Why the meaning of life is to gain wisdom. In sound mind: why wisdom comes to us with age What develops wisdom in a person

Why the meaning of life is to gain wisdom.  In sound mind: why wisdom comes to us with age What develops wisdom in a person

I reread once again the Proverbs of Solomon. It is believed that this is the wisest person on Earth. I think that it is worth learning wisdom from the wise, truth?

What is wisdom?
How can you acquire wisdom?

I think there is 3 options:
1. Life experience... This is when life teaches us. I went there - I hit it. Turned off - stepped on a rake. You get neat. Carefully choose your path.

2. Learn from the mistakes of others. Such people love to observe and explore.
- “Yeah, so he did this and got such a result. Interesting".

You can communicate with more experienced people. You can read books and biographies of great people, watch interviews, etc.

3. Solomon writes that The Lord gives wisdom. If we seek God, we will find wisdom. If we seek wisdom, we will find God.

The path of meditation is the noblest; the path of imitation is the easiest; path personal experience- the heaviest. Confucius

Is it profitable to be wise?
I am sure of this. Wisdom helps to distinguish good from evil. But this will save you from problems in the future.

Wisdom and understanding will take you away from the wrong paths followed by evil people. Wisdom will help you follow your example kind people, go their way. Solomon

How to define a wise person or not?
I think it’s by deeds. Have you met windy people? Well, these are those who act hastily, thoughtlessly.

Basically, such people are guided only by their feelings and emotions. They rarely think about the consequences. the decision, they are practically not interested in the future. The main thing is to be good today.

It is interesting that such people most often fall into various traps.

Let's examine wisdom through the example of one story from King Solomon.

A foreigner can be sweet-tongued (pleasantly, flatteringly speaking) and will persecute you for the sake of sin. This woman married when she was young, but she left her husband. She did not fulfill her marriage vows given before God.

If you enter her house out of weakness, you will take the first step towards destruction. If you follow her, she will lead you to the grave. She herself is like a grave, and if a person comes to her, he will never come back, and his life will never be the same.

Vital, right? Especially for us men. After all, cheating, for many, is commonplace.

What conclusions can be drawn from this story?

1. Everyone has times of weakness. No, there are also people with weak minds who have decided to live like this. Wherever he goes, he lives there. I'm not talking about them.

2. In times of weakness, you need to be especially vigilant, because you can take the wrong step towards destruction.

3. If you continue to go the wrong way - it will lead to death.

I especially liked the words: "Life will never be the same." After all, many of us are fully convinced that a little more and will be able to get rid of it (take any addiction).

What's the bottom line? There is a price to pay for everything.

This is such wisdom. How important is it to take care of yourself, isn't it?

After all, the wrong path begins with a thought in times of "weakness." "Delirium blew into my head," and you are not awake ... And away we go.

Live honestly, dear ones, and make the right decisions! What do you think about this?

If you are interested, I will write such reflections more often. Your comment is my inspiration to continue.

Topic: What is Wisdom? 10 principles of a wise attitude to life

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Solomon wrote: “... The main thing is wisdom: acquire wisdom, and with all your possessions acquire understanding. Appreciate her highly and she will exalt you; she will glorify you if you stick to her; will put on your head a beautiful wreath, will bring you a splendid crown ... Because wisdom is better than pearls, and nothing that you want can compare with it ... A man who has gone astray of reason will settle in the assembly of the dead ... "(Proverbs 4).

To attain wisdom, Solomon says that you need to "make your ear attentive to wisdom and incline your heart to meditation ... Seek knowledge and reason as silver and seek it out as a treasure ..."

There is an abyss of information in our world today. Every day brings new discoveries, and one newspaper says more about the world than someone who lived several centuries ago learned in a lifetime. And at the same time, something is missing.

We have an abundance of knowledge, but wisdom? One glance at how much madness and suffering in our world is enough to realize with painful clarity that we desperately lack wisdom.

This lack is doubly unfortunate, as wisdom is essential not only for the normal life of individuals and societies, but also for awakening. No wonder all the great religions hold it so highly. Both Jews and Christians declare that "wisdom is the greatest good," and the Qur'an proclaims: "Those who have been given wisdom have truly found an abundance of benefits." In Hinduism, the development of wisdom is one of the main spiritual paths of yoga, while in Buddhism, wisdom is sometimes considered the most outstanding spiritual ability.

So what is wisdom, what are its benefits, and how can you achieve it?

What is wisdom?

Wisdom arose spontaneously in antiquity, and its importance was constantly growing. Accordingly, in antiquity, its understanding began as follows: in Ancient egypt, Ancient Greece, China, India, Tibet, etc.

Wisdom is one of those concepts that people usually attach their own meaning to. Therefore, there are many definitions of wisdom, and some have a discrepancy in the concept of the essence of the definition.

The simplest for perception and often used definition of wisdom is the following: wisdom - the ability to competently apply accumulated knowledge; a large, deep mind based on life experience; the ability to find solutions to various problems, including life, based on their own and others' experience. But the concept of "mind" is not synonymous with the concept of "wisdom". Smart man is not necessarily wise, but wise means intelligent.

“The clever one knows how to extricate himself from the situation in which the wise never falls” (F. Ranevskaya).

Psychologists from the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences give the following definition of wisdom: wisdom is not a rare personality trait based on life experience and acquired with age, not a static system of knowledge, deep and extensive, but an expert system of knowledge and intuition, which can manifest itself even in early childhood , sometimes surprising the person himself, who does not consider himself a sage. Through spiritual sight, even a child can surpass an elderly person in wisdom. This is because in wisdom, the main thing is the spiritual component. This is not surprising if we consider the soul - the main component of any living person. And from this point of view, a person is made wise by the ability of his soul to interfere not only in the processes of the subconscious, but also in the processes of thinking: consciousness is somewhat "blurred" as a result of the maximum disconnection of perception (thinking stops) and intuition comes to the surface. When thinking is not distracted by external stimuli, a person begins to see everything "in its true light." People call this the sixth sense, third eye, or spiritual vision. It is spiritual vision that allows you to bypass those problems for the solution of which a developed intellect is required.

Wisdom is not only an understanding of life, but also the ability to adapt life to this understanding.

In the imagination of the ancient Greeks, a sage is primarily one who contemplates the sky and who is full of a deep sense of the order and rationality of things. In a more modern sense, a sage is one who lives in harmony with humanity, this is an understanding of the problems of another, as well as the ability to control one's desires. With the help of wisdom, a holistic comprehension of Truth and Reality is achieved, the secrets of the micro and macrocosm, the great secrets of the human soul, are revealed. Wisdom as the highest spiritual value is an organic combination of love for people, for oneself, for nature with deep general and professional knowledge.

When talking about wisdom, it is worth mentioning what wisdom is not. Wisdom is not intellect... Intelligence is the ability to learn, understand, think clearly and logically. These are very important skills and can be used to develop and express wisdom. However, wisdom is much more than just intellect, because wisdom comes from applying intellect to understanding the main issues of life.

Likewise, wisdom is greater than knowledge... Taoism clearly states: "He who is learned is not wise." While knowledge is simply the acquisition of information, wisdom requires understanding it. Knowledge looks at things objectively; wisdom examines them subjectively to understand what they mean to life and how to live well. Knowledge informs us, wisdom transforms us. Knowledge is expressed in words, and our life is the expression of wisdom. Knowledge gives strength; wisdom brings strength and enlightenment.

Wisdom is a deep understanding and practical skill in the main matters of life, especially in existential and spiritual matters. Existential questions are vital and universal problems that we all face simply because we are human. These include the search for the meaning and purpose of life; maintaining relationships and coping with loneliness; recognition of our insignificance and limitations in an incomprehensibly vast universe; a life of inevitable uncertainty and mystery; and the need to deal with sickness, suffering and death. A person who has achieved a deep understanding of these issues and the ability to cope with them is really wise.

The aspect of understanding wisdom comes from the ability to see deeply and clearly, penetrating under the surface of the outer appearance of things and recognizing the deeper nature of existence and life. This requires an extremely refined consciousness, characterized by clarity, sharpness and discernment. Seeing gives intuition from which understanding is born. Clear, focused vision allows you to see things as they are, and understanding is born from active exploration and analysis of what things are.

Wisdom examines the nature of life and reflects on it, especially about the causes of happiness and about the causes of suffering and the means of getting rid of it. She sees that there is a huge amount of unnecessary suffering in the world, most caused by people blinded by such destructive forces as greed and hatred. Wisdom sees that some actions - for example, immoral or dictated by greed - lead to short-term pleasure and much more long-term pain, while others, such as moral or magnanimous ones, lead to lasting well-being. People so often fail to notice this that they lead lives that hinder the very possibility of happiness.

Wisdom recognizes the mind's terrifying power to create and darken experiences, generate ecstasy or suffering, learn or be stagnant. Once you have appreciated the overwhelming power of the mind, learning how your mind works and how to nurture it becomes a vital task. Wisdom sees that the untrained mind is wild and uncontrollable. But she also realizes that the mind can be trained, subdued, transformed and transcended, and that it is a necessary means for achieving happiness, fostering love and altruism, and liberation. Training the mind becomes the first priority, and this training, in turn, promotes the further growth of wisdom.

By comprehensively exploring their own experience, wise people look deep into the fundamental nature of reality and, as a result, begin to rediscover aspects of perennial philosophy. For them, it is not just theoretical knowledge, but rather an immediate personal awareness, born of an insightful exploration of life, the world and the mind.

Morality is the original, simplest problem of wisdom. She is the foundation of human cooperation on the basis of justice. In this case, there is a stable community of people. Therefore, the sages educated the moral behavior of people. Socrates considered morality mainly to be wisdom. And today even illiterate, uneducated people are such sages. This form of wisdom based on the experience of life cannot be ignored. This simplest form folk, worldly wisdom. It is limited by common sense, it has little creative component... Its limitations demanded the emergence of a more developed form of wisdom, in connection with which they began to analyze it. The sage becomes more and more an erudite, an expert on the basis of his training.

A sage cannot know everything, but the most developed form of sages is that they show the way to solving a problem and teach how to find it. To do this, they must know how erudition is arranged, the laws of displaying reality by knowledge, the possibilities of creativity, etc. Thus, for such sages, the main thing is not the volume of erudition, but the intellectual ability - the ability to reason, think, philosophize.

Wisdom enables us to live in harmony with others and compassion for them. These time-honored ideas have recently found support from scholars who have concluded that the wise people they have researched "go beyond personal ambition and address collective and universal problems."

In the next part of my work, we will consider 10 principles of a wise attitude to life.

10 principles of a wise attitude to life

  1. Ability to distinguish the main from the secondary

Despite the obviousness of this provision, its practical implementation in life is carried out most often only on an intuitive level. Having turned into a stable personality trait, the principle of choosing the most significant and rejecting insignificant motives and impulses brings invaluable benefits in making responsible decisions and in solving various kinds of crisis situations.

  1. Inner calm

This principle not only does not exclude energetic actions of a person, but, on the contrary, allows him to become more active, not to lose self-control even in the most difficult, critical moments. Inner calmness is a sign of psychological relaxedness, emotional maturity and stability, clarity of mind and clarity of behavior.

  1. Knowledge of the measure of influence on events

Each emerging situation, each event has its own objective cause, its own internal logic of deployment. At a certain stage of some event, a person is able to change the course of his intervention. Circumstances may develop in such a way that even the maximum of the displayed activity cannot really change anything. Only a wise person can understand the objective course of events and be able to intervene in them appropriately and in time.

  1. Be able to assess the problem from different angles

In many cases, one and the same event, phenomenon, problem acquire a different meaning depending on the position from which they are judged. Human wisdom presupposes a practical mastery of the dialectic of polarity. The desire to avoid one-sidedness in judgments does not mean the loss of your own position. Any position of the personality only benefits from a comprehensive analysis of what constitutes its basis. This quality is especially valuable in situations of crisis of decision making.

  1. Perception of reality as it is,

... and not the way a person would like to see her. This principle is closely related to the readiness for any unexpected turn of events. This quality of a person, as well as the absence of preconceived opinions about events and phenomena, make it possible to quickly rebuild motivational tendencies, taking into account objective circumstances. However, flexibility, timely and adequate response to external changes, of course, should not violate the core of personal conviction.

  1. Striving to go beyond the problem situation

In situations of "struggle of motives" insoluble problems, as a rule, arise only in the initially set framework of circumstances. The inclusion of a particular problem in broader contexts, in principle, means the discovery of new connections in it, previously unrecognized relations and possibilities for its solution.

  1. Many unnecessary, useless reactions, thoughts and actions will disappear if a person knows how to impartially observe, and not only for environment, but also for yourself. Assessing your desires and motives, motives as if from the outside, it is much easier to control them. Observation turns into a particularly valuable quality for self-regulation in acute and critical situations.
  2. This quality means the ability to understand the internal logic of ongoing events, to see the perspective of their development. Foresight warns a person against a situational approach to solving urgent problems, encourages rejection of unproductive points of view of future solutions, blocking the formation and development of conflictogenic motives.
  3. Striving to understand others

Understanding the thoughts and actions of people does not mean reconciliation with their negative manifestations, but, on the contrary, creates conditions for a successful fight against them. We experience many misunderstandings in life only because we do not know how or do not take the trouble to consciously put ourselves in the place of others. Developing the ability to understand the motivation of others, to take a different, even the opposite point of view, not only facilitates communication, but also helps to anticipate the behavior of people in a given situation.

  1. Ability to draw positive experience from current events

For a wise person, no life experience, including inevitable mistakes, both his own and those made by other people, is not useless. The past years serve as an effective source of life analogies, which he does not forget to take into account in his later life.


Wisdom lay and underlies the culture of all peoples of the earth. Deep wisdom permeates the system of views of all world religions and most of the world's religious confessions. Awareness of the meaning of wisdom is initially present in the understanding of the meaning and purpose of man on earth, in all types and forms of human activity, human existence. Opening the paths to wisdom for people, rooting it in consciousness, in the worldview, in the skills and habits of a human character, will help heal people from the stupidity of selfishness: do evil, violence, injustice, that is, bring others and yourself suffering. To solve this problem is both simple and infinitely difficult: it is necessary to teach a person to think with his heart, that is, to see himself, people and nature through the eyes of an understanding and loving soul. And for this it is necessary to live according to conscience.

Philosophical wisdom is an integral form of perception of oneself and the world. It organically merges the spiritual experience of love and goodness with the truth of human knowledge, high degree development of his mind and intuition, faith, the highest truth and a vulnerable conscience, common sense and the pursuit of justice, the coincidence of thoughts, ideals with deeds, with a way of life.

In other words, wisdom is a noble fusion of ways of spiritual, intellectual, value, intuitive and practical comprehension of reality.


  1. Voitov A. G. "Folk and Philosophical Wisdom" 2006
  2. Kuznetsov V. A. "The principle of wisdom" 2009
  3. Walt Roger Seven Practices. What is wisdom? " 2005 year

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If we hear that a person is called wise, then we traditionally associate this statement with a certain idea: a deep mind, necessarily based on a rich, all-encompassing life experience. In other words, experience is wisdom.

The first interpretations of the concept in question

They are indicated in the first dictionaries of the Russian language of the 11th - 12th centuries, namely:

The first images of the sage

He can be:

  • an old man;
  • thinker;
  • saints;
  • a rogue;
  • mentor;
  • philosopher;
  • a seer;
  • sly, etc.

Most of the above meanings have developed within the framework of a large-scale folklore tradition in spiritual and religious literature.

Modern interpretation of the concept in question

Wisdom is the ability to competently apply your knowledge. Also, this concept means a deep mind, which is supported by life experience; the ability to find solutions in the most difficult situations; understanding the essence of what is happening.

Wisdom is the valuable ability of a person to think deeply and act in accordance with high life goals, while being above limited private, transient interests, including one's own. This is the initial impulse for the evolution of philosophy, the final synthesis of its directions.

According to M. Epstein, this concept is interpreted as follows:

Benefits of Wisdom

She gives the following:

The wisdom of life: what is this?

It is interpreted as the ability to competently use the knowledge gained. The path to great wisdom is thorny and winding. But do not forget that it is possible to overcome it. To do this, first of all, you need desire and a few other points.

Life wisdom is the deepest knowledge, understanding that comes, as a rule, in adulthood. It brings joy to life only if a person knows how to share it.

According to statistics, women most often comprehend wisdom. This understanding occurs regardless of the social position occupied (for this it is not necessary to have higher education). Worldly wisdom is an unpredictable phenomenon.

Wisdom comes from paying close attention to one's own person. People become calmer, more balanced, if in their environment there are no such evil forces as envy, hypocrisy, hatred, and lies. In the absence of falsehood and lies in interpersonal relationships each person becomes closer to wisdom.

Wise woman

She is enchantingly attractive for every man. A wise woman conquers the stronger sex again and again. She realizes that a man never fully becomes an adult. It is easy enough to offend him. You need to have generosity, a sense of humor, and intuition in order to understand it and then forgive.

A man should always feel himself exceptional, unique, irreplaceable of his kind. He is delighted when he hears flattery, compliments and words of gratitude in his direction.

Folk wisdom and ethnos survival

Folk art is the most important moment in human activity regarding mastering one's own inner, outer world. When the human race separated himself from outside world, it was then that the search for oneself, one's place began. The result of all this man expressed through oral creativity: creation of wise proverbs, cunning riddles, funny and sad ritual songs, magic, everyday fairy tales, solemn epics about great heroic deeds, which were sung in a chant to the bewitching ringing of strings. All of them, one might say, are permeated with the wisdom of their ancestors and contain national, universal values.

Folk wisdom is, without exaggeration, one of the main components of folk art, a treasury of national, universal values ​​that have been developed by the masses over many generations.

Such wisdom is made up of very ancient forms of practical and spiritual mastery of the world. At the same time, it is a modern product of the social life of the entire people, a kind of phenomenon of social consciousness, which has a separate immanent logic, ethics and epistemology.

Folk wisdom is often equated with different sections of folk art, as a rule, with folklore and its genres. These two concepts ("folklore", "folk wisdom") do not coincide in the Russian language today, since the first is broader in scope and more specific than the second.

Wisdom is an ambiguous and multifaceted concept, each researcher interprets it in his own way, since the etymology of the word "philosophy" is tied to "love for wisdom."

However, among the philosophical literature, there are three main directions in the interpretation of this concept. So, the word "sophia", despite the fact that it is translated as "wisdom", means both a subjective state of mind and an objective (real) state of affairs: beauty, harmony, perfection. It also contains a fairly clear indication of creativity. On the basis of this, wisdom is interpreted as “a special form of human reflection on the surrounding being, of course, based and, according to Losev, on the mentally-discursive method of spiritual everyday assimilation (through categories, concepts), and on the intuitive position of the surrounding world (with the help of symbols , images) ".

Eastern type of wisdom

Its basis lies in the knowledge of countries Of the Far East... It has always been understood as the wisdom of deliverance, salvation. Eastern wisdom is the highest good that is achieved through the effort of energies, a kind of higher tension of our spiritual capabilities.

Feature of oriental wisdom

She is moved upward: a person who wants to achieve a special superhuman state, to know the world of incomparable divine freedom. In this position, the mortification of the flesh receives its special place, and the abundance of methods, recipes, means of improvement, contemplation, which appear quite often.

Typology of Eastern wisdom

There are five types known to be achieved through yoga. All of them are united by the Overworldly wisdom - the one that is beyond the boundaries of worldly consciousness. Also, the All-Discriminating Wisdom of the (Overworldly) Consciousness is achieved by the sage in such a state as nirvana. She gives the ability to cognize each thing in its entirety. Anyone who possesses this type of wisdom, which is acquired in an unknowing calm state of mind (in indifference to the appearance, disappearance of thoughts), analyzes in order to answer questions similar to the tasks posed in Zen (Japanese schools) for the neophyte, namely:

  1. What is the real nature of the mind in a state of inaction?
  2. How does the mind keep this stillness?
  3. How does the mind get out of this state?
  4. Does he remain calm while driving?
  5. Does the mind move while remaining calm and still?
  6. Are these two conditions different?
  7. How does “moving” become “stationary”?

These questions serve as mental exercises and awaken special transcendental knowledge. The result of all this is the knowledge that “moving” does not differ from “stationary” and vice versa.

If in the course of the analysis their true nature is not revealed, then it is required to find out whether there is a difference between the mind acting as an observer from “stationary” and “moving”, or it is their essence.

Aim beyond mental limits

When analyzing by means of a self-knowing mind, nothing is revealed due to the fact that the observer with the observed is an inseparable whole. Due to the fact that this inseparability is not cognized by the mind, it can be comprehended through such a stage as "the goal beyond the mental limits." It is a well-known fact that in the True state the extreme opposites - nirvana and samsara - are perceived as an inseparable whole, no representations that come from rationality can be applied. They also stay outside the existing dogmas and theories. None of the many mental aspects or its activities is separated from the other.

Who does not strive for the unattainable, who does not grieve over what is lost or gone, who does not suffer when his mind is clouded by troubles, are called people whose mind has gained wisdom.

A comment:

We live in an abundance of knowledge and information... The question arises of how to understand which of the men has wisdom, and which is a marketing scarecrow, which is beautiful on the outside, but empty on the inside. The sage Vidura states that wise and deep personalities have 3 qualities of character.

Do not strive for the unattainable

The principle of forming real goals is associated with desires and inner peace ... The goal is achievable and desirable if you have a good idea of ​​where you are going, have experience in this area and the path seems easy to you.

A person who sets himself an elusive or sometimes unattainable goal is doomed to pressure and disappointment.

Disappointment most often comes already on the way to the goal, when a person puts unimaginable pressure on himself to go in an unfamiliar direction and do unfamiliar things. Well, if a person has great volitional potential and still forces himself to achieve the fruits of activity, then he is disappointed at the end of the path, when he understands that the fruits are incommensurably small in relation to the amount of efforts made.

Since desires and ideas are gradually growing with you, it makes no sense to put pressure on yourself and set abstract goals for yourself. Your own desires, which are closest to you, are the main keys to inner peace on the way to the goal.

If someone tells you that you should achieve something, have something, communicate with someone, but these words do not resonate with your desires, then you can turn around and leave these people.

Doesn't grieve from loss

Time is always moving forward. It brings new opportunities, people, things, housing, success into your life. The second function of time is taking away that which has long exhausted itself and has become obsolete, that which prevents you from moving forward to new horizons of happiness and tranquility. A person can not resist neither the positive aspects of time, nor the negative. A person can only accept or not accept changes.

Not only man, but also animals, the kingdom of mushrooms and even minerals are experiencing losses and losses. This is a normal part of life. There is nothing unnatural in these words and events. Smile at the loss, because there is no emptiness in the world and in life, so something new and interesting will come to the place of the departed.

Sadness at a loss means resentment against yourself, the world, and God. People take offense at themselves because they blame themselves for their inability to hold on to something or someone. The world is blamed because it is cruel and unjust. And God, because He indulges in all this. There is no logic in all these grievances, because after a while they will disappear and life will enter a new channel. So why take offense now?

Doesn't suffer from troubles

Problems are a sign of movement. If you have problems - I congratulate you! You are not standing still. You are a fearless person if you have come this far.

The problem indicates that the current direction of life does not correspond to your desires.... Since most people use intelligence in material life instead of following desires, almost everyone suffers from the inertia of their decisions and goals. When it is necessary to curtail, many mindlessly live with old concepts and solutions. Therefore, various troubles and troubles come. In order to return the right direction of attention and energy.

A mature and wise person does not waste his energy in suffering from trouble.... He simply solves them and moves on. If you see that a person is emotionally experiencing his failures - pass by, this is not your mentor.

Listen to the words of wise people, and if there are no such people nearby, it means it's time to reflect on your own.

With love, Roman Gavrilov.

Wisdom is a special feeling, gift, ability to read ready-to-use knowledge and experience of previous generations. This personality quality can be described as the ability to accept a higher and holistic structure of life, through the experience of previous generations. To be able to hear an inner voice and make decisions without your own logic and analysis, based on the experience and intuition of ready-made answers and experiences recorded in the subconscious mind previous generations.

Manifestation and properties of Wisdom

With the manifestation of Wisdom, each of you has probably already met. The soft forms that YOU felt, it looks like this: "I feel something that will be ...", "I feel with my ass that ..." etc

True Wisdom does not imply the presence of knowledge about the event, but immediately presupposes the correctness of actions and responses.
Wisdom knows how to deal with the most difficult situations. It is a rare human gift to be able to draw conclusions without logic and proof.
When analyzing an event, a person connects and hears only his mind and intuition, while the response contains an exact sequence of actions and responses that must be performed automatically.

Wisdom is very often confused with another concept - experience.

Experience, as the knowledge of others and the state of a person that he receives or received, is very different from Wisdom. This is current operational knowledge and experience. This is a personality quality that attentively listens to the point of view of another person, the obtained informative knowledge is weighed on the scales of truth and authority, analyzes, compares with his worldview and, having made sure of its correctness, seeks to use it in his or someone else's practice.

The main difference between experience and wisdom is the location of memory. In one case, the memory of wisdom is located in the protein cells of sperm DNA, in the other case, in the operative neuronal cells of the brain. The difference is in the storage duration. Neural cells in the brain transfer experience and knowledge throughout your life while you are alive. Protein cells DNA memory, or wisdom, conveys the same experience, only through the hereditary functions of sperm and eggs. The point is in the transmission of warning very deep, life situations for the next generation. Like the rules of driving a car written in the blood of victims, like the rules of warfare in the art of war, etc.

In the understanding of atheist scientists, it is an informational record in our DNA structure. This conclusion was given by biologists studying the DNA structure and special proteins that serve as a kind of hard disk for transferring information and experience to the next generation through sperm and ovum. In critical situations, the brain reads information from these protein structures and looks for a solution or a way out difficult situation building on the experience of the previous generation. It should be borne in mind that such information may not be available, since there were no such situations in the past.

These are completely new studies by the Russian scientist K.V. Anokhin.

In more advanced (perhaps more narrow-minded!) Versions of the origin of Wisdom, this is the information field of the Universe in which all good or bad situations have long been written down and have free access for reading. True, the freedom to read informational Wisdom from the information field is not given to everyone.

Of course, no one is exempt from the lessons of life, like from physical education lessons. Wisdom also accepts the challenges of life, sees in them new opportunities for improving experience for further personal growth, and for a new record in the public domain for generations.

A person can memorize all the encyclopedias of the world, but never gain wisdom. Information and knowledge reaches only the mind and stops at the status of the theory.

Only the application of new knowledge will give the experience of Wisdom. The knowledge that has reached the mind is questioned, analyzed, compared with the already existing knowledge and life experience, and only then is it encouraged and recorded in the information field.
For a more correct understanding - this is Wikipedia with real moderation! Watch a video rebuilding neurons.

Version of Wisdom on Esoteric Concepts:

Opposite Pole of Wisdom

The opposite pole of Wisdom is Foolishness. These are two poles. These are two qualities on the same coordinate scale. The more power Wisdom gains, the weaker Foolishness becomes.

Who are the Wise People or the Wise Men?

A wise man is a person with the rare Gift of hearing the experience of generations and his own life experience. A wise man is a person who has no Foolishness. The sage sees nothing wrong with life lessons and overcoming difficulties. The position of the Sage is to respect the advice of others, to stand in relationship with life in the position of a humble Disciple.
The sage constantly comprehends the World and sees the trends in the development of events, can direct people along the right path with the right words.
Human wisdom is the ability to accept the only the right decision in a short time.
A wise person, convinced of the truth and correctness of knowledge and experience gained, makes it a part of his experience, that is, applies it in practice. Here we are talking about any experience, positive or negative. Wisdom understands that there are no drafts in life. Everything in this life is written whitewashed, the first time. Simply put in modern scientific language:

A sage is a person who can easily read the memory of the genetic level, hardwired into the deep memory of our DNA and inherited from our previous generations as experience and warnings.

New technological advances in science and precautionary warnings or contingency plans - called experience, knowledge, ability.

Why do you think Tsarist Russia, under the Patriarchy, was the age difference 25 years or more? The answer is simple - the experience and wisdom accumulated by a man were transmitted through DNA (the structure of the spiral, proteins, contained the experience of a person, life situations, for the future generation. It was the genetic memory that was growing. The man was improving. Now, when women do not even want to bear children, a shrill feminist present has escaped, a real downfall awaits us. For Russia, this is dangerous because of the loss of independence. The closest possible "fucker" of Russian women will be a Muslim. And you will be women - sit as a 5th wife, scrub the bowlers, and give birth like a pig! Because, by your own stupidity, imposed concepts, greed and feminism - YOU will destroy men as defenders! For example - the Voodbe tribe on Youtube (the period of development of events is 10 years. The adaptation of Muslims is 7 years .. the loss of complete independence of Russia is 15 years!

Distinctive features of Wisdom

True wisdom abhors excess, bragging, and bragging. The modesty inherent in Wisdom is always held in high esteem by people. There are not very many wise people. Wisdom is infinitely Good and Selfless. One cannot be rich in wisdom. This is not a process of gaining materiality, but liberation. The experience of Wisdom comes in difficult times, people then become wiser when they are deprived of something.

Wisdom understands that there is no need to bend the World to fit yourself, change and control others to please your ideas of how to live correctly. You don't need to attribute to others what you want to see in them, you don't need to burden them with your false expectations. A distinctive feature of Wisdom is the spiritual and internal wealth of a Man, and not external.

What is the difference between a Smart and Dodgy person from a Wise person?

An intelligent, resourceful person will be able to "get out" from a difficult situation, using in his decisions only the experience that he received only in his Life.

Wisdom, as a rule, does not get into such situations, calculating in advance the consequences of its actions. Wisdom is the ability to make the only correct decision based on numerous experiences recorded in the Subconscious. The principle of the physical transfer of such experience and information, up to today, none of the scientists can explain. Esotericism explains this by the manifestation of God's will - “the Angels saved”, “God did not give”, “God saved” and other explanations.

According to esotericism, Wisdom is a connection with God manifested in the realities of life. In order for such a connection to be strong, you need to have a pure consciousness, spirituality and personality integrity.

"Live and learn" is the life motto of Wisdom, catch phrase which you have heard many times. So this is the phrase of Wisdom.

Confucius said: "The sage is ashamed of his shortcomings, but not ashamed to correct them."

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