The system of additional education children ovz. Opportunities for additional education programs for the socialization of children with disabilities

The system of additional education children ovz.  Opportunities for additional education programs for the socialization of children with disabilities

Shishkina Maria Nikolaevna, senior methodologist of the Municipal Budgetary Institution additional education Palace children's creativity city ​​of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory.
The article reveals and shows the directions of work with children with disabilities in the Palace of Children's Art in the city of Pyatigorsk.

Publication date: 03/09/2017

The role of additional education in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities.

The article reveals and shows the directions of work with children with disabilities in the Palace of Children's Creativity in the city of Pyatigorsk. It is intended for the parent community, teachers of additional education. Our institution seeks by all available means to provide conditions for obtaining creative development of children with disabilities. We have our own rich work experience, new opportunities have appeared to use the latest technology in the process of socialization of children with disabilities.

The health and well-being of children is the main concern of the family, state and society. One of the main tasks of the activities of additional education institutions is the socialization of children in the conditions of modern life and their creative development.

Particular attention in solving this problem is paid to work with children with disabilities, as a category of children who especially need help and support not only from loved ones, but also from society.

Not so long ago, such concepts as a “special” child, “a child with disabilities” and even “a special family” entered into pedagogical use. The modern approach to providing assistance and support to children with disabilities is focused on including them in the environment of ordinary peers, which reflects the realization of the rights of children to receive education.

Being an important link in the multifaceted process of the formation and upbringing of a child's personality, the family alone cannot solve the difficult task of including a person in a complex and contradictory world around. The education system plays an important role, including additional education.

In the city of Pyatigorsk, and in our institution (the Palace of Children's Creativity), active work is underway to create conditions for the equal participation of children with disabilities in various forms of interaction with healthy children.

To ensure the availability and resource readiness of the institution to accept children with disabilities in 2015, the following types of work were carried out at the Palace of Children's Creativity: a specialized room for the disabled was equipped and toilets were reconstructed. These activities were carried out as part of the implementation of the "Accessible Environment" subprogram state program Stavropol Territory " Social support citizens."

Within the framework of the program, it is planned to carry out work in our institution to expand doorways, install a personnel call system, handrails, anti-slip coating, purchase ramps, a lift, information stands, and tactile pictograms.

The teaching staff of the Palace of Children's Creativity is a community of like-minded professionals, highly qualified, intelligent, friendly, responsive teachers. Accessibility, quality, efficiency of education are the main things in the work of the teaching staff of the Palace.

The Palace of Children's Creativity implements educational programs of artistic, aesthetic, cultural, socio-pedagogical, natural-science, physical culture, sports, ecological and biological orientations.

In the Palace and on the basis of schools, the orphanage, more than 1000 children are engaged in 42 children's creative associations: choreographic, music, vocal studios,

arts and crafts, early intellectual development of children and many others.

Since September 2014, on the basis of the Palace, a city innovation platform has been implemented on the topic: "Socialization of children with disabilities through additional education."

Children with disabilities have the opportunity to study in various creative teams, attend leisure activities, take part in concerts, exhibitions of arts and crafts.

Children with disabilities are a complex category that requires increased pedagogical, psychological, sociological, medical, and public attention.

Very often, children with disabilities are limitless in their talents. And teachers are obliged to work with each such child individually and painstakingly.

One of the directions that determine the effectiveness of the activities of the institution in the field of work with children with disabilities is the improvement of the system for training teachers to work with this category of children. The teachers of the Palace of Children's Creativity constantly improve their professional competence in this area through full-time and distance professional development courses, participation and presentation of their experience at training seminars, teachers' councils, conferences of various levels.

Our institution uses the potential of special (correctional) educational institutions cities to train teachers to work with children with disabilities. In 2014, on the basis of our institution, a training seminar was held for teachers of the Palace of Children's Creativity on the topic “Peculiarities of working with hearing-impaired children in additional education.” At this seminar, teachers of the “Special (correctional) general education boarding school No. with the teachers of our institution.

In 2014, teachers and methodologists of the Palace of Children's Creativity took part in the I regional correspondence scientific and practical conference devoted to the problems of additional education in the Stavropol Territory. An article was published on the role of an additional education institution in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities.

From November 16 to November 18, 2015, Natalya Vladimirovna Kurilo, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Palace of Children's Creativity, takes part in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference in Moscow on the topic "Actual issues of introducing additional educational programs focused on the needs of children with disabilities" .

In the search for interesting and effective forms and methods of education and upbringing, we are helped by studying the experience of working with children with disabilities, disabilities in Russia and abroad via the Internet.

In providing conditions and opportunities for the development and education of children with disabilities, a special role belongs to the teacher-psychologist.

The psychologist of the Palace of Children's Creativity Victoria Sarkisovna Chilingaryan develops recommendations in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children, their somatic and mental health, conducts activities that help improve the professional competence of teachers, and involve parents in solving correctional and educational problems.

The scheme of work of a psychologist with children with disabilities in our institution is as follows:

To begin with, an initial meeting of the psychologist with the family is held in order to get acquainted and collect information about the development of the child, to clarify the educational request from the parents. Then the teacher creates a personal file, where the information received about the child is recorded. Then the studio's social passport is filled in and submitted to the psychologist.

At the next stage, employees of the educational institution and the administration are included in the work with children of this category. The administration, in turn,

contributes to the creation of special conditions that involve the formation of an adapted educational environment. A speech therapist and a psychologist give recommendations on the implementation of an individual approach to children in accordance with a specific diagnosis.

At the third stage, organizational work is carried out to design, develop and approve an educational route for a child with disabilities. Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, medical indicators, parents' expectations, the goals and objectives of the individual educational route are clearly formulated (the need to supplement or change the educational schedule is discussed, forms of education are determined, the mode of attending classes, both group and individual. Individual data educational routes include the content of the main sections of the basic program, as well as correctional directions for a particular child, recommended by the institution's specialists.

Teachers constantly monitor the effectiveness of the development of the educational program and the achievements of children, the dynamics of development is recorded creativity students, which is reflected in the individual maps of personal development.

The main part of children with disabilities may have a weakened memory, fatigue, slow perception. Therefore, educational work is built taking into account the characteristics, focusing on individuality, dosing the teaching load. Frequent change of activities, physical education in the classroom and rehearsals, repeated repetition - required elements in working with children. Of course, it will be necessary to constantly adjust the route, seek effective methods work for successful learning, relatively speaking, adapting for the child.

At the final stage, a final meeting is held with parents to determine further forms of work with the child, teachers and specialists are given recommendations, advice, consultations, memos. Teachers generalize experience at seminars, round tables, conferences, internal and city methodical associations.

The success of mastering the program, an individual approach to each child, the conditions created for the creative development of children with disabilities give their positive results.

Students of studios with disabilities actively participate in municipal events: exhibitions of fine and arts and crafts, holiday concerts, New Year's performances, Christmas and Easter festivals.

Children with disabilities from the studios of the Palace of Children's Creativity were noted at such competitions as the city festival of children, youth and family creativity "Happy Childhood" (Grand Prix, Fine Arts Studio "Gardarika")

City festival-competition of the patriotic song "Soldier's envelope" (Vitaly Danielyan, studio "Sounding voices", diploma of the Laureate of the 1st degree), XII South-Russian festival-competition of arts "Applause" Essentuki (Vitaly Danielyan, studio "Sounding voices", Diploma of Laureate II degree).

The forms and methods of work are diverse, but they all rely on long-term traditions, joint holidays and events. Our pupils, despite their illnesses and illnesses, must remain kind, sympathetic people. Positive human qualities and actions should be a priority. Many of our traditional events are aimed precisely at realizing our human qualities.

The Palace of Children's Creativity is that fertile environment where the talent of any child can be revealed. The Palace works in close creative cooperation with various institutions. The result of such cooperation is the synthesis of creative work and the unification of efforts in carrying out significant events aimed at educating and educating children with disabilities.

We attract children with disabilities studying in a special correctional boarding school No. 27, children from correctional classes and groups of schools and kindergartens in the city of Pyatigorsk, children who are being treated in sanatoriums in the city of Pyatigorsk, the Pyatigorsk clinic "BI", pupils of orphanages and boarding schools of the city of Pyatigorsk to participate in various events: performances, New Year's events for children, holiday concerts, the city festival of children, youth and family creativity "Happy Childhood".

We also involve children from the children's social rehabilitation center "Live Thread". The Living Thread Center is known in the city of Pyatigorsk for its noble activities: they are engaged in the social adaptation of children with disabilities (cerebral palsy, autism, etc.), and also provide assistance to large and low-income families.

Sports socialization of the disabled, rehabilitation through physical activity and physical culture is an integral part of the work of the Palace of Children's Creativity. In 2014, students of the Palace of Children's Creativity took part in the opening ceremony of the All-Russian Sports Contest for children with disabilities and children with disabilities.

Thus, our institution strives by all available means to provide conditions for the creative development of children with disabilities. We have our own rich work experience, new opportunities have appeared to use the latest technologies in the process of socialization of children with disabilities. We have to face many problems in the process of working with children with disabilities, but we are actively helped by parents, specialists from the Committee for Social Protection of the Population, medical workers and many other institutions.

The specifics of the implementation discussed in paragraph 2.2. theoretical provisions on the organization of work with children with disabilities in the field of additional education is manifested in several options for including them in the process of mastering additional educational programs.

The expediency of implementing one or another option depends on a number of factors, the presence or absence of which determines its choice by a child, parents or specialists in the field of additional education. To choose the most suitable way for the student to include in the process of mastering an additional educational program, it is worth answering a number of questions.

  • 1. How limited are the child's abilities? In paragraph 2.1, we examined the main groups into which children with disabilities can be divided. Of course, the category to which the student belongs, depending on their psychophysiological characteristics, is of some importance when choosing the option of obtaining additional education. But, as the analysis of experience shows, the most significant is the degree of severity of the child's limitations. From this point of view, there are three options for students to master an additional educational program:
  • 1) in a children's educational association created on the basis of an organization of general or additional education, i.e. with children who do not have disabilities. This option is implemented in the event that deviations in the development of the child do not leave a significant imprint on his abilities and allow him to master an additional program, subject to assistance from a teacher of additional education and other specialists. An example of the implementation of this option is the situation described above with a girl who successfully studied at the Clay Toy studio with healthy children;
  • 2) in a children's educational association created on the basis of an organization of additional education, a correctional class or an educational institution for children with deviations in psychophysiological development that do not allow them to receive additional education along with healthy peers. As an example, we can cite classes in the correctional group of different ages "Young Hairdresser", created on the basis of a special (correctional) boarding school No. 82 in Yaroslavl. Classes can be attended by students from the fifth to the eleventh grade outside of school hours, the teacher works with them both in a group and individually, using the technology of project activities, which allows students with intellectual disabilities to successfully master the basics of hairdressing;
  • 3) in the process of individual educational activities organized by a teacher of additional education. This option is chosen when the child, due to existing problems, cannot master an additional program, systematically attending group classes, and is at home schooling. The basis for working with children in this group can be individual design, organized by the teacher in the process of individual lessons at home or as part of remote communication using information and communication technologies. But even in this case, you should not neglect the organization social interaction child, for which you should periodically include him in a situation of communication with other people, for example, as part of a presentation or exhibition of projects created by other children.

It is worth noting that the indicated options can be integrated. For example, a child can master part of an additional educational program in a group, and part - as part of an individual educational activity. It is also possible to jointly conduct some classes of associations in which children with disabilities are involved, with the participation of their peers who do not have health problems.

  • 2. What are the possibilities of the educational organization in which the child receives basic education? Considering above the options for obtaining additional education, which can be chosen by a child or parents depending on the degree of disability, we mentioned that they can be implemented on the basis of a general education or special (correctional) school or organization of additional education. Based on this, the following options for mastering an additional educational program can be distinguished:
  • 1) the student and parents can choose one of the programs implemented by teachers of additional education on the basis of the school where the child is studying. For example, a special (correctional) boarding school No. 82 in Yaroslavl offers its students the following list of additional educational programs: "Home hairdresser", "Animation film studio" Revive, live "", "Computer games", "Computer control" , "Theater Studio", etc. These programs are implemented in groups of different ages for children interested in a certain type of activity;
  • 2) the child and parents choose an additional educational program implemented in cooperation with organizations of general and additional education. This option is possible if the school where the child is studying does not have a program of interest to him and his parents, but the administration of the educational institution, interested in meeting the needs of students, establishes contact with teachers of additional education and organizes (on its own basis or on the basis of a nearby institutions of additional education) classes for their students. For example, in a special (correctional) general education school No. 77 of the VIII type, the administration, together with teachers of the center for additional education, organized classes on the programs "Sports Games", "Applied Arts", "Origami", "Music", "Dance Class", "Family Leisure" . This list was determined within the framework of a survey of children and parents conducted by teachers;
  • 3) children and parents are given the opportunity to choose an additional educational program implemented as part of the network interaction of several educational organizations. This option can be used by schools located in rural areas. In this case, in order to meet the interests of the child and optimize work with children with disabilities, on the basis of each school included in the interaction system, a specialist implements a certain additional educational program, which can be mastered by those who wish from among the students in all educational organizations of the district. Thus, even in the absence of an additional educational program of interest to the student in the school and the impossibility of mastering it on the basis of the organization of additional education, due to territorial remoteness, conditions are created to meet the needs of the child and organize the work of a specialist with him, and in addition, the circle of his communication is significantly expanded.

Although it is more common to describe the experience of working with children with disabilities in the field of additional education, organized on the basis of centers of additional education, it should be noted that general education organizations have no less opportunities for the implementation of additional educational programs and can meet the needs of students by attracting additional education teachers to conducting classes at their base.

  • 3. What is the purpose of the additional educational program? If, answering the first two questions, we considered for the most part organizational options for the implementation of additional educational programs for children with disabilities, then this issue is directly related to the content component of a possible option for working with students of this category in the field of additional education. An analysis of the experience of including children with disabilities in the process of mastering additional educational programs allows us to identify the following options:
  • 1) additional educational programs aimed primarily at labor and vocational rehabilitation children with disabilities. This option of additional education is implemented in most special (correctional) educational organizations. For example, in a special (correctional) boarding school No. 82 in Yaroslavl, students can choose and master (if their developmental problems allow) any of the five professions: a seamstress, a carpenter, a shoemaker for shoe repair, a wood painting artist, a knitter knitwear ;
  • 2) additional educational programs focused on social rehabilitation through the inclusion of a child in various types of creative activity. This option is implemented in general educational organizations and organizations of additional education and involves the development of the creative potential of the student within the activities available to him and the social adaptation of children with disabilities in a team (including in interaction with healthy people). It is also worth noting the compensatory component of this option, since the opportunity to develop certain abilities in oneself and express oneself in some kind of creativity allows you to adjust the child's self-esteem, reveal the full range of his capabilities, thereby relegating the existing limitations to the background;
  • 3) correctional additional educational programs designed primarily to compensate for the weaknesses of the child, assisting him in the formation of certain qualities that are significant for successful personal development.


On the basis of the UNITER Center for Additional Education for Children in the Ruzaevsky Municipal District of the Republic of Mordovia, a school for children with disabilities “Nadezhda” was created. Within the framework of the institution, a correctional and developmental program for children of preschool and younger school age who do not attend general educational organizations (due to limited opportunities) and special institutions (since they are absent in the district). Teachers of additional education, a psychologist, a teacher-defectologist, a speech therapist work with students at the school.

The options indicated above assume that the teacher of additional education has competencies that allow him to fully implement the content of a certain additional educational program: the first option requires skills within a profession, the second assumes formed skills in the creative field, the third provides for the presence of special speech therapy, defectological , psychological knowledge.

It should be noted that the selection of the options indicated above is rather conditional, since many additional educational programs are of an integrated nature. For example, the development of a program related to some kind of art by a child can become the basis for his future professional activity. Most programs developed for children with disabilities necessarily contain a correctional component.

Thus, by answering the above three questions, we can specify characteristics of the optimal option for obtaining additional education for a child, based on its capabilities, desires and interests, as well as the characteristics of the educational space.

However, the list of possible options for organizing work with children with disabilities in the field of additional education can be supplemented by options for integrating a child of this category into the educational space of a school or an additional education center.

Based on the options proposed by L. V. Baiborodova for the organizational solution of the problems of teaching children with disabilities, we can distinguish the following ways to implement additional educational programs for children of this category on the basis of an educational organization:

  • 1) the organization implements an additional educational program for all children with disabilities living in municipal area(an example of the implementation of such an option was given above);
  • 2) an additional educational program implemented for a group of children of the same age with disabilities studying in this educational organization;
  • 3) an additional educational program implemented in a different age group of children with disabilities studying in this educational organization;
  • 4) an additional educational program implemented by an educational organization for both healthy children and students with disabilities, while individual plans for its development are developed for the latter;
  • 5) individual projects in the field of additional education, implemented by children with disabilities under the guidance of a teacher of additional education on the basis of the school where they study, or organizations of additional education.

The described options for organizing work with children with disabilities in the field of additional education illustrate the existence of a fairly wide range of opportunities for the implementation of additional educational programs for the category of students under consideration.

At the same time, the specifics of the work of a teacher of additional education with a child with disabilities is determined not only by the chosen option for the implementation of the educational program: the organization of work in additional education is also influenced by model of inclusion in educational activities.

Authors and developers of the project of the Moscow Department of Education "Development pedagogical technologies inclusion of children with disabilities in additional education programs, based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the results of experimental work carried out on the basis of additional education organizations, there are three such models:

  • but) integration model, based on the concept of normalization;
  • 6) inclusion model, based on the social model of disability;
  • in) cultural approach to inclusion of children with disabilities, based on the concept of rehabilitation of children with disabilities through creative types of socio-cultural activities.

The implemented model leaves its mark on the characteristics of the conditions that should be created for students of this category.

gorii in an educational organization (including with the help of support programs). In table. 2.2 presents a description of the conditions created within the framework of a particular model.

Table 2.2

Models of special educational conditions

Cultural approach





Philosophical and methodological basis

Based on the development of the cultural-historical concept of L. S. Vygotsky

The concept of normalization


Inclusion in one's own cultural development and formation of the foundations for active participation in the social environment

Normative socialization based on the cultural assimilation of the individual

Successful socialization in a multicultural social environment based on the principle of respect for cultural differences




Creation of an inclusive socio-cultural developmental environment (one of the inclusion indicators is the length of stay in the program; development indicators are selected individually for each included child)

Achievement of results focused on common social and cultural norms by all children included in the programs

Formation of a tolerant attitude towards the characteristics of another person, readiness for intercultural communication

Special educational conditions

The specificity of special educational conditions is determined by the result planned within the framework of each model. Special educational conditions:

  • 1) programs (adapted, author's, complex, etc.);
  • 2) approaches;
  • 3) methods;
  • 4) methods;
  • 5) forms (projects, research, excursions, case studies, etc.);
  • 6) material and technical conditions;
  • 7) psychological and pedagogical support and support

The end of the table. 2.2

Models of special educational conditions

Cultural approach



Function of educational programs

Additional education programs are designed as a means of creating a social environment for the personality and its cultural development in the process of education.

Additional education is defined as a means of achieving goals external to the process of education.

Participation in educational programs aims to include in the education created with their help social environment habitation and cultural development of the individual

Participation in educational programs is a means of obtaining a profession, a means of achieving subjective well-being

Participation in educational programs is a means of forming social competence in a multicultural environment (tolerance, acceptance of another, etc.)



Development value

Norm value

The value of difference

Priorities educational process

Focus on creating a complex of life; polyvariance, different levels of programs used

Unity of requirements for development academic disciplines to all participants in the educational process

The priority of the quality of relations between participants in the educational process

Way social organization educational environment

Joint creativity of the socio-cultural community by the participants of the integrative team

Adaptation of the child to the education system, cultural assimilation

Adaptation of the education system to the child, culture of tolerance

The authors of the special conditions models presented in Table. 2.2, they note that the characteristics determined for the models are indicated on the basis of the priority of manifestation when they are used, but can be implemented within the framework of any of the models, provided that they are adapted to its goals and objectives. Let us show by examples the implementation of the described models in the practice of additional education.

  • See: Devyatkova T. A. Effective Ways increasing the motivation for mastering children with mental retardation with types of additional education that are significant for their successful socialization and social adaptation // Inclusion of children with disabilities in additional education programs / ed. A. Yu. Shemanova. pp. 57-74.
  • Inclusion of children with disabilities in additional education programs / ed. A. Yu. Shemanova. S. 18.

A child with disabilities in the system of additional education: ways of correction, rehabilitation and socialization.


GBS(K)OU s. Small Push.

The system of additional education in working with children with disabilities is aimed at educating and socializing the child's personality, correcting his mental and physical functions, identifying, developing and maintaining creative abilities.

The main task of the work of GBS (K) OU with. Small Push is the education and upbringing of children with the aim of correcting deviations in development by means of education and work, the socialization of children in society. To solve these problems allows the organization of a system of additional education. In this regard, the school pays great attention to circle activities. The coverage of students in additional education is 95%. The school has 10 clubs and sports sections.

The work of circles in GBS (K) OU p. Small Push is built in the following areas: artistic - aesthetic, physical culture, labor, environmental.

These circles are focused on fixing the corrective and rehabilitation effect in the process of children performing various activities. The overall goal of these circles is to prepare students with disabilities for active participation in society, i.e. a child not only adapts to society, but also influences his life circumstances and himself, he is assigned an active role in socialization. And this is possible only in the process of self-development of the individual, in the process of assimilation of culture, practical skills. Club activities provide creative rehabilitation of students with disabilities, implementing a whole range of activities aimed at raising the level of spiritual and intellectual development, revealing the child's creative abilities, preserving and strengthening his health, mastering the necessary skills, self-care skills, familiarization with cultural values, expanding the circle of communication and enriching the social experience. While attending circles, the guys learn to communicate correctly, avoiding conflict situations, they learn to work as a team, understanding the importance and invaluable benefit of everyone. This is the first step towards understanding oneself in the team and the team for oneself. Such well-coordinated teamwork can be seen especially clearly in sports sections, where the result of the competition depends on the contribution of each player. An invaluable contribution to the process of socialization is made by circles of a practical, labor orientation. In the classroom, the guys learn to serve themselves, take care of their things, furniture, learn to cook, are brought to the choice future profession. Such circles are necessary because, as practice shows, children with disabilities are not always able to organize their life when they leave school, it is difficult for them to decide on the choice of their future profession. The reason for this is excessive guardianship on the part of adults, the lack of one's own life experience, the ability to assess one's capabilities.

When organizing the work of circles with children with disabilities in our school, the following conditions are taken into account:

· the place of organization of the work of the circle should be comfortable for the child;

· the child has the right to choose the type of work and carry it out at an individual pace;

· the teacher and the child have equal, partnership relations;

· requirements, coercion, instructions, commands are not used;

· any criticism and evaluation of the actions and behavior of the child is excluded;

· the child has the right to refuse to perform some tasks, replacing them


The head of the circle studies the personality of each child, his capabilities, consults with the class teacher, psychologist, subject teachers, determines the ways of correction when working with each child, choosing individual areas of correctional work. So the main correctional areas in the work of circles are: correction fine motor skills, cognitive processes, the formation of analytical and synthetic activity, the development of spatial orientation, color sensitivity. Students with disabilities learn to work according to the instructions, plan, individual route. As a result, the skills of self-control and self-analysis of the work performed are formed.

Working programm adapts, "adapts" to each student. So, for example, the time allotted for the assimilation of individual topics that cannot be understood increases, the implementation of any product is facilitated, more time is devoted to working out the technique for performing the proposed product. The teacher of additional education works individually with each child, not rushing, but following his pace.

The classes also use the help of children who successfully cope with the program. Such teamwork favorably affects both the strong and the weak student. Children learn to communicate, work in pairs, give and receive help from outside.

If the child does not learn the program with everyone together, then he may lose interest in classes. He will constantly come up with reasons why he could not attend the circle, because he cannot tell the truth: “I can’t do it, so I don’t want to go”, for a number of reasons. In order to avoid such a turn, it is important to create a “success situation” for each child, to provide him with positive support, to encourage his slightest achievements in front of the whole group. "Reviving" a child's interest in activities is much more difficult than maintaining, each time interested in something new, previously unfamiliar to him.

Children with disabilities react very painfully to censure, so this method of pedagogical influence is not used. But we must also understand the fact that a constantly repeated mistake can develop into an ill-formed skill. In this regard, it is sometimes very important to point out a serious flaw in the performance of work, which can lead to the repetition and consolidation of this type of error. This should be done unobtrusively, bringing the child himself to an understanding of the problem. In this case, you can offer him to analyze what did not work out and why it did not work out, what needs to be done to make it better next time. At the end of such an analysis, it is important to assure the child that next time he will definitely cope with the proposed task, and he will do better than today. A child with disabilities must understand that everything is in his hands, that there is no problem that could not be solved by raising self-confidence.

During the execution of any product (for example, on a knitting circle), the child must be aware of what is required of him, what is the result of his work, what he will learn today, and why it is needed. The goal to which the child will aspire should be clearly formulated, step by step completing the tasks.

Long-term practice of organizing additional education in our school has shown that, taking into account all the above conditions, students attend circles with interest, gain life experience, and master various types of artistic and aesthetic activities. In our school, children knit and crochet, embroider complex plot pictures. They are regular participants and winners of sports competitions in volleyball, table tennis, athletics at the regional and republican levels (Yoshkar-Ola, Adler, St. Petersburg, Samara). Some members of the team were recognized as the best players. In fine arts - winners of regional and regional exhibitions.Thus, in the process of correction and rehabilitation by means of additional education, the development of communication skills in children, the identification, maintenance and development of creative abilities, the education of morality and aesthetic perception take place. Children who actively attend circles better assimilate the program material on labor education, and school motivation increases. Students are more confident in their choice of profession. Such children are sociable, they can organize their adult life correctly and independently. Properly organized additional education for children with disabilities ensures successful integration and socialization in society.

Short description

Socialization of children with disabilities in the conditions of modern life and their creative development.


Socialization and development of children with disabilities means of additional education.
The health and well-being of children is the main concern of the family, state and society. One of the main tasks of the activities of institutions additional education - socialization of children in the conditions of modern life and their creative development. Particular attention in solving this problem is paid to work with children with disabilities, children with disabilities, as a category of children who especially need help and support not only from loved ones, but also from society. Only in close cooperation can a child be helped to realize the importance of his personality, ensure the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of a child with disabilities, try to maximize his potential for learning, help him fulfill himself and establish himself in public life. All children without exception have the right to education. In the 1990s, it was decided that there were no unteachable children. In the Russian Federation, children with disabilities have the opportunity to study in eight types of special (correctional) educational institutions. There are schools for deaf children, for hard of hearing and late deaf children, for visually impaired children, for children with severe speech disorders, for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, for children with mental retardation, for children with intellectual disabilities. For children with certain diseases, distance learning is possible. And very few institutions are working on the integration of children. L.S. Vygotsky in his book "The Collective as a Factor in the Development of a Defective Child" wrote that children with disabilities and healthy children should develop together.The possibility of integrating children with disabilities into society is provided by the system of inclusive (integrated) education. The widespread introduction of integrated education requires an integrated approach, including the creation of a barrier-free environment, the training of teaching staff and the formation of a tolerant attitude of students and parents to the problems of "special" children and their families. A child with a disability in the process of inclusive education has already early age included in the society, which allows to accelerate the process of its adaptation and socialization in society, makes it possible to feel like an equal among equals. A properly organized educational environment has a strong therapeutic effect on the child. And this allows him to most fully and successfully integrate into his peers.The Center for Children's Creativity, as an institution of additional education, is one of the most important social institutions that create conditions for the development, education and protection of every child, including a child with disabilities. It is here that teachers, children and parents are united by caring for the health of the child, creating an atmosphere of trust and personal success in joint activities.Since 2007, our institution has been implementing a targeted program "Children of Special Care" for children with disabilities, with disabilities and children of the “risk group” (guardians, children in SOPs, CDNs, from large families). Wherein appeared new opportunity to diversify the types of activities on the basis of the institution and provide a wide range of educational services in the artistic, aesthetic, socio-pedagogical, physical culture, sports and environmental and biological areas.Target programs: creation of conditions for a complex impact on the child, his development for the purpose of social rehabilitation by means of additional education.Tasks:1. To overcome the negative stereotypes of the ideas of others and the child himself about his abilities and inner world;2. Contribute to the disclosure of the possibilities and creative potential of the child, using various activities;3. Create a system of volunteer assistance to parents with special needs children;4. Organize cultural leisure activities that contribute to the development of a positive emotional and volitional sphere of the child in joint creative activity.Socialization, through which last years children with disabilities have real opportunity to be included in society bears fruit. Our Center for Children's Art gives children the opportunity to show their talents - they sing, read poetry, draw, participate in arts and crafts exhibitions, in various events together with a healthy environment.Parents highly appreciate the work of the teaching staff of the CTC. In October 2012, our institution received a diploma of the winner in the regional competition "Parental recognition" in the nomination "The best institution of additional education". In cooperation with parents, teachers today see great educational opportunities. Communication with parents makes it possible to study their position, take it into account when organizing work, choosing forms and areas of activity. Therefore, every parent is a welcome guest in creative associations. Their opinions, wishes, value judgments are taken into account by teachers.We use a variety of forms of work with the family: Days open doors, family living rooms, parent meetings and individual consultations, questionnaires for parents, exhibitions of creative works, open classes, children's concerts, sports holidays.From parent to parent, knowledge about social problems affecting the interests of children is transmitted, the desire to change the situation of children for the better through the active participation of the parents themselves in social processes. In this case, the following forms of work are used: conversations, seminars, lectures, master classes, creative circles, research, actions, etc.Changes in the socio-political and economic life of Russia make it possible for people with disabilities to integrate into society and create the prerequisites for their independent life."Children of Special Care" is an attempt to solve the problem of integrated education of children with disabilities through education in creative associations that would provide them with equal opportunities. In our institution, for students with developmental disabilities, an environment has been created where they can develop and adapt in a healthy society. Children are engaged in additional educational programs of arts and crafts "Rainbow", "Souvenir", "Sparks" (rhythm), ecological and biological direction "Berendey's Workshop", both on an individual educational trajectory, and together with healthy children. For each child with disabilities, an individual development map is filled out, in which behavioral, psychophysical, organizational-volitional, orientational qualities are monitored, and a description of his activity is given. A teacher-psychologist works with children. In the end school year an assessment is made, positive and negative changes in the behavior, character, activities of the child are indicated, and it is also planned perspective plan work for the next academic year. Training seminars are regularly held with teachers of additional education on working with children at risk and the use of techniques and means corrective work. An integrated approach in working with children with disabilities is necessary in order to organize the education of children in the “two-way traffic” mode:1. Teachers of additional education go to a child who does not have the opportunity to come to the CTC and conduct classes at home. Homeschooling is necessary for children with complex diagnoses who, for health reasons, cannot attend the Children's Creativity Center. Teaching methods will include non-traditional forms of work, the use of special manuals and simulators for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. The library for the blind, which has a huge "methodical base", helps us with this.2. Classes, both individual and in integrated groups, organized at the Center.3. Consultations for parents and classes are conducted by a teacher-psychologist.4. Involvement of children with disabilities and their parents in cultural events held at the CTC.In addition, on the basis of the "Center for Children's Creativity" a volunteer detachment "Generation" was created, the purpose of which is to unite adolescents and young people to develop and protect creative, intellectual and other opportunities and interests. Today, the members of the detachment work actively and fruitfully. Volunteers participate in labor activities: landscaping, caring for monuments and obelisks, assisting veterans and the disabled. Volunteers of the detachment created a group in "Contact" to attract new volunteers. Leisure activities for children with disabilities are organized, promotions, such as:- Action "I give my heart to children". The guys collected toys, things, books, found an opportunity to allocate money that went to buy sweet gifts. We prepared a game program for children.- "Help the Children" campaign. For a month, volunteers put up ads at bus stops, entrance doors and turned to Internet visitors with a request for assistance to children with disabilities in orphanages and boarding schools. The plans of the Generation squad are constant visits to boarding schools, baby homes, children's hospitals with various entertainment and educational programs.Thus, our institution strives by all available means to provide conditions for children with disabilities to receive creative development. We have our own rich work experience, new opportunities have appeared to use the latest technologies in the process of socialization of children with disabilities. We have to face many problems in the process of working with children with disabilities, but we are actively helped by parents, employees of special services, specialists from the Committee for Social Protection of the Population, medical workers and many other institutions.In the search for interesting and effective forms and methods of education and upbringing, we are helped by studying the experience of working with children with disabilities, disabilities in Russia and abroad via the Internet, as well as participating in full-time and correspondence All-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences. The work of teachers with families is aimed at the versatile education of children, their creative development and the realization of their abilities in public life. The forms and methods of work are diverse, but they all rely on long-term traditions, joint holidays and events. Our pupils, despite their ailments, illnesses, must remain kind, sympathetic people. Positive human qualities and actions should be a priority. Many of our traditional events are aimed precisely at realizing our human qualities.In the future, we plan to implement programs distance learning in two directions:

  • First, training can take place online. This will be a dialogue between a teacher and a student through a webcam.
  • Secondly, it is possible for pupils to learn independently, who master the step-by-step classes developed by the teacher with detailed description methods of work, photo and video materials, technological maps, samples, a system of tests that allow you to fix the material. At the same time, the child chooses the pace of mastering each topic.But there are problems and difficulties in teaching at a distance., since many children need a “live” contact with a teacher, because children with disabilities have a limited social circle anyway. And the teacher can give the child a positive emotional mood, calm him down in case of failure, adjust the lesson to the mood and individual ability of his pupil. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to explore all the possibilities of using Internet resources.The teaching staff of the Center tries to create the most favorable conditions for the socialization of the personality of a child with disabilities. It is important for teachers not only to teach the child some business, craft, but also to help him so that this knowledge will be useful to him in later life, and perhaps become his profession.We can still talk a lot about the problems of socialization of children with disabilities, disabilities and their creative development, but in the context of additional education institutions, taking into account new pedagogical technologies, many interesting projects can be implemented that will help us achieve positive results.
    Methodist MBOU DOD CDT settlement Uralsky Oksana Viktorovna Busovikova.

One of the directions for improving the process of social adaptation of students with disabilities is the development of a model of the system of additional education that meets the requirements of the Federal State educational standards students with disabilities and students with mental retardation. Violations of the activity of analyzers, musculoskeletal system, cognitive activity children with disabilities substantiate the need to develop the content of additional education aimed at improving impaired qualities. The materials of domestic research do not fully represent the models of additional education for children with disabilities. The article presents the materials of a study carried out within the framework of the Project organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Improving the qualifications of specialists from educational organizations implementing adapted educational programs in terms of the implementation study guide on social adaptation in 2017”.

social adaptation

special education

children with disabilities

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12. Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type. Preparatory, grades 1–4. – M.: Enlightenment, 2006. – 192 p.

13. Evtushenko I.V., Levchenko I.Yu., Falkovskaya L.P. Peculiarities of the development of the program of early assistance and support for children with disabilities and their families / I.V. Evtushenko, I.Yu. Levchenko, L.P. Falkovskaya // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2015. - No. 6; URL: http://www..10.2017).

14. Evtushenko I.V. Formation of professional and legal competence of a teacher-defectologist / I.V. Evtushenko // Correctional Pedagogy. - 2008. - No. 1 (25). - S. 57-66.

15. Evtushenko I.V., Evtushenko I.I. Fundamentals of the formation of humane interpersonal relationships in the class team of high school students in the context of inclusive education / I.V. Evtushenko, I.I. Evtushenko // Actual problems of training and education of persons with disabilities: materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, June 26-27, 2014). - Moscow, 2014. - S. 130-136.

Currently, the system of legal support of general, special and additional education for students with disabilities (HIA) is being improved ( the federal law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation"; Decree of the Government of April 15, 2014 No. 295 “On Approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” for 2013-2020”; Decree of the Government of 04.09.2014 No. 1726-r “On approval of the Concept for the development of additional education for children”; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing the implementation of educational activities for additional general education programs”; Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 09-3242 dated 11/18/2015 "Guidelines for designing additional general developmental programs"; Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2014 No. 41 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of educational institutions of additional education for children” (SanPiN; Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2015 No. 26 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations engaged in educational activities on adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities" (SanPiN ) .

According to modern ideas, additional education, as a specific type of education, aimed at realizing the educational needs of a person in improving intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and (or) professional qualities, does not imply an increase in the level of education. In the process of additional education, the development of the creative abilities of children and adults, the needs for the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle, health promotion, as well as the organization of their free time. Additional education of children increases their adaptability to life in society, provides professional orientation, as well as identifying the abilities and potential of students.

In accordance with the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children dated September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r, the content of additional educational programs is aimed at: a) creating the conditions necessary for personal development, positive socialization and professional self-determination; b) satisfaction of individual needs in cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, spiritual and moral, physical, research development; c) formation and improvement of creative abilities, identification, development and support of talented students; d) ensuring spiritual and moral, legal, patriotic, labor education; e) formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle, safety, health promotion; f) training of athletes, including students with disabilities, disabled children.

According to the Procedure for organizing the implementation of educational activities for additional general educational programs, organizations implement additional general education programs throughout the school year, including holidays. The organization of the educational process is carried out in accordance with the voluntariness, the interests of students, according to individual curricula and in associations of additional education formed into groups of students of the same age or different age categories (different age groups), same-level or different-level training in the form of clubs, sections, circles, laboratories, studios, orchestras, creative teams, ensembles, theaters. Classes in associations are held in mass, group, subgroup and individual forms of technical, natural science, physical culture and sports, art, tourism and local history, socio-pedagogical orientation. The duration of classes is determined by the local regulatory act of the educational organization. The duration of the implementation of the additional educational program is determined by the educational organization independently, taking into account the category of students, their age, and health characteristics.

The current situation is characterized by a trend towards an increase in the number of children with disabilities. At the beginning of 2010, according to the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), there were 541,825 disabled children in Russia; on January 1, 2015, the number of disabled children is 603,074 federal district), January 1, 2017 the number of children with disabilities increases to 632,273 people. The data of the Ministry of Education and Science indicate that in 2014 in general education institutions the share of students with disabilities was 3.2%, children with disabilities - 1.7% of the total number of students; in 2016, this ratio is: 3.8% and 1.8%, respectively. Considering the fact that the general contingent of general education organizations (without children preschool age) in 2014 was 14,091,600 students, 450,931.6 - students with disabilities / 239,557.2 students with disabilities; in 2016, the contingent of general education organizations (without preschool children) increases to 15,217,400 students, of which 578,261 students with disabilities, 273,913 students with disabilities. Of the total number of students enrolled in 2014 undergraduate, specialist and master's programs, the number of students with disabilities, disabled people and children with disabilities was 25,200 people, and in 2016 it is reduced to 18,400 students. Education of students with disabilities and/or with disabilities according to adapted educational programs in 2016 was implemented for 11.2% of students.

The basis of modern methodology and conceptual provisions of the role of additional education in the social adaptation of children with disabilities is the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky, according to which the social conditioning of pedagogical interaction determines the mental development and formation of personality. The main provisions of this concept include: a) social adaptation of children with disabilities is a specially organized pedagogical process, the predicted end result of which is a flexible response of the individual to changes in social life, in the course of mastering a child with disabilities with the cultural experience accumulated by previous generations, taking into account the existing capabilities of the child himself, with mandatory interaction with the teacher, relatives, immediate environment, peers; b) despite the peculiarities of the personal development of children with disabilities, the formation of qualities in them that are significant for entering society as equal participants in social relationships occurs according to the same patterns and in sequence as in their peers with normative development; c) the process of social adaptation of children with disabilities in the system of additional education depends not so much on the severity of existing developmental disorders, but on the availability of special educational conditions; d) the pedagogical activity of pedagogical workers implementing adapted additional educational programs provides for a combination of educational, correctional and developmental, psychotherapeutic and health-improving technologies; e) the laws of social adaptation of children with disabilities in additional education are: the goal, objectives, content, corresponding to the needs of society, the state, the requirements of moral standards, traditions; its results are mediated by the coordinated actions of various specialists, the influence of educational factors; the activity of children with disabilities in the process of social adaptation will depend on taking into account their capabilities, interests, emotional and personal interaction aimed at the formation of an optimistic attitude; the effectiveness of social adaptation can be determined by the degree of independence, the initiative of a child with disabilities, the content of prosocial activities; e) key role three factors of social adaptation of children with disabilities play: 1) a variety of activities for children with disabilities - educational, play, labor, social; 2) different kinds pedagogical activity- management, socialization, training and education, overcoming existing developmental disorders; 3) children's team as a community that contributes to the formation of positive personal qualities children with disabilities (adequate assessment of social processes, interests, preferences, actions approved by society); g) the process of social adaptation of children with disabilities in the system of additional education is based on a systematic understanding of this process and involves the implementation of a group of general, particular and specific principles; their differentiation provides for: general patterns of education, features of the process of social adaptation as a type of educational activity, the originality of the social adaptation of children with disabilities in the system of additional education; h) the process of social adaptation of children with disabilities involves the use of classroom and extracurricular activities and related interpersonal interaction with peers with normative development that contributes to more successful integration into society.

The content of the process of social adaptation of children with disabilities are the following interrelated components: motivational(needs, motives, interests in social self-improvement, social values); cognitive(a system of social ideas and concepts about the phenomena and events of public life, elements of legal documents regulating the social and legal system of the state, an active social and legal position); emotional-volitional(emotional experiences of the essence of social reality; volitional manifestations, as the readiness of a person with disabilities to confront emerging difficulties in the implementation of socially significant goals); active(adequate assessment and self-criticism; observance of norms and rules of behavior accepted in society; meaningful solution of emerging problems; skills and abilities of voluntary and conscious social activity).

The core component of the model of social adaptation of children with disabilities in the process of additional education is goal: achievement of successful socialization of children with disabilities. Ideally, socialization can be imagined as the formation of a diversified personality, combining moral attitudes, artistic abilities and physical perfection, ready for independent living and participation in productive activities. The model provides for the implementation of the following tasks: the formation of motivation, the needs of social adaptation, the mastery of social values; accumulation social concepts, views; the formation of social feelings, emotional experiences accompanying social or antisocial actions, volitional manifestations of children with disabilities; enrichment of the experience of behavior, actions approved by society. The process of social adaptation of children with disabilities involves the implementation of general didactic and specific principles: natural conformity, cultural conformity, humanism, social partnership, collectivism, unity of diagnosis and correction, early onset of psycho-corrective measures, individualization and differentiation, taking into account the correctional-compensatory and therapeutic-therapeutic properties of the additional educational process.

naturalness determines the need to treat the child as an integral part of nature, taking into account his age, gender, physiological characteristics, as well as the maximum use of natural factors, living and inanimate nature for the formation of ecological thinking and environmental protection activities. cultural conformity involves the use of cultural achievements in the process of social adaptation, " introduction to the culture of a child with disabilities»: values ​​of humanity, national traditions, local customs of regions, territories. The importance of introducing children with disabilities both to their own national culture and to the culture of peoples living together, contributing to the formation of understanding, respect for languages, traditions, customs of other nationalities, friendliness, is emphasized. Humanism defines the attitude towards a child with disabilities as an equal participant in the educational process, and not as a passive object of external influence, taking into account his interests, needs, and opportunities. The humanistic nature of additional education implies the freedom of creativity, activity of a child with disabilities. The upbringing, formative function of the teacher of additional education becomes the leading one in relation to his controlling, teaching and information functions. Social partnership, collectivism provide for the creation of a student team that allows children with disabilities to expand their social experience, create conditions for productive and comfortable social self-determination, adequate interaction, activate social adaptation, self-realization, and creative self-expression. Unity of diagnostics and correction in the social adaptation of children with disabilities provides for the possibility of the effectiveness of correctional and pedagogical work only on the basis of the timely identification of existing deviations, determining the prospects for mental development and assessing the potential of the child. Early start of psychocorrective measures involves taking into account the sensitive periods of development of a child with disabilities. Despite the specifics, children with disabilities are capable of development, which is characterized by qualitative and quantitative originality. Of priority importance for the successful social adaptation of children with disabilities are special conditions that take into account the compensatory capabilities of the body. The content of adapted additional educational programs should help overcome some developmental disorders inherent in children with disabilities, or weaken others, due to which the process of social adaptation takes place more effectively. The earlier the implementation of psycho-correctional measures begins, the higher their results. Individualization and differentiation of the process of social adaptation consists in the variability of the teacher's use of various forms and methods of additional education in order to achieve success in working with each child. Individualization provides for a comprehensive study of the interests, needs, and capabilities of each child, since, due to the heterogeneity of manifestations of impaired development, all children are individual. The distribution of children with disabilities, with frontal learning into conditional subgroups in accordance with their success in mastering the requirements of an adapted additional educational program, constitutes the content of a differentiated approach . Accounting for corrective-compensatory and therapeutic properties additional educational process. Not enough attention is paid to the corrective-compensatory and therapeutic-therapeutic properties of the additional educational process, which in most cases is considered as something secondary, entertaining. A specially organized protective pedagogical regime of additional education can not only mobilize the body's defense mechanisms, activate potential, not fully disclosed opportunities, but also increase the readiness of children with disabilities for socially significant actions, intensify cognitive processes, model positive emotional experiences, improve mental well-being, strengthen somatic and neuropsychic health.

Conclusions. As the expected results of social adaptation of children with disabilities in the process of additional education, the following are considered: improving the quality of life, demand in the labor market, employment efficiency; increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of budget financing expenditures through the introduction of unified approaches to additional education for people in this category; increased activity; overcoming pessimistic and dependent attitudes, isolation and self-isolation of persons with disabilities; overcoming negative attitudes both to society and to persons with disabilities themselves; increasing the level of social trust in society; optimization of the process of accessibility of additional education, due to the involvement in it, in addition to state and municipal educational organizations, non-governmental organizations, public organizations and associations of the disabled, parents of students. The predicted direct results of additional education of children with disabilities in the social adaptation of children with disabilities at different age stages are: an increase in the number of educational organizations that implement special conditions for additional education, taking into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities; advanced training of specialists involved in additional education of children with disabilities; prevention of secondary violations of a social nature; improving the quality of life and medium duration life of persons with disabilities; increasing the levels of employment and education of persons with disabilities; increasing the participation of persons with disabilities in various social projects; implementation in public consciousness success stories practical application principles of tolerant and barrier-free attitude towards persons with disabilities.

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