Scheme of the evolutionary mechanism of the appearance of mimicry. Universal Scheme of Evolution

Scheme of the evolutionary mechanism of the appearance of mimicry.  Universal Scheme of Evolution

1. Specify the phenomenon - an example of disguise.

    coloring of ladybugs and Colorado beetles

    sika deer and tiger coloring

    spots on the wings of butterflies, similar to the eyes of vertebrates

    the similarity of the color of the pyerida butterfly with the color of the inedible heliconid butterfly

2. An adaptation that facilitates the transfer of unfavorable abiotic factors of nature, -

    modification of the leaves of the barberry into thorns

    long camel thorn root

    singing of male birds

    the bright color of the plumage of males in pheasants, ducks and chickens

3. Homologous organs in animals are

    cockroach and frog limbs

    bird and butterfly wings

    tiger and mole paws

    forelimbs of a mole and a bear

4. The transitional form between reptiles and birds were:





5. Similar organs in plants are:

    root and rhizome

    root and root

    leaf and sepal

    stamens and pistil

6. The establishment of transitional forms between the most ancient and modern groups of organisms is ... proof of evolution.



    comparative anatomical


7. The phylogenetic relationship of organisms is referred to ... evidence of evolution.


    comparative anatomical



8. The similarities and differences between the faunas and floras of different continents are considered ... evidence of evolution.


    comparative anatomical



9. The statement that “the fitness of organisms is a manifestation of the original expediency, according to the Creator’s plan”, belongs to

    K. Beru

    Ch. Darwin

    J.-B. Lamarck

    K. Linnaeus

10. The adaptability of plants to wind pollination is characterized by

    the presence of short filaments

    the presence of dry pollen

    the presence of bright, corollas of flowers

    flowering at night

11. An example of the adaptability of plants to seasonal changes in nature is:

    cactus leaf modification

    leaf fall

    the presence of a bright corolla and nectar

    formation of juicy fruits

12. In the process of evolution, temperate amphibians have developed an adaptation to endure adverse environmental conditions - this

1) suspended animation

    food storage


    migration to warm regions

13. An example of mimicry is

    the similarity of the body shape of a shark and a dolphin

    coloration of bees and bumblebees

    the similarity of the body shape and coloration of the hoverfly fly and the wasp

    green color of the caterpillar of the cabbage white

14. Night butterflies collect nectar from light flowers, clearly visible at night, but often fly into the fire and die. It's proof of... fixtures.





    phylogenetic series

16. Rudiment in humans is:

1) appendix

    thick hairline



17. Education is not aromorphosis

    two circles of blood circulation in amphibians

    spine in chordates

    three-chambered heart in amphibians

    elephant's trunk

18. Idioadaptation is the loss

    dodder roots

    cactus leaves

    rafflesia stem and leaves

    chlorophyll in broomrape

19. The presence of different types of light signals in different types of fireflies is an example of ... isolation.



    4) ethological

20. Hybrids of a horse and a donkey (mule), a donkey and a stallion (hinny), a beluga and a sterlet (Bester) are barren - this is an example of ... isolation.






path of evolution

1) aromorphosis

B) the formation of a prehensile tail in monkeys

2) idioadaptation

B) the appearance of a chord

3) degeneration

D) the appearance of chlorophyll

D) the transformation of leaves into thorns in a cactus

E) loss of leaves, roots of duckweed

    Establish a correspondence between the species criteria and the characteristics of the white wagtail

View criterion

A) feeds on insects and worms

1) morphological

B) sharp wings

2) ecological

B) steering feathers 12

D) usually settles near water

D) a small slender bird

E) long tail

    Establish the sequence of occurrence of the listed groups of animals







1) As a result of the action of natural selection, individuals with traits useful for their prosperity are preserved. 2) In species that live openly and may be accessible to enemies, camouflage develops, making organisms less visible against the background of the surrounding area, for example, grasshopper, black grouse, hazel grouse, ptarmigan, etc. 3) Caterpillars of some butterflies in body shape and color reminiscent of knots - this is an example of a warning coloration. 4) Mimicry - imitation of unprotected organisms of one species by more protected ones of another species, for example, non-poisonous snakes and insects imitate poisonous ones. 5) All adaptations are absolute and help the body survive in specific conditions.

The platypus is a bizarre medium-sized water animal (up to 65 cm) with a beaver-like tail and a duck's beak. Between the toes of the paws of the membrane, on the hind legs "spurs" with poisonous glands. The platypus feeds on small aquatic animals, mainly insects. On the steep banks of Australian rivers, he digs long, up to 6 m, holes. The female builds a nest in this hole, in which she lays 2-4 eggs in a soft horn-shaped membrane.

    What are the main aromorphoses that arose in birds in the process of evolution? Explain the answer.


On biology on the topic: "Mechanisms of evolution"


Choose one answer:

1. Name the phenomenon - an example of mimicry.

    grasshopper green color

    hoverfly is similar in shape and color to a bee

    the color of the back of an ordinary hamster is similar to the color of burnt grass

    similarity between the eyes of cephalopods and mammals

2. What is not an adaptation to the conditions environment?

    high birth rate

    high mortality


    warning coloration

3. An organ homologous to the human coccyx -





4. The transitional form between amphibians and reptiles were:


    animal-toothed lizards

    lobe-finned fish


5. Similar organs in animals are the limbs of the mole and

1) bears

2) dogs

3) ducks

4) lizards

6. The presence of homologous and similar organs in various groups of organisms is referred to ... evidence of evolution.


    comparative anatomical



7. The presence of rudiments and atavisms in various groups of organisms is referred to ... evidence of evolution.


    comparative anatomical



8. The existence of transitional forms (for example, lobe-finned fish, seed ferns) is referred to ... evidence of evolution.


    comparative anatomical



9. The statement that organisms have an innate ability to change under the influence of the external environment belongs to

    K. Beru

    Ch. Darwin

    J.-B. Lamarck

    K. Linnaeus

10. An example of the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature is

    suspended animation of amphibians

    perch gill cover movement

    nocturnal activity of hedgehogs

4) search for prey by wolves

11. Lungfish have developed an adaptation to

1) protection from predators

    day length change

    change in ambient temperature

    enduring seasonal drought

12. What kind of adaptation to environmental conditions has been formed in waterfowl in the process of evolution?

    Long neck

    swim membrane

    feather cover

    ability to fly

13. Comparative anatomical evidence of evolution includes

    homologous and similar organs

    cellular structure living organisms

    similarity of vertebrate embryos

    phylogenetic series

14. The green color of a grasshopper, butterfly caterpillars is an example



    patronizing coloring

    warning coloration

15. Paleontological evidence of evolution includes:

    homologous and similar organs

    cellular structure of living organisms

    similarity of vertebrate embryos

    phylogenetic series

16. Poisonous snakes are dangerous to many animals, but they are eaten by mongooses and hedgehogs. It's proof of... fixtures.




4) versatility

17. Degeneration is loss

    elephant's thick coat

    limbs in whales

    digestive organs in bovine tapeworm

    four fingers on a horse

18. Aromorphosis is education


    elephant's trunk


    monkey's tenacious tail

19 Idioadaptation is

1) the occurrence of the sexual process

2) the appearance of a chord

3) the formation of an elephant's trunk

4) increase in brain mass

20. The spatial separation of fruit flies living in the Hawaiian Islands is an example of ... isolation





    Match the path with the examples that illustrate it.


path of evolution

A) the emergence of multicellularity

1) aromorphosis

B) the emergence of a creeping stem

2) idioadaptation

C) loss of roots, leaves, chlorophyll in dodder

3) degeneration

D) the formation of flippers in seals

D) the appearance of photosynthesis

E) the formation of an elephant's trunk

G) the formation of a three-chambered heart

    Match the species criteria with the characteristics of the African ostrich

Characteristics of the white wagtail

View criterion

A) plants are common food, but on occasion it also eats small animals

1) morphological

B) legs are powerful, two-toed; loose plumage

2) ecological

C) lives in open savannahs and semi-deserts

D) a large bird weighing up to 90 kg., Up to 3 meters tall

D) the beak is straight and flat; big eyes with thick eyelashes

E) can do without water for a long time, but on occasion he willingly drinks and likes to swim

    Establish a sequence that reflects the evolution of plants

    multicellular algae

    unicellular algae





24. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the proposals in which they are made, correct them.

1) Birds evolved from ancient amphibians in the Mesozoic era. 2) The fossil transitional form is the stegocephalus, which has been found as fossils. 3) He had wings, plumage, fused collarbones. 4) The following allogenesis contributed to the appearance of birds: a four-chambered heart, a constant body temperature, and differentiation of the respiratory tract. 5) Findings of fossil transitional forms are paleontological evidence of the evolution of the organic world

25. What type criteria are described in the text below? Explain the answer.

The kiwi bird inhabits the dense damp forests of New Zealand. Of all the ratites, the kiwi is the smallest (height 55 cm, weight up to 3.5 kg). Wings are practically absent, their remnants are hidden in the hair-like plumage. The legs are short and wide apart, so that the kiwi moves like a clockwork toy. The beak is long, the nostrils are displaced towards the end. Kiwis feed mainly on earthworms, finding prey using their sense of smell. The female usually lays one huge (up to 500 g) egg in a flat nest. The male incubates the egg.

26. What are the main aromorphoses that arose in amphibians in the process of evolution? Specify at least four aromorphoses.

The emergence of adaptations as a result of natural selection

Adaptations are the properties and characteristics of organisms that provide adaptation to the environment in which these organisms live. Adaptation is also called the process of adaptation. Above, we looked at how some adaptations arise as a result of natural selection. Populations of the birch moth have adapted to the changed external conditions due to the accumulation of dark color mutations. In human populations inhabiting malarial areas, adaptation has arisen due to the spread of the sickle cell mutation. In both cases, adaptation is achieved through the action of natural selection.

In this case, the material for selection is hereditary variability accumulated in populations. Since different populations differ from each other in the set of accumulated mutations, they adapt differently to the same environmental factors. Thus, African populations have adapted to life in malaria-prone areas by accumulating mutations of sickle cell anemia. HbS, and in the populations inhabiting Southeast Asia, resistance to malaria was formed on the basis of the accumulation of a number of other mutations, which in the homozygous state also cause blood diseases, and in the heterozygous state - provide protection against malaria.

These examples illustrate the role of natural selection in shaping adaptations. However, it must be clearly understood that these are special cases of relatively simple adaptations that arise due to the selective reproduction of carriers of single "beneficial" mutations. It is unlikely that most adaptations arose in this way.

Protective, warning and imitative coloring. Consider, for example, such widespread adaptations as patronizing, warning, and imitative coloration (mimicry).
Protective coloration allows animals to become invisible, merging with the substrate. Some insects are strikingly similar to the leaves of the trees on which they live, others resemble dried twigs or thorns on tree trunks. These morphological adaptations are complemented by behavioral adaptations. Insects choose to hide exactly those places where they are less noticeable.

Inedible insects and poisonous animals - snakes and frogs, have a bright, warning coloration. A predator, once faced with such an animal, associates this type of coloration with danger for a long time. This is used by some non-poisonous animals. They acquire a striking resemblance to poisonous ones, and thereby reduce the danger from predators. Already imitates the color of the viper, the fly imitates the bee. This phenomenon is called mimicry.

How did all these amazing devices come about? It is unlikely that a single mutation could provide such a precise correspondence between an insect wing and a living leaf, between a fly and a bee. It's incredible that a single mutation would cause a patronizingly colored insect to hide on exactly the leaves it looks like. Obviously, such adaptations as protective and warning coloration and mimicry arose by the gradual selection of all those small deviations in body shape, in the distribution of certain pigments, in innate behavior that existed in the populations of the ancestors of these animals. One of the most important characteristics of natural selection is its cumulative- its ability to accumulate and enhance these deviations in a number of generations, adding up changes in individual genes and the systems of organisms controlled by them.

The most interesting and difficult problem is the initial stages of the emergence of adaptations. It is clear what advantages the almost perfect resemblance of a praying mantis to a dry branch gives. But what advantages could his distant ancestor, who only remotely resembled a twig, have? Are predators so stupid that they can be fooled so easily? No, predators are by no means stupid, and natural selection from generation to generation "teaches" them to better and better recognize the tricks of their prey. Even the perfect resemblance of a modern praying mantis to a knot does not give him a 100% guarantee that not a single bird will ever notice him. However, its chances of eluding a predator are higher than those of an insect with a less perfect protective coloration. In the same way, his distant ancestor, who only slightly looks like a knot, had a slightly higher chance of life than his relative who did not look like a knot at all. Of course, the bird that sits next to him will easily notice him on a clear day. But if the day is foggy, if the bird does not sit nearby, but flies by and decides not to waste time on what may be a praying mantis, or may be a knot, then the minimal similarity saves the life of the bearer of this barely noticeable similarity. His descendants who inherit this minimal resemblance will be more numerous. Their share in the population will increase. This will make life difficult for the birds. Among them, those who will more accurately recognize camouflaged prey will become more successful. The same principle of the Red Queen, which we discussed in the paragraph on the struggle for existence, comes into play. In order to maintain the advantage in the struggle for life, achieved through minimal similarity, the prey species has to change.

Natural selection picks up all those minute changes that increase the similarity in color and shape with the substrate, the similarity between the edible species and the inedible species that it imitates. It should be borne in mind that different types of predators use different methods of finding prey. Some pay attention to shape, others to color, some have color vision, others do not. So natural selection automatically enhances, as far as possible, the similarity between imitator and model, and leads to those amazing adaptations that we see in nature.

The emergence of complex adaptations. Many adaptations come across as elaborate and purposefully planned devices. How could such a complex structure as the human eye have arisen by natural selection of randomly occurring mutations?

Scientists suggest that the evolution of the eye began with large groups light-sensitive cells on the surface of the body of our very distant ancestors, who lived about 550 million years ago. The ability to distinguish between light and dark was certainly useful for them, increasing their chances of life compared to their completely blind relatives. An accidental curvature of the "visual" surface improved vision, this made it possible to determine the direction to the light source. An eyecup appeared. Newly emerging mutations could lead to narrowing and widening of the optic cup opening. The narrowing gradually improved vision - the light began to pass through a narrow aperture. As you can see, each step increased the fitness of those individuals that changed in the “right” direction. Light-sensitive cells formed the retina. Over time, a lens has formed in the front of the eyeball, which acts as a lens. It appeared, apparently, as a transparent two-layer structure filled with liquid.

Scientists have tried to simulate this process on a computer. They showed that an eye like the compound clam eye could have evolved from a layer of photosensitive cells with relatively mild selection in just 364,000 generations. In other words, animals that change generations every year could form a fully developed and optically perfect eye in less than half a million years. This is a very short period for evolution, given that average age species in molluscs is several million years old.

All the supposed stages in the evolution of the human eye can be found among living animals. The evolution of the eye followed different paths in different types animals. Through natural selection, many different forms of the eye have independently evolved, and the human eye is only one of them, and not the most perfect.

If we carefully consider the construction of the eye of man and other vertebrates, we will find a number of strange inconsistencies. When light enters the human eye, it passes through the lens and onto the light-sensitive cells in the retina. Light has to travel through a dense network of capillaries and neurons to reach the photoreceptor layer. Surprisingly, but the nerve endings approach the photosensitive cells not from behind, but from the front! Moreover, the nerve endings are collected in the optic nerve, which extends from the center of the retina, and thus creates a blind spot. To compensate for the shadowing of photoreceptors by neurons and capillaries and get rid of the blind spot, our eye is constantly moving, sending a series of different projections of the same image to the brain. Our brain performs complex operations, adding these images, subtracting the shadows, and calculating the real picture. All these difficulties could be avoided if the nerve endings approached the neurons not from the front, but from behind, as, for example, in an octopus.

Diagram of the structure of the eye of vertebrates. The nerve endings approach the photoreceptors from the front and obscure them.

The very imperfection of the vertebrate eye sheds light on the mechanisms of evolution by natural selection. We have already said more than once that selection always operates “here and now”. It sorts through the different variations of already existing structures, selecting and adding together the best of them: the best of the "here and now", regardless of what these structures may become in the distant future. Therefore, the key to explaining both perfections and imperfections modern structures should be looked for in the past. Scientists believe that all modern vertebrates are descended from animals like the lancelet. In the lancelet, light-sensitive neurons are located at the anterior end of the neural tube. In front of them are nerve and pigment cells that cover the photoreceptors from light entering from the front. The lancelet receives light signals coming from the sides of its transparent body. It can be assumed that the common ancestor of the vertebrate eye was arranged in a similar way. Then this flat structure began to transform into an eye cup. The anterior part of the neural tube protruded inward, and the neurons that were in front of the receptor cells appeared on top of them. The development of the eye in the embryos of modern vertebrates in a certain sense reproduces the sequence of events that took place in the distant past.

Evolution does not create new constructions "from scratch", it changes (often unrecognizably changes) old constructions, so that each stage of these changes is adaptive. Any change should increase the fitness of its carriers, or at least not reduce it. This feature of evolution leads to the steady improvement of various structures. It is also the cause of the imperfection of many adaptations, strange inconsistencies in the structure of living organisms.

It should be remembered, however, that all adaptations, no matter how perfect they may be, are relative. It is clear that the development of the ability to fly is not very well combined with the ability to run fast. Therefore, the birds that have the best ability to fly are poor runners. On the contrary, ostriches, which are not able to fly, run very well. Adaptation to certain conditions can be useless or even harmful when new conditions appear. However, living conditions change constantly and sometimes very dramatically. In these cases, previously accumulated adaptations can hinder the formation of new ones, which can lead to the extinction of large groups of organisms, as happened more than 60-70 million years ago with the once very numerous and diverse dinosaurs.

1. Define adaptation.

2. What evolutionary factor plays a decisive role in the formation of adaptations?

3. Can complex adaptations arise from single mutations?

4. Can genetic drift lead to adaptations?

5. Give examples of various adaptations known to you and try to reconstruct the history of their occurrence.

6. What is the reason for the imperfection of some adaptations?

"…Most fruitful an approach to the transdisciplinary unification of sciences can be in accepting evolution as the main concept. A unified theory will describe the various phases and facets of the evolutionary process by invariant general laws. These laws will allow researchers to describe the behavior and evolution of quanta, atoms, molecules, cells, organisms and systems of organisms according to consistent unified scheme…".
Ervin Laszlo. Foundations of transdisciplinary
unified theory.

Based on the Inventive Problem Solving Theory known (TRIZ) of the laws of development of technical systems and with the help of the analysis of the evolution of systems of the most diverse nature, such a universal Scheme of evolution has been created.

I. Description of the Universal Scheme of Evolution

1. Reduced viability of the System

Identification of a problem that threatens the survival of the system. The whole history of nature, animal and flora, human civilization, technology and science - this is the history of refusal (death, deliverance, etc.) from imperfect organisms, customs and foundations, mechanisms, ideas and theories. If you turn to oral folk art, then I immediately remember: "Woe to the vanquished!", "Let the loser cry ..." or something like that.

Block 1 corresponds to the formulation of the administrative contradiction according to Altshuller: "Something must be done!".

2. Reduced ideality of the System

The reason that threatens the survival of the system is low ideality, which is expressed in a reduced value of the ratio of useful system functions to costly, harmful functions. In life, this situation occurs very often. We constantly evaluate the systems and draw conclusions: “The game is not worth the candle”, “The game is not worth the candle”, “Across the sea a heifer is a half, but a ruble is transported”, “Not a horse's feed”, “A cap not for Senka ...” etc.

After assessing the ideality of the System, there are 2 ways:

3. Creation of a new System (if the System with the required functions either does not exist, or the existing System has no resources)

Creation of a new System, for which the problem of survival that has arisen due to the identified factors either disappears altogether, or does not matter, or is not so acute.

When creating a new system, it is necessary to satisfy the requirements The law of completeness of parts of the vehicle: ensure the necessary set of System elements and connections between them, their minimum performance.

4. Improvement of the existing System (if the System has the resources)

Such a change in the existing system, in which the problem of survival that has arisen according to the identified factors either disappears altogether, or does not matter, or is not so acute.

5. Consolidation of existing Systems

As a rule, we use this path when at least one of the systems does not have the resources (capabilities) to change. Merged (combined) systems can be:

  • exactly the same;
  • with a difference in some characteristic (for example, with different principles of operation);
  • heterogeneous;
  • with opposite functions.

    Number of combined (combined) systems: 2→bi-system; more than 2 → poly-system.

    After the merger, quite naturally, there is a transition from block 5 "Merging the vehicle" to block 3 "Creating a new vehicle". After all, received new system , with new systemic quality. New the system, having satisfied the Law of completeness of parts, begins a new cycle of development as existing, which is shown by a further transition from block 3 to block 4.

    After analyzing the system for the degree of viability, ideality and choosing a further path for its development, concrete work begins to improve the system.

    6. Identification of harmful factors (undesirable effects - NE) of the interaction of the System with the Supersystem

    Search for external NEs between the components (elements and/connections) of the system and supersystem.

    7. Identification of harmful factors (undesirable effects) of interaction within the System itself

    Search for internal NEs, i.e. mismatches between elements and/or links within the system.

    After detection in the system using analysis of the maximum possible number of NEs, we proceed to such a change in the components, in which NEs disappear altogether, or they do not matter, or their effect is not so acute (harmful).

    8. Changing the components (elements and/or connections) of the System

    Block 8 corresponds to The law of increasing the dynamism of the vehicle, which is implemented:

  • quantitative and / or qualitative changes in the elements and / or connections of the TS - a decrease (or increase) in the number of components, the transition from rigid elements to elements with hinges and elastic, the transition from the macro- to the micro level (the use of ever deeper properties of matter), the displacement of a person from TS
  • changing any properties of the vehicle - manageability, maintainability, etc.
  • a change in time processes in the TS - the transition of processes uniform in time to periodic, impulse, resonant, etc.; transition to the characteristics and properties of the vehicle (mass, density, temperature, conductivity, Chemical properties etc.) having a time gradient
  • spatial changes in the TS - the transition from the characteristics and properties of the TS that are evenly distributed in space to having a spatial gradient

    The change can be implemented without any obstacles (deteriorations, problems, new NEs) from the system or supersystem. But often the necessary change in the component (its improvement) leads to the appearance of a new NE. In this case, it is necessary to resolve the contradiction with the help of TRIZ tools.

    Blocks 6 - 8 show the mechanism for improving the system.

    9. Elimination of harmful factors (NE) of interaction between the System and the Supersystem

    Establishing the fact that external harmful factors (HE) due to changes (dynamization) of the System components either disappeared or lost their significance, or their effect became less acute.

    10. Elimination of harmful factors (NE) of interaction within the System itself

    Establishing the fact that internal harmful factors (NE) due to changes (dynamization) of the System components have either disappeared or are of no importance, or their effect has become less acute.

    Blocks 9 and 10 show the result of improving the system. Blocks 6 to 10 can be "hidden" in block 4.

    11. Improved existing system

    Establishing the fact of improving everything in the System as a whole.

    12. System with increased ideality

    Establishing the fact of increasing the ideality of the System (increasing the ratio of useful functions of the system to costly, harmful ones).

    13. System with increased viability

    Establishing the fact of increasing the viability of the System: the system receives advantages in relation to other systems that have not changed (not changed) for the better.

    It is clear that the diagram shows one development cycle one systems on her hierarchy level, in fact - an ideal case of development. In reality, everything is much more complicated - it is necessary to consider the development, according to at least, on 3 "floors" of the hierarchy - the development of the system itself, the development of its subsystems, and the development of its supersystem. But this does not detract from the importance of using the ideal case - it is like a concept " ideal gas" or "black body" helps to take the right first step in understanding evolution.

    It is clear that the system, having passed the 1st cycle of increasing the ability to survive, immediately begins to "die" again! Technical systems, even before leaving the drawing board (now monitor) of the designer, are already outdated - new circuit solutions, new materials, new technologies have appeared ... Therefore, the 2nd cycle of increasing the ability to survive is mandatory, ..., Nth, etc. . as long as society has a need for the system. And then comes and real death- the need for the system, more precisely, for the function of the system, has disappeared.

    In the meantime, a new cycle, "... the system is only dreaming of peace ...":

    Initially, the evolution scheme was proposed to structure the laws of development of technical systems revealed in TRIZ. But the scheme turned out to be invariant - similar processes take place in inanimate and living nature, in systems endowed with consciousness, or without any signs of it.

    Inanimate nature, with its conservation laws, is an extreme case of evolution, when objects that violate laws simply cannot arise. Violating objects cannot "begin to live and survive" in principle.

    Endowing all systems, without exception, with the ability to evolve according to the proposed scheme leads to the acceptance of the universality of the principle of natural selection with all its implementation mechanisms - mutations, recombination, competition, etc. The result of selection in the form of increased sustainability, or, in application to living systems - in the form of survival, it does not matter - conscious or at the level of instinct, also has a universal character.

    II. Systems whose development can be represented using the Universal Scheme of Evolution


    Taking Bertalanffy's ideas and working with Ilya Prigogene, chaos theory pioneer Erwin Laszlo developed a broad view of evolution, summarizing it in Evolution: The Grand Unification (1987).

    One of the most important sciences today is the general theory of evolution. This is the evolution of ALL things - from matter to the life of societies, to the cosmos in general. E.Laszlo argues that a truly sustainable future requires more than cutting-edge technology. Our earthly civilization requires a change of consciousness to survive. A transition is required from a short-term, person-centered and management-oriented thinking to a long-term, systemic, evolutionary view, where people are only part of the whole.

    Throughout the history of the planet, the complexity of the biosphere as a system has continuously increased. Note that not all components of the biosphere are continuously evolving, some ecosystems (biocenoses) stop developing, and then degrade and die, unable to withstand competition. Instead, other forms of life develop...

    Recently published the results of a study that for the first time explains the origin and prevalence in nature of the law "size in degree?". Researchers Brown and Enquist were trying to solve the puzzle - why the metabolic rate of plants shows the same power-law dependence that is observed in animals. The law known as Kleiber's law was known for decades, but no one could understand its cause.

    The researchers built the model based on the following assumptions:

  • a fractal-like branching network is required to deliver vital fluids to all parts of the body
  • the energy used to transport resources across the network is minimized.

    To minimize the energy required to transport resources through the system, the network must have a fractal branching structure. When it comes to power transmission systems, the system adopts a tree structure.

    The Law of Increasing Ideality in its purest form: the energy to transport nutrients through the network must be minimal. And then animals or plants that have minimal costs for delivering food to the cells of the body will have advantages, will survive .

    Systems with a fractal network of energy transmission and distribution are more likely to survive, since it is precisely such structures that minimize the amount of energy required for its transportation.

    We emphasize an important point: evolution is the selection of organisms with minimal costs of energy transfer and distribution (i.e., more ideal ones), which is realized by systems called fractal. It is not fractality that makes the system more ideal, but the development of the system in the direction of ideality makes it become fractal.

    Thus, SSE gives an explanation of the reason (why?) and the mechanism (how?) of the fractality of nature: with competition at all levels of the hierarchy of Nature, the selection (i.e., survival is realized) of the most efficient (i.e., ideal) systems is carried out. External manifestation result evolution of systems, the result of selection in the course of competition and is a fractal.


    Lee Smolin, professor at the Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry (Pennsylvania State University), has proposed a new theory of the universe that is both elegant and comprehensive, and radically different from any previously proposed. Smolin cut the Gordian knot of cosmology with a simple but powerful idea: "The basic structures of our world must be seen through the logic of evolution."

    The laws of nature we observe may be the result of the process of natural selection. Our universe is so perfectly fitted for life because it has evolved in this way. It is only one among thousands of universes that are engaged in a cosmic struggle in which the fittest survive. "The new view of the universe is a ray of light, in every sense, because what Darwin gave us, and what we can strive for when generalizing the cosmos as a whole, is a way of thinking about the world ...".

    Smolin's ideas are based on the latest achievements in cosmology, quantum theory, the theory of relativity and string theory. And, at the same time, they also offer an unparalleled view of how all these achievements can be combined together to form a new cosmological theory: evolutionary theory of galaxy structures.

    Life in the Earth

    In the evolution of life total weight living matter increases and becomes more complex in its organization. The complexity of the organization of biological forms is achieved by trial and error. Existing forms are reproduced in many copies, but they are not identical to the original forms. On the contrary, copies differ from them by the presence of small random variations.

    These copies then serve as material for natural selection. They can act as separate living organisms, in which case selection leads to an accumulation of useful changes, or as elements of more complex forms, in which case selection is also directed towards the formation of new forms (for example, the formation of multicellular organisms). In both cases, selection is the result of a struggle for existence in which the more viable forms overwhelm the less viable. This mechanism for improving life, discovered by Charles Darwin, can be called the basic law of evolution.

    The whole process of development of all living things can be imagined as a process of functioning of a certain MARKET. All living things continuously invent new forms of organization, new possibilities for association (cooperation or cooperative interaction), new modes of action, create and implement feedback, i.e. adjusts the rules of its life activity when external conditions change. And such initiatives are many and varied, and all this diversity is dominated by selection mechanisms.

    In the process of competitive interaction, some elements of the system inevitably perish. They are replaced by new ones, more appropriate to modern conditions. Thus, the MARKET acts as a hierarchically organized system of discarding old structures and replacing them with new, continuously emerging structures. Nature has not invented any other mechanism of self-organization, except for this mechanism - the MARKET. The MARKET is the only natural means of comparing the quality of various forms of organization of living matter and their rejection. He is the main factor determining the development of not only society, but the whole living world.

    The Universal Scheme of Evolution reflects the processes of this generalized MARKET, showing the directions of change each systems on everyone hierarchical level, system selection processes, i.e. their survival or dying, depending on the level of systems ideality.

    The functioning of the endocrine system of the human body

    The endocrine system provides a constant composition of fluids that bathe certain cells of the body. Even small changes in the composition of these fluids and / or their circulation process cause a corresponding response (negative feedback) of the endocrine system, aimed at restoring normal concentration / circulation.

    The whole organism or a specific subsystem evolves especially noticeably in a moment of danger. If the "level of the body's ability to survive decreases", for example, if a dangerously low blood sugar level is detected, then the pituitary gland immediately produces a signal to change (decrease) the productivity of the pancreas, which reduces the release of insulin. Thus, by dynamization of the system - a decrease in the activity of the pancreas and a decrease in the level of insulin, the concentration of sugar in the blood becomes normal. This means the successful completion of one control cycle - the viability of the organism returned to its original level, i.e. rose.

    Society and organizations

    In societies with strict hierarchies and rigid traditions, the code of conduct was in principle always the same. You have to be honest, brave, true to your word, strong, hardworking. Behavior was cultivated that allowed them to stand and rise in the fight against nature and enemies. That which contributes to the survival and prosperity of society, i.e. most people, and is true, otherwise we will all perish. Here the criterion of truth is practice, everything is clarified and established through the experience of generations.

    Evolutionary organization theory

  • Modern biological evolutionary theory can be used in organizational studies at the metatheoretical level
  • The basic principles of evolution are the desire to preserve identity and adapt to the external environment
  • The enterprise evolves simultaneously at several internal and external levels

    Researchers are increasingly turning to an evolutionary direction: striving fruitfully move analogies out of the realm of biological evolutionary theory to other areas, in this case, in organization theory.

    The population approach is based on a dynamic stochastic model, constituent parts which are three processes - change, selection and preservation of useful features. The object of the study is population of organizations.

    In close analogy with the creation of species in biology, the allocation of branches is considered, leading to the formation of organizations of a new type. The variation of new organizational types is the starting point for the selection process in a given population. This examines, for example, the mortality rate of organizational types. Here again the analogy with the biological concept of the theory of natural selection appears.

    Evolutionary theory also penetrates into other scientific and philosophical disciplines. So, evolutionary direction is manifested in the analysis of the development of science(the theory of paradigm shift).

    It is this consideration that is devoted to the work "Scheme of ZRTS and the development of a knowledge system - science, theory, paradigm". In May 1999, the term Universal Scheme of Evolution was not yet used in the title of the work.

    If we turn to the concepts of modern sociobiology, then it is easy to see the dominance of the idea of ​​organism-likeness in it. human society. In the 30s. In the twentieth century, the American scientist W. Kennon wrote about the similarity of regulation and control in the body with any kind of organizations created by people ( complex systems), including industrial, economic and social ones. In the 50s. XX century N. Wiener began to develop cybernetics, based on the similarity of control and communication in any organized systems, machines and living organisms.

    Having become acquainted with the work of the English parliament in 1689, Tsar Peter I remarked: "It's fun to hear when subjects openly tell their sovereign the truth: that's what you need to learn from the British." However, Tsar Peter did not begin to transfer this to Russian soil. Comparison of the historical path of development of the Monarchies of the two countries shows why one managed although not without difficulty, adapt to changing internal and external conditions, survive and fit into the structure of a society that has undergone great changes, while the other collapsed due to ignoring reality, blind adherence to the past.

    It seems that The survival of the monarchy in Great Britain is also explained by the national traits of the English people, their "education" in the spirit of compromise, social harmony developed over the past three centuries.

    The Universal Scheme of Evolution in all its details - the state system (the type of state does not matter) must change in order to survive, adapt to changing internal and external conditions!

    The pressing problems of the world- food, energy, arms control, population, poverty, Natural resources, ecology, climate, the problems of the elderly, the collapse of urban communities, the need for creative work that would bring satisfaction - can no longer find their solution within an industrial society.

    An industrial society has no development resources, so its survival is in question. Decision on SSE - transition to block 3 "Creation of a new system", - the creation of a society built on new principles, on the use of new resources.


    In numerous examples, we see business like a living system. With a solid background in anthropology and economics, Dr. W. Frederick spent years and years reducing business to the basics, not to the person, but to the process of life in general. All living things, as he showed in his work in 1995, strive to save money, to get more for less. "This the process of economy is the only way to survival, growth, development and prosperity."

    "The market is not an invention of capitalism, as Mikhail Gorbachev once noted. It is an invention of civilization." He could go further in his definition: civilization is the invention of business, and business is the invention of life.

    The Internet has become an illustration of the fact that business is a living organism. Biologists know exponential growth - that's how these curves describe biological systems. This is one reason why The Network Economy is often more accurately described in terms of biology. It is clear that the Network is perceived as a kind of border - after all, for the first time in history, we are witnessing the biological growth of a technical system.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, in the economic and sociological literature, one can find attempts to expand the scope of the originally purely economic concepts of "optimum" and "efficiency" and interpret history and social activities of people, For example, based on the concept of extremeness (i.e., maximum and minimum).

    In 1922, the German sociologist and economist F. Oppenheimer published his work "The System of Sociology", in which he essentially formulated extreme sociological and economic principle - "principle of least means". Oppenheimer considered it the most important principle of sociology and the basis of rational human activity. He was flowing from an even more general from the well-known energy principle of W. Ostwald: "Do not waste energy!" Thanks to Oppenheimer's principle, we can mathematically deduce all economic activity from the human "desire to use the least means." In a generalized sense, this formulation expresses the idea of ​​the optimal, the criterion of which is the human goal, the desire for economy and minimization of the means to achieve it.

    The earliest work on philosophy of optimality in the USA there were G. Simon's methodological studies on the optimal behavior of economic entities in the market.

    When an enterprise becomes an independent company (firm), the following apply to it: conditions of existence (i.e. life):"Attachment companies to traditional standard products, to the same markets and methods of distribution cannot ensure its long-term commercial success, and sometimes is the main reason for its collapse (i.e. non-survival). The firm must be in state of permanent search new markets, new customers, new products and new applications for their traditional products.

    Evidence again and again: business develops according to the laws of life, survives in the literal sense of the word, seeking to save getting more for less is exponentially growing.

    Technical systems

    Technological techniques, more precisely, knowledge of how to produce goods or services, are somewhat analogous species, and changes in them are evolutionary in nature. An invention, the emergence of a new technological technique, is the equivalent of the emergence of a new species.

  • From the ocean of artificial objects created by man, only a few have been selected, which have become part of the material part of the life of society. In nature, this manifests itself in the form of the ability of species to survive - an organism, especially a species, can thrive and reproduce in its world. An artificial object also, one might say, survives, and comes to its form through a succession of generations of created things.
  • Researchers are captivated by the idea that a computer chip, like a biological object, can be forced to evolve through "Darwinian" natural selection. The process could "spawn" a configuration of logical switches that perform the desired function, even if the programmer knows little or nothing about how to configure the circuit first.
  • "Teramak" is an experimental powerful parallel computer built in the Hewlett-Packard laboratory to explore broad approaches to computer architecture. This machine, whose elements contain about 220,000 defects, works 100 times faster than a high-quality single-processor workstation of approximately the same configuration.
  • Resistant to defects Teramaka's architecture makes it easy to bypass defects, has great appeal for future nanometer computing paradigms. It is possible to chemically synthesize individual electronic components with a yield of less than 100%, assemble them into a circuit with noticeable instability in the connections, and at the same time create a powerful and reliable communication circuit.
  • First NASA and Department of Defense Workshop on "Evolving Hardware" was conducted at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the Technical Institute (Pasadena, California). This growing industry is exceptionally important for space and defense systems that need to survive and perform optimally for long periods of time in unknown, harsh and/or frequently changing environments.

    Let's trace the age-old evolution of technology. At first, every innovation meets with increased obstacles, both in its unsuitability and in the distrust of the public; but advertising exaggerates its importance, predicting life for him, and death for the old one. Then the practice gives everyone their place. And that's why in every given time we see a lot competing among themselves technical works.

    All of the above phenomena to such an extent impose analogy between evolution technical invention and evolution of the living world. Modern evolutionary theory covers the following individual provisions:

    1. From the organic principles that appeared by spontaneous generation, the entire living world of our time was successively formed.

    2. Each organism inherits some of its properties from its ancestor.

    3. New acquisitions are either retained and passed on to posterity, or they disappear, depending on their usefulness, indifference, or harm to the organism in its life.

    4. All organisms are fighting among themselves for existence (and the more related they are, the more fierce the struggle). Only that which is better adapted to this struggle is retained.

    5. Just as the farmer chooses for the continuation of the breed that which is more suitable for his goals, and this is what artificial selection consists in, natural selection also occurs in nature. Barely noticeable at first, modifications grow and, summing up, produce different types.

    6. New forms either remain stationary or change further, and this is why the evolutionary ladder persists at any given time.

    Replacing the word "organism" with the word "invention" everywhere, we transfer this formula of Darwin entirely to the evolution of technology, which, from this point of view, could be called "technical Darwinism".

    During the civilization of the First Wave (agrarian civilization), communication channels, and in 1628 in Europe the express postal service "House of Taxis" numbered 25 thousand people, were intended only for the rich and those in power, ordinary people did not have access to them .

    The second wave (industrial civilization), drawing country after country into its sphere, completely destroyed this communication monopoly. This happened because technology and mass production second wave demanded a mass movement of information, which the old communication channels simply could not handle.

    On the Universal Scheme of Evolution, the transition to block 3 "Creation of a new system", i.e. in terms of TRIZ, the transition S1 → S2 when it is impossible to develop means of communication on the old principles, within the old framework.

    It is known that in order to perform a specific function, as a rule, a large number of TS structures can be proposed, each of which will implement this function. But "effective and viable are systems whose structure maximally corresponds to the implemented functions.

    We are talking directly about ideality (a synonym for efficiency) and viability, i.e. survival!

    New technology arises on the basis of the old one, so you need to be able to identify what is already dying, “outlived”, what can develop, what technical solutions and why are more promising, and under what conditions.

    The most important skills of an engineer, most valued in the world, are considered design and invention. These are two sides of a single process of creating things. Construction brings experience, knowledge, background of the previous technique, relies on established science and practice. Invention is the way out to the new, ensuring the dynamics of technology development.

    Full coincidence with the Scheme: block 3 "Creation of a new System", i.e. invention, innovation, and block 4 "Improvement of the existing System, i.e. construction using experience, knowledge, background of the previous technique.

    Windows 2000. New operating system personalized menus appeared: instruments, which you use more often, move up, and not used for a long time and completely disappear from view.

    The Add/Remove Software applet just got a lot better. It not only provides alphabetical list installed programs, but also reports information on how often you used the program and when you last accessed it, shows the amount of memory that will be freed after uninstalling the program.

    An example of the Evolution Scheme: in Windows 2000, the icons of unused but memory-consuming tools "die" by disappearing from the screen; and the program also reports on the most preferred candidates "for dying", i.e. to uninstall the program.

    The evolution of silicon-based computing

    Material from the review "The Future of Computers - What's After Silicon?" Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is considered in the first 5 sections (blocks) of the Universal Scheme of Evolution.

    1. Reduced viability of silicon-based computers

    In the past four decades, computers have presented a remarkable picture. With a sharp increase in their speed and computing power, the same sharp drop in price. The exponential growth in computing power predicted by Gordon Moore in the 1960s describes the rise of the Internet and the economic boom.

    But the special issue of "MIT: A Review of Technology" already raises the question: What will happen after modern computer technology, built on silicon, begins to reach the limits of their growth rate? Today there are many reasons to think that "the party can end."

    The latter means identifying the problem of reducing the viability of computer technology built on silicon. This expresses the uncertainty that this computer technology will survive in the future.

    2. Reduced ideality of computer technology built on silicon

    Paul A. Packan, a prominent researcher at Intel, argued in Nature (September 1999) that Moore's law is in serious danger. He identified three main problems:

  • The use of impurity atoms that are introduced into silicon to increase its ability to preserve regions electric charge. Above a certain limit, impurity atoms begin to "stick together" and form clusters that are electrically inactive. Today's microchips are very close to this maximum.
  • The "gates" that control the flow of electrons in the microchip have become so small that they are subject to an unwanted quantum effect. "Gate" in the chip today is less than 2 nanometers, ie. so small that they allow electrons to pass (tunnel) through them even when they are closed. So quantum mechanics makes silicon devices smaller than a certain size useless. "This is no ordinary production difficulty - we are hitting a dead end on a more fundamental level"
  • When the microchip components were larger, fluctuations in the concentration of introduced impurities had little effect. But now transistors are so small that they can be created in impurity-rich or impurity-poor regions, which affects their performance. And here the engineers have no known solutions.

    All this means revealing the reduced ideality of computer technology built on silicon - revealing a low ratio of useful and harmful system functions. Harmful functions are growing!

    After evaluating the ideality of computer hardware built on silicon, according to the Scheme, there are 2 ways to overcome the noted problems: create new system and/or improve an existing one. Let's explore both.

    3. Creation of new computer technology

    It is necessary to create a new system if a system with the necessary functions does not exist at all, or an existing system, in our case, computer equipment built on silicon, does not have development resources.

    Putting more and more devices on a chip means creating smaller and smaller items. The most recent chip in production has etch sites of about 180 nanometers (a nanometer is 10 -9 meters). To comply with Moore's law, the etch areas must be reduced to 150 nm in 2001 and to 100 nm in 2005.

    Many semiconductor experts question commercially viable methods of making silicon transistors smaller than 100nm. And even if chip makers can make them, ultra-micron silicon components probably won't work. With transistor sizes of the order of 50 nm, electrons begin to obey the laws of quantum mechanics, wandering where they are not expected at all.

    There are several alternative ways to create a new system:

    The main advantage of a molecular computer is the ability to place much more circuits on a microchip than can be done on silicon, and to do it much cheaper.

    Molecules are a few nanometers in size, making it possible to create a chip with billions, even trillions, of elements. If it were possible to connect a small number of molecules with wires, as individual electronic components are connected to form circuits, such a result would completely change computer design. Molecular memory could be a million times denser than today's best semiconductor memory, allowing all of life's experiences to be stored in a watch-sized device. A supercomputer could be small and cheap enough to fit into clothes. Worries that computer technology would soon run into a wall would disappear.

    The subatomic world is full of elements that have 2 yes/no states, making it easy to use. Most particles - electrons, protons, and even ephemeral photons - have rotational movement, spin. Once information is encoded, the subatomic world offers a large number of ways to process it. driving magnetic properties around electrons, or by passing photons through polarizers, mirrors, and prisms, quantum bits can be subjected to all the operations that are necessary for computer processing.

    3.3. biological computer

    Scientists are looking for ways to create cells that can calculate, have smart genes, add numbers, store results in some form, measure time, and perhaps even execute simple programs.


  • First of all, it is exceptionally cost-effective. Once a single cell can be programmed, it will be possible to grow them in the billions at the cost of simple nutrient solutions and the time of laboratory staff.
  • Second, it can be significantly more reliable than "silicon wire"; it is for this reason that our brain survives and functions with the death of millions of cells, while the Pentium fails with the breakage of one conductor.

    Among the promising approaches is the "smart DNA mosaic" invented by Eric Winfree. These are the microscopic building blocks of DNA, which not only can store data, but are built, in other words, programmed, to perform mathematical operations by combining them in a special way.

    4. Improvement of the existing system

    It is possible to improve an existing system - computer hardware built on silicon - if it has the resources. But, as noted, "there are no known solutions" to overcome the emerging fundamental problems.

    5. Combining systems

    MIT researchers have long been interested in computer processing techniques that use many microcomputers instead of one ultra-fast one. When the processor can no longer be scaled down, the only way, researchers say, to get fast computing is to share multiple computers. Such an approach can help overcome the barrier that the evolution of silicon microprocessors may soon run into.

    Many artificial intelligence researchers also believe that the only possible way create a truly machine mind - use millions of microprocessors connected together, most accurately simulating the connections of neurons in the human brain.

    It is clear that this is a natural transition from block 5 (unification of many microprocessors) to block 3 of the Scheme (creation of a new microprocessor system) - after all, when combining, a new system quality was obtained, a new microprocessor system was obtained. Having satisfied the Law of completeness of the system, this new microprocessor system begins a new cycle of development as an existing one. This is shown by the transition from block 3 to block 4.

    So, we got 5 possible directions of development - according to the number of types of computers. Which of these directions will win will be decided at the levels of the hierarchy of the generalized Market. The selection will take place:

  • at a purely technical level - by comparison technical parameters for the implementation of useful and harmful functions of structures, a comparison of the technical capabilities of creating computer supersystems (for example, communication networks)
  • at the level of the computer industry - by comparison economic indicators of the creation and use of computer supersystems, comparing the possibilities of their integration into other industries (in the production of various industries, military equipment, transport, science, education, healthcare, culture, leisure, etc.)
  • at the level of society - by comparison socially useful indicators of "computer industries" options (comparing the levels of societal resilience that each "computer industry" provides)

    Another example of the evolution of technology is the release of a set of CDs The Beatles Anthology. To keep the authentic "60s sound" for the first double CD of this series, had to restore the famous studio number 2 on Abbey Road and purchase mixing consoles 30 years old.

    Recording technology is evolving at a very fast pace. studio number 2 in original form and mixing consoles mid 60s "died" a natural death. And if there was no need to reproduce the sound of the 60s, then they would have remained only in memory, in photographs, in the records of those years ...

    Control theory

    With scientific point vision modern theory management should be considered as a branch of systems theory associated with a change in the behavior of a given complex system under the influence of external influences. Management must be seen as a science of transformation... in a physical, biological or even social sense.

    Adaptive control is the ability of a system to modify its behavior to achieve the best possible behavioral outcomes. According to the general definition of adaptive control, an adaptive system must be able to implement the following functions:

  • receive constant information about the current state of the system or process
  • compare the current functioning of the system with the desired or optimal, and make a decision about changing (functioning) the system to achieve a given optimal functioning
  • initiate an appropriate change to bring the managed system to an optimum

    These three principles - the identification of the state, the decision to change and the change itself - are the essence of any adaptive system. Let us recall, at least, the work of the endocrine system of the human body. And as you can see, these three principles are the main ideas of the Universal Scheme of Evolution. All methods that are used to increase the functionality ∑F and/or reduce the costs ∑C have the same structure.

    One of the first automatic regulators in the history of technology, in which the general principle of operation of any automatic regulator of direct action- water level regulator in the boiler (Polzunov, 1765).

    A widely used automatic regulator is the centrifugal shaft speed regulator of a steam engine (Watt, 1784). This regulator has a different design - a centrifugal mechanism, and a different nature of the regulated value - the angular velocity, but exactly the same general principle of operation of the direct acting regulator.

    The unity of the control algorithm: the sensor is triggered if the parameter - the number of revolutions of the output shaft of the steam engine, is out of safe limits. If the discrepancy is very large, a signal is issued for correction - a signal is sent to the actuator, which changes (dynamizes) the system so that it returns to a safe state. From here The automatic control scheme (algorithm) coincides with the Universal Evolution Scheme (USE). After all, control devices provide viability systems.

    It turns out that at especially important moments in the life of systems (at the moment of a sharp increase in the number of revolutions of the shaft), or in especially important systems (steam boiler, aircraft), it was possible to automate the transition from one state of the system, dangerous from some point of view, to another, safe. Those. managed to automate the evolution of an important TS at its important moment (period) of life. And in all other moments (periods) of life, the engineer (inventor) forces the system to evolve.

    But the laws of evolution are the same, both for the automatic regulator and for the inventor: find a discrepancy that is dangerous for the viability of the system, existing or potentially possible, and reduce it to zero (match the system). The regulator and the inventor operate according to the same algorithm!

    AT self-organizing control system only one or another specific system performance criterion or a combination of criteria for different external conditions of the system. The system itself by automatic search using computational or logical operations chooses a structure(of the possible ones at her disposal), at which the specified criterion of the quality of the entire system is satisfied. This is done by connecting and disconnecting various links in some logical sequence. with fixation (memorization) of more successful structures.

    The control system itself is looking for its own structure, which makes it even more like a living one. And when the mechanism of inheritance of useful structures appears, and even more so ...

    The further automation in technology and knowledge in biology develops, the more analogies of the functioning of automatic systems and living organisms, including systems of higher nervous activity and the human brain.

    Well, here, direct biological analogies and parallels with technology appeared among the authors, which is quite natural. After all, the laws of evolution are the same!

    The tasks of automatic design of ACS include the definition structural factors. For this, it is built the process of finding the optimal structure.

    If the structure W of the system being designed can be changed in such a way that the restrictions S imposed on the structure will be observed, then the synthesis of such a structure can be implemented by the so-called evolutionary method. The process of evolution of the W structure occurs in stages:

  • are generated changed structures(random variations i.e. mutations!)
  • new structures are evaluated according to the criterion of effectiveness and then the selection takes place, during which structures with a larger value of the minimized functional Q are eliminated. The algorithm can also be applied probabilistic selection, at which the structure with a larger value of the criterion being minimized is more likely to drop out than the structure with a smaller value of the criterion.

    Of such kind structure evolution will strive to select structures with a small value of the quality criterion, among which there is also an optimal structure. Randomness of W variations and selection provide purposefulness of the process of evolution to the optimal solution W op. Direction evolutionary optimization intensively developed at the present time and received the name evolutionary modeling.

    SUSE "in full height": application of the mechanism of natural selection to manage structural optimization.

    As cybernetics has shown, for complex systems - whether it be a person himself, an enterprise or an economy as a whole - management on the principle of self-regulating and self-developing mechanisms is the only chance to survive.

    Survival is the goal of everything! And the mechanism is the same for any systems.

    Decision making process

    Here is the most complete decision making process.

    1. Formulation of the problem

    2. Formulation of criteria (assessment) of the decision

    3. Determining the criteria weights

    4. Development of alternatives

    5. Analysis of alternatives

    6. Choosing an alternative

    7. Introduction of an alternative

    8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the solution

    The decision maker selects among several problems the one which cannot be resolved those. the one that poses the greatest threat to the system. It is clear that the universal criterion for evaluating a solution is maximum benefit at minimum cost - this is ideality in the TRIZ understanding. Although there may be other criteria, all of them can ultimately be reduced to the value of the "benefit / cost" ratio.

    Developing solution alternatives is nothing more than creating a new solution, improving an existing one, or combining solutions. And the analysis of alternatives involves their assessment of ideality, and the choice of the most ideal. The most ideal solution "survives" through implementation, the rest are weeded out...

    Design Methods

    Despite the many names and different external design, it is not difficult to notice the same order in the design methods.

    1. Identification of the problem. Identification of a real problem or need for providing information and formulating (the problem) in fundamental terms.

    2. Identification and description of the essential characteristics of the required design, as well as desirable properties and limitations. (Make) a decision on monetary costs based on (amount of) value - a fixed price or the cheapest solution that fulfills a basic need.

    3. Preliminary ideas. Releasing memory, increasing the number of search methods to maximize the number of possible solutions.

    4. Rationalization. A short list of a number of possible solutions. Reasonably detailed engineering sketches and notes are added to each solution.

    5. Analysis. Applying the laws of science to determine the shape, size, and other characteristics of components and to test the overall validity of proposed solutions.

    6. Solution. Selection of the best possible solutions from alternatives.

    In the above algorithm of design methods, it is easy to notice all successive steps according to the Universal Scheme of Evolution:

  • attention to the system, the solution of the problem of which cannot be postponed, and
  • "... a description of the essential characteristics of the required design" in terms of the cheapest solution that implements the main need - unambiguous "TRIZ-style" ideality, and
  • the so familiar call for "memory disinhibition" to increase the number of search techniques to maximize the number of possible solutions.

    This highlights the real versatility of the proposed Scheme of Evolution - both M&E, and non-algorithmic methods for activating the search for solutions, and TRIZ tools fit into it. And it's not surprising - the methods of creating and transforming systems must necessarily correspond to the natural evolution of systems. And as it is constantly emphasized, - any. It is clear that the order of studying systems should coincide with their natural evolution. This is just the time to move on to the scientific method (to the process) and to science (to the system).

    scientific method

    1. Identification of a problem in knowledge.

    2. Precise formulation or reformulation of the problem.

    3. Checking (all) existing knowledge by looking for one that can help solve the problem.

    4. Selecting or inventing a provisional hypothesis that looks promising.

    5. Testing the hypothesis at the conceptual level…

    Identification of a problem in knowledge is a "call" about the problem of knowledge, say, theory. There is a fact in existing knowledge that helps to solve the problem of trouble without changing the theory - fine, the theory will continue to live. There will be a fact, but it will take a little restructuring of the theory taking into account this fact - well, that will do. Again the theory lives on.

    But it may happen that there are no such helper facts. Then, on the existing set of facts (and with the addition of hypothetical, supposed facts), a new theory is built, in which there is simply no identified problem. New theory started life...

    This is how the heliocentric system of Copernicus, the Periodic Law of Mendeleev, in general, all the knowledge recognized by the scientific community came into scientific use. And just such an algorithm is proposed in the form of the Universal Scheme of Evolution.

    At the center of the scientific method is experiment, i.e. testing a newly developed scientific model to explain the anomaly. Most time, the result of the experiment is in conflict with the model. Therefore, it is important to take a step back to the theoretical model, to take one step deeper in order to ask nature other, better questions.

    The science

    The opening starts from anomaly detection, those. with the understanding that nature has somehow broken the paradigm - the ingrained expectation that governs normal science.

    The scientific revolution happens when one paradigm replaces another after the hypothesis testing period. The process is similar to natural selection: one theory becomes the most tenacious among real alternatives in a particular historical situation.

    Result a number of such revolutionary selections - a perfectly adapted set of tools, which we call modern scientific knowledge. And all process entirely, it seems does what we think biological evolution does- without formulating a goal - constantly (gives birth to) scientific truth, for at every stage in the development of scientific knowledge there is (always) a better specimen.

    Biologists, physicists, cosmologists, and others refer directly to models, principles, and laws of optimality taken directly from theories of optimal control, biology and other theories and disciplines, interpreting the corresponding quantities in their own way. After all, commonality is important, unity of the laws of complex dynamic systems!

    General synergetics arose - a synthesis of ideas from biology, sociology, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, physical synergetics, general systems theory, cybernetics, computer science and other disciplines and theories. It is still too early to talk about the appearance unified theory of self-organization. One can only state the existence of various concepts of self-organization in different disciplines and at their intersections.

    Why not assume that the Universal Scheme of Evolution can help generalize knowledge and experience from so many branches of knowledge?

    The highest form of self-organization is characteristic of systems that improve themselves on the basis of innovations and evolve over time. She can be considered optimization of the adaptability property. Progress (and regression) in society is a variety, a specialized kind of adaptive evolution. For intelligent systems, a mixed type of self-organization can be fixed. general meaning, the form of manifestation and functional purpose of such self-organization is the maximization of the viability of these systems while minimizing energy, means, time of actions, etc.

    Well, and why is this not a statement of the Law of increasing the viability of the system and not an indication of the mechanism of its action in the form of a requirement to minimize resource consumption? Clearly, we know more, because TRIZ shows the way to increase the viability of the system through increasing the ideality of the system, what can be achieved, not only by reducing the denominator (expensive and harmful functions).

    Culture, art

    Each culture is conceived by Spengler as a whole organism - completely analogous to biology. Each culture goes through stages - the birth (childhood), formation (youth), prosperity (maturity), decline (old age), and, finally, completely inevitable death.

    Spengler calls the last, dying stage of every culture "civilization". Symptoms of civilization: domination and overabundance of technology, the displacement of arts by crafts and engineering, creativity by rational design, organic - artificial, subjugation of nature, urbanism, war. The alternation of stages of development, and hence the final extinction, occurs with exactly the same regularity that rules over all living organisms, absolutely objective and beyond the control of human nature, like any laws of nature.

    Well, what else can be said to confirm the objectivity of the laws of evolution for the entire hierarchy of levels "Nature - Society - Production - Technology"?

    I discovered that the most difficult thing is the daily practice of theater. Several times a month I stay with the actors and review their work. The performance can go through a hundred - one hundred and fifty times, I still analyze it. Because the theater is being destroyed every second! And you need to collect everything again, make comments, write everything down and not die at the same time.

    Theater from the point of view of the Universal Scheme of Evolution: the theater is dying every second! Therefore, in order to survive, it is necessary to identify shortcomings, and change, change, change.

    Let's go back to The Beatles Anthology. This is a set of 3 double CDs containing previously unreleased Beatles recordings, incl. rejected duplicates of famous songs, draft versions, sketches ...

    An example of the Evolution Scheme: rejected takes, drafts and sketches are "dead" examples of creativity. They turned out to be less perfect, less ideal, from a poetic or musical point of view, from the point of view of the level of sound recording.

    Myths, religion

    As anthropologist Joseph Campbell observed, myth serves to explain outside world, serves as a guiding thread for individual development, indicates directions to society and gives targeting to spiritual inquiries. Myths combine what people know with what they hope and long for into a kind of road map that guides people whenever they have to make a choice in life.

    Myth is one of the ways to create confidence, individual or social, help to survive.

    But when the myth does not give, even if it is a peculiar, explanation of the surroundings, ceases to be a guide and indicate directions, it becomes useless and, perhaps, even dangerous. Myths, becoming useless or misleading, receded imperceptibly into the background and disappeared. AT Central America now you can find dozens of abandoned Mayan temples, in Peru - the ruins of thousands of monuments erected by the Incas, in Wales there are pyramids made of stones by the Celts, in Kampuchea - Khmer statues, in Iraq - Sumerian ziggurats, on Easter Island - giant stone heads. All these are silent witnesses of the once flourishing myths which disappeared either because began to mislead people, or because in their environment more viable myths emerged and culture.

    The system, becoming useless or, moreover, dangerous - disappears! This applies to any systems - technical, industrial, social, natural. Myth as a system of ideas, albeit not very real ones, is also subject to the inexorable laws of evolution.

    Arnold Toynbee staged the development of multiplicity cultural worlds and their internal structural unity on a strictly scientific basis, complemented the idea of ​​an undeniable crisis of "civilization Western Christianity"the idea that a sad end can be avoided, for example, by "unity in spirit" through initiation into the ecumenical religion.

    Even if this is an illusion, it seems to be one of the vital ones. Illusions are no less necessary for the growth and survival of man, than a clear and merciless vision.

    Myth, like exact knowledge, eliminates some uncertainty in the understanding of the surrounding world. A person, collective or society as a whole cannot live in a state of uncertainty, innuendo, i.e. myth helps not to worry, thus it really helps to survive!

    The action of myths can be both saving and destructive. They unite, give strength to survive in trials, hope to achieve goals, fulfillment of desires. Myth is the original experience of man in the world. The purpose of the myth "remove uncertainty, plug holes in the picture of the universe, explain- and therefore curb - our fears, which the mind cannot curb".

    Those. myth is a tool for survival, sustainability, stability. But every instrument is born, develops and sometime dies.

    Formulating the main ethical principle necessary for secure the future of man religions say almost verbatim the same thing. Here is how the main world religions formulate the main ethical principle:

    Buddhism: "Don't harm others, just as you don't want to be harmed."

    Zoroastrianism: "Nature is good only when it does not do to another what is not good for her."

    Hinduism: "The essence of all virtues is to treat others the way you would like to be treated."

    Judaism: "Do not do to your neighbor what is bad for you. This is the whole law, everything else is a commentary on it."

    Confucianism: "The maximum of kindness is not to do to others what you do not wish for yourself."

    Christianity: "Do to a man the same way you want him to do to you."

    We see that the core of all world religions, namely religions, and not cults and sects, is one and the same. This is approval of those ethical principles that are necessary for a person to ensure his future. Everything else is the formation of certain religious myths, this or that philosophy: the stratification of history, the impact of civilizations that came from pre-religious times.

    Everything is aimed at increasing the stability of society, at its survival.

    The decline of the role (and prestige) of religion in the life of almost all Christian peoples has become almost an axiom. But an attempt to understand the true causes of this phenomenon, the need to modernize individual doctrines, and most importantly, the nature of activities that meet the needs of the spiritual world modern man characteristic only of certain groups of leaders catholic church led by Pope John Paul II himself.

    Orthodox Church, Unfortunately, it is very dogmatic and archaic. She is weakly responds to the changing spiritual needs of people and for this reason, it opens up scope for the activities of various sects and individuals who directly speculate on the spiritual needs of people.

    Scheme of evolution and religion: low dynamism of doctrines → increase in disagreement with spiritual needs decrease in ideality (increase in sect activity) → decrease in vitality (decrease in the role of religion in people's lives).

    Creative Problem Solving Methods

    It is interesting to compare the proposed SSE and the recommendations of G.Mageramov on general principles constructing an algorithm for the creative process. After all, SSE represents the most general, universal approach to the transformation of systems.

    A small heretical digression. With the adoption of SSE, the process of transforming systems ceases to be creative! After all, we know in advance, albeit not in detail, but we know what awaits the system to which we are addressing.

    According to G.Mageramov, the first principle of creating an algorithm: collection of the necessary information array. The larger this array and the more diverse the information contained in it, the more fundamental the research can be and the more effective the resulting algorithm will be.

    Well, here is the complete satisfaction of the principle. The evolution scheme is based on:

  • analysis of materials on TRIZ-ZRTS;
  • processing of the information fund collected and organized in the form of a file cabinet, on scientific, technical, economic, political, pedagogical, philosophical and other topics;
  • experience in using TRIZ-ZRTS to study and improve technical and non-technical (organization of production, management structures, pedagogy, information protection) systems.

    According to the second and third principles of G.Mageramov: differentiation of the information array and determination of the feature factor there is an interesting difference. Since it was created Universal Scheme of Evolution then produced "integration" of information, the most common features of development inherent in all systems without exception are revealed. This is not a confrontation between the two approaches, but their complementarity. It turns out the work on the system operator:

  • G.Mageramov goes into the subsystem, considering specific ways and details of the transformation of systems;
  • A. Zakharov goes to the supersystem, considering the most general laws system transformations.

    According to the fourth principle: identification and formalization of the structure of the creative process- complete match. The Universal Scheme of Evolution has:

  • internal consistency - the sequence of blocks forms several contours, made up of cause-and-effect chains
  • completeness - the set of blocks is sufficient to represent the full cycle of systems improvement
  • universality - the sequence of blocks reflects the evolution of any systems (objects) of Nature.

    Fifth and sixth principles: providing tool information and application examplesalso implemented. Given detailed description SSE (explaining the meaning and filling the stages of system transformation), and as examples of the use of SSE, the following works were done:

    1. Universal Scheme and evolution of systems of levels "Nature - Society - Production - Technique".

    2. Universal Scheme of Systems Evolution and Non-Algorithmic Methods for Activating Creative Thinking.

    3. Universal System Evolution Scheme and TRIZ tools:

  • Table of selection of techniques for resolving technical contradictions
  • System of standards for solving inventive problems
  • Algorithm for solving inventive problems
  • Chain of contradictions AP→?→?→TP→FP

    4. Universal Scheme of Evolution and development of the knowledge system - sciences, theories, paradigms.

    5. Universal Scheme of Evolution and the Law of increasing conductivity in the TS.

    6. Universal Scheme of Evolution as a tool for improving existing and creating new TRIZ tools.

    The main stages of the creative problem solving process .

    1. Environmental analysis. Being able to recognize problem and opportunity is vital to success. Problem recognition.

    2. Identification (identification) of problems. The output of this stage is a set of decision criteria for evaluating various options. Acceptance of assumptions.

    3.Generation of alternatives. Generation of alternatives includes listing known options (rational act) and generating additional options (rational and intuitive acts).

    4. Choice of alternatives. Systematic evaluation of alternatives against previously established criteria.

    5. Implementation. Calculation of details, forecast and overcoming obstacles.

    See the commentary to the section "Design Methods": the content of the points here and there coincides almost verbatim. Here and the identification of the problem, and the establishment of criteria for the acceptability of the solution, and the generation of alternative solutions, and the choice of alternatives - the most suitable solution. And again we emphasize - there can be no other, this is a reflection universality of systems evolution!

    Michael Levene, former President of the Days Inn hotel chain: "Creativity is essential to survive in today's environment. Innovation is the key to survival."

  • Test "Adaptive features of living organisms"

    1. Expand the content of the concept of "adaptability of a species to environmental conditions."

    2. List the main types of adaptations of organisms to the environment.

    3. Complete the above diagram of the evolutionary mechanism for the appearance of mimicry

    Small positive - __________________________

    Mimicry - _____________________________________

    As a result, a defenseless view - _________________________


    4 . Compare such types of coloration as warning coloration, protective coloration and mimicry, paying special attention to their distinctive features. Give examples of animals that have such adaptations. Fill the table. 5 . Answer whether the animal's behavior falls within the scope of natural selection. If yes, please provide an example. 6. Insert the missing word. The main consequence of the acquisition of adaptations is the state of _________________ organisms to the environment

    Protective coloration

    Warning coloration

    The emergence of adaptations as a result of natural selection

    Adaptations are the properties and characteristics of organisms that provide adaptation to the environment in which these organisms live. Adaptation is also called the process of adaptation. Above, we looked at how some adaptations arise as a result of natural selection. Populations of the birch moth have adapted to the changed external conditions due to the accumulation of dark color mutations. In human populations inhabiting malarial areas, adaptation has arisen due to the spread of the sickle cell mutation. In both cases, adaptation is achieved through the action of natural selection.

    In this case, the hereditary variability accumulated in populations serves as the material for selection. Since different populations differ from each other in the set of accumulated mutations, they adapt differently to the same environmental factors. Thus, African populations have adapted to life in malaria-prone areas by accumulating mutations of sickle cell anemia. HbS, and in the populations inhabiting Southeast Asia, resistance to malaria was formed on the basis of the accumulation of a number of other mutations, which in the homozygous state also cause blood diseases, and in the heterozygous state - provide protection against malaria.

    These examples illustrate the role of natural selection in shaping adaptations. However, it must be clearly understood that these are special cases of relatively simple adaptations that arise due to the selective reproduction of carriers of single "beneficial" mutations. It is unlikely that most adaptations arose in this way.

    Protective, warning and imitative coloring. Consider, for example, such widespread adaptations as patronizing, warning, and imitative coloration (mimicry).
    Protective coloration allows animals to become invisible, merging with the substrate. Some insects are strikingly similar to the leaves of the trees on which they live, others resemble dried twigs or thorns on tree trunks. These morphological adaptations are complemented by behavioral adaptations. Insects choose to hide exactly those places where they are less noticeable.

    Inedible insects and poisonous animals - snakes and frogs, have a bright, warning coloration. A predator, once faced with such an animal, associates this type of coloration with danger for a long time. This is used by some non-poisonous animals. They acquire a striking resemblance to poisonous ones, and thereby reduce the danger from predators. Already imitates the color of the viper, the fly imitates the bee. This phenomenon is called mimicry.

    How did all these amazing devices come about? It is unlikely that a single mutation could provide such a precise correspondence between an insect wing and a living leaf, between a fly and a bee. It's incredible that a single mutation would cause a patronizingly colored insect to hide on exactly the leaves it looks like. Obviously, such adaptations as protective and warning coloration and mimicry arose by the gradual selection of all those small deviations in body shape, in the distribution of certain pigments, in innate behavior that existed in the populations of the ancestors of these animals. One of the most important characteristics of natural selection is its cumulative- its ability to accumulate and enhance these deviations in a number of generations, adding up changes in individual genes and the systems of organisms controlled by them.

    The most interesting and difficult problem is the initial stages of the emergence of adaptations. It is clear what advantages the almost perfect resemblance of a praying mantis to a dry branch gives. But what advantages could his distant ancestor, who only remotely resembled a twig, have? Are predators so stupid that they can be fooled so easily? No, predators are by no means stupid, and natural selection from generation to generation "teaches" them to better and better recognize the tricks of their prey. Even the perfect resemblance of a modern praying mantis to a knot does not give him a 100% guarantee that not a single bird will ever notice him. However, its chances of eluding a predator are higher than those of an insect with a less perfect protective coloration. In the same way, his distant ancestor, who only slightly looks like a knot, had a slightly higher chance of life than his relative who did not look like a knot at all. Of course, the bird that sits next to him will easily notice him on a clear day. But if the day is foggy, if the bird does not sit nearby, but flies by and decides not to waste time on what may be a praying mantis, or may be a knot, then the minimal similarity saves the life of the bearer of this barely noticeable similarity. His descendants who inherit this minimal resemblance will be more numerous. Their share in the population will increase. This will make life difficult for the birds. Among them, those who will more accurately recognize camouflaged prey will become more successful. The same principle of the Red Queen, which we discussed in the paragraph on the struggle for existence, comes into play. In order to maintain the advantage in the struggle for life, achieved through minimal similarity, the prey species has to change.

    Natural selection picks up all those minute changes that increase the similarity in color and shape with the substrate, the similarity between the edible species and the inedible species that it imitates. It should be borne in mind that different types of predators use different methods of finding prey. Some pay attention to shape, others to color, some have color vision, others do not. So natural selection automatically enhances, as far as possible, the similarity between imitator and model, and leads to those amazing adaptations that we see in nature.

    The emergence of complex adaptations. Many adaptations come across as elaborate and purposefully planned devices. How could such a complex structure as the human eye have arisen by natural selection of randomly occurring mutations?

    Scientists suggest that the evolution of the eye began with small groups of light-sensitive cells on the surface of the body of our very distant ancestors, who lived about 550 million years ago. The ability to distinguish between light and dark was certainly useful for them, increasing their chances of life compared to their completely blind relatives. An accidental curvature of the "visual" surface improved vision, this made it possible to determine the direction to the light source. An eyecup appeared. Newly emerging mutations could lead to narrowing and widening of the optic cup opening. The narrowing gradually improved vision - the light began to pass through a narrow aperture. As you can see, each step increased the fitness of those individuals that changed in the “right” direction. Light-sensitive cells formed the retina. Over time, a lens has formed in the front of the eyeball, which acts as a lens. It appeared, apparently, as a transparent two-layer structure filled with liquid.

    Scientists have tried to simulate this process on a computer. They showed that an eye like the compound clam eye could have evolved from a layer of photosensitive cells with relatively mild selection in just 364,000 generations. In other words, animals that change generations every year could form a fully developed and optically perfect eye in less than half a million years. This is a very short period for evolution, given that the average age of a species in molluscs is several million years.

    All the supposed stages in the evolution of the human eye can be found among living animals. The evolution of the eye has followed different paths in different types of animals. Through natural selection, many different forms of the eye have independently evolved, and the human eye is only one of them, and not the most perfect.

    If we carefully consider the construction of the eye of man and other vertebrates, we will find a number of strange inconsistencies. When light enters the human eye, it passes through the lens and onto the light-sensitive cells in the retina. Light has to travel through a dense network of capillaries and neurons to reach the photoreceptor layer. Surprisingly, but the nerve endings approach the photosensitive cells not from behind, but from the front! Moreover, the nerve endings are collected in the optic nerve, which extends from the center of the retina, and thus creates a blind spot. To compensate for the shadowing of photoreceptors by neurons and capillaries and get rid of the blind spot, our eye is constantly moving, sending a series of different projections of the same image to the brain. Our brain performs complex operations, adding these images, subtracting the shadows, and calculating the real picture. All these difficulties could be avoided if the nerve endings approached the neurons not from the front, but from behind, as, for example, in an octopus.

    The very imperfection of the vertebrate eye sheds light on the mechanisms of evolution by natural selection. We have already said more than once that selection always operates “here and now”. It sorts through the different variations of already existing structures, selecting and adding together the best of them: the best of the "here and now", regardless of what these structures may become in the distant future. Therefore, the key to explaining both the perfections and imperfections of modern structures should be sought in the past. Scientists believe that all modern vertebrates are descended from animals like the lancelet. In the lancelet, light-sensitive neurons are located at the anterior end of the neural tube. In front of them are nerve and pigment cells that cover the photoreceptors from light entering from the front. The lancelet receives light signals coming from the sides of its transparent body. It can be assumed that the common ancestor of the vertebrate eye was arranged in a similar way. Then this flat structure began to transform into an eye cup. The anterior part of the neural tube protruded inward, and the neurons that were in front of the receptor cells appeared on top of them. The development of the eye in the embryos of modern vertebrates in a certain sense reproduces the sequence of events that took place in the distant past.

    Evolution does not create new constructions "from scratch", it changes (often unrecognizably changes) old constructions, so that each stage of these changes is adaptive. Any change should increase the fitness of its carriers, or at least not reduce it. This feature of evolution leads to the steady improvement of various structures. It is also the cause of the imperfection of many adaptations, strange inconsistencies in the structure of living organisms.

    It should be remembered, however, that all adaptations, no matter how perfect they may be, are relative. It is clear that the development of the ability to fly is not very well combined with the ability to run fast. Therefore, the birds that have the best ability to fly are poor runners. On the contrary, ostriches, which are not able to fly, run very well. Adaptation to certain conditions can be useless or even harmful when new conditions appear. However, living conditions change constantly and sometimes very dramatically. In these cases, previously accumulated adaptations can hinder the formation of new ones, which can lead to the extinction of large groups of organisms, as happened more than 60-70 million years ago with the once very numerous and diverse dinosaurs.
