Download a concise dictionary of pedagogy. Dictionary of pedagogical terms

Download a concise dictionary of pedagogy.  Dictionary of pedagogical terms

General educational skills and abilities are those skills and abilities that correspond to actions that are formed in the process of teaching many subjects, and which become operations for performing actions used in many subjects and in everyday life.

All general educational skills and abilities can be divided into several groups:

1. Educational and managerial - general educational skills that provide planning, organization, control, regulation and analysis of one's own learning activities students (planning, that is, the definition of goals and the means of achieving them; organization, that is, the creation and improvement of the interaction between the controlled and the control systems for the implementation of plans; control, that is, the collection of information about the process of implementation of the planned plans; regulation, i.e. adjustment of plans and the process of their implementation; analysis, i.e. study and assessment of the process and results of implementation of plans). These include the following skills and abilities:

Ø Understand the learning challenge presented for individual and collective activities.

Ø Understand the sequence of actions carried out in the individual and collective implementation of the educational task.

Ø Observe the sequence of actions when individually completing the educational task in the allotted time.

Ø Observe the sequence of actions when collectively completing the educational task in the allotted time.

Ø Follow the sequence of homework assignments within certain time frames.

Ø Independently (or on the advice of a teacher) prepare a workplace for study sessions at school and at home.

Ø Use educational supplies in accordance with accepted standards.

Ø Observe the correct posture at the workplace.

Ø Follow the teacher's advice on the observance of the basic rules of hygiene of educational work.

Ø Compare the results obtained with the educational task, with the plan for its implementation.

Ø Own fixed assets of various forms of control (self-control, mutual control).

Ø Assess your educational activities and the activities of classmates according to a given algorithm.

Ø Make the necessary changes in the sequence and time of the educational task.

2. Educational and informational skills - general educational skills that ensure the finding, processing and use of information for solving educational problems. These include:

Ø Ability to work with written texts:

ü Use different types of reading: continuous, selective, commented; by roles; aloud.

ü Switch from one type of reading to another.

ü Prepare yourself for expressive reading analyzed in the classroom fiction, journalistic, popular science text.

ü Work with the main components of the textbook: table of contents; questions and tasks for the educational text; dictionary; applications and samples.

ü Find a subheading, paragraph, red line in the text.

ü Determine the approximate content of the book by its components.

ü Find the necessary book or article using recommended bibliographic lists, card indexes, catalogs.

ü Use bibliographic card

ü Implement bibliographic description books by one or two authors.

ü Distinguish between scientific, official-business, journalistic and artistic written texts.

ü Select and group materials on a specific topic.

ü Make a simple outline of the written text.

ü Competently and calligraphically correctly copy and write texts under dictation.

ü Prepare notebooks and written works in accordance with the accepted norms.

ü Create written texts of various types: narration, description, reasoning.

ü Possess various forms of presentation: detailed - concise, complete - selective.

Ø Ability to work with oral texts:

ü Understand what was said once at a normal pace.

ü Ask complementary (open) and clarifying (closed) questions in case of misunderstanding of the oral text.

ü Distinguish between scientific, official-business, publicistic and artistic oral texts.

ü Make a simple outline of the oral text.

ü Create oral texts of various types.

ü Speak expressively.

ü Own various types of retelling.

Ø Ability to work with real objects as sources of information:

ü Observe the object in accordance with the goals suggested by the teacher.

ü Carry out a qualitative and quantitative description of the observed object.

ü To form the simplest models under the guidance of the teacher.

3. Educational and logical skills - general educational skills that provide a clear structure of the content of the process of setting and solving educational problems. This:

Ø Analysis and synthesis:

ü Determine the object of analysis and synthesis;

ü Determine the aspect of analysis and synthesis;

ü Determine the components of the object;

ü Carry out a qualitative and quantitative description of the components of the object;

ü Determine the spatial relationships of the components of the object;

ü Determine the temporal relationships of the components of the object;

ü Determine the functional relationships of the components of the object;

ü Determine the cause-and-effect relationship of the components of the object;

ü Determine the properties of the object;

ü Determine the essential features of the object.

Ø Comparison:

ü Define objects of comparison.

ü Determine the aspect of object comparison.

ü Perform incomplete single line comparison.

ü Perform incomplete complex comparison.

ü Perform full single line comparison

ü Perform full complex comparison.

ü Comparison by analogy.

Ø Generalization and classification:

ü Implement inductive generalization.

ü Carry out deductive generalization.

ü Carry out the classification.

Ø Definition of concepts:

ü Distinguish the scope and content of concepts.

ü Distinguish between generic and specific concept.

ü To carry out generic definition of concepts.

Ø Proof and refutation:

ü Distinguish between the components of the proof.

ü Carry out direct inductive proof.

ü Carry out direct deductive proof.

ü Carry out the refutation of the thesis.

ü Carry out the refutation of arguments.

Ø Problem definition and solution:

ü Identify problems.

ü Define a new function of the object to solve problems

ü Combine known remedies for new problem solving.

ü Formulate a hypothesis for solving problems.

General educational skills and abilities are based on universal (educational) actions, the aggregate and system of which can be variable in nature, depending on the content of educational tasks.

The functional heterogeneity of general educational skills is manifested in the fact that their correlation with the structure of activity, in which there are motivational-target, indicative, performing and evaluative-effective components, makes it possible to single out their methodological functions, proving the universality of general educational skills: for example, organizational skills perform the basic function, information skills perform an indicative function, intellectual skills closely related to information skills perform the actual technological (information processing) function; communication skills perform an indicative function in relation to the quality (formation) of all groups of general educational skills

Key words, revealing the essence of the implementation of the functions of scientific knowledge, show that information skills are related to the descriptive functions, and intellectual skills are related to the explanatory function; the predictive function can be realized on the basis of informational as indicative skills and intellectual as “technological” skills in their interconnection (ie, prediction can be at the level of description or explanation, or it includes reliance on both functions and, accordingly, on both groups of general educational skills ).

The universality of general educational skills and educational actions is that they are manifested at the social, educational and personal levels.

General educational skills are always implemented in interconnection, as a system. General educational skills are subdivided into ():

ü Communicative (demonstrative) - should describe (what, where, when, how) and explain (because, why, why, what will happen, if), participate in conversation and discussion, compose business texts and statements, review the text;

ü Informational (indicative) - the ability to read and set the goal of reading, the ability to highlight the main thing, draw up a text plan, work with tables, with a textbook, reference literature, draw up abstracts, synopses, replenish knowledge from the Internet, construct a story, a text;

ü Intellectual (instrumental) - to compare and structure objects, compare, analyze, generalize, classify, synthesize, model, evaluate;

ü Organizational skills (basic) - the ability to set goals (accept a goal and work in accordance with it), the ability to set and formulate a goal, select the means to achieve it and work in accordance with it, the ability to plan activities (make up a sequence of stages of operations and actions) , work at a certain pace, exercise self-control (compare actions and the result with the standard) and self-analysis of activities (in relation to the goal and plan), carry out self-correction of actions based on self-analysis and self-control, reflection of all activities.

The oversubject nature of general educational skills is explained by the adequacy of their relationship with the socio-psychological structure of human activity: organization - work with information - communication. Taken together, they are universal in the instrumental and technological function and as a means of managing cognitive activity, impart stability to human cognition.


KARSHI - 2014




DZHUMAEVA N.E. A. R. Sokhibov


Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy-Psychology, Karshi State University, protocol No. 1 of 28.08. 2013;

Scientific and Methodological Council of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Karshi State University, protocol No. 4 of 25.11. 2013 g.

Scientific and Methodological Council of Karshi State University, Protocol No. 3 dated 25.01. 2014

By the Academic Council of Karshi State University, protocol No. 6 of 25.01. 2014

Responsible editor:

Nishanova S.K. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.


N.V. Kurasova- Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature

Eshmuradov E.E.- Ph.D., senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy

Ochilova N.M.- Ph.D., Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education, Karshi Pedagogical College


The terminological dictionary on pedagogy is intended primarily for teachers and students, but it will be of interest to psychologists, sociologists, as well as students and applicants.

The pedagogical terminological dictionary was created to streamline vocabulary according to pedagogical topics and is designed to facilitate readers' understanding of modern pedagogical terms in order to more accurately define the subject when analyzing the content of the dictionary.

In this terminological dictionary, interpretations are given not only of pedagogical terms and concepts, but also information about teachers, philosophers and outstanding thinkers of the East, as well as winged expressions and aphorisms about education and training.

This terminological dictionary will provide an opportunity for independent study of pedagogical terms and concepts by future specialists in all areas of undergraduate studies and is recommended for teachers and students of higher educational institutions, as well as for students and applicants.


The main tasks facing higher education are to organize the knowledge of future specialists according to the requirements of the present, to equip with the basics of each subject, in order to fulfill the requirements of the "Law on Education", also " The national program for personnel training ", to develop their mental thinking at the highest level

In Uzbekistan, a course has been chosen and is being implemented to build a socially-oriented democratic rule of law and civil society. The main goal and driving force carried out in the Republic of transformations is a man, his all-round development and increasing his well-being.

Changes are constantly taking place in all spheres of human activity: in scientific and technical, economic, social, cultural. These changes are reflected in the language, in particular, in terminology. The vocabulary of pedagogy, like any science, is in constant flux. In the context of modern modernization and informatization of the education system, a significant transformation of the content of many concepts of pedagogy has occurred, some institutions have been renamed, educational institutions of a new type have appeared, tendencies have emerged for the active involvement of foreign language borrowings, the introduction of terms from other (related) sciences into pedagogy, and the saturation of terminology with neologisms (for example, " tutor "). The influx of new terms also occurs due to the growth of terms-metaphors and terms-phrases (for example, " Open education"," Management in Education ").

Pedagogical terminology has a long history. Pedagogical terminology began to develop about a thousand years ago, and many pedagogical concepts took shape much earlier than they took shape in terms. The first mention of the goals of education is found in proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, epics. With the advent of writing and then printing, with the further growth of culture and education, with the expansion of contacts with other countries, material was accumulated for compiling the first dictionaries on pedagogy. Now there are many conceptual and terminological encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books on pedagogy.

The terminological dictionary on pedagogy was prepared on the basis of modern sources (current literature of recent years): encyclopedic dictionaries, reference books on pedagogy, individual works of authorship and articles.

The presented dictionary is an attempt to reflect state of the art pedagogical science in a terminological context.


Abstraction- the process of thinking, as a result of which a person, distracted from the inessential, forms concepts, going up from the concrete to the abstract, filling the abstract with concrete content.

Enrollee -(Novolat. abituriens - about to leave) - a graduate of a secondary educational institution who received a certificate of maturity. It is also used in the sense: applying for admission to another educational institution.

Withdrawal symptoms(from Lat. abs - because of, teneo - to hold on) - a condition resulting from the cessation of the action of alcohol or drugs with a sudden interruption in their intake. Typical manifestations of A. are headache, dizziness, dry mouth, tachycardia, nausea, depressed mood, insomnia, fear, anxiety, and suicide attempts.

Avesta- a collection of sacred books of Zoroastrianism (fire worshipers) of the peoples of the Near and Middle East. It was written in the 7th - 6th centuries. BC. and consisted of 21 books, 3 books have survived to this day, was an encyclopedia of its era and for centuries served as a teaching aid for students.

The authority of the teacher - the importance of the teacher's merits generally recognized by students and the strength of his educational impact based on this. These advantages include erudition, pedagogical skills, the ability to connect theory and practice, optimism, fairness.

Aggressiveness- purposeful destructive behavior that contradicts the norms and rules of coexistence of people in society, causing physical harm or causing negative experiences, a state of tension, fear, depression. Aggressive actions can act as a means of achieving a goal, as a way of mental discharge, satisfaction of the blocked needs of the individual and switching activities, as a form of self-realization and self-affirmation.

Adaptation- adaptability.

Adaptation- adaptation of organisms to specific conditions of existence.

Adaptation- the ability of the body (personality, function) to adapt to various environmental conditions. Bringing the personality to a state that provides stable behavior in typical problem situations without pathological changes in the structure of the personality.

Social adaptation- the process and result of active adaptation of a person to conditions and requirements social environment... Its content is the convergence of the goals and value orientations of the group and the individual who is part of it, the assimilation of group norms, traditions, social attitudes by him, and the adoption of social roles. It is one of the mechanisms of personality socialization.

Adaptation (social) is a process that ensures a painless entry of a person into society, adaptation to it on the basis of voluntary acceptance of social norms and requirements, mastering practice-oriented knowledge and communication skills necessary to harmonize interpersonal relations in a socio-cultural environment.

Adjunct -(lat. Adjunctus - affiliated, assistant) - a person preparing for scientific and pedagogical work in higher military educational institutions. In Western Europe and pre-revolutionary Russia (at the Academy of Sciences, at the universities); 2. assistant professor or academician.

Personality activity(from Latin activus - active) - an active attitude of a person to the world, the ability to make socially significant transformations of the material and spiritual environment on the basis of mastering the historical experience of mankind; manifests itself in creative activity, volitional acts, communication. It is formed under the influence of the environment and upbringing.

Acmeology- a science that studies the patterns and factors of achieving the heights of professionalism, creative longevity of a person.

Acceleration- acceleration of the growth and development of children and adolescents, as well as the onset of puberty at an earlier age.

Axiology- a science that explores the philosophical doctrine of values.

Axiological(value) approach in culture considers culture as the totality of all the wealth and values ​​of society, accumulated in the process of its development. These values ​​exist in material and spiritual forms.

Accentuation of character (personality)- excessive strengthening of individual character traits and their combinations, representing extreme variants of the norm (excitability, aggressiveness, withdrawal, anxiety, irritability, impressionability, suspicion, resentment, etc. (; they have a tendency towards socially positive and socially negative development in depending on the influences of the environment and upbringing. The author of the term - German psychologist and psychiatrist K. Leonhard. The teacher's knowledge of AH (l.) is necessary in the study and understanding of pupils and the implementation of an individual approach to them.

Personality activity- the active attitude of a person to the world, his ability to produce socially significant transformations of the material and spiritual environment; manifests itself in creative activity, volitional acts, communication.

Altruism- disinterested concern for the welfare of others and the willingness to sacrifice their personal interests for others.

Ambivalence- duality of experience, when one and the same person simultaneously evokes opposite feelings.

Analysis- literally, the dismemberment (imaginary or real) of an object into elements. In a broad sense, it is synonymous with research in general. Self-reflection is one of the most important conditions for improving efficiency pedagogical process, the growth of teacher professionalism; mental or real dismemberment of an object into its component parts, each of which is then studied in order to unite through synthesis into a single whole, enriched with new knowledge.

Analysis of the lesson- analysis of the content of the training session on its component parts from different points of view to assess it as a whole; is one of the main ways of studying and generalizing experience, an indispensable condition for improving pedagogical skills.

Application form- a methodological tool for obtaining primary sociological and psychological information on the basis of verbal (verbal) communication, a form of correspondence survey, united by a single research concept; a system of questions aimed at identifying the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of an object or subject of analysis.

Questionnaire- the method of mass collection of material using specially designed questionnaires (questionnaires).

Analytical skills- theoretical analysis of facts and phenomena.

Andragogy- section of didactics, revealing and developing the principles of adult education.

Anthropology- a science that studies the biological nature of man.

Anthropology pedagogical- the philosophical basis of upbringing, which allows us to understand the structure of upbringing, only by correlating it with the structure of the holistic nature of man; "The study of man in all manifestations of his nature with a special application to the art of education" (KD Ushinsky); education in Anthropology is understood as an attribute of human existence.

Alalia- the absence or underdevelopment of speech due to organic damage to the speech zones of the cerebral cortex in the prenatal or early period of the child's development.

Alcoholism- alcohol abuse. It is customary to distinguish: domestic drunkenness, chronic alcoholism, alcoholic psychosis.

Abnormal children- children with deviations from normal mental and (or) physical development, overcoming the consequences of which requires the use of special correction techniques.

Anomaly- pathological deviation from the norm in the functions of the body and its parts, deviation from the general laws of development.

Antonyms are different words related to one part of speech, but opposite in meaning (good - evil, mighty - powerless). The opposition of antonyms in speech is a vivid source of speech expression, which enhances the emotionality of speech: He was weak in body, but strong in spirit.

Asphyxiation- suffocation that occurs in children at birth in the event of a cessation of oxygen supply from the mother's body through the placenta.

Autism- a morbid state of mind, characterized by a person's concentration on their experiences, withdrawal from the real external world.

Approbation(lat. approbatio - verification) - approval, approval based on research, experimental verification.

Affective- emotionally colored.

Psychological barrier- a motive that prevents the performance of a certain activity or action, in particular, communication with an individual or a group of people.

Batavia plan (Batavian system)- a system of individual education that emerged in America at the end of the 19th century.

Bell Lancaster System- a system of mutual learning, in which senior and more successful students (monitors) in the elementary school conducted classes with the rest of the students under the guidance of a teacher. It arose at the end of the 18th century. in India, and in early XIX v. - in England. This system was opposed by supporters of developmental education.

Conversation- 1) a question-and-answer method of involving students in discussion, analysis of actions and the development of moral assessments; 2) a method of obtaining information based on verbal (verbal) communication; 3) teaching method. Types: catechetical, or reproductive, - aimed at consolidating, checking the studied material by repeating it; heuristic, search - based on the existing knowledge of students, the teacher leads them to the assimilation of new concepts; Socratic - the search for the truth through the doubt, which is subjected to each conclusion.

Blonsky Pavel Petrovich(1884-1941) - teacher and psychologist, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor. Pre-revolutionary works had a historical-philosophical and historical-pedagogical

Neglect- lack of supervision of children, observation of their behavior and pastime, care of upbringing on the part of parents or those who replace them.

Charity- the provision by individuals or organizations of gratuitous assistance to people in need or social groups of the population.

Bradilamia(from the Greek bradis - slow and Latin lalia - speech) - pathologically slowed down tempo of speech (synonym - bradyphrasia). It manifests itself in delayed articulation caused by disorders of the speech centers in the cerebral cortex.

Fraternal schools- educational institutions that existed in the 16th - 17th centuries. at fraternities - national-religious associations of Orthodox believers in Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic and other countries. The activities of the fraternal schools contributed to the rise of cultural life and the preservation of the national identity of the peoples of these countries. For the first time in the history of school education, a class-lesson system was born in fraternal schools, which received theoretical substantiation and development in the works of the Czech teacher Ya.A. Komensky.

Valeolog- (lat. Vale - be healthy) - a specialist who teaches children a healthy lifestyle.

Validity- the degree of correspondence of the measured indicator to what was to be measured in sociological or psychological-pedagogical research.

Validity- the ability of a psychodiagnostic technique to adequately assess and measure the psychological characteristic for the assessment of which it was developed. Distinguish between meaningful, criterial and constructive V. of the test. Prior to content, it means checking the content of a test to determine whether it corresponds to a measurable area of ​​behavior. V. according to the criterion shows how much can be judged by the test results about the aspect of an individual's behavior of interest to us in the present or in the future. To determine it, test performance is related to a criterion, that is, an independent measure of what the test is supposed to predict. Constructive V. is determined by proving the correctness of the theoretical concepts underlying the test.

Verbal- oral, verbal.

Interaction- the process of direct or indirect mutual influence of people on each other, suggesting their mutual dependence on common tasks, interests, joint activities and mutually oriented reactions. Signs of real V .: simultaneous existence of objects; bilateral ties; mutual transition of subject and object; interdependence of changes in the parties; internal self-activity of students.

Type of training

Type of training- a generalized characteristic of training systems, which establishes the features of training and training activities; the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students in the learning process; functions of the means, methods and forms of teaching used.

Victimization(from Lat. victime - victim) - circumstances, unfavorable conditions of socialization, as a result of which a person becomes a victim.

Extracurricular activities

Internal position- a system of social attitudes of the individual, closely related to his actual needs and determining the main content and focus of activity in a given period of life.

Suggestion- the unconscious impact of one person on another, giving out certain changes in his psychology and behavior.

Extracurricular educational work- organization by the teacher of various types of activities of pupils outside school hours, providing the necessary conditions for the socialization of the child's personality.

Extracurricular activities- organization by the teacher of various types of activities of pupils outside school hours, providing the necessary conditions for the socialization of the child's personality.

Suggestion- a form of psychological influence associated with the weakening of conscious control over perceived information.

Suggestibility- predisposition to suggestion.

Impact pedagogical- the influence of the teacher on the consciousness, will, emotions of the educated, on the organization of their life and activities in the interests of forming the required qualities in them and ensuring the successful achievement of the set goals.

Age- the period of human development, characterized by a set of specific patterns of formation of the organism and personality. V. is a qualitatively special stage, which is characterized by a number of changes that determine the uniqueness of the personality structure at a given stage of development. Hungary's boundaries are changeable and do not coincide in different socio-economic conditions.

Age approach in education- taking into account and using the laws of personality development (physical, mental, social), as well as socio-psychological characteristics of the groups of children, due to their age composition.

Will- conscious self-regulation by a person of his activities, behavior, ensuring overcoming difficulties in achieving the goal.

Upbringing- 1) the process of systematic and purposeful impact on the spiritual and physical state of the individual.

2) the process and result of the teacher's interaction with the pupil with the aim of his personal development and assimilation of social norms and cultural values, preparation for self-realization in the society in which he lives.

Upbringing- purposeful management of the process of human development through its inclusion in various types of social relations in study, communication, play, practical activity.

Upbringing(as a social phenomenon) is a complex and contradictory socio-historical process of transferring socio-historical experience to new generations, carried out by all social institutions: public organizations, mass media and culture, church, family, educational institutions of different levels and directions. Education ensures social progress and the continuity of generations.

Upbringing(as a pedagogical phenomenon) - 1) purposeful professional activity of a teacher, contributing to the maximum development of the child's personality, his entry into the context of modern culture, becoming a subject of his own life, the formation of his motives and values; 2) a holistic, consciously organized pedagogical process of 219 formation and education of a personality in educational institutions by specially trained specialists; 3) purposeful, controlled and open system educational interaction between children and adults, in which the pupil is a parity participant and there is an opportunity to make changes in it (the system) that contribute to the optimal development of children (in this definition, the child is both an object and a subject); 4) providing the pupil with alternative ways of behaving in various situations, leaving him the right to choose and find his own path; 5) the process and result of purposeful influence on the development of the personality, her relationships, traits, qualities, views, beliefs, ways of behavior in society (in this position, the child is the object of pedagogical influence); 6) purposeful creation of conditions for the development of culture by a person, translating it into personal experience through an organized long-term impact on the development of the individual from the surrounding educational institutions, social and natural environment, taking into account his potential in order to stimulate his self-development and independence; 7) (in the narrowest, concrete sense) the constituent parts of the integral educational process: mental, directed, etc. upbringing.

Spiritual education- the formation of a value attitude towards life, ensuring sustainable and harmonious development of a person. This is the upbringing of a sense of duty, justice, sincerity, responsibility and other qualities that can give a higher meaning to a person's deeds and thoughts.

Moral education- the formation of moral relations, the ability to improve them and the ability to act in accordance with social requirements and norms, a solid system of habitual, everyday moral behavior.

Political education- the formation of students' political consciousness, reflecting relations between states, nations, parties, and the ability to understand them from spiritual, moral and ethical positions. It is carried out on the principles of objectivity, variability, freedom of choice of position and assessments within the boundaries of universal values.

Sexual education- systematic, consciously planned and implemented impact on the formation of sexual consciousness and behavior of children, preparing them for family life.

Legal education- the process of forming a legal culture and legal behavior, which consists in the implementation of legal universal education, overcoming legal nihilism, the formation of law-abiding behavior.

Free upbringing- development of the strengths and abilities of each child, unhindered by any restrictions, full disclosure of his individuality. It is characterized by a categorical denial of the system of education and training based on suppressing the child's personality, regulating all aspects of his life and behavior. Supporters of this model have attached and still attach exceptional importance to creating conditions for self-expression and free development of children's individuality, minimizing ped. interference and even more excluding any violence and coercion. They believe that a child can only imagine what he has experienced internally, therefore the leading role in his upbringing and learning should be played by childhood experiences and the accumulation of children. personal experience... This direction is directly related to the concept of free education by J.-J. Russo. but

these schools were not widespread in the West. In Russia, the most striking experience of creating schools for free education was the "House of a Free Child", created by K.N. Wentzel in 1906 supported the ideas of free education of L.N. Tolstoy, organizing the life and education of peasant children in the Yasnaya Polyana school. There were also other attempts: A. Radchenko's “School of Shaluns” in Baku, the Moscow family school of O. Kaidanovskaya-Bervi, educational complexes “Setlement” and “Child Labor and Rest”, which were first headed by A.U. Zelenko, then S.T. Shatsky. At the present time, there is a renewed interest in the ideas of free education. Waldorf schools and M. Montessori centers have been opened in Moscow and a number of other cities, and domestic models of free, non-violent upbringing are being developed.

Social upbringing- the process and result of spontaneous human interaction with the immediate living environment and conditions of purposeful education (family, spiritual, moral, civil, legal, religious, etc.); the process of active adaptation of a person to certain roles, normative attitudes and patterns of social manifestation; systematic creation of conditions for the relatively purposeful development of a person in the process of his socialization.

Labor education- joint activities of the educator and pupils, aimed at developing general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude to work and its products, to a conscious choice of profession. The path of labor education is the inclusion of the student in the complete structure of labor: its planning, organization, implementation, control, assessment.

Mental education- the formation of intellectual culture, cognitive motives, mental powers, thinking, worldview and intellectual freedom of the individual.

Physical education- a system for improving a person, aimed at physical development, health promotion, ensuring high performance and developing the need for constant physical self-improvement.

Aesthetic education- purposeful interaction of educators and pupils, contributing to the development and improvement in the growing person of the ability to perceive, correctly understand, appreciate and create beauty in life and art, actively participate in creativity, creation according to the laws of beauty. 221

Ethical education- purposeful interaction of educators and pupils, with the aim of developing the rules of good form for the latter, the formation of a culture of behavior and relationships.

Good breeding- this is the current level of personality development, in contrast to education - the potential level of personality development, the zone of its proximal development.

Good breeding- the level of personality development, manifested in the consistency between knowledge, beliefs, behavior and characterized by the degree of formation of socially significant qualities. Discord, a conflict between what a person knows how he thinks and how he actually acts, can lead to a personality crisis.

Altai State Academy of Education

named after V.M. Shukshina

Terminological dictionary




student correspondence department

group H- Z HO131

Ryazanova Svetlana Andreevna.

year 2014

PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES it is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring culture and experience accumulated by mankind from older generations to younger generations, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society.

PEDAGOGICAL CULTURE considered as an important part of the general culture of the teacher, manifested in the system professional qualities and the specifics of teaching activities.

POSITION OF THE TEACHER Is a system of those intellectual, volitional and emotional-evaluative attitudes towards the world, pedagogical reality and pedagogical activity in particular, which are the source of his activity.

PEDAGOGICAL INTERACTION - personal contact between the educator and the pupil (s), accidental or deliberate, private or public, long-term or short-term, verbal or non-verbal, resulting in mutual changes in their behavior, activities, relationships, attitudes. V. p. Can appear in the formcooperation, when both parties reach mutual agreement and solidarity in understanding the goals of joint activities and ways to achieve them, and in the formrivalry, when the successes of some participants in joint activities stimulate or hinder more productive and purposeful activities of other participants. Humanistically oriented ped. process m. b. only by the process of V. p. educator and pupil, where both participants act as parity, equal, to the best of their knowledge and capabilities, partners.

UPBRINGING (as a social phenomenon) - a complex and contradictory social-historical process of transferring social and historical experience to new generations, carried out by all social. institutions: public organizations, mass media and culture, church, family, educational institutions of different levels and directions. V. ensures social progress and the continuity of generations.

UPBRINGING (as a pedagogical phenomenon) - 1) purposeful professional activity of a teacher, contributing to the maximum development of the child's personality, his entry into the context of modern culture, becoming a subject of his own life, the formation of his motives and values; 2) holistic, deliberately organized ped. the process of formation and education of a personality in educational institutions by specially trained specialists; 3) a purposeful, controlled and open system of educational interaction between children and adults, in which the pupil is a parity participant and it is possible to make changes in it (the system) that contribute to the optimal development of children(in this definition, the child is both an object and a subject); 4) providing the pupil with alternative ways of behaving in various situations, leaving him the right to choose and find his own path; 5) the process and result of purposeful influence on the development of the individual, her relationships, traits, qualities, views, beliefs, ways of behavior in society (in this position baby - object ped. impact); 6) the purposeful creation of conditions for the development of culture by a person, its translation into personal experience through an organized long-term impact on the development of the individual from the surrounding educational institutions, social. and the natural environment, taking into account its potential capabilities in order to stimulate its self-development and independence; 7) (in the narrowest, concrete sense) the constituent parts of the integral educational process: mental, moral, etc. education.

Spiritual education - the formation of a value attitude towards life, ensuring sustainable and harmonious development of a person. V. d. Is the upbringing of a sense of duty, justice, sincerity, responsibility, and other qualities that can give a higher meaning to a person's deeds and thoughts.

Moral education - the formation of moral relations, the ability to improve them and the ability to act in accordance with social requirements and norms, a solid system of habitual, everyday moral behavior.

Political education - the formation of students' political consciousness, reflecting relations between states, nations, parties, and the ability to understand them from spiritual, moral and ethical positions. It is carried out on the principles of objectivity, variability, freedom of choice of position and assessments within the boundaries of universal values.

Sexual education - systematic, consciously planned and implemented impact on the formation of sexual consciousness and behavior of children, preparing them for family life.

Legal education - the process of forming a legal culture and legal behavior, which consists in the implementation of legal universal education, overcoming legal nihilism, the formation of law-abiding behavior.

Labor education - joint activities of the educator and pupils, aimed at developing general labor skills and abilities in the latter, psychol. readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude to work and its products, to a conscious choice of profession. Way of V. t. - the inclusion of the student in the complete structure of labor: its planning, organization, implementation, control, assessment.

Mental education - the formation of intellectual culture, cognitive motives, mental powers, thinking, worldview and intellectual freedom of the individual.

Physical education - a system for improving a person, aimed at physical development, health promotion, ensuring high performance and developing the need for constant physical self-improvement.

Artistic education - the formation of pupils' ability to feel, understand, evaluate, love art, enjoy it, develop the needs for artistic and creative activities and the creation of aesthetic values.

Environmental education - the purposeful development of a high ecological culture among the younger generation, which includes knowledge about nature and a humane, responsible attitude towards it as the highest national and universal value.

Economic education - purposeful interaction of educators and pupils, aimed at forming the latest knowledge, abilities and skills, needs, interests and style of thinking, corresponding to the nature, principles and norms of rational management and organization of production, distribution and consumption.

Aesthetic education - purposeful interaction of educators and pupils, contributing to the development and improvement in the growing person of the ability to perceive, correctly understand, appreciate and create beauty in life and art, actively participate in creativity, creation according to the laws of beauty.

Aesthetic consciousness - a set of ideas, theories, views, criteria of artistic judgments, tastes, thanks to which a person gets the opportunity to reliably determine the aesthetic value of the surrounding objects, phenomena of life, art.

Aesthetic feeling - subjective emotional experience, born of an evaluative attitude towardsaesthetic subject. EH is expressed in spiritual pleasure or disgust that accompanies the perception and assessment of an object in the unity of its content and form.

Ethical education - purposeful interaction of educators and pupils, with the aim of developing the rules of good form for the latter, the formation of a culture of behavior and relationships.

FREE UPBRINGING - development of the strengths and abilities of each child, unhindered by any restrictions, full disclosure of his individuality. For V. s. characterized by a categorical denial of the system of education and training based on the suppression of the child's personality, the regulation of all aspects of his life and behavior. Supporters of this model have attached and still attach exceptional importance to creating conditions for self-expression and free development of children's individuality, minimizing ped. intervention, and even more so excluding K.-L. violence and coercion. They believe that a child can only imagine what he has experienced internally, therefore, the leading role in his upbringing and education should be played by childhood experiences and the accumulation of personal experience by children. This direction is directly related to the concept of free education by J. J. Rousseau. However, these schools did not become widespread in the West. In Russia, the most striking experience of creating schools for free education was the "House of a Free Child", created by KN Wentzel in 1906. He supported the ideas of V. s. L. N. Tolstoy, organizing the life and education of peasant children in the Yasnaya Polyana school. There were also other attempts: A. Radchenko's “School of rascals” in Baku, the Moscow family school of O. Kaidanovskaya-Bervi, educational complexes “Setlement” and “Child labor and rest”, which were headed first by A.U. Zelenko, then S. T. Shatskiy. At present, interest in the ideas of V. s. Has revived again. Waldorf schools and M. Montessori centers have been opened in Moscow and a number of other cities, and domestic models of free, non-violent upbringing are being developed.

SOCIAL EDUCATION - the process and result of spontaneous human interaction with the immediate living environment and conditions of purposeful education (family, spiritual, moral, civil, legal, religious, etc.); the process of active adaptation of a person to certain roles, normative attitudes and patterns of social. manifestations; systematic creation of conditions for the relatively purposeful development of a person in the process of his socialization.

Parenthood - the level of personality development, manifested in the consistency between knowledge, beliefs, behavior and characterized by the degree of formation of socially significant qualities. Discord, a conflict between what a person knows how he thinks and how he actually acts, can lead to a personality crisis. V. - the current level of personality development, in contrast toeducability - the potential level of the personality, the zone of its proximal development.

EDUCATIONAL WORK - purposeful activity to organize the life of adults and children, with the aim of creating conditions for the full development of the personality. Through V. p. the educational process is being implemented.

EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE SCHOOL - a set of interrelated components (educational goals, people who realize them, their activities and communication, relationships, living space), constituting an integral social-pedagogical. structure of the school and serving as a powerful and constantly acting factor of education. Signshumanistically oriented V. s. w .: the presence of a unified concept for the development of the school educational system, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, a combination of frontal, group and individual forms of influence and interaction, ensuring the protective functions of the team, diverse and diverse joint activities of groups and associations of different ages. Examples of humanistically oriented V. of page. sh. there may be schools of V. Karakovsky, A. Tubelsky, etc.

EDUCATIONAL RELATIONSHIP - a kind of relationship between people, arising in educational interaction, aimed at spiritual, moral, etc. development and improvement.

TRAINING CAPACITY - preparedness of a person for the relatively rapid formation of new cognitive, emotional or behavioral skills and abilities.

EDUCATIONAL TRAINING - teaching, with which an organic connection is achieved between the acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills and the formation of an emotionally integral attitude to the world, to each other, to the learning material being learned.

STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD -1) the main document that determines the educational level, to-ry must be achieved by graduates, regardless of the form of education. Includes federal and national-regional components; 2) the main document, in which the final results of education in the academic subject are determined. Compiled for each stage of education. The standard defines the goals and objectives of subject education, ideas, abilities and skills that students have to master, the technology of checking the results of education; 3) federal components G. o. With. determine the obligatory minimum of the content of basic educational programs, the maximum volume of the study load of students, the requirements for the level of training of graduates.

LITERACY - a person's possession of the skills of oral and written speech in accordance with the norms of the literary language. One of the basic indicators of social and cultural development of the population, and in relation to the school - one of the most important conditions and indicators of the quality of education. G. has a broader interpretation - as a certain degree of possession of knowledge in a particular area and the ability to apply them.

Computer literacy - part of technology education. The structure of the geological complex includes: knowledge of the basic concepts of informatics and computer technology; knowledge of the fundamental structure and functionality of computer technology; knowledge of modern operating systems and mastery of their basic commands; knowledge of modern software shells and general-purpose operating tools (Norton Commander, Windows, their extensions) and mastery of their functions; possession of at least one text editor; initial understanding of algorithms, languages ​​and programming packages; initial experience of using utilitarian applications.

DIDACTICS (from the Greek didaktikos - receiving, referring to training) - the theory of education and training, a branch of pedagogy. The subject of teaching is teaching as a means of education and upbringing of a person, that is, the interaction of teaching and learning in their unity, which ensures the assimilation of the content of education by students, organized by the teacher. Functions D:theoretical (diagnostic and prognostic) andpractical (normative, instrumental).

Lesson didactics - a system of rules for preparing, conducting and analyzing the results of the lesson.

Teacher's didactic system - a set of documents and didactic materials, with the help of which the teacher carries out training, development and education of children in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Includes: educational standard, curriculum, calendar and thematic plans, lesson notes, educational work plans, manuals, visual aids, etc.

Didactic rules - guidelines, to-rye disclose individual aspects of the application of this or that teaching principle. For example, one of the rules for implementing the principle of visibility is this: to use different types of visibility, but not to get carried away by their excessive amount.

Didactic principles - the main provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods educational process in accordance with its general goals and patterns.

Didactic ability - the ability to teach.

THE COLLECTIVE (from lat.collectivus - collective) - a group of people who mutually influence each other and are interconnected by a community of social. determined goals, interests, needs, norms and rules of behavior, jointly performed activities, community of means of activity, unity of will expressed by the leadership of K., by virtue of this, reaching a higher level of development than a simple group. Among the signs of K. also include the conscious nature of the association of people, its relative stability, a clear organizational structure, and the presence of bodies for coordinating activities. K. areprimary andsecondary. It is customary to refer to K. as primary, in which direct interpersonal contact between its members is observed. Secondary K. is more complex in composition; it consists of a number of primary K.

Collectivist identification - a form of humane relations that arises in joint activities, in which the problems of one of the group become the motives for the behavior of others.

Children's educational team - 1) the created system of collectivist, highly moral and aesthetically nurturing social relations, activities and communication in the children's environment, contributing to the formation of the personality and the development of individuality; 2) a group of a high level of development, where interpersonal relations are mediated by the socially valuable and personally significant content of joint activities.

Collective self-determination - the psychic mechanism of individuals gaining freedom in a team, when various individual opinions and points of view are not suppressed by the mechanisms of imitation and suggestion, as in a simple group, but are given the opportunity of relatively free existence.

Team cohesion - the degree of collective unity, manifested in the unity of opinions, beliefs, traditions, the nature of interpersonal relations, moods, etc., as well as in the unity of practical activity. Formation of S. to. Is carried out in joint activities.

TEACHER PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE - the teacher's possession of the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that determine the formation of his ped. activities, ped. communication and personality of the teacher as the bearer of certain values, ideals and ped. consciousness.

CONTROL (fr. controle) - 1) observation for the purpose of supervision, verification and detection of deviations from the set goal and their causes; 2) a management function that sets the degree of compliance decisions taken the actual state of affairs.

CULTURE (from Lat.cultura - cultivation, education, development, veneration) - a historically determined level of development of society, creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of life and activities of people, in their relationships, as well as in the material and spiritual values. Culture in education acts as its meaningful component, a source of knowledge about nature, society, methods of activity, emotional-volitional and value attitude of a person to people around him, work, communication, etc.

Intellectual culture - the culture of mental work, which determines the ability to set goals for cognitive activity, plan it, perform cognitive operations in various ways, work with sources and office equipment.

Personality culture - 1) the level of development and implementation of the essential forces of a person, his abilities and talents; 2) a set of competencies: political and social, related to the ability to take responsibility, participate in joint decision-making, regulate conflicts in a non-violent way, participate in joint decision-making regarding the functioning and development of democratic institutions; competences related to life in a multicultural society (understanding the differences between representatives of different cultures, languages ​​and religions, respect for other people's traditions, beliefs), etc. K. l. formed in the process of education and training, under the influence of social. environment and personal need for continuous development and improvement.

Information culture of personality - a set of rules for human behavior in the information society, methods and norms of communication with artificial intelligence systems, dialogue in human-machine systems of "hybrid intelligence", the use of telematics, global and local information-computing networks. It includes the ability of a person to realize and master the informational picture of the world as a system of symbols and signs, direct and reverse informational connections, freely navigate in the information society, and adapt to it. Formation K. l. and. is carried out primarily in the process of organized training in computer science and information technology at school and the inclusion of modern electronic means of transmitting information in the educational process.

Mass culture - a culture that is accessible and understandable to all segments of the population and has less artistic value than an elite or folk culture. Therefore, it quickly loses its relevance and goes out of fashion, but is very popular among young people, often making it difficult for them to master the true art.Pop culture - slang name of M. k.,kitsch - its kind.

Culture of thinking - the degree of a person's mastery of the techniques, norms and rules of mental activity, expressed in the ability to accurately formulate tasks (problems), choose the best methods (ways) for their solution, get informed conclusions, and use these conclusions correctly in practice. Increases focus, organization, efficiency of any kind of activity.

Folk culture (synonym - folklore) - culture created by anonymous creators who do not have professional training. Includes myths, legends, epics, legends, songs, dances, fairy tales, etc. K. n. connected with the traditions of the area and is democratic, since everyone is involved in its creation. Its features and trends must be taken into account when selecting the content of education.

Communication culture - a system of knowledge, skills and abilities of adequate behavior in various communication situations.

Culture of behavior - compliance with the basic requirements and rules of human community, the ability to find the right tone in communication with others.

A culture of speech - the degree of perfection of oral and written speech, characterized by the observance of its normativity, expressiveness, lexical richness, the manner of polite treatment of interlocutors and the ability to respectfully respond to them.

Self-education culture (self-educational culture) - a high level of development and perfection of all components of self-education. The need for self-education is a characteristic quality of a developed personality, a necessary element of her spiritual life. Considered the highest form of satisfaction of the cognitive needs of the individual, self-education is associated with the manifestation of significant volitional efforts, high degree consciousness and organization of a person, taking on internal responsibility for their self-improvement.

Physical culture - the level of formation of the correct attitude of a person to his health and physical condition, due to the way of life, the system of health preservation and physical culture and sports activities, knowledge about the unity of harmony of body and spirit, about the development of spiritual and physical forces.

Reading culture - a set of skills in working with a book, including a conscious choice of topics, the systematic and sequence of reading, as well as the ability to find the necessary literature with the help of bibliographic aids, use a reference and bibliographic apparatus, apply rational techniques, maximally assimilate and deeply perceive what has been read (thesis, note-taking, annotation, reviewing, etc.), handle the printed works with care.

School culture - a system of relationships used to regulate ped behavior. the team and its individual members in different conditions and circumstances; collective frame of mind, mentality, common to ped. the staff of this school. K. sh. defines standard ways of solving problems, helps to reduce the number of difficulties in new situations, m. focused on roles, tasks, on a person, on power (strength).

CHILD'S CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT - the learning environment and life of the child, formed by the cultural components of the content of all curriculum subjects; culture of their own active educational and self-educational activities; multicultural space of the educational institution; culture of communication between children and adults, child and adolescent associations, culture of the environment of additional education.

CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL THEORY OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT - the concept of human mental development, developed in the 20-30s by L. S. Vygotsky with the participation of his students A. N. Leontyev and A. R. Luria. This theory asserts the primacy in the mental development of man sots. started over the beginning of natural-biological. According to Vygotsky, the determination of human ontogenetic development has the following stages: collective activity and communication - culture (knowledge) - cultural appropriation (training and education) - individual activity - human mental development. In different eras and in different cultures, this abstract structure is filled with concrete content, which gives a historical originality to the development of the individual's psyche.

METHOD (from the Greek. methodos - the way of research or cognition) - a set of relatively homogeneous methods, operations of practical or theoretical development of reality, subordinate to the solution of a specific problem. In pedagogy, the problem of developing methods of education and training and their classification is one of the main ones.

TRIAL AND ERROR METHOD - one of the types of learning, with which skills and abilities are acquired as a result of repeated repetition of the movements associated with them and the elimination of the mistakes made.

PROJECT METHOD - a learning system, in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complicated practical tasks -projects. It arose in the second half of the 19th century. in USA. In the 1920s, it became widespread in the Soviet school.

RATING METHOD - Determination of the assessment of the activities of Dr.-L. personalities or events. In recent years, it has begun to be used as a method of control and assessment in the educational process.

CONTROL METHOD - a set of methods and means of purposeful influence of the subject of management on the object of management.

METHODOLOGY OF PEDAGOGY - proceeding from the general methodology of science and the study of trends in social development, the system of knowledge about the starting positions of ped. theory, on the principles of approach to the consideration of ped. phenomena and methods of their research, as well as ways of introducing the acquired knowledge into the practice of upbringing, training and education.

UPBRINGING METHODS - socially conditioned ways of ped. appropriate interaction between adults and children, contributing to the organization of children's life, activities, relationships, communication, stimulating their activity and regulating behavior. The choice of upbringing methods depends on the goal of upbringing; leading type of activity; content and patterns of education; specific tasks and conditions for their solution; age, individual and gender characteristics of pupils; good breeding (education), behavior motivation. The conditions that determine the successful use of M. of century are the individual characteristics of the educator as a person, the level of his professional competence.

Control and self-control methods - ways of obtaining information about the effectiveness of educational influences. These include:ped. observation, conversation, ped. consultation, polls, analysis of the results of the pupils' activities, the creation of control situations, psychodiagnostics, trainings.

Methods of organizing activities and experience of behavior - ways of isolating, consolidating and forming positive ways and forms of behavior and moral motivation in the experience of children. Implemented throughassignments, exercises, creating an educational situation, KTD (collective creative work).

Self-education methods - methods aimed at a person's conscious change of his personality in accordance with the requirements of society and personal development plan. This group of methods includes:self-observation, introspection, self-order, self-report, self-approval (encouragement), self-condemnation (punishment). The educator leads the pupil to self-education by realizing his own actions through external assessment, then through the formed self-esteem and the need to correspond to it, and then through the activities of self-education and self-improvement.

Methods to stimulate activity and behavior - ways of encouraging pupils to improve their behavior, the development of their positive behavior motivation.

"Explosion" - the method of education, the essence of which is that the conflict with the pupil is brought to the last limit, when the only opportunity to defuse the situation is K.-L. a sharp and unexpected measure capable of "blowing up", overcoming the false position of the pupil. The successful application of this method, introduced by A. S. Makarenko, is possible with the unconditional support of the team, the high skill of the teacher and extreme caution so as not to harm the pupil.

Natural consequences method - the method of upbringing, which consists in the fact that the pupil is invited to eliminate the consequences of the misconduct, and the requirements for both parties are quite obvious and fair (dirty - clean, broke - fix, etc.).

Punishment - inhibition of negative manifestations of the personality with the help of a negative assessment of her actions, the generation of feelings of guilt and remorse.

Promotion - stimulation of positive manifestations of the individual with the help of a high assessment of her actions, generating a sense of pleasure and joy from the consciousness of recognizing the efforts and efforts of the individual.

Compulsion - ped. influence based on the active manifestation of the will of the educator in relation to pupils who do not have sufficient consciousness and ignore the norms of social behavior. P.'s types include: drawing up the characteristics of the student, in which the negative traits of the student and the consequences of his activities are exaggerated; prohibitions on actions and deeds desirable for the pupil; encouragement to behavior unwanted by the student.

Requirement - ped. impact on the consciousness of the pupil in order to cause, stimulate or inhibit certain types of his activities. T. are realized in personal relationships between teachers and children. T. happensdirect - direct (order, prohibition, indication) and indirect (advice, request, hint, condition) - andmediated, expressed through the asset (initiative group) and public opinion.

Methods of forming consciousness - methods of education, aimed at the formation of correct concepts, assessments, judgments, worldview.

Analysis of parenting situations - a method of showing and analyzing ways to overcome moral contradictions that arise in certain situations and conflicts, or to create the situation itself, in which the pupil is involved and he needs to really make a moral choice and take appropriate actions.

Conversation - a question-and-answer method of attracting pupils to the discussion and analysis of actions and the development of moral assessments.

Discussion - collective discussion by K.-L. problems or a range of questions in order to find the correct answer. In ped. process is one of the methods of active learning. D.'s topic is announced in advance. Trainees should study the relevant literature and obtain the necessary information. In the course of D., everyone has the right to express their point of view. Discussions form the ability to reason, prove, formulate a problem, etc.

Dispute - dispute, the way of mobilizing the activity of pupils to develop correct judgments and attitudes; a way of teaching the fight against erroneous ideas and concepts, the ability to conduct polemics, defend their views, convince other people of them.

The conference (ped.) - collective discussion of books, performances, films in order to highlight the moral norms declared in the work, and to form a certain attitude towards them.

Lecture - a consistent presentation of the system of moral ideas and their proof and illustration.

Example - a method of forming a person's consciousness, which consists in illustrating a personal ideal on concrete convincing models and presenting a sample of a ready-made program of behavior and activity. Built on the propensity of children to imitate.

Story (as a method of forming the consciousness of pupils) - a small coherent presentation (in a narrative or descriptive form) of events containing an illustration or analysis of certain moral concepts and assessments.

COMMUNICATION METHODS UNDIRECTED - methods of social. pedagogy used in work with maladjusted, ped. neglected children and adolescents, consisting in the use of metaphors, stories, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, anecdotes, etc. in order to clarify the meaning of the child's problems and ways to solve them.

TEACHING METHODS - a system of consistent, interrelated actions of the teacher and students, ensuring the assimilation of the content of education, the development of mental powers and abilities of students, their mastery of the means of self-education and self-study. M. o. designate the goal of learning, the way of assimilation and the nature of the interaction of subjects of learning.

Methods of control and self-control in training - methods of obtaining information by the teacher and students about the effectiveness of the learning process. They allow you to establish how ready students are for the perception and assimilation of new knowledge, to identify the causes of their difficulties and mistakes, to determine the effectiveness of the organization, methods and means of teaching, etc.oral (individual, frontal and condensed polls);written (written works, dictations, statements, compositions, abstracts, etc.);practical (practical work, experiences);graphic (graphs, diagrams, tables);programmed (machineless, machine);observation; self-control.

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities - a group of teaching methods aimed at organizing the educational and cognitive activity of students, identified by Yu. K. Babansky and including all teaching methods existing according to other classifications in the form of subgroups. 1) Subgroup by source of information and perception:verbal methods (story, lecture, conversation, conference, debate, explanation);visual methods (illustration method, demonstration method);practical methods (exercises, laboratory experiments, work assignments). 2) Subgroup on the logic of thinking:inductive teaching methods (the logic of disclosing the content of the studied material from particular to general);deductive teaching methods (the logic of disclosing the content of the studied topic from general to specific). 3) Subgroup according to the degree of independence and activity of students' cognitive activity:reproductive methods (active perception, memorization and reproduction (reproduction) of the reported educational information by verbal, practical or visual methods and techniques);problem-search teaching methods (assimilation of knowledge, development of skills and abilities are carried out in the process of partial search or research activities of trainees. Implemented through verbal, visual and practical teaching methods, interpreted in the key of formulating and resolving a problem situation).

Methods independent work - independent work performed by students on the instructions of the teacher and carried out with his direct (in the lesson, self-study in an extended day group) or indirect guidance, and independent work performed on the student's own initiative (reaching the level of self-education).

Methods to stimulate and motivate learning - a group of methods aimed at the formation and consolidation of a positive attitude towards learning and stimulation of active cognitive activity of students, identified according to the classification of teaching methods proposed by Yu. K. Babansky, and includes two subgroups.Methods of stimulating and motivating interest in learning (creation of emotional moral experiences, situations of novelty, unexpectedness, relevance; cognitive games; theatricalization and dramatization; discussions, analysis life situations; creating a situation of success in learning);methods to stimulate debt and responsibility (clarification of the personal and social significance of the doctrine; demands, rewards and punishments).

METHODS OF PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH - a set of methods and techniques of cognition of the objective laws of training, education and development.

Document analysis method - a study of the results of activities in the field of education, carried out on the basis of an analysis of plans of various nature and purpose, programs, teaching materials, certification, licensing and accreditation materials, etc.

Conversation method - obtaining verbal information about a person, a team, a group both from the subject of research itself and from the people around it. In the latter case, B. acts as an element of the method of generalizing independent characteristics.

Twins method - a comparative study of psychol. characteristics and development of children with the same (homozygous twins) and different (heterozygous) heredity. It is used for the scientific solution of the question of the degree of influence of genes or the environment on the formation of psychology. properties and characteristics of human behavior.

The method of studying the products of creativity - diagnostics of human mental characteristics by means of inclusion in standardized creative activity. Examples of M. and. etc. t: test for drawing a human figure (version of Goodenough and Machover), test for drawing a tree (Koch), test for drawing a house, a fictional hypothetical animal, etc. The method of psychology, but is very widely used in ped. research and in the process of studying the personality of students by a teacher or educator.

Observation method - purposeful, systematic fixation of the specificity of the course of certain ped. phenomena, manifestations of personality, collective, group of people in them, the results obtained. Observations m. B .:solid andselective; included andsimple; uncontrolled andcontrolled (when registering observed events according to a previously worked out procedure);field (when observed in vivo) andlaboratory (under experimental conditions), etc.

Method of generalization of independent characteristics - studies based on the generalization of the largest possible amount of information about the individual under study, obtained from the largest possible number of persons observing him in the possible more types of its activities; drawing up a characterization of a person or an event by various experts independently of each other.

Sociometric method - study of the structure, nature of human relations based on the measurement of their interpersonal choice. This measurement takes place according to a certain sociometric criterion, and its results take the form of a sociometric matrix, or sociogram. The use of this method by the teacher in the process of formation children's collective allows him to find more productive ways of influencing both the entire team or small groups, and on its individual members.

Terminological method - operating with basic and peripheral concepts of the problem, pedagogical analysis. phenomena through the analysis of concepts fixed in the language of the theory of pedagogy.

Test Method - research of personality by means of diagnostics (psycho-prognosis) of her mental states, functions based on the performance of Ph.D. standardized assignment.

Modeling (in ped.) - building copies, ped models. materials, phenomena and processes. Used for a schematic representation of the examined ped. systems. In this case, a "model" is understood as a system of objects or signs that reproduces some essential properties of the original, capable of replacing it in such a way that its study gives new information about this object.

EDUCATION - 1) the process and result of assimilation of a certain system of knowledge in the interests of a person, society and the state, accompanied by a statement of achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (qualifications) established by the state. O. are received mainly in the process of teaching and upbringing in educational institutions under the guidance of teachers. However, an ever-increasing role is played by self-education, that is, the acquisition of a system of knowledge independently; 2) a specially organized system of conditions in society and educational, methodological and scientific bodies and institutions necessary for human development; 3) the process of changing, developing, improving the existing system of knowledge and relationships throughout life, an absolute form of endless, continuous mastering of new knowledge, skills and abilities in connection with changing living conditions, accelerating scientific and technological progress; 4) diverse personality-oriented activities that ensure self-determination, self-development and self-realization of a person in a dynamic socio-cultural environment; formation, development, growth of the personality itself as such; 5) the formation of the way of thinking, human actions in society; the creation of a person in accordance with his quality, measure, essence, revealed in each specific historical segment to a certain level (N.P. Pi-shchulin).

Global education - the formation of students' understanding of the world based onholistic (perception of the world as a whole) andhumanistic views. The concept of OG is focused on developing students' awareness that the Earth is a common home for all inhabitants of the planet, all people are one family and each person is able to actively participate in the world order.Communication, contact, understanding, empathy, sympathy, solidarity, cooperation are the basic concepts of O.

Additional education ■ - educational programs and services implemented in order to fully meet the educational needs of citizens, society and the state in educational institutions vocational education outside the main educational programs that determine their status, in educational institutions of O.D .: advanced training institutions, courses, vocational guidance centers, music and art schools, art schools, children's creativity houses, young technicians, stations for young naturalists, etc. (RF Law "On Education").

Classical education - a type of general secondary education, providing for the systematic study of ancient languages ​​and mathematics as the main subjects.

Continuous education - purposeful acquisition by a person of knowledge, skills and abilities throughout his life in educational institutions and through organized self-education. O.'s goal of n. - maintaining the socially and individually necessary level of culture, general education and professional training. It is organized on the principles of universality, democracy, accessibility, continuity, integrability, continuity, the principle of self-education, flexibility and efficiency.

Polytechnic education - education focused on familiarizing students with the basic principles of organizing modern production, waste-free and environmentally friendly technologies, teaching the skills of handling computer technology and the simplest modern tools of mechanized and automated labor.

EDUCATION - 1) a specially organized, controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at assimilating knowledge, skills and abilities, forming a worldview, developing mental powers and potential capabilities of students, developing and consolidating self-education skills in accordance with the goals set; 2) awakening and satisfying the cognitive activity of a person by introducing him to general and professional knowledge, ways of obtaining it, preserving it and applying it in personal practice; 3) purposeful influence on the development of the information and operational sphere of a person; 4) a two-way process carried out by the teacher (teaching) and the student (teaching).

Training included - specially organized and planned educational activities aimed at obtaining a practical result, and the knowledge necessary for this is assimilated along the way.

Distance learning - educational technology, with a cut, every person living in any place gets the opportunity to study the program of any college or university. The realization of this goal is provided by the richest set of modern information technologies: textbooks and other printed publications, transmission of studied materials on computer telecommunications, videotapes, discussions and seminars conducted through computer telecommunications, broadcast of educational programs on national and regional television and radio stations, cable television and voice mail, two-way video conferencing, one-way video broadcasting with reverse communication by phone, etc. The school provides students with flexibility in choosing the place and time of study, the opportunity to study without interrupting their main activities, including for those living in the most remote areas, freedom of choice of disciplines, the ability to communicate with prominent representatives of science, education and culture, contributes to the interactive interaction of students and teachers, the activation of independent work and the satisfaction of the self-educational needs of students.

Integrated training - joint education of disabled children and children with minor disabilities and developmental disabilities together with healthy children in order to facilitate the process of their socialization and integration in the latter's society. O. and. happenscombined (the student studies in a class / group of healthy children and receives systematic assistance from a teacher-defectologist),partial (some children spend part of the day in special groups, and some in regular groups),temporary (children studying in special groups and students of ordinary classes unite for joint walks, holidays, competitions, separate affairs),complete (1-2 children with developmental disabilities join ordinary groups kindergarten, classes, schools, correctional assistance is provided by parents under the supervision of specialists).

Contextual training - training, in which subject and social are connected. the content of the future professional work and thereby provide the conditions for the transfer of the student's educational activity into the professional activity of a specialist. O. to. Allows to overcome the main contradiction of professional training, a cut is that mastering the activities of a specialist should be provided within the framework and means of a qualitatively different - educational activity. This contradiction is overcome in educational institutions through the implementation of a dynamic model of movement of students' activities: from educational activity itself (in the form of a lecture, for example) through quasi-professional (game forms) and educational and professional (research work of students, industrial practice, etc. .) to the actual professional activity. Developed by A. A. Verbitsky.

Polytechnic training - training focused on the assimilation by students of the general scientific principles of modern production, the mastery of practical techniques and skills in handling technical means of production and labor tools and the formation of the ability to navigate in modern technology and technology, in the trends of their development. During the Soviet period, all secondary schools in the country were polytechnic. Currently, O. p. Is carried out in special educational institutions that train specialists technical professions.

Problem learning - active developmental training based on the organization of the trainees' search activities, on the identification and resolution of real life or educational contradictions. The foundation of the theory of education is the advancement and substantiation of a problem (a complex cognitive task of theoretical or practical interest). If the trainees are interested in the problem, then a problem situation arises. Three levels of problematicity in the educational process are possible:problematic presentation,partial search andresearch levels. The OS was developed by S. L. Rubinstein, N. A. Menchinskaya, A. M. Matyushkin, M. N. Skatkin, M. I. Makhmutov, I. Ya. Lerner, and others.

Programmed learning - one of the types of training, carried out according to a pre-compiled training program, edges are usually implemented with the help of programmed textbooks and learning machines. In O. p. The material and activity of the trainee are divided into portions (doses) and steps (stages of training); the execution of each step is controlled, the transition to the assimilation of the next portion of the material depends on the quality of assimilation of the previous one. Such a structure of teaching ensures a deeper and more complete assimilation of the material by students. O. p. Developed by B.F.Skinner, N. Crowder (USA), domestic psychologists and teachers - A.I. Berg, V.P.Bespalko, A.N. Leontiev, P. Ya. Galperin, Yu. A. Samarin, T. A. Ilyina and others

Developing education - orientation of the educational process to the potential of a person and to their implementation. In the concept of O. r. the child is viewed not as an object of the teacher's teaching influences, but as a self-changing subject of learning.

OBJECT OF STUDY (in ped.) - ped. space, area, within the framework of a swarm is (contains) that which will be studied. O. and. ped. science is the field of teaching and educating people, andsubject - patterns of processes occurring in this area. Within the framework of O. and. we can talk about various subjects research.

PEDAGOGY - 1) a science that studies the objective laws of the development of a specific historical process of upbringing, organically related to the laws of the development of social relations and the formation of a child's personality, as well as the experience of real social educational and training practice of forming the younger generations, the features and conditions of pedagogical organization. process; 2) a set of theoretical and applied sciences studying upbringing, education and training; 3) the science of upbringing relationships arising in the process of interconnection of upbringing, education and training with self-upbringing, self-education and self-study and aimed at human development; 4) a training course, which is taught in ped. educational institutions and other institutions for profiling programs.

PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS - an integral educational process in the unity and interconnection of education and training, characterized by joint activities, cooperation and co-creation of its subjects, contributing to the most complete development and self-realization of the personality of the pupil. The process that realizes the goals of education and upbringing in the conditions of ped. systems in which educators and educators interact in an organized manner (educational, educational, vocational and educational institutions, children's associations and organizations).

PEDAGOGICAL SITUATION - 1) a set of conditions and circumstances specially set by the teacher or arising spontaneously in ped. process. Purpose of creation: the formation and development of the student as a future active subject in social and labor activities, the formation of him as a person; 2) short-term interaction of a teacher with a student (group, class) based on opposite norms, values ​​and interests, accompanied by significant emotional manifestations and aimed at restructuring existing relationships.

TEACHING - special professional activities of adults aimed at transferring to children the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities and their upbringing in the learning process; orderly activities of the teacher to implement the learning goal (educational objectives) and provide information, awareness and practical application knowledge.

SOCIOCULTURAL EDUCATION PRINCIPLES - the initial provisions of the pedagogy of culture, which boil down to the following: the implementation of personality development is possible only in a cultural environment; the implementation of the concepts of developmental education, pedagogy and developmental psychology is impossible without the purposeful organization of the cultural environment educational institution; the cultural environment creates a variety of development zones and the situation of their choice, which presupposes the freedom of the child's cultural self-determination; the cultural environment of an educational institution arises only in the joint activities of children and adults.

PRINCIPLES OF TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES - the main provisions of the ped. technologies that determine the success of the implementation of ped. interactions:taking into account the level of education of children and adolescents (presentation of only such requirements to-rye are adequate to the level of moral knowledge and behavior of pupils);focus on the child's relationship to the world around them (only the pupil's attitude to this or that phenomenon determines the degree of morality or immorality of the actions performed by him);measure principle (any impact on the pupil or interaction with him is effective only when the measure is observed in emotions, the variety of ped. means, forms and methods used);the principle of dynamism ped. positions (the pedagogical positions of the teacher and student, educator and pupil are mobile and interdependent: both the teacher and the student can act either as subjects or as objects of interaction);compensatory principle (not every teacher has the whole set of pedagogical abilities, so it is necessary to solve problems at the expense of those pedagogical abilities that are most fully and vividly manifested);the principle of originality and novelty impact requires constant replenishment and expansion of ped arsenal. methods and means, to-rye will make each meeting with the pupil extraordinary and memorable;culturological principle ped. activity involves the use of tools, methods and techniques in ped. interactions from various related fields: art, psychotherapy, medicine, etc .;sensological principle technological ped. activity determines that the success of the ped. interaction depends on the sensations that accompany it: color, smells, sounds, etc. Developed by N.E.Shchurkova.

PRINCIPLES OF A WHOLE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS (ped.) - the starting positions that determine the content, forms, methods, means and nature of interaction in a holistic ped. process; guiding ideas, regulatory requirements for its organization and implementation. They are in the nature of the most general guidelines, rules, norms governing the entire process.

Accessibility in training and education (in ped.) - the principle, according to which educational and educational work is built taking into account the age, individual and gender characteristics of students, the level of their training and upbringing. In accordance with this principle, the teaching of the material is conducted with a gradual increase in difficulties from simple to complex, from known to unknown. But this principle cannot be interpreted as a decrease in requirements; it orientates the teacher to the immediate prospects of the child's development.

Individual approach to education - the implementation of the pedagogical process, taking into account the individual characteristics of students (temperament, character, abilities, inclinations, motives, interests, etc.) in relation to every child.

The collective nature of education and training, combined with the development of the individual characteristics of the personality of each child- the implementation of this principle is the organization of both individual and frontal work, as well as group work, which requires participants to be able to cooperate, coordinate joint actions, and be in constant interaction. Socialization in the process of educational interaction unites the interests of the individual with the public.

Visibility (in ped.) - the principle, according to which teaching is based on specific samples, directly perceived by students not only through visual, but also motor, as well as tactile sensations. N. in the educational process, provided with the help of a variety of illustrations, demonstrations, TCO, laboratory practical work and computerization, enriches the range of ideas of students, develops observation and thinking, helps to learn more deeply educational material.

Scientificness in teaching and upbringing - the principle, according to which the trainees are offered for assimilation only the positions firmly established in science and teaching methods are used, which by their nature are close to the methods of science, the basics of which are studied. It is necessary to acquaint trainees with history major discoveries and modern ideas and hypotheses; actively use problem research teaching methods, active learning technology. Remember that no matter how elementary the transmitted knowledge may be, it should not contradict science.

The principle of cultural conformity - maximum use in the upbringing and education of the culture of that environment, nation, society, country, region, in which a particular educational institution is located.

The principle of conformity - the starting position, requiring that the leading link of any educational interaction and ped. the process was performed by a child (adolescent) with his specific characteristics and level of development. The nature of the pupil, the state of his health, physical, physiological, mental and social. development is the main and determining factors of upbringing, playing the role of environmental protection of a person.

Cooperation principle - orientation in the process of upbringing to the priority of the individual; creation of favorable conditions for its self-determination, self-realization and self-movement in development; organization of joint life activities of adults and children on the basis of intersubjective connections, dialogic interaction, the predominance of empathy in interpersonal relationships.

Strength, awareness and effectiveness of the results of education and training - the principle, the essence of which lies in the fact that the mastery of knowledge, skills, skills and worldview ideas is achieved only when they are thoroughly comprehended and well mastered, are kept in memory for a long time. This principle is realized through constant, thoughtful and systematic repetition, exercise, consolidation, verification and assessment of knowledge, skills, skills and norms and rules of behavior.

Relationship between theory and practice - a principle that requires a harmonious connection of scientific knowledge with the practice of everyday life. Theory provides knowledge of the world, practice teaches how to effectively influence it. It is implemented by creating conditions for the transition in the process of education and upbringing from concrete-practical thinking to abstract-theoretical thinking and vice versa, applying the knowledge gained in practice, forming an understanding that practice acts as a source abstract thinking and as a criterion for the truth of the knowledge obtained.

Consistency and consistency - observance of logical connections in the learning process, which ensures the assimilation of educational material in a larger volume and more firmly. S. and p. Allow to achieve great results in less time. They are implemented in various forms of planning and in a certain way organized training.

Consciousness, activity, amateur performance - the principle, the essence of which boils down to the fact that the learner's and the educated's own cognitive activity is an important factor in learning and educability and has a decisive influence on the pace, depth and strength of mastering the transmitted amount of knowledge and norms and the speed of developing skills, skills and habits. Conscious participation in the educational process enhances its developmental influence. Methods and techniques for enhancing cognitive activity and the technology of active learning contribute to the implementation of this principle.

Respect for the personality of the child, combined with reasonable demands on him - the principle requiring the teacher to respect the pupil as a person. Reasonable exactingness is a peculiar form of respect for the child's personality, the educational potential of a cut increases significantly if it is objectively expedient, dictated by the needs of the educational process, the tasks of full-fledged development of the personality. The exactingness of students must be combined with the teacher's exactingness to himself, taking into account the opinions of his pupils about themselves. Respect for the individual presupposes reliance on the positive in a person (see.Motivation for achievement).

TEACHER PROFESSIOGRAM - a document in which a complete qualification characteristic of a teacher is given from the standpoint of the requirements for his knowledge, skills and abilities; to his personality, abilities, psychophysiological capabilities and level of training.

UPBRINGING PROCESS - ped process. interaction, in which, in accordance with the requirements of the personality and society itself, an organized educational influence arises, which has as its goal the formation of the personality, the organization and stimulation of the vigorous activity of the educated to master them social services. and spiritual experiences, values ​​and attitudes.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - the process of natural personality change as a result of its socialization. Possessing natural anatomical and physiological prerequisites for the formation of personality, in the process of socialization, the child interacts with the world around him, mastering the achievements of mankind. The abilities and functions that develop in the course of this process reproduce historically formed human qualities in the personality. The mastery of reality in a child is carried out in his activity with the mediation of adults: thus, the process of upbringing is the leading one in the development of his personality. R. l. is carried out in an activity controlled by a system of motives inherent in a given personality. In the most general form R. l. can be presented as the process of a person entering a new social. environment and integration into it as a result of this process. Upon successful completion of integration in a highly developed prosocial community, the personality develops such qualities as humanity, trust in people, justice, self-determination, self-exactingness, etc., etc.

Professional development - growth, the formation of professionally significant personal qualities and abilities, professional knowledge and skills, an active qualitative transformation by a person of his inner world, leading to a fundamentally new structure and way of life - creative self-realization in the profession.

Mental development - complex dynamic system quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in the intellectual activity of a person as a result of his mastery of experience, corresponding to the socio-historical conditions in which he lives, age and individual characteristics of his psyche.Level RU. - a set of knowledge, skills and mental actions formed during their assimilation, free operation with them in the processes of thinking, ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge and skills in a certain amount. Information about R.'s level. mb. obtained either by long-term psychol.-ped. observations, or by conducting diagnostic tests using special techniques.

SELF-FOOD - Conscious and purposeful human activity to form and improve positive and eliminate negative qualities in oneself. The main condition for S. is the presence of true knowledge about oneself, correct self-esteem, self-awareness, clearly realized goals, ideals, and personal meanings. S. is inextricably linked with education.

SELF-EDUCATION - specially organized, amateur, systematic cognitive activity aimed at achieving certain personally and (or) socially significant educational goals: satisfying cognitive interests, general cultural and professional needs and professional development. It is usually built on the model of systematized forms of education, but is regulated by the subject himself.

Professional self-education of a teacher - multicomponent personally and professionally significant independent cognitive activity of a teacher, includinggeneral educational, subject, psychological and pedagogical andmethodical self-education. S. contributes to the formation of an individual style of professional activity, helps to comprehend ped. experience and their own independent activity, is a means of self-knowledge and self-improvement. S.'s types. P.:background general education, background ped., perspective andactual. Developed by G.M. Kod-Zhaspirova.

SELF-LEARNING - the process of acquiring knowledge by a person through his own aspirations and independently chosen means.

PERSONAL SELF-DETERMINATION - the process and result of a conscious choice by a person of his own position, goals and means of self-realization in specific circumstances of life.

SELF-ESTEEM - a person's assessment of himself, his merits and demerits, opportunities, qualities, his place among other people. S. happensactual (how a person sees and evaluates himself at the present time),retrospective (how a person sees and evaluates himself in relation to previous stages of life),ideal (how a person would like to see himself, his reference ideas about himself),reflective (how, from the point of view of a person, people around him evaluate him).

PERSONAL SELF-REALIZATION - the most complete identification by a person of his individual and professional capabilities.

PEDAGOGICAL SYSTEM - a set of interrelated tools, methods and processes necessary to create an organized, purposeful ped. influence on the formation of a personality with given qualities.

PEDAGOGICAL MEANS - material objects and objects of spiritual culture, intended for the organization and implementation of ped. process and performing functions of student development; subject support ped. process, as well as a variety of activities, in which pupils are included: work, play, learning, communication, cognition.

Pedagogical software tools - packages of applied programs for use in the learning process in various subjects.

Technical training aids (TCO) - devices and devices used to improve ped. process, increasing the efficiency and quality of teaching through the demonstration of audiovisual means.

SUBJECT (from Lat. subjectum - subject) - the bearer of subject-practical activity and cognition, carrying out a change in other people and in himself. The subjectivity of a person is manifested in his life, communication, self-awareness.

TEACHING AND EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY (PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY) - a new (since the 50s) direction in ped. science, a cut is engaged in the design of optimal training systems, the design of educational processes. It is a system of methods, techniques, steps, the sequence of implementation of which ensures the solution of the problems of education, training and development of the pupil's personality, and the activity itself is presented procedurally, that is, as a certain system of actions; development and procedural implementation of ped components. process in the form of a system of actions that provides a guaranteed result. The item of t. Serves as a concretization of the technique. At the heart of T. o. and in. lies the idea of ​​complete controllability of the educational process, design and reproducibility of the teaching and educational cycles.

Assimilation - mastering by a person in the process of learning actions, concepts, forms of behavior developed by society. It takes place in several stages:perception, understanding, memorization, the possibility of practical use (application).

TEACHING - cognition organized in a special way; cognitive activity of trainees, aimed at mastering the amount of knowledge, abilities and skills, methods of educational activity.

FORM (in ped.) - a way of existence of the educational process, a shell for its inner essence, logic and content. F. is primarily associated with the number of trainees, the time and place of training, the order of its implementation.

Forms of organizing the educational process - the forms, within the framework of which the educational process is carried out; a system of expedient organization of collective and individual activities of pupils. F. o. v. etc. are added depending ondirections educational work (forms of aesthetic education, physical, etc.);quantity participants (group, mass, individual).

Forms of training organization - an external expression of the coordinated activity of the teacher and students, carried out in a certain order and mode:lesson, excursions, homework, consultations, seminar, electives, workshops, additional classes.

PURPOSE - 1) one of the elements of behavior, conscious activity, which is characterized by anticipation in consciousness, thinking of the result of activity and ways, ways of achieving it; 2) a conscious image of the anticipated result, to achieve which a person's action is directed.

Pedagogical goal setting - the conscious process of identifying and setting goals and objectives ped. activities; the teacher's need for planning his work, willingness to change tasks depending on the ped. situations; the ability to transform public goals into goals of joint activities with pupils.

Pedagogical expediency - measure ped. interventions, reasonable sufficiency. Providing independence and opportunities for self-expression to the pupil himself.

The purpose of education - theoretical generalization and expression of society's needs in a certain type of personality, ideal requirements for its essence, individuality, properties and qualities, mental, physical, moral, aesthetic development and attitude to life.

Purpose of education - the educational ideal set by the social. by order and implemented through various approaches.Extensive model Ts. About. - the transfer of the fullest possible amount of accumulated experience, cultural achievements, assistance to the student in self-determination on this cultural basis.Productive model - preparation of students for those types of activities, to-ry he will be engaged, and to that structure of employment, edges supports the development of social. community and its own development.Intensive model - preparation of students on the basis of the development of their universal qualities, not only for the development of certain knowledge, but also for their constant improvement and the development of their own creative potential.

Pedagogical goal - the result of the interaction of the teacher and the student, formed in the mind of the teacher in the form of generalized mental representations, in accordance with which all other components of the ped are then selected and correlated with each other. process.

Purpose of pedagogical research - identification of cause-and-effect relationships and patterns in ped. phenomena and the development of theories and techniques based on them.

Authoritarian style is a style of communication between a teacher and students, when the teacher alone decides all issues related to the life of both the classroom and each student. Based on his own attitudes, he determines the goals of interaction, subjectively evaluates the results of activities.

Author's training programs- training programs that, taking into account the requirements state standard, may contain a different logic for constructing a school subject, their own points of view regarding the phenomena and processes being studied, if there is a review from scientists in this subject area, teachers, psychologists, methodologists, they are approved by the pedagogical council of the school.

Acmeology is a science that studies the laws and facts of reaching the heights of professionalism, creative longevity of a person.

Analysis- a method of scientific research by decomposing an object into its component parts or mentally dismembering an object by means of logical abstraction.

Basic academic plan comprehensive school- the main state normative document, which is an integral part of the state standard in this area of ​​education. It serves as the basis for the development of standard and working curricula and the initial document for funding the school. The basic curriculum as part of the education standard for basic schools is approved by the State Duma, and for complete and secondary schools - by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

Conversation- a question-and-answer method of active interaction between a teacher and students, which is used at all stages of the educational process: to communicate new knowledge, to consolidate, repeat, test and evaluate knowledge.

Intraschool management- purposeful, conscious interaction of the participants in a holistic pedagogical process on the basis of knowledge of its objective laws in order to achieve an optimal result.

Upbringing - specially organized activity of teachers and pupils for the realization of the goals of education in the conditions of the pedagogical process.

Deviant behavior - behavior that deviates from the norm.

Deductive methods - logical methods of generalization of empirically obtained data, suggesting the movement of thought from a general judgment to a particular conclusion.

Actions- processes, the motives of which are in the activity in which they are included.

Democratic style- the style of communication between the teacher and students, focused on enhancing the subjective role of the student in interaction, and attracting everyone to the solution of common affairs. For teachers adhering to this style, active positive attitudes towards students, an adequate assessment of their capabilities, successes and failures are characteristic, they are characterized by a deep understanding of the student, the goals and motives of his behavior, the ability to predict the development of his personality.

Activity - internal (mental) and external (physical) human activity, regulated by a conscious goal.

Diagnosis in pedagogy - assessment of the general state of the pedagogical process or its individual components at one time or another of its functioning on the basis of a comprehensive, holistic examination.

Didactics is a part of pedagogy that sets out the theoretical foundations of education and training.

Didactic tasks - educational and cognitive management tasks

Didactic material - a system of objects, each of which is intended for use in the learning process as a material or materialized model of a particular system, isolated within the framework of social knowledge and experience, and serves as a means of solving some didactic problem.

Dispute- the method of forming judgments, assessments and beliefs in the process of cognitive and value-orientational activity, does not require certain and final decisions... The dispute perfectly matches the age characteristics of a high school student, whose emerging personality is characterized by a passionate search for the meaning of life, a desire not to take anything on faith, a desire to compare facts in order to establish the truth.

Distance learning is a form of receiving educational services at a distance without visiting educational institutions using modern information and educational technologies and telecommunication systems such as e-mail, television and the Internet.

Dogmatic learning - a type of collective organization of cognitive activity, widespread in the Middle Ages, it is characterized by teaching in Latin, the main types of student activity were listening and rote memorization.

Additional lessons - one of the forms of organizing educational activities, which is carried out with individual students or a group of students in order to fill gaps in knowledge, develop skills and abilities, and satisfy an increased interest in the subject. In additional classes, teachers practice various types of assistance: clarifying individual questions, attaching weak students to strong ones, re-explaining the topic.

Identification- establishing the identity of an object.

Inductive methods- logical methods of generalization of empirically obtained data, suggesting the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion.

Induction is a logical reasoning moving from statements of a less general nature to a statement of a more general nature.

Innovation- a purposeful change that introduces new, relatively stable elements into a certain social unit - an organization, a settlement, a society, a group.

Briefing- one of the methods that provides an explanation and demonstration to students of the purpose, tasks and method of performing certain actions, a sequence of operations that make up a particular skill.

Interview- the most flexible method of collecting information, which involves conducting a conversation (according to a specific plan) based on direct, personal contact.

Research method- a way of organizing the search, creative activity of students to solve new problems for them. The teacher presents this or that problem for independent research, knows its result, the course of the solution and those features of creative activity that are required to be shown in the course of the solution.

Combined control- one of the types of control, the essence of which is that several students are called to the board for an answer at once, of which one answers orally, two or more prepare for an answer at the blackboard, some students perform written assignments on the cards, and the rest participate in poll. The advantages of this method are that it enables a thorough examination of several students in a short period of time; it is used when all the material has been mastered and there is a need to test the knowledge of several students at once.

Consultations- one of the forms of organizing educational activities, which is carried out with individual students or a group of students in order to fill gaps in knowledge, develop skills, satisfy increased interest in the subject, but unlike additional classes, they are usually episodic, since they are organized as needed. Distinguish between current, thematic and generalizing (for example, when preparing for exams or tests) consultations.

Laboratory works- an independent group of practice methods that combine hands-on activities with organized student observation. In a school environment, frontal and individual laboratory work is usually carried out. The laboratory experiment ends with the compilation of brief reports containing sketches, diagrams, drawings, tables and theoretical conclusions.

Lecture (at school)- the basic form of the lecture and seminar system adapted to the conditions of the school. School lectures are successfully used in the study of both humanitarian and natural sciences. As a rule, these are introductory and generalizing lectures. In a school environment, a lecture is in many ways close to a story, but much longer in time, it can take up the entire lesson time.

Machine control- a type of programmed control, when students are asked to choose the correct one from several options of possible answers.

Illustration and demonstration method- one of the methods of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, the essence of which lies in the visual presentation (showing) to students of natural objects, phenomena, processes or their layouts, models and images, depending on specific teaching and educational tasks.

Problem statement method- a method of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, the essence of which is that the teacher poses a problem and solves it himself, thereby showing students the way of solving it in its genuine, but accessible to students, contradictions, revealing the train of thought when moving along the path of cognition, while students mentally follow behind the logic of presentation, mastering the stages of solving the problem.

Methodical techniques- the constituent elements (parts, details) of the method, which in relation to the method are of a private subordinate nature, do not have an independent pedagogical task, but are subordinate to the task pursued by this method.

Control methods- the ways by which the effectiveness of educational, cognitive and other types of activity of pupils and the pedagogical work of a teacher is determined.

Teaching methods- ways of professional interaction of the teacher and students with the goal. Solutions for educational tasks.

Methods of pedagogical research- ways of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information about them in order to establish regular connections, relationships and build scientific theories.

Observation- purposeful perception of a pedagogical phenomenon, in the process of which the researcher receives specific factual material.

Punishment- such an impact on the personality of the student, which expresses condemnation of actions and deeds that are contrary to the norms of social behavior, and forces students to unswervingly follow them.

Education - one process physical and spiritual formation of the personality, the process of socialization, consciously focused on some ideal images, on historically conditioned, more or less clearly recorded in public consciousness social standards.

Education as a social phenomenon- a relatively independent system, the functions of which are training and education of members of society, focused on mastering certain knowledge (primarily scientific), ideological and moral values, skills, skills, norms of behavior, the content of which is ultimately determined by the socio-economic and political structure of a given society and the level of its material and technical development.

Education system- a complex of educational institutions.

Education- a specific way of education aimed at personal development by organizing the assimilation of scientific knowledge and methods of activity by students.

An object pedagogy are phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society.

Explanatory and illustrative method- the method of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, the essence of which is that the teacher communicates ready-made information by various means, and the students perceive, realize and fix this information in their memory. The teacher communicates information with the help of spoken word(story, lecture, explanation), the printed word (textbook, additional manuals), visual aids (pictures, diagrams, films and film strips), practical demonstration of methods of activity (demonstration of experience, work on a machine, examples of declension, method of solving a problem, etc. .P.).

Operations- processes, the goals of which are in the action of which they are.

Pedagogy- a science that studies the essence, patterns, tendencies and prospects for the development of the pedagogical process (education) as a factor and means of a person's development throughout his life.

Pedagogical activities- a special type of social (professional) activity aimed at realizing the goals of education.

Pedagogical task- this is a materialized situation of education and training (pedagogical situation), characterized by the interaction of teachers and pupils with a specific goal.

Pedagogical system- many interrelated structural components, united by a single educational goal of personality development and functioning in a holistic pedagogical process.

Pedagogical technology- a consistent, interdependent system of actions of the teacher associated with the use of one or another set of methods of education and training and carried out in the pedagogical process in order to solve various pedagogical problems: structuring and concretizing the goals of the pedagogical process; transformation of educational content into educational material; analysis of intersubject and intrasubject connections; choice of methods, means and organizational forms of the pedagogical process, etc.

The pedagogical process is a specially organized (from a systemic point of view) interaction of teachers and pupils (pedagogical interaction) about the content of education using teaching and upbringing means (pedagogical means) in order to solve educational problems aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual in its development and self-development.

Pedagogical experiment- research activities with the aim of studying cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical phenomena, which involves the experimental modeling of a pedagogical phenomenon and the conditions for its course; active influence of the researcher on the pedagogical phenomenon; measuring the results of pedagogical influence and interaction.

Pedagogical interaction- deliberate contact (long-term or temporary) between the teacher and the pupils, which results in mutual changes in their behavior, activities and relationships.

Written survey- control method, which is carried out as follows: individual students are offered control tasks on cards.

Promotion - a way of expressing a positive public assessment of the behavior and activities of an individual student or group .

Permissive style - the communication style of a teacher who takes a passive position, who has chosen the tactics of non-interference in the creative pedagogical process, is not interested in the problems of both the school and students, evading responsibility for the final, as a rule, negative results in the teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren.

Workshops- one of the forms of organizing educational activities; are used in the study of the disciplines of the natural science cycle, as well as in the process of labor and vocational training; are carried out in laboratories and workshops, in classrooms and at training and experimental sites, etc.

Practical control- a control method used to identify the formation of certain skills and abilities of practical work or formed motor skills. It is used in drawing lessons (in primary grades), labor, physical education, mathematics, physics, chemistry.

Preliminary control- control aimed at identifying knowledge, abilities and skills of students in the subject or section to be studied.

The subject of pedagogy- education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions).

Accustoming- the organization of the planned and regular performance of certain actions by children in order to turn them into habitual forms of social behavior.

Working with a book- one of verbal methods organization of educational activities. The work with the book is carried out at all stages of training, it is usually combined with the use of other methods, primarily methods of oral presentation of knowledge.

Working curricula- curricula developed taking into account the requirements of the state standard for educational areas, but additionally taking into account the national-regional component, the possibilities of methodological, informational, technical support of the educational process, the level of preparedness of students.

Story- a sequential presentation of predominantly factual material carried out in a descriptive or narrative form. It is widely used in teaching humanitarian subjects, as well as in presenting bibliographic material, characterizing images, describing objects, natural phenomena, and events in public life.

Reproductive methods- methods of organizing the activities of schoolchildren, which involve the reproduction and repetition of the method of activity on the instructions of the teacher.

Self-education- systematic and conscious human activity aimed at self-development and the formation of the basic culture of the individual. Self-education is designed to strengthen and develop the ability to voluntarily fulfill obligations, both personal and basic, based on the requirements of the team, to form moral and volitional qualities, the necessary habits of behavior.

Seminars- one of the forms of organizing educational activities, which is used in the senior grades in the study of humanitarian subjects. The essence of the seminars is a collective discussion of the proposed questions, messages, abstracts, reports prepared by students under the guidance of a teacher.

Synthesis- the method of studying the subject in its integrity, in the unity and interconnection of its parts.

Socialization- the process of assimilation by an individual during his life of social norms and cultural values ​​of the society to which he belongs. It is a difficult, lifelong learning process.

Socio-psychological climate in the team- a system of emotional and psychological states of the team, reflecting the nature of the relationship between its members in the process of joint activities and communication.

Style of pedagogical communication- a stable unity of methods and means of the teacher's and trainees' activities, their subject-subjective interaction.

Lesson structure- the ratio of the elements of the lesson in their certain sequence and the relationship with each other.

Current control- control, which is carried out in daily work in order to check the assimilation of the previous material and identify gaps in the knowledge of students; is carried out primarily with the help of the teacher's systematic observation of the work of the class as a whole and of each student individually at all stages of learning.

Thematic control- control, which is carried out periodically as the passage of a new topic, section and has the goal of systematizing the knowledge of students.

Technology for constructing educational information- the process of making pedagogical decisions in the context of a system of restrictions and prescriptions that are dictated by the established norms (what and to what extent from the given information students should learn), the initial level of preparedness of students for the perception of educational information, the capabilities of the teacher himself, as well as the school in which it works.

Typical curriculum- this curriculum, which is developed on the basis of the state basic curriculum and is approved by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation and is recommendatory in nature.

Typical training programs- curricula that are developed on the basis of the requirements of the state educational standard in relation to one or another educational area, approved by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation and is of a recommendatory nature.

Control- activities aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the control object in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information.

Managerial culture of the head of the school- the measure and method of creative self-realization of the personality of the head of the school in various types of management activities aimed at mastering, transferring and creating values ​​and technologies in school management.

The exercise- systematically organized activity, involving the repeated repetition of any actions in order to form certain skills and abilities or to improve them.

Oral survey- a method of control, which is carried out on an individual basis in order to identify the teacher's knowledge, abilities and skills of individual students. The student is asked to answer a general question, which is subsequently broken down into a number of more specific, clarifying ones.

Oral frontal survey- a method of monitoring the level of knowledge, abilities and skills of students, which requires a series of logically related questions on a small amount of material. With a frontal simultaneous questioning of several students, the teacher expects from them short, laconic answers from the spot.

Training conference- a form of organization of the pedagogical process, with the aim of generalizing the material on any section of the program and requiring a large preparatory work(conducting observations, summarizing excursion materials, setting up experiments, studying literary sources, etc.). Conferences can be held in all academic subjects and at the same time go far beyond the curriculum.

Training program- a normative document that reveals the content of knowledge, skills and abilities in the academic subject, the logic of studying the main ideological ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the general dosage of time for their study.

Educational discussions- one of the verbal methods, a prerequisite for which is the presence of at least two opposite opinions on the issue under discussion. Naturally, in educational discussions that allow students to learn with a certain depth and in accordance with the last word should be for the teacher, although this does not mean that his conclusions are the ultimate truth.

Educational material- a system of ideal models, represented by material or materialized models of didactic material and intended for use in educational activities.

General secondary school curriculum- the curriculum, which is drawn up in compliance with the standards of the basic curriculum. There are two types of school curricula: the school's own curriculum (developed by it on the basis of the state basic curriculum for a long period and reflecting the characteristics of a particular school) and working curriculum (developed taking into account the current conditions and approved by the school's pedagogical council annually).

Subject- a system of scientific knowledge, practical skills and abilities, with their age-related cognitive capabilities, the main starting points of science or aspects of culture, labor, production.

An elective is one of the forms of differentiated education and upbringing, the main task of which is to deepen and expand knowledge, develop the abilities and interests of students. The elective works according to a specific program that does not duplicate the curriculum.

Integrity of the pedagogical process- the synthetic quality of the pedagogical process, which characterizes the highest level of its development, the result of stimulating conscious actions and activities of the subjects functioning in it.

The purpose of modern education- the development of those personality traits that are necessary for her and society to be included in socially valuable activities.

Excursion- a specific teaching and educational lesson, transferred in accordance with a specific educational or educational goal to an enterprise, a museum, an exhibition, in a field, on a farm, etc.


Automated training system- a complex of technical, educational, methodological, linguistic, software and organizational support on a computer basis, designed for the individualization of training

Autonomy educational institution - one of the basic principles of state policy in the field of education. Means a significant expansion of autonomous rights, powers, competencies, as well as responsibility of an educational institution

ABC- Russian anonymous handwritten reference books of the 16th-17th centuries, in which the material is presented in alphabetical order

Academic gymnasium is the first state secular secondary school in Russia, opened in 1726 in St. Petersburg

Academy originally, this was the name of the first strictly organized philosophical school of Plato, founded in 338 BC. e.

Algorithm- a method for solving problems, which precisely prescribes how and in what sequence to obtain a result that is uniquely determined by the initial data

Analysis- consideration, study of something based on the dismemberment of the subject, the phenomenon into its component parts

Questionnaire- method of mass collection of material using a questionnaire

Conversation- an independent or additional research method used in order to obtain the necessary information or clarify what was not clear enough during observation

Fraternal schools - educational institutions that existed in the XVI-XVIII centuries. with fraternities: national-religious associations of Orthodox citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic. The activities of these schools contributed to the rise of cultural life and the preservation of the national identity of these peoples.

Brigade-Individual learning - a system of individualized learning, developed at an American university in relation to teaching mathematics in primary grades.

Brigade-laboratory method - one of the organizational forms of training, used in educational institutions of the USSR in the 20 beginning. 30s., Under the influence of the colorton plan, built on the basis of the individual work of students

Validity research - an assessment of the conducted empirical research from the point of view of the correctness of its organization and the possibility of considering the results and conclusions drawn as reliable

Age- the period of human development, characterized by a set of patterns of formation of the body and personality

Age approach in upbringing - taking into account and using the patterns of personality development, socio-psychological characteristics of groups of children, due to their age composition

Sunday schools - educational institutions for adults and working children; historically the earliest form of out-of-school education. They were subdivided into two main types: confessional schools of various denominations for religious and moral education and general education

Upbringing- in a broad social sense - a set of formative influences of all social institutions, ensuring the transfer from generation to generation of the accumulated socio-cultural experience, moral norms and values; in a broad pedagogical sense - the process of purposeful personality formation in the conditions of a specially organized educational system that ensures the interaction of educators and children; in the narrow pedagogical sense - special educational activities with the aim of forming certain qualities, properties and relationships of a person

Good breeding- the ability to behave in society, good manners; courteous, polite behavior of a person who is distinguished by good manners, correct speech, the ability to communicate with people around in different situations

Educator- a person carrying out upbringing, taking responsibility for the living conditions and development of the personality of another person

Educational activity - spontaneous or purposeful activity to transfer social experience from person to person, from one generation to another

Educational work is a type of pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various types of activities of pupils in order to solve the problems of harmonious development of the personality

Educational system - a system of activities, pedagogically oriented methods, conditions and means aimed at achieving the planned results, expressed in the initial concept of education, for the achievement of which it is created

Gymnasium- a secondary general educational institution, usually a humanitarian and philological direction. The term is borrowed from Ancient Greece. The formation of European gymnasiums of modern times is associated with the emergence in the 15th-16th centuries. Latin schools

Hypothesis- scientifically grounded assumption that needs further experimental and theoretical verification

State education policy - a set of legislative acts and practical measures in the field of education and upbringing of the younger generation, as well as adult education

State educational standard (federal state educational standard, FSES) - a system of basic parameters taken as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the possibilities of a real person and the education system to achieve this ideal

Grammatical schools - the Latin name for the type of schools, used since the XII century. These schools taught Latin, religious subjects and jurisprudence. In ancient Greece, they were called primary schools(grammar school), in Ancient rome advanced schools; Greco-Latin schools at some monasteries in Russia in the 17th century.

Group- a set of freely united people equally useful to each other, in the process of cooperative interaction satisfying personal needs and interests

Humanistic pedagogy of the XX century. In the West, its most prominent representatives: K. Rogers, R. Barth, C. Rathbone. The main tendency of this pedagogical direction is the desire to give education a personality-oriented character, to overcome authoritarianism in education and training, to make the process of mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of reproductive and creative activity emotionally colored by students.

Dalton-plan is a system of individualized learning that arose in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. Students according to this system were not bound by common class work, they independently determined the order of study of individual subjects and the order of using their working time.

Democratic management style - a style characterized by the involvement of subordinates, the public to participate in the preparation and decision-making

Baby movement - a children's social movement, a set of activities of various children's public organizations and children's public associations

Didactics- an integral part of pedagogy, the theory of education and training, revealing the patterns of the learning process, issues of the content of education, principles, goals, methods and organizational forms of training, methodological problems of the lesson, patterns of general, polytechnic and vocational education

Didactic game - a game designed to achieve the goals of learning

Discussion- the way of organizing joint activities in order to intensify the decision-making process in the group; a teaching method that increases the intensity and effectiveness of the educational process by actively involving students in the collective search for truth

Additional education is an integral part of the education system for children, adolescents and students, focused on the independent choice and development of additional educational programs by students

Old Russian pedagogy turned to Christianly interpreted universal human values, considering man himself as the crown of Divine creation, thereby simultaneously raising and belittling him. She focused a person on self-education and self-improvement, understanding by this not self-realization of a person, but overcoming his own sinfulness by humility, salvation of the soul based on Faith, Hope and Love for God

One-man management- a form of management organization, in which one person, standing at the head of an organization or body, makes legally binding decisions within the limits of his competence and bears personal responsibility for the general condition

Task- the prospective localized result of the research, including the requirements, conditions, known and sought, formulated in the question

Knowledge- the result of cognition of reality, which has received confirmation in practice; its adequate reflection in the human mind in the form of ideas, concepts, judgments, theories

Individuality- the originality of the psyche and personality of the individual, its uniqueness, manifested in the traits of temperament and character, in the emotional, intellectual and volitional spheres, in the interests, needs and abilities of a person

Inspection - special function educational authorities and educational institutions for the organization and conduct of inspections, observations, surveys carried out in the order of supervision and control within their competence

Informatization education - a complex of social and pedagogical transformations associated with the saturation of educational systems with information products, means and technology

Study in pedagogy - the process and result of scientific activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the laws, structure, mechanism of teaching, upbringing and development; methodology for organizing educational work

Great- lesson system - a collective form of organization of training, in which pupils of the same age and level of training (classroom) study during the year according to a single annual curriculum and program with the main unit of classes - a lesson

Classy the head is a teacher who organizes, coordinates and conducts extracurricular educational work

Club- a form of additional education for children and adolescents

Team- an organized group of people united by common goals, professional and social interests, value orientations, joint activities and communication, mutual responsibility

Competence- the personal capabilities of an official, his qualifications (knowledge and experience), allowing him to take part in the development of a certain range of solutions or to solve problems himself due to his having certain knowledge and skills

Control- one of the basic management actions (functions), the process of determining the quality and correction of the work performed, in order to ensure the implementation of the planned plans

Concept development of an educational institution - an image, a model, a set of ideas, ideas about the development process of a particular educational institution as a process of transition to the desired state

Kruzhkovaya work is a form of additional education for children; organization of circles, sections and clubs of various types; form of extracurricular and extracurricular work

The culture behavior - a set of formed, socially significant personality traits, everyday actions of a person in society, based on the norms of morality, ethics, aesthetic culture

The culture managerial work - a set of personal and professional qualities of a leader that ensure effective management with minimal expenditure of intellectual, physical and material resources

Latin schools - educational institutions for primary or advanced education with Latin education, appeared in Europe during the early Middle Ages and existed until the 13th century, when they were supplanted by urban schools with their native language of instruction

Lecture- the traditional form of training for higher education; systematic, consistent, monologic presentation of theoretical material by the teacher

Leadership- the leading influence of a group member - a leader - on the group as a whole

Linear management structure - a type of organizational structure of management of a hierarchical type, in which line managers exercise sole control over subordinates

Lyceum type of secondary or higher education institution. Historically, the first lyceum (lyceum) is an ancient Greek philosophical school near Athens, founded by Aristotle in 335 BC. e. and existed for about 8 centuries. The name "lyceum" has survived to this day both in foreign and in the modern domestic education system

License- a document giving the right to an educational institution to conduct educational activities

Personality- a person as a subject of relationships and conscious activity, capable of self-knowledge and self-development; a stable system of socially significant traits, attitudes, attitudes and motives that characterize a person as a member of society

Media education- a direction in pedagogy advocating the study of the laws of mass communication by schoolchildren

Mentality- a set of specific properties and qualities, a generalized way of thinking, the ability to uniformly perceive the surrounding socio-political reality, evaluate and act in it in accordance with certain established norms and patterns of behavior in society, characteristic of social groups, strata and classes of the population

Parenting method- a method of purposeful interaction between a teacher and a pupil for the formation and development of personal qualities in a pupil

Research method- reception, procedure and operation of empirical and theoretical knowledge and study of the phenomena of reality

Teaching method- a method of joint interrelated activity of the teacher and students, during which didactic tasks are solved

Project method- a learning system in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks of projects. Arose in the second floor. XIX century. in USA. In the 20s. became widespread in the Soviet school

Methodology- a set of general didactic recommendations that do not guarantee a specific result

Methodology- teaching about the principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific and cognitive activity

Methodology of pedagogy- teaching about pedagogical knowledge, about the process of obtaining it, ways of explanation and practical application for transforming or improving the system of training and education

Modeling- construction and study of a model of real-life objects, phenomena and constructed objects.

Model- image, description, diagram of an object, process or phenomenon, used as a "substitute", "substitute"

Module- an integral functional system, limited by a certain framework, which ensures the implementation of a specific function from start to finish; functionally and constructively independent unit, independent part

Modular program- a system of means, techniques, with the help and through which an integrating didactic goal is achieved in the aggregate of all modules of a specific academic discipline; basic modular technology

Musicheskaya the school originated in Ancient Greece. The main goal is mental and aesthetic education, great attention was paid to music

Observation- the ability to highlight, evaluate individual signs of events

Observation- purposeful perception of any pedagogical phenomenon, in the process of which the researcher receives specific factual material

Skill- skill brought to automatism, a high degree of perfection

Teaching- the process of acquiring knowledge, abilities and skills, the formation of individual experience as a result of targeted or spontaneous learning

National school- a general educational institution that provides training at native language students with specific goals, curriculum and educational content

Continuous education is a phenomenon of education that encompasses everything in its completeness, individualized in time, pace and focus, providing everyone with the opportunity to implement their own program of obtaining it

Education- as a process - mastering in institutions of preschool, general, professional and additional education, as well as as a result of self-education of the system of knowledge, skills, experience of cognitive and practical activities, value orientations and relationships; as a result - the achieved level in the development of knowledge, skills, experience, activities and relationships; as a system - a set of successive educational standards, a network of educational institutions implementing them, educational authorities

Educational area - one of the accepted divisions of scientific disciplines representing the content of education, united by internal unity common features; set of relevant academic disciplines and integrative courses

Educational program - an educational or professional document that determines the level and focus of the content of general and vocational education

Educational technology - a complex consisting of a presentation of the planned learning outcomes, diagnostic tools for the current state of learners, a set of learning models, criteria for choosing the optimal model for given specific conditions

Educational institution - an institution registered in the manner established by the Law as an educational one and carrying out or intending to carry out the educational process according to one or several basic and (or) additional educational programs and (or) providing the content of training and education of students (pupils)

Education- a specially organized process, which includes two organically interrelated activities: teaching - the organization of educational work of students, the formation of their motivation and experience of cognitive activity, the systematic and systematic transfer of the content of education and learning - the assimilation of the content of education and the experience of educational and cognitive activity of students

Are common principles state policy in the field of education - the fundamental principles of state regulation of the educational sphere

Object of study- connections, relationships, properties of a real object, which are included in the process of cognition; a certain set of properties and relations, which exists independently of the knower, but is reflected by him, serves as a specific search field

Object of pedagogy- the phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity

Operation- a separate element of pedagogical influence, a unit of influence on children, carried out through the psychophysical apparatus of the teacher

Oratory(rhetoric) - the science of eloquence as the art of speech

Organizational structure of management- ordered interconnection of parts (elements) of the control system

Palaestra- a gymnastic school in Ancient Greece, a closed educational institution, public or private, where boys from 12 to 16 years old studied. The training program included pentathlon: running, wrestling, jumping, javelin and discus throwing. The teachers were gymnasts who possessed theoretical and universal knowledge, and pedotribes - specialists in certain types of gymnastics

Pantheistic worldview, pantheism - a philosophical doctrine that unites God and the world (nature), and sometimes identifies them

Educator- a person who conducts practical work on the upbringing, education and training of children and youth and has special training in this area

Pedagogy- a science that studies the essence, patterns, tendencies and prospects for the development of the pedagogical process (education) as a factor and means of human development throughout his life

Pedagogy of the Far Eastern Civilization based on the Confucian tradition,

Postindustrial pedagogy (information) society in the conditions of the formation of a post-industrial society, the leading role is shifting from the material elements of production to the spiritually ideal, from materialized labor to living. The development and enrichment of human intellect, creative energy, spiritual and moral forces becomes the “measure of all social things”, the fundamental condition for the production and reproduction of social integrity

Pedagogy of Education in it, science acquired worldview functions, the priority of reason was proclaimed. The leading idea became the idea of ​​the possibility of transforming society through the enlightenment of the people, the upbringing of a "special breed of people" capable of organizing social life on a reasonable basis (XVIII century)

Pedagogy of Christianity Christianity affirmed the dynamic perception of a person, in the formation of which pedagogical influence was assigned an exceptional role in its significance. Blessed Augustine played a significant role in the formation of the Christian pedagogical tradition. He connected the tasks of upbringing, first of all, with the comprehension of the Divine revelation by the heart and the love for God based on this.

Pedagogical axiology is a direction in the field of education, which examines the doctrine of values, the content of leading pedagogical ideas, theories, concepts in various historical periods in the field of domestic and foreign education

Pedagogical activity - a type of social activity aimed at transferring culture and experience accumulated by mankind from older generations to younger generations, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing for the fulfillment of certain social roles in society

Pedagogical regularity - the expression of pedagogical laws in specific conditions; objective, essential, stable, repeating connections between the constituent parts, components of the pedagogical process

Pedagogical culture is a part of universal human culture, in which the spiritual and material values, ways of creative pedagogical activity of people necessary for humanity to service the historical process of generational change and socialization (growing up) of the individual

Pedagogical technique - possession of the psychophysical apparatus, providing the teacher with the skill of educational influence

Pedagogical technology - an ordered set of actions, operations and procedures that instrumentally ensure the achievement of the predicted result in the changing conditions of the educational process; a well-thought-out model of joint pedagogical activity for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers

Pedagogical laws - an expression of universal, essential, often repeated connections of objects and phenomena of pedagogical reality, recognized as mandatory

Pedagogical values ​​- norms that regulate pedagogical activity and act as a cognitively effective system that serves as a mediating and connecting link between the existing social worldview in the field of education and the activities of a teacher

Pedagogical process - the developing interaction of educators and pupils, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in the state, transformation of the properties and qualities of the educated

Pedagogical tact - the principle of the measure of appropriate influence, which the teacher must observe in the process of communicating with children

Pedagogical experiment - research activity with the aim of studying causal relationships in pedagogical phenomena, which involves the experimental modeling of a pedagogical phenomenon and the conditions for its course

Pedagogical impact - a separate act of a purposeful act of a teacher towards a child or a group of children (another subject) as a moment of interaction with a child or children organized by the teacher

Pedagogical mastery is a complex of personality traits that provides a high level of self-organization of professional pedagogical activity

Pedagogical creation - higher form activity and independent spiritual-practical and scientific-organizational activities of the teacher, associated with the design and creation of the teacher's experience in the upbringing, training and development of students

Pedagogical skill - a set of sequentially unfolding actions, some of which can be automated (skills), based on theoretical knowledge and aimed at solving pedagogical problems

Pedocentric pedagogy - the pedagogical process is aimed at developing the natural talents of children, their natural growth, at revealing the potentialities inherent in children, teachers follow the nature of children. This approach to education excludes authoritarianism, turns the teacher into a helper for the child, organizing the environment in which he is formed

Pictographic writing - a primitive pictorial writing in which objects and actions were depicted using a combination of their simplified images

Planning- a management function, involving the advancement of goals, objectives and a set of measures to ensure the achievement of goals

Cognitive activity - the unity of sensory perception, theoretical thinking and practical activity

Polisny the ideal of upbringing - fundamentally new original approaches to the formulation and solution of upbringing and educational problems, which differ from the traditions of both late primitive and ancient Eastern societies, originated in the West in the ancient Greek city-states city-states during the era of the so-called "cultural revolution" (VIII-V centuries. BC.)

Concept- thought about the general and specific qualities of objects, which is recorded in the corresponding word or phrase

Portfolio- a set of methods or means by which a specialist can show the whole range of areas of his work and his achievements; a collection of works that demonstrate efforts, progress, achievements; systematic and specially organized collection of evidence used to monitor learning activities

Orthodox-religious trend in Russian pedagogy included two trends: the orthodox (protective-state) and oppositional (religious-philosophical). The first trend merged with the most conservative government circles, relied on a wide network of church schools, cultivated religious-Orthodox fanaticism, obedience and obedience. Representatives of the opposition movement, relying on Christian Orthodox anthropology, continued the tradition of the Slavophiles in the development of pedagogical problems, proceeding from the idea of ​​the original path of development of Russia

Thing research - the aspect of studying an object; perspective that allows you to see specially highlighted individual sides, connections of the studied

Thing pedagogy - education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational, cultural and educational institutions)

Teaching- a type of pedagogical activity aimed at managing the predominantly cognitive activity of students; teacher's activities in the learning process

Reception upbringing is a private manifestation of the method, a separate action, an integral part of the upbringing method

Reception teaching is an integral element of the teaching method, which has a private character in relation to it

Principle authoritarian pedagogy - the teacher is the subject, and the student is the object of education and training. The means of controlling the child are carefully developed (threat, supervision, order, prohibition, punishment). The lesson is highly regimented, the emphasis is on upbringing teaching

Principle natural education - a consistent desire to give education and training a character consistent with the nature of the child, and to ensure the development of the potentialities inherent in it (J.J. Rousseau, I.G. Pestalozzi)

Principles the pedagogical process - the basic requirements for the organization of pedagogical activity, indicating its directions

Program- content, plan of activities, works; summary subject content

Professional competence of a teacher- the unity of the theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to carry out pedagogical activities and the characteristics of his professionalism

Professional education - a system of knowledge, practical skills and abilities in a specific area of ​​work

Procedure- the established procedure for conducting, considering any case

Process learning - a purposeful sequential change of educational tasks and learning elements (teaching and learning), occurring according to objective laws and resulting in the formation of certain properties of learners

Development- the process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the body, psyche, intellectual and spiritual sphere of a person, due to the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrollable factors; the process of realizing the immanent (inherent) inclinations, human properties

abstract- a summary of the main provisions of the book, teaching or scientific problem in writing or orally

Reformed pedagogy - opposed the separation of pedagogy from a specific subject of educational influence, against excessive intellectualism in teaching, against depriving the pupil of the right to independence, limiting his activities to narrow, regulated frameworks (late 19th century).

Rhetoric school - in the ancient educational system, an educational institution that trained speakers and politicians

Russian the national school of the idea of ​​a nationwide trend in pedagogy in the 19th century. were presented by K.D. Ushinsky, N.M. Karamzin, I.I. Martynov, I.V. Kireevsky, I.M. Yastrebtsov and others. Their speeches, especially the ideas about the nationality of Ushinsky's upbringing, aroused interest among contemporaries and formed the national position of building a folk school and determined the attitude towards foreign experience in the field of education

Self-education- conscious, purposeful human activity aimed at self-development, self-education, improving positive and overcoming negative personal qualities

Self-control- the criticality of assessments of their actions, the ability to correct, restructure the action

Introspection- type of observation, the object of which are mental states and actions of the observing subject himself

Self-education- active purposeful cognitive activity of a person associated with the search and assimilation of knowledge in the area of ​​interest to him

Self management- elected persons to whom the team delegates (transfers) powers, the right to plan joint life activities, distribute assignments, control and evaluate the quality of their implementation; the principle by which governance is within social systems

Certificate on state accreditation - a document that gives an educational institution the right to issue its graduates a state-recognized document on the completion of a certain level of education

Certificate on state registration - a document confirming the fact of registration of an educational institution as a legal entity, which gives the right to include an educational institution in the budget financing system, to receive benefits established by the state, to engage in financial and economic activities aimed at ensuring the future educational process

Free school ("free education") - the most radical wing of the direction that developed the ideas of free education. The ideologists of the free school attached exceptional importance to creating conditions for self-expression and free development of children's individuality, minimizing pedagogical interference to the possible minimum and excluding any violence and coercion, although they recognized the absolute necessity of education and training.

Family upbringing - upbringing of children by parents or persons replacing them, aimed at forming ideas about life goals and values, rules, norms and habits of behavior, everyday communication, criteria for assessing good and evil, independence, discipline, transfer of family life experience

Seminar- one of the types of practical training in the senior grades of secondary schools and universities; promotes in-depth study of the topic

Seven free arts - academic subjects (science) of the medieval high school and "artistic" (preparatory) faculties of universities. Included 2 cycles: trivium (three-way) grammar, rhetoric, dialectics and quadrivium (four-way) arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music

Family- small social group based on marriage and consanguinity, whose members are linked by relationships of mutual assistance and mutual moral responsibility

System intraschool management - a set of human, informational, material and other components interconnected in such a way that management functions can be performed in an educational institution

System education - a set of governing bodies, educational institutions, forms of education, educational programs, which in its totality ensures the implementation of the state educational standard

Slavophilism- the ideology, which did not accept the rationalism and individualism of Western pedagogy, raised the question of a view of upbringing, specific for Russia, as the holistic development of a person, taken in the context of his moral and religious feelings

Cathedral schools - in the Middle Ages, secondary educational institutions in large cities Western Europe organized at cathedrals with episcopal sees

Advice educational institution - a collegial management body of an educational institution that solves the most global, large-scale and promising tasks

Sorbonne- the common name for the University of Paris. In the XIII-XVI centuries. student dormitory of the theological faculty of the University of Paris. Named for the founder of the confessor of King Louis IX, Robert Sorbonne

Sophists- paid teachers (sometimes itinerant) of philosophy, mathematics, mythology, poetics, ethics, politics and rhetoric in ancient Greece during the heyday of Athenian democracy. In their philosophical views, they adhered to relativism (Protagoras: "Man is the measure of all things") and skepticism (Gorgias: "If there is something that exists, then it is unknowable")

Socialization- assimilation by a person of values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in the given time a given society, social community, group, and the reproduction of social ties and social experience by it


Social education is a process of relatively controlled socialization, carried out in specially created educational organizations

Cohesion- the degree of unity of the team, due to the commonality of goals, value orientations, the interdependence of the group members in the process of joint activities and their mutual sympathy, the attractiveness of the group itself for each of its members

Means upbringing - a material or ideal object used in the upbringing process and serving the purposes of upbringing

Means learning - a material or ideal object used to solve didactic problems

Itinerant teachers - teachers and scientists who went to cities and villages with the aim of teaching children, as well as conducting conversations and disputes with the population. Itinerant teachers were: gurus in India, many sophists and Pythagoreans in Ancient Greece, rhetoricians in the Roman Empire, etc. In Russia, itinerant teachers were called masters of literacy

Scholasticism- the dominant trend in medieval philosophy, whose representatives considered their task to be the theoretical substantiation of Christian dogmas, a special method of presenting the religious worldview

Theory pedagogical technology- systematically developing knowledge about the deep laws of educational reality; an integral system of knowledge about pedagogical technology associated with the creative processing of the accumulated pedagogical experience, the discovery of new educational prospects

Technological approach - a radical renewal of the instrumental and methodological means of pedagogy and methodology, provided that continuity in the development of science and school practice is maintained

Technology- a set of methods for processing raw materials and production processes, their scientific description; a system of scientific knowledge, the use of which makes it possible to realize a specific creative concept, modeling certain didactic conditions, means and methods of teaching

Technology learning - a variety of pedagogical activities that implement a scientifically grounded project of the didactic process and have a significantly higher degree of efficiency, reliability and guarantee of the result than traditional teaching methods

Tolerance- tolerance for other people's opinions, behavior, lifestyle; the ability to tolerate unfavorable physical or mental conditions without reducing adaptive capabilities by reducing sensitivity to their effects

Tutor- teacher-consultant

Uyezdnoye school - an advanced primary school, the second level of education after the parish school in Russia XIX v. According to the Charter of 1804, uyezd schools were opened in provincial and uyezd cities to prepare students of "any rank" for admission to the gymnasium

Skill- mastered by students the way of fulfilling certain knowledge and skills, formed through regular exercises and ensuring the fulfillment of various kinds of motor, sensory or mental actions in familiar and new conditions

The university- a higher educational institution that implements educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education in a wide range of training areas (specialties)

Control- element, function of the system to preserve the structure, maintain the regime; scientifically grounded actions of the administration, pedagogical and student collectives aimed at achieving the set goals

Lesson- the main form of training organization; completed in semantic and organizational terms stage of the educational process

Training program - an educational publication that determines the content, volume, procedure for studying and teaching any academic discipline or its section, part

Textbook- a book for teaching schoolchildren, containing in a certain way selected and systematized material for study at a particular stage of education, adequate to the level of educational training of students, their age capabilities

Training general educational institution plan - a document that includes the curriculum itself and the working curriculum and compiled in compliance with the standards of the basic curriculum

Teaching- human activities aimed at assimilating knowledge, abilities and skills different forms socio-historical experience and their application to solving new problems as a result of a conscious learning process or through life experience

Teacher- teaching profession or position in the system of general and vocational education

Teacher's room gymnasium - an educational institution in St. Petersburg, opened in 1803 for the training of teachers of urban schools. In 1804 it was transformed into a Pedagogical Institute, which in 1816 became known as the Main Pedagogical Institute.

Teacher's room seminary is a pedagogical educational institution in Russia that prepares teachers for primary schools. The first seminary was established in 1779 at Moscow University

Teachers institutes - pedagogical educational institutions that trained teachers for the middle classes of general education schools. In Russia, the first Teachers' Institute was opened in 1817 at the Main Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg and trained teachers for district and parish schools

Form upbringing is an external expression of the interaction between the educator and the pupil, regulated by the chosen methods and means of upbringing

Form organization of training - an external expression of the coordinated activities of the teacher and students, carried out in a predetermined manner and mode

Formation- the process of the formation of a person's personality, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent at a given time in a given society, social community, group and the reproduction of social ties and social experience by it

Goal setting- a system of professional understanding of the objective socio-psychological and culturological necessity of a certain level of development of the personality of a modern person; search for the most accurate formulation of the general ideal image of such a person

Target education - the result that society is guided by in the development of the content of education, in the construction of educational programs, the ultimate goals of the educational process

Target learning - a specific and intermediate learning outcome that students achieve in the cognitive (cognitive), affective (emotional-value) or psychomotor areas

Churchly parish schools - elementary schools in pre-revolutionary Russia that were run by parishes. The teachers in these schools were priests, deacons and deacons.

Workshop schools - elementary schools for the sons of artisans in the cities of Western Europe. They began to emerge in the XIII-XIV centuries. on the initiative of the shops and were supported by their funds

Numeric schools - primary public schools in pre-revolutionary Russia. By the decree of Peter I in 1714, they were created in many provinces for the education of children of nobles, civil servants, wealthy townspeople, etc. at the age of 10 to 15 years.

School- educational institution, organization; educational institution carrying out the educational process

School kypharista - a private paid school in Ancient Greece (Athens), where boys learned to sing, music and learned the works of Homer by heart

School mathematical and navigational sciences - the first in Europe state real school... It was opened by the Decree of Peter I in 1701 to train specialists in military and naval affairs, shipbuilders, surveyors, etc.

School labor - a school in which the all-round education of children is combined with the development of a certain set of work skills and abilities, with one or another form of vocational guidance

Schools communes - educational institutions created in the RSFSR in 1918 for the purpose of practical development of issues of new pedagogy and labor schools. It consisted of a school of the 1st and 2nd level and a boarding school with it. Sometimes a kindergarten was opened at the school.

Evolutionary pedagogy - (V.P. Vakhterov) understanding of learning as a process of cognitive activity, corresponding to the natural laws of child development

Experiment- scientifically formulated experience of transforming pedagogical reality in precisely described conditions

Experimental pedagogy is one of the directions that arose in Western pedagogy at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Its most famous representatives were: German teachers and psychologists A. Lai, E. Meiman, American S. Hall, E. Thorndike, and from the Russian psychologist A.P. Nechaev

Expert group - a group of people, narrow specialists, whose task is to correlate the existing indicators of an educational institution with the indicators established in the Russian Federation (region)

Expert grade - an assessment given by an expert group based on the results of an audit (examination), for example, when licensing an educational institution
