with in-depth study of individual subjects it is higher than in ordinary schools; in urban schools is higher than in rural ones. These differences deepened due to the country's transition to market relations. Elite schools (lyceums, gymnasiums) appeared. The education system is clearly becoming one of the indicators of social differentiation. The desired diversity in education turns into social selection through education. Society is moving from a relatively democratic education system, accessible to representatives of all social groups, open to control and influence from society, toa selective, elitist model based on the idea of ​​autonomy of education, both in economic and political aspects. Proponents of this concept believe that education is the same sphere of entrepreneurial activity as production and commerce, and therefore should function in such a way as to generate profit. Hence the inevitability of students paying for education and the use of various systems to determine the level of intellectual development or talent.

b) Problems of secondary and higher schools. Correlation between mastering professional knowledge and general humanitarian culture

The situation in high school The situation now is that, having broken the old system of secondary education and not created a new one, society has found itself in a very difficult situation. The abandonment of the activities of children's public organizations and the difficult financial situation of teachers have led to the fact that education has lost almost all guidelines without gaining new ones. Under these conditions, the younger generation is deprived of sustainable moral ideals. This process is aggravated by attempts to commercialize the school, which is not always accompanied by an increase in the quality of education.

In general, the optimal combination of general education and vocational training not found yet. After serious criticism, which exposed many shortcomings, standards and rules that do not correspond to the spirit of the times, general and vocational education is becoming much more flexible than it was before. But its role and responsibility in training qualified workers is still far from the required level.

Professional education is an important stage in the civic formation of the individual, in its harmonious development. failure to understand the objectively necessary connection between development and professionalism gives rise not only to scholastic disputes regarding the “contradiction” of both, but also to serious errors in the practice of working with youth, when the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills in one form or another is opposed to general humanitarian culture. As a result, either the notorious “technocratic distortions” arise, or attempts to form a human humanitarian culture in isolation from life, from work and social practice.

A special place in enriching the intellectual potential of the country belongs to higher education. However, changes in the content, directions, and structure of its activities occur very slowly. Data from sociological research indicate that students and teachers highly value the opportunity for creativity and advocate an increase in the share independent work, improving exam forms, expanding their participation in university management, support the development of a competitive certification system for all personnel. However, by the mid-90s graduate School has entered a severe crisis, from which not all universities have the opportunity to emerge with dignity.

c) Formation of moral guidelines among young people

The school now faces a difficult choice - to find the best ways for its further development. The assessment of the changes taking place is ambiguous, because in the public mood and public opinion there are a variety of points of view, including diametrically opposed ones. However, proposals and judgments, no matter how contradictory in essence they may be, reflect the deep interest of people in ensuring and further increasing the spiritual potential of society.

Along with instilling respect for work and professional guidance, the humanization of education, the development of self-government, and the development of practical skills among young people for organizational and social work play a significant role in the development of personality.

On the consciousness and behavior of young people big influence provides control mechanism educational institution. Strict adherence to the norms and principles of legality and justice, even during the years of study, becomes for them a kind of standard with which they later compare their path in life.

However, school education does not always contribute to the development and consolidation of the positive social experience of young people; it does not sufficiently resist manifestations of nihilism, indifference, indifference to public affairs, as well as demagoguery and anarchic actions.

The education system is still poorly shaped by high spiritual needs and aesthetic tastes, and a strong immunity to lack of spirituality and “mass culture.” The role of social science disciplines, literature, and art lessons remains insignificant. Study of the historical past, truthful coverage of complex and controversial stages national history poorly combined with an independent search for one’s own answers to the questions that life poses. But there is no doubt that historical consciousness, combined with national self-awareness, acquires a decisive role in the civic behavior of students. The information revolution encourages continuous expansion of knowledge. True, they do not have a homogeneous structure. There is always a core - the knowledge that forms the basis of the sciences, and the periphery, where the process of accumulation and renewal takes place, which does not depreciate the value of fixed capital.

d) Demotion social status teachers. The problem of government funding

Improvement public education It is unthinkable without measuring the situation in which the teaching profession, a significant part of the teaching corps, finds itself.

If we adhere to formal criteria - the presence of special education, work experience, etc., then most teachers meet their purpose. But if we evaluate their activities on their merits, we must admit that many of them have lagged behind the requirements of the time.

The main group of teachers are women, although it has long become obvious that in the education of boys, young men (and girls) the school experiences an acute lack of “male influence”. Although for Lately The salaries of teachers have been significantly increased, the average earnings of public education workers are still much lower than those of workers and engineering workers in industry and construction, and even in comparison with the average salary in the country.

The formation of teaching staff is related to the specifics of their work. It organically does not accept infringement of their rights and authority. Streamlining the work and rest regime of teachers is also a necessary prerequisite for their civic and professional growth. The living conditions of teachers require improvements. Despite the benefits provided to them, provision of housing, medical care, new literature remains an open question.

The school seriously lags behind in terms of equipment, computer technology, and materials, and thus puts its students in a position where they cannot act as full-fledged participants in the competition in the information field.

One of the functions of public education is to stimulate self-education, self-training, and a constant thirst for knowledge. Self-education, independent acquisition of knowledge and skills is by no means limited to the school system. Of course, school can and should give a person the skills to independently work with a book, document, etc. But self-education is built on the basis of general and vocational education, and not in exchange for it. New technical and information capabilities of educational television, video cassette equipment, personal computers, distance learning has yet to be widely used for self-education needs. The fate of new generations is increasingly determined common culture human: development logical thinking, linguistic, mathematical, computer literacy.
