Best practices for using innovative educational technologies. Application of innovative technologies in the educational process

Best practices for using innovative educational technologies.  Application of innovative technologies in the educational process

Modern education requires a solution various tasks and problems of our time, first of all, problems of socialization and adaptation of students. What our graduates will be like depends on the entire system of organizing the educational process. The result of a child’s education at school has now been determined – the formation of key competencies. It is impossible and irrational to form them using traditional methods alone. Innovative technologies come to the teacher's aid.

Innovative technologies are called pedagogical technologies that have become popular in Lately:

- ICT or MM – technologies,


- interactive technologies,

- design technology, project method

- research technology or technology for conducting educational research,

- AMO and moderation technology,

- health-saving technologies,

- etc.

Innovative technologies are pedagogical technologies of a new generation.

What exactly is their novelty or innovativeness?

They represent a pedagogical technology that contains a certain set of methods and stages of implementation.

We all “went through this”, we all know. But...

Firstly,Unlike traditional technology, innovative technology is focused on the RESULT, not the process. The main thing in these technologies is to achieve a certain (of course, INNOVATIVE, that is, new compared to the traditional result) result.

Secondly, the goal of implementing innovative technologies is not the accumulation of knowledge by the student, but the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities (that is, the goal is not knowledge, but the ability to use it for oneself!!! As the cat Matroskin said in the famous cartoon “work for my benefit...”) .

Third, the difference between innovative technologies lies in the way of acquiring knowledge in the educational process - this is an activity-based approach. A child does not acquire knowledge through the process of memorizing theory, rules, etc. , but in the process of activity to achieve the goal of the lesson, which is interesting to him. He acquires knowledge in a process of conscious necessity gradually, step by step under the guidance of a teacher.

Fourthly, innovative technologies create conditions for the implementation of children’s activities to achieve knowledge. But knowledge is not set as a goal in the lessons of these technologies. The first place comes to the organization of the educational space of the lesson, which acts as an educational environment for the formation of students’ LUNs.

Fifthly, innovative technologies change the essence of the relationship between teacher and student in the classroom. The teacher acts as the organizer of this very educational space of the lesson. His role in the lesson is that of a consultant, an expert. A large role is given to the organization of the lesson, its preparation - preparation is the cornerstone in organizing such lessons.

At sixth, innovative technologies are personality-oriented technologies, that is, aimed at personal, that is, individual development, focused on the personality of each specific student. In other words, these are pedagogical technologies that create conditions in the lesson or during extracurricular activities to teach each individual student, taking into account his personal characteristics (sustainability of attention, memorization, speed and strength of assimilation of material, way of perceiving educational information, health status, pace of activity, abilities and inclinations, etc.).

Seventh, innovative technologies also take into account the fact of socialization of children during the learning process and after graduation. That is why in their arsenal there are techniques and methods for developing communication skills and skills and abilities to work in pairs, groups, teams, teams.

By and large, their use is aimed at developing all forms of thinking, which will contribute to the formation of a creative and intellectually developed personality and will ensure the continued development of the child even after leaving school.

Thus, we can highlight the following signs of innovative technologies:

Focused on obtaining a specific result;

The purpose of the lesson using them is to acquire knowledge in the process of activity;

Individualization of the learning process; - promotes the socialization of children during the learning process and after graduation;

Uses other innovative technologies;

Requires the teacher to organize the educational space of the lesson;

Establishes a qualitatively new relationship between teacher and student in the classroom;

Promotes the creative and intellectual development of the child's personality.

Innovative technologies are special technologies!

Their implementation in the educational process must be STUDY!!!

Like any pedagogical technology, innovative technologies have their own implementation algorithm, their own stages. Missing even one violates the integrity of the educational technology system and destroys it.

We bring to your attention materials from teachers on innovative technologies:

1.Shesterninov E.E.Scientific research work of schoolchildren

2.Zhogoleva E.E. Research technology in Russian language lessons and more...

List of used literature:

1. Nemov R.S. Psychology. Book 1: Fundamentals of general psychology. – M., Education, 1994.

2. Communication and optimization of joint activities. Ed. Andreeva G.M. and Yanoushek Ya. M., Moscow State University, 1987.

3. Babansky Yu. K. Problems of increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical research. M., 1982.

4. Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of the personality of a teacher and industrial training master. - M.; Higher school, 1990 - P. 6


Center for Teacher Training for Certification

Let's begin our analysis by identifying a number of peculiar myths of “innovation” or simply misunderstandings. The first misunderstanding is that innovation and novelty (novation) are the same thing; the second is that innovative activity and production, the creation of innovations (innovations) are also one and the same thing, then this is TRIZ (the theory of rationalization and inventions). The third misunderstanding is related to linguistic naturalism: since innovation is a verbal noun, it must be mono-subject.

In fact, innovation (in-nove) appears in Latin somewhere in mid-17th century century and means the entry of something new into a certain sphere, implantation into it and the generation of a whole series of changes in this sphere. This means that innovation is, on the one hand, a process of innovation, implementation, implementation, and on the other hand, it is an activity to integrate innovation into a certain social practice, and not a subject at all.

Innovative activity in its most complete development presupposes a system of interrelated types of work, the totality of which ensures the emergence of real innovations. Namely:

● research activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge about how something can be (“discovery”), and about how something can be done (“invention”);

● project activities aimed at developing special, instrumental-technological knowledge about how, on the basis of scientific knowledge in given conditions, it is necessary to act in order to achieve what can or should be (“innovative project”);

● educational activities aimed at the professional development of subjects of a certain practice, at developing each person’s personal knowledge (experience) about what and how they should do in order for an innovative project to be translated into practice (“implementation”).

What is “innovative education” today? - This is an education that is capable of self-development and which creates conditions for the full development of all its participants; hence the main thesis; innovative education is a developing and developing education.

What is “innovative educational technology”? This is a complex of three interconnected components:

  1. Modern content, which is transmitted to students, involves not so much the mastery of subject knowledge, but rather the development competencies, adequate to modern business practice. This content should be well structured and presented in the form of multimedia learning materials that are delivered using modern means communications.
  2. Modern teaching methods are active methods of developing competencies, based on the interaction of students and their involvement in the educational process, and not just on passive perception of the material.
  3. Modern training infrastructure, which includes information, technological, organizational and communication components that allow you to effectively use the benefits of distance learning.

Currently in school education apply a variety of pedagogical innovations. This depends, first of all, on the traditions and status of the institution. However, the following most characteristic innovative technologies can be identified.

1. Information and communication technologies (ICT) in subject teaching The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process implies the integration of various subject areas with computer science, which leads to informatization of students’ consciousness and their understanding of the processes of informatization in modern society (in its professional aspect). It is essential to understand the emerging trend in the process of informatization of schools: from schoolchildren mastering basic information about computer science to the use of computer software when studying general education subjects, and then to saturate the structure and content of education with elements of computer science, implementing a radical restructuring of the entire educational process based on the application information technologies. As a result, new information technologies appear in the school methodological system, and school graduates are prepared to master new information technologies in their future careers. This direction is being implemented through the inclusion of new subjects in the curriculum aimed at studying computer science and ICT. Application experience has shown: a) the information environment of an open school, including various forms distance education, significantly increases the motivation of students to study subject disciplines, especially with the use project method; b) informatization of education is attractive for the student in that the psychological stress of school communication is relieved by moving from the subjective “teacher-student” relationship to the most objective “student-computer-teacher” relationship, the efficiency of student work increases, the share of creative work increases, and the opportunity to in receiving additional education in the subject within the walls of the school, and in the future they will realize a purposeful choice of a university, a prestigious job;

c) informatization of teaching is attractive for teachers because it allows them to increase their productivity and improves the general information culture of the teacher.

Currently, we can quite definitely talk about several types of design.

First of all, this psychological and pedagogical design developing educational processes within a certain age interval, creating the conditions for a person to become a true subject own life and activities: in particular, training - as the development of general methods of activity; formation - as the development of perfect forms of culture; education - as mastering the norms of community life in different types of communities of people.

Next is this socio-pedagogical design educational institutions and developing educational environments that are adequate certain types educational processes; and most importantly - adequate to the traditions, way of life and prospects for the development of a particular region of Russia.

And finally, actually pedagogical design- how to build developmental educational practice, educational programs and technologies, methods and means pedagogical activity.

This is where the special task of design and research activities to ensure the transition from traditional education (traditional school, traditional management systems, traditional education and education) to innovative education that implements general principle human development.

Thus, in developmental psychology it is necessary to specially design age standards (as a certain set of individual abilities of a child in a specific age interval) and development criteria at different stages of ontogenesis.

In development pedagogy, this is the design of developmental educational programs that are adequate to age standards, translated into the language of educational technologies, i.e. through WHAT? And How? this development will be carried out.

In educational practice, this is the design of child-adult communities in their cultural and activity specificity, i.e., the design of an educational space where this development can be carried out.

In other words, designing a system of developing and developing education is possible if the following are simultaneously carried out: psychological research of age-normative models of personality development, pedagogical design of educational programs and technologies for implementing these models, co-organization of all participants in the educational process, design of conditions for achieving new educational goals and means of solving problems development.

Examples project work, which is carried out in modern domestic education, can probably be numbered in the hundreds. Let us outline just a few types of such work:

● at the level of an individual teacher - this is the design of educational programs that include educational, educational, pedagogical subprograms;

● at the level of the head of the educational structure - this is the design of the type of education provided by the system of specific educational programs;

● at the management level in education - this is the design of development programs educational structures of different types, the set of which is adequate to the available contingent of children, pupils, and students;

● at the level of policy in education - this is the design of the educational system as a socio-cultural infrastructure of a particular region or country as a whole.

2. Personally-oriented technologies in teaching the subject

Personality-oriented technologies They place the child’s personality at the center of the entire school educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for her development, the realization of her natural potentials. The child’s personality in this technology is not only a subject, but also a subject priority; she happens to be purpose educational system, and not a means to achieve some abstract goal. It manifests itself in students’ mastery of individual educational programs in accordance with their capabilities and needs.

3. Information and analytical support of the educational process and management

quality of student education

The use of such innovative technology as information and analytical methods for managing the quality of education allows us to objectively, impartially track the development over time of each child individually, class, parallel, school as a whole. With some modification, it can become an indispensable tool in preparing class-general control, studying the state of teaching of any subject curriculum, studying the work system of an individual teacher.

4 . Monitoring intellectual development

Analysis and diagnosis of the quality of learning for each student using testing and plotting graphs of progress dynamics.

5 . Educational technologies as a leading mechanism for the formation of a modern student

It is an integral factor in modern learning conditions. It is implemented in the form of involving students in additional forms of personal development: participation in cultural events based on national traditions, theater, children's creativity centers, etc.

6. Didactic technologies as a condition for the development of the educational process at educational institutions

Both already known and proven techniques and new ones can be implemented here. These are independent work with the help of a textbook, games, design and defense of projects, training with the help of audiovisual technical means, the “consultant” system, group, differentiated teaching methods - the “small group” system, etc. Usually, various combinations of these techniques are used in practice .

7. Psychological and pedagogical support for the implementation of innovative technologies

into the educational process of the school

A scientific and pedagogical justification for the use of certain innovations is assumed. Their analysis at methodological councils, seminars, consultations with leading experts in this field.

Thus, the experience of modern Russian schools has the widest arsenal of application of pedagogical innovations in the learning process. The effectiveness of their use depends on the established traditions in educational institution, the ability of the teaching staff to perceive these innovations, the material and technical base of the institution.

New educational standards are being introduced new direction of assessment activities – assessment of personal achievements. This is due to the implementation humanistic paradigm education and person-centered approach to learning. It becomes important for society to objectify the personal achievements of each subject of the educational process: student, teacher, family. The introduction of assessment of personal achievements ensures the development of the following components of personality: motivation for self-development, the formation of positive guidelines in the structure of the self-concept, the development of self-esteem, volitional regulation, and responsibility.

Therefore, the standards include in the student’s final grade accumulated assessment characterizing the dynamics of individual educational achievements throughout all years of schooling.

As the best way organization of the cumulative assessment system acts portfolio . This is the way recording, accumulation and evaluation of work, a student's results indicating his efforts, progress and achievements in various areas over a period of time. In other words, it is a form of fixation of self-expression and self-realization. The portfolio ensures a transfer of “pedagogical emphasis” from assessment to self-assessment, from what a person does not know and cannot do to what he knows and can do. A significant characteristic of a portfolio is its integrativeness, which includes quantitative and qualitative assessments, presupposes the cooperation of the student, teachers and parents during its creation, and the continuity of replenishment of the assessment.

Technology portfolio implements the following functions in the educational process:

● diagnostic (changes and growth (dynamics) of indicators over a certain period of time are recorded);

● goal setting (supports educational goals formulated by the standard);

● motivational (encourages students, teachers and parents to interact and achieve positive results);

● developmental (ensures continuity of the process of development, training and education from class to class);

you should still add:

● training (creates conditions for the formation of the foundations of qualimetric competence);

● corrective (stimulates development within the framework conditionally set by the standard and society).

For student portfolio is its organizer educational activities, for the teacher – a feedback tool and an assessment tool.

Several are known portfolio types . The most popular are the following:

● portfolio of achievements

● portfolio – report

● portfolio – self-assessment

● portfolio – planning my work

(any of them has all the characteristics, but when planning it is recommended to choose one, the leading one)

Choice The type of portfolio depends on the purpose of its creation.

Distinctive feature portfolio is its personality-oriented nature:

● the student, together with the teacher, determines or clarifies the purpose of creating a portfolio;

● the student collects material;

● self-assessment and mutual assessment are the basis for evaluating results

Important characteristic technology portfolio is its reflexivity. Reflection is the main mechanism and method of self-attestation and self-report. Reflection- the process of cognition based on self-observation inner world. /Ananyev B.G. Man as an object of knowledge. – L. – 1969./ “psychological mirror of oneself.”

In addition to general educational skills to collect and analyze information, structure and present it, a portfolio allows you to develop intellectual skills more high order– metacognitive skills.

Student must learn :

● select and evaluate information

● accurately define the goals he would like to achieve

● plan your activities

● give assessments and self-assessments

● track your own mistakes and correct them

In this context, we consider the portfolio as one of the techniques that is most relevant to the tasks of the technology for developing critical thinking. It is he who combines the capabilities of the most important technology strategy for the development of critical thinking and the modern method of assessment and makes it possible to diagnose the formation of the main goals - the ability to self-education.

The most the best way to get acquainted with portfolio technology is its practical implementation.

A fundamental distinction must be made between the concepts "novation" And "innovation". The basis for such a distinction should be specific forms, content and scale. pre educational activities. Thus, if the activity is short-term, is not holistic and systemic in nature, and aims to update (change) only individual elements of a certain system, then we are dealing with innovation. If an activity is carried out on the basis of a certain conceptual approach, and its consequence is the development of a given system or its fundamental transformation, we are dealing with innovation. It is possible to introduce a number of more specific criteria for distinguishing these two concepts.

Additional conceptual differences innovation activity it is possible to implement if you build a diagram of the full cycle of the emergence and implementation of any innovation in a particular social practice:

● source of innovation (science, politics, production, economics, etc.);

● innovative proposal (novation, invention, discovery, rationalization);

● activities (technology) for the implementation of innovation (training, implementation, broadcast);

innovation process(forms and methods of rooting innovation in practice);

● new type or new form social practice.

Let's give just one example deploying a full cycle of innovative transformations- from the history of domestic education:

● source of innovation - the level of development of pedagogical and developmental psychology in the USSR in the 50s;

● innovative proposal - Elkonin-Davydov’s scientific team proves the possibility of forming the foundations of theoretical thinking among junior schoolchildren;

● implementation technology - fundamentally new ones are being developed learning programs in basic subjects in primary school;

● innovation process - opening laboratories and experimental schools in different regions of the country to develop educational activities in junior school age;

● a new form of practice - a “system of developmental education” as a new type of educational practice.

In conclusion, let us ask ourselves whether Russian education has any prospects for transition to a innovative development and self-development? And if so, under what conditions is this possible? Let us note three types of such conditions in three areas of providing innovative education.

In science, these prospects are associated with broader bases for the implementation of the main directions of design and research activities than today; First of all, these are the humanitarian and anthropological foundations of the formation and development of man in the space of education. Only in this case is a meaningful methodology for designing and researching innovative education possible; general theory of the development of individual subjectivity and child-adult communities in educational processes; technology for implementation and examination of multi-scale innovative educational projects.

In system vocational education And professional development:

● this is a consistent introduction to the content of education culture of designing innovative educational practices;

● this is the formation of psychological literacy, more broadly, the psychological culture of pedagogical work;

● this is the development of norms and culture for managing the development of education and the activities of professional teaching teams.

In the field of educational policy:

● this is responsible government and public support scientific projects and programs related to the design of innovative developmental and developing education in Russia.

Classification of innovative technology PORTFOLIO

1. In relation to structural elements educational systems

● in control, in evaluating results

2. In relation to the personal development of subjects of education

● in the field of developing certain abilities of students and teachers,

● in the development of their knowledge, skills, methods of activity, competencies

3.By area of ​​pedagogical application

● in the educational process

4. By types of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process

● in collective learning (person-centered)

In individual, frontal, group form

● in family education

5. By functionality

● innovations-products (pedagogical tools, projects, technologies, etc.)

6. By methods of implementation

● systematic

7. By scale of distribution

● internationally

● at school

● at the federal level

8. Identification of the sign of scale (volume) of innovation

● systemic, covering the entire school or entire university as an educational system

9. According to social and pedagogical significance

● in educational institutions of any type

10. Based on innovative potential

● combinatorial

● innovations

11. In relation to his predecessor

● substitute

● opening

Innovative potential of an educational institution

determined by analyzing the educational institution according to the following positions:

  1. The focus of innovation on change educational needs, addressed to an educational institution, social order

● Aimed at changing the goals, content, technology of the organization, approaches to assessment educational results students

● Integration of teaching, learning and assessment; combining quantitative and qualitative assessment of a student’s abilities through analysis of various products of educational and cognitive activity

● Solving important pedagogical problems:

Create an emotionally comfortable educational environment

Maintain high academic motivation of schoolchildren

Encourage their activity and independence

Expand opportunities for learning and self-learning

Develop students' reflective and evaluative skills

Develop the ability to learn – set goals, plan and organize your own learning activities

Develop communication skills and skills

Inform students and their parents about various options for choosing an educational route

  1. Orientation of innovation to solving problems of an educational institution

● Changing the method of learning, searching for new forms of organizing the learning process, changing requirements for effectiveness, and in general – for the quality of education

● Continuous Education Assessment Form

● A teacher’s portfolio – as an alternative form of assessing his professionalism and work performance during an examination for compliance with the declared qualification category

● Active involvement of parents in the process of teaching and learning of the child (more adequate assessment of both the strengths and weaknesses of their child and more active cooperation with the school)

  1. Resource capabilities of an educational institution

● Systematic work to improve the qualifications of teachers

● Experience in creating an electronic portfolio

● Network computer equipment for classrooms (3 computer labs, personal computers in the classrooms of subject teachers, administrative network)

● Methodological support of the course

Work folder

Official portfolio forms (appendix to the 9th grade certificate)

Diagnostic materials

Tables and diagrams for maintaining the “Working Folder”

Reminders and instructions for students

Sample options for activities with students

  1. The relationship between innovation and the achievements and competitive advantages of an educational institution for the period preceding the current innovation development cycle

● A promising form of representing the individual orientation of the educational achievements of a particular student, meeting the objectives of pre-professional training and in the future - specialized training

● Optimization of mechanisms for the formation of 10 specialized classes

  1. assessment of the innovative situation in an educational institution, the innovative potential of the team, potential growth points

● The educational institution has long been searching for ways of authentic (individualized) assessment, focused not only on the assessment process, but also on self-assessment

(used in practice-oriented education and involves assessing the development of students’ skills and abilities when placing them in a situation as close as possible to real life)

● A lot of methodological discoveries have been accumulated, pedagogical technologies have already been developed that make it possible to get rid of obsessive labels such as “weak C student” or “strong student”

  1. primary forecast of perception of possible innovations in the community of an educational institution, possible resistance to change

● Implementation requires both the teacher and the student to develop new organizational and cognitive skills

● Instructional time problem: requires more time to implement than traditional assessment system

● Real assessment of the capabilities and readiness of students, teachers, parents in providing materials to record the dynamics of their individual progress

Shifting the pedagogical emphasis from assessment to self-assessment

Students have poorly developed achievement motivation, have difficulties in matters of goal setting, independent planning and organization of their own educational activities, the ability to systematize and analyze their own collected material and experience

Unpreparedness of parents to understand the importance and significance of the portfolio as a document confirming the level of students’ existing knowledge and to make the right choice of further educational profile

For all positions, the article provides an analysis of a specific educational institution (GOU gymnasium No. 116 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg)


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Zemskova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna
Types of innovative technologies in education

Types of innovative technologies

Recently in education The question of using it in working with children is increasingly being raised. innovative technologies. The teacher today faces new challenges and new opportunities open up, taking into account their application.

Innovative activity is a special type of pedagogical activity. – Innovation define new methods, forms, means, technologies, used in pedagogical practice, focused on the child’s personality and the development of his abilities.

Innovative technologies is a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means aimed at achieving a positive result through dynamic changes in the personal development of a child in modern conditions. Use of modern educational technologies provides flexibility educational process, increases students’ cognitive interest and creative activity.

The following are distinguished: innovative educational technologies:

Health-saving technologies: their main goal is to develop a child’s conscious attitude towards human health and life, accumulate knowledge about health and develop the ability to protect, support and preserve it.

Forms of work: gymnastics (morning, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises, finger and dynamic gymnastics); physical education classes; sports holidays; physical education minutes between classes, dynamic breaks; walks.

Project activities: creation of problem-based activities that are carried out by students together with the teacher. The knowledge that students gain while working on the project becomes their personal property and is firmly established in the system of knowledge about the world around them. The main goal of the project method is the development of a free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of children's research activities.

Projects vary: by number of participants (individual, pair, group, frontal); by duration (short-term, average duration, long-term); by priority method (research, creative, informational, gaming); by topic (patriotic, environmental, social).

Information and communication technologies are used most often. Children are drawn to acquiring computer skills. With the help of exciting programs for teaching reading and mathematics, developing memory and logic, children can be interested in "sciences". The computer has a number of significant advantages over the classical lesson. Animated pictures flashing on the screen attract the child and allow him to concentrate his attention. With the help of computer programs it becomes possible to simulate various life situations. Depending on the child’s abilities, the program can be tailored specifically to him, that is, focusing on his individual development. In this case, the use of computer technologies becomes especially expedient, as it provides information in an attractive form, which not only speeds up memorization, but also makes it meaningful and long-lasting.

Examples of lesson forms: lesson-visualization - presentation of the content is accompanied by a presentation; practical exercise in the form of a presentation - presentation of the results of project or research activities using specialized software.

Teachers' tasks: keep up with the times, become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies, a mentor in choosing computer programs, to form the basics information culture his personality, enhance professional level teachers and parents' competence.

Cognitive and research activities: the main goal is to create an experimental activity in which the student is an active participant. The direct participation of students during the experiment allows him to personally see the process and results of his activities. When organizing this technologies Students are given a problematic task that can be solved by researching something or conducting experiments.

Methods and techniques The mother of the organization of this activity is: conversations; observations; modeling; recording the results.

Personality-oriented technology is technology, placing the student’s personality at the center of the educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free, safe conditions for development. Provides for the preparation of individual educational programs, corresponding to the needs and capabilities of each individual student. The purpose of this technologies- creation of democratic partnership humanistic relations between the child and the teacher, as well as providing conditions for the development of the personality of students.

Gaming technology, where play helps learning. Practice shows that activities using game situations contribute to the emergence of active cognitive interest. In such classes there are elements of creativity and free choice. The ability to work in a group develops. when achieving a goal depends on the personal efforts of everyone. At the same time, games have many cognitive and educational functions.

Application innovative pedagogical technologies contributes to:

– improving the qualifications of teachers;

– application of pedagogical experience and its systematization;

– improving quality education;

– improving the quality of training and education;

– use of computer technologies students for learning purposes.

Publications on the topic:

Intellectual development of preschool children in OOD "FEMP" using innovative technologies Introduction of innovative technologies into educational DOW process- an important condition for achieving new quality preschool education in progress.

The use of innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions (from work experience)“The use of innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions” (From work experience) The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of a child in modern conditions.

The use of innovative technologies in the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher-1- No matter what we say, no matter how much we resist progress, the fact remains: the computer persistently enters our everyday life.

The use of innovative and developmental technologies in the development of speech of preschool children According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO): “ speech development includes ownership.

The use of innovative technologies in the physical development of preschool children The tree also needs to be corrected and frequently refreshed with the help of winds, rains, and cold weather, otherwise it easily weakens and withers. Similar.

The changing socio-economic situation in Russia has determined the need to modernize education, rethink theoretical approaches and the accumulated work experience of senior educational institutions to improve the quality of education, as well as the introduction of innovative methods, techniques, technologies to obtain results in the form of educational services that are distinguished by social and market demand.

Innovative educational technologies at a university are a complex of three components:

Modern content that is transmitted to students, which involves not so much mastering subject knowledge, but rather the development of competencies adequate to modern business practice. This content is well structured and presented in the form of educational materials, which are conveyed through modern means of communication.

Modern teaching methods are active methods of developing competencies, based on the interaction of students and their involvement in the educational process, and not just on passive perception of the material.

Modern training infrastructure, which includes information, technological, organizational and communication components that allow you to effectively use the benefits of distance learning.

Innovative technologies are widely used at the Southern Federal University. Teachers are actively introducing active and interactive teaching methods into the educational process. These are simulation technologies, which are based on simulation or simulation-game modeling: situational methods (analysis of specific situations, case technologies), simulation training, business games, game design. It was noted that these methods give the greatest effect in mastering the material, since in this case a significant approximation of the educational process to practical practice is achieved professional activity at high degree motivation and activity of students. As well as non-imitation technologies: problem-based lectures and seminars, thematic discussions, brainstorming, etc.

Currently, much attention is paid to project-based learning technology, which allows students to effectively organize independent work. The university has approved the “Standard for the design and implementation of educational programs of the Southern federal university" The standard provides for strengthening the role of the design component, which ensures the formation social and personal and professional competencies in the creative process independent work. According to the Standard, all educational programs higher education a project activity module has been introduced. This module is part of the curriculum and provides for the implementation of three projects in a bachelor's degree, four projects in a specialty and 1 project in a master's degree with a labor intensity of 3 credit units each. For educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degrees in the 1st semester, as part of the project module, the discipline “Introduction to Project Activities” is implemented, which is designed to introduce students to the basics of project activities in order to further apply the acquired knowledge and skills to solve specific problems. practical problems using the design method.

An important part of the activities of the project activity module: presentation of projects, formation of project groups, defense of projects, takes place at SFU within the framework of the Week of Academic Mobility - a special form of organizing the educational process, creating conditions for the active participation of students in the learning process, building an individual educational trajectory, familiarization with educational opportunities and educational programs SFU. The format of the Academic Mobility Week allows for the development of interdisciplinary research and projects, and the introduction of innovative educational technologies.

Thus, during the autumn Academic Mobility Week, conferences, seminars, colloquiums, trainings, master classes using information and communication technologies, as well as events with the participation of employers were held in the structural divisions of the university.

Project activities of students are of great importance, as they provide students with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge in the process of solving practical, theoretical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. The teacher in the project is assigned the role of coordinator, expert, mentor, but not a performer. Thus, “a project is a complex of search, research, calculation, graphic and other types of work performed by students independently, but under the guidance of a teacher, with the aim of practical or theoretical solution to a significant problem.”

In general, for teaching design technology, regardless of the discipline being studied or the goals of the project, five stages are necessary and significant: motivation and goal setting, planning, project implementation, project defense, verification and evaluation of results.

The project methodology is characterized by high communicativeness and involves students expressing their own opinions, active involvement in real activities, and taking personal responsibility for progress in learning. This creates conditions for freedom of expression of thought and comprehension of what is perceived. In addition, it is worth noting that preparing, designing and presenting a project is much more exciting than completing traditional tasks, and, therefore, this technique plays important role when forming positive motivation for learning in students. By working on an educational project, students acquire not only knowledge about various types activities, but also practically master this activity, accumulating experience for the upcoming profession.

Recently, special attention has also been paid to methods of interactive learning using computer technology. Without the use of information and communication technologies educational institution cannot claim innovative status in education. After all, an educational institution is considered innovative if it widely introduces organizational, didactic, technical and technological innovations into the educational process and, on this basis, achieves a real increase in the pace and volume of knowledge acquisition and the quality of training of specialists.

Article 16 of the Education Law is devoted to new learning technologies, which talks about e-learning and distance educational technologies. E-learning is understood not only as “the organization of educational activities using ... information and communication technologies,” but, most importantly, the organization of “interaction between students and teaching staff,” and distance learning technologies mean the use of information and telecommunication networks to organize “indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teaching staff." This approach makes it possible to actively use electronic and distance technologies to organize interactive forms of learning, such as: organizing independent work for students, interaction between students and teachers, organizing collaboration students on projects.

Southern Federal University teachers have extensive experience e-learning using remote technologies, which allows us to offer some electronic products for use in organizing interactive educational environment. For example, the learning environment Moodle (Electronic learning at SFedU. E-learning), which is a means of remote support of the educational process, allows not only to organize independent work of students, but also the interaction of students with each other.

As the author of the textbook “Active and interactive educational technologies (forms of conducting classes) in higher school", "modern computer telecommunications allow participants to enter into a “live” (interactive) dialogue (written or oral) with a real partner, and also make it possible to actively exchange messages between the user and information system in real time. Computer training programs with the help of interactive tools and devices provide continuous interactive interaction between the user and the computer, allow students to control the progress of learning, regulate the speed of learning the material, return to earlier stages, etc.” . This makes it possible to improve the quality and efficiency of training and makes it possible to implement a differentiated approach to learning, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Computer technologies also make it possible to carry out interaction between the teacher and the student in a dialogue mode, creating opportunities to activate cognitive activity, access to modern, up-to-date information, allow us to ensure the best implementation of the principle of visibility. Computer programs make learning interesting and varied in form. The combination of traditional methods and teaching aids with computer technologies helps improve academic performance and activates independent work. The greatest effect is achieved with a systematic approach to the selection of various teaching methods in accordance with the tasks that the teacher sets for himself.

Thus, the introduction and active use of new educational technologies in the educational process changes the teaching methodology, allowing, along with traditional methods, techniques and methods of interaction, to use innovative ones that contribute to the formation of general cultural and professional competencies in students, ensuring high motivation, strength of knowledge, creativity and imagination , communication skills, active life position, team spirit, the value of individuality, freedom of expression, emphasis on activity, mutual respect and democracy. How skillfully new educational technologies will be introduced into the educational process depends on the personality of the teacher himself. According to Bordovskaya N.V.: “The most rigorous instrumental technology needs to be filled human content and meaning, to breathe life into it, to make it to some extent the author’s, to take into account the individual and personal characteristics of the subjects, group or team, the circumstances of the real life environment and educational environment, the characteristics of the teacher himself.”


1. Active and interactive educational technologies (forms of conducting classes) in higher education: tutorial/ comp. T.G. Mukhina. – N. Novgorod: NNGASU, 2013. – 97 p.

2. Gushchin Yu.V. Interactive teaching methods in higher education // Psychological Journal International University nature, society and man “Dubna”, 2012. – No. 2. – P. 1-18.

3. Zakharova, I.G. Information technologies in education: a textbook for higher education. textbook institutions / I.G. Zakharova. - M.: “Academy”, 2008., p.338

4. Kovalenko E.M. Interactive technologies in education and elements of e-learning // Modern system interactive learning in the context of modernization of education. Materials of the scientific and methodological conference; South Federal University). - Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Publishing House. - P.47-50.

5. Modern educational technologies: textbook / team of authors; edited by Bordovskoy N.V. - 2nd ed., erased - M.: KNORUS, 2011. - 432 p.

6. Tihobaev, A.G. Interactive computer teaching technologies. // Vestn. Tomsk State ped. University (Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin). 2012. Issue. 8 (123). - pp. 81–83.

7. the federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On education in Russian Federation» // Legal reference system “Consultant Plus”. Access mode: URL: (access date: 10/01/2015).


The only path leading to knowledge is activity.”

Bernard Show.

In the January Address of the Head of State to the people “New decade - new economic recovery - new opportunities for Kazakhstan” it was noted: “By 2015, the National Innovation System should be fully operational, and by 2020, it should already produce results in the form of developments, patents and ready-made technologies, implemented in the country." Therefore, the introduction of modern information technologies that comply with international educational standards, as well as ensuring everyone necessary conditions for the fruitful work of teachers, instructors, and industrial training masters are strategic priorities in the field of education. After all, information technologies help teachers take the educational process to a qualitatively new level.

Today, many teachers, in order to achieve learning effectiveness, use modern technologies and innovative teaching methods. These methods include active and interactive forms used in teaching. Active ones involve the student’s active position in relation to the teacher and those who receive education with him. During lessons using them, textbooks, notebooks, and a computer are used, that is, individual means used for learning. Thanks to interactive methods, knowledge is effectively acquired in collaboration with other students. These methods belong to collective forms of learning, during which a group of students works on the material being studied, and each of them is responsible for the work done.

The word “innovation” (from the Latin “innove”) appeared in the mid-17th century and means the entry of something new into a certain area, implantation into it and the generation of a whole series of changes in this area. Innovation is, on the one hand, a process of innovation, implementation, implementation, and on the other hand, it is an activity to integrate innovation into a certain social practice, and not a subject at all.Innovation exactly translated from Latin language does not mean “new”, but “into the new”.The concept of “innovation” means newness, newness, change; innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. Applied to pedagogical process innovation means introducing something new into the goals, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing, and organizing the joint activities of teacher and student.

The emergence of new information technologies associated with the development of computer tools and telecommunications networks has made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as the basis for the development and improvement of the education system.

Methods of innovative learning modular training, problem-based learning, distance learning, research methodological teaching, project method, social partnership, etc.

Interactive methods promote high-quality learning of new material. These include:

Exercises of a creative nature;

Group assignments;

Educational, role-playing, business games, imitation;


Lessons-meetings with creative people and specialists;

Classes aimed at creative development

lessons-performances, making films, publishing newspapers;

Use of video materials, the Internet, visibility;

Solving complex issues and problems using “decision tree” and “brainstorming” methods.

The main goal of innovative educational technologies is to prepare a person for life in an ever-changing world.The goal of innovative activity is a qualitative change in the student’s personality compared to the traditional system.

Therefore, innovative teaching methods contribute to the development of cognitive interest in students, teach them to systematize and generalize the material being studied, discuss and debate. By comprehending and processing the acquired knowledge, students acquire the skills to apply it in practice and gain communication experience. Undoubtedly, innovative teaching methods have advantages over traditional ones, because they contribute to the development of the child, teach him independence in cognition and decision-making.

The main task of TVE in modern stage is to train specialists who are able to respond in a non-standard, flexible and timely manner to changes that occur in the world. Therefore, to prepare students for professional activities in the future, innovative teaching methods are used in TVET. These methods include problem-based learning, which involves developing skills for solving problematic problems that do not have a clear answer, independent work on the material, and developing the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice. Innovative teaching methods also include interactive learning. It is aimed at active and deep assimilation of the material being studied, developing the ability to solve complex problems. Interactive activities include simulation and role-playing games, discussions, modeling situations. One of modern methods is learning through collaboration. It is used to work with social partners, as well as in small groups. This method aims to effectively assimilate educational material, developing the ability to perceive different points of view, the ability to cooperate and resolve conflicts in the process of teamwork. Innovative teaching methods used at the present stage in TVET also include a method whose priority is moral values. It promotes the formation of individual moral attitudes based on professional ethics, the development of critical thinking, and the ability to present and defend one’s own opinion. Innovative methods have made it possible to change the role of the teacher, who is not only a carrier of knowledge, but also a mentor who initiates students’ creative searches.

In this regard, the education system should aim to develop a new type of specialist who would be able to independently obtain, process, analyze the necessary information and effectively use it at the right time. This can be achieved with the transition to multi-level training of highly qualified specialists (bachelor - master - doctor).

Today there is no teacher who would not think about the questions: “How to make the lesson interesting and bright? How to engage students in your subject? How to create a situation of success for each student in the classroom?” What modern teacher does not dream that students in his class work voluntarily and creatively; did you master the subject at the maximum level of success for each?

And this is no coincidence. The new organization of society, a new attitude to life also places new demands on the school. Today, the main goal of education is not only the accumulation by the student of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, abilities, but also the preparation of the student as an independent subject of educational activity. At the core modern education lies the activity of both the teacher and, no less important, the student. It is precisely this goal - the education of a creative, active personality who knows how to learn and improve independently - that is responsible for the main tasks of modern education.

An innovative approach to teaching allows you to organize the learning process in such a way that the student finds the lesson both enjoyable and beneficial, without turning into just fun or a game. And, perhaps, it is precisely in such a lesson, as Cicero said, that “the eyes of the listener will light up with the eyes of the speaker.”

Innovative technologies:



    problem-based learning technology

    differentiated learning technology

    technology of educational and research activities in the classroom

Educational innovative technologies:

    health-saving technologies

    group activity technology

    KTD technology (collective creative activities).

The relevance of innovative training is as follows:

Compliance with the concept of humanization of education;

Using student-centered learning;

Finding conditions for unleashing the student’s creative potential;

Compliance with sociocultural needs modern society

independent creative activity.

The main goals of innovative training are:

Development of intellectual, communicative, linguistic and

creativity students;

Formation personal qualities students;

Development of skills that influence educational and cognitive

activity and level transition productive creativity;

Development of different types of thinking;

Formation of high-quality knowledge, skills and abilities.

These goals also determine the tasks of innovative training:

Optimization of the educational process;

Creating an environment of cooperation between student and teacher;

Development of long-term positive motivation for learning;

Involving students in creative activities;

Careful selection of material and methods of presentation.

Innovative learning is based on the following technologies:

Developmental education;

Problem-based learning;

Develop critical thinking;

Differentiated approach to learning;

Creating a situation of success in the classroom.

The main principles of innovative teaching are:

Creativity (orientation towards creativity);

Assimilation of knowledge in the system;

Non-traditional forms of lessons;

Use of visuals.

And now I want to move from the general methodological principles of innovative teaching to methods.

When using innovative technologies in teaching Russian language and literature, the following techniques are successfully used:

Associative series;

Supporting notes;

Brain attack;

Group discussion;


Key terms;

Video films;

Didactic game;

Linguistic maps;

Text Research;

Working with tests;

Non-traditional forms homework etc.

