Direction of international relations who to work with. Faculty of International Relations: who to work with? Study at the Faculty of International Relations

Direction of international relations who to work with.  Faculty

International economist— a specialist in the field of global economics, engaged in foreign economic, monetary, financial and entrepreneurial activities. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in mathematics, economics, foreign languages ​​and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Specialists in the field of global economics are engaged in servicing foreign economic, monetary and credit and financial and entrepreneurial activities; ensuring the formation and use of information on assets, liabilities, income and expenses of enterprises, organizations and institutions; promoting rational organization financial- economic relations objects; promoting the protection of economic interests.

Features of the profession

An international economist studies market conditions and price movements on world commodity markets. Studies various areas of professional services for business activities, which include protecting the economic interests of the organization in international transactions, choosing methods and tools for conducting foreign economic transactions, and carrying out interaction between business and authorities state power in the field of foreign trade activities, incl. customs control. Implements legal regulation international trade, incl. eliminating barriers to access of Russian goods and services to world markets, protecting the relevant markets of our country. Expert-analytical work is the systematization and synthesis of information in the field of organization and management of foreign economic activity for the development and adoption of effective business decisions. Scientific activity An international economist is to study the economies of foreign countries.

Pros and cons of the profession

The profession of international economist has at all times been considered elite, highly paid, and prestigious. It provides an excellent opportunity, within the framework of the profession, to travel around the world, to study countries not only from the everyday side, but also from the economic aspect.

The disadvantages of this profession include the danger of possible force majeure circumstances during your stay in a particular country.

Place of work

Government structures: ministries and departments related to the organization and regulation of foreign trade activities; non-state structures related to foreign trade activities, for example, Chambers of Commerce; commercial structures entering the foreign market or depending on the import of goods and services; law firms providing services to Russian and foreign firms in the field of trade policy; international departments of state and commercial banks; institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences; insurance companies, travel companies. It is known that Russians today are highly rated on the global managerial labor market.

Important qualities

Erudition, developed vocabulary and diplomatic skills, analytical warehouse intelligence, high resistance to stress, ability to defend the interests of the company, skills in working with a large amount of information, excellent knowledge of two foreign languages, deep knowledge in the field economic theory, knowledge of computer technology.

Training to become an international economist

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The specialty “Economist” is available in almost all universities; even those that have nothing to do with economics.


Remuneration for international affairs specialists is usually high. Depends on place of work, length of service, position.

Career steps and prospects

The young international economist starts working in the company as an apprentice. Most international companies are structured in such a way that for the first two or three years they invest in a future team member, “adjusting” the young employee to their standards, “passing” him through the corporate training system. Career develops gradually. You need patience, diligence in performing often routine functions, respect for the established order and discipline. The international company is guided by the prevailing conditions and practices of working with personnel in the world.

Famous international economists

Semyon Aleksandrovich Dragulsky is an international economist, vice-president, general director of the International Association of the Nobel Movement. Authors, presenters of programs and experts: Alexander Bovin, Vladimir Dunaev, Valentin Zorin, Vsevolod Ovchinnikov.

The life credo of the famous international economist: every morning I read Forbes magazine, if I don’t find my name there, I go to work!

What exams do you need to pass to enter the international relations major?

For admission to a bachelor's degree program, the core subject is history or social studies. A Russian language exam is required. The choice of the third, and sometimes also the fourth, exam is carried out by the higher education institution; as a rule, it is geography or a foreign language.

The passing grade often depends on the prestige and popularity of the university, as well as the form of education. According to the latest data, to occupy budget place, you need to score an average of 376-392 points - this figure varies in different universities. To study on a paid basis, it is enough to score 315-337 points.

Each specialty is identified by a digital code, including international relations; a humanitarian specialty that provides educational qualifications as a specialist in various areas of interstate relations.

Form and duration of training

The duration of study for a bachelor's degree is 4 years, for a master's degree - 1 year. The qualification obtained corresponds to the level of an international relations specialist with knowledge of one or more foreign languages.

Most universities provide students with the opportunity to choose full-time, part-time, full-time, evening, distance, part-time training, as well as obtaining a second higher education.

The Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry provides the opportunity to continue postgraduate studies to obtain a specialty in the field of political and economic global development.

What is the specialty international economic relations?

The main direction of the Faculty of International Economic Relations is economic ties at the interstate level. Core subjects are world economics, international law, computer science, public relations (PR). Students improve their knowledge in the field of foreign policy and diplomatic etiquette, conducting consular protocols, and foreign languages. Graduates of the master's program are fluent in two foreign languages, one of which is specialized; MGIMO graduates speak three foreign languages. The program includes

  • sociology,
  • psychology,
  • philosophy,
  • in-depth study of history and political science.

Specialty: Economics of International Relations

Economy international relations considers both the domestic hierarchy and international relations between enterprises, trade structures, financial institutions, scientific and technical institutions, tourism and other services provided at the international level, migration relations.

History of the specialty international relations

Historical beginning This discipline is considered to be the British University of Aberystwyth. Initially, the department was created with the aim of identifying the causes of the outbreak of the First World War.
Today, international relations includes the study of a wide range of transnational issues, such as political economy and international security.

Specialty: International Relations - Universities

Many Russian universities in the humanities offer bachelor's, master's, and second higher education in International Relations. These are Moscow universities specializing in international relations and higher education institutions in other cities that have a corresponding department.

The bachelor's program consists of basic disciplines, the master's program is focused on specialized specialization, depending on the main focus of the university. At NRU, the emphasis is on the global economy and international management of Eurasia. IBDA RANEPA trains specialists in the field of world politics and global processes. MGIMO programs specialize in issues of politics, diplomacy and energy. At MSLU, special attention is paid to maintaining protocols and international administration. At universities you can obtain such specialties as oriental studies and regional studies. Studying and internships abroad are widely practiced.

Specialty international relations - who to work with

Studying in international relations includes a wide range of professional competencies in various industries. One of the main reasons for the popularity of this educational direction is its versatility. Bachelors and masters who have graduated from universities with a major in international relations have a very wide choice of further employment.

The training program includes historical, legal and economic disciplines, as well as foreign languages. Graduates have excellent prospects for working in international relations.

At first, after graduating from a university, work in the specialty of international relations may be the position of a translator, a trainee junior researcher. In the future, graduates’ careers develop in such areas as political science, Scientific research, international consulting services, journalism and translation activities.

You might be interested.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of)
  • History - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Social studies - by choice of university
  • Geography - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
Most universities require students to pass entrance examinations in three directions. As profile exam history stands out. Second exam can be set optionally educational institution— Russian language, social studies and geography. Most often, the elective exam is Russian.
Additionally, applicants are usually required to pass a test in a foreign language.

International relations is a fairly in-demand industry that is constantly growing and developing. Highly qualified specialists in the field of international relations are in incredible demand at the interstate level. Mastering this specialty is the key to successful employment anywhere on our planet.

Brief description of the specialty

A bachelor in this area is a specialist who ideally knows all aspects of the development of the area being studied (region or countries): economic, political, cultural, legal and more. Or is a qualified expert in one of the areas of international relations. Students can choose one of the study profiles that are closest to them.

The direction provides a choice among the following options:

  • international security;
  • contemporary global issues;
  • history of international relations;
  • global politics and international business;
  • international relations and foreign policy.

Large universities

  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
  • Moscow State Linguistic University;
  • Mari State University;
  • Kazan (Volga region) Federal University;
  • Institute of Oriental Countries;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubova.

Terms and forms of training

Mastering the qualification lasts 4 years with full-time (full-time) education. Some universities, as an exception, offer full-time and part-time correspondence forms training, but based on existing specialized education.

Subjects studied

In the process of mastering their specialty, students study many specialized disciplines, including important role is devoted to the legal direction.

These are items such as:

  • European law;
  • international Court;
  • constitutional law of foreign countries;
  • public international law;
  • international environmental law and others.

Economic disciplines also occupy a special place, among which the following can be noted:

  • world economy;
  • international monetary relations;
  • international economic relations and others.

Political disciplines are also one of the main ones when studying in this specialty:

  • political processes in modern Russia;
  • foreign policy of the Russian Federation (modern);
  • international conflicts;
  • international political analysis (basics);
  • world politics, etc.

The program provides for the study of two foreign languages, the first is international, the second is the language of the region being studied. Particular importance is given special disciplines such as diplomacy, consular service and others. Among the disciplines, many belong to the geographical direction, for example, world geography, geography of the region being studied, and others.

Gained knowledge and skills

A graduate of this direction must:

  • speak two languages ​​at the required level, including speaking, writing, reading and listening, translating texts oral and written;
  • know history, world politics, diplomacy, foreign policy native state and leading countries of the world, know the basics of analysis of international relations;
  • master the basic principles of mathematics, ecology, computer science;
  • have skills in using computer networks and the Internet;
  • be able to use applied analysis methods in practice for the purpose of the necessary orientation in the international field;
  • be able to perform executive and organizational functions at the international level;
  • be able to work in international teams, performing executive and leadership functions.

Who to work with

Graduates can get a job in the following positions:

  • junior and mid-level personnel (in international government agencies);
  • in diplomatic missions;
  • international divisions and departments;
  • commercial and government organizations of international profile.

Bachelors can work:

  • referents;
  • secretaries;
  • translators;
  • laboratory assistants;
  • assistants;
  • consultants;
  • analysts;
  • managers;
  • administrators;
  • advisors;
  • teachers;
  • tour guides;
  • experts on a specific country or region.

A career as an international relations specialist is quite complex and requires maximum dedication, so most bachelor's degree graduates choose a job in foreign economic activity, which promises them fairly broad prospects.

The salary of foreign trade consultants starts from 50,000 rubles. Paid business trips also have their own charm - the opportunity to see other countries and show your best side. The most in demand on the market are those specialists who simultaneously possess diverse skills, for example, good knowledge of economics and international law.

Continuing training in the specialty

It is believed that the Faculty of International Relations is the most prestigious and expensive department. Millions of schoolchildren throughout Russia dream of going there. But it often happens that, wanting to study at such a popular faculty, people do not even know what they will become after graduating from university. When they finish who to work with, they don’t come up with anything.

IN this material All professions are collected, as well as the skills and knowledge that you will acquire while studying at the FME, and the traits that every international specialist should possess are described.

Faculty of International Economic Relations

First of all, this is - latest system education, in which students are taught courses in international processes taking place in the political, economic or spiritual sphere of any state.

Teaching 2 foreign languages ​​is also mandatory in this department. Often this is English (international), and the second student chooses at will: Chinese, German, French, Spanish or another from the list proposed by the university administration.

Where to work after "International Relations"? Let's try to find an answer to this difficult question. It is necessary to competently approach the choice of specialty, weighing all the pros and cons, and not rely only on the prestige or popularity of the educational institution.

If you indulge in objective reasoning, you can come to the conclusion that a diploma from the Faculty of International Relations will not elevate you above holders of diplomas in lawyers, economists or programmers. Yours future profession and your place in life depends only on your perseverance and desire.

Note to applicants

The myth that you can get into the Faculty of International Economic Relations only by paying a bribe has long been dispelled. The main qualities for an applicant are good knowledge of at least one foreign language, a desire for knowledge, lack of laziness, and sociability. After graduating from the Faculty of International Relations, you decide for yourself who to work with. But in order to start studying, it is necessary, while still a school graduate, to understand what you want to get after graduating from university.

The competition for admission is one of the largest in the country, so you need to start thinking about a “bright future” right now.

Knowledge of languages

A foreign language course is necessarily included in the program. Teachers will demand a lot from you, because English is a specialized subject, along with economics or geography. To stand out in the course, be the best in the group, and then have the opportunity to land your dream job, you must work on yourself every day.

Fluency in several languages ​​will give you a good chance of finding a job in this field. After all, the very name “international” means that you will need to communicate with people of different nationalities. Therefore, the more languages ​​you know, the better for you. This is what they are - “International Relations”: where to work is up to you. Make every effort to do this as a student, and success will accompany you all the time.

What do international relations graduates do?

Having completed their studies (Fact of International Economic Relations), the most famous Russian graduates of this specialty came up with ideas about who to work with.

Among them is Sergei Lavrov - Minister of Foreign Affairs, statesman, he is also a member of the Security Council Russian Federation. At one time, Lavrov became a graduate of the Faculty of International Relations (graduated in 1972).

The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation became a graduate of this faculty a little earlier, in 1968. From 2002 to 2008 was the Russian ambassador to France.

The next graduate of the Faculty of International Relations is Alexander Lyubimov. He is a successful television journalist and presenter, president of Media Union, chairman of the Board of Directors of VID, vice-president of the Academy of Russian Television. Graduated in 1986.

Ksenia Sobchak graduated from this prestigious faculty in 2004. The popular and scandalous journalist is known for such projects as “Dom-2”, “Blonde in Chocolate” and many others. Now the girl is engaged in serious journalism.

Vitaly Churkin is another one famous graduate MEO. He is the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN in New York, as well as to the United Nations Security Council. Churkin graduated from the Faculty of International Relations in 1974.

Many famous personalities in the fields of politics, economics, law, diplomacy, and journalism graduated from International Relations. Where to work after, as you have seen for yourself, you can easily figure out. The main thing is desire and perseverance in achieving your goals.

Study at the Faculty of International Relations

Studying here is hard and requires a lot of attention, time and trouble. But the result is really worth it. Over four years of bachelor's and a year of master's, the student manages to acquire the following skills: theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of international political and economic relations, he studies all foreign policy issues, improves his knowledge of a foreign language, learns to be diplomatic, restrained and serious.

Over the years of study, the student turns into an analyst, forecaster, methodologist, conflict specialist and translator.

If you have completed International Relations, it is up to you to decide who you want to work with. There are a lot of opportunities - this is in the economic, political, cultural and entertainment spheres, and you will also freely find or be in demand in the field of jurisprudence.

Basic disciplines

During your studies, you will learn courses in world politics, understand political systems states modern world, master the methods of conducting international negotiations, learn everything about international public and private law. Teachers will tell you about the history and foundations of the theory of international relations. Your list will include subjects such as international and national security, basic diplomacy and international civil service. You will be introduced to courses such as foreign affairs and the United States and Canada, the religious factor in Africa: economics and international relations, and world politics, modern international relations in Europe, East and Southeast Asia: economics and international economic relations, modern international relations in Middle East.

Study two foreign languages ​​in depth, consolidate everything you learn with practical exercises.

Professions related to IEO

So, your choice is international relations. What you can do after graduating from the relevant university is presented below:

  • diplomat;
  • conflict specialist;
  • translator;
  • translator-referent;
  • linguist;
  • international journalist;
  • political scientist;
  • international lawyer;
  • manager for foreign economic activity;
  • international security specialist.

Where to work after "International Relations"?

The question is more relevant than ever, especially taking into account the situation on the labor market and the requirements put forward for the applicant. A lot of people graduate from International Relations. Who will work next if all vacancies require work experience?

There is no one specific profession that forces you into a framework. You should do what you want and what you do best.

For example, having a diploma from the Faculty of International Economic Relations, you can find work in foreign diplomatic and consular missions of Russia. Also try your luck in Russian government institutions and government bodies, including the Ministry economic development RF.

Corporations such as Gazprom, VTB, Toyota, Microsoft and others will be happy to accept you for internship, and there, having proven yourself, you can get a job with a probationary period.

The main thing is to remember that you can’t have everything at once, start small: the media, non-profit organizations, academic institutions.


The lectures will tell you how to accompany international delegations, how to form and promote a positive image of the state, as well as how to work with the press and in the press.

As you can see, international relations have a lot of skills and abilities, and accordingly, there are also a large number of professions in which you can apply them.

When you receive the most prestigious specialty (International Relations), you decide who to work with.

What will you learn in 5 years?

Firstly, it is fluency in two or more foreign languages, and secondly, you can easily organize international negotiations, meetings, conferences and seminars, and you can also take part in them yourself. You will be taught how to conduct business correspondence on foreign language.

If you put maximum effort into learning, you will easily be able to translate spoken and written speech from Russian to foreign, and vice versa. They will tell you how to correctly draw up contracts, draft agreements and other official letters.

You will be able to establish and develop international connections; students will also be taught how to properly provide assistance to citizens abroad.

The courses taught to international affairs students develop analytical thinking and help them resolve conflicts of any complexity.

People have long considered International Relations to be the most popular faculty. Not many applicants know what to do after receiving their diploma. But closer to graduation, students, as a rule, make a choice. Yesterday's students, and today diplomats, translators, political scientists and linguists, they already know what international relations are. "Who should I work with?" Reviews indicate that most of them no longer face such a question.

For those who gravitate towards the humanities, but cannot choose a specialty

Graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of VSU

Just 15 years ago, the children of diplomats and high-ranking officials entered international relations, but today anyone can apply. Graduates with broad knowledge in the humanitarian field are in demand not only in ministries, but also in commercial organizations: they work as assistants, experts, analysts and journalists.


Students of the Faculty of International Relations of different universities study the basic and additional courses from different areas. In addition to physical education and English, which are required for most majors, international students choose a second and third foreign language, as well as subjects from a long list of humanities disciplines.

The table below contains examples of courses from the basic program and electives, and in different universities the same subject can be included in both a mandatory and an elective program.

Typical disciplines at the Faculty of International Relations

Language training

At the Faculty of International Relations, two or three foreign languages ​​are studied: you will be able to work in your specialty abroad or as a translator. Students who choose an exotic language go on internships to Asian and African countries.

Foreign internships

Your university will count the subjects you will study during your internship abroad. Choose either your favorites or those that are easier to use in a foreign language. By the way, you choose the language of instruction yourself.

Decide what is more important for you: improve your second foreign language or improve your English. Some universities with MO programs cooperate with universities in France, Spain, Morocco, China, Estonia, Canada and the USA, so completing the documents is not difficult.

Most programs provide scholarships and grants, and the number of trips is not limited, so everything is in your hands.

Profile projects

To test their strength in practice, international relations students participate in business games and conferences.

Student Model UN. It takes place at both university and national levels.

G20 models. Participants in the Russian and international models understand the intricacies of the work of this platform and improve their argumentation skills.

Euroschool. There, future diplomats get acquainted with the work of the EU and its representatives.

Summer school on human rights. Organizers: Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and a university consortium.

Balkan Club MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducts educational events and brings together researchers of regional problems: trips to southeastern Europe, case studies, meetings with ambassadors.

European Youth Forum. A movement for the rights of young people around the world.

This is an incomplete list of activities in which active students participate. In addition to forums, clubs, models and vacation schools, thematic immersions and conferences are held.

Scientific life

Certainly, scientific conferences are held at any faculty, but at international affairs events at different universities you can hear a report from the US Ambassador to Russia, the head of the EU mission or the Russian Academy of Sciences. For example, speakers at such conferences Chief Editor Moscow Bureau of the BBC Russian Service K.P. Eggert and expert on eurocurrency problems Professor O.V. Butorina.

Students participate both as listeners and speakers. Young researchers practicing skills public speaking and replenish the portfolio.

Wide choose

Thanks to their diverse training, bachelor's degree graduates choose master's programs any humanities faculties: linguistics, law, economics or management. With such a wealth of knowledge, graduates work in the field of international communications, journalism, management and law.

What is important to know when applying

🔍 Sooner or later you need to decide

At the Faculty of International Relations you will gain extensive knowledge, but it is important not to get lost among dozens of areas. It’s good if already in your first year you identify priority courses, but if not, by the end of your studies you need to choose a specialization.
