The process of the historical development of society. The beginning of the process and the emergence of society

The process of the historical development of society.  The beginning of the process and the emergence of society

There are many things going on in the world around changes. Some of them are committed constantly and can be recorded at any time. To do this, you need to choose a certain period of time and track which features of the object disappear and which appear. Changes may relate to the position of the object in space, its configuration, temperature, volume, etc., i.e. those properties that do not remain constant. Summarizing all the changes, we can isolate character traits that distinguish this object from others. Thus, the category "change" refers to the process of movement and interaction of objects and phenomena, the transition from one of their states to another, the emergence of new properties, functions and relationships.

A special type of change is development. If change characterizes any phenomenon of reality and is universal, then development is associated with the renewal of an object, its transformation into something new. Moreover, development is not a reversible process. For example, a “water-steam-water” change is not considered development, just as quantitative changes or destruction of an object and the cessation of its existence are not considered to be.

Development always implies qualitative changes occurring in relatively large time intervals. Examples are the evolution of life on Earth, the historical development of mankind, scientific and technological progress, etc.

Society Development - is a process of progressive change that occurs every this moment at every point of the human community. In sociology, the concepts of "social development" and "social change" are used to characterize the movement of society. The first of them characterizes a certain type of social change that is directed towards improvement, complication and perfection. But there are many other changes. For example, the emergence, formation, growth, decline, disappearance, transition period. These changes are neither positive nor negative. The concept of "social change" covers a wide range of social changes, regardless of their direction.

Thus, the concept "social change" denotes various changes occurring over time in social communities, groups, institutions, organizations, in their relationships with each other, as well as with individuals. Such changes may occur at the level interpersonal relationships(for example, changes in the structure and functions of the family), at the level of organizations and institutions (education, science are constantly subject to changes both in terms of their content and in terms of their organization), at the level of small and large social groups.

Can be distinguished four types of social change:

1) structural changes relating to the structures of various social entities (for example, the family, any other community, society as a whole);

2) changes affecting social processes (relationships of solidarity, tension, conflict, equality and subordination, etc.);

3) functional social changes concerning the functions of various social systems(in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, there were changes in the functions of the legislative and executive authorities);

4) motivational social changes (in Lately for significant masses of the population, the motives of personal money earnings, profits come to the fore, which affects their behavior, thinking, consciousness).

All these changes are closely related. Changes in one kind inevitably entail changes in other kinds.

The study of development is dialectics. This concept originated in Ancient Greece, where the ability to argue, argue, convince, proving one's case was highly valued. Dialectics was understood as the art of dispute, dialogue, discussion, during which the participants put forward alternative points of view. In the course of the dispute, one-sidedness is overcome, and a correct understanding of the phenomena under discussion is developed. The well-known expression “truth is born in a dispute” is quite applicable to the discussions of philosophers of antiquity.

Ancient dialectics represented the world as constantly moving, changing, and all phenomena as interconnected. But at the same time, they did not single out the category of development as the emergence of something new. In ancient Greek philosophy, the concept of the great cycle dominated, according to which everything in the world is subject to cyclic recurrent changes and, like the change of seasons, everything eventually returns “to its full circle”.

The concept of development as a process of qualitative changes appeared in medieval Christian philosophy. Augustine the Blessed compared history with human life, passing through the stages of childhood, youth, maturity and old age. The beginning of history was compared with the birth of a person, and its end (a terrible JUDGMENT) - with death. This concept overcame the notion of cyclical changes, introduced the concept of progressive movement and the uniqueness of events.

In the era of bourgeois revolutions, the idea arose historical development, put forward by the famous French enlighteners Voltaire and Rousseau. It was developed by Kant, who raised the question of the development of morality and the social development of man.

The holistic concept of development was developed by Hegel. He found diverse changes in nature, but he saw true development in the history of society and, above all, in its spiritual culture. Hegel identified the main principles of dialectics: universal connection of phenomena, unity of opposites, development through negation.

Dialectical opposites are inextricably linked, inconceivable without each other. Thus, content is impossible without form, a part is impossible without a whole, a consequence is impossible without a cause, and so on. In a number of cases, opposites converge and even pass into each other, for example, illness and health, material and spiritual, quantity and quality. Thus, the law of the unity and struggle of opposites establishes that internal contradictions are the source of development.

Dialectics pays special attention to the relationship between quantitative and qualitative changes. Any object has a quality that distinguishes it from other objects, and quantitative characteristics of its volume, weight, etc. Quantitative changes can accumulate gradually and not affect the quality of the item. But at a certain stage, change quantitative characteristics leads to a change in quality. Thus, an increase in pressure in a steam boiler can lead to an explosion, the constant implementation of reforms that are unpopular among the people causes discontent, the accumulation of knowledge in any field of science leads to new discoveries, etc.

The development of society is progressive, passing through certain stages. Each subsequent stage, as it were, denies the previous one. As development proceeds, a new quality appears, a new negation occurs, which in science is called negation of negation. However, negation cannot be considered the destruction of the old. Along with more complex phenomena, there are always simpler ones. On the other hand, the new, highly developed, emerging from the old, retains everything valuable that was in it.

Hegel's concept is based on reality, generalizes a huge historical material. However, Hegel put spiritual processes in the first place. public life, believing that the history of peoples is the embodiment of the development of ideas.

Using Hegel's concept, Marx created materialistic dialectic, which is based on the idea of ​​development not from the spiritual, but from the material. Marx considered the improvement of the tools of labor (productive forces) to be the basis of development, which entails a change in social relations. Development was considered by Marx, and then by Lenin, as a single natural process, the course of which is carried out not in a straight line, but in a spiral. On a new turn, the passed steps are repeated, but at a higher quality level. Forward movement occurs spasmodically, sometimes catastrophically. The transition of quantity into quality, internal contradictions, the clash of various forces and tendencies give impetus to development.

However, the process of development cannot be understood as a rigorous movement from the lowest to the highest. Different peoples on Earth differ in their development from each other. Some nations developed faster, some slower. In the development of some, gradual changes prevailed, while in the development of others they were of a spasmodic nature. Depending on this, allocate evolutionary And revolutionary development.

Evolution - these are gradual, slow quantitative changes, which eventually lead to a transition to a qualitatively different state. The evolution of life on Earth is the most striking example of such changes. In the development of society, evolutionary changes manifested themselves in the improvement of tools, the emergence of new, more complex forms of interaction between people in different areas of their lives.

Revolution - it's in the highest degree radical changes involving a radical breakdown of pre-existing relations, which are universal in nature and rely, in some cases, on violence. The revolution is in leaps and bounds.

Depending on the duration of the revolution, there are short-term And long-term. The former include social revolutions - radical qualitative changes in the entire social life, affecting the foundations of the social system. These were bourgeois revolutions in England (XVII century) and France (XVIII century), the socialist revolution in Russia (1917). Long-term revolutions are of global importance, affect the process of development different peoples. The first such revolution was neolithic revolution. It lasted for several thousand years and led to the transition of mankind from an appropriating economy to a producing economy, i.e. from hunting and gathering to cattle breeding and agriculture. The most important process, which took place in many countries of the world in the XVIII-XIX centuries, became industrial Revolution, as a result of which there was a transition from manual labor to machine labor, mechanization of production was carried out, which made it possible to significantly increase the volume of output at lower labor costs.

In the description of the development process in relation to the economy, extensive and intensive development paths are often distinguished. extensive path associated with an increase in production by attracting new sources of raw materials, labor resources, increased exploitation of the labor force, and expansion of sown areas in agriculture. intensive path associated with the use of new methods of production, based on the achievements scientific and technical progress. The extensive development path is not endless. At a certain stage, the limit of its capabilities comes, and development comes to a standstill. The intensive path of development, on the contrary, involves the search for a new one, which is actively used in practice, society is moving forward at a faster pace.

The development of society is a complex process that continues uninterruptedly throughout the history of human existence. It began from the moment of the separation of man from the animal world and is unlikely to end in the foreseeable future. The process of development of society can be interrupted only with the death of mankind. If the person himself does not create the conditions for self-destruction in the form of a nuclear war or ecological disaster, the limits of human development can only be associated with the end of existence solar system. But it is likely that by that time science will reach a new qualitative level and a person will be able to move in outer space. The possibility of settling other planets, star systems, galaxies can remove the question of the limit of the development of society.

Questions and tasks

1. What is meant by the category "change"? What types of changes can you name?

2. How is development different from other types of change?

3. What types of social change do you know?

4. What is dialectics? When and where did it originate?

5. How did ideas about development change in the history of philosophy?

6. What are the laws of dialectics? Give examples that support them.

7. What is the difference between evolution and revolution? How did these processes manifest themselves in the life of individual peoples, of all mankind?

8. Give examples of extensive and intensive development paths. Why can't they exist one without the other?

9. Read the statement by N.A. Berdyaev:

“History cannot make sense if it never ends, if there is no end; the meaning of history is the movement towards the end, towards completion, towards the end. Religious consciousness sees in history a tragedy that has a beginning and will have an end. In a historical tragedy there are a number of acts, and in them the final catastrophe is brewing, an all-solving catastrophe ... ". What does he see as the meaning of history? How are his ideas related to the problem of social development?

10. Have a discussion on the topic “Is there a limit to human development?”

Society Development

Society is in constant motion and development. Thinkers from ancient times have thought about the questions: “In what direction is society developing? Can its movement be likened to cyclical changes in nature?In modern social science, there are two directions and three forms of social development. Directions for the development of societyThe direction of development, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect, is called progress. Respectively, social progress is a transition to more high level the material condition of society and the spiritual development of the individual. An important sign of social progress is the tendency towards the liberation of man.There are the following criteria for social progress:
    1) growth of welfare and social security of people;2) weakening of confrontation between people;3) the establishment of democracy;4) the growth of morality and spirituality of society;5) improvement of human relations;6) the measure of freedom that society is able to provide to the individual, the degree of individual freedom guaranteed by society.
If an attempt were made to graphically depict the development of society, then one would get not an ascending straight line, but a broken line reflecting ups and downs, accelerated forward movement and giant leaps back. We are talking about the second direction of development - regression.Regression- development along the descending line, the transition from higher to lower. For example, the period of fascism was a period of regression in world history: millions of people died, various peoples were enslaved, many monuments of world culture were destroyed.
But it's not just these twists and turns in history. Society is a complex organism in which various spheres function, many processes take place simultaneously, and various activities of people unfold. All these parts of one social mechanism, all these processes and activities are interconnected, but at the same time they may not coincide in their development. Moreover, individual processes, changes taking place in different areas of society can be multidirectional, i.e. progress in one area may be accompanied by regression in another.Thus, throughout history, progress in technology has been clearly traced - from stone tools to the most complex machine tools with program control, from beasts of burden - to cars, trains and aircraft. At the same time, technological progress leads to the destruction of nature, to the undermining of the natural conditions for the existence of mankind, which, of course, is a regression.In addition to directions, there are also forms of development of society. The most common form community development is an evolution- Gradual and smooth changes in social life that occur naturally. The nature of evolution is gradual, continuous, ascending. Evolution is divided into successive stages or phases, none of which can be skipped. For example, the evolution of science and technology.Under certain conditions, social change occurs in the form revolution- these are rapid, qualitative changes, a radical revolution in the life of society. Revolutionary changes are radical and fundamental. Revolutions are long-term or short-term, in one or several states, in one or several spheres. If a revolution affects all levels and spheres of society - economy, politics, culture, social organization, everyday life of people, then it is called social The work was added to the site site: 2016-03-05

"> Control cut for 10 classes

Test number 1.

  1. "> In the process of development, society:">

"> A) separated from nature, but remained inextricably linked with it;

"> B) separated from nature and became independent of it;

">B)"> ">remained a part of nature;

"> D) has ceased to influence nature.

">2. "> The activities of the legislature refer to:

"> A) the spiritual sphere of society;

"> B) the economic sphere of society;

">B)"> "> the political sphere of society;

"> D) the social sphere of society.

">3 ">. The forms of sensory cognition include:

"> A) judgment; B) observation;

"> C) sensation; D) inference

">4. "> The position of a person in society is:

"> A) social status; B) social role;

"> C) social mobility; D) social adaptation.

">5. "> One of the main features of the rule of law is:

"> A) public authority;

"> B) the system of state laws;

"> B) the law enforcement system;

"> D) separation of powers.

">6. "> A distinctive feature of the elite culture is:

"> A) the complexity of the content;

"> B) limited national framework.

"> B) the ability to make a profit;

"> D) orientation to the general public.

">7. "> The branches of private law include:

"> A) civil; B) criminal;

"> C) administrative; D) constitutional.

">8. "> The highest representative body of the Russian Federation is:

"> A) the Federal Assembly; B) the government;

"> B) Supreme Court; D) President.

">9 ">. Deviant behavior is:

"> A) any changes in a person's life;

"> B) the movement of a person within his group;

"> B) non-compliance with the norms accepted in society;

"> D) change social status person.

">10. "> In a society with a market economy, the state affects economic life through:

"> A) the taxation system;

"> B) centralized pricing;

"> B) directive planning of production of goods;

"> D) supplying the population with goods

">11. "> Are the following statements correct?

"> A. Interaction with the outside world is a characteristic of human activity.

"> B. Human activity has goals and motives

">12. "> Are the following statements correct?

"> Political party as an institution of the political system:

"> A. Has the right to develop and adopt corporate standards.

"> B. Represents and defends various public interests in the political arena.

">13. "> Establish the types of societies and characteristics of social development. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

"> Types of companies ">: ">Characteristics of social development">:

  1. "> traditional A) industrial revolution;

"> 2) industrial B) development information technologies;

"> 3) post-industrial B) class character of social stratification.

">14 ">. What refers to vertical social mobility? Write down the corresponding letters in alphabetical order.

"> A) a citizen moved from a two-room apartment on the fifth floor to a three-room apartment on the ninth floor in the same building;

"> B) an ordinary engineer is appointed project manager;

"> B) the officer is deprived military rank for committing an unseemly act and dismissed from the army;

"> D) a small food merchant began to sell second-hand things;

"> E) the citizen remarried;

"> E) the secretary agreed to perform additional duties.

">15. ">Which of the following is characteristic only of an elite culture?

"> a) the expression of the refined tastes of the privileged part of society;

"> b) commercial orientation;

"> c) complexity and inconsistency;

"> d) public availability;

"> e) calculation for a narrow circle of experts;

"> e) anonymity.

">16. ">Draw a diagram of the form of government.

">17 ">. What word is missing in the diagram?

">18. "> Establish a correspondence between areas of culture and their characteristics; for each position from the first column, select the corresponding position from the second.

">Features Area

"> culture

  1. "> performance of rituals A) morality
  2. "> belief in the existence of B) religion of a higher power
  3. ">targeting ideal relationship between people
  4. "> the absence of special institutions that approve the norms and control their implementation
  5. "> beliefs based on faith

">19 ">. Name five signs of a democratic state.

">20 ">. Give three examples of legal relations regulated by civil law.

2. A person differs from an animal in that he:

A) has natural instincts;

B) has big size brain;

B) does not depend on natural conditions;

D) has articulate speech.

3 . The forms of sensory cognition include:

A) judgment B) observation;

B) feeling D) inference

4. The generally accepted means of payment, which the consumer can exchange for any goods and services, is:

A) discount card; B) sales receipt;

B) money D) a bond.

5. Which of the following applies to natural resources:

A) raw materials not included in production;

B) machines operating in production;

B) skilled labor force;

D) fuel standing on the access roads.

6. Difference cognitive activity scientist from the cognitive activity of the student is that the scientist:

A) use the experiment; C) develops his intellectual abilities;

B) approaches work creatively; D) obtains knowledge that is new for all mankind.

7. The most complete meaning of the concept of "humanization of education" is

A) democratic self-government in the school;

B) compulsory secondary education;

C) taking into account the needs and interests of students;

G) free education in any educational institution.

8. The state budget deficit is:

nine . Law as a social regulator has the following special feature:

A) corresponds to generally accepted ideas about good and evil;

B) is the embodiment of the ideal of justice;

C) is characterized by a special order of development and adoption;

D) is provided by the power of public opinion.

A) demographic; B) creative;

B) active; D) humane.

A. Traditional society values ​​the freedom of the individual, the rights of the individual, above all else.

B. In an industrial society, traditions and customs retain the significance of norms governing social life.

a) only A is true; c) both A and B are true;

b) only B is true; d) both statements are wrong.

Criminal liability comes for:

A. Hooliganism B. Petty hooliganism.

a) only A is true; c) both A and B are true;

b) only B is true; d) both statements are wrong.

1) Individual A) A person who actively masters and purposefully transforms

2) Individuality nature, society and oneself;

3) Personality B) A single representative of the entire human race

C) The unique originality of a person, a set of his unique properties

15. Finish the phrase. Main political organization society that manages and ensures the protection and stable structure of society is called _____________________.

">16. "> Name the main social roles that are most typical for most people (do it with a diagram)

17. Complete the "Spheres of Society Life" scheme.

" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">18">. Fill in the gap in the schema.

19 . Establish a correspondence between the factors of production and their examples; for each position from the first column, select the corresponding position from the second.

Examples Factors


  1. crane A) earth
  2. forest B) capital
  3. arable land B) labor
  4. farmer
  5. factory building

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

twenty . Find the main areas of social policy in the list below. Circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. payment of state pensions and social benefits
  2. protection of natural resources
  3. education of the younger generation in the spirit of the official ideology
  4. creation of employment service
  5. management of state enterprises
  6. establishing a guaranteed minimum wage

21. Name two features that distinguish the constitution from all other laws.

22. How can the social nature of a person manifest itself? Give an example.

1. A person as a person is characterized by:

A) features of the body structure;

B) social activity;

C) features of temperament;

D) state of health

2. Democratic values ​​include:

A) nationalism B) militarism; C) monopoly; D) pluralism

3 . A new type of cash payments in modern Russia is an:

A) a barter deal B) payment with a bill of exchange;

B) payment by credit card; D) cash payment;

4. Give three examples of the negative impact of society on the state of the natural environment.

5. The state budget deficit is:

A) decrease in tax revenues;

B) excess of expenses over income;

C) an increase in public debt;

D) reduction of financing of social programs.

6. The result of sensory cognition, in contrast to rational cognition, is:

A) a generalized judgment about the subject; C) the concept of the subject;

B) a specific image of the object; D) an explanation of the reasons for changing the subject.

7. List any three significant differences between humans and animals.

8. Nature:

a) is part of society;

B) determines the development of society;

B) has an impact on society;

D) independent of society.

10. Which of the following sciences studies power relations in society:

A) sociology; B) political science;

B) jurisprudence; D) ethics.

11. Are the following statements correct? Humans are distinguished from animals by the ability to:

A. Create a socio-cultural environment.

B. Work together.

a) only A is true; c) both A and B are true;

b) only B is true; d) both statements are wrong.

12. Are the following statements correct?

A. Each object of material culture is the result of the work of not only the “executing hand”, but also the “thinking head”.

B. Each product of spiritual culture can exist only in material form.

a) only A is true; c) both A and B are true;

b) only B is true; d) both statements are wrong.

13. Establish a correspondence: for each concept of the first column, select the appropriate definition from the second. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

1) What to produce? A) determining the circle of consumers using goods and

2) How to produce? services;

3) For whom to produce? B) definition of goods and services offered to the consumer;

C) determining how to obtain the desired result.

fourteen . Establish a correspondence between the foundations of marriage and family and their manifestations; to each position from the first
column, select the appropriate position from the second.

Manifestations of the Foundation of Marriage

  1. mutual respect of spouses A) moral
  2. marriageable age B) legal
  3. Marriage registration
  4. respect for family traditions

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

">15 ">. Distribute the following as follows: The first 3 positions should represent the demographics social groups, 3 subsequent - ethnic social

"> groups. Write the letters in each triple in alphabetical order.

"> 1 gr. - ..., ..., ...; 2gr. - ..., ..., ....

"> a) men, b) nations, c) tribes, d) nationalities, e) women, f) youth.

16. Finish the phrase. The current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in _________.

">17. "> Insert the missing word: An international legal instrument adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948, which for the first time formulated all the main civil, political and social rights person is _________________________________">.

18 Write down the missing word in the following phrase.

“is a generally accepted means of payment that can be exchanged for any goods and services.”

19. What word is missing in the diagram?

20. Find in the list below signs that are characteristic of any state. Circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. existence of a parliament
  2. availability of territory
  3. existence of laws
  4. having political power
  5. having a monarch
  6. presence of power structures
  7. having a constitution.

Write the circled numbers in ascending order.

Test number 4.

  1. Society in the broad sense of the word is called:

A) a set of forms of association of people;

B) all the world;

C) groups in which communication takes place;

D) the interaction of people in everyday life.

2. The functions of political parties in a democratic society include:

A) participation in commercial activities; B) control of the private life of citizens;

B) the creation of the armed forces; D) participation in the election campaign.

3. In a society with a market economy, the state influences economic life through:

A) the taxation system; B) directive planning of production of goods;

C) centralized price setting; D) supplying the population with goods.

4. The creation of an artistic image is necessarily present in the activity:

A) a filmmaker B) politics;

B) a scientist D) teacher

5. Human activity differs from animal behavior in that it always:

A) is inextricably linked with the environment; B) is hard-coded;

C) is based on a conscious choice; D) associated with the manifestation of emotions.

6. Culture in a broad sense:

A) the level of technical development of society; B) the level of education of the population;

B) the totality of all human achievements; D) all genres of art.

7. "> Write down the word missing in the above diagram.

8. The state budget is:

A) the amount of money in the country;

B) distribution of the total product created in the country;

C) internal and external debt of the state;

D) distribution of state revenues and expenditures for the year.

nine . Any state is characterized by:

A) the presence of their own power structures; B) multi-party system;

B) having a constitution D) mutual responsibility of the state and the individual.

10. An agreement on the procedure for relations between an employee and an employer is called:

A) a business contract B) a deal

B) a collective agreement; D) an employment contract.

11. Are the following statements correct?

A. Man is the subject of study of all sciences.

B. Man is the subject of study only in the humanities.

a) only A is true; c) both A and B are true;

b) only B is true; d) both statements are wrong.

12. Are the following statements correct?

A. Taxes are the only source of funding government programs

B. Taxes - obligatory payments of citizens and economic organizations levied in favor of the state.

a) only A is true; c) both A and B are true;

b) only B is true; d) both statements are wrong.

13. Establish a correspondence: for each concept of the first column, select the appropriate definition from the second. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

1) The legislature A) protects the right

2) The executive branch B) creates laws

3) The judiciary C) implements the decisions made

fourteen . Finish the phrase. Modern problems that pose a threat to all mankind and can only be overcome by the joint efforts of all peoples are called ____________________.

">15 ">. Distribute the following as follows: the first 3 positions (I) should represent social groups, the next 3 (II) - ethnic groups. Write the letters in each triple in alphabetical order.

"> I group - ..., ..., ...; II group - ..., ..., ....

"> a) estates, b) nations, c) classes; d) nationalities, e) tribes, f) castes

16. Write down the word missing in the diagram:

"State power of the Russian Federation".

">17. "> Insert the missing word: Separated from nature, but closely with her related part the material world, which includes the ways of interaction between people and the forms of their unification - this is _____________________.

18. It is known that nature influences the development of society. Name any three manifestations of this influence.

19. Give any three examples (from history, literature, fiction or documentaries, their own experience), illustrating the fulfillment by people of their moral duty.

Test #5

1. The author of the point of view: “The fundamental basis for the development of society is labor activity. Before engaging in politics and philosophy, a person must take care of food, housing, provision of other needs" is:

A) F. Nietzsche

B) K. Marx

B) K. Popper

2. The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective data about reality, as well as the result of this activity, is ...

B) philosophy

B) education

G) public consciousness

3. The political sphere of society includes (indicate the correct combination):

A. political institutions

B. social relations

B. public sentiment

D. political parties and movements

D) All of the above

4. Judgments about the truth that are true (indicate the correct combination):

A. The truth of any knowledge has its limits, therefore it contains moments of both absolute and relative truth

B. Absolute truth is a well-established knowledge about an object, phenomenon, exhaustive content of any element of its structure, function or phase of development

C. Absolute truth is such knowledge with which everyone agrees, i.e. it is something that is obvious, that cannot be imagined otherwise

D. Some of the absolute truths can become relative.

D) All of the above

5. One of the areas of human activity aimed at producing new knowledge about nature, society and man himself is ...

A) education

B) philosophy

D) subculture

6. The criterion for the selection of strata can be:

A) income level

B) attitude towards religion

C) attitude towards political ideology

D) the level of development of personal abilities

7. The value of money is determined:

A) precious metals with which they are provided

B) reserve financial institutions that distribute money

C) the quantity of goods and services that money can buy

D) a government that prints paper money and coins with an indication of their value

8. Directed development, which is characterized by a transition from the lower to the higher, from the less perfect to the more perfect, is ...

A) regression

B) fatalism

B) progress

D) mercantilism

9. A political agreement reached on the basis of mutual concessions is called...

A) an agreement

B) incident

B) consensus

D) compromise

10. The type of worldview, the distinctive feature of which is the development of a theoretically and factually substantiated picture of the world:

A) ordinary

B) scientific

B) religious

D) humanistic

11. Are the following judgments correct:

A. Society is entirely dependent on the processes of natural development of nature

B. Society is isolated from nature, but closely connected with it

A) only A is true

B) only B is true

C) A and B are correct

12. Extensive factors of economic growth include (indicate the correct combination):

A. Increasing the number of employed workers

B. Increasing investment to leverage existing technologies

B. Increasing the level of education and qualifications of workers

D. Improving the organization of labor in production

D) All of the above

Control cut for grades 10-11

    In the process of development society: A) separated from nature, but remained inextricably linked with it;

B) separated from nature and became independent of it;

IN) remained a part of nature;

D) ceased to influence nature.

2. Legislative activities include:

A) the spiritual sphere of society;

B) the economic sphere of society;

IN) the political sphere of society;

D) the social sphere of society.


A) judgment B) observation;

B) feeling D) inference

4. The position of a person in society is:

A) social status; B) social role;

C) social mobility; D) social adaptation.

5. One of the main features of the rule of law is:

A) public authority

B) the system of state laws;

B) law enforcement system;

D) separation of powers.

6. A distinctive feature of the elite culture is:

A) the complexity of the content;

B) limited national framework.

C) the ability to make a profit;

D) targeting the general public.

7. The branches of private law include:

A) civil B) criminal;

B) administrative D) constitutional.

8. The highest representative body of the Russian Federation is:

A) the Federal Assembly; B) the government;

B) the Supreme Court D) President.

9 . Deviant behavior is:

a) any changes in a person's life;

B) the movement of a person within his group;

C) non-compliance with the norms accepted in society;

D) change in the social status of a person.

10. In a society with a market economy, the state influences economic life through:

A) the taxation system;

B) centralized price setting;

C) directive planning of the production of goods;

D) supplying the population with goods

11. Are the following statements correct?

A. Interaction with the outside world is a characteristic of human activity.

B. Human activity has goals and motives

12. Are the following statements correct?

Political party as an institution of the political system:

A. Has the right to develop and adopt corporate standards.

B. Represents and defends various public interests in the political arena.

a) only A is true; c) both A and B are true;

b) only B is true; d) both statements are wrong.

13. Set the types of societies and characteristics of social development. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

Types of societies: Characteristics of social development:

    traditional A) industrial revolution;

2) industrial B) development of information technologies;

3) post-industrial B) class character of social stratification.

14 . What is vertical social mobility? Write the corresponding letters in alphabetical order.

A) a citizen moved from a two-room apartment on the fifth floor to a three-room apartment on the ninth floor in the same building;

B) an ordinary engineer is appointed project manager;

C) an officer is deprived of his military rank for committing an unseemly act and dismissed from the army;

D) a small food merchant began to sell second-hand things;

D) the citizen has remarried;

E) the secretary has agreed to take on additional duties.

15 .What is the name of the division of society into different social groups?

16. Which of the following is characteristic only of an elitist culture?

a) the expression of the refined tastes of the privileged part of society;

b) commercial orientation;

c) complexity and inconsistency;

d) public availability;

e) calculation for a narrow circle of experts;

e) anonymity.

17. Insert missing word:

The _________________ process is the learning of social roles and cultural norms, beginning in infancy and ending in old age.

18. A political party that criticizes the government's program and offers an alternative version of the country's development is called _________.

19. K. Marx divided the entire historical path of mankind into five socio-economic

formations. Write them down in sequential order in the form of a "ladder".

20. Draw a diagram of the form of government.

21 . What word is missing from the diagram?

22. Write down the missing word in the next sentence.

“Problems affecting the interests of all mankind became especially pronounced in the second half of the 20th century. in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution and the growing threat of a nuclear catastrophe”.

23. Establish a correspondence between areas of culture and their attributes; for each position from the first column, select the corresponding position from the second.

Features Area


    performance of rituals A) morality

    belief in existence B) religion of a higher power

    focus on ideal relationships between people

    the absence of special institutions that approve the norms and control their implementation

    ideas based on faith

24 . Find the facts of the economic life of society in the list below. Circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

    holding a scientific conference

    study of economic theory at the university

    development of state budget items

    participation in an anti-war rally

    usage new technology in production

Write the circled numbers in ascending order.

25 . Read the text below with a number of words missing.

Close (1) with particular acuteness raises the question of compliance with certain (2). The transformation of these requirements into personal rules, their acceptance by a person as an indispensable condition for relating to others is the moral _________________ (3). The family primarily influences the upbringing of children. Society, represented by ___________ (4), assumes the protection of the family, motherhood and childhood, and requires parents to fulfill their duties. Every child from the moment of birth has a state-guaranteed right to the care and attention of adults. Although the family is a purely personal matter, the state is not indifferent to the conditions under which its citizens are formed,
it, providing (5), at the same time determines their duty - to take care of their children, to create the necessary conditions for their full development.

Choose from the proposed list of words (phrases) that should be inserted into the spaces. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remember that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you need to select. Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap.

moral requirements

civil rights


family ties

Federal Assembly

parental rights

Note that the spaces are numbered. The table below shows the space numbers. Write under each number the letter that represents the word you have chosen in the list. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet.

26 . Name five characteristics of a democratic state.

27 .Give three examples of legal relations regulated by civil law.

28. Composite task. Read the text and do the tasks.

On the sovereignty of the majority in the United States of America and its consequences

The basis of democratic forms of government is the undivided power of the majority, since, apart from it, there is nothing permanent in democratic states.<...>Of all kinds of political power, the legislature best obeys the will of the majority. By the will of the Americans, its representatives are elected directly by the people and for a very short term. This forces them to express not only the fundamental views of their constituents, but also their passing passions. Representatives of the same classes can become members of both chambers, the procedure for their election is the same. In this regard, the legislative body is subject to the same rapid and inevitable changes as one single assembly. Having given the legislature such a structure, the Americans gave almost all the functions of government into its hands.<...>The law did not provide any stability or independence to representatives of the executive branch, it completely subordinated them to the whims of the legislators. In many states, the formation of the judiciary was also given to the will of the majority, since it was elected, and in all states the judiciary depended on the legislature: the people's representatives had the right to appoint judges' salaries annually.<...>In the United States a habit is spreading more and more, which in the end may nullify the possibility of a representative form of government. Very

often the voters, when electing a deputy, outline a plan of action for him and give him some specific assignments that he is obliged to carry out.

Alexis de Tocqueville

D. State any three principles of political power that are described in the text.

1. A characteristic feature of evolutionary processes in public life is:

A) abruptness of change;

B) the revolutionary nature of the changes;

C) gradual processes;

D) irreversibility of processes.

2. Humans differ from animals in that they:

A) has natural instincts;

B) has a large brain size;

C) does not depend on natural conditions;

D) has articulate speech.

3 . The forms of sensory cognition include:

A) judgment B) observation;

B) feeling D) inference

4. The generally accepted means of payment that a consumer can exchange for any goods and services is:

A) discount card; B) sales receipt;

B) money D) a bond.

5. Which of the following is true of natural resources?

A) raw materials not included in production;

B) machines operating in production;

B) skilled labor force;

D) fuel standing on the access roads.

6. The difference between the cognitive activity of a scientist and the cognitive activity of a schoolchild is that the scientist:

A) use the experiment; C) develops his intellectual abilities;

B) approaches work creatively; D) obtains knowledge that is new for all mankind.

7. The most complete meaning of the concept of "humanization of education" is

A) democratic self-government in the school;

B) compulsory secondary education;

C) taking into account the needs and interests of students;

D) free education in any educational institutions.

8. The government budget deficit is:

A) decrease in tax revenues;

B) excess of expenses over income;

C) an increase in public debt;

D) reduction of financing of social programs.

9 . Law as a social regulator has the following special feature:

A) corresponds to generally accepted ideas about good and evil;

B) is the embodiment of the ideal of justice;

C) is characterized by a special order of development and adoption;

D) is provided by the power of public opinion.

10. The direction of state policy is the policy:

A) demographic; B) creative;

B) active; D) humane.

11. Are the following statements correct?

A. Traditional society values ​​the freedom of the individual, the rights of the individual, above all else.

B. In an industrial society, traditions and customs retain the significance of norms governing social life.

a) only A is true; c) both A and B are true;

b) only B is true; d) both statements are wrong.

12. Are the following statements correct? Criminal liability comes for:

A. Hooliganism B. Petty hooliganism.

a) only A is true; c) both A and B are true;

b) only B is true; d) both statements are wrong.

13. Establish a correspondence: for each concept of the first column, select the appropriate definition from the second. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

1) Individual A) A person who actively masters and purposefully transforms

2) Individuality nature, society and oneself;

3) Personality B) A single representative of the entire human race

C) The unique originality of a person, a set of his unique properties

14 . Write down the words missing in the following phrase: “Man is a being not only _________________, but also _________________. This determines the need for each individual to go through the process of socialization.

15 . Divide the items listed below into two groups as follows: 1 gr. - should characterize the majoritarian (single-seat) election system, 2 gr. - Proportional electoral system. Write the letters in each group in alphabetical order.

B) the winner is the candidate who received more votes than the opponents;

C) the distribution of seats between parties in parliament is carried out in proportion to the number of votes cast for each of them;

I gr. - ……………; II gr. - ………….

16. Write the missing word in the diagram:

« Education system in the Russian Federation”.

preschool educational


General education institutions

Medium special

educational institutions

(schools, colleges,




17. Fill in the missing word: Many scientists consider ____________ to be a type of ethnic group formed under capitalism.

18. Finish the phrase. The main political organization of society, which manages and ensures the protection and stable structure of society, is called _____________________.

19. Name the main social roles that are most typical for most people (do it with a diagram)

20. Complete the scheme "Spheres of life of society."

21. Fill in the gap in the diagram.

22. What word is missing in the following sentence?

"The goal is to gain knowledge about the real world in which humanity lives."

23 . Establish a correspondence between the factors of production and their examples; for each position from the first column, select the corresponding position from the second.

Examples Factors


    crane A) earth

    forest B) capital

    arable land B) labor

  1. factory building

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces or other characters).

  • "Applied Legal Psychology"


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    Many changes are taking place in the world around us. Some of them are committed constantly and can be recorded at any time. To do this, you need to choose a certain period of time and track which features of the object disappear and which appear. Changes may relate to the position of the object in space, its configuration, temperature, volume, etc., i.e. those properties that do not remain constant. Summing up all the changes, we can highlight the characteristic features that distinguish this object from others. Thus, the category "change" refers to the process of movement and interaction of objects and phenomena, the transition from one of their states to another, the emergence of new properties, functions and relationships.

    A special type of change is development. If change characterizes any phenomenon of reality and is universal, then development is associated with the renewal of an object, its transformation into something new. Moreover, development is not a reversible process. For example, a “water-steam-water” change is not considered development, just as quantitative changes or destruction of an object and the cessation of its existence are not considered to be. Development always implies qualitative changes occurring in relatively large time intervals. Examples are the evolution of life on Earth, the historical development of mankind, scientific and technological progress, etc.

    1 Development of society- this is a process of progressive changes that occur at every given moment at every point of the human community. In sociology, the concepts of "social development" and "social change" are used to characterize the movement of society. The first of them characterizes a certain type of social change that is directed towards improvement, complication and perfection. But there are many other changes. For example, the emergence, formation, growth, decline, disappearance, transition period. These changes are neither positive nor negative. The concept of "social change" covers a wide range of social changes, regardless of their

    directions. Thus, the concept of "social change" denotes various changes that occur over time in social communities, groups, institutions, organizations, in their relationships with each other, as well as with individuals. Such changes can occur at the level of interpersonal relations (for example, changes in the structure and functions of the family), at the level of organizations and institutions (education, science are constantly subject to changes both in terms of their content and in terms of their organization), at the level of small and large social groups.

    There are four types of social change:

    1) structural changes relating to the structures of various social entities (for example, the family, any other community, society as a whole);

    2) changes affecting social processes (relationships of solidarity, tension, conflict, equality and subordination, etc.);

    3) functional social changes relating to the functions of various social systems (in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, there were changes in the functions of the legislative and executive authorities);

    4) motivational social changes (recently, among significant masses of the population, the motives of personal money earnings, profits have come to the fore, which has an impact on their behavior, thinking, and consciousness).

    All these changes are closely related. Changes in one kind inevitably entail changes in other kinds. Dialectics is the study of development. This concept arose in Ancient Greece, where the ability to argue, argue, convince, proving one's case was highly valued. Dialectics was understood as the art of dispute, dialogue, discussion, during which the participants put forward alternative points of view. In the course of the dispute, one-sidedness is overcome, and a correct understanding of the phenomena under discussion is developed. The well-known expression “truth is born in a dispute” is quite applicable to the discussions of philosophers of antiquity. Ancient dialectics represented the world as constantly moving, changing, and all phenomena as interconnected. But at the same time, they did not single out the category of development as the emergence of something new. In ancient Greek philosophy, the concept of the great cycle dominated, according to which everything in the world is subject to cyclic recurrent changes and, like the change of seasons, everything eventually returns “to its full circle”.

    The concept of development as a process of qualitative changes appeared in medieval Christian philosophy. Augustine the Blessed compared history with human life, passing

    stages of childhood, youth, maturity and old age. The beginning of history was compared with the birth of a person, and its end (a terrible JUDGMENT) - with death. This concept overcame the notion of cyclical changes, introduced the concept of progressive movement and the uniqueness of events.

    In the era of bourgeois revolutions, the idea of ​​historical development arose, put forward by the famous French enlighteners Voltaire and Rousseau. It was developed by Kant, who raised the question of the development of morality and the social development of man. The holistic concept of development was developed by Hegel. He found diverse changes in nature, but he saw true development in the history of society and, above all, in its spiritual culture. Hegel identified the basic principles of dialectics: the universal connection of phenomena, the unity of opposites, the development of man

    res denial. Dialectical opposites are inextricably linked, inconceivable without each other. Thus, content is impossible without form, a part is impossible without a whole, a consequence is impossible without a cause, and so on. In a number of cases, opposites converge and even pass into each other, for example, illness and health, material and spiritual, quantity and quality. Thus, the law of the unity and struggle of opposites establishes that internal contradictions are the source of development. Dialectics pays special attention to the relationship between quantitative and qualitative changes. Any object has a quality that distinguishes it from other objects, and quantitative characteristics of its volume, weight, etc. Quantitative changes can accumulate gradually and not affect the quality of the item. But at a certain stage, a change in quantitative characteristics leads to a change in quality. Thus, an increase in pressure in a steam boiler can lead to an explosion, the constant implementation of reforms that are unpopular among the people causes discontent, the accumulation of knowledge in any field of science leads to new discoveries, etc.

    The development of society is progressive, passing through certain stages. Each subsequent stage, as it were, denies the previous one. As development proceeds, a new quality appears, a new negation takes place, which in science is called the negation of negation. However, negation cannot be considered the destruction of the old. Along with more complex phenomena, there are always simpler ones. On the other hand, the new, highly developed, emerging from the old, retains everything valuable that was in it. Hegel's concept is based on reality, generalizes a huge historical material. However, Hegel put the spiritual processes of social life in the first place, believing that the history of peoples is the embodiment of the development of ideas.

    Using the concept of Hegel, Marx created a materialistic dialectic, which is based on the idea of ​​development not from the spiritual, but from the material. Marx considered the basis of development

    improvement of the tools of labor (productive forces), which entails a change in social relations. Development was considered by Marx, and then by Lenin, as a single law

    a dimensional process, the course of which is carried out not in a straight line, but in a spiral. On a new turn, the passed steps are repeated, but at a higher quality level. Forward movement occurs spasmodically, sometimes catastrophically. The transition of quantity into quality, internal contradictions, the clash of various forces and tendencies give impetus to development.

    However, the process of development cannot be understood as a rigorous movement from the lower to the higher. Different peoples on Earth differ in their development from each other. Some nations developed faster, some slower. In the development of some, gradual changes prevailed, while in the development of others they were of a spasmodic nature. Depending on this, allocate evolutionary and revolutionary development.

    Evolution- these are gradual, slow quantitative changes, which eventually lead to a transition to a qualitatively different state. The evolution of life on Earth is the most striking example of such changes. In the development of society, evolutionary changes manifested themselves in the improvement of tools, the emergence of new, more complex forms of interaction between people in different areas of their lives.

    Revolution- these are extremely radical changes, involving a radical breakdown of pre-existing relations, which are universal in nature and based, in some cases, on violence. The revolution is spasmodic. Depending on the duration of the revolution, there are short term and long term. The former include social revolutions - radical qualitative changes in the entire social life, affecting the foundations of the social system. Such were the bourgeois revolutions in England (XVII century) and France (XVIII century), the socialist revolution in Russia (1917). Long-term revolutions are of global importance, they affect the process of development of different peoples. The first such revolution was the Neolithic Revolution. It lasted for several thousand years and led to the transition of mankind from an appropriating economy to a producing economy, i.e. from hunting and gathering to cattle breeding and agriculture. The most important process that took place in many countries of the world in the 18th-19th centuries was the industrial revolution, as a result of which there was a transition from manual labor to machine labor, mechanization of production was carried out, which made it possible to significantly increase the volume of output at lower labor costs.

    Reform- a set of measures aimed at transforming, changing, reorganizing certain aspects of public life.

    The main forms of development of society

    In the description of the development process in relation to the economy, one often singles out extensive and intensive ways of development. The extensive path is associated with an increase in production by attracting new sources of raw materials, labor resources, intensifying the exploitation of the labor force, and expanding the sown area in agriculture. An intensive path is associated with the use of new production methods based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress. The extensive development path is not endless. At a certain stage, the limit of its capabilities comes, and development comes to a standstill. The intensive path of development, on the contrary, involves the search for a new one, which is actively used in practice, society is moving forward at a faster pace.

    The development of society is a complex process that continues uninterruptedly throughout the history of human existence. It began from the moment of the separation of man from the animal world and is unlikely to end in the foreseeable future. The process of development of society can be interrupted only with the death of mankind.

    If man himself does not create the conditions for self-destruction in the form of a nuclear war or ecological catastrophe, the limits of human development can only be associated with the end of the existence of the solar system. But it is likely that by that time science will reach a new qualitative level and a person will be able to move in outer space. The possibility of settling other planets, star systems, galaxies can remove the question of the limit of the development of society.

    Questions and tasks

    1. What is meant by the category "change"? What types of change

    can you name?

    2. How is development different from other types of change?

    3. What types of social change do you know?

    4. What is dialectics? When and where did it originate?

    5. How did ideas about development change in the history of philosophy?

    6. What are the laws of dialectics? Please provide evidence to support them.


    7. What is the difference between evolution and revolution? How do these processes manifest

    in the lives of individual peoples, of all mankind?

    8. Give examples of extensive and intensive development paths.

    Why can't they exist one without the other?

    9. Read the statement by N.A. Berdyaev:

    "A story can't make sense if it never ends,

    if there is no end; the meaning of history is the movement towards the end, towards the completion

    to the end. Religious consciousness sees in history a tragedy that

    which has a beginning and will have an end. In historical tragedy there is

    a series of acts, and in them the final catastrophe is brewing, the catastrophe of all


    What does he see as the meaning of history? How are his ideas related to the problem?

    development of society?

    10. Have a discussion on the topic “Is there a limit to human development



    The term "culture" has many meanings. The term itself is of Latin origin. Its original meaning is the cultivation of the land in order to improve it for further use. Thus, the term "culture" implied a change in natural object under the influence of man, as opposed to those changes that are caused by natural causes.

    In a figurative sense, culture is the improvement of the bodily and spiritual qualities of a person, for example, body culture, spiritual culture. In a broad sense culture - is a set of achievements of mankind in the material and spiritual spheres. TO material values includes all objects of the material world created by man. These are clothing, means of transport, tools, etc. spiritual realm includes literature, art, science, education, religion. Culture appears as the so-called "second nature" created by man, standing above natural nature.

    The main feature of culture is its human principle, which means that outside human society culture does not exist. Culture characterizes as the development of certain historical eras, nations and nationalities (the culture of primitive society, ancient culture, the culture of the Russian people), and the degree of improvement of various areas human life and activities (work culture, culture of life, moral culture, artistic culture, etc.).

    The level and state of culture can be determined based on the development of society. In this regard, a distinction is made between primitive and high culture. At certain stages, you may

    the birth of culture, its stagnation and decline. The ups and downs of culture depend on how the members of society, who are its bearers, remained true to their cultural tradition.

    At the primitive-communal stage of development, man was an integral part of the clan, the community. The development of this community was at the same time the development of man himself. Under such conditions, the social and cultural elements of the development of society were practically not separated: social life was at the same time the life of a given culture, and the achievements of society were the achievements of its culture.

    Another feature of the life of primitive society was its "natural" character. Tribal relations "naturally" arose in the process of joint life and activities of people, in a severe struggle to maintain their existence. The decomposition and disintegration of these relations was at the same time a revolution in the mechanisms of functioning and development of society, which meant the formation of civilization.

    The concept of civilization is very ambiguous. It often contains a variety of content. Indeed, this concept is used both as a synonym for culture (a cultured and civilized person are equivalent characteristics), and as something opposing it (for example, the physical comfort of society as opposed to culture as a spiritual principle).

    Civilization- this is the stage of culture following barbarism, which gradually accustoms a person to orderly joint actions with other people. The transition from barbarism to civilization is a process that lasted a long time and was marked by many innovations, such as the domestication of animals, the development of agriculture, the invention of writing, the emergence of public authority and the state.

    At present, civilization is understood as something that gives comfort, convenience provided by technology. Another one from modern definitions this concept is the following: civilization is a set of spiritual, material and moral means with which a given community equips its members in their opposition to the outside world.

    Philosophers of the past sometimes interpreted the concept of "civilization" in a negative sense as a social state hostile to humane, human manifestations of social life.

    O. Spengler considered civilization to be a stage in the decline of culture, its aging. In the XX century. civilizational approach to history was developed by representatives of Western European and American political thought. The criterion for the species diversity of peoples and states in them

    adopted the concept of civilization with its inherent characteristic features: culture, religion, technology development, etc.

    Depending on the approach to the concept of civilization, the following types of civilizations are distinguished:

    Selection criteria Types of civilizations
    religious values Christian civilization of Europe; Arabic-Islamic; Civilization of the East:
    • indo - buddhist
    • Far East - Confucian
    Types of worldviews Traditional (eastern); rationalistic (Western).
    Scale of distribution Local; special; world.
    Dominant socio-economic sphere Agricultural; industrial; postindustrial.
    Development phase "Young", emerging; mature; declining.
    Development periods ancient; medieval; modern.
    Level of organization of state-political institutions Primary (the state is a political and religious organization); secondary (the state is different from the religious organization).

    The English historian A. Toynbee proposed his own classification of civilizations, by which he understood a relatively closed and local state of society, characterized by a commonality of cultural, economic, geographical, religious, psychological and other factors. In accordance with these criteria, he singled out more than 20 civilizations that have existed throughout world history (Egyptian, Chinese, Arab, etc.). Having their own specifics, different civilizations could exist in parallel for decades and even centuries, interacting with each other.

    The advantage of the civilizational approach is the appeal to the spiritual, cultural factors of development, which undoubtedly had a significant impact on society. At the same time, this approach is subject to serious criticism for the following reasons. The concept of "civilization" does not have an unambiguous definition and is used in various, sometimes inconsistent senses. The civilizational approach underestimates the socio-economic aspects of the development of society, the role of industrial relations and the division of society into classes as factors influencing the specifics of its emergence and functioning. The lack of development of civilizational typology is evidenced by the multiplicity of bases for the classification of civilizations.

    Ideas about civilization remained outside the scope of the study of Marxism, which dominated our country in the 20th century. ideology. Nevertheless, some aspects of the question of the development of civilization are found in the works of F. Engels. Analyzing the transition from the primitive communal system to civilization, he singles out its main characteristics: the social division of labor and, in particular, the separation of the city from the countryside, mental labor from physical labor, the emergence of commodity-money relations and commodity production, the split of society into exploiters and exploited and as a consequence of this - the emergence of the state, the right to inherit property, a profound revolution in the forms of the family, the creation of writing and the development of various forms of spiritual production. Engels is primarily interested in those aspects of civilization that separate it from the primitive state of society. But his analysis also contains the perspective of a more versatile approach to civilization as a global, world-historical phenomenon.

    From a modern point of view, world history is based on the idea of ​​the uniqueness of social phenomena, the originality of the path traveled by individual peoples. In accordance with this concept, the historical process is the change of a number of civilizations that existed at different times in different regions of the planet and simultaneously exist at the present time. Science knows many definitions of the concept of "civilization". As already mentioned, for a long time civilization was considered as a stage in the historical development of mankind, following savagery and barbarism. Today, researchers recognize this definition as insufficient and inaccurate. Civilization is understood as a qualitative specificity (originality of material, spiritual, social life) of a particular group of countries, peoples at a certain stage of development.

    According to a number of researchers, civilizations are decisively different from each other, as they are based on incompatible systems of social values. However, given

    A common approach, taken to its extreme expression, can lead to a complete denial of common features in the development of peoples, elements of repetition in the historical process. Thus, the Russian historian N.Ya. Danilevsky wrote that there is no world history, but only the history of these civilizations, which have an individual closed character. This theory dissects world history in time and space into isolated and opposed cultural communities.

    Any civilization is characterized not only by a specific social production technology, but also, to no lesser extent, by a culture corresponding to it. It has a certain philosophy, socially significant values, a generalized image of the world, a specific way of life with its own special life principle, the basis of which is the spirit of the people, its morality, faith, which determine a certain attitude towards oneself. This main life principle unites people into the people of a given civilization, ensures its unity throughout its own history. In this regard, in each civilization, four subsystems can be distinguished - biosocial, economic, political and cultural, which have their own specifics in each specific case.

    Historians highlight ancient civilizations, such as Ancient India and China, the states of the Muslim East, Babylon and Ancient Egypt and the civilizations of the Middle Ages. All of them belong to the so-called pre-industrial civilizations. Their original cultures were aimed at maintaining the established way of life. Preference was given to traditional patterns and norms that absorbed the experience of their ancestors. Activities, their means and goals changed slowly.

    A special type of civilization was European, which began its run in the Renaissance. It was based on other values. Among them is the importance of science, the constant striving for progress, for changes in established forms of activity. Another was the understanding of human nature, his role in public life. It was based on the Christian doctrine of morality and attitude to the human mind as created in the image and likeness of the divine.

    New time has become a period of development of industrial civilization. It began with the Industrial Revolution, symbolized by the steam engine. The basis of industrial civilization is the economy, within which something is constantly changing and improving. Thus, industrial civilization is dynamic.

    Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, the formation of a post-industrial civilization based on the priority of information and knowledge is taking place. The computer has become a symbol of post-industrial civilization, and the goal is the all-round development of the individual. Civilization is sociocultural education. If the concept of "culture" characterizes a person, determines the measure of his development, ways of self-expression in activity, creativity, then the concept of "civilization" characterizes the social existence of culture itself.

    The connection between culture and civilization has been noticed for a long time. Often these concepts are identified. The development of culture was seen as the development of civilization. The difference between them lies in the fact that culture is the result of self-determination of the people and the individual (cultural person), while civilization is the totality of technological achievements and the comfort associated with them. Comfort requires certain moral and physical concessions from a civilized person, making which he no longer has the time or energy for culture, and sometimes even disappears internally.

    An early need to be not only civilized, but also cultured.

    All these diverse characteristics of civilization are not accidental, they reflect some of the real aspects and features of the historical process. However, their assessment is often the same.

    ronnay, which gives grounds for a critical attitude to the numerous concepts of civilization. At the same time, life has shown the necessity of using the concept of civilization and revealing its real scientific content. Civilization includes a man-transformed, cultivated, historical nature (the existence of civilization is impossible in virgin nature) and the means of this transformation - a person who has mastered culture and is able to live and act in a cultivated environment of his habitat, as well as a set of social relations as a form of social organization culture that ensures its existence and continuation. Civilization is not only a narrow national concept, but also a global one.

    Noah. This approach allows us to more clearly understand the nature of many global problems as contradictions of modern civilization as a whole. Pollution environment production and consumption waste, predatory attitude towards natural resources, irrational nature management have created a complex ecological situation, which has become one of the most acute global problems of modern civilization, the solution of which requires the combined efforts of all members of the world community. Demographic and energy problems, the tasks of providing food for the growing population of the Earth go beyond the state borders and acquire a global, civilizational character. All mankind has a common goal to preserve civilization, to ensure their own survival.

    IN modern science There has been a debate for a long time: the world is moving towards a single civilization, the values ​​of which will become the property of all mankind, or the trend towards cultural and historical diversity will continue or even increase, and society will be a set of independently developing civilizations.

    Supporters of the second position emphasize the indisputable idea that the development of any viable organism (including human communities) is based on diversity. The spread of common values, cultural traditions, and ways of life common to all peoples will put an end to the development of human society.

    The other side also has weighty arguments: it is affirmed and supported by specific facts of socio-historical development that some of the most important forms and achievements developed by a certain civilization will receive universal recognition and dissemination. So, to the values ​​that originated in European civilization, but are now acquiring universal

    chesky value, include the following.

    In the sphere of production and economic relations, it is achieved level development of productive forces, modern technologies generated by a new stage of the scientific and technological revolution, the system of commodity-money relations, the presence of a market. The experience accumulated by humanity shows that it has not yet developed any other mechanism that would allow more rationally commensurate production with consumption.

    In the political sphere, the general civilizational base includes a rule of law state operating on the basis of democratic norms.

    In the spiritual and moral sphere, the common heritage of all peoples is the great achievements of science, art, culture of many generations, as well as universal moral values. The main factor in the development of modern world civilization is the desire for uniformity. Thanks to the funds mass media millions of people become witnesses of events taking place in different parts of the Earth, join various manifestations of culture, which unifies their tastes. The movement of people over long distances, to anywhere in the world, has become commonplace. All this testifies to the globalization of the world community. This term refers to the process of rapprochement of peoples, between which cultural differences are being erased, and the movement of mankind towards a single social community.

    Questions and tasks

    1. Give a detailed definition of the concept of "culture".

    2. What is civilization? How was this concept explained by the philosophers of the past?

    3. What is the relationship between culture and civilization?

    4. What is the essence of the civilizational approach to history?

    5. What are the features of the Marxist understanding of civilization?

    6. What are the features of modern civilization? What are the problems facing modern civilization?

    7. What civilizations existed in the history of mankind? List their distinguishing features.

    8. What factors allow us to talk about the formation of a single universal civilization in modern world?

    9. What is globalization? What are its main features?

    10. Write an essay on the topic “Modern humanity: a single civilization or a set of civilizations?”
