Academician derevyanko. Academician Anatoly Panteleevich Derevianko

Academician derevyanko.  Academician Anatoly Panteleevich Derevianko

Derevianko A. P., Shabelnikova N. A.

D36 History of Russia: textbook. allowance. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: TK Velby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2006. - 560 p.

The textbook outlines the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day, taking into account the latest research on national history. The problems of socio-economic and political development of the country are covered, domestic and foreign policy, culture are considered. The manual will allow you to successfully prepare for exams and seminars in accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education of the Russian Federation. For applicants, students, graduate students, teachers, as well as all those interested in history.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2. Slave-owning civilizations of Transcaucasia, Central Asia and the Black Sea region. Ancient Slavs (I millennium BC - IV century AD)

Chapter 3. Eastern Slavs on the threshold of the formation of the state (VI-IX centuries)

Chapter 4 Ancient Russia in IX-XIII centuries

4.1.Old Russian state (IX-XII centuries)

4.2. Russian lands and principalities in the XI-first half of the XIII century

4.3. Russia's struggle for independence in the 13th century

Chapter 5

Chapter 6 Russian state in the 16th century Ivan the Terrible

Chapter 7. Russia in the 17th century


7.1. Russia at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. Time of Troubles

7.2. Domestic and foreign policy of Russia in the XVII century. "Rebellious Age"

Chapter 8. Russian Empire in the 18th century

8.1. The Birth of an Empire: the Time of Peter the Great (late 17th - first quarter of the 18th century)

8.2. Russia in the era palace coups, 1725-1762

8.3. Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century

Chapter 9. Russia in the 19th century

9.1. Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century

9.2. Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century

Chapter 10

10.1. Economic and social development

10.2. The political system of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century

10.3. Revolutionary crises in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century

10.4. Russia's foreign policy at the beginning of the 20th century

Chapter 11. Soviet Russia in 1917-early 20s


Chapter 12. The Soviet State in the First Half of the 1920s 20th century


Chapter 13 the other half of the 20s-30s. XX

13.1. Socio-political life of the Soviet state in the 20-30s. 20th century

13.2. Economic and social development of the USSR in the 20-30s

13.3. The foreign policy of the Soviet state (1921-1941)

Chapter 14. USSR during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

Chapter 15

Chapter 16. USSR in 1953-1964 Khrushchev's decade

Chapter 17

Chapter 18. Perestroika in the USSR (1985-1991)

Chapter 19 XX century - the beginning of the XXI century

Chapter 20

20.1. culture ancient Russian state and the era of specific principalities (IX-XIII centuries)

20.2. Development of the culture of the Moscow State

(XIV-XVII centuries)

20.3. Cultural evolution of the Russian Empire

(XVIII-XX centuries)

20.4. Soviet period of development of Russian culture

20.5. The current sociocultural situation in Russia



Our era is a time of painful reassessment of values ​​and radical experiments, a time of choosing socio-political, economic, moral and ethical guidelines for every family, every person. It fell to us to live, study, and work during the period of the change of centuries, cardinal changes in the development of society, when the pace of change in the life of states and peoples is rapidly accelerating and new, largely unknown prospects are opening up in the historical development of Russia and the whole world.

The truth is known - parents are not chosen. In infancy and early childhood, they are loved for being parents. Then they are loved for care, affection and help in all matters. If the parents are unkind or cruel, it is unlikely that the child will answer them with anything other than coldness. Growing up, a person one day tries to look at his father and mother, as if from the outside, through the eyes of a curious observer, to assess the merits and demerits of their character in the same way that he evaluates other, non-native people. Gradually, he determines for himself what parents are good and what are bad, that is, he begins to treat them consciously, as something explained, which has become understandable.

The country in which a person is born, like a mother and father, can be caring or unkind. There comes a time when you have to determine your attitude towards her, consciously choosing love or indifference. In order not to make a mistake, "you should know the history of your fatherland. Not only a cold list of events and actors but also the very essence of the history of our country, its genealogy. It is necessary to try to understand what the homeland is, how it became such and what fate awaits it.

We have received a spiritual heritage from past generations, which we replenish based on our own experience. This is knowledge of the laws of development of nature and society (science), emotional perception of the environment (culture), a set of rules for communication (morality), ideals and motives of activity (ideology, religion), ways and forms of transferring spiritual heritage from generation to generation (education).

In critical eras, the spiritual heritage is reassessed: a change in scientific paradigms, the renewal of cultural and ethnic values, the destruction of old and the formation of new ideals, and changes in education. It is a painful, painful, lengthy process. It is associated with destruction.

habitual stereotypes of thinking and behavior, with the emergence of many alternative positions, with a sudden intrusion of long-forgotten and discarded views.

How, then, to choose the right path to the future, to avoid a fatal mistake, to distinguish the truth in this motley palette of tempting ideas? This can be helped by a story that contains not just a fascinating or boring (depending on the literary gift of the chronicler) description of past events, deeds historical figures and peoples. Knowledge of history presupposes generalization, comprehension of past experience, each grain of which is paid dearly. For all the seeming uniqueness of the events taking place now, one can always find in them a similarity, and not a small one, with what peoples have already experienced in the past, having found a way out of such crises. It is necessary to learn the lessons of history, periodically replenishing the acquired knowledge based on one's own experience. In this sense, each of us is a student of history, diligent or frivolous.

History (from the Greek historia - a story about the past, about what has been learned) is considered in two meanings: firstly, as a process of development of nature and mankind, and, secondly, as a system of sciences that study the past of nature and society.

Generalization and processing of accumulated human experience is the first task of history. Historia est magistra vitae (history is the teacher of life), said the ancients. And indeed, people always, especially at critical periods in the life of mankind, try to find answers to many questions in world historical experience. On historical examples, people are brought up in respect for eternal human values: peace, goodness, justice, beauty, freedom. Historical science tries to give a holistic vision of the historical process in the unity of all its characteristics. History as a single process of the evolution of nature and society is studied by the totality of social sciences with the involvement of data from the natural and technical sciences.

Ever since antiquity, the science of the past has become an independent field of human knowledge. But the science of history itself developed much later (in Russia - approximately from early XVIII in.). In the XVIII-first half of the XIX century. there was a refinement of the subject of history in connection with an appeal to the study of economics, culture and social relations.

For history, the object of study is the totality of facts that characterize the life of society both in the past and in the present. The subject of history is the study of human society as a single contradictory process. Historical science includes general (world) history, which studies the origin of man (his ethnogenesis), as well as the history of individual countries, peoples and civilizations (national history) from ancient times to the present day. This takes into account its division into the history of primitive society, ancient, medieval, new and latest.

History is a diversified science, it is composed of a number of independent branches of historical knowledge, namely: economic history,

political, social, civil, military, state and law, religion, etc. Historical sciences include ethnography (studies the life and culture of peoples), archeology (studies the history of the origin of peoples from the material sources of antiquity - tools, household utensils, jewelry, etc. , as well as entire complexes - settlements, burial grounds, treasures).

There are auxiliary historical disciplines that have a relatively narrow subject of study, study it in detail and thus contribute to a deeper understanding of the historical process as a whole. These include: genealogy (the science of the origin and kinship of individuals and families), heraldry (the science of coats of arms), numismatics (the science of coins and their minting), chronology (the science that studies time systems and calendars), paleography (science studying handwritten monuments and ancient writing), etc.

The most significant auxiliary historical disciplines include source studies, which studies historical sources, and historiography (the history of historical science), whose task is to describe and analyze the views, ideas and concepts of historians and study patterns in the development of historical science.

History is a specific science that requires precise knowledge of the chronology (dates) of facts and events. It is closely related to other sciences, but unlike them, it considers the development of society as a whole, analyzes the totality of the phenomena of social life, all its aspects (economics, politics, culture, life, etc.), their interconnections and interdependencies. At the same time, each of the existing sciences (social, economic, technical) has gone through its own history during the development of human society. And at the present stage, all sciences and arts necessarily include a historical section, for example, the history of music, the history of cinema, etc. At the junction of historical and other sciences, interdisciplinary sciences are created, such as historical geography, historical geology, etc.

According to the vastness of the object of study, history can be divided into the following groups:

    the history of the world as a whole;

    history of any continent, region (history of Europe, African studies, Balkan studies);

    people (Sinology, Japanese studies);

    groups of peoples (Slavic studies).

The history of Russia is a scientific discipline that studies the process of development of our Fatherland, its multinational people, the formation of the main state and public institutions.

Any literate person should know the history of his Fatherland. It is impossible to live in our native land and not know who lived here before us, not to know and not to remember their labors, glory, delusions and mistakes. We have received from them not only a material, but also a spiritual inheritance, and we use everything as a matter of course. But do we always know how to be grateful to our fathers and grandfathers? Russia is changing before our eyes, the old is dying,

new. It cannot always be assessed unambiguously, it is not always for the good of Russia. Understand modern processes, to determine your own view of what is happening around and inside Russia, not to get lost in the diversity of opinions - history will help us with this.

Our past is our intellectual property, which must be treated with the same care as material property. Russia had its own complex, contradictory, heroic and dramatic, original history, unlike other countries. And, in spite of everything, Russia has made a worthy contribution to world culture and civilization. The study of the history of Russia leads to the conviction that all of it was created by the power of the Russian spiritual character. The outstanding thinker of the 20th century rightly noted. Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin: “From Theodosius of the Caves to Sergius, Hermogenes and Seraphim of Sarov; from Monomakh to Peter the Great, and to Suvorov, Stolypin and Wrangel; from Lomonosov to Mendeleev - the whole history of Russia is the victory of the Russian spiritual character over difficulties, temptations, dangers and enemies.

The interests of modern society, the main directions in the development of historical science and the consistent study of history in school and higher education coincide in some principles:

    respect for all peoples and cultures without exception. It is necessary to recognize the significance of all eras and societies, the desire to understand the internal motives and laws of their functioning. At the same time, studying this process, it is necessary to remember the specifics of each phenomenon, the historical distance. This makes sense civilizational approach;

    caution in the approach to the factors of transformation of the world and society. History is intended to show how fragile the balance of social forces, the relationship between man and nature can be, how difficult it is to restore them. This realization is aided by the notion of the price of progress;

    consideration of a person as part of a social organism, a complex social system. Man must take his place at the center of historical research and historical narrative. After all, it is he who realizes the laws of history, gives things meaning, thinks and makes mistakes under the influence of his own and other people's ideas;

    self-worth of the individual and freedom of thought. People demand the same respect for themselves as civilizations. History must be populated by people, living people, concrete, unique personalities. Kings, sages, villains, artists were endowed not only with social, but also with individual psychology, not only were a reflection of their era, but also influenced reality. They should be recognized as having the right to free will, to the opportunity to significantly change the course of history. Thus, history is recognized as having the right to chance, alternativeness, and historians - the right to reflect on unrealized possibilities;

    principle of proportionality and complicity. This principle finds expression in the study of people's lifestyles. Biographies bring proportion to history. This form of comprehension of history has proven to be effective. History is best seen through the prism of participatory

sti - as the history of one's family, one's city, one's land, included in the context of a larger history;

6) the principle of unity. History should inspire an understanding of the synchronicity of events, an understanding that, for example, Shakespeare was a contemporary of False Dmitry. It is interesting to study the interaction of history with geographic space, to study the dynamics of interaction between man and the environment. The story should be narrative, vivid, specific. As a cumulative science, history must integrate the achievements of predecessors - not only their positive contributions, but also their concepts. One must bear in mind the possibility of the existence of different approaches and points of view on problems.

Many facts, events, phenomena of our history with the discovery of new sources, with the expansion of our horizons, with the improvement of theoretical knowledge today are assessed differently than several years ago. Modern Russian historical science is going through a special period when new approaches to history are just beginning to be developed. So, in modern Russian historiography, traditional system-forming categories are widely used: primitive society, slave-owning system, feudal fragmentation, etc. At the same time, many scientists critically, if not completely negatively, evaluate the fundamental concept of the “socio-economic formation” in the past.

The complexity of the historical development of mankind, the diversity of worldview positions of scientists have led to the development of a wide range of philosophical approaches to history, among which are the following:

1) religious (theological, providential): E. N. Trubetskoy - an explanation of the origin of mankind, its development by divine will; V. S. Solovyov - posing the problem of the unity of history; N. N. Filoletov - an attempt to comprehend the meaning of history and its purpose from a divine point of view;

      natural science (naturalistic): a) geographical determinism. C. Montesquieu believed that climate, soil and the state of the earth's surface are decisive factors that determine the spirit of peoples, forms of government and legislation, the nature of historical development; LI Mechnikov attached special importance to the hydrosphere. His division of the history of mankind into three periods is connected with it: river civilizations (civilizations that developed in the basins of the great rivers - Egypt, China, India, etc.), sea (Ancient Greece, etc.), oceanic (with the discovery of America); b) demographic: T. Malthus - population is of decisive importance in history. Population growth is exponential, and the production of livelihoods is in arithmetic progression. The unbridled multiplication of the people leads to misery and poverty, to disease and famine, to wars and revolutions; c) ethnogenetic: LN Gumilyov distinguishes between social and ethnic history. The subject of the latter is ethnos - a "geographical phenomenon". The decisive reason for the emergence and development of an ethnos is passionarity;

      socio-economic (formational): K. Marx, F. Engels, V. I. Lenin and historians Soviet period - human society in the process

its development goes through a number of stages (formations): primitive-communal, slave-owning, feudal, capitalist, communist. Formations differ from each other in the way of material production, the features of the socio-political organization of society. The disadvantages of this theory are as follows: firstly, the prevailing importance is given to the economic factor of development, secondly, the specifics of development are not taken into account (each country must go through all stages of development);

      cultural-historical (cultural-civilizational): a) J. Vico, J. G. Greder, G. V. F. Hegel - the priority development of the spiritual sphere, culture, recognition of the unity of history, its progress, faith in the reasonable nature of the historical process; b) N. Ya. Danilevsky, O. Spengler, A. Toynbee and others - the concept of closed (local) civilizations; c) N. A. Berdyaev, K. Jaspers and others - a kind of distrust of rational knowledge, doubts about its ability to solve the problems of history;

      world - a system analysis by Immanuel Wallerstein - an attempt to integrate cultural, economic-deterministic, class and statist approaches into a single whole.

To get an objective picture historical process Historical science should be based on a certain methodology, some general principles that would make it possible to streamline the material accumulated by researchers and create effective explanatory models. The principles of obtaining historical knowledge are the main, basic provisions of science. They are based on the study of the objective laws of history, are the result of this study, and in this sense correspond to laws. However, there is a significant difference between laws and principles: laws act objectively, while principles are a logical category; they exist not in nature, but in the minds of people. The principle can be considered as the basic rule that must be observed in the study of all phenomena and events in history.

The main scientific principles are as follows.

The principle of historicism is one of the basic principles of the approach to the study of nature and society. All historical facts, phenomena and events are considered in accordance with the specific historical situation, in their interconnection and interdependence. Each historical phenomenon should be studied in its development: how it arose, what stages it passed in its development, what it eventually became. It is impossible to consider an event or a person outside of time and circumstances.

The principle of objectivity implies reliance on facts in the true content, not distorted and not adjusted to the scheme. This principle requires considering each phenomenon in its versatility, inconsistency, in the aggregate of both positive and negative aspects. The main thing in ensuring the principle of objectivity is the personality of the historian: his theoretical and professional skills.

The principle of the social approach assumes that certain social interests are manifested in the development of social processes: in the economy

scientific field, political, interclass and extraclass contradictions, relations of social psychology and traditions. This principle (it is also called the principle of a class, party approach) obliges to correlate the interests of a certain social group with universal ones, taking into account the subjective moment in the practical activities of governments, parties, and individuals. A social approach to history is especially important in evaluating programs and real political activities of parties and their leaders, which allows us to draw important conclusions. At the same time, when solving global problems of our time, priorities are given not to class, but to universal values. Therefore, they should not be opposed, but complementary.

The principle of alternativeness determines the degree of probability of the implementation of an event, phenomenon, process based on an analysis of objective realities and possibilities. Recognition of the historical alternative allows us to re-evaluate the path of each country, see the unused opportunities of the process, and draw lessons for the future.

In addition to general methodological principles, specific research methods are also used in historical knowledge:

    general scientific;

    actually historical;

    special (borrowed from other sciences).

The method is a way of studying historical patterns through their specific manifestations - historical facts, a way of extracting new knowledge from facts.

The general scientific methods of research include historical, logical methods and the method of classification. The historical method makes it possible to reproduce the process of development with its general, special and uniquely individual features. Logical - connected with the historical, it generalizes the whole process in the theoretical form of patterns. Both of these methods complement each other, since the historical method has its cognitive limits, having exhausted which it is possible to draw conclusions and generalizations using the logical method. Classification as a method allows you to highlight the general and the special in phenomena, facilitates the collection of material, systematizes knowledge, promotes theoretical generalizations, and the identification of new laws.

Actually historical research methods can be divided into two groups:

    methods based on various options for studying processes in time: chronological, chronological-problematic, synchronistic, periodization method;

    methods based on identifying the patterns of the historical process: comparative-historical, retrospective (method of historical modeling), structural-systemic.

The essence of the chronological method is that the phenomena are presented in temporal (chronological) order. Chronological-problem method

provides for the study and study of the history of Russia by periods (themes) or eras, and within them - by problems. Taking into account the problem-chronological method, there is a study and research of any one aspect of the life and activities of the state in its consistent development. The synchronistic method allows you to establish connections and relationships between phenomena and processes occurring at the same time in different places in Russia and its regions. The periodization method makes it possible to identify changes in qualitative features in development and to establish the periods of these qualitative changes.

The comparative-historical method aims to establish the general trends inherent in similar processes, to determine the changes that have occurred, to identify ways community development. Retrospective allows you to restore the process according to its typical properties and show the patterns of its development. Structural-systemic establishes the unity of events and phenomena in socio-historical development, on the basis of which qualitatively different social, economic, political, cultural systems of social organization are distinguished within certain chronological frameworks.

Special methods: mathematical methods of process analysis, the method of statistics, sociological research and social psychology. The method of sociological research and the method of social psychology are of particular importance for the analysis of historical situations, since the masses (the people) have a direct influence on the course of historical development.

The study of the course "History of Russia" is based on the following methodological provisions.

Domestic history is an integral part of world history. This approach is based on the philosophical categories of general and particular. The use of these categories allows us to show the features of the development of Russia as a multinational, multi-confessional state, which has traditions that have developed over many centuries, and its own way of life.

In the study of the course, in our opinion, it is necessary to combine a civilizational approach with formational characteristics. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the most significant issues for the history of Russia: the formation and development of ethnic groups, the fate of civilizations on the territory of Russia, national customs and traditions, spiritual values, etc.

Russia is a civilizational region, the original development of which is determined by natural-climatic, geopolitical, confessional (religious), sociopolitical and other factors. The uniqueness of Russia and its role in the world cultural and historical process were significantly influenced by its border position between Europe and Asia, which caused the contradictory impact on Russia of the West and East. At the same time, the recognition of originality does not mean the isolation of Russia from the general historical development; the history of Russia is considered within the framework of the formation of world civilization.

According to modern researchers, the way Russian history(whatever it is called: modernization, the civilizational cycle, the Eurasian path, etc.) does not represent a “lag” or “delay” in development, but simply a different, original development leading to a creative synthesis of the general and specific, internal and external, one’s own and foreign experience. And in this regard, consistently studying the history of Russia, it is permissible to use various categories and concepts in historical research, mainly sociological (modernization, stages, formation), cultural (totalitarianism), economic (industrialism and post-industrialism).

Studying the course of the history of Russia involves the assimilation of knowledge of a historiographical nature. The classics of Russian historiography - N. M. Karamzin, S. M. Solovyov, V. O. Klyuchevsky - made a significant contribution to Russian historical science. The works of other outstanding Russian historians enjoy well-deserved prestige and influence. First of all, these are the works of N. M. Kostomarov, A. A. Kornilov, S. F. Platonov, M. N. Pokrovsky, P. M. Milyukov, V. N. Tatishchev.

The main difficulty in studying the history of Russia is the diversity of educational historical literature, the authors of which adhere to various historical schools and sometimes express mutually exclusive points of view on the problems of national history.

      textbooks, teaching aids: “Review of Russian History” by S. G. Pushkarev (Stavropol, 1993), the first edition of which was published in 1953 in the USA; "Russian History" by G. V. Vernadsky (M., 1997) - the son of V. I. Vernadsky, a student of V. O. Klyuchevsky, R. Yu. Vipper, A. A. Kizevetter, who emigrated to the West and was recognized there as a major specialist on Russian history; “Russian History” by M. I. Pokrovsky (Moscow, 2002) is one of the most monumental works in world history and, without a doubt, the most fundamental of the classic works on the history of Russia;

Of undoubted interest are publications of an educational and methodological nature, containing additional materials on the history of Russia, as well as problematic issues, tasks, etc. One of the first in this regard is the work of S. G. Smirnov “The task book on the history of Russia” (M., 1995). In the textbook by S. G. Goryainov, A. A. Egorov "History of Russia in the 9th-18th centuries." (M., 1998) each topic is supplemented with excerpts from historical documents and assignments for them. In didactic materials JI. M. Lyashenko “History of Russia. XIX century "(M., 2000) and A. G. Koloskov" History of Russia. XX century ”(M., 2000) presents a variety of training and testing tasks of varying complexity (traditional questions, working with a document, tests, materials for reports, discussions, historical writings, etc.). Questions and tasks contained in the textbook E. A. Gevurkova, V. I. Egorova, A. G. Koloskova, JI. I. Larina "History of Russia: problems, events, people (differentiated questions and tasks)" (M., 2000) is based on the use of a wide range of historical sources, has a teaching and control orientation.

The album of A. T. Stepanishchev "History of Russia: IX-XX centuries: Schemes" (M., 2001) includes more than 330 logical, problem-logical and structural schemes, graphs, covering more than eleven centuries

history of Russia. The textbook of the same author "History of Russia: teaching at school" focuses on understanding the conceptual and methodological problems of teaching and studying history, mastering specific methods for conducting various types and forms of classes, organizing independent work of students and students. A significant place is given to the disclosure of the problems of educating the younger generation in the history of the Fatherland.

The relevance of a balanced scientific approach to the study of history remains and even increases due to the fact that the rethinking of the past was not without costs and contradictions. Many problems have to be solved in the conditions of transition from one social system to another, in conditions of fundamental changes in the political system of society, its economic foundations, the promotion of new political and ideological paradigms, new moral values.

The task of teaching history in modern conditions is to show real history in all its complexities and contradictions, with its bright and tragic sides, while observing objectivity, historical truth. Such an approach will help correct the mistakes of the past, give a true picture of historical events and phenomena.

School and university teachers are realizing that in order to truly understand history, their students must look beyond the textbook, see living history, understand its meaning. In the process of teaching, they somehow bear the “burden of proof” for at least four truths:


The relationship between the historical destinies of peoples and states is reflected, it is shown that no one has ever been able to "fence off" from the world-historical process neither by high walls, nor by long distances, nor by gold, nor by force. Yes, the West is the West, the East is the East, but these are just different sides of the single history of mankind.


The continuity of history is illustrated. Neither the fall of empires, the rise of new kings, nor attempts to destroy human memory can interrupt it. The events of centuries ago vividly resonate with the present. They help to more accurately understand today, also because history does repeat itself, and because the current reality was sometimes born not only in past decades, but also in past centuries.


History is not only a manifestation of general historical laws, but also the memory of the real life of living people. Emperors and poets, freedom fighters and their executioners, thinkers and conquerors. The life of each of them helps us not only to see their time more clearly, but sometimes to understand the present day more deeply.


History, like any subject, can be taught in an unimaginably boring way. But who said that history itself is to blame for this? It is important, when thinking about historical events, to ask yourself questions: “Why did everything happen the way it did? Where are the causes and origins? It is interesting to ask such questions together with students and look for answers to them.

The study of the humanities is an important part of the general educational and ideological training of modern specialists and contributes to the intellectual development of the individual and the development of creative thinking. The course "Patriotic History" is an important element in the structure of the cycle of humanities. Its study is intended to give:

    understanding of the main patterns and features of historical development;

    understanding of the role of Russia in the world historical process;

    the formation of historical consciousness, i.e., a system of views, ideas, theories, concepts, through which the past is realized;

    the development of spiritual values ​​developed in the course of historical development, and the definition of one's own attitude towards them; familiarizing listeners with social experience, spiritual and moral values previous generations of Russians, embodied in philosophical and religious teachings, art and literature, folk customs and traditions;

    the formation of the ability to use the acquired knowledge, independently extract it from historical sources, find the necessary information in a diverse stream of historical and journalistic literature;

    development of the ability to analyze and evaluate facts, phenomena and events, the ability to reveal cause-and-effect relationships between them;

    comprehension of the new realities of modern national history, taking into account the cultural and historical traditions of Russia.

The main goal of the course "Patriotic History" is the formation of students' historical consciousness, instilling in them the skills of historical thinking.

In the structure of the goals and objectives of the course, an important place is occupied by the development of general educational and special skills and abilities:

    general logical skills(the ability to analyze, classify, correctly correlate facts and generalizations, evaluate events, establish cause-and-effect relationships, patterns of social development, determine the specific historical conditions of a particular era, etc.);

    search and information skills(free handling of dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, catalogs, the ability to find the necessary information in books, collections, magazines, the ability to systematize literature within a specific task);

    educational and cognitive skills(drawing up abstracts of speeches, a scientific report, a report, an abstract, preparing an abstract; the ability to participate in a discussion, competently, logically, and convincingly express one's thoughts).

At present, the manuals available to high school students and applicants, students of colleges, universities become obsolete or simply disappear from sale due to limited circulation. All this makes the publication of new textbooks on the history of Russia relevant. The French historian F. Braudel argued: "History constantly needs to be rewritten, it is always in the stage of formation and overcoming itself." This judgment is applicable not only to the description of the historical process, but also to the understanding of its scientific aspects.

The peculiarity of the work we propose is that the authors, without claiming to be an exhaustive presentation of national history, sought, on the basis of the author's approach, to give an analysis of the main events and phenomena of national history. Our study guide contains pluralistic approaches and assessments that complement and enrich each other; used alternative historical concepts, the views of various scientific schools, which are represented by the views of domestic and foreign authors on the historical path of Russia.

Discovery of a previously unknown human species – Homoaltaiensis (human Altai), or Denisovan man, made under the guidance of Academician A.P. Derevyanko, became a world scientific sensation, which, according to Science magazine, ranked second in importance after the discovery of the Higgs boson.

A comprehensive study of the ancient history of the Altai Territory and neighboring regions, which became possible thanks to the RFBR mega-grant, allowed Siberian scientists to develop a newthe fundamental scientific concept of the formation of a person of a modern physical type and his culture. The author of the discovery, scientific director of the SB RAS Academician Anatoly Panteleevich Derevyanko.

- Anatoly Panteleevich, the grant application emphasizes that this is fundamental research on interdisciplinary topics. Why is there so much attention now to an integrated approach?

- An integrated approach to the study of archaeological objects is one of the most relevant areas of modern research in the field of ancient history. Not only here, but all over the world. Only at the level of integration of data from archeology and various natural science disciplines, it is possible to identify the main patterns of interaction between nature and society in antiquity, to study the impact of changes natural conditions on the processes of ancient migrations, to determine the ratio of ecological and social factors in human exploration of new territories.

- You said that the grant allowed you to expand your work in terms of geography.

Yes, we have significantly expanded the horizons of our research. Conducted work not only in Siberia, very important discoveries were made in Vietnam. New sites of the early Paleolithic were discovered. Now we know the age of these sites - 800-780 thousand years. Of course, the antiquity of these locations is striking. But, most importantly, a completely new industry has been identified - the bifacial industry.

Back in the 40s. Professor of Harvard University Hellam Movius expressed the point of view that in the Early Paleolithic, in the chronological interval from 1 million to 200-300 thousand years, two zones were traced on the territory of Eurasia. The first, with the bifacial industry - Europe, the Middle East, India; the second, the zone of pebble tools - East and Southeast Asia. This issue has been discussed in dozens of international conferences Hundreds of articles have been published on this topic.

Since 2015, a Russian-Vietnamese expedition in the province of Gialai (Central Vietnam) has discovered Early Paleolithic sites, in which stone tools have been found dating from 700,000 to 1 million years ago. At present, bifacial tools have been found in southern China, in the Baise Basin. But the bifacial tools of East and Southeast Asia differed from the bifacial tools of, say, Africa and western regions Eurasia. And we came to the conclusion that the appearance of bifacial tools here is the result of the convergent development of the stone industry.

- Have you recently started cooperating with Vietnam?

My colleagues from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Vietnamese archaeologists from the Institute of Archeology of the Academy social sciences We have been working in North Vietnam for seven years. A number of Upper Paleolithic caves were explored there. Their antiquity is approximately from 15 to 30-40 thousand years. And since 2015, they began to work in the north of South Vietnam in the province of Gialai. There, in the area of ​​the city of Ankhe, 17 locations or sites with bilaterally processed tools were discovered and are now being investigated. These are hand axes, choppers, pikes and other products that to some extent resemble the Acheulean industry, but differ significantly from it.

The difference is that Acheulean bifaces were made mainly on large flakes, while in Vietnam they were made on pebbles. They differ typologically and processing technique. Main value Vietnamese finds is that they have a very clear stratigraphy, they can be dated quite accurately. Their geomorphological distribution, dislocation and the conditions in which stone tools are located are very clear, in contrast to the Chinese ones. Along with stone tools, tektites, glassy pieces formed during volcanic eruptions, for which there are proven dating technologies, have also been found. We gave them to academician I.V. Chernyshev at the Institute of Geology ore deposits, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences to determine the age. Dating is a very difficult problem.

- It's not radiocarbon dating?

No. This method is used in our only institute in Russia. Its capabilities make it possible to date objects of great antiquity - several million years.

Tektites in Vietnam have an antiquity of 700 thousand to 1 million years. The geomorphological conditions and conditions of occurrence of the finds indicate a very great antiquity. I am sure that in terms of appearance and processing technique these tools are no younger, and perhaps even older than Chinese ones. The dates we should get will allow us to pinpoint the exact time of their origin. This will be another confirmation of the hypothesis that bilateral processing in East and Southeast Asia originated on an autochthonous basis.

- Is it correct to say that a man became a man when he learned to make tools?

- Isolation of the genus Homo from the family of anthropoids - a very complex process. Until recently, it was really believed that the manufacture of tools was a threshold moment: the first tools - this is the appearance of the genus Homo. But many great apes are also quite advanced. The same capuchins can crack nuts with stones, build primitive dwellings for themselves, and dig up tubers with sticks.

My point of view is this: we need to expand the genus Homo, include the great apes as well. Now they are being destroyed. And if we equate them with Homo, according to all international laws, it will be forbidden to kill them.

- Would these discoveries have been made without a grant?

Without this grant, many discoveries would not have been possible, because it attracted scientists from other, related areas of science, this time. Secondly, a number of laboratory studies require the additional use of equipment, various technical means, etc. So, thanks to this mega-grant, we not only carried out field and laboratory research, but also managed to purchase some part of the laboratory equipment. We might have carried out these studies, but the period would have been significantly lengthened, and some, most likely, we would not have been able to carry out, say, studies in Vietnam.

- And now this mega-grant is still valid?

No, this mega-grant is not valid, but we hope for further expansion. We have been cooperating with Chinese archaeologists for many years. Last year, the first volume of The Archeology of China was published. And if we get a new grant, our joint work with Taiwanese archaeologists will make it possible to trace the dynamics of the development of Paleolithic cultures and industries in Taiwan and compare with the development of industries and cultures of the Paleolithic.

This grant was, in fact, the first experience that received support due to the understanding of V.Ya. Panchenko and expert council. Of course, we hope that this will become a practice. The Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation also played a big role, and there were also comprehensive studies, but their volume was absolutely insufficient to make it possible to conduct such large-scale joint studies of various areas and sciences. And support from the Russian Foundation fundamental research of such mega-grants brings new unique results that allow answering very important fundamental questions that cannot be solved, say, by employees of one institute or one laboratory. This direction needs to be supported, because the modern level of science requires multidisciplinary research. And this is also developing abroad, and it is very important for us to keep up with our Russian science.

Summing up, I want to repeat that after all, the most important result recent years our work is the discovery of a new subspecies of man. It stirred scientific world, and now a lot of research in many countries is being carried out in this direction. Denisov man is known all over the world. I was recently in France, and there, at every university or scientific center, questions were immediately asked about the Denisova Cave and the Denisovan.

All heads of directions who worked within the framework of the mega-grant can talk about the very good results they have achieved. We are satisfied with the results of cooperation, and we all have hope that this will not be the only experience of such large-scale complex multidisciplinary research.

Prepared by Olga Belenitskaya


Scientific Russia (, 05/10/2017
Pacific Russia (, 07/10/2017

Vladimir GUBAREV.

Academician Anatoly Panteleevich Derevyanko.

Plateau Ukok.

In order not to lose valuable finds, excavations must be carried out very carefully, using modern scientifically based conservation methods.

Science and life // Illustrations

In Altai burials belonging to the Pazyryk culture, wooden decorations of horse harness were found.

The felt coverings of the saddles are decorated with an appliqué depicting fantastic winged animals.

Finds from "frozen" mounds.

The silk shirt is a very rare find. Silk in Altai was valued more than gold.

According to the already established tradition, the names of the 2004 Demidov Prize winners were announced by the chairman of the Demidov Foundation, academician Gennady Andreevich Mesyats at the Tea Party at the Academy. About Anatoly Panteleevich Derevyanko - a longtime friend and colleague - he said briefly: "This is an outstanding scientist in the field of archeology and ancient history. He played a huge role in the study of the initial human settlement of Eurasia, the study of the sites of primitive man in the Altai, Mongolia and Central Asia. He discovered hundreds of archaeological sites in North and Central Asia. Each of his research makes an invaluable contribution to science, his immersion in the past always brings brilliant discoveries ... "

"Immersion in the past" - the words were remembered, because they very accurately convey the meaning of the scientific feat that Academician Derevyanko accomplishes.

At the "Tea Party" we had a curious conversation with a scientist. But first - a few "Immersions in the Past", distant and not very.

Anatoly Panteleevich Derevyanko was born in the village of Kozmo-Demyanovka, Amur Region. Isn't that why his predilection for the ancient history of Siberia and Far East? After all, there are always people who understand how mysterious and unexplored the past of their "small Motherland" is... But that would be too simple an answer to the age-old question about a person's talent.

However, Derevianko himself recalls his childhood as follows:

“Hungry for warmth after a long, cold and windy winter, we, the village boys, loved to gather outside the outskirts. Climbing into a trench overgrown with weeds that had collapsed, left over from war times, we caught the rays of the warm spring sun and read books. while all the rest, huddled together, listened with bated breath. While reading, our half-starved, unsettled post-war childhood, noisy and furious war games, often with explosions of real grenades and shots from far from safe self-propelled guns, were somehow forgotten. at the zenith, it began to bake, someone, recollecting himself, remembered that it was time to go to school ...

Remembering my childhood, I always think with special feeling and gratitude about books that every day opened up new and unknown before me. And I rejoice for today's boys and girls, who have yet to go through this fascinating road, discovering and learning a huge world on the pages of books they have read."

Reading books is an art. I feel like we're losing it today...

Derevyanko's literary talent manifested itself in childhood. It was one of the components of his future profession. Findings in the past must be described clearly and clearly, and therefore a writer's gift is necessary for a historian and archaeologist.

But the main thing in the fate of Derevyanko was nevertheless determined by the great Okladnikov. Alexey Pavlovich headed the Siberian archaeological expedition. In 1961, when Yuri Gagarin flew into space, a young man from the village of Kozmo-Demyanovka spent his first field archaeological season.

At the age of 18, Anatoly Derevyanko made a presentation at the All-Union Archaeological Conference. And the very next year he graduated with honors from the institute and immediately entered the graduate student. Its supervisor is Academician A.P. Okladnikov.

In 1963, Derevyanko conducts independent excavations; in 1965 - defended his Ph.D. thesis "Ancient Cultures of the Middle Amur (Stone Age)".

Academician A.P. Okladnikov creates a center for the humanities in Siberia. His " right hand"- young Derevyanko. In five years, from a junior researcher, he becomes deputy director for science of the Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

At the age of 28 he defended his doctoral dissertation "The Amur region in antiquity (before the beginning of our era)". By this time, Derevianko was already the author of dozens of scientific articles, two monographs.

His path in science is so swift and lofty that a comparison with a launching rocket suggests itself. Rocket launches spaceship into orbit in about ten minutes. Then the independent flight of the ship begins, which can last for many years and even decades: it all depends on the orbit.

The scientific "orbits" of A.P. Derevianko are extremely high, and even a short list of studies carried out by him or under his leadership testifies to this. Published 76 monographs and more than 650 scientific articles! The bibliography resembles an action-packed novel, in which there are countless main and secondary characters, and the action spans centuries and epochs. It cannot be otherwise when you are dealing with a historian and archaeologist, for whom traveling through time is as common as traveling by train to the country for us.

Signal from the past: "It happened at the very beginning of the Iron Age. The tribe settled down on the banks of the river. It turned out that there are unusual "stones" that are very difficult to process. Once the head of the tribe managed to heat such a "stone", make it soft, pliable "Unfortunately, the leader was not able to continue his unusual "experiments": the tribe was suddenly attacked by militant neighbors. They killed everyone, even women and children. And then they quickly left in search of new victims."

After many thousands of years, the village of Kukelevo appeared on this place. And archaeologists have discovered here the remains of an ancient settlement. To the great joy of archaeologists, many objects used by ancient people have been preserved in it. The finds helped to understand how houses were built, what they ate, how our distant ancestors worked.

A settlement near Kukelev, which is located in the Jewish Autonomous Region, was explored by A.P. Derevyanko. This is one of the first monuments of the early Iron Age in the Far East.

Anatoly Panteleevich Derevyanko was among the initiators of the creation of the Museum of the History and Culture of the Peoples of Siberia. Now it is one of the main attractions of Akademgorodok, and every guest of the city of science tries to visit it without fail.

One can only envy the scientist's energy: he does research, teaches at Novosibirsk University, becomes a professor, and in 1972 he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. His book " Stone Age North, East and Central Asia" became a textbook. Students still use it today.

I met a young doctor of sciences, Anatoly Derevianko, when he was elected secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. At that time - it was 1976 - I worked in the science department of the Pravda newspaper, and we happened to meet quite often. Contacts began to be established between scientists from the USSR and the USA, and Anatoly Derevyanko took part in the first Soviet-American archaeological expedition to Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. To be honest, I was surprised that such a brilliant young scientist ended up in the chair of a Komsomol functionary. But it was embarrassing to ask such a question in those years.

Almost thirty years have passed, and we are sitting in the meeting room of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where the awarding of the Demidov Prizes for 2004 has just been announced. It seems to me that today the question of work in the Komsomol is quite appropriate. I'm asking:

Were those years good for you?

Anatoly Panteleevich answers:

I had to work as secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol for almost four years. And it happened like this. I defended my doctoral thesis quite early, and this fact in itself attracted the attention of the party leadership. Moreover, in my youth I did a lot of social work and, I do not hide, I received great satisfaction from this. A completely unique organization was created in the Central Committee of the Komsomol - the Council of Young Scientists, headed by Gennady Andreevich Mesyats. Thousands of our scientists passed through this Council, and all talented people in the country were supported here. After the departure of the Month, I was elected chairman of the Council. At that time, the Komsomol paid special attention to the development of science in the country and supported young researchers. Perhaps, neither before nor after there was anything like such a Council, and this, it seems to me, affects the development of our science. And then I was elected secretary of the Central Committee. Of course, I did not want to take this position, but it was said: "it is necessary." It’s hard to reproach me for careerism, because as a secretary, my salary was less ...

- Can't be?! After all, it was believed that all kinds of benefits in the party and the Komsomol were quite enough?!

This is another illusion of the past... By my election, I was already a doctor of science and a professor at Novosibirsk University, so in a secretarial position I received, it seems, 50 rubles less.

At that time it was quite decent money. But the fact with the salary itself is curious, I did not know this ...

I did everything possible and impossible not to break with science. He was constantly on expeditions, and not only during his official vacation, but also according to a special schedule that he set for himself. During the three and a half years that I devoted to Komsomol work, I wrote a large monograph. Anyone who has even a distant relation to science understands how difficult it is. But youth is able to overcome even the most incredible difficulties - I was convinced of this from my own experience.

Signal from the past: "Problem of reconstruction natural environment in which the formation took place ancient man, is over a hundred years old. In its modern form, it was set up at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century in parallel with the development of the glacial theory. It was with the advent of this theory that it became clear that the living conditions of an ancient person differed significantly from modern ones ...

A special place in the complex study of the Paleolithic is occupied by mountainous areas, where most of archaeological sites confined to the caves. Ancient man has always used karst cavities as places of settlement. At the same time, throughout their history, caves have been a collector of paleontological remains, due to which cave monuments, as a rule, provide rich material for the reconstruction of the natural environment.

I have followed your career. And to be honest, I was very surprised when the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Usually, party functionaries were treated with caution at the Academy, they threw a lot of "black balls" during the election, but here everything is different ...

My research played a major role. This is undeniable. And my colleagues understood very well that my departure from the Komsomol was a foregone conclusion. And so it happened… And now I must say a few words about our Academy. Working in it is a great happiness for every real researcher. And the most valuable thing is fundamental science. Few countries have such wealth. Even in such a highly developed country as Germany, fundamental science, after its destruction during the time of fascism, cannot be revived until now. The experience of Russian science is invaluable, and therefore it must be protected. The attack being carried out today on the Russian Academy of Sciences is not only wrong, but also deeply immoral. Under the banner of reform, an attempt is being made to bleed the Academy, to introduce market relations into it, which in itself can lead to its death. What is happening is very dangerous.

- And you can prove it on the example of archeology?

Of course. What archaeologists receive annually during expeditions is truly priceless ...

- Is it an image?

No. Only in our institute there are rarities, the cost of which exceeds all expenses for expeditions and staff salaries. For example, the museum has two fur coats that are two and a half thousand years old. How much do you think they might cost?

- I heard right: two fur coats?

They are mined from frozen barrows. And the silk shirt? We managed to find out that it was darned, and I think this detail speaks volumes. I could talk for a long time about each of the exhibits of our museum - after all, this is the life of distant ancestors ... But there is contemporary issues, for example, the preservation of the language and culture of small peoples. There are less than a thousand representatives of some peoples, but their history is no less rich than those peoples, which number millions of people. We have 80 employees in this area of ​​science. As a result of the reforms that are so much talked about today, these scientists will disappear. And what will the state achieve? Will officials save a lot of money? But a whole layer of human culture will disappear, and our descendants will not be able to restore it.

A signal from the past: "Currently, the most interesting results have been obtained in the study of the Paleolithic of Altai and adjacent territories of Asia. Of particular importance to the Altai Paleolithic monuments is their geographical position. Being on the border of the northern and central parts of Asia, the ancient population of Altai played fundamentally important role in the formation of the primitive ecumene of this vast region ... On a relatively small section of the river valley. Anui are concentrated caves of Denisov, Okladnikov, Ust-Karanol-1, Anui-2 and other multi-layer monuments. Thick strata of Pleistocene sediments, formed by the successive layering of ancient levels of the habitation of primitive man from the Middle Paleolithic to the final stage of the Paleolithic time, have been studied at these objects. In addition to the actual archaeological data, these deposits contain a high concentration of pollen and spores of plants, bones of large and small mammals, and other organic remains, reflecting a long process of changing natural conditions at various paleogeographic stages of the Quaternary period.

- Yes, and there are fewer and fewer specialists ... What if they don’t exist at all?

Enthusiasts will always be found! And today there are a lot of them, because our field of science is developing so successfully. Among the employees of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography in Novosibirsk, one saying is very popular. And it sounds like this: "None of us can fall below the professor of any foreign university!"

- For the uninitiated, clarification is required ...

It is simple: any of our employees is able to take a professorship at a Western university, and this will do honor to the university. I'm not boasting - just stating facts. Qualification of our scientists is great and it is recognized all over the world. With the exception of domestic officials, who, willy-nilly, are trying to do everything to lower the level of Russian science.

- Let's hope that this is done not out of malice, but out of ignorance!

This doesn't make it any easier for scientists... But let's get back to science. Of course, it is not easy to talk about your own achievements. Every year I definitely participate in expeditions. One of the very interesting ones is the joint Russian-Chinese-American one. Complexes have been discovered that are at least five hundred thousand years old ...

A signal from the past: "Comprehensive research in the 1980s demonstrated the great scientific potential of the Anui Paleolithic sites. The first remains of a Neanderthal man in North Asia were discovered in the cultural deposits of multi-layered objects, thousands of stone artifacts were found, and a representative collection of tools and jewelry made of bone and teeth was collected animals, a large amount of paleogeographic data on the development of the natural conditions of the Pleistocene has been recorded.

Each of these studies is fragmentary, and therefore incomprehensible to the layman. What unites all archaeological research?

The general fundamental task: to find out how a person appeared and what are his migration paths, that is, how exactly he settled on the planet.

- And the search areas are extensive?

Undoubtedly. For example, in May 2004, I first flew on an expedition that is working on the edge of the Caspian Sea. Unique sites of ancient man have been discovered there. They have attracted the attention of scientists from many countries, because they help to more clearly present its migration depending on sea level fluctuations. From there I flew to Beijing, where the results of the work already carried out were discussed. I flew from Beijing to Ulaanbaatar. I have been working on expeditions in Mongolia since 1966, and a lot of interesting things have been found here. From Ulaanbaatar I immediately went to the Altai Mountains - an expedition of our institute worked there. But this is my job, and you can meet the staff of the institute not only in different regions of the country, but also everywhere on the planet where interesting archaeological excavations are being carried out. I repeat, the authority of Novosibirsk scientists in science is very high...

A signal from the past: "In the very south of the Russian Altai, at the junction of the borders of China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia, at the foot of the majestic Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola, surrounded by rocky mountains, the Ukok plateau stretches. Here, at an altitude of more than 2 thousand meters, it stretches like would be a kind of isolated oasis.A vast valley is located almost in the center of an immense mountainous country.

The plateau, despite the harsh climatic conditions, has always attracted people with its beautiful winter pastures, from which the snow cover was blown away by strong winds. Ukok is still rich in animals and fish. It is distinguished by its unique beauty and simply fabulous landscapes. For archaeologists, this place will be a kind of Mecca for decades to come. Archaeological research has presented science with brilliant examples of the material and spiritual culture of various eras and peoples. Hundreds of archaeological sites of different types and cultures were discovered on Ukok, including burial, cult, settlement complexes, rock carvings, stone geometric calculations, deer stones and ancient Turkic statues.

- And yet, as far as I know, your personal interest is connected with Gorny Altai?

Undoubtedly, the earliest location of a person in Russia was found on the territory of Gorny Altai. Its age is about two hundred thousand years. The climatic conditions of the Paleolithic allowed a person to live in those places, and the first wave of migration passed through the southern regions of Siberia.

- But they were talking about the Caspian before?!

The option of the Northern Caspian is not excluded. There were many paths, not just one road to the future... But the oldest site was discovered in Siberia. Previously, scientists did not even think that modern man could originate in these areas. We found indisputable evidence that the process was going on simultaneously in Siberia and the Middle East, and our data is brighter, better and more conclusive.

A signal from the past: "The most interesting sites discovered and studied on Ukok are, perhaps, the mounds of the Pazyryk culture with permafrost. They preserved magnificent unique objects of plastic and decorative and applied art made of wood, felt, fabric and leather, which are 2 years old 5000 years ago Mummified burials of a woman and a man were discovered and studied in two burial mounds on Ukok.

- Is this "Troy" in Siberia?

I do not want such analogies! Each discovery in archeology is its own "Troy" for the scientist, and its value is no less. If you understand our work differently, then you will not get anything worthwhile.

Now there are many "amateur" archaeologists. The search for antiquities has become a business. Is it possible to fight this?

Very hard. Unprofessional archaeologists cause irreparable harm to science. You can only protect yourself from them by special laws. However, for their creation, again, professionals are needed. There are few of them in the country. Well, lovers of antiquities turn science into commerce. For example, if they find an ancient settlement, they try to take everything from it, not at all caring about its safety. So sometimes unique evidence of the past, which can no longer be restored, perishes. Archeology is a symbiosis of different sciences. Geologists, morphologists, chemists, physicists and so on take part in the work. Extensive laboratory research is underway. Naturally, fans don't have all this. Their interest most often ends at the merchant's counter.

Now very serious political passions are flaring up around the archaeological excavations in Altai, bans are being introduced on the work of expeditions. What is it connected with?

With misunderstanding of fundamental importance research on the Ukok Plateau. Burial mounds have nothing to do with modern times. In those days, completely different people lived in Altai, and we still cannot trace which particular nationality has a direct connection with them. So political passions have no basis. At the disposal of scientists were unique archaeological materials. This is the same for Altai as the pyramids are for Egypt. And it is equally necessary to treat such burials with the same care. But in reality this is not the case. Main danger that the mounds begin to unfreeze. Burials are located at an altitude of 2200 meters. Summer there was always short, but because the "refrigerator" worked fine. But now it's coming global warming, and over the past 25 years, the snow cover at these altitudes has decreased. Part of the burial complexes thawed. Now there are methods that allow you to determine the true state of the mounds, to find out which of them are in danger. If the warming continues, the mounds will die. But modern science and technology have the ability to preserve these unique archaeological sites.

- So you are calling for making archeology even more "expensive"?!

When it comes to priceless things, the concept of "costly science" becomes meaningless.

Illustration "Ukok Plateau"
The Ukok Plateau, located in the south of the Altai Territory, at the junction of the borders of China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia, keeps traces of the life of the ancient inhabitants of this region. Here, for the first time in the world, "frozen" undisturbed burials of the Scythian period with mummified human remains and cultural objects were studied.

Illustration "Finds from "frozen" burial mounds"
Finds from "frozen" mounds require painstaking work of scientists and restorers. More than 90% of the leather base of the men's fur coat, which was worn by the mummy from the Verkh-Kaldzhin II burial ground, was damaged. Therefore, they decided to "undress" the mummy in the laboratory. The restorers managed to save a unique thing. The coat is made of sheepskin, like a sheepskin coat, with fur inside, and decorated with colored horsehair tassels. Feature its cut is a "tail", which probably had not only a decorative, but also a practical purpose. Clothing of this cut is found among some peoples of Siberia.

Anatoly Derevyanko- a well-known Russian scientist in the field of archeology and ancient history. He heads the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS, the Joint Scientific Council for the Humanities of the SB RAS, in May 2002 he was elected Academician-Secretary of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the RAS.

Scientific and pedagogical activity

Anatoly Derevyanko contributed huge contribution in the study of the ancient stone age of Asia and America, the initial human settlement of the Eurasian subcontinent, in the organization of research on the sites of primitive man in Altai, Mongolia and Central Asia, the development of chronostratigraphy and correlation of Paleolithic cultures in the arid zones of Eurasia, the reconstruction of the ancient history of the Amur region and the Far East from the Paleolithic era until the early Middle Ages.

The most ambitious research projects under the direction of A.P. Derevianko turned around in the 1990s. He is one of the authors and co-directors of the Pazyryk international program, thanks to which unique data on the history and culture of the Scythian world were obtained.

Since the mid-1990s, Academician A.P. Derevyanko is the lead coordinator of the project to study the planet's paleoclimate, in which more than twenty institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences take part.

Of great importance are the integration studies of the Paleolithic, conducted under the leadership of A.P. Derevianko in Altai.

Another area of ​​research led by Anatoly Derevyanko is the study of the Stone Age of Kazakhstan. The age of the materials obtained by the members of the joint expedition is about 500 thousand years.

The newest material on the problem of settlement of the territory of Central Asia by ancient man in the Pleistocene was brought by a comprehensive study of objects in Uzbekistan (1998 -2001) and Kyrgyzstan (2000 - 2001).

Academician Derevianko is one of the initiators of the creation and editor-in-chief of the unique series of books "Folklore Monuments of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East". In 2000, he organized the international peer-reviewed journal Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of Eurasia, which is published in Russian and English.

Among Anatoly Derevyanko's students there are 13 doctors and 39 candidates of sciences, including from Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan.

Awards and titles

Anatoly Derevyanko is a foreign member of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute, a research professor at the University of Arizona (USA), a member of the UNESCO Intellectual Club.

Academician Derevyanko is a laureate of the State and Demidov Prizes. awarded

Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Honor, "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree.

Anatoly Panteleevich Derevyanko(born January 9, 1943, the village of Kozmodemyanovka, Amur Region) - an outstanding Soviet and Russian historian, archaeologist, specialist in the Paleolithic of Siberia and the Far East; public figure. Doctor historical sciences(1971), full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1987). Academician-Secretary of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2002-2013, co-chairman of the Russian Historical Society. Scientific director, chairman of the Joint Scientific Council for the Humanities (since 1983). Laureate of the State Prizes of the Russian Federation (,), the Demidov Prize () and the Big Gold Medal. M.V. Lomonosov RAS (2015).

Academician A.P. Derevyanko developed a new spatio-temporal version of the ways of the initial settlement of Asia, created the periodization, chronology and dynamics of the Paleolithic in the region. He participated in archaeological expeditions in Siberia, the Russian Far East, Dagestan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Mongolia, Korea, China, Japan, Iran, Montenegro. Expeditions under his leadership discovered and explored dozens of archaeological sites in North, Central and East Asia, which have become standard monuments of various eras and cultures in the chronological range from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

A.P. Derevyanko is the initiator and leader of the program for the comprehensive study of Paleolithic cave monuments in South Siberia and Central Asia; founder of the international research hospital "Denisova Cave" (Gorny Altai). Leads the programs of integration studies of archaeologists with representatives natural sciences(geology, chemistry, biology, genetics, soil science, etc.). Under his leadership and with his participation, the foundations of a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of archaeological sources were laid.

His scientific and organizational activities are extensive. Anatoly Panteleevich is a member of the Presidium of the SB RAS, chairman of the Joint Scientific Council for the Humanities of the SB RAS, editor-in-chief of the journal "Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of Eurasia", a member of the editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences", chairman of the Academic Council of the IAET SB RAS and the Dissertation Council at IAET SB RAS, member of the Scientific Council of NSU, chairman of the editorial board of the series, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2002-2013).

The activity of the scientist is highly appreciated abroad. He became a member of various scientific organizations: corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute (1984), foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia (1998), corresponding member of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (2008), foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013).

A.P. Derevyanko puts a lot of effort into the training of young archaeologists. For many years he has headed the Department of World History of the Humanities Faculty of the Novosibirsk state university, lectures on the basics of archeology, the early Iron Age of the Far East, the archeology of the Stone Age of North, East and Central Asia, conducts seminars and special courses on various aspects of Asian Paleolithic studies, which he promptly publishes in the form teaching aids. Among his direct students are more than 60 doctors and candidates of historical sciences.

One of the main achievements of the pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of A.P. Derevyanko was the creation of an original scientific school, which was based on the ideas and methods of an integrated approach in Paleolithic research with active interaction with natural and exact disciplines.

The merits of A.P. Derevyanko are duly appreciated by the state. He is a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1972), the State Prize Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2002, 2012), Demidov Prize (2004), Prize named after. Academician M.A. Lavrentiev (2005), Russian National Prize "Triumph" (2005), Commander of the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1982), Honor (1998), "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (2002), Polar Star (Mongolia , 2006), Friendship (2012).
