Dictionary of the basic concepts of the system of education. Pedagogical Dictionary

Dictionary of the basic concepts of the system of education.  Pedagogical Dictionary

General educational skills and abilities are such skills that correspond to actions that are formed in the process of teaching many subjects, and which become operations for performing actions used in many subjects and in everyday life.

All general educational skills and abilities can be divided into several groups:

1. Educational and managerial - general educational skills that provide planning, organization, control, regulation and analysis of students' own educational activities (planning, i.e. determining goals and means to achieve them; organization, i.e. creating and improving the interaction between managed and control systems for the implementation of plans, control, i.e., the collection of information about the process of implementing the plans, regulation, i.e., adjusting plans and the process of their implementation, analysis, i.e., studying and evaluating the process and results of implementing plans). These include the following skills and abilities:

Ø Understand the learning task presented for individual and collective activities.

Ø Understand the sequence of actions implemented in the individual and collective performance of the learning task.

Ø Follow the sequence of actions in the individual implementation of the educational task in the allotted time.

Ø Follow the sequence of actions in the collective implementation of the educational task in the allotted time.

Ø Follow the sequence of doing homework learning tasks within certain time limits.

Ø Independently (or on the advice of a teacher) prepare a workplace for studies at school and at home.

Ø Use educational supplies in accordance with accepted standards.

Ø Maintain proper posture at work.

Ø Follow the teacher's advice on observing the basic rules of hygiene of educational work.

Ø Compare the results obtained with the learning task, with the plan for its implementation.

Ø Own the basic means of various forms of control (self-control, mutual control).

Ø Evaluate your learning activities and the activities of classmates according to a given algorithm.

Ø Make the necessary changes in the sequence and time of the learning task.

2. Educational and informational skills - general educational skills that ensure the finding, processing and use of information to solve learning objectives. These include:

Ø Ability to work with written texts:

ü Use different types of reading: continuous, selective, commented; by roles; aloud.

ü Transition from one type of reading to another.

ü Prepare yourself for expressive reading analyzed on training session artistic, journalistic, popular science text.

ü Work with the main components of the textbook: table of contents; questions and tasks to the educational text; dictionary; applications and samples.

ü Find a subtitle, paragraph, red line in the text.

ü Determine the approximate content of the book by its components.

ü Find the necessary book or article using recommended bibliographic lists, card indexes, catalogs.

ü Use a bibliographic card

ü Implement bibliographic description books by one or two authors.

ü Distinguish between scientific, official business, journalistic and artistic written texts.

ü Select and group materials on a specific topic.

ü Make a simple outline of the written text.

ü Competently and calligraphically correctly copy and write texts from dictation.

ü Prepare notebooks and written work in accordance with accepted standards.

ü Create written texts of various types: narrative, description, reasoning.

ü Own various forms of presentation: detailed - concise, complete - selective.

Ø Ability to work with oral texts:

ü Understand what is said once at a normal pace.

ü Ask complementary (open) and clarifying (closed) questions in case of misunderstanding of the oral text.

ü Distinguish between scientific, official business, journalistic and artistic oral texts.

ü Make a simple plan of oral text.

ü Create oral texts of various types.

ü Speak expressively.

ü Be proficient in various types of retelling.

Ø Ability to work with real objects as sources of information:

ü Observe the object in accordance with the goals proposed by the teacher.

ü Carry out a qualitative and quantitative description of the observed object.

ü Form the simplest models under the guidance of a teacher.

3. Educational and logical skills - general educational skills that provide a clear structure for the content of the process of setting and solving educational problems. It:

Ø Analysis and synthesis:

ü Determine the object of analysis and synthesis;

ü Determine the aspect of analysis and synthesis;

ü Define the components of the object;

ü Carry out a qualitative and quantitative description of the components of the object;

ü Determine the spatial relationships of the components of the object;

ü Determine the temporal relations of the components of the object;

ü Determine the functional relationships of the components of the object;

ü Determine the cause-and-effect relationships of the components of the object;

ü Determine the properties of the object;

ü Determine the essential features of the object.

Ø Comparison:

ü Determine the objects of comparison.

ü Determine the aspect of comparison of objects.

ü Perform an incomplete one-line comparison.

ü Perform an incomplete complex comparison.

ü Perform full one-line comparison

ü Perform a full complex comparison.

ü Comparison by analogy.

Ø Generalization and classification:

ü Perform inductive generalization.

ü Perform deductive generalization.

ü Carry out classification.

Ø Definition of concepts:

ü Distinguish the scope and content of concepts.

ü Distinguish between generic and specific concepts.

ü To carry out a generic definition of concepts.

Ø Proof and refutation:

ü Distinguish the components of evidence.

ü Carry out direct inductive proof.

ü Carry out direct deductive evidence.

ü Perform a refutation of the thesis.

ü Refutation of arguments.

Ø Defining and solving the problem:

ü Identify problems.

ü Define a new object function to solve problems

ü Combine known means for new problem solving.

ü Formulate a hypothesis to solve problems.

General educational skills and abilities are based on universal (learning) actions, the totality and system of which can be of a variable nature, depending on the content of educational tasks.

The functional heterogeneity of general educational skills and abilities is manifested in the fact that their correlation with the structure of activity, in which motivational-target, indicative, performing and evaluative-effective components take place, makes it possible to single out their methodological functions, proving the universality of general educational skills: for example, organizational skills perform the basic function, information skills perform an indicative function, intellectual skills, closely related to information skills, perform the actual technological (information processing) function; communication skills perform exponential function in relation to the quality (formation) of all groups of general educational skills

Key words that reveal the essence of the implementation of the functions of scientific knowledge show that information skills correlate with descriptive functions, and intellectual skills correlate with explanatory functions; the predictive function can be implemented on the basis of information as indicative skills and intellectual as "technological" skills in their relationship (i.e., the prediction can be at the level of description or explanation, or it includes reliance on both functions and, accordingly, on both groups of general educational skills ).

The versatility of general educational skills and learning activities in that they manifest themselves at the social, educational and personal levels.

General educational skills are always implemented in interconnection, as a system. General educational skills are divided into ():

ü Communicative (indicative) - should describe (what, where, when, how) and explain (because why, why, what will happen, if), participate in conversation and discussion, compose business texts and statements, review the text;

ü Informational (indicative) - the ability to read and set the goal of reading, the ability to highlight the main thing, draw up a text plan, work with tables, with a textbook, reference literature, draw up abstracts, abstracts, replenish knowledge from the Internet, construct a story, text;

ü Intellectual (instrumental) - compare and structure objects, compare, analyze, generalize, classify, synthesize, model, evaluate;

ü Organizational skills (basic) - goal-setting skills (to accept a goal and work in accordance with it), the ability to set and formulate a goal, select means to achieve it and work in accordance with it, the ability to plan activities (to make a sequence of stages of operations and actions) , work at a certain pace, exercise self-control (compare actions and results with the standard) and introspection of activities (in relation to the goal and plan), carry out self-correction of actions based on introspection and self-control, reflection of all activities.

The supra-subject nature of general educational skills is explained by the adequacy of their relationship with the socio-psychological structure of human activity: organization - work with information - communication. Together, they are universal in the instrumental and technological function and as a means of control. cognitive activity, lend stability to human cognition.

Authoritarian education is an educational concept that provides for the subordination of the pupil to the will of the educator, based on the suppression of initiative and independence, preventing the development of the child's activity and individuality.

Acmeology is a science that studies the patterns and facts of achieving the heights of professionalism, creative longevity of a person.

Analysis - method scientific research by decomposing an object into its component parts or by mentally dismembering an object by means of logical abstraction.

Education is a purposeful, specially organized activity of educators and pupils to create conditions (material, spiritual, organizational) for the development of the individual.

Deviant behavior is behavior that deviates from the norm.

Deductive methods are logical methods of generalizing empirically obtained data, suggesting the movement of thought from a general judgment to a particular conclusion.

Democratic style is a style of communication between a teacher and students, focused on increasing the student's subjective role in interaction, on involving everyone in solving common problems. Teachers who adhere to this style are characterized by an active-positive attitude towards students, an adequate assessment of their capabilities, successes and failures, they tend to have a deep understanding of the student, the goals and motives of his behavior, and the ability to predict the development of his personality.

Activity is a specific form of social and historical existence of people, internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person, regulated by a conscious goal.

Didactics is a branch of pedagogy, the theory of education and training.

Didactic tasks - the tasks of managing educational and cognitive activities.

Didactic material is a system of objects, each of which is intended to be used in the learning process as a material or materialized model of a particular system, identified within the framework of public knowledge and experience, and serves as a means of solving some didactic task.

Debate is a method of forming judgments, assessments and beliefs in the process of cognitive and value-oriented activity, which does not require definite and final decisions.

Identification is the establishment of the identity of an object to a sample.

Inductive methods are logical methods of generalizing empirically obtained data, suggesting the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion.

Innovation is a purposeful change that introduces new, relatively stable elements into a certain social unit - an organization, a settlement, a society, a group.

Consultation is one of the forms of organization of educational activities, which is carried out with individual students in order to fill gaps in knowledge, develop skills, and satisfy increased interest in the subject. Unlike extra classes consultations, as a rule, are episodic, as they are organized as needed. There are current, thematic and general (for example, in preparation for exams or tests) consultations.

Laboratory work is an independent group of practical methods that combine practical activities with organized observations of students.

Methodological techniques are the constituent elements (parts, details) of the method, which in relation to the method are of a private subordinate nature, do not have an independent pedagogical task, but are subordinate to the task pursued by this method.

Methods of control - methods by which the effectiveness of educational, cognitive and other activities of pupils and the pedagogical work of the teacher is determined.

Teaching methods are ways of professional interaction between a teacher and students in order to solve educational problems.

Methods of pedagogical research - ways of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information in order to establish regular connections, relationships and build scientific theories.

Observation is a purposeful perception of any pedagogical phenomenon; in its process, the researcher receives specific factual material.

Education - single process the physical and spiritual formation of the personality, the process of socialization, consciously oriented towards some ideal images, historically conditioned social standards more or less clearly fixed in the public consciousness.

The educational system is a complex of educational institutions.

Education is a joint purposeful activity of a teacher and students, during which the development of the personality, its education and upbringing are carried out.

The object of pedagogy is the phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of the purposeful activity of society.

Pedagogical activity is a special type of social (professional) activity aimed at realizing the goals of education.

The pedagogical task is the desired image, the model of the final state, the expected result of the interaction between the teacher and the student, in accordance with which the pedagogical process is carried out. The subject of the pedagogical task is the knowledge of students, their personal and business qualities, relationships, etc.

The pedagogical system is a set of interconnected structural components united by a single educational goal of personality development and functioning in a holistic educational process.

Pedagogical technology is a consistent, interdependent system of actions of a teacher associated with the use of a particular set of methods of education and training and carried out in the pedagogical process in order to solve various pedagogical problems.

The pedagogical process is a specially organized (from a systemic point of view) interaction of teachers and pupils (pedagogical interaction) regarding the content of education using the means of training and education (pedagogical means) in order to solve the problems of education aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual himself in its development and self-development.

Pedagogical interaction is a process that takes place between the educator and the pupil in the course of educational work and is aimed at developing the personality of the child.

Encouragement is a way of expressing a positive public assessment of the behavior and activities of an individual student or team.

Practical classes are one of the forms of organization of educational activities; are used in the study of disciplines of the natural science cycle, as well as in the process of labor and vocational training; are carried out in laboratories and workshops, in classrooms and in training and experimental areas, etc.

The subject of pedagogy is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions).

workers learning programs- curricula developed taking into account the requirements of the state standard for educational areas, but additionally taking into account the national-regional component, the possibilities of methodological, informational, technical support of the educational process, the level of preparedness of students.

Reproductive methods - methods of organizing the activities of students, which involve the reproduction and repetition of the method of activity on the instructions of the teacher.

Self-education is a systematic and conscious human activity aimed at self-development and the formation of a basic personality culture. Self-education is designed to strengthen and develop the ability to voluntarily fulfill obligations - both personal and based on the requirements of the team, to form moral and volitional qualities necessary behavioral habits.

Seminars are one of the forms of organization of educational activities. The essence of the seminars is a collective discussion of the proposed questions, messages, abstracts, reports prepared by students under the guidance of a teacher.

Synthesis is a method of studying a subject in its entirety, in the unity and interconnection of its parts.

Socialization (from lat. socialis - public) - the development and self-realization of a person throughout his life in the process of assimilation and reproduction of the culture of society.

Socio-psychological climate in the team - a system of emotional and psychological states of the team, reflecting the nature of the relationship between its members in the process of joint activities and communication.

The style of pedagogical communication is a stable unity of the methods and means of the activity of the teacher and students.

Management is an activity aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information.

Teaching aids are material teaching aids used in the educational process and designed to expand, deepen and better assimilate the knowledge provided for by the curriculum.

Training program - normative document, revealing the content of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject, the logic of studying the main worldview ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the total dosage of time for their study.

An elective is one of the forms of differentiated education and upbringing, the main task of which is to deepen and expand knowledge, develop the abilities and interests of students. The elective works according to a specific program that does not duplicate the curriculum.

The integrity of the pedagogical process is a synthetic quality of the pedagogical process that characterizes highest level its development, the result of stimulating conscious actions and activities of the subjects functioning in it.

Authoritarian style- the style of communication between the teacher and students, when the teacher alone decides all issues related to the life of both the class team and each student. Based on his own attitudes, he determines the goals of interaction, subjectively evaluates the results of activities.

Author's training programs- curricula that, taking into account the requirements of the state standard, may contain a different logic for constructing an academic subject, their own points of view regarding the phenomena and processes being studied, if there is a review from scientists in this subject area, teachers, psychologists, methodologists, they are approved by the pedagogical council of the school.

Acmeology- a science that studies the patterns and facts of achieving the heights of professionalism, creative longevity of a person.

Analysis- a method of scientific research by decomposing an object into its component parts or mentally dismembering an object by logical abstraction.

Basic curriculum of a general education school- the main state normative document, which is an integral part of the state standard in this field of education. It serves as the basis for the development of standard and working curricula and the source document for school funding. The basic curriculum as part of the standard of education for the basic school is approved by the State Duma, and for the full and high school– Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation.

Conversation- a question-answer method of active interaction between a teacher and students, which is used at all stages of the educational process: to communicate new knowledge, to consolidate, repeat, test and evaluate knowledge.

Intraschool management- purposeful, conscious interaction of participants in a holistic pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective laws in order to achieve an optimal result.

Upbringing - specially organized activities of teachers and pupils to achieve the goals of education in the conditions of the pedagogical process.

Deviant behavior- Behavior that deviates from the norm.

Deductive methods - logical methods of generalization of data obtained empirically, suggesting the movement of thought from a general judgment to a particular conclusion.

Actions- processes, the motives of which are in the activity in which they are included.

Democratic style- the style of communication between the teacher and students, focused on increasing the subjective role of the student in the interaction, and involving everyone in solving common problems. Teachers who adhere to this style are characterized by an active-positive attitude towards students, an adequate assessment of their capabilities, successes and failures, they are characterized by a deep understanding of the student, the goals and motives of his behavior, the ability to predict the development of his personality.

Activity - internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person, regulated by a conscious goal.

Diagnosis in pedagogy assessment of the general state of the pedagogical process or its individual components at one time or another of its functioning on the basis of a comprehensive, holistic examination.

Didactics- a part of pedagogy that sets out the theoretical foundations of education and training.

Didactic tasks - tasks of managing educational and cognitive activities

Didactic material - a system of objects, each of which is intended to be used in the learning process as a material or materialized model of a particular system, identified within the framework of public knowledge and experience, and serves as a means of solving some didactic task.

Dispute- the method of forming judgments, assessments and beliefs in the process of cognitive and value-oriented activity, does not require definite and final decisions. The dispute perfectly matches the age characteristics of a high school student, whose emerging personality is characterized by a passionate search for the meaning of life, the desire not to take anything for granted, the desire to compare facts in order to establish the truth.

Distance learning is a form of receiving educational services at a distance without visiting educational institutions with the help of modern information and educational technologies and telecommunication systems, such as e-mail, television and the Internet.

dogmatic training a type of collective organization of cognitive activity, widespread in the Middle Ages, it is characterized by teaching Latin, the main activities of students were listening and rote learning.

Additional lessons - one of the forms of organizing educational activities, which is carried out with individual students or a group of students in order to fill gaps in knowledge, develop skills, and satisfy an increased interest in a school subject. In additional classes, teachers practice various types of assistance: clarification of individual issues, attaching weak students to strong ones, re-explaining the topic.

Identification- establishing the identity of an object.

Inductive Methods- logical methods of generalization of data obtained empirically, suggesting the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion.

Induction- logical reasoning, moving from statements of a less general nature to a statement of a more general nature.

Innovation- a purposeful change that introduces new, relatively stable elements into a certain social unit - an organization, a settlement, a society, a group.

briefing- one of the methods that provides an explanation and demonstration to students of the purpose, tasks and method of performing certain actions, the sequence of operations that make up a particular skill.

Interview- the most flexible method of collecting information, involving a conversation (according to a certain plan), based on direct, personal contact.

research method- a way of organizing the search, creative activity of students to solve new problems for them. The teacher presents this or that problem for independent research, knows its result, the course of the solution, and those features of creative activity that are required to be shown in the course of the solution.

Combined control- one of the types of control, the essence of which is that several students are called to the board for an answer at once, of which one answers orally, two or more prepare to answer at the blackboard, some students perform written assignments on cards, and the rest participate in survey. The advantages of this method are that it allows a thorough examination of several students in a short period of time; It is used when all the material is learned and there is a need to check the knowledge of several students at once.

Consultations- one of the forms of organizing educational activities that is carried out with individual students or a group of students in order to fill gaps in knowledge, develop skills and abilities, satisfy an increased interest in a school subject, but unlike additional classes, they are usually episodic, since they are organized as needed. There are current, thematic and general (for example, in preparation for exams or tests) consultations.

Laboratory works- an independent group of practical methods that combine practical actions with organized observations of students. In school conditions, frontal and individual laboratory work is usually carried out. Conducting a laboratory experiment ends with the preparation of brief reports containing sketches, diagrams, drawings, tables and theoretical conclusions.

Lecture (at school)- adapted to the conditions of the school, the main form of the lecture-seminar system. School lectures are successfully used in the study of both the humanities and the natural sciences. As a rule, these are introductory and generalizing lectures. In school conditions, a lecture in many respects approaches a story, but is much longer in time, it can take up the lesson time entirely.

Machine control- a type of programmed control, when students are asked to choose the correct one from several possible answers.

Method of illustration and demonstration- one of the methods of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, the essence of which lies in the visual presentation (showing) to students of natural objects, phenomena, processes or their layouts, models and images, depending on specific educational tasks.

Problem presentation method- a method of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, the essence of which is that the teacher poses a problem and solves it himself, thereby showing students the way to solve it in its genuine, but accessible to students contradictions, revealing the train of thought when moving along the path of cognition, while students mentally follow behind the logic of presentation, assimilating the stages of solving the problem.

Methodological techniques- the constituent elements (parts, details) of the method, which in relation to the method are of a private subordinate nature, do not have an independent pedagogical task, but are subordinate to the task pursued by this method.

Control methods- methods by which the effectiveness of educational and cognitive and other activities of pupils and the pedagogical work of the teacher is determined.

Teaching methods- ways of professional interaction of the teacher and students with the goal. Solutions of educational problems.

Methods of pedagogical research- ways of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information about them in order to establish regular connections, relationships and build scientific theories.

Observation- purposeful perception of any pedagogical phenomenon, during which the researcher receives specific factual material.

Punishment- such an impact on the personality of the student, which expresses the condemnation of actions and deeds that are contrary to the norms of social behavior, and forces students to follow them unswervingly.

Education- a single process of physical and spiritual formation of the individual, the process of socialization, consciously oriented towards some ideal images, historically conditioned, more or less clearly fixed in the public consciousness social standards.

Education as a social phenomenon- a relatively independent system, the functions of which are the training and education of members of society, focused on mastering certain knowledge (primarily scientific), ideological and moral values, skills, habits, norms of behavior, the content of which is ultimately determined by the socio-economic and political system of a given society and the level of its material and technical development.

Education system- a complex of educational institutions.

Education- a specific way of education aimed at developing the personality by organizing the assimilation of scientific knowledge and methods of activity by students.

Object of Pedagogy- phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society.

Explanatory-illustrative method- a method of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, the essence of which is that the teacher communicates the finished information by various means, and the students perceive, realize and fix this information in memory. The teacher communicates information using spoken word(story, lecture, explanation), printed word(textbook, additional aids), visual aids (pictures, diagrams, films and filmstrips), practical demonstration of methods of activity (showing experience, working on a machine, examples of declination, a way to solve a problem, etc.).

Operations- processes, the goals of which are in the action of which they are an element.

Pedagogy- a science that studies the essence, patterns, trends and prospects for the development of the pedagogical process (education) as a factor and means of human development throughout his life.

Pedagogical activity- a special type of social (professional) activity aimed at realizing the goals of education.

Pedagogical task- this is a materialized situation of upbringing and education (pedagogical situation), characterized by the interaction of teachers and pupils with a specific goal.

Pedagogical system- a set of interrelated structural components, united by a single educational goal of personality development and functioning in a holistic pedagogical process.

Pedagogical technology- a consistent, interdependent system of teacher actions associated with the use of a particular set of methods of education and training and carried out in the pedagogical process in order to solve various pedagogical problems: structuring and concretizing the goals of the pedagogical process; transforming the content of education into educational material; analysis of intersubject and intrasubject communications; choice of methods, means and organizational forms of the pedagogical process, etc.

Pedagogical process- specially organized (from a systemic point of view) interaction between teachers and pupils (pedagogical interaction) regarding the content of education using the means of training and education (pedagogical means) in order to solve the problems of education aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual himself in his development and self-development.

Pedagogical experimentresearch activities in order to study cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical phenomena, which involves experimental modeling of a pedagogical phenomenon and the conditions for its occurrence; active influence of the researcher on the pedagogical phenomenon; measuring the results of pedagogical impact and interaction.

Pedagogical interaction- deliberate contact (long-term or temporary) between the teacher and pupils, which results in mutual changes in their behavior, activities and relationships.

Written survey- a method of control, which is carried out as follows: individual students are offered control tasks on cards.

Encouragement - a way of expressing a positive public assessment of the behavior and activities of an individual student or team .

Permissive style - the style of communication of a teacher who takes a passive position, who has chosen the tactics of non-interference in the creative pedagogical process, who is not interested in the problems of both the school and students, evading responsibility for the final, as a rule, negative results in teaching and educating schoolchildren.

Workshops- one of the forms of organization of educational activities; are used in the study of disciplines of the natural science cycle, as well as in the process of labor and vocational training; are carried out in laboratories and workshops, in classrooms and in training and experimental areas, etc.

Practical control- a method of control used to identify the formation of certain skills and abilities practical work or developed motor skills. It is used in drawing lessons (in elementary grades), labor, physical education, mathematics, physics, chemistry.

Preliminary control- control aimed at identifying the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the subject or section that will be studied.

Subject of Pedagogy- education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions).

accustoming- organization of planned and regular performance by children of certain actions in order to turn them into habitual forms of social behavior.

Working with a book- one of verbal methods organization of educational activities. Work with the book is carried out at all stages of learning, it is usually combined with the use of other methods, primarily methods of oral presentation of knowledge.

Working training programs- curricula developed taking into account the requirements of the state standard for educational areas, but additionally taking into account the national-regional component, the possibilities of methodological, informational, technical support of the educational process, the level of preparedness of students.

Story- a consistent presentation of predominantly factual material, carried out in a descriptive or narrative form. It is widely used in teaching humanities, as well as in presenting bibliographic material, characterizing images, describing objects, natural phenomena, and social events.

reproductive methods- methods of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, which involve the reproduction and repetition of the method of activity on the instructions of the teacher.

self-education- systematic and conscious human activity aimed at self-development and the formation of a basic culture of the individual. Self-education is designed to strengthen and develop the ability to voluntarily fulfill obligations, both personal and basic on the requirements of the team, to form moral and volitional qualities, the necessary habits of behavior.

Seminars- one of the forms of organization of educational activities, which is used in high school in the study of humanitarian subjects. The essence of the seminars is a collective discussion of the proposed questions, messages, abstracts, reports prepared by students under the guidance of a teacher.

Synthesis- a method of studying the subject in its integrity, in the unity and interconnection of its parts.

Socialization- the process of assimilation by an individual during his life of social norms and cultural values ​​of the society to which he belongs. It is a difficult, lifelong learning process.

Socio-psychological climate in the team- a system of emotional and psychological states of the team, reflecting the nature of the relationship between its members in the process of joint activity and communication.

Style of pedagogical communication- sustainable unity of methods and means of activity of the teacher and students, their subject-subjective interaction.

Lesson structure- the ratio of the elements of the lesson in their specific sequence and interconnection with each other.

current control- control that is carried out in everyday work in order to check the assimilation of the previous material and identify gaps in the knowledge of students; It is carried out primarily with the help of the teacher's systematic observation of the work of the class as a whole and of each student individually at all stages of education.

Thematic control- control, which is carried out periodically as the passage of a new topic, section and aims to systematize students' knowledge.

Construction technology educational information - the process of making pedagogical decisions under the conditions of a system of restrictions and prescriptions that are dictated by established norms (what and to what extent students should learn from the given information), the initial level of preparedness of students for the perception of educational information, the capabilities of the teacher himself, as well as the school in which it works.

Model Curriculum- this academic plan, which is developed on the basis of the state basic curriculum and approved by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation and is of a recommendatory nature.

Model Curricula- curricula that are developed on the basis of the requirements of the state educational standard for a particular educational area, are approved by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation and are advisory in nature.

Control- activities aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information.

Managerial culture of the head of the school- a measure and method of creative self-realization of the personality of the head of the school in various types of management activities aimed at mastering, transferring and creating values ​​and technologies in school management.

An exercise- systematically organized activity, involving the repeated repetition of any actions in order to form certain skills and abilities or improve them.

oral questioning- method of control, which is carried out in individual form in order to identify the teacher's knowledge, skills and abilities of individual students. The student is invited to answer a general question, which is subsequently divided into a number of more specific, clarifying questions.

Oral face-to-face interview- a method of monitoring the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, which requires a series of logically interconnected questions on a small amount of material. With a frontal simultaneous questioning of several students, the teacher expects them to give short, concise answers from the spot.

Study Conference- a form of organization of the pedagogical process, pursuing the goal of summarizing the material on any section of the program and requiring a lot of preparatory work (observations, generalization of excursion materials, setting up experiments, studying literary sources, etc.). Conferences can be held in all academic subjects and at the same time go far beyond the curricula.

Training program- a normative document that reveals the content of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject, the logic of studying the main worldview ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the total dosage of time for their study.

Educational discussions- one of the verbal methods, a prerequisite for which is the presence of at least two opposing opinions on the issue under discussion. Naturally, in an educational discussion that allows students to learn with a certain depth and in accordance, the last word should be with the teacher, although this does not mean that his conclusions are the ultimate truth.

Educational material– a system of ideal models represented by material or materialized models didactic material and intended for use in educational activities.

The curriculum of the secondary school- the curriculum, which is compiled in compliance with the standards of the basic curriculum. There are two types of school curricula: the school's own curriculum (developed by it on the basis of the state basic curriculum for a long period and reflecting the characteristics of a particular school) and working curriculum (developed taking into account current conditions and approved by the school's pedagogical council annually).

Subject- a system of scientific knowledge, practical skills, with their age-related cognitive capabilities, the main starting points of science or aspects of culture, labor, production.

An elective is one of the forms of differentiated education and upbringing, the main task of which is to deepen and expand knowledge, develop the abilities and interests of students. The elective works according to a specific program that does not duplicate the curriculum.

Integrity of the pedagogical process- the synthetic quality of the pedagogical process, characterizing the highest level of its development, the result of stimulating conscious actions and the activities of the subjects functioning in it.

The purpose of modern education- the development of those personality traits that are necessary for her and society to be included in socially valuable activities.

Excursion- a specific educational activity, transferred in accordance with a specific educational or educational goal to an enterprise, museum, exhibition, field, farm, etc.


doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor E. G. Silyaeva; Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor N. A. Aminov

Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. YU.

K 57 Pedagogical Dictionary: For students. higher and avg. ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 176 p.

ISBN 5-7695-0445-5

The dictionary contains about 1000 terms, the knowledge of which is necessary when studying the course of pedagogy. It also includes definitions of concepts from related disciplines - psychology, philosophy, sociology.

The manual can be useful to anyone who is interested in the education and training of the younger generation.

UDC 820.091(075.8) BBK 74.00ya73

ISBN 5-7695-044S-5

© Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Yu., 2000 © Publishing Center "Academy", 2000 The tasks of pedagogy are to make science understandable and assimilated so as to make it speak in simple, ordinary language.

A. Herzen

There is no work that would contain more defects than the DICTIONARY, and also there is no one that would be more capable of continuous improvement.

A. Rivarol


In recent years, there has been a process of rethinking the conceptual apparatus of pedagogy. The return to humanistic origins again makes the central figure of pedagogical interaction child. The subject-subject nature of the modern pedagogical paradigm, the development of the latest technology of the pedagogical process have made the relationship between pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and sociology, pedagogy and philosophy even more significant and enriched the pedagogy of education and upbringing of the younger generation with new terminology, which could not but be reflected in this publication. In addition, the transformation of many secondary pedagogical educational institutions to the first step high school raised the theoretical level of teaching in them. This primarily affected pedagogical disciplines, and their study will be difficult without students mastering modern psychological and pedagogical terminology, in particular, concepts that have entered pedagogy relatively recently or have not been used due to the authoritarian system that prevailed until recently. The authors of this dictionary, addressed primarily to students of pedagogical educational institutions and, of course, of interest to teachers, made an attempt to explain the main terms of the course "Pedagogical theories, systems and technologies (pedagogy)", which are most often used by both modern researchers and practitioners. . At the same time, it should be noted that the interpretation of a number of concepts is still very conditional.

It is quite obvious that when preparing the vocabulary of the publication, it was impossible to cover all the concepts and bring them into a single, consistent integrity. Yes, in our opinion, this is not necessary. Actually pedagogical concepts are revealed from the positions holistic pedagogical process, At the same time, the authors sought to ensure that the formulations were, above all, accurate, clear and complete.

When selecting terms for this publication, various dictionaries, monographs, textbooks, methodological manuals, scientific collections and articles from periodicals containing the latest psychological and pedagogical vocabulary were used. The main sources are listed in the bibliography at the end of the book. The dictionary does not include terms, the understanding of which is not difficult and which, as a rule, are interpreted in the same way by the authors of various manuals on pedagogy.

If a word has several meanings, they are indicated by numbers. When clarifying the meaning of the concept, explanations go through a semicolon. The words in the title of the article are indicated in the text by the initial letter (for example, in the article "Activity" - D., in the article "Educational work" - V. r., etc.).

The book uses the usual reference edition abbreviations. Relationships between dictionary entries are traced through the cluster arrangement of terms following in alphabetical order after base word and highlighted in bold or a link to the corresponding entries in the dictionary.
