The problem of employment of university graduates introduction. Social preconditions and consequences of youth employment in the labor market

The problem of employment of university graduates introduction.  Social preconditions and consequences of youth employment in the labor market

Employment Problems of Graduates

V. I. Marmyshev

Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Department of Professional Training and Career Guidance of the UFGSZN in the Nizhny Novgorod region

N. L. Potemina

Chief Specialist of the Research and Development Department of the UFGSZN for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgorod

It is well known that one of the main problems of all levels of vocational education is its insufficient adequacy to the needs of the labor market. According to a number of experts, due to the weak mobility of the labor force and the relative isolation of regional labor markets, this problem will only worsen in the future. This applies especially to higher education. Universities, as a rule, train specialists in traditional for each educational institution specialties, satisfying the growing needs of a greater part of the population, and not of the economy. A consequence of this is the fact that in the country as a whole, about 30% of university graduates do not work in their specialty. Up to 250 billion rubles are spent annually on retraining of specialists /

At the same time, in 2003 Russia joined the Bologna Declaration, one of the important provisions of which is the orientation of higher educational institutions to the final result: the knowledge of graduates must be applicable and practically used. In this regard, the problems of the quality of training highly qualified specialists and their further employment are of particular importance.

Nizhny Novgorod region is one of the leading in Russia educational centers, including 17 state higher educational institutions (5 universities, 6 academies, 6 institutes), 19 branches and 20 non state universities.

As in the country as a whole, the number of students in the universities of the region is constantly growing; from 1999 to 2005, the number of applicants to all forms of education increased 1.6 times (in 2005, by 3.6%) (Fig. 1) ...

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At the beginning of 2004/2005 school year the number of students enrolled in the universities of the Nizhny Novgorod region was 161.8 thousand, of whom 152.4 thousand students of state universities (94.2% of the total number of students).

The number of university students per 10 thousand of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2005 was 528 people, of whom 178 people study on a budgetary basis, which corresponds to the level determined by Russian legislation.

And in terms of the share of students in the total number of young people aged 17-25 (32.51%), we even surpass the indicators of the Volga Federal District and the national average.

The distribution of students by departments in state and non-state universities is shown in Table 1.

It should be noted that, as in other regions of Russia, the training of specialists in commercial universities was focused mainly on economic specialties - 36%, jurisprudence - 22%, management - 22%. The distribution of students from non-state universities by industry group (admission in 2005) is shown in Figure 2.

Table 1

Distribution of students by departments

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The reasons for the "overproduction" of the total number of graduated specialists, regardless of the professions and specialties in demand, often lie in insufficient control over the process of opening and maintaining the work of non-state educational institutions... The distribution of students from public universities by industry group (admission in 2005) is shown in Figure 3.

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Compared to 1995, the training of specialists in humanitarian and social, natural sciences and engineering and technical specialties, as well as specialties in the field of education, culture and art, economics and management, agriculture and fisheries, has noticeably increased. At the same time, the number of students in health care specialties decreased by 2.7%.

However, it is noted interesting fact: an increase in the scale of education in universities of the region leads to a decrease in the employment of graduates in the received specialties. Based on the results of the research carried out, less than half of the graduates realize their professional capabilities in their chosen specialty. The rest either choose a job that is not related to their specialty (about 45%), or register as unemployed (annually from 6 to 8%). At the same time, most organizations in all sectors of the economy are experiencing serious problems with staff renewal.

The share of young people in the total number of unemployed citizens of the region over the past 5 years has stably fluctuated within 20-25%, of which more than 60% are young people aged 18-24.

The factors aggravating the problems of youth employment at the present time include: low wages of young specialists; the hopelessness of solving their social needs, first of all, the possibility of purchasing housing; lack of practical skills and insufficient qualifications, inconsistency of the profile of the acquired profession, specialty with the needs of the labor market; the prevailing orientation of graduates towards employment in the non-production sphere, with a focus on high wages and insufficient awareness of trends in the labor market and skills of behavior on it.

The fact that a young person begins his career as an unemployed person requires deep understanding and adequate measures. Every 5th graduate of the university, who received the status of unemployed, underwent vocational training in the direction of the employment service for further employment.

The dynamics of applications of university graduates to the employment service is shown in Figure 4.

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The professional composition of university graduates in 2005 who applied to the employment service is shown in Table 2.

table 2

As can be seen from Table 2, among the graduates of Nizhny Novgorod universities registered as unemployed, 37% are engineers, 15% are economists, accountants, and 14% are teachers. At the same time, according to students, the professions of accountant, economist, lawyer, manager are still considered the most prestigious professions. Thus, one of the key problems of youth employment is the lack of clear mechanisms regulating the relationship between the labor market and the educational services market.

In modern conditions, the problem of the quality of education is of particular importance. It should be assessed not only by the degree of assimilation educational programs, but also their demand, the successful implementation of the acquired professional knowledge in practice. According to V. Senashenko, G. Tkach, the quality of education is perceived as a comprehensive integral characteristic educational activities and its results. It is difficult to achieve results in conditions when the university is not directly interested in the sale of its product - high-quality employment of its graduates in the received specialty. At the same time, a dynamic transition to the production of new types of products leads to a limitation of the labor market needs in some professions and an increase in demand for new ones with higher requirements for the level vocational training frames.

According to Yu.P. Skachkov, A. M. Danilov, I. A. Gar'kina, the traditional approach in education should be replaced by a broader strategic approach - a personality-oriented one. The student should not only have knowledge and be able to apply it in the chosen field of future activity, but also be a person capable of solving the tasks set by life: research, project, organizational, entrepreneurial, etc. The student's readiness for self-education should also be formed.

It is essential that each university chooses the correct long-term strategy for training specialists. A reasonable choice of such a strategy makes it possible to timely change both the spectrum and the number of graduates in various specialties of training, introduce new disciplines and training technologies into training programs and, as a result, feel confident in the conditions of fierce competition in the educational services market. Pokholkov Y. in his article gives 7 principles of an innovative type of university, where he reflects in the space of criterion assessments such an important criterion: the demand and employment of graduates at enterprises. So far, in practice, this criterion is rarely used among the assessments of the university's performance.

At the All-Russian conference held by the Committee on Social and Labor Relations of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), the rector of the Higher School of Economics Y. Kuzminov presented data from the economic monitoring of education carried out on the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. A detailed survey of employers made it possible to reveal the share of costs for additional training within enterprises. These costs accounted for up to 40% of education costs (private, public). In other countries, this share is 15-20%. The losses of enterprises due to the fact that they initially do not participate in the education system, but then have to invest in additional education, are reaching significant numbers today. On the part of enterprises, therefore, reciprocal steps and participation are needed both in the formation of curricula and in the training itself.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region there are examples of effective cooperation between the system of higher vocational education and industrial enterprises in the preparation of broad-profile specialists in accordance with the requirements of a market economy, expanding targeted contract training, making changes agreed with employers in academic plan... Of particular note here is Zavolzhsky Motor Plant OJSC, which is developing its Training Center and investing in the development of young personnel, OJSC Nizhpharm, OJSC Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant.

In order to ensure high-quality education and attract young specialists to educational and health care institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2006, the region launched the implementation of the program "Socio-economic support of young professionals working in educational and health care institutions" for 2006-2020 (approved by the Law of the Nizhny Novgorod region from May 3, 2006 No. 38-З). To date, the program participants are 200 young specialists, who from September 1 started working in educational and health care institutions in rural areas of the region. In order to secure them in their workplaces on the terms of preferential and long-term loans, they were allocated comfortable housing and cars.

In connection with the identified problems, the question naturally arises of the role of the employment service in solving them, of improving interaction with all subjects of the labor market (Fig. 5).

The employment service, being an active subject of the labor market, participates in solving the problems of youth employment, including university graduates. There are 4 main aspects of the activities of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Employment Service in this direction:

1. Adjustment of the volumes and profiles of training in professional educational institutions.

2. Development and improvement of the vocational guidance system.

3. Monitoring the appeal of graduates of vocational educational institutions, informing about the situation on the labor market, about popular and promising professions.

4. Assistance in the creation of employment centers in universities and the development of optimal schemes for cooperation with them.

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First of all, the employment service seeks with the available opportunities to influence the elimination of the supply-demand imbalance for university graduates. But our conclusions on the volume and profiles of personnel training in accordance with the needs of the regional labor market, in the absence of statutory powers, are rather advisory in nature and, as practice shows, are not always taken into account by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. And this is one of the reasons why last years the network of universities, their branches and representative offices has unjustifiably expanded.

Taking into account the mobility and instability of supply and demand, not only in the professional and qualification context, but also in the changing requirements of employers to the personality of a young specialist, it is necessary to take into account many not only objective factors - economic, social, demographic, but also subjective - the choice of school graduates themselves and their parents.

In this situation, one of the ways to promote employment of graduates is employment centers at universities, created not without the assistance of the employment service. It is these structures that are called upon to establish interaction between universities and enterprises of various sectors of the economy, including through their graduates, to improve the adequacy of the educational services market to the labor market. As positive example one can cite the activities of the employment center at the Nizhny Novgorod State University. UNN is one of the large (over 10,000 students) universities with a large number of faculties and departments. The University successfully trains competitive specialists in a wide range of specialties. The tasks of the employment center at UNN are concentrated in two main areas: tactical tasks related to direct assistance in the employment of graduates, temporary employment of students and their adaptation to the labor market, and strategic ones aimed at solving the problem of effective employment of graduates.

Thus, the trends emerging in the regional labor markets and the prospects for their development require a qualitative renewal of the vocational education system, especially in terms of the formation of new professional training standards, linked to the needs of the labor market and the prospects for economic development of the region.

Early career guidance work with young people, primarily in schools, is of particular importance today (line 1 in Figure 5). In the practice of the employment service, preventive services have become firmly established for the entire population, and especially for schoolchildren. At the same time, often in rural areas, the employment service is the only structure that can help schoolchildren in choosing professional path, including in the choice of a university with a focus on higher education. Schoolchildren are career guidance interviews, business games, educational services fairs.

For students and graduates of universities (line 2), the course "Employment Strategy" is introduced into the educational process. Such events as "Graduate Day", group sessions "Looking for a Job" have become a practice. Fairs of vacancies, jobs and educational places, TV fairs of vacancies, career days in professional educational institutions are regularly held. The effectiveness of these areas of activity was significantly increased thanks to the creation of Youth Information Agencies.

In 2003, the employment service created the Youth information Agency(MIA) at the employment center of the Sovetsky district of N. Novgorod, which was a new resource for young people in the labor market. The main task of the agency is to inform and assist in the employment of youth in vacancies at enterprises of all forms of ownership. In addition, the MIA took upon itself the task of coordinating the activities of structures to promote employment of graduates of vocational educational institutions, conduct vocational guidance, and provide psychological support to young people.

For three years of work, about 12,000 people have applied to the agency. Of these, 7800 young people aged 18 to 22 are university students, which is 65% of the number of applicants, and 1600 people are university graduates.

Within the framework of the Russian-British project "Economic recovery and job creation", 3 more MIAs were opened this year - in Balakhninsky, Gorodetsky and Pavlovsky districts. Young people are more willing to apply to MIA than directly to employment centers. A much larger number of young people, especially students and graduates of universities, began to receive information preventive services.

MIA interacts with existing employment centers at universities: they exchange experience, develop projects, and provide methodological materials.

The Employment Service of the Nizhny Novgorod Region annually monitors the applicants of higher, secondary and primary vocational education. Monitoring data are published in the media, discussed at joint events of the employment service and social partners in order to inform and take joint efforts to eliminate the imbalance between the structure of vacancies and the structure of professions received by university graduates.

As part of the implementation of the Russian-British project, we made sure that today's youth is not striving for business. Interesting data is given by M. Agranovich in Rossiyskaya Gazeta: while, for example, in China every third young man thinks about creating his own company, in Russia only a few percent are striving for this. Motivation for entrepreneurship within the framework of the “Start your own business” seminars, assistance to young people in self-employment have become quite an effective tool in the hands of employment service specialists. And publications in the press about the successes of those who started their own business, incl. young people, make many think.

Established partnerships between the employment service and employers are important for solving the problems of employment of university graduates. At the request of employers, the employment service (line 3) recruits personnel from among young specialists, arranges guaranteed interviews, and within the framework of job fairs - presentations of young specialists (as a rule, almost everyone is employed, and many receive several offers from different employers).

The effectiveness of employment centers is facilitated by: agreements on joint activities with educational institutions for the employment of graduates, the formation of training programs in accordance with the needs of the district economy, the creation and activities of regional and district interdepartmental commissions to promote the development of personnel in production, discussion of personnel training issues at coordination meetings committees, partner councils, support in solving these problems from the regional Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, etc.

To solve the problems of balancing the needs of the labor market and the employment of university graduates, we consider it necessary to empower the interdepartmental group created for these purposes, which would include both the employment service and the marketing services of the education sector, with the authority to adjust the volumes and profiles of education. The current recommendatory nature on the part of the employment service does not give the desired effect.

The further plans of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Employment Service to solve the problems of employment of university graduates:

· A systematic analysis of supply and demand for specialists with higher education using data from the employment service on vacancies and applications of graduates, data from recruiting agencies, employment centers at universities, data collected by the MIA;

· Assistance in the conclusion of agreements between the university and the city's enterprises on the organization of internships and industrial practices for students;

· Strengthening the information block (publishing a regular newsletter “Labor market for students”, stands in universities, updating information on the Internet, systematically collecting and disseminating information on vacancies, informing about young people who have achieved success in business, etc.);

· To expand and develop the scheme of interaction of the employment service with educational authorities, educational institutions for the implementation of specific measures aimed at improving the quality of vocational education.

The experience of past years has shown that a more educated and active population adapts more quickly to new conditions. As M.M. Greibil emphasizes, education has positive influence on the success of job search in the labor market not only in itself, but also through the skills in using information, the ability to obtain information and establish the necessary connections and contacts.

There is no doubt that regions with a higher quality of education of the population, with a developed network of universities, to which the Nizhny Novgorod region belongs, are capable of adaptation in modern conditions. The employment service will have to find ways of closer interaction with education authorities, employers to determine the profiles, volumes and quality of personnel training, to work out schemes for interaction of all social partners interested in solving the problems of youth employment, including MIA at employment centers and employment centers at universities.


1. Agranovich M. A businessman from a school desk M. Agranovich Russian newspaper. 2006. № 142.

2. Greibil MM Social and human capital as factors of well-being and development: Abstract dis. M. M. Greibil. M., 2003.

3. Pokholkov Y. Criteria of an innovative type of university from the point of view of professionals high school... Issue 1 Comp. Ya. B. Zenitskaya; Ural State University. Yekaterinburg, 2006.

5. Senashenko V. Bologna process and quality of education / V. Senashenko, G. Tkach // Bulletin of the higher school. 2003. No. 8.

6. Skachkov Yu. P. Development of methodological principles, structure and content of the system of training and retraining of engineering personnel / Yu. P. Skachkov, A. M. Danilov, I. A. Garkina // Network electronic Science Magazine"System engineering". 2003. No. 1.

7. Smirnov S. N. Preparation of a program to support social reforms / S. N. Smirnov, I. I. Isaev // Social security economic reforms... IET, 2002.S. 20.

8. Labor potential and economic growth. Discussion club // Man and labor. 2005. No. 12.

Semenov P. 1, Sulikh A. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-2549-4196, Art. Lecturer, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-8841-9102, Postgraduate Student, University of Wroclaw Polytechnic



The problem of employment of graduates of Russian universities is not new and concerns every graduate who graduated from a higher educational institution. This article discusses the issues of employment of graduates, the problems of underfunding of Russian universities and the desire of students to acquire new knowledge, as well as an analysis of the labor market in Russian Federation.

Keywords: employment, youth, work.

Semenov P. 1, Sulich A. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-2549-4196, Senior Lecturer, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-8841-9102, Postgraduate student, Wroclaw University of Technology.



The unemployment problem of fresh graduates of Russian universities is not new and it is related to almost all graduates worldwide. However, this article is focused on the employment situation among graduates of Russian universities. Their problem is probably caused both by not enough financial support to Russian universities and competency gap (qualifications mismatch between possessed by students and demanded on the labor market by employers). In this article a brief analysis of Russian Federation labor market was also presented .

Keywords: employment, youth, work.

Russian universities (especially Moscow ones) occupy high positions in world university rankings. However, for some reason their graduates face employment problems both in Moscow and in other cities of Russia. This is primarily due to the quality of education, the desire of the graduate to acquire new knowledge and use it in practice and the needs of the rapidly changing labor market. On the other hand, there is a problem of underfunding of Russian universities, and thus a shortage of qualified specialists and modern equipment in the system of lecturing and conducting practical classes.

Analysis of the labor market in the Russian Federation shows that it is subject to segmentation processes, i.e. qualitative separation of the proposed conditions of employment. According to this theory, the existence of a segment is laid - a privileged group of employees who are highly valued among employers as specialists with appropriate qualifications and skills. Employees of the highest segment can directly influence the conditions of their employment, thus creating a labor market. The lowest segment of the labor market consists of people excluded from this labor market or long-term unemployed who do not improve their skills, which makes it much more difficult for them to enter the labor market. The segmentation of the labor market in the Russian Federation implies the presence of intermediate segments that include university graduates.

Graduates of certain areas (primarily specialists in the field information technologies IT) jointly create the highest segment of the Moscow labor market. Specialists are in great demand among employers: programmers, testers, software architects and project managers in the field of software development. Graduates of these areas of study, who know foreign languages ​​and have work experience, also shape the labor market. An employee market is a situation in which employees set the conditions for their work and at the same time the employer is forced to accept their demands. The opposite situation and the most widespread is the employer's market, in which graduates of all other areas of study are located.

Employers are witnesses to the existence of a competency gap who want to invest in improving the knowledge and skills of their employees (rich social packages and training).

The main reason for the impossibility of finding a job for a university graduate is, in most cases, ignorance of the realities of the labor market and the absence of an active search for employment. Students, and future graduates, do not have access to university employment offices or employment counseling centers. Thus, graduates are forced to be completely independent when entering the labor market.

The next problems of graduates are the lack of transparency in the labor market (lack of complete and reliable information about vacancies) and the unpredictability of the labor market (lack of career planning, as well as uncertainty in the constancy of existing positions). Graduates are not ready for mutual competition for jobs in the local or national labor market. This lack of readiness is primarily due to the lack of training and courses in the field of job search while studying at the university. Moreover, young university graduates are convinced of the need to improve their qualifications, so they go for training in acquiring another education, which creates its own additional costs or costs for the employer.

In addition to the knowledge and skills possessed by graduates of Russian universities, their competitiveness is significantly influenced by such factors as: the use of knowledge in practice, the personal characteristics of the graduate, the prestige of the graduated university, experience and salary expectations.

Personal characteristics also play an important role in the employment process. Employers are more likely to hire candidates for jobs who have functions such as stress tolerance, responsibility, communication skills, and performance. When choosing the appropriate personnel, employers also pay attention to the skills of self-education and independent decision-making.

The prestige of a graduated university has a significant impact on the employment of Russian university graduates. In the free market conditions in the Russian Federation, in addition to the state universities of the Russian Federation, numerous private (commercial) universities were also created. These universities, regardless of the status of the constituent body, provide education of a similar quality, while universities of a commercial nature offer competitive directions and conditions of education (overseas practices; courses taught in foreign languages). Private institutions compete with established universities (public universities) because they undertake innovative research topics and work closely with entrepreneurs.

University students get a lot of experience looking for various employment opportunities. Most often they choose their employment in sales and services. The variety of forms of employment that exist in the Russian Federation forces employers to conclude contracts informally. In such cases, the challenge is how to document your experience. Not all students gain professional experience in their field of study during their studies, and some of them will not earn extra money during their studies.

The financial expectations of young graduates in Russia are a problem for those who cannot confirm their qualifications or work experience with documents (according to the work book). Almost 50% of graduates reject job offers because of inadequate wages. ...

The transition to a new education system, the so-called Bologna system, is another problem for young students and graduates of Russia. According to experts, the login system The Bologna Process took place in the Russian Federation in 2003-2012 and replaced the concept of a specialist. Bologna system takes place in two stages: bachelor (bachelor) and additional program education (master).

In connection with the transition from the old system (specialty) to the new one (bachelor's degree), the student-teacher-employer connection was lost. This is because, due to lower wages and underfunding of universities, professors cannot be allowed to study scientific activities in full force, and universities do not have enough funding to buy new modern equipment for practical classes and visual lectures, in turn, students, seeing the state of the entire scientific environment in Russian universities, and how professors use the old terminology when giving lectures, which do not cover the entire spectrum of science today, do not use modern technologies, do not particularly “burn” with the desire to acquire new knowledge and compete for their employment.

The difference between the entire current Russian education system from the Western one is that the system higher education Russia is built on memorizing the material, without the obligatory visit to libraries and discussion of the passed material in scientific circles. In addition, in recent years it has become easy to pass exams and tests for money, which significantly reduces the quality of the level of education in Russian universities. Based on this, the employer, receiving such students, offers university graduates the lowest salary below their expectations.

According to the authors, it is necessary to revive the Student-Teacher-Employer relationship, create Career Management at universities and stimulate students, thereby reviving competition among higher education institutions.


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  6. Izdanije Czelovek i trud. No. 5. p. 34-38. - 2011. - URL: - Data obrashhenija: 03/21/2016


Object: youth employment in the region.

Subject: employment of graduates of Omsk State University.

Purpose: to study the theoretical foundations and practice of solving the issues of employment of graduates of Omsk State University.

Objectives: 1) to identify the problems of university graduates in the field of employment;

2) determine the forms and methods of work of centers for promoting student employment.

3) consider an effective model for employing graduates.

4) to conduct a study of employment plans for graduates of Omsk State University.

Graduation from a university for a graduate presupposes the beginning of his new stage of life, namely work. But there is a barrier between graduation and starting work. This is a barrier to employment. For employment, a graduate needs to know and soberly assess his resources, be able to present them. Know by what means to find an employer or how an employer can find one. If the graduate is unable to overcome the barrier, then he will face long job searches or unemployment.

For university graduates, unemployment is relevant because in our days there are intensive processes when the usual types of work are replaced by new ones. And, consequently, the prevailing stereotype - one job for a lifetime - is becoming a thing of the past, and not only for manual workers. In the USSR, the distribution system for graduates of educational institutions guaranteed them employment in their specialty, but today there is high competition on the labor market, and graduates of universities have to fight for jobs with specialists with work experience. In the minds of the majority of the population, a dependent attitude towards employment, a low desire to compete in the labor market, has become entrenched. But in recent years, this phenomenon has disappeared, since a generation that has grown up in a market economy and is accustomed to competition is studying at universities. In addition, the learning process has become continuous, the necessary knowledge for a specialist is being updated, and therefore the problem arises that after graduation, the knowledge and skills of a young specialist are somewhat outdated. It is also worth noting that the majority of students and graduates are not ready for employment, they do not have work experience in organizations and employment experience. They do not fully understand their resources and do not assess them adequately. As a result, the young specialist has problems in finding a job.

Unemployment or ineffective employment can cause deterioration in financial, and then social, psychological well-being, and as a result health, which will further lead to a deterioration in the well-being of society, and as a result, an increase in the volume of work for social services. For university graduates, employment outside of their specialty or lack of it threatens to lose their qualifications or problems in obtaining a job in their specialty, and, in general, leads to ineffective labor activity.

The term employment has various definitions: Employment is the participation of the population in labor activities, including education, military service, housekeeping, caring for children and the elderly. Employment is considered to be the socially useful activity of citizens, which, as a rule, brings them earnings. Employment is the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and, as a rule, brings them earnings, labor income. Employment is divided into full-time and part-time. Full employment means almost full provision of the working-age population with jobs. Part-time employment means the opportunity to get a part-time job, for a seasonal period. Underemployment is a source of unemployment. Most accurately, the term employment in the topic of work reveals the definition

E. Borisova: employment is the provision of workers with appropriate jobs.

The opposite of the term employment is the term unemployment. Unemployment is a suspension of employment for a long period, independent of the will of the employee, due to the impossibility of employment, as a rule, as a result of the termination of an employment agreement between the employee and the employer. The unemployed is considered to be the economically active population that is not involved in labor activity. According to the Rosstat methodology, the age range of the economically active population is 15-72 years, from this it follows that university graduates are part of the economically active population and constitute one of its main parts.

Graduates of higher education institutions in the labor market

Problems of university graduates

After receiving a diploma, graduates face many problems, the reasons for some lie even before entering a higher educational institution.

One of these problems is the problem of career guidance. In my life experience, I have often encountered such a problem among applicants or future applicants as the choice of a specialty or a direction of study. Difficulty in choosing is a natural phenomenon, since young people do not have long-term and adequate plans for life. Vocational guidance at school, vocational guidance of parents, vocational guidance of applicants can solve this problem. Lack of vocational guidance leads to the fact that young people are trained in those specialties that are not interesting or difficult for them, and are not suitable. The pursuit of the prestige of the profession without taking into account the need for this specialty in the labor market in the future, that is, the choice of professions that will be of little demand after graduation. The criteria for choosing a profession is its pay. And also often parents choose a place of study for their children. As an example, I will cite the results of a survey of the Moscow State University Named after M.V. Lomonosov. In the course of the study, 150 schoolchildren were interviewed. As a result, the following data were obtained. Of the total number of respondents, 58 percent of schoolchildren have professionally determined, 41 are in the process of professional self-determination, and only 1 percent of 11th grade graduates have not yet thought about it. 55 percent of schoolchildren rated the prestige of their chosen profession as very high, 38 as relatively high, and only a small number of schoolchildren chose a future profession that does not enjoy prestige in society. The most popular profession among 11th grade students is the profession of a lawyer. This also testifies to the orientation of the respondents towards socially prestigious types of activity.

This problem also includes such a stereotype as the compulsory need to get a higher education, this is “the only way to life”, even if a young person is not able to cope with the curriculum or the family is in a difficult financial situation. Some young people go to higher educational institutions to receive a guaranteed respite from the army, or simply to delay their exit into adulthood, to set their values. Not in all cases, but in most cases, this affects the quality of education and, consequently, the graduate's employment.

The problem of the quality of education. In the media, at the university and simply in conversations between people, the problem of the quality of higher education is often discussed. This problem includes:

Poor quality of education, decline in the quality of education, obsolescence of curricula;

Graduates have outdated knowledge, they are not competent or their skills do not fully cover the necessary ones;

Poor organization of practice. This includes the lack of appropriate places of practice, or the student chooses the simplest place of practice for the implementation of scientific and practical activities. It is important to mention that the place of internship is potentially a place of future employment.

Employment is hindered by the level and quality of the education received and the lack of demand for graduates of educational institutions in the labor market. Now more than half of graduates cannot find work in their specialty, which negatively affects professional development a person and the definition of his life path.

The problem of finding a job in a specialty. The difficulty of getting a job in a specialty is due to two reasons.

First, the set of specialties and professions taught in universities does not correspond to the demands of the labor market. There is a surplus of professions, for example, economists, lawyers, PR-managers.

Secondly, most employers are looking for specialists with practical work experience, and they do not consider applicants without it. Depending on the specialty received, it will be easier or more difficult for a young specialist without work experience to get a job in his specialty for the first time. For example, young professionals with technical or engineering education, it will often be easier to get a job. We can say that the more a certain profession requires special knowledge and fewer practical skills, the easier it will be to get a job for a specialist in this profession.

Another problem for university graduates is the low level of remuneration offered by potential employers. The solution to this problem may be just a matter of time, if the graduate gets a job in his specialty. Having gained work experience, he will be able to count on a large salary.

There is an opinion that recruiting agencies are looking for exclusively qualified specialists with solid work experience. However, there are exceptions to this rule. The recruiting agency fulfills the employer's order, and the recruiting agencies will be looking for specialists depending on the employer's personnel needs. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the recruiting agency will select the most successful graduates of universities, assess the level of knowledge acquired by a young specialist, since the requirement for a high professional level of candidates is general rule... By hiring young specialists, the employer fills ordinary vacancies. Many employers see the advantage of hiring young professionals in saving financial resources for wages. Some employers are looking for young specialists with good solid theoretical knowledge, believing that it is better to get practical experience in the company in which the specialist will work.

Like any economically active population, challenge graduates may be exposed to unemployment. We will reveal the causes of unemployment through its types:

1) Frictional. Employees voluntarily change jobs for a variety of reasons, both production and personal, and in order to improve working conditions and pay. Disappointment in the profession may also be the motive for dismissal. People who start their working life for the first time after graduating from a general education or vocational school are also looking for work. A special group is represented by working young people who want to determine "their place" in the system of social division of labor - to find a "interesting" job for themselves. All these processes are taking place against the background of mutual dismissals and hiring. The totality of such people who are actively looking for work, and forms a contingent of frictional unemployed.

2) Structural has not so personal, but rather a technical and economic basis. It does not so obviously depend on the desire of a person and the motives of his labor behavior. Structural unemployment is based on scientific and technological progress, the use of its achievements in economic practice. This is ultimately expressed in a change in the structure of production and consumer demand of the population, in a corresponding improvement in production technology. As a result, the structure of jobs is changing;

They are being modernized;

New ones appear, old ones are eliminated.

Such innovations transform the professional and qualification composition of the employed population and, in this regard, the demand for labor. The supply of labor is more conservative and retains quality and structure longer. For reorientation, people need a certain time, during which they acquire new skills, knowledge, skills, and adapt to the changing environment. Structural unemployment can be caused by a change in the territorial division of labor.

3) Cyclic. This type of unemployment is inextricably linked to the movement of the business cycle (industrial cycle). The general drop in the aggregate demand for goods and services cannot but reduce the number of employed, which leads to an increase in the number of unemployed. Cyclical unemployment in modern market theory is considered an undesirable phenomenon. In an economy that is at the top of the industrial cycle, it should be zero, although this is not the case in the practice of modern economics.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the marginal unemployment. This is the unemployment of the poorly protected strata of the population (young people, women, the disabled) and the lower social strata. University graduates are marginalized prior to employment.

Secondary employment

The next problem can be described as the low material security of students. This problem leads to the fact that some students resort to secondary employment. Secondary employment is the activity of citizens associated with additional work in addition to the main place of work. It acts in various forms: part-time work, under a contract, - casual, one-time work, etc. It is not considered such work in several enterprises when it is due to the type of activity at the main place of work, i.e. business trips, temporary displacement, as well as work on a backyard, garden plot, home repair, production of clothes, shoes and other items for their own needs, the Economic Dictionary). This leads to low professionalism and competence of the graduate. Secondary or forced employment, if in the past for the overwhelming majority of university students permanent paid work was not a vital necessity, now it has become such. For a senior student of the 70-80s. the main goals of the work were additional (namely additional, and not urgently necessary) extra earnings, working off compulsory practice, getting closer to the object of research and taking care of the future place of permanent work. The reasons for forced employment are the low welfare of the population and the social policy of the state, which provides scholarships below the subsistence level. It can be considered positive if the student works in the field of his vocational training, that is, gaining experience. But double employment simultaneously brings harm (health, mastering a specialty) and benefits (an active lifestyle stimulates activity and orientation towards a career).

The above are the problems that lead to the main problems of university graduates:

1) low competitiveness, not knowing their resources.

2) lack of work experience, practical skills, discrimination in the labor market

3) low need for certain specialists, oversaturation of the labor market

4) lack of interest in employment in the specialty

5) the opinion that Good work can only be found "by pull."

The ways to solve the problem of employment are:

1) correct career guidance for future students; 2) increasing scholarships for university students; 3) optimization of the educational process, its practical orientation; 4) introduction of quotas for places for young specialists.

In modern conditions, the requirements for the level of qualifications of personnel in the labor market are increasing. Therefore, the issues of competitiveness and employment of young specialists are of particular relevance. In economic theory, the labor market refers to the market of factors of production . The structure of the labor market is determined by the ratio of various categories of labor (specialties, professions) that form supply and demand. Therefore, the real labor market is represented by the market of professions, i.e. a set of specialized markets. For example, there is a labor market for professions such as a turner, an electrician, or a civil engineer, a design engineer, etc.

Each such market can have a certain segmentation, i.e. grouping according to a certain criterion, which forms the category of employed. The specialized labor market, as a rule, is grouped by skill level, education level, gender and age characteristics;

Sociological studies of the Russian labor market show that young people under 25 experience the greatest difficulties in finding a job. Young people make up 27.1% of the unemployed, including 5.8% at the age of 15-19, and 21.4% at the age of 20-24. Every year, graduates of the system of primary, secondary and higher vocational education come to the labor market. The total number of this category is about 1.5 million people. in year. This number does not include graduates who were drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces, as well as continuing their studies at other levels of vocational education.

Students of higher educational institutions are a representative group of Russian youth, more than 7.5 million students study at the universities of our country. Despite the annual decrease in unemployment in our country, the problem of youth employment remains acute: more than 2.5 million young people are unemployed, and only 50% of university graduates find jobs. Sociological polls show that even graduates of prestigious universities are unemployed. In concept « Federal target programs for the development of education for 2006-2010 ”it was noted that more than a quarter of graduates of institutions of higher professional education are not employed in their specialty received at an educational institution. In the case of applying for a job in their specialty, they do not know modern and effective ways production activities.

As you know, our labor market is oversaturated with economists, lawyers and managers who, with great difficulty, manage to get a job by profession, while the most in demand are engineering and blue-collar specialties. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the specialties are locksmith, electrician, mechanic, etc. there are already more vacancies than offers. The coefficient of excess of the unemployment rate among youth on average for age group among the urban population - 3.1 times, the rural population - 2.4 times.

The role of the state in solving the problem of youth employment, including university graduates, is incredible. A competent policy in the field of youth employment will undoubtedly help the vocational education system to adequately respond to the needs of the labor market, direct labor resources to the necessary channel in need of qualified personnel and increase the proportion of graduates who are employed in their specialty.

An important direction of this policy is vocational guidance among schoolchildren in specialties that are in demand on the labor market. The introduction of a certain period of compulsory work in specialties prepared for state enterprises and budgetary institutions, for example, for students of pedagogical universities, should be attributed to the number of administrative measures. This will reduce the shortage of teaching staff in schools.

Along with these measures, within the framework of the youth employment program, the application of such a direction of regulating supply and demand in the labor market as the rational use of flexible forms of employment and flexible working hours at Russian enterprises is of great socio-economic importance. Foreign experience shows that in developed countries there is a tendency to adopt laws on work for a period of time, for an incomplete work time, about distance work. This approach is more effective than forced vacations or part-time work for all workers. In turn, work in a specialty that requires a certain professional training, knowledge and experience, allows you to maintain the qualifications of young specialists. From a personal point of view, flexible working hours allows employees to increase personal independence in the workplace, as well as to better satisfy their needs regarding professional activity and continuing education on the job. It seems important to ensure the promotion of part-time employment of young people on the basis of flexible schedules, studying this experience and adapting it to the conditions of our country.

Employment policy cannot be limited to helping the unemployed; it must reflect the interests of the individual in the world of work. In world science and practice, an understanding of employment policy as a tool for the most complete implementation and development of the labor potential of the population has long been formed and has found a real embodiment. Measures to help the unemployed are only an organic part of this broader context. One cannot but agree with the experts that the state needs to allocate funds for retraining programs and improving professional competitiveness among young people. Young specialists should not pay unemployment benefits, but involve them in active events, teach them how to make graduates competitive in the labor market. This will reduce tensions in the youth sector of the labor market. The implementation of such measures is a direct investment of the state and regions in the future and will help to ensure social protection not only for young people, but for other categories of unemployed.


Shilina Evgeniya Borisovna

Department of Legal Disciplines,

Branch of FGBOU VPO "KubGU"

in the city Armavir

Yarmonova E.N.

Scientific adviser: Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Legal Disciplines,

Branch of FSBEI HPE "KubSU" in Armavir

The problem of employment of graduates after graduation from universities is extremely urgent today. The state distribution system is a thing of the past. Today, a young specialist is faced with rather tough market conditions, from which he does not always emerge as a winner. At present, young people represent the most numerous group of unemployed - over 30% of the total number of registered unemployed. In addition, 25–28% of the total population of unemployed youth are graduates of educational institutions.

Identifying the reasons for the difficulty of this process and developing effective mechanisms to overcome them is a task that requires an early resolution.

Today sociologists express the opinion that “the fact that the majority of students stay for a long time“ in a serene state ”and do not think about the fact that student years exist not in order to spend time calmly, but, above all, to gain knowledge, necessary in subsequent practical work, is the result of the influence of stereotypes rooted in the minds of both students and their parents back in the Soviet period. "

It is difficult to unequivocally agree with this. Of course, the above phenomenon is present and, of course, certain attitudes should be overcome, which do not correspond to reality, but along with this there are a large number of young people, students who today quite responsibly approach both the choice of a specialty and the learning process, and try to prove themselves in various scientific and research competitions, thereby declaring that they strive to obtain knowledge.

It is worth referring to history and see how this issue was resolved, and, perhaps, borrowing by attaching to modern realities, successful mechanisms and methods. Earlier when existed Soviet Union, the practice of so-called “distribution work” was introduced everywhere - the practice of employing a graduate of a higher educational institution, obligatory for a certain period, both for the graduate and for the employer.

This process was also in some educational institutions. Russian Empire(for example, at the School of Law). Later he moved to the USSR, where the very term "distribution" appears.

The distribution was carried out in the last months of study at the university - a special commission assigned graduates to jobs at enterprises and organizations that, according to the order of the relevant departments, needed specialists of this profile.

The graduate was obliged to work "according to distribution" for three years, and only after that he could change the place of work of his own free will. The distribution worker had a special legal status of a “young specialist” - such an employee could not be dismissed without special permission from the ministry. In some cases (when an enterprise or organization was interested in retaining this employee), he could receive benefits in providing housing, placing children, if any, in kindergartens, and so on. Those assigned to work outside their place of residence were provided with non-refundable relocation benefits (“lift”), cheap housing in hostels (with the preservation of registration at the main place of residence) and other social guarantees. For graduates who completed military service in the army, the work time for distribution was reduced by the amount of the service life.

So, it can be seen that the distribution, in fact, represented partly the working off of the money that the state spent on training a student. Upon graduation, a student could be sent anywhere in the country to an enterprise or to one or another organization.

In our opinion, it seems possible to partially introduce distribution practices. In modern conditions, it would be possible to make a similar procedure, only not for three years, as it was before, but for example, within one year. It is better to offer distribution at will, that is, not necessarily, but at the young specialist's own request. With this distribution, take into account academic performance, creative achievements... This measure will be designed to guarantee a guaranteed, albeit small, but nevertheless necessary and useful period of work in the specialty.

What problems do graduates face today? One of the main obstacles to employment after graduation for many "yesterday" students is the lack of work experience. In the conditions of the functioning of the labor market, the main criterion in assessing graduates of vocational educational institutions is their real professional qualifications and competence, which ensure the competitiveness and professional mobility of a specialist. It would seem, what kind of work experience can a former student have in his specialty by the end of his studies? Indeed, he did not yet have a diploma, and if he did have work experience, then, most likely, it was the experience of a courier, peddler, waiter and other specialties, usually offered to students by employment services as additional earnings during the training period. A paradox arises, but, unfortunately, this circumstance often leaves many graduates without work and forces them to urgently change their field of activity and work outside their specialty.

Today the employer sets a fairly high bar for the applicant, including young professionals. Each campaign or business has its own requirements, but often they represent a large list of desirable qualities for their potential employee. The most basic: work experience, professionalism, the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in practice, the ability to make decisions. It is natural and understandable that employers want to have a competent, competent and responsible employee at their work, but the question arises: how can a young specialist, a "yesterday" student, gain experience and, accordingly, develop professionalism, if he is not hired practically anywhere without work experience?

Moreover, one of the problems is that many university graduates who have received a good theoretical basis in their educational institution are not able to apply them in practice. This is not a question only of some particular specialty or university, but a general problem. This fact is confirmed by the materials of the Internet conference: “… more than 50% of employers-managers consider the level of training of graduates of the branch and other Russian universities to be approximately the same. Among the qualities that the graduates lack, the managers singled out, first of all, professional knowledge. This contradiction can most likely be explained by the fact that managers mean a lack of practical skills by a lack of professional knowledge, i.e. work experience ".

The problem under consideration requires a systematic approach. Moreover, the topic of education itself cannot be considered in isolation from, firstly, from the entire system of working with the younger generation, starting with the elementary grades, and secondly, in isolation from how the economy develops and what conditions are created for self-realization. young guys.

To solve the problem related to the employment of graduates after universities, it is possible and even necessary to pay special attention to the experience of the Russian capital - the city of Moscow. As you know, the number of universities in the capital is huge, and, therefore, every year various services, including state ones, are faced with the problem of a large number of applications for employment. The head of the Moscow Department of Labor and Employment Oleg Neterebsky commented on this issue and said that the Moscow authorities intend to develop a special program in the near future. According to her, "... a graduate of the capital's university will be able to get a job where he underwent an internship during his student days."

Moreover, it was also noted that “the internship program for graduates of educational institutions has been increased by an order of magnitude, as well as the volume of temporary employment of students has increased. As a result, out of the total number of young people who applied to the employment service this year, 24 thousand people found temporary work in their free time from school. "

So, general conclusion from the above, as the head of the Moscow Department of Labor and Employment himself explained, this is the desire and idea to combine two areas - finding a part-time job while studying and work for graduates, so that temporary work becomes an internship for a future specialist.

This idea seems to be quite promising and especially important for current graduates. The opportunity to come as an employee to the place of his internship is a good help for a “newly minted” specialist. Everyone can benefit from it: both employers and yesterday's students.

Firstly, while undergoing an internship in a particular campaign, a student, even during his studies, begins to apply in practice the theoretical knowledge gained.

Secondly, he has the opportunity to plunge into the direct work process and thereby realize the principles of his future specialty, which seems to be very problematic by simply exposing and learning academic disciplines.

Thirdly, the student has a chance to prove himself. Responsible approach to work, creative thinking, communication skills and many other qualities are indisputable arguments that such a young specialist would later, after receiving a diploma, receive an invitation and come to the same campaign or organization in which he has established himself.

And, finally, such an important criterion for the applicant today, which is indicated by many employers - the ability to make decisions and navigate at times rather rapidly changing circumstances - is also acquired during practice and internships.

As for the employers themselves, they will certainly benefit from this project.

By providing internships in their campaigns or organizations, they will be able to select future employees in advance.

In addition, during the internship, the employer, while teaching the student, shows what exactly the requirements of his organization, theoretical skills and qualities in to a greater extent need him. That is, the employer, as it were, prepares an employee who is already adapted to his requirements.

On this issue, I would like to present proposals for solving the problems of employment of graduates after university.

Firstly, universities should establish closer interaction with various enterprises and organizations, namely, negotiate internships for their students in these organizations. The theoretical base that a higher educational institution provides, supported by an abundance of practice, is the key to the successful training of a competent young specialist.

Secondly, like the experience in the capital, universities need to develop a practice in which the place of internship of the student in the future can become his place of work after graduation. For this it is worth, in our opinion, first of all to encourage students with good academic performance and those who have shown themselves with positive side during an internship in a particular organization.

Thirdly, to increase the interest of both large and medium-sized and small private companies in hiring young specialists, a preferential taxation should be introduced. It is no secret that many employers do not want to hire yesterday's graduates, arguing that they have no experience and need to be taught everything from scratch. But they contradict themselves, as they deprive graduates of receiving that very invaluable and necessary work experience. And with the operation of such a mechanism as preferential tax rates, most likely, there will be many campaigns wishing to accept young specialists, thereby satisfying their campaigns in new personnel and ensuring the employment of young people.

Fourth, a law on job quotas should be passed for those who are looking for a job in their specialty for the first time. This proposal was made by the Russian Student Union. According to the information posted on its website, the Union proposes to improve legislation and adopt the federal law"On quotas for the first job." It is proposed to establish the following quota for the employment of young people: 1% - when the number of employees in the organization is up to 100 people; 2% - with the payroll number of employees of the organization from 100 to 300 people; 3% - with the payroll number of employees from 300 and more people. " It is difficult not to support this proposal, since, in our opinion, it will really help in resolving the problem of employment. The Russian Student Union itself believes that “job quotas should apply primarily to enterprises and organizations that are financed from the federal, regional or local government budgets, or in the capital of which at least 25% is the state share or the share of municipalities, or which 50% they receive their proceeds through the implementation of a state or municipal order. "

Fifth, it will be expedient to encourage the scientific development of students in various universities of our country and their introduction into production. For example, if students of a university put forward a certain development that improves the work of some production, then those organizations, enterprises or campaigns that will undertake the implementation of this idea and get a result should also be provided with certain preferential conditions in the tax area. And students who have developed one or another already implemented idea should be provided with work either at the enterprise where their innovation operates or in the campaign that was involved in the financial support of this project. This proposal should also be consolidated at the legislative level by adopting an appropriate regulatory legal act.

Of course, nothing can be fully realized without the active participation of universities on the one hand, and private or public companies and companies, on the other. HEIs should adjust curriculum more for the real skills and abilities of a particular specialty, which they teach their students. Along with fundamental disciplines, it is advisable to introduce also applied ones, directly related to the future profession of a young specialist. This does not mean that practical exercises or internships should be implanted to the detriment of studies and solid knowledge. On the contrary, the curriculum should be structured in the most balanced way in such a way that the theoretical base is continuously supplemented by practical skills. After all, this is how you can get a real idea of ​​the profession and, in practice, understand the significance and value of the seemingly “boring terms” described in lectures.

Employers, on the other hand, should abandon the stereotype that yesterday's student is not the best employee. Yes, he has no experience. Yes, at first he will have to be taught, as it may seem, simple things in one area or another. But along with this there is a large number of young graduates, "yesterday's students" who really want to work and are ready to "learn" to work. Many students, even during their studies, actively manifest themselves in research projects conducted by their universities and others, develop scientific ideas and innovate. Moreover, one should not forget that the younger generation is a potential that in no case should be left to the mercy of fate or ignored due to its little or no experience. It is necessary to give a chance to acquire a profession and in the future to find a job in the specialty.
